Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jun 25, 2020


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Good Lord! Chapter 20 already? You may have noticed I'm getting chapters out faster. This is partially due to my work project getting finished, but MOSTLY due to ideas, suggestions & visuals readers have been sending me. Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear, in fact, some of you have already recognized your inputs come to life in this story!

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 19 by Rich Lobo

My blood ran cold, and I was freaking out; she was just on the other side of the window, and if it hadn't been so dark in the room, she might have been able to peer through the little holes in the blinds and seen us. I could make out her shadow cast by the streetlamp on the other side of the parking lot, and knew that she couldn't say anything. I calmed down a bit, and checked the clock: 2:17 AM. The logical side of my brain had already begun processing tactical scenarios -- the first one was to calm down, and not wake Atul: there's no telling what consequences would come of that. I quietly got up and tiptoed into my office. I woke the monitors, but before I could come up with step two, my phone began vibrating: It was Neal.

Neal: "Hey buddy. I need you to not freak out when I tell you this, but someone from Robert's firm just called to tell me that Rana is standing at your bedroom window."

Me: "Yeah, I know. Robert's toys work well. The alarm worked, and I'm looking at her on the monitor right now. I was just about to go out..."

Neal: "Buddy, I need you to go back to the bedroom, and wrap your arms around that beautiful, sexy man, and make sure he stays asleep." Two of Robert's `technicians' is already watching her, and one speaks Telugu. They are about to approach her -- and before you ask, Robert suspected that she would do something like this. He is the ultimate boy scout... always prepared. They are going to move her over to the flower pot and question her -- they know they're being recorded, so whatever she says will be admissible."

Me: "OK, I trust you buddy, and will comply. I'm sorry they got you up so early in the morning. I figured you'd need your sleep after yesterday's activities."

Neal: "Oh, no worries man! Yesterday's activities are precisely the reason why I am still up. I have been re-evaluating a lot of my long-held beliefs and principles. Don't worry though. It's a good thing. I had a blast yesterday, and peaceful, and more free than I have in a LONG time. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Go give that sexy man all the loving he needs, and let us take care of Rana. Oh! One more thing: I just realized I didn't tell you that I love you when I left your apartment, so I want to correct that omission: Love ya EVEN MORE NOW!"

Me: Love ya too!

I tiptoed back to bed, and carefully got between the sheets. Atul must've sensed my presence, as he rolled over to his right, put his left arm over my chest, and left leg over my leg. He snuggled his head into the crook of my neck, and sighed contentedly -- a moment in time. I turned my body a little to the left so I could make as much body contact as possible, kissed him lightly, and whispered how much I loved him; he moved to extend his right arm under my neck, and began to very lightly snore -- it sounded like a gentle purr. All the while I had been watching Rana's silhouette on the blinds. I made a mental note to get blackout drapes for both windows tomorrow, when suddenly two more silhouettes appeared -- markedly taller than Rana's. With my right hand, I took my phone behind Atul's back so that I could see the surveillance screens. There was a brief "yip" from the other side of the window, but I just spoke the words "l love my baby I love my baby" over and over to mask any noise coming in through the window. The silhouettes withdrew from the window, and on the flower pot's lawn right screen I could see them approaching; she was being pulled along by her elbows by two large men, and one of them had his hand over her mouth.

I pulled the phone's speaker back to my ear, and could hear aggressively whispered words in Telugu. Looking back at the screen, they had let her go, but were in stances so that they could stop her from escaping if she tried. I listened a bit more, and it was now a conversation: a very direct conversation that lasted a few minutes. I then went back to watching. The one speaking to her had his finger directly in her face, while his colleague grabbed her upper arms to hold her in place, when they suddenly let her go, and both of them swiftly left her standing there. Rana, for her part, turned and made tracks back upstairs, each of the motion detector cameras coming to life as soon as she slithered into their zones. She went back inside her apartment, and slammed the door. I realized I had been holding my breath, and gently let it out in relief. Atul then just whimpered "Nenu ninnu premistunnanu" before starting to purr again. This felt so nice and safe. I cuddled into him a little more, kissed him again lightly, and slowly went back to sleep.

