Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Aug 4, 2020


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Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear! I have been dealing with real-life business lately, and have been focused elsewhere.

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine, although some of you have given me really, really good ideas to throw into it - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 26 by Rich Lobo

Atul went and opened the door; it was Neal, Robert, and Dileep. They were all dressed in business attire, and we made our greetings and introductions, but not before Alex jumped up and gave Neal a great big hug, adding "hey everybody! This is Mr. Neal, and he's helping Atul get rid of psycho bat sh... stuff... crazy woman!" Wow -- my little man had just monitored and filtered his words on the fly. He is growing up! Neal just laughed, hugging Alex himself, and adding "well, everyone here is devoted to that task, young man." Everyone except for Russell had met all three of the arrivals last night, but most certainly, no one would have remembered any names following last night's events. Just then, Jin Woo arrived, apologizing for being late. He gave an update on Jason, who seemed to be improving, but with a fuzzy memory of the last 24 hours. Doctor Becker still wanted him to be in the ICU for monitoring, but thought he may be released either tomorrow or Sunday. Jin Woo had just left Jae Soo with the boy, and driven back over for the meeting.

Atul and I pulled out the dining room chairs, so -- however tight it was -- everyone had a seat, with Alex sitting on his father's lap, and Jonas sitting on his man's lap; both men each held their boys in a tight embrace. Neal took the floor, and announced that Dileep had attended Rana's arraignment at the jail complex just after lunch. Rana, it seems, had not been on her best behavior after her arrival at jail, and as an accessory to her orange jumpsuit, was also wearing a chic, off-white straight jacket. She cursed and threatened everyone in court -- and Dileep had dutifully translated everything for the court, and her public defender just shrugged his shoulders as the judge remanded her to custody, and sent her back upstairs, ordering a mental health consult. Neil then introduced Robert as his contracted security consultant, and asked him to let everyone know the plan for the evening.

Robert began with the state of things. Atul's and Rana's parents had landed in Frankfurt earlier, but their connecting flight to Atlanta had been delayed. They were now in the air, and should be landing in Atlanta around 6:30 PM. Given immigration, baggage claim and customs processing, they should be ready for pick up some time after 7:15 PM. Rana's mother had tried to call Rana while they were in Frankfurt, and when she got no answer, sent many text messages until Dileep responded, informing them that a transport service had been arranged, and that someone would be outside in the arrival's lobby with a sign with their names on it. The service would then take them to their hotel to get settled, and then everyone would meet up. Atul had also been told to deliver a similarly vague message to his parents should they also reach out, which Atul noted that he had. It seems Atul's father was rather put off by not being picked up personally, but for Atul, Dad's annoyance came as a special treat. Robert then noted that given how everything had occurred yesterday, and also how much vitriol was in play, it would be best not to have the parents over to the apartment complex, and that the presentation would take place in the more secure conference room at the hotel, which was now being set up by some of Robert's associates. An Anglo driver/security consultant and another security consultant, who would present himself as a Latino speaker of Spanish (although he also spoke French, English, Hindu, and Telugu fluently) would go to the airport to meet and deliver them to the hotel, and would also be recording and transmitting whatever was said to Robert, Neal and Dileep back at the hotel in real time. Robert's hope was that the parents would drop their guard, and in their jetlag say something of value during the 45 minute drive to the hotel.

During this presentation, I couldn't help notice Neal, who was sitting directly across from me, keep stealing glances at Dileep, who was sitting to the immediate left of Neal. They were sitting right next to each other, with their shoulders and legs touching. Each had their hands on their thighs, and to me it seemed that their little fingers were in contact with each other too, with little rubbing motions. I've known Neal for a good while now, and this was the kind of behavior he always exhibited when he was just getting to know each of the former (and soon to be former) Mrs. Turners. We would certainly have to keep an eye out now, as I suspected Neal has developed a taste for the Desi, thanks to Atul: who am I to criticize? I do have to admit: Dileep is a sexy man, a little shorter than Atul, but with much more hair on his face and arms. I'd be willing to bet that he is a furry guy, and his smoldering brown eyes could knock a train off the tracks. It is also worth noting that the bulge in his pants also portends a good time to be had.

