Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jul 8, 2020


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Sorry for the delay - there's been a loss in the family.

Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear! I need to get some business handled, so the output of the chapters will not be as rapid over the next few weeks. BUT, given the angst some readers have expressed about poor Jason, I'm going ahead with the next chapter now.

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 24 by Rich Lobo

There was motion everywhere. Atul ran into me, accidentally shoving me to the side. As Atul again began moving toward Rana, before his bulk could even develop sufficient momentum, something nearer to the ground moved like a flash: it was Halmoni. She dashed from the doorway, carrying what looked like a long black belt: she used her elbows to force Atul and I out of her way. Before I could regain my balance, my sense of vision began running in what seemed to be slow motion. In what looked like one graceful series of motions, Halmoni had wrapped that belt around Rana's hand holding the knife, tightening the belt; she turned her back to Rana, and yanked forward, forcing the knife to the ground and Rana to cartwheel through the air, landing with a dull thud on her shoulder and back. Then, with a leg sweep, she kicked the knife over toward Atul and me. She then brought her elbow down sharply under Rana's now bound arm, and with the belt, brought Rana's hand to rest under her own chin. She wrapped a length of the belt around Rana's neck and hand, pulling it down backwards over Halmoni's leg, which had kicked out to lay on top of and immobilize Rana's other arm. With a low growl, Halmoni then very clearly said: "You move bitch, I crush your throat, and you die." Rana was struggling, but completely immobilized. Looking up at Atul, she continued: "go to our little man. Help him", he ran over to Jason, checking him over: he was entirely focused on his little guy, asking him "Baby boy? Can you hear me? Please open your eyes!

Jin Woo and the other boys had just about reached the walkway, when they were overtaken by Robert and the two guards. Robert pointed both of them over to Jason, curtly shouting "they are both trained medics" before moving toward Halmoni and Rana. He stopped and stood over them, with hands on both hips, then knelt down and asked Halmoni something that sounded like: "Hapkido sa beum immnikka?" Without changing focus on her prisoner, she just spat out "Na nun kwan jang immnida." From my rudimentary Korean skills, I knew that he asked if she was something', and she said she was another something." As Jin Woo and the boys rushed up onto the landing, Robert appeared to use the new bout of confusion, and (from my side perspective) then moved his arm to the ground behind Halmoni, picked something up, and slipped it into his pocket. I grabbed the boys and Neal grabbed Jin Woo, explaining that medics and Atul were helping Jason. Jin Woo turned toward Rana, and put both his knees over Rana's lower legs, restraining her even more. Robert stood up, walked back over to me and said "The old lady has this well in hand... she's a Hapkido Grand Master, and Rana is lucky that she is still breathing," before turning away to make a phone call. We heard sirens and saw blue lights of the cops and red lights of the ambulance pulling into the apartment complex. They screeched up to where we were, and piled out. Having been briefed on what the initial call was about, Robert only needed to point at Rana, and say "she attacked the boy with a knife", and they were all over her. Halmoni and Jin Woo pulled away, and stood over the side by the medics, Jae Soo (who had rushed out in the melee), and a now wailing Atul. Carla and Felipe had also joined the party.

Halmoni bent over, caressing Atul's face, telling him that Jason is going to be ok. Jin Woo knelt down beside Atul, and embraced him. The EMTs then reached the scene, and one medic began giving him a curt summary of findings and vitals. He did mention something that made me shudder: "left pupil slow to respond" -- that meant a head injury on the right side. Shit.