And once again, to my great annoyance, NPR news broke into a beautiful dream. I was laying on my back, and my arms were empty. That fact should have lowered my mood, but it didn't; the same feelings in my dream were still going on. I opened my eyes and looked down. My beloved had worked his way between my legs, and was gently playing with my hard cock, toying with it with his lips and then his tongue before wrapping his lips around his teeth, and taking an impressive length of it into his mouth; I could feel it hit the back of his throat -- much more, and he would engulf all of it down to the root. He came back up and unsheathed his teeth, giving me very light, delicate scrapes along my corona. His fingers were gently caressing my balls, rolling them around in their sack. It was all so erotic! I groaned, and only then did he take notice of my mental presence. He looked up, freed his mouth long enough to say "good morning baby. You have become so adept at worshiping me that I needed some time practicing how to worship you. He then went back to his task, albeit a bit more energetically, and with eye contact. I have to admit: his skills have improved greatly.

He moved down to my scrotum, licking and sucking each ball into his mouth before at once opening wide and taking both balls inside for a tongue bath. He then surprised me yet again. Jumping out of bed and asking me to stand as well. I did so, but then he laid back down on the bed, on his back, with his head completely over the edge of the mattress. He then grabbed my cock, and pulled it past his lip- cushioned teeth, and into his mouth. Oh my God. He wanted me to skull fuck him! I obliged, but VERY gently! I paid careful attention to his chest and abdomen, where his diaphragm would jerk at any sign of choking, and began light pumping going a bit deeper on each stroke.

He did surprisingly well, and only showed a sign of choking with only a few inches to go before bottoming out. He reached behind me to grasp my asscheeks, to which he applied forward pressure to force me to go further. There were a few moments of concern, and the last thing I wanted was to cause any discomfort to my adventurous man. I could tell he was consciously overriding his instinct to gag, and he did indeed get better! Another inch in, and I was cutting off his airway with each in-stroke. He adapted to this by controlling his breathing. Within a few minutes, my pubic hair was nesting in his chin on each stroke, and I could see the outline of my cock moving up and down in his throat. That was not hot... it was scorching!

With his thumbs, he pressed my backward far enough out for my saliva and mucous lined cock to allow him to speak seven simple words: "Fuck me baby. Cum in my throat" before he pulled my hips forward, all the way to my cock root; I could feel his nose poke into my scrotum. He established a bit of a vacuum in his mouth, before breathing in through his nose when my cock cleared enough for him to take a breath, and then pulling me back in balls deep. When a rhythm got established, he began pulling me I at a faster rate, increasing it until we found a rate that was good for him, at which point he simply removed his hands from my waist, and left the thrusting entirely to me. His own cock was standing proud, and oozing copious amounts of pre-cum. I reached down to grasp it, but he simply slapped my hand away: this was all about me. All too soon, the sight of everything below me began rushing toward orgasm. I told him that I was close, and had to fight not to unload with my entire cock in his throat -- that could have forced ejaculate into his lungs, and he would NOT have loved me for that. Instead, when the moment came, I pulled clear of his uvula, pointed downward and let fly against his tongue. He did cough a little bit at the force, but seemed to survive. He formed a seal around my shaft with his lips, and began swallowing all of it. The suction also had the fortunate side effect of wiping all the spit off my cock on withdrawal.

Figuring it was now my turn, I leaned over and took his cockhead in my mouth, savoring the sweet/saltiness of his pre-cum, but he pulled away. He must have noticed the shocked expression on my face when I turned to ask him what was going on. Before I could ask, he simply said that he was saving all of his "energy" for when his "baby daddy" would be visiting later. Yep, Atul has adapted to the culture here. I could read the cards on the table, and predicted that Jin Woo would be well attended to, and that I should put two layers of beach towels out. Atul then pulled me into the bathroom, and started the shower. We got in, and as we were soaping each other up, talked about our plans for the day. He was going in a bit early today to take care of some things that would allow him to take a half-day holiday leave so that he could be free for the entire afternoon. He said that he couldn't wait to fuck Jin Woo, but he wanted me to prep him and cum in him first, so that Jin Woo would be prepared to take an easy pounding from him.

