Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jun 26, 2020


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Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear, in fact, some of you have already recognized your inputs come to life in this story! I did receive a few pictures, upon which a number of elements in this chapter are based.

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 21 by Rich Lobo

Once the boys had noticed all of us in the living room, they began making side-eye glances at each other, and at Atul and me; of course they suspected something was up. Alex even sniffed the air a couple of times, noticing that the background aroma was somehow different. To avoid any anxiety, I spoke up saying "boys, don't worry. We are all having a meeting about Rana, and everyone is getting to know each other better (absolutely no lie on either count.) Run on in the kitchen, and get your snacks. I got some new stuff for you to choose." They slowly pulled away from us, still suspicious, but then their stomachs chimed in, and they all rushed for the kitchen. At that point, Juergen noted that he did have an appointment at the bank, and needed to go. We all stood as he got ready to leave. Jin Woo was closest to him, and offered his hand for Juergen to shake. Juergen simply said "I think we are all now beyond handshakes" and then he simply embraced Jin Woo, and gave him a simple kiss on the lips -- which was surprisingly returned: I guess Koreans really do kiss! My eyes caught a bit of motion from the kitchen. On turning my head, I saw Alex standing there with a cookie between his teeth, eyes wide open in surprise. Juergen repeated the same hug and kiss with each of us, but he whispered "please check on Jonas: it's been almost 2 days". I told him that I would. Alex scurried back into the kitchen, and I heard whispering, whereupon two more little heads were extended out of the kitchen. Juergen went toward the kitchen and gave hugs and more chastely kissed to each of them, telling Jonas to stay here until he got back, and very quickly left. All the boys still had quizzical looks on their faces: I guess we will be making some more explanations very soon.

We all except Jin Woo sat down, and I asked the boys to join us. Jin Woo in a surprising turn, picked up his son, and deposited him in Atul's lap. He then picked up Alex, giving him a tight hug, and placed him in my lap. He then took Jonas, and sat to the immediate right of Atul, with Jonas in his lap. Jason looked up into his father's face questioningly, who then responded "it's ok my son. I want you to be happy. I know you want to cuddle a little with Atul after school. Please, go ahead." Whereupon he pulled Jonas' head onto his own shoulder, wrapping is arms around him. Alex (being Alex) immediately re-took ownership of my (correction, his) shoulder; I wrapped my arms around him. Atul just kissed his little guy on the lips, brought his sweet head onto his shoulder, and enveloped him in his big arms. By this time it was Neal who was looking around with confused wrinkles appearing above his brow. I announced that Neal was going to talk to them about how to deal with Rana. Neal then stood up, revealing a huge bulge in his slacks; it stuck out at an angle, and leaned with his natural curve up and to the left. It didn't look like he was completely erect, but suffice it to say that all of the boys had their eyes riveted to that gorgeous bulge. Sensing a bit of confusion and dissonance, I asked Alex if he wasn't supposed to be going shopping with is mom -- it is Wednesday afternoon, Carla's shopping day. Alex jumped up, yelling "Oh Shit!"


Alex: "Sorry! I gotta go. Looks like I'm gonna miss all the fun today!" before grabbing his school backpack, and rushing out.

We needed to get Neal up to speed with a couple of things, because it was just a matter of time before he figured things out on his own: we needed to control the conclusions he would end up with. I asked Jonas and Jason to go ahead and start their homework in the dining room; both balked at the notion, but gave up resisting once I told them in a firmer voice "homework before fun. You both know that. We adults need to have a talk with Mr. Neal first." Grudgingly they stood up, both of them displaying full-on boy boners that no adult in the room failed to miss. I thought Jin Woo's eyes were going pop out of his sockets when he saw Jason's stiff little dagger poking out the front of his khaki school pants. Jonas and Jason then marched on to the dining room table, and started taking their assignments out.