Robert then pulled out a flash drive, and inserted it into my TV console. He explained to the everyone that they had installed hidden video cameras outside so that they could monitor Rana, and hopefully gather usable evidence against her, noting that he was most pleased with what they compiled, and that even though Jason was injured, that piece of the recording would end up being the coup de grace with the parents. Robert took the remote and set the configuration for the USB drive He then begin playing a video for us: it was a compilation of the "Best of Rana." All of her outbursts where there either in washed out color, black and white, or in the green hues of a night vision camera. All of her exhortations, curses, and threats were dutifully transcribed into English and Telugu, and nothing was left out. Next up were images of the Indian police reports of Rana's troubles in Hyderabad, then would come screenshots of the text conversations between Rana and her parents, with English translations conveniently shown alongside the Telugu originals. These were a genuine shock and surprise to me: Rana had been quite unequivocal in her anger at Atul and those who lived around her in Clarkston, and her threats to burn down the building were repeated several times. I asked Neal if these texts could be used in court -- I didn't think they could be, as we had gotten them without her assent. Neal just laughed and said "One, the parents don't know that, and two, all we would have to do let the prosecution know there might be evidence on her phone, and they could get a search warrant".A fter this very damning Audio/Visual presentation, Neal would be taking over, with Dileep translating into Telugu. He would let them know that Rana was in jail, and due to nature of the charges against her, would not be getting out on bail before her trial.

During that portion of the presentation, the screen would be playing Rana's assault on Jason, following up with pictures of Jason in happier times, and of him unconscious in his ICU unit. Atul began weeping and trembling in rage at these images, so Jin Woo and I moved to either side of him to make physical contact and supply emotional support. Neal asked Atul to take a mental snapshot of his reaction to this, and keep it handy for when it would be his turn to address the parents. Neal continued, saying that the next portion was the ultimatum: as it stands, the prosecution does not know Rana had threatened to kill the child. If the prosecution doesn't find out, Rana will be in prison for between two and seven years. However, if they find out, she'll also be charged with attempted murder, and will spend up to twenty years in prison. Furthermore, following release, she would be immediately deported to India.

Next up will be Dileep, who will explain in Telugu the difference between divorce and annulment in Georgia, and how each works in this case. Dileep will end with Atul's offer: agree to an annulment, have the dowry repaid, and serve the shorter sentence, or refuse the annulment, be sued for divorce anyway, as well as be tried for attempted murder with indisputable evidence for conviction. Neal then announced that he'd pulled a few strings so that Rana's parents would be able to meet with her at the jail for two hours at 9:00 AM tomorrow morning; this would give them the night to simmer on the information bomb we're about to drop on top of them. Neal also added that the parents will be given a copy of the annulment agreement -- with an appropriate translation -- to help them through the simmering.

Neal asked everyone in the room if they wanted to be there to say anything before Atul spoke -- he felt that hearing from several people that were independent witnesses may go a long way toward bringing the parents to the correct conclusions. Jin Woo said he'd be there, and that Halmoni would also go: as father and grandmother of the injured child, their input would be most valuable. Likewise, Felipe spoke for himself and Carla, and that they'd be there too, as Rana had threatened his child with murder as well. Neal then asked if they would also support a lighter sentencing recommendation for Rana if she agreed to an annulment: their answer "if it means she is sooner in another country, then yes." Yes. A new bargaining chip. Russell chimed in and said that even though it would be more entertaining to go, he would stay at home to watch the boys. This brought immediate objections from both Alex and Jonas, namely that they were a part of this too, and they had things to say to the parents. Felipe was, of course, concerned that there might be a physical threat to the boys, but Alex, in classic deadpan, stated that he was planning to stick close to Halmoni, so nobody should be worried. The whole room dissolved into laughter. Jonas stuck with Alex, noting that his manfriend and his father would be there to protect him while he stood in support of Atul.

For the sake of time, Neal wanted to bring this gathering to a close, reminding Atul that he needed to be honest when he spoke, and it didn't matter if he chose to speak Telugu or English; either would be translated into the other for the benefit of all. I could tell that Atul was itching to get out of there so he could spend a couple of precious hours with his boy at the hospital. As he was leaving, Dileep stole the show, giving Atul a big hug and telling him that his parents in India were pressuring him and planning his marriage, and because of the strength Atul was showing, was going to call his parents later, and tell them "no." Traditions are good and useful forces in culture, but some of them simply need to disappear. Dileep gave Atul a kiss on the cheek, and I did NOT miss the wink he gave to Neal... I'll leave that bit of discovery for later. Atul then left, followed by Robert and Dileep, who needed to set up the show at the hotel. Jin Woo also had to get back to the store; that left three hours for the rest of us to relax and make ourselves ready. Even though there was now ample seating for everyone,