Shower, shaving, and other items completed, we got dressed for the day. Atul grabbed a piece of fruit, and with a sweet kiss, popped out the door. I had plenty of time before the horde would be down, so tea, granola and yogurt on the veranda were in order. I turned the flower pot off, and went out. It was a chilly morning, but not terribly so. With a few moments of peace, I pulled up that dream I had while waiting for Robert to arrive -- the one with Juergen tied down in a sling. I admit that slings have always been an item in my fantasies for a while, and I do like to watch porn videos where handsome men were splayed out, arms and ankles fastened to and immobile in the chains when men would line up to bareback breed the guy in the sling. I had thought about getting one in the past, but with no one to share it with, (and NOT wanting to risk STDs in with Grindr) it would have been rather anticlimactic. The last couple of weeks, however, had brought me to reassess the possibilities, and so I resolved to purchase one, and install it in the guest bedroom. I must've lost track of time in my thoughts, but that was righted quickly as the horde came thundering out. The bus was right on time this morning, so the boys just gave me a hug and a kiss each before running off. Juergen then came down in some sweat pants and a shirt to make sure Jonas got off. He wanted Jonas to feel a bit more independent, and had decided to let go of the leash a little now that there were more people who knew his issues, and would help take care of them. Before going back up, he told me that he was taking the day off to handle some personal finance issues, and do a bit of shopping for the house. I started to offer my hand for a shake, but he just leaned forward, and gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs. Papa too is running a little easier!

A couple of sips of tea later, the REAL reason for my breakfast on the veranda came out: Jin Woo had a brand new, stylish haircut, looked like he was wearing new and stylish clothes, including tight tan pants, and a turquoise polo shirt. He was BEAMING with youthful vigor, and hot as hell! He practically floated over to me, and had a seat without even asking first. He started out by telling me that he had news: Jae Soo and he had a long talk last night, and had reached the conclusion that they both needed to take it easier in life. He then told me that one of his favorite philosophers was a mathematician named Blaise Paschal, and that one of his thoughts had been on his mind for a long time: man is a senseless creature, always concerned about happiness in the past or the future, but never concerned about the present. When we focus on the past happiness, it is a waste of time, because the past is gone, and cannot be changed. When we focus on future happiness, we again are wasting time because happiness can only ever happen in the PRESENT. We can set up for future happiness, but when we reach it and keep our focus on the future, we miss the happiness in that moment -- which then becomes the past. "Jae Soo and I have decided to hire a store manager, so we can spend more time being happy now, so we are going to start taking time off to enjoy life and enjoy our boy, and I want to thank you for that Rich. You showed me the way. I just looked at him in wonder: he was a new man. "The only thing I did was give you a massage, and let you fuck me, and ..." He put his hands on my knee and said "no. you released me. I was always focusing on the past happiness I lost with Justice, and forced me to have happiness in the present. I have been thinking about that all yesterday, and so I've made some changes. By the way, is happiness still planned for this afternoon?" I just grinned, and told him yes -- but that he should be warned: Atul is very excited about the chance to fuck Jason's father. I should warn you, he is not small down there. We will have to prepare you carefully" Jin Woo gave a huge grin at that statement, asking me if he should stop at the pharmacy to get enemas, "no problem," I replied, "just be here as early as you can, and you can use our special equipment to get ready. After a few seconds pause, Jin Woo leaned toward me and asked in a low voice "does Atul fuck softly, or hard?" to which I leaned over and said "he can do both, but he figures out how hard his partner wants it, and delivers that." To which Jin Woo just smiled and said "Justice used to fuck me for so long and so hard that he frequently had bruises, and had difficulty sitting at my school desk the next day." Then he unceremoniously stood (stiffy prominently showing in his pants), told me he had to get to the store, and left with a "See you at 1:30. I can't wait!"