They began putting Jason into a C-collar to minimize any motion should there have been any spinal injury. That was when Captain Perry arrived on the scene just as Robert was finishing up his call: he went to Robert, saying "my apologies we were late. The crash was terrible. Fortunately, there was an extra ambulance on the scene, and we brought them with. Looks like everything went all SNAFU, "What you got?" Robert gave him a summary, while the other officers got Rana into handcuffs. She was still gasping for air, and not offering any resistance. Robert gave Chief Perry a summary, and showed him a video of the whole scene. Chief Perry walked over to Rana, and Robert motioned for the guard/medic who spoke Telugu to go over and translate. "Rana Pasumarthi," he said, "You are under arrest for seven counts of making terroristic threats, aggravated assault, and intentional injury of a child. You have the right to remain silent.... etc... and the guard translated. Of course, Rana did not intend to remain silent: she began screaming and kicking, and she spat in Captain Perry's face. The other officers put her to the ground again -- hard. One went to his car, and brought back a spit hood and hobbles. They placed the hood over her head, and tied her feet together, lashing them to her handcuffs. They picked her up, and began taking her over to one of the cars with a cage, one of them telling her that she was also under arrest for assault on a peace officer. Atul was the one who translated for them, adding "you evil bitch" in English: all the neighbors applauded, and Rana was unceremoniously tossed -- belly down -- onto the back seat of the patrol car.

The officers collected the knife, and put it into an evidence bag. Just as the EMTs got Jason strapped securely on a gurney, Robert got a message on his phone, and reading it, walked up to them, instructing them to take Jason to the ER at nearby Children's Healthcare at Emory University; Doctor Becker, a pediatric neurologist and her staff are there, getting ready to take him in, and a trauma surgeon from the Emory Trauma Unit was on the way over to consult, if needed. Yet more confirmation: Robert was no redneck electrician. The EMTs said they could take two adults with them, and Jin Woo said something to Jae Soo rapidly in Korean, grabbed a still sobbing Atul's hand, and said "let's go!" Robert told Jae Soo and Halmoni, and I to go get anything that they, Jason, Jin Woo, Atul or I needed, and meet him back here, as the security team was now our transport team. He reminded Jae Soo to get Jason's medical records and insurance information. I looked over to Alex and Jonas, and all four of their eyes were brimming with tears, and both were on the edge of an emotional explosion. Halmoni walked over to me and said "I stay here with the boys. They need grandmother now. You go. Atul need you now." She hugged them to her bosom, and started herding them into my apartment.

Juergen and Felipe said they would stay with the boys too: Felipe followed Halmoni in, but Juergen asked me to stay behind a second. He told me he had to make an unscheduled flight to DC for an urgent meeting tomorrow morning, and asked if I could watch out for Jonas until he got back late tomorrow afternoon -- Of course I would: I had a feeling my apartment would be "home base" for the boys until things settled back down. We went in, and got our wallets and phones, and joined Robert back in the stairway area. Rana had already been driven off to the "DeKalb Hilton:" the huge county jail which would be her home for a while now. The ambulance was just pulling out, when Carla came down again, announcing that she would drive to the hospital a bit later, and to call if we needed anything.

Robert and Neal were left with me. Whispering, Robert asked me to run and turn off the flower pot. I did so, and he pulled both of us out to the middle of the parking lot, where nothing would be recorded. We quickly updated the game plan for tomorrow: we had a new card to play with the parents: a charge of attempted murder, carrying a jail term of up to twenty years. The facts that it was all on video, and the victim was a child -- with the right judge -- would mean pretty much twenty years, and the other sentences to be served consecutively: she might never see the outside of a prison again. Robert then reached into his pocket, and pulled out a smart phone. I asked him "Is that .... Rana's phone?" To which he replied: "I don't know. I just found a phone laying on the ground. Oh look! It doesn't seem to have a passcode. It would be our civic duty to see if there is any information on here to help us find the owner." Neal and I just grinned, and Neal said "Robert and I have some work to do before we are ready to go to the airport tomorrow." On that note, Jae Soo came out with a bag of stuff. She hugged me and thanked me. We jumped in the van, and were soon speeding off to the Emory Campus in Decatur.

The driver -- his name was Dileep -- let us off at the emergency room entrance, giving me a card with his contact info on it. He also wanted us to let them know how Jason was. The staff must have been expecting us, as we were met and ushered into a treatment room. Little Jason was laying there in the bright, clean room, still unconscious, with all manner of monitors and wires attached: they were prepping him for an MRI, making certain he had nothing metallic on him. Jin Woo and Atul were on the other side of the gurney, both holding Alex's little left hand -- he looked so tiny and helpless. Atul was still beside himself, muttering "he was trying to protect me. I should have protected him. I should have been brave and refused my father" and other things indicating he was intent on taking full responsibility for his baby being hurt. I walked over to him, and Jae Soo walked up to Jin Woo, who was standing there stoically, face not betraying any emotion other than steely determination. His thumb, however, was tenderly caressing the back side of Atul's hand. I wrapped my arms around Atul, softly saying in his ear that Jason is getting the best care possible, and that he is a strong little boy, who would be back to his usual happy, silly self in no time. About that time, a staff member asked if he could get some information for Jason. Jae Soo, not wanting to leave her son, looked at me: I took her bag with the papers, and told her I'd take care of it.