I turned back toward Neal, and just started a matter-of-fact declaration of what is going on. First, I told Jin Woo a lot of this he had not heard before, but probably already suspected: that all the boys suffer from pre-adolescent hypersexuality, and at the moment, identify as gay. Going further, I explained that they all -- especially Jonas, who is affected worst by this syndrome, need to have their urges satisfied on a regular basis. For all three, dildos and other implements were ineffective. They also refuse to be serviced using condoms. For Jason and Alex, twice a week seems to be sufficient, but for Jonas, a "regular basis" is at least every other day, and his need seems to become acute even more frequently when Jonas felt stressed. The reason Juergen moved to the US is due to two things: before Juergen was made aware, Jonas had an already established reputation in their town as a boyslut, and Juergen wanted to find a situation where Jonas' needs could be safely watched after. We are all certain that if we weren't watching out for them, they would be roaming the internet, looking for unsafe, bareback hookups. The danger to all three of them is too great, so we have been treating them ourselves. This is not an onerous task. Each of us has an emotional attachment to one of the boys, and I believe it is love. I primarily take care of Alex, Atul takes care of Jason, and Juergen takes primary care of Jonas. However, we each will act in the primary's stead if needed though.

Jin Woo then spoke up, explaining that perhaps he had this same affliction as a young teen. It would explain his behavior in the sling at the sauna. He also expressed thanks to Atul for taking care of his son's needs: "If Jason is like I was then, then he would be taking horrible risks with his life and health, like I did." Neal was a bit dumbfounded at this news, and waited several seconds before cautiously asking the next question. I did in that pause take a look at Neal's lap: there was indeed a ten-inch teepee showing. Neal then got the words together: "How exactly do you do to treat the boys?" I answered that in essence, each of the boys expected each treatment to be administered in the nude, bareback, and with a great deal of force. They all expect to have their prostates pounded, and pounded well until we inseminate them. It is only then that they are satisfied, and can then continue being happy, ten and eleven year old boys. That being said, Jonas does at times need multiple treatments to reach the same state of satisfaction. We all have to be vigilant with him. All of them and us are clean and disease free, and none of us wants for him to feel he has to go "off the reservation", not even once. Neal's bulge was even more distended, and I'm sure his underwear also had a few wet spots. I yearned to look at that huge cock, up close, without any textiles to obscure the reflection of light from its moist cockhead.

Atul spoke up: "Speaking of which, it is now day two for Jonas, and it is also Wednesday -- one of Jason's regular days. Are they ok?" I looked over, and saw Jonas lightly grinding his butt into the chair: it might be time. I called Jonas over, and asked him how he was feeling. He answered "Fine, Mr Rich, but I am starting to feel the itch again. It started just as soon as we got on the school bus." I asked him if he needed Sonderhandlung, and he just meekly nodded his head yes. On that, I told him to go back into our bathroom, and prepare himself. Jason, who of course was listening in on a private conversation, promptly announced that he would help Jonas out. When they were out of earshot, Neal asked me "are you really going to fuck that beautiful little boy?" to which I replied "No, I plan to watch you fuck that beautiful little boy. Now, let's go set everything up for this." All four of us -- with our bulging crotches pointing the way, went back into the guest room. Neal began undressing, while I set out another beach towel and the other supplies.

Soon, we were joined by two very naked little boys. Jason immediately objected: "only Mr. Neal is nakey. Everybody needs to be nakey!" Without any ceremony, Jonas jumped on the bed, got on his back with legs raised, and began lubing his ass. I tossed my phone onto the mattress handed Neal a bottle of lube too, and advised him to get that hard weapon greased up well. Jin Woo and I also got "nakey", and little Jason just stared agog at his own father's erect penis for the first time ever. Jonas then got into his favorite position, feet back, knees on shoulders, and said "Mr. Neal, I'm ready!" We all turned our attention to Neal, who slowly stepped forward, got on the bed on his knees, and lined his cock up with the tiny little gape showing in the hole; he looked a little befuddled. From my perspective, Neal's cock looked like a ten inch long red bull can. I had trouble believing that such a little boy could handle that monstrosity -- Hell, I'd need half a bottle of poppers to take that thing myself! I noticed Atul watching the scene too, nodding his respect to Neal. Jonas instructed Beall that it's not necessary to do anything else than stick it in and fuck him hard." Neal did just that: he pushed in. Jonas groaned loudly as Neal slowly drove all ten inches inside, muttering all the while how tight and warm this whole felt, and that it was so much better than any real pussy he had ever fucked. Jonas kept giving him directions the whole time: harder, deeper, faster, a little to the left, year right there! More right there! I was in absolute awe.

