Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Jul 10, 2020


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Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear! I need to get some business handled, so the output of the chapters will not be as rapid over the next few weeks.

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine, although some of you have given me really, really good ideas to throw into it - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 25 by Rich Lobo

Wow, I so needed that. Don't get me wrong! I LOVE my Atul, and would do anything in the world for him, but taking that beautiful, demanding cockhead on the fly, and without a lot of planning and preparation is no bringer of relief from stress. I have now had sex wit ahll the men in the building, and each one of them has their own "superhero" sexual powers I guess LOL, and it appears that with all of us -- except between Atul and I -- it is just "sex" within a closed group, and that is fine with me: the primary purpose of this closed group is for the benefit of Jason, Alex, and Jonas: making sure they safely learn and get what they need to grow and thrive. Once Felipe is fully on-boarded, we will have built a kind of "man" family, and will take care of the boys -- and each other. I have to admit: my sex life has NEVER been better! I still feel Felipe's load inside me, and want to hold onto it for a while longer. I feel such an easy connection with him, and I hope this connection will last beyond Carla's giving birth.

One thing has been nagging in my head though: sex in the missionary position for me is a great deal of fun: maintaining the angle of penetration can mean a great deal of pleasure, but losing due to poor support can be painful. I've been looking at triangular and wedge shaped foam pillows that might make maintaining the good angles easier, and have committed to getting two of them for the guest bedroom, which is rapidly becoming the neighborhood "recreation center." Thus, I jumped in the car, and ran over to Inserection to get them before tomorrow's funtime between Felipe and his little man. I had just gotten out of the store around 11:00 AM, and put the pillows in the trunk when my cell phone went off -- unknown number starting with 404-297. While I don't usually answer unknown numbers, this was a Clarkston area code and prefix, so I took the chance, and am glad I did.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lobo?"

Me: "Yes, that's me".

Caller: "I'm sorry to disturb you, but this is Russell Wilson at Indian Creek Elementary school. You met with me this morning, and I know Mr. Meier is out of town, but there is a concern about Jonas. I believe he is displaying some rather pronounced signs of the anxiety disorder you described earlier, and am wondering if you might be able to come to the school right away."

Good God, "rather pronounced signs;" what was that child doing?

Me: "Yes. I am just finishing up a task downtown right now, and will be there in a few minutes."

Mr. Wilson:"Excellent, I have Jonas in my office right now, safe and out of sight of the other students and staff. I'll be expecting you soon."

I'm not going to lie: this was bad. Educators in Georgia are legally bound under threat of severe penalty to report suspicion of any physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of students in their care. Even though Jonas (and to a lesser extent Jason and Alex) suffered from a recognized condition, an educator who might follow a more conservatively judgmental course in life might well be ready to start the alarms ringing. On the way there, I sent up a silent prayer that Jonas had been able to hold things together well enough to exhibit symptoms of a rather pronounced -- but GENERIC -- anxiety disorder. I was on pins and needles as I pulled into the parking lot, scanning the environment for police cars. By the time I walked into Mr. Wilson's office and closed the door behind me, I could see that things were not pointed in a more generic direction.

Mr. Wilson was seated in one of the guest chairs in front of his desk. On his right leg, sat Jonas: the term "was seated" was in this case a subjective term. He was grinding his little ass into Mr. Wilson's leg, backing his rear end up into the adult's crotch. Before I could get an apology out, Mr. Wilson started one of his own: "I'm sorry about what this looks like. I know it looks entirely out of bounds, but it seems to be the only position in which Mr. Jonas here is able to keep relatively calm and still at the moment." I sat in the other chair, and motioned Jonas over to my lap. He jumped up into it, facing me, left leg outside my right leg, and his right leg between mine, his arms around my back, and his tearstained face in my neck. "I'm sorry, Mr. Rich, the itch is so bad that I can't stand it; he began grinding into my right leg. "I got so worried about Jason, and the itch started bad!" he got out before starting to moan into my neck.

I looked over to Mr. Wilson to gauge his reaction: He surprised me by saying "I'm guessing Acute Pre-Adolescent Hypersexuality Syndrome, and by the look of things, a pretty bad case of it." I could only nod in agreement. He asked me to begin doing whatever worked to calm Jonas, and to not be concerned: where some might see "abuse", he saw "treatment" in this case. Trepidatiously, I pushed Jonas away from me a bit so that I could undo his shorts, then pulling him back to me while reaching behind him, and putting my hand down into his shorts, positioning a massaging finger at his anus: it wouldn't stop the problem, but it might settle him down enough to get to the car. Jonas immediately did settle down, and the moaning shifted to soft cooing: nice, but this wouldn't last long.