Insurance, health records, and personal details handled, I got back to the treatment room just as they were ready to roll Jason out for the MRI. As soon as the gurney left the room, Atul collapsed toward the floor. Jin Woo and I both jumped and caught him, leading him over to a chair. Jae Soo sat beside him, and took his hand, telling him that Rana was responsible for what happened, not Atul, and that Jason loved him too much to want Atul to feel this way. "My boy loves you, and you must be strong and resolute for him now," she said firmly. That seemed to have broken the spell on Atul, and he looked up at her, saying "yes, you are right Jae Soo. We all must be strong for him," he took a deep breath, and looked up with those strong, masculine shoulders set. "but, I doubt I can be as strong as Halmoni . She is my new superhero. By the way, where is she?" I told all of them that she was taking care of some really upset little men right now, and we shouldn't worry: a superhero and their dads are watching over them. We all sat there in the folding chairs the staff brought in for us, all of us connected with each other, holding someone else's arm or hand. Jin Woo told us that his mother used to be a Hapkido instructor for the South Korean Marine Corps at a base near Seoul, and that she had a reputation among the marines, only the bravest of idiots would ever try to challenge her: she would always leave them with some bone broken as a souvenir. I believe him too!

Soon, Dr. Becker came back into the treatment room, and sat with us. "I am told that I can speak with all of you, correct?" she asked. Jin Woo and Jae Soo nodded in agreement. "Well then, I can tell you that we have some good news, and some not so good news. Jason does appear to have a small amount of bleeding on his right side of his pre-frontal lobe. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for short term memory. I have admitted him into the intensive care unit BUT it is just so we can constantly monitor his intracranial pressure, and be insured that the bleeding doesn't increase, or cause any damage. We will keep him sedated for at least twelve to twenty four hours to help prevent any swelling. He has no doubt suffered a concussion, but for now, all other signs are good: young brains repair themselves quickly. When he is conscious, he may ask the same questions over and over again: do not worry -- and don't make him worry -- just answer the questions as many times as he asks: this is typical of a pre-frontal lobe injury, and it usually clears up quickly." We asked Dr. Becker some other questions regarding long term injury or impairment, and she calmed us -- with the usual caveats about "unforeseen developments" -- with her expectation of a full recovery for him.

A staff member came in, and told us she would be taking us to the ICU to be with Jason. On the way, she said that no more than two people could visit him at once, but for now, Dr. Becker would allow all of us to stay until 10:00 PM, but only one person could stay with him over night. I took a moment to call Dileep to let him know, and that he could go home. He expressed gratitude, and said "I will see you tomorrow afternoon for our trip to the airport," before hanging up. I was glad that this nice, strong, intelligent, (and handsome) man would be with us. I then called Carla, and told her that 10:00 PM would be great if she could, or we could get an Uber: she insisted, 10 PM it was. On walking back into the room, I was comforted; little Jason looked to be peacefully asleep, but now with an IV tube, and a urinary catheter.

