Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Aug 13, 2020


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Please keep your comments coming! This kind of detailed feedback from readers keeps me on-track, and really gets my imagination in gear! I need to get some business handled, so the output of the chapters will not be as rapid over the next few weeks. I learned today that two people I went to school with died of COVID 19. If you live in a country that has sensible leadership, stay there and stay safe. If you live in the US, trust me. COVID 19 is real. Show compassion by wearing masks and maintaining social distance. Being compassionate requires courage!

While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine, although some of you have given me really, really good ideas to throw into it - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 28 by Rich Lobo

Dawn Saturday morning arrived peacefully and beautifully: my man was curled up as my little spoon, both my arms comfortably surrounding him, with his arms wrapping my arms. I'm usually not up this early, but there had been niggling little concerns dancing around in my dreams. We were very much cuddled, as the fall weather inexorably made its way into North Georgia, shoving the bastard summer heat further south. I hadn't turned on the heat yet, so the ambient air was just a tad chilly. Again, no complaints from me, as I savored the abundant benefits nestled against my chest, and cuddled in my arms. Atul slept peacefully, with little motion during his sleep -- I hoped this was a harbinger of a happier future for him, and by extension, us. Last night with the parents was tense and inharmonious, but it had to happen just as it happened. Had Atul not cut all the contact with them, they would have continued to meddle and complicate his new life (yes, selfishly, his new life with ME.) As clearly and clean as he had broken with them, I hoped and prayed that he wouldn't have any regrets later. Atul is a decisive man, and I rather doubt regrets will plague his future. If they did appear, I was already putting together some things to say to comfort him, along the lines of "after some time, you may be able to renegotiate a new relationship with them."

Robert's team would be handling the parents from here on out, but I'm not going to lie to you, that little news bit about them planning to kidnap Atul and take him back to India has had me ill at ease since I heard it. I have faith that Robert has things well in hand, and is probably bugged the parent's rooms at the hotel as well to learn what is going on in their stubborn, prideful heads. At some time today, I'll have to get in touch with him to find out what is what, otherwise my worry will grow and soon become palpable to Atul. At just that moment, he took a deep breath, and wiggled his narrow but plump little butt back tighter into my groin. I was feeling a bit randy, since we didn't enjoy any sexual congress with just each other last night, but it was late, and the day had also been heavily subsidized with drama (and sex). As we were in the bathtub last night, I could feel the tension melting out of his muscles and into the warm water: it was entirely possible that he had fallen asleep in the bathtub, and sleepwalked to bed. I did a quick systems check, and found my bladder could maintain things for another couple of hours, so I mentally beat down my concerns, cuddled back into Atul, gently kissed the back of his head and went back to sleep, completely in love with this man.

Those bonus sleep cuddles were not to last long; I became aware of a whispering breath on my right ear, and a light shaking of my shoulder. After my consciousness rose from the haze, I recognized Neal quietly urging me to get up, but not wake Atul, and that it was important. I was fully awake now, and began the process of quietly extricating myself from Atul. He began to awaken, but I whispered "baby, go back to sleep. I have to go to the bathroom, and will be right back." Atul grumbled, but was back making his little purr/snore he makes when asleep. I took a quick look at the clock: 6:15 AM -- what the hell could be so important at such an obscene time on a Saturday morning? I put on my bathrobe and heard my phone make a triple dinging sound: it was the ringtone I had assigned to Robert's text messages -- oh shit. Quietly leaving the bedroom and shutting the door, I saw both Neal and Dileep in the living room, fully dressed, and busily working on their phones. Neal took a second to bring me up to date. Subhash and Anish had been picked up by two men in a mini-van, and were headed in this direction. The police had been notified, but would probably not make it here in time. I immediately sent a group text to all the neighbors to warn them, when Dileep took over. "They believe Atul is at home, and of course they have his address already. Our job this morning is simple: make them believe he is elsewhere, and we don't know where he is. We need to keep Atul quiet and inside this apartment, and make it seem nothing else is amiss." Dileep went on to say that he and Neal would inside: Neal would help control Atul, and if needed Dileep (who flashed a rather well concealed 9mm Heckler & Koch) would be just on the periphery if needed before the police could arrive.

My job would be to go outside. It would be counter-productive to the "Atul not here" ruse if they knew Neal and Dileep were here: that made sense, so I sent one more text to the neighbors "Our job is to make them believe Dileep is staying somewhere else, but we don't know". I very quickly got back three texts: "OK" "Got it", & "We're ready." Just for my own peace of mind, I slipped back into the bedroom and found my own tiny little Glock 43, which would fit well in the pocket of my bathrobe. Don't be shocked readers, successfully growing up gay in the South means preparedness, and I'm well-trained and licensed to carry it. We didn't hear a vehicle pull up, but did hear heavy foot traffic going up the stairs, followed by heavy knocks and shouting at what must be Atul's old apartment. Dileep held me back for a few moments, and before I went out I turned to Neal and said "love ya", to which he replied "love ya too." I went out and around the staircase before looking up the stairs, and yelling "What the hell are you doing at this time of the morning. I've already called the police!" By this time, Jin Woo and Halmoni were at my side, and I don't mind admitting that her presence did make me feel a great deal more courageous. The three of us began climbing the stairs, and could now make out who was there: besides Subhash and Anish, accompanied by two dark-skinned men in suits. As we climbed, one of the men shouted that this was private business, and that we should stay back. I could also see Juergen and Felipe had joined the party on the other side of the four. Subhash looked around with wide eyes at all of us, especially Halmoni who had slipped ahead of me, and was now standing on the landing in a fighting stance. He tapped Anish rapidly on the shoulder hard enough to get Anish to stop banging on the door to look around, quickly developing his own wide eyes.