Alex stayed in his father's lap, and Jonas stayed in Russel's. Their postures, however, were entirely different. Jonas was simply cuddled peacefully into Russel's soft embrace, while Alex was actively pressing and grinding his little bottom back into his papa's crotch -- and it looked like papa was making his own little thrusting motions behind him as well. My phone chimed, and I saw a message from Juergen: Plane taking off, on way back.In what might have been intended as an attempt at breaking the silence, Felipe asked Jonas a rather brash question: "Jonas, do I understand it correctly that your father also helps you out with your condition? That he has sex with you?" Jonas quietly replied "yes, he does have sex with me when I need it. He is the best father ever. Do you ever have sex with Alex?"

Fair question (even if he already knew the answer!) It put Felipe back on his heels for a moment, but Alex jumped to his papa's aid, saying "he hasn't yet, but I am hoping he will want to soon." At this, Felipe grabbed Alex, turned him around in his lap to face him, and looked Alex in the eyes saying "my baby boy, my little man, I only want to make you happy, and give you everything you need to grow into the strong, proud gay man you will become. (wow! He actually said that!) I am ready to teach you about love and sex and anything you want or need anytime you want me to." Alex's eyes brightened up, and we could see his tears forming before he wrapped his arms and legs around his papa in a full body embrace. Felipe wrapped his arms around Alex, and kissed him on the top of his head, then on his forehead, then between his eyes, the tip of his nose, his upper lip, and finally both his lips. This last kiss grew slowly in intensity until it became a torrent of passion Alex opened his legs wider, so that his dick could press directly through their pants against his father's dick, and the pelvic grinding also grew in intensity.

The rest of us in the room were soon at full mast: I could feel my cockhead beginning to drool in my boxers. Poor Russell, unused to this kind of overt behavior, must have felt like he was in an episode of the Twilight Zone, yet he held tightly onto his boy, rubbing his chest and stomach. Alex suddenly disengaged from the kiss, leaned back while still being embraced, looked up into Felipe's eyes and with a throaty voice asked "papa, I'm really itching inside my bottom, and need you inside me so bad I can't stand it. Would you please do me?" Felipe -- whose face appeared to be quite flushed, asked Alex exactly what he wanted from his papa. Alex: "I want you to take all my clothes off, and lay me down on the bed, and spread my legs really really wide, and put my papa's penis deep inside my little pussy. And then I want you to fuck it really hard, and then shoot all of your papa sperms deep inside me. Would you do that for me papa? Please? And then watch and protect me while Mr. Rich, Mr, Neal, and Mr. Wilson fuck my little pussy?" I quickly looked around the room: Neal and Russell looked as if they were about to explode. Felipe was cupping Alex's ass with both hands, but brought his left hand up between Alex's shoulders, pressing his boy's head into his chest so that he could look around and address the room, asking if anyone had an objection to his little man's request. "If not," he added "I am ready to do anything to make my little guy happy."

I knew no one had an objection, and if the cards were correctly played, I could save the clock/spy cam for another occasion. Little Jonas jumped off Russell's lap (also proving that he too had grown wood), grabbed Alex's arm, and said "come on! Let's go to the bathroom, and I'll help you get ready!" Both boys ran off, and after a moment of silence, Felipe found his voice: "Rich, I know this is a change of plan, but you should know that it does take a lot of worry off my mind. I want to do what Alejandro asks of me, but I worry so much about hurting him. I would feel so much better if you, Russell, and Neal were there with us while I take my son, to make sure I'm not doing something that will hurt him. Do you guys mind? Again, no objections. Russell just grinned, saying "I have a feeling little Mr. Jonas will also be expecting some attention. Felipe, I believe I may have heard you say something about wanting to give my little boyfriend some special attention too?" Felipe nodded his head rapidly at the question, and then looked at me asking "what do we do now?"