Mr. Wilson then asked if we could use our first names with each other: fine with me -- being all formal while you have a finger shoved up an eleven year old boy's ass did seem a tad ridiculous. Russell then briefly told me that during his Master's and Ed. Specialist programs, he had focused on adolescent psychology, with an emphasis on developmental disorders related to puberty and adolescence. He and a small group of other graduate students had focused on psychosexual disorders of male adolescents, and had given presentations on the small body of research and clinical studies in these areas. Hypersexuality had been discussed, but had focused largely on the heterosexual manifestations of it, there being so little information of homosexual manifestations of hypersexuality in the literature -- politics being what they are, there had been no funding for study.

Russell: "I've been going through all the research databases, and due to the very sparse mention of a case or two, I thought I'd never see a case myself."

Me; "You've actually met three: Jason and Alex have it as well, but haven't been officially diagnosed as such. This little guy here in my lap has been diagnosed, and it's a lot worse than with the other two. All the dads are working together to help them sequestered as much as possible as a cohort to keep it all sorted out and to keep them SAFE."

Russell: "I'm glad to hear this. The condition manifests itself clinically in pretty much the same way between heterosexually and homosexually oriented adolescents; however, due to the political and legal overtones, there is not much hard research on treatment options for the homosexually oriented patients. There is some anecdotal information on treatments, but no researcher has, or will openly admit, that he or she has actually been allowed to be involved in therapy, or has been able to make clinical observations of patients in therapy.

Me: "They should drop by our building from time to time."

Russell didn't laugh. Instead (pointing to my hand and finger inside Jonas' shorts), he asked "I assume there is a working therapeutic plan for Jonas, and the boys?" I nodded yes. "And may I also assume that the therapy is focused on stimulation of their immature prostates?"

Me: "Yes, as well as a set of other things we've found the boys require both individually and those things they require collectively, such as health and sanitation, and implements' and procedures'"

Russell: "It would probably be a better idea not to go into details of such things here, but do you think there would be a possibility I could observe one or more of the therapy sessions?" I asked Jonas in German if it would be ok for Mr. Wilson to be present during Sonderhandlung: he nodded his head into my neck. He also began to grind back into my finger.

Me: "Well, Jonas gives his permission. I have a feeling that if his therapy doesn't start very soon, we may have problems here. If you can take some time off-campus, you're welcome to stop by to observe at lunchtime.

Russell: "I can take the rest of the afternoon off as personal leave. Here, let me hold Jonas, while you go sign him out at the front desk." Jonas moved back over, and assumed a similar position with Russell, who did begin massaging his backside, but from the outside of his shorts. When I came back, he had Jonas all buttoned up and ready to roll. It was 11:30 AM by then, so I told Russell that if he could come by around 12:00 noon, the door would be unlocked - but come in and lock it on entry, as I'd be busy getting Jonas prepared for a thorough session aimed at making him appear to be a normal eleven year old boy again I asked if he'd get word to Alex that I'd picked Jonas up, got Jonas on his feet and pointed toward the car, and rushed him through the door to get him home before anyone noticed that he wasn't just "not feeling well."

Squirming in the back seat, he asked me if Mr. Wilson was going to be naked as well during Sonderhandlung. I told him I didn't know, but if something bothered him, he should always directly ask whomever is involved. We were home in a very few minutes, and I directed him to the guest bathroom to go ahead and make himself really clean and ready -- since we were going to have a guest. I put the new foam pillows out, as well as the usual beach and hand towels, as well as lube and poppers (should they be required). Then, I positioned the armchair beside the bed, giving our observer an adequate field of view, before disrobing myself. I heard the outside door open, then close and lock before announcing "In here." Russell walked in, and did seemed to display a bit of shock at my lack of attire. Before he could ask, I offered that one of the things Jonas expects during treatment is complete nudity: not even socks or wristwatches. Russell asked if he should also disrobe, but I told him "not yet, let Jonas have control over that. We're encouraging the boys to affirmatively articulate their opinions and wishes, hoping that in the future they would do so, and not simply let their future partners control them like puppets." He agreed, and, as he took his seat let me know that was an excellent plan.

Jonas soon joined us, smiling nervously as he climbed up on the bed. I am still awestruck each time I see Little Jonas in his birthday suit: cottontop blonde, blazing blue eyes, perfect alabaster skin from head to precious toes. He did seem particularly jumpy today, and on noting it, asked if it would be a good idea to restrain him at least for the first part of Sonderhandlung: he said "yes", and then looked over to Russell with what looked like a question in his eyes.