The universe must be working as my administrative assistant today, because Jin Woo hadn't left the parking lot yet when my phone rang: it was Neal.

Neal: "Hey sexy, how's it hangin?" He had called me a lot of things over the last 25 years, but `sexy' hadn't been one of them.

Me: "Uhh, good? I did end up getting some good sleep."

Neal: "Did you give your bronze god boy lots and lots of affection and love?"

Me: "As a matter of fact I did. We cuddled together all night. It was heaven."

Neal: "Good. You'd better, because once the divorce with the future ex Mrs. Turner is effective, I will fight you for him. My God, he got my juices boiling last night. I've never reacted to a man in that way. His pussy was so tight and moist, I couldn't control myself. That was the best sex I've ever had!"

Me: "As I've been trying to tell you for the last couple of decades! Dude, welcome to the greener grass on the other side of the fence!"

Neal: "I'm not ready to relocate there yet buddy, but tourism is definitely in the picture now. Anyway, back to business: I'm sure you are ready to hear about the deal with Ranasaurus Rex last night." I was all ears. "The recording was perfect. She had a knife on her, and said that she was looking for her husband, and the knife was for her protection. The agent told her that they knew her name is Rana, and if they ever caught her sneaking around again, she would be arrested and put in jail. It seems that was when she went on a little tirade, stating that she hated her husband, and would kill him the next time she saw him. At this point, the agent broke cover and told her that if she ever touched Atul or any of his friends, they would hunt her down, and make sure she never saw the sunlight again. That's when they walked away. She seemed shocked that they knew their names."

Me: "I hope that causes the bitch to back off".

Neal: "I hope so too. I've got a plan drawn up, and I'd like to come by this afternoon to discuss it before the parents are on their way here. Is there any good time?

Me: "We both have plans until somewhere around 3:00 PM. Would sometime after that work?"

Neal: "Yeah, that'd be great! I'm working from the Decatur office today. Just sent me a text, and I can be there in 15 minutes or so. Maybe if we get done quickly, I can find out what that hammer of a cockhead can do to my prostate." I must have been silent for a few seconds too long. "Don't be shocked. You know that the third Mrs. Turner liked to use a prostate massager on me, and I liked it. I know I told you that. Love ya!"

Me: "Love ya!"

Wow. Have we turned another breeder into a cockwhore? I just had to laugh as I took the dishes back in, locked the door, and re-armed the flower pot.

While driving to the Thriftown, I called Atul to let him know what Neal had said -- not the stuff about Rana, but wanting to meet with us later. That made him laugh, and asked me aloud if he wanted more sex. I just laughed, but deep inside, I considered that it could be so. I quickly made my way around the store resupplying our kitchen with those things the ravenous horde had devoured: juice boxes, fruit cups, apples, oranges, veggies, chicken nuggets, cookies, chocolate milk and the like. On my way home, I saw the Inserection store on the left, and my subconscious pulled in. I knew I should probably get a couple new bottles of poppers, but first swung by the back wall. A short search found what I was looking for: a light, black, canvas sling that could be suspended from the ceiling from eye screws (included). The price wasn't that bad, so what the hell. It might be fun! Off to the cashier, where I also asked for the poppers. Five minutes later and getting my purchases out of the back seat, I saw Rana upstairs, peeking through the blinds. I knew the flower pot was activated, so I just began narrating what she was doing -- knowing it would be recorded. I then went inside to put the snacks away. Pulling down my toolbox from the utility closet, I got the stud finder (I wonder what it would find with Atul heheh) and the drill. With the assistance of a stepladder and the instructions, I very quickly had the sling installed in the bedroom.

Using my own crotch to determine the height, I adjusted the sling to be at the appropriate height for a good fuck. I'd also placed the hook where the bottom, leg straps would go into the next farther ceiling joists from the ones where the arm straps would go. Admiring my handiwork, I just had to test it out by getting naked, laying in it, spreading my legs to the attached foot rests, and imagining that Atul was pounding me in it. This would work indeed. I considered taking it down, but then decided to see what happened with Jin Woo. While in the guest bedroom, I vacuumed the dust and sawdust from installation, put out the beach towels, lube, hand towels, and new poppers. After checking and handling emails, it was 11:00 AM, and time for a powernap.