Jason then looked up at his daddy, and asked if it was ok if he did that too. Jin Woo responded: "yes my son. I love you, and know how badly you need it right now. It's ok with me if Atul fucks you. Atul then took the moment to ask Jason if it would be OK if his daddy could be the first to fuck his little boy's pussy. Jason then looked up into his father's face and sultry eyes and asked "Daddy? Is that what you want?" Jin Woo could only nod yes. Both father's and son's cocks were straining, full of blood, and angry red. Jason fell back on the bed; I took a bottle of lube and began to prepare the son while Atul went behind the father. Holding him tight across his chest. I squirted some lube in Atul's right hand, which then Atul expertly administered it on Jin Woo's hard, throbbing cock. I got on my knees behind Jason's head and grabbed his feet, pulling them back far, high, and wide. Atul, with his finger and thumb holding Jin Woo's meat just behind his cockhead gently nudged Jin Woo into position, with his cockhead just barely inside the little pussy. This was a moment that screamed to be memorialized. I picked up my phone, turned it on to video mode with the LED on, and recorded the moments in which daddy and son first became one. Jin Woo decided on rapid, deep strokes, and Jason began cooing and wailing. Atul and I just got up, stepped aside, and reveled in the scent before us as we held each other.

Jason was actively moving his pelvis, trying to get Jin Woo's cockhead to make contact with his prostate. When he managed to find the correct spot, he became the first to speak, groaning out: "Oooh! Daddy! You are making me feel so good. I can't believe your cock is fucking me so hard. Are you going to cum in me too? Please tell me you are going to cum in me!" Jin Woo finally found words at that moment too. "Yes, my baby boy. I am going to fill your tight little ass up, and then I want Atul to fuck you too." Jason just squealed in delight as his father continued the dirty talk: "Today Atul fucked your daddy and filled me twice with his hot come. It felt wonderful, and I want to see your face while he fucks you." The whimpering little boy just spread his legs further, urging his daddy to fuck him harder.

Meanwhile, stage right, Jonas' eyes were fluttering in the back of his head, as Neal continued the withering assault his cock was giving the little German boy. Until just yesterday, I had never seen Neal naked, and I was not going to let this opportunity go by. I got close to Neal's ass, so I could see the point of connection between the two, and watch his ball sack slap the underside of Jonas' ass. I crawled up to the side of them and whispered into Neal's ear "buddy, this is so hot! I can't wait until you fuck me too!. Neal, without missing a beat, replied to me "buddy, I'd be happy to, but you need to teach me how to take a cock too. I don't think I could take a pounding from your man without some lessons first. Uhh wait. Something is happening inside this boy. Oh God, he's getting tight. He's coming!" Jonas screamed out loud "Fick doch meine Votze hammerhart! Bitte" I translated for him "Just fuck my cunt! Hammer it hard! Please!" Neal did just that, sticking his legs out so that his tiptoes were supporting his weight on the floor, and sawing his hips hard in and out of the screaming little boy.