Me: "Jonas? Is there anything you would like to say to or ask of Mr. Wilson?" Jonas just looked up at me with a timid expression. Russell: "Jonas, this is your time and your treatment; Mr. Rich and I want you to feel completely comfortable the whole time. You should always let other people know if you are uncomfortable with anything.

Jonas: "Mr. Wilson, I'm really sorry, but It makes me uncomfortable to get my treatment when people are wearing clothes. It reminds me of being the only naked one in the Doctor's office in Germany"

Russell stood up, and began disrobing completely, as I got the restraints from the toy drawer, and began splaying the boy out with his entire ass just off the top edge of the new wedge pillow, explaining how the foam wedge works. Jonas was soon held tightly in position, ass up and spread ready for treatment. I then took a few moments to make my own observations on our new observer: tall, about 6 feet or so, with chiseled facial features, and a well trimmed chinstrap, beard and mustache with black medium curly hairs. He was slim and muscular, quite hairy from chest down a trail to well trimmed, wavy pubes. Those light curls followed down the thighs, all the way down to the tops of his feet. His skin? I'm not going to ask directly, but I'm guessing he is of Brazilian heritage: not entirely African, but probably a little darker than Atul. His flaccid cock was the same hue as the rest of his body, and was cut, featuring a well formed glans. It wasn't possible to make out any further details with his pubic bush hiding most other features.

Jonas wasn't in any mood for anyone else to be the center of attention: he just looked up at me plaintively, and asked me to "fuck his itch". Telling Russell that it was critical to open and relax the sphincter completely, I bent down to begin rimming him open. Within seconds, Jonas was moaning and squirming in his tight bonds. His little white feet and toes were gyrating in the Velcro loops holding them firmly, spread wide apart, to the edges of the metal headboard. Given the level of practice he had attained, the resistance of Jonas' hole evaporated quickly, leaving behind a red, slightly gaped hole, bordered by a loose band of dark pink -- it really resembled a small rubber band -- that formed the border between his anus and his ivory white ass, spread wide open by the Velcro restraints around his ankles. Jonas' porcelain penis was hard, with his red cockhead peeking halfway outside of his foreskin, and his growing balls prominently showing inside his tight, smooth, porcelain scrotum . We were far enough along to begin prostate stimulation. I grabbed the lube, but Russell stopped me, telling me that even though research studies were few, all of them came up with the same anecdotal finding: silicone lubrication did not provide sufficient friction of the rectum and prostate for the best outcomes. In fact, most of them found enhanced results with a thin coating of regular, dollar store variety petroleum jelly --Vaseline.

After thinking about it for a second, it made sense. I told Jonas I'd be back in a second, and went back to root around in the cabinet under my bathroom sink, where I seem to remember a jar of Vaseline: I'd bought it for chapped lips some years ago, but no worries: the stuff never goes bad. When I got back, I found Russell on his knees in front of Jonas' ass, he was lightly rubbing his index finger around Jonas' pink band, then moving up over his scrotum and on to the tip of his penis, rubbing around Jonas' piss slit, before moving back down to the ass ring. He was focused on the new sensations, and Jonas was laying there, eyes focused on Russell's, mouth-breathing deeply in and out every half second. Russell noticed my return, sprang up from where he was (with a prodigious chub bouncing... fully erect, he'd likely be a monster. He just said "I'm sorry! He is just the most beautiful creature I've ever seen" before retaking his seat.

I looked into Jonas' eyes, and comforted him, letting him know that I'd be inside him soon. He just began whispering "fick mich, fick mich, fick mich" over and over. I applied a light coating of Vaseline to myself, and a small dab around his ass lips before setting my angle and height: yes, this foam wedge would indeed ensure a very stable approach to the prostate. I firmly placed the tip of my cockhead just inside his gape, and his little ring fitted itself tightly around the equator of the glans. I glanced over to Russell, who was paying rapt attention to the scene, before checking in with Jonas. Getting no objection, I pushed forward, slowly, all the way to the base. Jonas moaned loudly, in a way he hadn't before, noting that it felt different, "more tight, and more warm". The Vaseline did provide an entirely new context to the fuck... there was much more tension and friction, but it wasn't painful for me. I did check back with Jonas several times to make sure he wasn't in distress. I pulled back, and began a rhythm that was certainly slower than the other times I had fucked him. Jonas, for his part, laid his head back on the pillows, and closed his eyes -- his face a beatific vision of peace and contentment.

I started a play-by-play commentary and narration for our professional observer, who appeared to be letting his professional objectivity slip: by now, his cock was hard, and it was indeed a monster, I would guess around nine inches, ramrod straight, wide girth, purple cockhead with nicely flared corona, and drooling a stream of pre-cum down his shaft.