I stood up, motioning to the guest bedroom and saying "I suppose we should take off our clothes, and get ready. Anyone wishing to join this party, please follow me." I headed into the room to set out the last two beach towels, and the three men followed me immediately. After the bed was set, I started removing my clothes, the other three having nearly completed that task. All three were erect, but poor Felipe looked as if he were painfully erect, that fat brown cock straining up into the air at an impossible angle, and the purple cockhead swollen; the cock was pulsing with each of Felipe's heartbeats. I had just removed my last sock when both boys walked in; they were both identically dressed in their underwear, t-shirts, and socks, and had brought the rest of their school uniforms along, depositing them just inside the doorway. I tossed a bottle of lube to Neal, and Jonas walked up to Russell. At the same time, Alex walked up to his father. Before anything happened, Felipe bent down to meet his son's eyes at the same level and asked "Son, are you sure this is what you want?" Alex simply pushed his father back up into the standing position before bringing his hands down and wrapping both of them around the turgid papa cock, the fingers of one hand gently scratching through Felipe's black bush, saying "Yes, papa. I'm sure that THIS is exactly what I want. It's perfect, and I'm excited about growing up, and hope that my penis will look exactly like this. I'm all lubed up and am so ready for it: all you have to do is take off my clothes, and put it inside me."

Felipe looked over at me, and said "I suppose he has already had some experience?" I just looked back at him and said "again, I'm not at liberty to tell you what he tells me in confidence, but I'm sure you are about to find out the answer to your question quite soon. Don't worry: you now have all the experience you need to succeed here." Felipe turned his attention back to his son, who had already lifted his arms up to allow his father to remove his t-shirt. Felipe did so slowly, starting with the bottom hem of the shirt, lifting it up slowly over Alex's head. Felipe stopped briefly once the cloth cleared his son's underarms, where he looked closely, and ran his index finger through the few wispy black hairs beginning to form a nest. The shirt came off and landed on the floor, whereby I quickly noticed similar actions happening with young Master Jonas. Felipe then went down on his knees, reaching for the waistband of Alex's briefs, but Alex grabbed his hands, saying "socks next". Alex put a hand on his father's shoulder to steady himself for this next event. Felipe ran both hands down Alex's thighs, past his knees, down his calves, where he grabbed Alex's left foot with one hand, and began peeling the sock back and then off the perfect, little brown foot. Felipe did take a moment to caress the bare foot, spending a little time worshipping each perfect toe before lowering the foot to the floor, and repeating the process with the other sock.

Felipe then caressed his way back up both legs, and finally had his fingers inside the waistband of Alex's FTL tighty-whities. Alex's bulge was at Felipe's eye level, and was obviously straining for release: the growing cockhead was pushing up against the elastic waistband. The father pulled the waistband down, and the tip of the son's cock went down with the elastic, going down until it nearly reached the point of release. Alex's tiny nest of pubic hair was out in the open, and unobscured by nothing. Felipe paused there for a moment of discovery, running an index finger through the patch of hair -- he also gave the patch a brief kiss. Moving the underwear down a bit more, the boy cock then sprang back up, slapping the boy in the patch of skin between his belly button and cock root. Felipe quickly dispatched the underwear to the floor, as he marveled at his son's boy cock: except for the lack of a pink band around the corona, and the large veins, it looked very much like a miniature version of his own cock. He marveled once more at the sight before remembering his son's instructions; he stood, lifted his son up by his armpits, and laid him out onto the bed with his ass sticking a few inches out over the edge of the mattress. Alex lifted his knees up to his chest, and Felipe grabbed his ankles, lifting the feet up and wide apart.

When Alex's moist, pink little boypussy came into view in their little brown valley, it looked like Felipe was about to lose it for a second. However, Felipe was on a mission with very specific instructions; he removed his right hand from Alex's ankle long enough to point his very hard cock down, rub the accumulated pre-cum onto the hole, and set the tip of his cockhead into the pink aperture. He grabbed the loose ankle once again and re-spread his boy's legs, before beginning the first penetration of his only son. The pussy was well lubed, and so it immediately dilated just enough to allow access. Alex for his part, opened his eyes and mouth widely, and breathed in deeply before exhaling and moaning loudly as Felipe dutifully continued with his given mission. By the time his father had bottomed out in his boypussy, Alex was moaning "fuck me deep papa, as deep as you can", and had both hands on his own ass, pulling the cheeks apart as hard as he could so that his father's first thrust into him would achieve the maximum depth possible. The point where the father's cockhead rubbed past the son's prostate was easily recognized through the high pitched whimper Alex made. For his part, Felipe continued his slow, initial depth-dive into the little sheath, and soon began grinding his scrotum into Alex's valley, and his pubic mound and bush tightly up against Alex's tight little scrotal sack. Looking down at the lascivious sight below him, Felipe adjusted Alex's legs even further apart and back, allowing for the last possible millimeter of penetration. Alex's perfect little toes were spreading and straining along with his legs to move apart even farther. I knew how tight the boy was, and remember thinking that Alex's little pussy had to be tightly choking -- even strangling -- Felipe's cock, and I instinctively knew that Felipe would hold his position deep inside for a few moments, actively reveling in the tightness and moist warmth of the sheath into which his entire Honduran papi cock had been so deeply plunged. Alex had arched his head back, and with his eyes tightly closed was whispering "papa, thank you papa, thank you papa."