The peaceful scene broke when we heard a great "growl" from someone's stomach: it was Atul. None of us had had anything to eat since lunch. Jae Soo told all of us her friends would be downstairs in the dining room with food, and that she would stay with Jason while we ate. Expecting sandwiches or some take out, I was shocked to find three middle-aged Korean ladies laying out a Korean buffet for us. Atul looked at Jin Woo and began to ask "how....?" Jin Woo's response? There are three ways to quickly spread news: telephone, television, and tell a Korean: by now, half the Korean community in Atlanta knew what had happened, and were preparing to jump in to take care of the Cho family's needs. It kind of reminded me of what it was like to be a member of the United Methodist Church as a child -- same principles of caring, compassion, and concern. Atul ate quickly, and rushed back upstairs to relieve Jae Soo so she could eat. We decided that Jae Soo would stay with Jason that night, and that I or Atul would relieve her in the morning, until Jin Woo could figure out who would take care of the grocery store. When we all got back upstairs, Atul was holding his boy's hand, and had the fingers from the other hand gently running through Jason's hair. He yielded the space to Jin Woo, and stood by me. We gave him the plan, and sat with the Cho's until shortly before 10:00 PM, deciding that Atul would be back in the morning for a few hours while Jin Woo arranged things. Carla was there out front, ready to pick us up, and we headed home, largely silent, except for filling Carla in on Jason's status.

Halmoni was still with the boys, who had fallen asleep wrapped in her arms at her sides. We filled them all in on Jason's condition, and Halmoni extricated herself so that she could get some of Jae Soo's things for Atul to take to the hospital in the morning. Juergen and Felipe gathered up their sleeping sons to take them to bed, but as Halmoni popped back in with a sack of things for Jae Soo, Felipe mentioned in jest that he never wanted to make Halmoni angry. Halmoni just declared with a low but steady voice: "if anyone try to hurt people I love, and that is all of you, let Halmoni know, and they will pay."

Atul and I were left alone, and I set the alarm for 5:30 AM. Atul had taken the next few days off to deal with the parents, so his morning was free to work with the Cho family. I had a feeling they would have had to use a team of horses to keep Atul away from his little guy. While Atul was in the bathroom, I called Neal for any updates: it seems that Rana's phone had been a valuable find: there were text messages to both her mother and her father. In them, it was plain to see that her father, mother, and Atul's father knew all along what a danger she posed, but their focus was entirely upon keeping the marriage afloat to maintain the family reputations. Further, Rana would be arraigned in the morning. Neal had arranged with the prosecuting attorney's office to have a Telugu interpreter there for her during the arraignment -- in the hope that the judge would immediately know if Rana once again stupidly said something of interest.. Someone from Neal's office would be there to oppose any bail, and that he and Robert would be here at 3:00 PM to go over the final game plan with the parents. I decided to save all that information for later tomorrow, as it would have prevented Atul from having any peaceful sleep -- which only came after Atul had quietly sobbed in bed in my arms for an hour or so.

Atul was up before the alarm went off: he clearly wanted to take care of his boy. I told him that Juergen would be in DC today, and that I was on call to take care of Jonas before his dad returned... of course, that meant that I would be taking care of Alex too. As he was getting ready, I made him and Jae Soo some breakfast bags: fruit, yogurt and toast. He kissed me and was out the door before I could even talk to him about Neal's news. Instead, I followed him to the car in my boxers to tell him I love him, and need him to be back about 3:00 PM to meet with Neal. He tolerated that delay in keeping him away from Jason, but just barely. Back inside, I texted Juergen and Felipe, letting them know I'd be making breakfast for the boys and for the parents if wanted: they both quickly agreed, but Felipe let me know that Carla wouldn't be hungry until sometime in the afternoon. Everything was laid out on the veranda (flower pot off) by the time they all came down. I asked how our "Little Men" are this morning, but Jonas muttered that he isn't officially a "little man" yet. Yep, we'd need to sort that out soon.

Juergen had also brought down his briefcase and a small backpack for his flight to DC this morning, saying he was just going to the airport straight from breakfast. He had planned to drive to the Indian Creek MARTA station and take the train to the airport... I wish more Atlantans would do that! While the boys were engaged in a discussion, he pulled me to the side, and told me that Jonas had been stressed by the events last night, and had required "Sonderhandlung" in the middle of the night to get him back to sleep. He asked me to take the boys to school in the car, as he wanted maximum watchfulness for any problems. I told him that I'd go inside and warn Mr. Wilson about what happened last night with Jason, that the boys were witnesses, and ask him to keep an eye out for any odd behavior from either of the boys -- to let me know ASAP if there was anything of concern. He thanked me, kissed and hugged our little guys, and with that, jetted off just like Atul did earlier. Felipe watched that affectionate scene with a curious expression, and asked why he never got kisses or hugs, to which both of them leapt up, sat in his lap, and began plying him with hugs and kisses on the cheek, then at the edge of his lips, and then fully on the lips. I told them to run in the bathroom, and wash up after breakfast. In their absence, Felipe grabbed my hand and pulled it over to his crotch: he was hard. "Look what those boys woke up" he said.