"Jonas needs three things for successful treatment: he needs nudity, he needs his legs to be spread widely and stretched out like a "V", and he needs to feel the sperm inject into him. This is one thing the boys all have in common; they refuse to let the men who treat them to wear condoms. This is why we are so careful about making certain we know who is treating them. Jonas gets best results from a series of two deep thrusts and one shallow thrust directly on the prostate, with the thrusts timed at approximately one second intervals: I changed my thrusts to demonstrate. He also enjoys having his anus stretched toward the end of his sessions, in a recent one, he successfully double penetrated himself with two adult penises. In a normal session, his father will generally bring him to two orgasms, before cumming with Jonas at the same time on his third. For Jonas, this treatment -- every two days or so -- is effective to maintain control on his anxiety. In times of stress, like today, it sometimes takes multiple treatments to bring what he calls his "itch" under control. Luckily, his father will be home later in the afternoon to follow up."

I continued: "If you will take note, I sense that Jonas is ready for his first orgasm. The clue is that his ring begins to make shallow fluttering pulses along my shaft on the upstroke. If I begin focusing the thrusts on his prostate, well, just observe." Not varying the tempo, but applying more force, I attacked his prostate. "It won't take long, twenty or so strong strokes, and he'll be there. Reach out and take his cockhead between your thumb and forefinger. Do you feel how firm that feels? Also, do you observe the production of pre-seminal fluid?" Russell nodded. "Now, move your finger to the base of his stalk, Lean forward and look; do you see the small nest of bright blonde hair our little man is growing? Yes? He is in puberty now. OK, Russell, he is about to have his first orgasm. I feel him tensing up. Wrap your entire hand around his penis, and hold it tight. Here he goes." I began pounding him deeply, until his whole body tensed up. His eyes opened wide, and he stopped breathing. Russell then noted: "he is ejaculating".

The first orgasm over, I returned to the regular two long and one short strokes. Russell removed his hand and held it up to his face so he could see the little glazed smears now on his palm. I looked over to Russell and said: "yes, that is a brand new physical manifestation for our little man, and trust me, it is delicious." He took a couple of seconds, and then swiped one of the smears with the tip of his tongue. A few seconds later, he took a longer swipe, and then finally cleaned off his hand with his tongue.

I asked Jonas if he was alright, and if he wanted me to release the straps; he just nodded, and told me the straps were good for now. While I was giving the lube a touch-up, Russell surprised me by asking Jonas if it was ok if he could test his physical reactions to someone touching his body with his hands, to which Jonas nodded affirmatively, and gave an "mmmm hmmm. Mr. Wilson, you can touch me anywhere you want." During the second cycle of the fuck, Russell's hands wandered over every square inch of Jonas' porcelain flesh. During the exploration of Jonas' feet, he leaned forward to gently kiss each toe. Russell moved his hand down now to "the battlefield," where my cock was plowing the beautiful ivory ass. His fingers traced around the ring as it traveled up and down my cock, pulling out on the upstroke, and pushing in on the downstroke. All of a sudden, Russell looked up at me and said "did I just feel a flutter?" I nodded yes, and began my attack of the young prostate anew. Russell grabbed Jonas' shaft with his whole hand, and began stroking the shaft. Just as Jonas' tightened up, Russell retracted Jonas' foreskin, and enveloped the ruby red glans between his lips, drinking up the sweetness directly from the source.

For the third cycle, things started out much the same way as the first two. Jonas wanted to remain restrained and became more verbal, telling Mr. Wilson where he wanted to be touched. Specifically, he asked if Mr. Wilson would please cover his balls with his mouth, and then if he would lick his ring with his tongue, my cock still going in and out; he did that (and it felt wonderful) and announced that his tongue felt the flutter, before moving to place his weight on his feet at the top corners of the mattress, and his hands below Jonas' ass. He took all of Jonas' cock and balls into his mouth for his orgasm, and had an unparalleled view of Jonas' ass as I began dumping my load into it, as well as the ruby red chasm I left behind after pulling out. Russell pulled himself away from its perch over Jonas' body, from whence he, having not cum, had drizzled a number of strings of his own pre-cum onto Jonas' heaving torso.

We released Jonas' bonds, sat him up, and gave him some water. He told us the new lube felt REALLY good, and that he felt better, but he still felt an itch, and needed more treatment. I asked if he could wait until his father got home, but he felt he couldn't wait that long: I'd have to locate Atul or one of the other neighbors. Just then, Russell asked me if he could provide therapy. I wasn't sure about this, because I didn't know his sexual or health history. He ran out to the living room, and came back with his briefcase. He told me his girlfriend (after that?!? girlfriend?!?) had been cheating on him. He had been monogamous, and had immediately gone for comprehensive testing just after their break-up, and one month after; He pulled out the test results from the prior week to prove it to me. The man was clean, and ready to stray away from the real pussy. I just looked into Jonas' face and asked him "will you let Mr. Wilson fuck your boypussy?" To which Jonas just whispered with a wicked little grin: "can he fuck my boypussy in the sling?"