I turned my attention briefly to Jonas and his chaperones. Neal was seated in the armchair, and Jonas was seated upon Neal's cock. Neal's right arm cradled Jonas' ass; it and Jonas' legs provided the power needed for Jonas to easily bounce up and down on Neal's thick tube. As pleasant as this was to watch, I was completely taken aback when Neal reached out to Russell, who was standing by the armchair, and grabbed his scrotum, gently pulling him closer to Neal and Jonas. Jonas rapidly understood what was going on, and reached out himself to grasp Russell's hard shaft: both Jonas and Neal now had Russell's glistening cockhead mere inches from their faces, and both of them were intent on studying Russell's hard, bronze rod and brownish/purple cockhead from which a stream of drool was hanging down several inches. I was shocked beyond shock when Neal himself stuck out his tongue, caught the string of pre-cum, and moved up to lick Russell's cockhead much in the same manner as a child will lick an ice cream cone. The lick became another lick, then another, and then Neal engulfed the entire cockhead in his mouth, moving around on it as if he were conducting a very detailed study of its surface. This observation was then confirmed when Russell leaned his head back and emitted a low moan. Jonas then jumped on board running his lips and tongue along Russell's shaft between his cock root and Neal's lips.

My attention was then hijacked when Alex reached his under his spread left leg to touch my right leg. I moved closer, and when close enough, he grabbed my hand to pull me down beside him, which I did. I began caressing his chest and stomach, his hands and arms, and finally his brown little nipples. I had never played with his nipples before, but once contact was made, his entire body twitched a little -- could this mean a new erogenous playtoy? I lightly pinched his nips, and was rewarded with another little twitch: this discovery would have to wait for another day, as this scene was about a father and his son. Sure enough, that was the moment when Felipe began pulling back, and my utility to this scene became clear: I grabbed the lube and drizzed a line of it onto the length of Felipe's shaft as he pulled back. Once again, the moment of contact between cockhead and prostate brought forth a whimper from Alex.

Felipe's hands were still engaged holding Alex's ankles wide apart, as his cock finally popped free from Alex's pink ring, which had been distended by his father's coronal ridge prior to exit, so I took the opportunity to help and smear the lube all over and around Felipe's shaft and head, and then pointed the shaft back down to meet the now stretched little pink boypussy, and begin the inward trip anew. "Papa, you are so big." Verbal Alex began, "You feel so nice inside me. I always wanted you to be inside me and fuck me so hard! I used to lay in my bed at night and dream that you would come to my room in the middle of the night because I'd been a bad boy, and you'd take off my pajamas and rape me so hard!" Felipe's thrusts began to come at a more rapid pace.

"Yeah, I had to do that. It's a father's duty to punish a bad little boy." Felipe started to get into this nasty little role play, "you always refused to clean your room, but your mama wouldn't let me punish you properly; I had to wait until she went to sleep to show you what happens to little boys when they misbehave. They have to spread their legs really wide and have their papa's big verga plow inside hard, like THIS," at which point Felipe made a violent inward thrust, his pubic mound and balls slapping his son's ass and entire body about six inches farther back onto the mattress. Releasing Alex's ankles, Felipe brought his hands down to where Alex's legs met his hips, and physically pull his ass back over the side of the mattress. Felipe then anchored his hands down on the mattress with his body weight, effectively using his own forearms to trap and prevent Alex's thighs and legs from being moved back further toward the middle of the bed. With this, Felipe could then hold Alex in place as he then began delivering even more powerful thrusts directly and rapidly into Alex's ass.