At my request, Alexa woke me up at 1:00 PM. I went about the process of "preparing" myself, and put on my bath robe. Just like yesterday, I set up for Jin Woo's preparation, and sat down to wait. Just a few minutes later, there was a knock -- and of course it was Jin Woo. He came in, and gave me a hug; for a second I could have sworn he trembled a bit: nerves? anticipation? Ushering him back to our bathroom, I showed him how the wand attachment worked and asked if he wanted me to help him for the first time. He agreed, and took off all his clothes, leaving them in a neat pile on the bed. Just like with his son, I asked him to sit on the rim of the toilet seat with his legs in the air and spread a little. His little hole looked very much like his son's. I got the water warm, spread some lube on the nozzle, and around his hole before carefully inserting it (there was very little resistance), released some water, asked him to hold it for about thirty seconds before releasing it into the bowl. He mentioned how much easier the wand was than using those disposable plastic bottles sold in pharmacies. Asking him to repeat the process until the results were clear, and then to clean around the area, told him I'd be in the guest bedroom.

My phone was in my bathrobe pocket, so I went ahead and texted Atul that Jin Woo was preparing himself. He texted me back and told me he was OTW! Jin Woo came out a few minutes later wearing the bathrobe I'd left hanging in there, and joined me in the guest bedroom. His eyes went wide when he saw the sling hanging there, and asked me if that was for him. I told him no, that I'd just installed it, and thought we'd all be more comfortable in the bed. I took off my bathrobe, and Jin Woo followed suit. Telling him that Atul would soon be here, I bade him lay down on the bed so we could start the process of loosening him up for his first fuck in more than a decade. He just giggled nervously a little bit, but laid down on his back. I wanted to get him heated up quickly so that his nervousness could evaporate, and lifted his knees to his chest, and lowered my mouth to his ass.

Jin Woo's eyes soon rolled back inside his head, as my tongue went through the process of opening up that tight, sweet hole. I heard the door open and close, knowing that Atul was home Just like his son Jason does, soon Jin Woo's legs and feet were waving in the air, toes curling and flexing with each contact between tongue and ass. His cock was ramrod straight, and fully engorged. His scrotum seemed to have tightened up, and it was about the size of Atul's cockhead. His ass must have retained some muscle memory, as he opened up quickly like a flower. It was just at that point that Atul walked in wearing his bathrobe. Jin woo perked up at Atul's appearance. Atul pointed to the sling with a "what the fuck" look, and I told him I'd explain it later. Then he asked why Juergen's car was here, and I told him he took the day off to get some personal stuff done. I then asked Atul to remove his robe, and come over to us. He did, and Atul's cock was already standing proud and bloated. Jin Woo's eyes went even wider before asking "is that what is going to fuck me?" Nodding and saying "yes", I told him I was going to fuck him for a bit, so that he would be open enough to survive Atul's cock breaching his ass. I lubed us both up, placed the tip of my cock against Jin Woo's pink pucker, and asked if he was ready, to which he said "yes, but slowly please."

That is just what I did. It took a bit of effort to pop past his sphincter, but soon I was halfway in. Jin Woo was taking rapid, shallow breaths and moaning a little. After he calmed down a bit, another bit of pressure was all it took for me to bear down all the way; I was in Jason's dad balls deep. I started slow languid strokes to get him warmed up and open. He kept his eyes tightly closed, and knees close to his chest. All of a sudden, his whole comportment changed; his legs spread wide, his eyes opened, and he told me to fuck him. Hard. I started out with more power, and with a slightly faster rhythm, but he then asked for even more. Giving it to him, his cockhead began drooling cocksnot, and he started to get verbal, noting that Mun Hwa sauna had a sling in a side room of the resting room, and when he was almost 15, Justice had put him in it, and tied his hands and legs to the chains. He couldn't move, but Justice fucked him in it hard and fast until he came. When Justice pulled out, another man the sauna penetrated him and fucked him too. After the next two hours, his ass was red, raw, bruised and filled with the cum of ten more men before Justice stopped them, and let him down. When he went back the next Wednesday, he begged Justice to put him in the sling again, but not to let so many men fuck him this time. Jin Woo then asked me if I would put him in the sling to fuck him. I helped him into it, and Atul got the restraints from the bedside table. We both fastened him in tightly, and his legs were spread obscenely. I planted my cock back into him, and he started whimpering "yes", "Fuck me hard", "cum in me", and other little bits of nastiness. I noticed that Atul pulled back to a seat, and had his phone in his hand before he came back, grabbed the lube, and announced that it was his turn.