Russell was standing there, as hard as a rock. His cock looked like a missile ready to soar skyward. It wavered only a bit until I got the sling installed in the hooks overhead, and explained how it worked. At that, the cock soared skyward again. Jonas climbed up into the sling, as I laid out the towel below. I had Russell stand at the end so I could adjust the height so that Jonas' pussy naturally met up with the angle of Russell's cock. I strapped Jonas' legs back, and (out of curiosity), got the tub of Vaseline, and began to lube Russell's hard cock: it was firm, and warm: I wouldn't mind a ride on it myself. When ready, Jonas asked Mr. Wilson if he had ever fucked a boy before. The answer? No. He had never been with a male before, and only with two females, but Jonas was so beautiful, he just had to try it. I intervened at that tender moment, telling both of them it would be better if Mr. Wilson just played around with the now loose boypussy until he got used to it. To his credit, Russell got on his knees, and began tentatively rimming Jonas; I told him that it was very similar to a woman's pussy, and to treat it as such, which he did.

After he had given Jonas another passionate and careful rimming, Russell stood, and began poking his cockhead into Jonas' still open gape. The ring, still glistening from Russell's saliva, adapted and fit itself to the shape of whatever portion of the firm, purple cockhead was pressed inside the pink bordered province. Russell also began applying pressure against the pendulum of the sling, figuring out the physics of this new form of pleasure. I can only imagine the thoughts going through his mind: with only two sexual partners in his past, and those experiences having occurred on rather firm mattresses or other foundations, this "swinging" world would require him to adapt skills learned as a child on a playground swing set. To his credit, he figured it out quickly: Normal thrusting would require a firm grasp on Jonas' thighs. Any other thrusts or motions would require some understanding of physics.

Jonas, after Alex's "manhood" ceremony, was better prepared for this. He began coaching Mr. Wilson on what he should do: "push in until it goes all the way in." "Pull back until it comes out." "Stand still, and let me swing onto your dick." "Push me harder." "Push me harder!" "Let my little boy pussy eat your big man cock, Mr. Wilson!" Jonas then surprised me: "Mr. Wilson, will you please kiss me?" To which, Russell bent over, grabbing Jonas' shoulders to anchor him, and planted his beard framed lips over Jonas' little red lips. After several minutes of being anchored to Jonas, Russell began regular thrusts into Jonas, until he began sensing something fluttering, to which he began pounding into Jonas with abandon. With his sparse sexual history, Russell was not at all prepared for the rush of sensations that were soon to clamp down hard onto his entire cock and being. Soon, Jonas was shrieking "Oh my God, Mr. Wilson! I feel you cumming inside me! Oh God! This feels so good! I love you, Mr. Wilson!" I looked down, and saw waves of semen seep out of Jonas' stretched hole, and plop down to the towel below. Russell was breathing rapidly and deeply, and I was sure for a moment that he was having convulsions while bent over Jonas: in reality, he was crying -- they both were.

Russell embraced Jonas' torso, and Jonas did the same, also wrapping his legs around Russell's waist. They were still connected below, as well as by their lips as Russell rose up to vertical, bringing Jonas up with him. They maintained their connections. It would be a few moments until they could find words. Jonas pulled his head back, so that he could look up into Russell's eyes, and Russell bent his head forward so that their foreheads could touch. "Mr. Wilson, you took really good care of me. I feel so good and peaceful now. Thank you. I love you." Russell tightened his embrace around Jonas, and kissed his forehead. "Jonas?", Russell asked, " from the first moment I saw you in here, I fell totally in love with this beautiful boy I am holding in my arms. We will have to work out how to do this, but I do love you baby boy. When we are not at school, please call me Russell.

It was just about then that we noticed that a naked Atul had walked in. I had told Atul about the nice Mr. Wilson earlier, but before I could make introductions, Jonas jumped in: "Mr. Wilson -- uhhh, sorry, -- Russell, this is Atul. He and Rich love each other as partners and manfriends. Also, Atul loves Jason specially as his boyfriend, and Rich loves Alex specially as his boyfriend. Alex and Jason have manfriends they love, and I don't have one. Would you please be my manfriend, and can I be your boyfriend? I promise nobody at school will know!" I sidled up to Atul, enveloping him in my arms as we both watched this tender moment. Russell's cock must have still been erect, as Jonas lifted himself up, and replanted himself down completely on Russell. They both moaned and cuddled, and Russell pledged "I will, my special little man. I will", whereupon Jonas got a long, wet kiss. They were so damned precious: they belonged together.