"Oh Papa! Please don't rape my little boy pussy so hard for such a long time! I promise I'll be better! Oh Papa! You are tearing my little pussy up, but you are scratching that itch soooooo gooooooood! Papa! PAPA!! Please don't shoot all your sperms into my pussy! You will make me pregnant, and mama won't be happy. Please don't come in my pussy Papa! Oh! Papa I'm scared about being a naughty little boy, and now that I'm getting hairs and sperms, I'm going to probably be a worse little boy. You are going to have to rape my pussy like this a LOT to correct me." Felipe wasn't far behind with the verbal nastiness throughout the pounding. "You don't get to choose how Papa punishes his little boy. I know how sensitive your little boy pussy is, and how it needs to be fucked and pounded in order to scratch the little itch inside. If I don't rape you, you will become a very bad boy. I don't care what you think, I'm going to fuck and fill your little pink boy pussy with all of my cum every time I rape and punish you. I'm also going ask all of the men in this building to rape you and fill you up with their cum anytime you are being naughty -- even at school, Mr. Wilson, would you come over here please?" Russell disengaged from his partners, and with his big, and now slick cock waving ahead of him, sauntered over to Felipe. "Mr. Wilson, would you please demonstrate how a naughty little boy's pussy should be punished when he misbehaves at school?"

Russell enthusiastically agreed to the request, and just moments after Felipe pulled his engorged cock out of Alex, Russell positioned himself at Alex's already lubed hole. I drizzled a bit more lube on Russell's cock before he said "you have been a very bad little boy, Alex Ramirez," and shoved his entire raw cock into Alex for the very first time. Alex was issuing little screams of protest, but soon the pounding was being peppered with lines such as "Mr. Wilson! Oh my God your huge cock is raping my little boy pussy and stretching it and tearing it up so much I won't be able to sit down!"

At this point, Neal and Jonas disengaged and walked over for a closer inspection of the action. Russell's hips were a blur as his cock rammed inside Alex over and over. Felipe took this opportunity to turn Jonas' body around so that he could have a close up view of the beautiful ivory white boy. "Jonas," he began, "I believe I am the only man around here that hasn't given you the treatment you so often need, is that right?" Jonas nodded yes, "I know how much you need it at times, so it makes sense to have as many qualified men around that you can have a treatment anytime you need one. Would you like me to also be available to help you? Jonas delivered his answer in a typically Jonas manner: he laid down next to Alex, and threw his feet up to the Lord to await the insertion of his (let's see... Juergen, me, Russell, Atul, Neal... and now Felipe) sixth cock of the day -- what a little cockwhore! Felipe got down on his knees to inspect his third male pussy of the day. "Your little pussy is so pink and puffy and wet and swollen! Are you sure it won't hurt you when I put my big, brown Honduran cock deep inside it?" Jonas meekly replied no, that it would be ok. Not so meekly, his puffy, pink hole began relaxing and opening to make ready for that big, brown Honduran cock.

Felipe took time to inspect Jonas' cock and scrotum, pulling the shaft down so that he could run a finger through and kiss the little blonde nest. This was also the first uncircumcised cock he'd ever seen up close, so he spent a couple of quality minutes pulling the foreskin back and exposing the cherry red little cockhead. He went as far as to lick the cockhead, and even briefly suck it between his lips before standing up, and placing his own still wet cockhead inside the now red and gaping little pussy.

It was a beautiful sight, watching that long brown cock violate the perfectly alabaster and pink boy cunt. Just before Felipe began pounding the boy, he asked "Mr. Neal, would you please show my bad little boy how the neighbor men how they will be treating him if they see him being naughty?" Without much of a pause, Neal exchanged places with Russell, and began pounding him in the same manner, telling Alex that he saw him peeing behind the building, and that he needed to be punish-raped again. The slapping and boy groans and moans filled the room. Russell and I had already cum multiple times today, and so we were quite fine with our ringside seats to this epic banging of two perfectly beautiful eleven year old boys. It looked as if both men were rapidly climbing the slope toward orgasm when Felipe suddenly pulled out of Jonas, and asked Neal to take over.

The men switched places, and Felipe looked his boy in the eye, telling him that he was now going to fill him up with his papa's cum. Alex dropped any pretense and role play, begging his papa to cum deep inside him. At this point, I took a moment to remind both men to make sure they were paying appropriate attention to the boys' prostates in the home stretch. The men did their duty, and soon both Jason and Alex began shooting their pre-teen loads onto their chests, and seconds later Alex was screaming "PAPA!!! I FEEL YOU CUMMING INSIDE ME!!!" after his father had planted his cock all the way inside his ass. I could also see Neal had planted deep, and had his face pulled into the tortured look of a man who was having a momentous orgasm.