At that second, Jason began screaming "Oh! I'm coming too! Daddy!" Neal also began grunting, and Jin Woo planted deep. Within seconds, they were both blowing load after load into their boys. As they finished, and before each boy had fully recovered, Jin Woo and Neal withdrew and stood up, and Atul and I took their positions. We slid into the boys, and held position until each boy came back to full awareness, at which point we began pumping. Jin Woo had already grabbed a hand towel, and thrown one to Neal, after quick touch ups, both men were watching Atul and I further providing treatment. Jin Woo was at his son's side, holding his son's hand, and watching with rapt attention how Atul's cockhead would pull his son's anal ring bulging out on the outstroke, and punching in on the instroke. He asked Atul if it had looked the same when Atul had fucked him earlier, and Atul breathed out the word "yes". Jin Woo then raised up, and gave Atul a full-on kiss on the lips, thanking him for taking such good care of his son. Before very long, both boys began quaking again -- their minds seemed to be in synch with each other, and both of them began their second boygasm of the day, sending Atul and I off on our own. I doubt that I had very much of a load to offer the boy, having orgasmed tree times today before now, but it did feel good.

Atul and I pulled off, and the boys just started giggling, telling each other how jealous Alex would be once he heard what just happened. Jin Woo broke them up, telling him that Alex would get his own special time with him and Mr. Rich and Atul tomorrow after school. He then told the boys to go visit the bathrooms to clean themselves up. For us adults, towels and wet wipes would suffice. We got dressed, and I deposited another load of towels in the hamper. We were all in the living room when there was a knock at the door: it was Juergen, coming to collect his boy. Juergen asked if Jonas was "ok", and I was glad to report that he wasn't, but Neal and I were able sufficiently administer Sonderhandlung to him. Juergen gave a sigh of relief, positing that he would have been unable to do it properly given how strenuous the afternoon had been LOL. Just then, the boys burst out of the bathroom, fully dressed. Jonas ran right to his papa and gave him a hug, and Jason did the same to Jin Woo, who told the boys to go to collect their school work, as Mr. Neal, Atul, and Rich had things to discuss. Jin Woo and Juergen then gave us a round of hugs and kisses before they left.

Neal asked if he could take a shower, because he was sure he smelled like a brothel -- something the future ex Mrs. Turner could use against him. We all laughed, and I showed him the way. Atul also decided to take a shower, so I took that free time to take the basket of towels out to the public machine, and started the wash cycle. I saw a shadow up on the landing, and it quickly moved away. Out of curiosity, I opened the security app on my phone, and indeed Rana was standing there, just looking down and muttering something I couldn't understand. I scrolled back to see how long she had been standing there, it had been for a while, and prior to that, she had spent several minutes just standing in front of my door for about ten minutes, until just before Juergen, Jin Woo and sons had left. I knew then we needed to tell Atul everything. Neal was the first to emerge after the shower, so I pulled him into my office to show what I had just seen. He agreed with me that it was time to bring Atul into the whole picture, before Neal could outline our strategy. I went ahead and got Atul's keyfob from the drawer, as he really needed to have it on him.

When he came out from his shower, wearing shorts and a tee shirt, I started to get hard again. A quick look over at Neal showed similar activities happen too, as if either of us was in a state to really do anything about it: at this point, all I could have done would be to blow dust. I walked up to him, gave him a really tender kiss, and ran my fingers through his dark, damp hair. I asked him if Neal and I could explain a few things to him. He agreed, and I herded him into my tiny office area, bringing a dining room chair with me, so that all of us could sit. I sat before the computer, and thankfully Neal started telling him about the surveillance cameras, and then took full responsibility for their installation yesterday. Then, he began explaining everything they had found out about Rana, including some stuff I hadn't heard before. He pulled some copies of police reports Robert had just gotten from his contacts in India. It turned out that Rana had been arrested once for pushing a small boy out of a moving bus just last year. Rana's parents paid a huge bribe and medical costs to the boy's family to keep them from pressing charges. Rana had also been cautioned by the police twice since then for aggressive conduct in some high end boutiques, in one of them, just two days before Atul arrived for their wedding, she threw a glass vase against a wall, nearly hitting an old man sitting there. Her father intervened in both instances to make any criminal charges go away.