I asked Atul how Jason was doing, and he gave all of us a brief report: he is back to consciousness, but having short term memory problems as Dr. Becker predicted. He needs to stay in the hospital one more night, but could come home tomorrow morning if all is still well. During this, I noticed that Jonas had visibly relaxed, and that the grip his arms and legs had on Russell's body had also relaxed. He seemed to be placing more and more of his weight directly upon Russell's still erect cock: he was self stretching. As he raised and lowered himself, letting his body effectively "hang" from the cock impaling his sphincter -- thus stretching his sphincter. He said: "Russell, Atul sometimes gives me treatments. He has a very special penis that makes me feel wonderful. Right now, I'd like it if you would share me with him at the same time, with both of your penises inside me. Is that ok, my manfriend?" Russell agreed, but before anything could happen, I jumped in: "Young man, those are two very large penises, and if we don't do it correctly, you could find yourself in the hospital with Jason!"

Atul was already hard, but his cockhead wasn't swollen out: that would come later. Alex asked him to walk over, and show his cock to Russell, who, having never seen or touched another man's erection before, didn't quite know what to do. Tightening his hold on Russell with his legs, his left hand grabbed Russell's right hand, and guided it over to Atul's shaft. Russell was tentative with it -- it was the first time he would touch another man, but soon adjusted to yet another new sensation. It was here that I took the job of directing things: "First of all, we are using the silicone lube, and lots of it. Second we need to transfer Jonas over onto Atul's cock: there's no way Atul can enter him if Russell is already in there." I slathered Atul's cock up abundantly, and moved Atul over to Russell and Jonas, facing Jonas' back. The two men worked together to lift Jonas up, off of Russell's cock, and over onto Atul's cock. After a brief hiss and a wince, Jonas' hole began sliding down Atul's shaft, finding its perch over the cockroot. Atul had an arm around Jonas' torso, but it was only steadying him, not supporting his weight. Jonas then released and dropped his legs, his feet dangling in the air somewhere between Atul's knees and feet: this hanging posture would certainly mean even more stretching of Jonas' hole.

I attended to Russell's cock next: it was still engorged with blood, greasy and angry looking. A few squirts and rubs of lube took care of the preparation. We got Atul and Russell to stand facing each other over the beach towel -- this was guaranteed to be a messy, cummy outcome. With the help of Atul's hands, Jonas' legs were raised up and spread. Atul moved his hands to cup and lift Jonas' little globes, raising the hole off of the larger cockroot itself, and providing hopefully enough clearance for Russell's cockhead to enter. Russell had a clear view where the brown cock was spearing his little man, and moved his abundantly moist cockhead to that spot. I hit "pause" long enough to find the poppers, and explain the utility of the little brown bottle to Russell. Jonas took several hard hits from the bottle, and spread his legs wider. Russell struggled to find an approach, so I got down on the floor and guided him in. After a few shouts, and a lot of deep breathing, Russell's cock head breached the fortress, and the shaft began sinking in alongside Atul's shaft. Jonas began stretching his legs out to either side, perpendicular to both Atul and Russell, it was almost as if he were trying to do the splits. Atul noticed, and moved his cupped hands below Jonas' thighs on either side, to support Jonas' weight. Russell placed his hands on Jonas' sides, and began muttering: "Oh God, oh God, this is so tight... so beautiful.. I feel your cock next to mine Atul, and what is that? Oh God, it's your cockhead. It is pressed up tightly against mine. It's sliding past... Oh God!" Ominously, Atul was uncharacteristically silent.

From below, I could see the two shafts being forced by Jonas' taut muscles to face each other, tightly pressed together, and I could see Jonas' widening dark pink ring adopt a kind of "figure 8" shape around the two brown cylinders invading him. Soon, Russell's tight scrotum slid into place tightly against Atul's sexy ball sack: both sacks were now in intimate contact with the now tightly stretched little figure 8 they were now both covering. In this standing position, both Atul and Russell could -- in theory -- make independent, deep thrusts into Jonas, a good friend of mine had corresponded with me on DP positions, and how they might be improved. This was one of them that we had discussed: different from other (more horizontal) double penetration methods, in which the penetrator on the bottom, due to gravity, weight and friction, does not usually have much leverage at all. Instead, Atul and Russell stared seriously into each other's eyes, silently coordinating their motions, progressively lifting Jonas up higher, and letting gravity bring him back down. All three made adjustments to their positions, Russell and Atul each cupping underneath one of Jonas' thighs each, and the other hand on each other's back, holding the trio stably upright. Jonas' job was simply to "ride," and that he did, moaning loudly the whole time; the DP fuck was well underway.