Russell and I began giving a round of applause for this performance. Neal pulled out, and reached for the last two clean towels, throwing one Felipe's way, and using the other to wipe clean Jonas first, and then himself. For his part, Felipe just bent over, kissed his boy on the lips, and moved down Alex's body, cleaning Alex's cum up with his lips and tongue. It was getting late, so we all moved to clean ourselves and the playroom, and become publicly presentable once more. Since we had used all of the towels, I threw a load into the washer big washer out in the hallway: I should have time to get them into the dryer before we all needed to head to the hotel for the evil parents meet-and-greet show. Neal checked his phone and announced that we could all now rest and/or cuddle until time to go. Everything was running to plan, and we'd be notified when it was time to leave around 7:00 PM.

Juergen arrived just past 6:00 PM, and a very happy Jonas leapt up and ran to him, giving him a huge kiss and hug. Alex jumped up and followed suit. I was just about to give him a hug when he noticed Russell's presence, and alarm bells went off in his head. I saw what was going on, and intervened, saying "it's ok Juergen! Jonas did have a rather strong episode at school this morning, but Mr. Wilson -- now known as Russell, called me. It turns out that he has done research into pre-adolescent hypersexuality, and actually came back with me to assist with Sonderhandlung. He has a clean medical history, and just recently tested for everything. I have the results recorded for you. We now have an expert involved in the treatment of all three boys, and don't have to worry about what happens at school anymore." Jonas chimed in "and he's agreed to be my special man friend. I love him papa!" Slightly shaken, Juergen moved toward Russell, and extended his hand in friendship. "So, my boy loves you. This is good, but I will want to get to know you better. Will you be staying for the meeting with Atul's and Rana's parents?" Russell indicated that he would. After a few moments of conversation, it was decided that Russell should run home, and pack an overnight bag so that he could spend the night with the Meier men, getting to know each other. A jubilant Jonas jumped into Russell's arms, and gave him a mighty hug and kiss. Juergen then turned to thank me for taking care of Jonas, and then peeled Jonas off of Russell so they could go upstairs and get ready for the meet-and-greet. Neal told him and Russell to be back down around 7:00, as they had a large van that could take all of us to the venue. Russell told us his apartment was only five minutes away, so he'd be back quickly. I started throwing some sandwiches together for everybody to eat whenever they wanted.

Atul then called Neal, they chatted for a few minutes before Neal handed me the phone.

Atul: "Baby, I'm sorry for being so rough and mean earlier. I'm just so nervous and so bloody angry at my parents, and I've also been so worried about Jason all day, because he's been nauseous all day. Can you forgive me?"

Me: "Baby, I love you so much. Don't worry about me, as all is automatically forgiven with you. I will see you soon. Go back and be with your little man."

He did just that. Neal then told me Atul had given him some instructions for the meeting that he needed to work in, but that the van would be out front at 7:00 PM. With that, he grabbed his briefcase and left. Felipe went upstairs to tell Carla the news, and I texted Jae Soo and Jin Woo the instructions, and went across the way to inform Halmoni, she said she would be ready for anything... inside, I secretly wished that Atul's father would do something foolish so that Halmoni could make good on that promise. We puttered around a bit, nibbling on snacks and sammies. I got the wet towels out and into the dryer, when Halmoni popped in, holding a basket with a practical Korean dinner buffet inside. I texted everyone letting them know that Halmoni had cooked, and dinner was being served below: a practical stampede ensued, and soon everyone had been well fed. I saved some food aside for Atul, Jae Soo, and Jin Woo just in case.

7:00 PM rolled around, and we all piled onto the van -- which turned out to be more like a small bus. Within a few minutes, the occupants of our entire building, save Rana, were all in the meeting room. I noticed a couple of additional faces in the room: one of them belonged to Captain Perry of the Clarkston Police. He was there in street clothes, but plainly there "just in case". There were a couple of other people who seemed to be of South Asian ancestry. Dileep came around to each of us, and handed us a small device with an earpiece. With them, he explained, one of the other people -- who would act as translators -- would interpret anything said in Telugu or Hindi for us to hear, as well as being introduced into the recorded record of this event. All of us, including Neal and Robert and both boys each got one. In addition, if any of us had something to say, it would also be translated into Telugu for the benefit of the parents. Neal showed us where our seats were, and a hotel employee came by asking if any of us would like any refreshments -- they had set up a coffee/tea/water/soft drink station in the room. How fancy! Robert and Neal seemed to have everything well in hand.