We both decided to take the boys to school --a little later than the boys usually left so that we could arrive just as the school day started. Felipe took the opportunity to go up, check on Carla, and get ready for work. I cleaned up after breakfast, and talked with Alex and Jonas at the same time, asking them how they were feeling, and confirming with them once again that Jason was going to be just fine, but may have some trouble remembering things for a little bit. Alex seemed fine, but Jonas was unusually reserved: he said he would be fine once Jason was home. They were sitting in my lap as Felipe came back down; both of them hugged me and kissed me on the lips -- Felipe also made that curious facial expression from earlier. All of us piled into the car, we made our way to Indian Creek Elementary. We were lucky to find an empty parking space around the side, and made our way inside. The boys parted and went toward their classroom, while Felipe and I went inside the office to find Mr. Wilson.

We explained what happened last night, that the boys had witnessed the events, and that Jason was in the hospital. I also told him that Jonas' father was out of town today, and I was watching him. I hinted that Jonas did have an anxiety disorder for which he was being treated, and that stress sometimes triggers an attack in him. I asked him to please let me know if anything seems "off" with him, so I could pick him up, and give him a treatment. I thanked him -- what a nice, professional young man he is!

On the way back home, Felipe grabbed his crotch, showing me his hard cock. He said that he didn't know how he would make it through work today, that the boys had really gotten him riled up, and then he flat-out asked me if he could "fuck me real quick." I'm not going to let that sweet man be stressed out: we need him this weekend. He told me he had about 45 minutes before he had to head to work. Once back, we ran in, and I told him I was going to go get ready, and for him to take off his clothes. All cleaned out, I walked into the bedroom, and he was already completely naked, laid back on the bed, hard as hell, all ten brown inches throbbing and gently curving upward. I took a look at his scrotum -- it was all drawn up, with deep, tight wrinkles keeping the balls cocooned inside. I just had to have a taste: nice and salty, and the huge balls were pulled up tighter with the contact. This was the business end of a straight, fertile, actively breeding, alpha Papi. His scrotum and its contents were busy right now producing a huge load that had my name on it for immediate deposit.

By now, we had no more than thirty minutes left. I moved over, laid down with my ass at the edge of the bed, spread my legs, gave him the lube, and said "Fuck me papi. We don't have much time." He was up, lubed, and poised at my hole in no time. He grabbed my ankles and growled at me: "Can I fuck you hard?" I just nodded, and he pushed forth, groaning all the way down, making sure that working man scrotum was plastered deep into my ass crack. From there, he just went to town, with rapid, deep strokes. I applied extra tension with my muscles to hasten his ejaculation. While he was fucking me, he started getting verbal: "You know I'm going to fuck my boy tomorrow, right? I'm going to show him what it's like to have a man love him. Do you think Juergen fucks his boy too? That boy is beautiful, and deserves to be fucked every day." As this stream of hotness went on, Felipe's thrusts became more and more urgent, until the stream of vulgarity changed; "I'm ready to fill your ass with my cum and breed you. Can I fuck you really hard now? I know I didn't eat your pussy and prepare you, but my boys need to blast deep into you." I told him yes, and he began powerdriving his huge cock into me, until he roared once again, and I could feel the firehose inside me letting loose. "Oh God, I'm going to do this to Alejandro tomorrow! I'm going to fill him up!" he repeated, before collapsing between my legs, and onto my chest. He then surprised me, by filling my mouth with his tongue, kissing me with passion, until his wave finally crashed onto the beach. I felt some of his cum leaking out before he pulled out.

Our time was up. He thanked me a thousand times while he got dressed again, and rushed out to get to work. Yes, we'd all need to work together to get our needy Papi through this pregnancy.

Next: Chapter 25

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