I could just imagine the frottage battle going on between the tightly constricted and highly lubricated shafts and cockheads just eight or so inches inside. Knowing how much pre-cum Atul produces, and having seen respectable quantities earlier from Russell, I knew I'd need to be moving my own position before it began to rain on me. Sure enough, I heard the telltale sound of wet skin slapping together, just before long trails of drool began stretching down to the ground from the tight, brown scrotums grinding together. Now that the mechanics had been sorted, both men bent their heads down and began kissing their little man: Atul kissing his neck and ears, and Russell attacking his lips and face. I took a moment to grab my phone, and make a brief video of this beautiful moment to show Juergen later. I also took a quick shot of Russell's STD test results, which were still out on the floor, as proof of Russell's safety.

To all good things must come an end, and very shortly, it was obvious that both the men were gearing up for orgasm. The breathing got faster, and their coordination began to stumble a bit, when Russell suddenly bellowed "your cockhead is killing me! Oh God! I'm cumming! AAAAAH!" Russell's scrotum tightened up, showcasing both his balls. Atul's orgasm began a few seconds later, and both of them let gravity pull them as deep as possible into Jonas, who began moaning his own orgasm in time with the convulsions going on inside him. I aimed the camera back up at their junctures, expecting the white waterfalls any second, and they did not fail to impress. Cum poured down from both the cinched in points of the figure 8.

Before they began to separate, I broke into their bliss, reminding them that they were joined together by a little man who would greatly appreciate them deflating a bit before they left him. While the denouement processed, I got some towels, and began to mop things up a bit down there. Soon, Russell had deflated sufficiently to retire himself, and exited with another gout of semen. He then took Jonas fully into his arms, and gently lifted a now very tired little guy off of Atul's still hard cock. Tired little guy was good! Tired little guy meant successful Sonderhandlung. I led the both of them into the bathroom to clean up, told them to use the guest bed to rest for a bit, and then went back to my man: he still had needs, and we had some time before everyone would show up.

Atul still had a good bit of stress on his soul, and an hour later, I was extremely thankful that Jonas' DP session had taken place before he tore into me on our bed, and that he was able to avoid taking out his frustration on Jonas. I had barely gotten out of the bathroom before he was on his knees, naked in the middle of the bed, growling, and ready to pounce. He didn't even give me the chance to lube my own ass before he was on top of me, and pushing his heavily lubed cock into me. He was so full of anger -- and I did understand that. Because I love him so much, I endured it. As he pounded me without mercy, I told him how much I love him, and prayed that the next few days would bring some resolution to the anger he now feels toward his own family for their "gift" of Rana. Incidentally, the word German noun "Gift" means "poison": how appropriate. That "gift" drew the greatest ire from Atul when it landed fully upon his boy -- his beloved -- Jason. When he finally planted deep inside me and blew out his rage for a short while, he very soon thereafter fell into a deep sleep while still on top of me.

I rolled out from under him, and went about gathering towels and other things that needed washing. I gently entered the guest bedroom, and lying there on the bed was the sweetest tableau I've ever seen: Jonas and Russell were in a deep, peaceful nap, lightly snoring, their limbs intertwined, Jonas' left cheek on top of Russell's shoulder. Yes, new love does refresh the soul. I decided to rest a bit myself, prior to getting my guys up before everyone else -- most importantly Alex -- showed up. In hindsight, I should have set an alarm. I awoke to someone knocking at the door. Rising, I took a quick glance at my phone, and saw it was a little before 2:50 PM. Fortunately, there were a few messages from Robert and Neal, indicating they were running late. I opened the door to find a smiling Felipe with his arms outstretched, he was also holding a small Amazon delivery package (the clock camera!). He walked into me, dropped the package on the table, wrapped me in his arms, and gave me a very sweet kiss on the lips. Telling me he wanted to have a chance to talk with me before his little guy got home, we took a seat on the couch.

Felipe: "Thank you so much for helping me out this morning. I was really in some pain; Carla and I had been doing `it' so regularly and so hard before she got pregnant, that I guess I got into that rhythm. You allowing me to fuck you made my day at work so much better. You don't have to do that for me, but you do. Also, I would also like for you to fuck me too, if you feel like it. I haven't forgotten how good that felt." If you would help me from time to time, I will be able to survive the next year.