Atul strode in with Jin Woo; Jae Soo had refused to leave Jason's bedside. Atul made a beeline for Neal, nervously asking him if everything had been set up. Neal assured him that everything was in order. Atul then made a beeline for me, embracing me tightly and swaying from side to side. I could feel his rapid heartbeat in my own chest, and knew how much anxiety and stress he was dealing with. I held him back tightly and told him that I loved him, when one by one -- starting with Jin Woo -- joined into what became a mass hug with Atul at the center point. The boys wove their way through the throng to allow themselves to be attached directly to Atul. Even Russell and Neal joined in. We were all there, swaying together for a few peaceful moments when some noise and activity arose just outside the meeting room door: we heard rapid fire Telugu, and knew that the parents had arrived. Our mass hug parted, but didn't separate: Atul was there in the middle, facing both sets of parents, but all of us maintained physical contact with Atul, each of us passing our love and positive energy directly onto him.

There was some general consternation, but the translators off to the side made clear why: we heard "Who are these foreigners with Atul? Where is Rana? What is all this about?" Foreigners indeed! All of us -- though from different parts of the world -- are Americans and are family. You are the strangers here!" Dileep jumped in, and our earpieces explained "we have a short presentation prepared for you. Would you all please take your seats here, so that we may begin?" Before anything else, a man who I since learned was Atul's father spoke up. "I don't understand what is going on here, but no matter. I demand that you and Rana pack your bags and return with us immediately to Hyderabad. We have engaged a special guru trained in marital relations to work with you both and restore your marriage. Let's go prepare for your return now."

We all felt Atul tremble with rage, and each of us pressed closer to him, granting him our strength to get through what must come next: disobeying his father -- one of the worst sins in the Indian calendar. Atul took two deep breaths, and then spoke in Telugu: "You will not give me orders now, as you have lost that right. You will all sit, and quietly watch this presentation." With that, Robert's staff began corralling the very shocked parents into their seats. As they sat, the lights went down, and the presentation started just as it had been shown to us earlier. The looks of shock and woe on each of their faces were easily recognized as the videos and text messages were shown. The final video of Rana's attack on Jason, and her arrest were the breaking point for Atul's father who jumped up and screamed "how dare you bring foreign strangers into our family business?" to which Atul raged "You brought them into the family business when you pawned that murderous bitch off onto me AND ONTO ALL OF THEM! All of them were there when Rana (the picture on the screen then changed to a photo of a happy Jason) nearly killed this sweet little boy, who now lay in the intensive care unit at the children's hospital. All of them have had their lives threatened by this treacherous bitch you married me to." Atul's mother physically pulled the now shocked father back, and made him sit down.

Neal then took over, and showed the last bit of video -- from Rana's arraignment that morning, which underscored the now untenable nature of Rana's position. He then recapitulated the explanation of our offer -- annulment for less time in prison for Rana. This did not go over well with Rana's father, who in a rage flew up and made to assault Atul. He had barely touched Atul when in a blur, he landed on the floor with a sound that was very much like a watermelon being thrown the ground. Halmoni was on top of him, growling in English: "if you move again, I will break some bones." The Telugu interpreter dutifully made the translation known to him. Captain Perry jumped up, placed handcuffs on Rana's father (whose name, incidentally, was Subhash), and read him his rights. The interpreter also faithfully repeated them in Telugu. Subhash was then escorted out to a car to make his appointment with the DeKalb County jail, where now he would be with his daughter.

Dileep then asked -- or more demanded -- that both mothers and Atul's father have a seat. Atul walked up to them, and said point blank with a low and gravelly voice: "this marriage is over. You have no power or influence here. The deal for annulment stands, and if you decide on the correct approach, I may even decline to press charges against Rana's father. If not, Rana and her father will rot in an American jail. Either way, this marriage will end quickly. Then, you will go back to India, and try save whatever reputation you have left. Be ready to meet with Rana tomorrow. They will pick you up at 8:30 AM to take you there. I expect your answer by noon." With that, Atul turned, and walked out of the room followed by the rest of us. Halmoni and Carla stayed behind long enough to engage the parents: Carla: "You are all bad people to make someone so loved marry someone so evil." Halmoni: "You will all burn in hell." The translator made sure the points got across.

Next: Chapter 27

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