Atul just sat there. He had an expression on his face that I had never seen on him, and quite frankly, it scared me: anger didn't fit his sweet face well. I then tenderly took his hand, and began to tell him I knew what Rana had said on the videos I had made, that she had threatened to cut off his penis, that she threatened to kill him, that she threatened to set fire to the building, and that she had threatened to kill Jason. Atul sat there, grinding his teeth. He finally got his composure back, and apologized for not telling me what she was saying, noting that to him, that was the way she always spoke, and didn't take it all too seriously. I then pulled up the video from last night at the window, telling him where she was, and how late it was. He was visibly shocked, but when the flowerpot cam video came up, the one where she was interviewed, his shock turned to anger once again, hearing her new threats to me. Finally, I played the new recording from just a half hour ago: when he heard her mumbling something, he just put his head down into his hands and sobbed. Again, he regained his composure, lifting his head he said sotto voce: "She just said she would cut the throats of both those little boys." It was at this point that I brought his keyfob out, telling him that if he were to push both buttons at the same time for two seconds, that police and ambulances would soon be rushing here.

Neal's phone pinged. He announced that Robert's people had just gotten that exact same thing translated, and that there would be an enhanced security presence here for the next two nights at least, in a plain van which would be in the guest parking lot. Atul -- for once -- didn't complain at all the fuss, but instead walked over to Neal, gave him a huge kiss, and thanked him. We all went out to the living room to discuss things in a room more comfortable than that stuffy little den/closet/office. Atul then began to spill his anger out... at his parents. They must have known what they were marrying him to. They must have known how crazy she was. His father's business ties to Rana's father were stronger than his love for his own son. His mother didn't even try to warn him. Atul remembered on the day of the wedding, his father had told him that Rana had a fiery temper, but after Atul did his husbandly chores that night, she would be much calmer and even tempered. Damn! They fooled him. The treated him as a commodity in their business affairs. I watched Atul's face, as the emotions played out over it: from rage to anger, to grief, and then to loss, before finally consolidating into a steely look of confirmed resolution. Atul now wanted to know more about the plan. He was ready to play.

Neal began laying it out. I followed along, while checking the app from time to time to make sure Rana didn't appear. In a nutshell, they had enough to have Rana arrested for several counts of terroristic threat, as well as one count of stalking and laying in wait each. Neal said we could have her arrested now, but it would be best to wait until the parents were already in the air. The Clarkston Police chief was ready to move whenever we were ready. Once arrested, Rana would not be able to make bail unless she knew someone here to make arrangements, and she didn't. Atul followed up with "that bitch can remain in a cell. The world would be a safer place." Obviously he had no intention of coughing up bail money, and neither did I. Neal Continued, there is a small chance that she could be released on her own recognizance at her arraignment hearing the next day, but we would have an attorney there to object, and present video evidence to the State's attorney. Next, we will collect the parents at the airport, letting them say whatever they wanted. We will get them settled in the hotel, and bring them back here for a presentation.

Neal outlined what they had already. They would have a large screen set up right here, and Robert's colleague who speaks Telugu would begin showing them the videos of Rana's exploits in chronological order, including all of the threats, and most importantly her screaming that she had never had sex with Atul. The videos will all be subtitled in English and Telugu for maximum understanding. Atul, at that juncture said that all the parents spoke English rather well, having grown up speaking it as a primary language at school, along with Telugu at home. Neal nodded in acknowledgement. "Then," Neal continued, "if you, Atul could then speak, and drive home how you feel about this whole situation with them that would be wonderful. Even better would be if you could do that in English, and insist that they also speak in English, we would be able to faster reach the main point. Letting them know that Rana had been arrested for threatening the lives of two children, and she is sitting in jail. That will probably launch a good bit of consternation." Neal let Atul stew on that point for a while, but he quickly nodded in agreement. "What then?" asked Atul.