Me: "Felipe, you don't have to thank me. We all know what it is like to be in your situation: I'm a widower, Jin Woo's situation doesn't allow him to have much sex, Juergen's wife is on the other side of the world, and poor Atul... you know that story." Felipe just nodded in understanding. "Felipe, I'm pretty much sure all of the men around here are willing to help you out with sex relief." He looked quite surprised at that.

Felipe: "Oh no.They wouldn't want to do that! I would feel too ashamed to ask them all to help me with my really stupid problems."

"Come with me." I said as I took his hand, and guided him back to the bedroom, where a peacefully slumbering Atul was still sprawled out naked on the bed."Atul and I have become very special to each other. He gives me peace, and I give him peace... although for him lately, peace has been a very difficult thing to have. If we don't have each other to count on, none of us would find any peace or happiness." To this, I just leaned over on the bed, giving my man a kiss on the cheek, and saying "wake up baby. Our guests will be arriving soon. Look here already! It's Felipe. Like you, he has a lot of stress on his soul.(our code words for `need sex')" Atul just raised his head, and reached out to take Felipe's hand. "Well my friend", he said, "I am here to help you carry your burden. I gave Felipe a quick kiss, and Atul pulled him down next for a kiss of his own... when out from the door, there arose such a clatter -- a banging, really. Alex was home. I had barely gotten the door open before a little brown whirlwind shoved past, asking "where's Jonas? I've been so worried about him all day!" He made a beeline for the guest room, and was standing inside it before I could stop him. He stood there with a baffled look on his face at the scene of peaceful repose before him.

"Uhhh, Rich?" Alex whispered, "That's Mr. Wilson there cuddled together with Jonas." The boy didn't miss much. "Wait... they're naked, aren't they. They are. Did Mr. Wilson help you give Jonas the Sonderstuff? About that time, Felipe and Atul walked into the doorway, Atul had his boxer briefs on, but their hands were still holding hands.

All at the same time:

Alex: "Papa? Why are you here, and what are you and Atul doing?..."

Felipe:"Is that Mr. Wilson in bed with that beautiful boy?"

I herded them all out into the living room, told Atul to get dressed and the Ramirez guys to have a seat on the couch while I woke up the new lovers, and then everybody would get explanations.

Jonas and Russell did wake, after a few prompts and shakes.Before they interacted with me, they both gave each other a sweet kiss. Moving things along, I explained that there would be several people arriving shortly, and that it might make things easier if they were dressed, and they both jumped into action. Jonas shrieked: "my clothes are all in the bathroom!" - no worries, I retrieved them. Soon, both of them, and Atul too, were out seated in the living room.

We didn't have time for the entire oratory, so I decided to just rip off the bandage, and give it to them machine gun style: "Carla is pregnant, and hasn't been inclined to take care of Felipe's needs, Jonas has a medical condition where he needs sexual attention frequently, and today he had a really bad attack: Mr. Wilson helped me take care of Jonas today. Atul and I lovers, and are going to make ourselves available to take care of Felipe and Jonas as well. There, before everybody gets here, that is everything in a nutshell. Any questions?" Jonas climbed up into Russell's lap, and Alex climbed up into Felipe's, After a few seconds, Alex chimed in: "That explains a lot. I even googled "why is my mom being such a bitch?" All four men in the room shouted "Language!" before dissolving into laughter.

Felipe talked directly to his son: "Alejandro, I want to have a talk with you here tomorrow. I know things are changing, and that you have questions. I want to help you become a man. I want to be the best papa I can be for you." Alex hugged his papa so tightly, I thought Felipe's eyes would pop out, before releasing him and turning around to Jonas and asking "so do we all have special partners now?" Jonas just meekly nodded, but Russell looked as if he had lost all color, seeing his career and freedom flying off. Alex sprang over to them, and also jumped into Russell's lap, hugging them both. "I'm so happy for you! Mr. Wilson, don't worry, Jason and me won't tell ANYBODY!, well once Jason gets out of the hospital and we tell him, cuz we are best friends, and we all love each other and the men who love us and take care of us. This is great! Jonas' daddy is gonna be so happy that he has someone who will help take care of Jonas!"

Felipe leaned over and whispered into my ear "you mean Juergen does actually fuck him?" I nodded yes. "Do you think I might be able to fuck him too?"

I also nodded yes, whispering back "Jonas' condition is rather severe. I believe you may be a big help to the team that is watching out for him also. I thing Jonas, and probably Juergen too, would really enjoy the way you fuck."

I thought I saw some movement in his crotch, when a knock was then heard at the door. I told everyone in the room that we'd get the other details sorted out after all of us -- as a family -- had taken care of Atul and his truly major problems. Everybody, to a person, agreed, even Russell. Even though he was brand new, he was now family, and a part of our melting pot

Next: Chapter 26

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