Jin Woo sighed deeply after I pulled out, and seemed to just curl his ass up in anticipate of Atul's cock. Atul didn't waste any time, lining up, and pushing his cockhead just inside Jin Woo, who howled in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Atul got verbal then, announcing that he was going to fuck the daddy just like he fucks the son, and then pushed all the way in before pulling all the way out. Jin Woo's eyes and mouth were wide open, and it appeared that he had stopped breathing for a few seconds before he emitted several loud moans and groans. Atul went about powerfucking Jin Woo's hole, plowing in and out, giving Jin Woo's prostate a visit from Atul's cockhead on each entry and exit. Jin Woo's cock also sprang to the hardness of granite just as he began whimpering. This cycle went on for about five minutes until we heard a knock at the door. Atul then unceremoniously pulled out, telling me to fuck Jin Woo some more -- which I gladly did. I heard Atul open the door, and heard another voice, Juergen's? I heard Atul relock the door, and tell Juergen that he had a surprise for him in the guest room. Just a couple of minutes later, Atul showed up with a naked Juergen, who with a surprised look on his face, recognized Jin Woo, who also recognized Juergen. Atul explained that Jin Woo liked to have multiple men fuck and breed him, so that's why he got an invitation. The pressure in my nuts was building, and I knew it wouldn't be long. Very soon after that, I blew my load in Jin Woo, who kept pleading me to cum inside him.

I pulled out of Jin Woo, and moved Atul to have another go. Juergen came up and stood beside Jin Woo in the sling, watching Atul's cockhead plunge in and out of the moaning and simpering Korean man. In no time, Juergen's cock had curved up and risen to its full potential. Atul's cock had a coating of my own cum into which he was now plunging. With that scene, I could see no good future for the carpet below, so I moved the Beach towels below the sling. Atul then adjusted his angle, and began ramming into Jin Woo's prostate. Just like his son, within a couple of minutes, Jin Woo's cock emitted a single stream of sperm into the pool of pre-come that had built up there., his eyes rolled back again, and he was out. Atul just went back to long stroking him until Jin Woo came back to consciousness.

Jin Woo asked if that was how he fucked Jason, and Atul answered by starting to ram the prostate again. Atul asked if Jin Woo liked being fucked by him in the sling, Jin Woo, just beyond the ability to form coherent speech, simply nodded and whispered "yes" Atul then told Jin Woo that he was going to fuck Jason in the sling next, and if his daddy wanted to watch. Again, whispered and nodded "yes". Atul then asked if Jin Woo wanted to fuck his boy in the sling too, Jin Woo screamed "YES! YES! Just as he again reached his melting point and nearly passed out again, Atul stopped mid thrust, and began spewing copious amounts into the tight Korean ass. When his contractions ceased, Atul plunged balls deep again, and then withdrew quickly. The sight before us was not to be believed. Atul's cockhead was still swollen, and when he pulled back, the raised ridges of his corona pulled both loads out of Jin Woo. If you've ever watched a stallion pull out of it's mare, then you know what this looked like: a curtain of cum was forcefully dragged out of Jin Woo, audibly splashing down on the towel below.