"The next step is where I come in as your attorney. I will describe the laws of divorce and annulment in Georgia, explaining how we had sufficient evidence from Rana's own mouth that the marriage had never become `legally consummated', and as such, should be cancelled or annulled. From that point, she would cease to be legally in the United States, and upon release from prison, she would be deported back to India. If she does not fight the annulment, the boy's parents and we will negotiate with the district attorney for a lighter sentence, and we will refund any dowry payments made to Atul's parents, which I understand to be around six thousand dollars. If she does fight the annulment, then they get nothing, Rana will stay in prison for the full sentence, and be sent penniless back to India. From that point, it would be nothing more than a question and answer period."

Atul nodded his head several times, and then sat up with tears in his eyes: "you would do all that for me?" Neal just nodded his head and said "I would do anything for Rich, and I can see how much Rich loves you, so yes, I would. Furthermore, last night you gave me one of the greatest gifts of my life. I feel happier that I have felt in a long time, so to answer your question, I have two reasons to do all of this for you." Atul got up, and kneeled on the floor in front of Neal, taking his hands in both of his, and asking "what can I do for you then Neal. Please tell me. I will do anything you want, and be forever grateful for having you in my life too." Neal -- and I'm quite sure he was just trying to break the emotional tension in the room, started a nervous laughter and said: "OK, sexy man, one day I'd like you to fuck the hell out of me in that sling thing." Without missing a beat, Atul turned to me and told me to go put the sling back up. He then stood and took his Neal's hand, starting to drag him toward our bed room.

"Wait!" Neal said, "I was just kidding! I'm a virgin down there, and I would need a lot of practice to get ready for you! Besides, you've come a few times already today, and are probably not in the best shape for this!" I know that I am certainly not ready to perform!

Atul: "Don't worry. I will prepare you fully. When I am finished with your preparations, you will be begging for it, and will easily handle it. Also, I have experienced stress and frustration this evening. Ask Rich what stress and frustration do to me."

Me: "Trust me, he will have absolutely no trouble performing now. Furthermore, you need not worry about performing at all: you will only need to stay put where you are tied. Trust me: you are about to be one truly lucky and blessed man."

Atul practically dragged Neal back to the bathroom to begin getting Neal ready. I set about putting the sling back up, and spread the last towel down on the floor. Then, I ran out to bring in the wash, and put it into the dryer inside so that I wouldn't have to go out again. There was now ample time to get the camera tripod out and set it up to record this auspicious moment. I made sure my phone was charged, and put it in the mounting bracket on the tripod. Lastly, I got a small folding table from the hall closet, set it up next to the sling, placing the Velcro restraints, towels, bottled water, lube and poppers on it: this scene was set! I popped into the bedroom to change into some shorts and a tee shirt, and heard the shower running, and Neal's voice making "ooooh" and "aaaaah" noises to what must have been some new sensations for him. I went back to the armchair in the guest bedroom, ready to take on my role as a production assistant.

When they entered the room, they were both at full mast. Atul had also snagged a dining room chair and brought it in with him: I couldn't wait to see what this was for. I stood up, and we both helped Neal lay back into the sling, adjusting the height to insure a good, comfortable fuck. I attached the hand restraints to the strap, while Atul handled the foot restraints, setting them low so that Neal's knees were bent. Atul pulled Neal's body further down, so that his ass was partially hanging off of the sling: this opened the virgin ass up even more. I was enthralled at the sight: I had never seen this part of Neal's body. It was perfect, a rosy pink that sat easily in the creamy white valley. I knew a prostate massager had been used on him, but nothing larger. This was going to be epic! Atul then sat the chair in front of the displayed ass. He sat down on it, grabbed the poppers and took a brief sniff. He continued holding the poppers bottle, his thumb sealing the top to prevent any spilling. He leaned forward and without a word, began deploying that long tongue onto Neal's sweet pucker.

Neal began moaning almost immediately. Over the course of the next thirty minutes, Atul dug and prodded with his tongue, pulling back to check his work, and getting a small hit from the bottle from time to time. Soon, there was a bit of an opening that appeared: showtime would begin shortly, ladies and gentlemen, please make sure you have your popcorn. Within a few seconds, the look on Neal's face told the tale: the gates have been breached, and the invasion has begun. Neal began lolling his head in delirium, unable to process all the new and wonderful sensations with which his straight brain was being bombarded. It was just a matter of time before that tongue would reach his prostate; again, the look on Neal's face betrayed the moment of contact. "SWEET JESUS!" Neal screamed, "What is that? Is that my prostate? Oh my God! That's the most intense feeling ever!" With that outburst, Neal went back to apoplectically lolling his head around. I noticed that his cock was huge! I'm sure it was well over ten inches by now. Atul pulled his head back to look, and the gape had indeed grown to about an inch in diameter. Atul obviously wanted more, as he took another hit of the poppers and dived back in, the point of his tongue leading the way.

In a few minutes, Neal popped his head up to look down. He could see Atul's eyes looking up at him, and they held Eye contact. I looked down, and Atul's cockhead was straining to free itself from the tight foreskin. There was a line of drool that stretched all the way from the tip of his cock to the towel on the floor. Then, Atul obviously did something new with his tongue, as Neal began hyperventilating a bit, straining at his restraints. He then began muttering under his breath "ohgodfuckmeohpleasedearsweetjesusfuckmepleasefuckmenowstickitinandfuckme". It was hard to understand exactly what he was saying, but plainly obvious what he wanted. The time was now, so I quickly turned on the phone, aimed it so that it had a clear shot of Atul's cock and Neal's ass, but carefully avoiding their faces, and clicked "record". I then took the poppers from Atul's hand and gave him the lube. Atul stood up, drizzled lube all over his cock and all liberally around Neal's pink gaping hole, pulled back his foreskin -- lubing up his now fully bare glans, and placed the tip of his cock on Neal's hole. No matter how wide the gape, I feared that Atul's cockhead could destroy this virgin hole. I hoped the poppers would help. Atul nodded to me, and I put the bottle under one of Neal's nostrils, closing the other nostril with a finger, and ordered him to breathe deep: he did. Two more deep breaths, and Atul quickly and artfully punched his flared cockhead in.

Neal screamed. I watched his asslips audibly slam down on Atul's shaft as soon as the head had passed. I leaned down to Neal's ear, whispering that the worst was over, and that he should remember to keep breathing. Atul just held position for a few moments, allowing the shock on Adam's system to pass. Atul nodded to me again, and I held the bottle again to Neal's nostril. He breathed in deep, and then nodded to Atul, signaling that he should continue. I'm sure Neal expected Atul to push deeper, but he did just the opposite: pulling the rim of his cockhead back against Neal's sphincter, pulling it outward from his body to near the painful point of expulsion at which Atul stopped, and pushed it back in. Atul did this a few more times, each time signaling me to give another shot from the bottle. Neal's breathing also relaxed, and he reopened his eyes. It didn't take long for Neal's hole to stretch enough to allow Atul's cockhead to gently pull free from the tight band, and then re-enter the warm chasm. It was at this point that Atul first spoke:

"OK sexy man. You are not a virgin anymore. Now, I am going to show you what my "vaikalyam" was designed to do, whereupon Atul adjusted his angle, and raked that beautiful, upturned cockhead firmly across Neal's prostate, and causing Neal to gasp for breath before pulling it back and allowing his flared corona to thrum the gland like a guitar pick. Neal just started muttering "ohsweetjesus" over and over. Atul continued to pull out until he was completely clear of the aperture, then reversing direction, smashing back in and once again raking the sensitive button inside Neal, bringing forth even more prayerful language from Neal. I had to giggle, because he sounded a lot like his Southern Baptist mother in some of her more judgmental moments. Here was her only son, tied up, feet spread wide apart and raised up to Jesus, getting fucked by the most beautiful man on the planet. I am certain now that there is a God, and he is great. It was at this moment that the first drool of pre-cum appeared on Neal's cockhead. I put the poppers bottle away: it was no longer needed.