Breathing heavily, Atul pulled Juergen between Jin Woo's legs, gave him a kiss on his lips, and told him that it was his turn, and he wouldn't need any lubrication. Atul took Juergen's cock between his forefinger and thumb, and guided his entry into Jin Woo, who came to consciousness when Juergen began his regular strokes in and out. Just then, we heard another knock on the door, and Atul went to answer. This time, I was curious, and went out with him. I should have been surprised to see Neal standing there, but somehow I wasn't really. Atul told him to get undressed quickly because we had a nice surprise for him. As he was undressing, I gave him a high level summary: Jason's dad just admitted that he liked getting fucked by multiple men, but hadn't had sex with any men for the last ten years, that he was in the guestroom, and he was taking loads. By the end of the summary, Neal was naked, and hard as steel. Neal then walked up to Atul, grabbed his cock -- giving it a tug, and then kissing Atul on the lips before he walked up to me, and did the same to me. He had indeed become an different man.

We three went into the guest room, which had definitely developed the aroma of mansex. It is a very difficult scent to describe, but my readers know that smell when they smell it. Juergen was plowing away with a fury into Jin Woo's ass. Jin Woo, for his part, was whimpering, pleading and begging Juergen to fill him with his sperm. Jin Woo then raised his head and ass up, breathing rapidly, just as had a mini spasm, and shot another stream of sperm onto his own stomach. That was the trigger for Juergen, who planted deep: from the clenching of his ass, we could count the shots as they entered Jin Woo: seven was the total. Juergen withdrew, and Atul grabbed Neal by the cock, pulling it toward Jin Woo. He introduced Neal to Jin Woo, telling him that he is a friend, is free of any diseases, and has the longest cock of anyone in the room right now. Neal had just enough time to tell Jin Woo hello before Atul placed his cock at Jin Woo's swollen asshole, and pushed him in with his other hand on Neal's lower back.

Jin Woo screamed a little when Neal finally bottomed out with his ten inch cock, but to his credit, he adjusted to it well. Neal started a nice rhythm, but Jin Woo did seem to be in some discomfort. I reached down on the bed for the poppers, and asked Jin Woo if he knew what they were -- he knew. Mun Hwa sold them even then too. He asked me to hold the bottle to his nose, whereupon he took three big hits. The slut in Jin Woo's heart was let out of its cage, and soon he was squirming on the sling. Jin Woo asked for his feet to be unbound, which we did. He put his feet against Neal's chest, and leveraged his position in the sling to take control of the penetration, pushing back on Neal to force the outstroke, and letting the natural pendulum bring cockhead and ass back together again for a forceful downstroke. The first few iterations caused some missed connections, but Atul figured out what was going on, pointed Neal's cock down at the correct angle, and soon, Jin Woo was back in heaven, whimpering, shooting out a stream from time to time.

It was an incredibly hot tableau, and when Neal had finally blasted a huge load in Jin Woo, cum started dripping out of Jin Woo's angry, red gaping hole. It was my turn again, but I adjusted the beach towels to catch cum in the now wider drop zone. We all came again inside Jin Woo, who was just about spent. My phone let me know it was 3:00 PM, and the boys would soon be back from school. To finish up, Atul plowed back into Jin Woo, and began mobbing his prostate once again. The only difference is that this time, I engulfed Jin Woo's cock with my mouth and began rough tongue massage on his cockhead. Within seconds, Jin Woo was blasting hot cum into my mouth, and Atul was coating his rectum once again.

We undid Jin Woo's restraints, and helped him back up into a standing position. He was a bit uneasy on two legs, but did have a big smile on his face. He thanked all of us for letting him get to be the happy fourteen year old he was. I walked with him back to the bathroom where he could recover a bit and get dressed. The rest of us took a towel and a few wet wipes to get ourselves back in order, I collected all the towels and detritus in the big bath towels. With Atul's help, took down and stored the sling in the tool drawer. I got bottles of water for all five of us, and sprayed febreze everywhere. All of us were then seated in the living room -- Jin Woo understandably somewhat gingerly -- by the time the hoarde was knocking on the door, wanting their after school treats. If they had just been thirty minutes earlier...

Next: Chapter 21

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