Atul got down to business, increasing the pace of his attention to Neal's prostate to where Neal was emitting a constant moan. When all of a sudden, Atul began the long journey down to the depths of Neal's soul, bottoming out a few moments later. Neal's eyes were bulging out by the time Atul began a slow retreat back up the channel, and them completely out before beginning the round trip once again -- but only faster. Soon, Neal was chanting Atul's name, praising him in all his glory, and professing eternal love and devotion to him. The rhythm increased to two strokes per second, and both of them were sweating profusely. I opened a bottle of water, offering sips to Atul and then to Neal, which both gratefully accepted. Atul looked at me with an evil grin: It was about to happen, so I drizzled a bit more lube down on the point where they were joined. Atul changed his angle once again, and threw his entire weight into pounding Neal's prostate. Neal became incoherent, and as predicted, lost consciousness. Atul just slowed his stroke as I gently urged Neal back to consciousness. When he rejoined us, he asked how long he'd been out, and I told him it was just a few seconds. By this time Atul was back to his rapid long strokes.

Atul repeated this torture of our restrained straight boy for two more cycles, while I reapplied lube each time until I looked up at Atul said that Neal has had enough, It's time to let him cum. Atul agreed, and began the fast long strokes even before Neal had re-emerged from his blissful cocoon. When Neal was again present, he stared directly into Neal's eyes, saying with a growl: "I am ready to eject all my frustration out of me. I need you to tell me what to do, and how to do it. Do you want it in your face, in your mouth, on your stomach, or deep inside your ASS? Tell me what to do, counselor!" Neal was now in the role too. He forced his head up to face Atul and began growling his demands: "I want you to FUCK me as hard as you can and as fast as you can and shoot all your anger and rage DEEP INSIDE MY ASS! FUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK MMMMMEEEEEEE!

Atul complied with this request, and soon, even with the long strokes, was hitting Neal's spot four times every second. Atul soon began growling back "I'M GOING TO BREED YOU NOOOOWWW! Whereupon, Atul reached down, scooping up the pre-cum that he'd forced out of Neal's prostate, and began tightly pumping Neal's cock with his fist. Neal shouted "O SHIT!" and issued a stream of cum that shot up, and hit him square on his forehead. Atul planted himself as deeply into Neal's worn out hole as he could, and began his own volleys, grunting loudly with each one. Neal's shots, of which there were six, landed progressively shorter away, until his cock just kept throbbing, but shooting blanks. Then, in what may become his new signature move, Atul's still swollen cockhead was completely ripped out of Neal, dragging forth another great shower of cum splashing down upon the towel. I couldn't help myself: I kneeled down in front of Atul, and yanked my own cock out. I tongued his head clean, and within a few strokes, and managed to rub a fine load out of myself.

On standing, I looked at Neal, who was basking in such an afterglow. I asked him how his first time was. His response? He looked at me and said "Best sex I've EVER had! I'm not yet ready to move in full-time over the fence yet, but I'm definitely ready to look for some rental property." Then he looked down at Atul and said "If he doesn't treat you right, just let me know. You can be the next Mr. Turner." Laughing, I stopped the recording, and looked at his destroyed, now completely de-virginized ass -- from which white semen was still dripping. Both Atul and I undid the restraints, and helped our new acolyte get vertical again.

We were all tired, and in need of some rest but hungry as hell too. We cleaned up as best we could. I offered another shower to Neal, but he declined. If the future ex Mrs. Turner had a problem with the way he smelled, then it was her own damned fault. Everything was clean, but the sling was still hanging from the ceiling. I decided to let it stay -- Jin Woo had something special planned for Alex before their Webelos meeting tomorrow evening, and the sling may well be needed. I texted Jin Woo, Carla, and Juergen, letting them know that we were going to order pizza, and that the boys were invited. Within seconds, we heard the thunder of the Horde approaching the door. I opened the pizza app, and was putting in an order for a pepperoni pizza and a veggie pizza, when I heard Alex's voice shout from the guest bedroom: "Hey! What is this thing hanging from the ceiling?"

Next: Chapter 22

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