Anish then found his own voice: "I am here to see my son, and to talk some sense into him. You have no business here!" My response? "You idiots. Do you think he is here? With you here, he told us he would be staying somewhere else. You are now only disturbing the peace, and wait! I think I hear the police arriving." Indeed, sirens were heard in the distance. The two men accompanying Anish and Subhash looked at each other, and quickly made to go downstairs and leave the scene. To do this, they would have to get past Jin Woo, Halmoni & me -- big mistake: the larger of the two reached to shove Halmoni to the side, only to find his head producing a loud, dull ringing sound against a metal fire extinguisher case in the hallway. He wasn't hurt badly, but rather well shaken as Halmoni and Juergen held him down. The second man pulled a pistol out of a hidden holster, and aimed it at me. I didn't know what to do, but something zipped onto the landing, past me and with some indistinct whirling that I'd later learn was "krav maga", his gun was spinning into a corner, and he was on the ground and held screaming in pain there by Dileep, who had come out at the first sign of trouble. Anish and Subhash stood there wondering what they should do, when Halmoni growled at both of them: "No ku do le?" This time I could translate, telling them both "she asks if you want to die."

The police were there by that time, and I recognized one of them -- Officer Orr -- who had been here the night of Rana-fest. He looked at me and asked if this was related, and I told him yes, that the balding, sweaty, pudgy one on the left is Rana's father: Subhash seemed to take issue with that description (and fuck him very much), but somehow managed to control himself. The two gentlemen who had accompanied them were shaken, but not seriously injured, and all four were placed all in handcuffs, Both fathers now weeping, and Anish making some emotional exhortation in Telugu; I hope whatever he said was good, I thought to myself, because you are on camera you moron! I pulled up the video of what happened and showed the officer in charge. The four were searched and the two accompanying the fathers were armed. They were arrested for assault with deadly weapons, and the fathers were issued citations for disturbing the peace. I couldn't resist it: I looked at Subhash and Anish, telling them they must be some special kind of stupid -- having been in the country for less than twelve hours, and already having committed three arrestable offences.

Officer Orr had been talking with Dileep, but then pulled me aside and told me that Captain Perry had already been informed: He and a man named Robert will be at the station to conduct the interrogation of the two other men. The fathers, according to Captain Perry, would be transported in handcuffs back to the hotel to be released: the only reason for this being that they had an appointment to keep with Rana. Officer Orr told them that Captain Perry would be by to speak with them again, and if they were not at the hotel or at the jail visiting Rana, they would be arrested, charged, and jailed, and Atul would be unable to change his mind. A tow truck would be dispatched to impound the vehicle they had arrived in -- a mini-van with "baby on board" stickers on the back windshield. Once the police were gone, Russell, Jonas, Carla, and Alex came out. We all had a mini group hug, and went back to our morning, feeling confident that our ruse with the fathers had worked, and they believed Atul was not there. All the neighbors agreed to get back together in the afternoon

In fact, Atul had missed it all: thanks to the solid construction of the building and his exhaustion, he had slept through it like a little lamb. I laid back down next to him for a snuggle, only praying that my still high heartrate wouldn't wake him: he cuddled back against me, took another deep breath, and began snore-purring again. Neal, Dileep, and I were sitting at the dining room table enjoying tea and some toast when Atul finally made an appearance about thirty minutes later in my bathrobe (thank God I'd remembered to put the gun back), as I had also gotten dressed. He seemed confused as to why we were there, dressed, and sitting so formally early on a Saturday morning. I patted the seat of the chair at the head of the table, and said "baby, sit down. We have some news to share with you."

The three of us related to Atul the outlines of what went down earlier, but not wanting to upset him unduly, left out a number of the details hoping that would suffice: it didn't.

Atul was entirely focused on fitting all of the elements we had given him into a coherent internal narrative, and in our haste had not provided enough detail. I could sense his growing frustration with the bits and pieces being fed to him. He had been holding my hand the entire time, and I was starting to feel the potential of bruising in the near future. Finally, he'd had enough; my man has the sweetest soul, but that does not mean he hasn't a keen mind. He stood and headed to the home office where he sat and began pulling up video of the entire incident. I went in there and stood behind him with my hands on his shoulders. I knew I had no business now in dissuading him, and would have to deal with whatever aftermath may come. He located the video elements quickly, and watched through them twice, whereupon he stood, turned to me, and let me see the tears streaming down his face. He took me in his arms, and weeping said "You almost died. That man had a gun pointed directly at you. You were protecting me, and I was asleep down here having sweet dreams." Here, he broke down, sobbing into my neck and shoulder. I tried to comfort him, rubbing his back and saying "I wasn't in danger! It was all OK! Dileep and Halmoni were there, so I was perfectly safe!" Yeah, if only I could believe that -- I was scared shitless in that moment.

Atul got enough emotion out of his system to pull his brave exterior veneer back together. He hugged and kissed me, and then walked back out to the dining room, where Dileep and Neal were now standing, waiting to see what would happen. To our surprise, Atul approached Dileep, grasped both of his hands, and looked at him deeply in the eyes. "You saved the life of my love, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I am so incredibly and deeply in debt to you that I can never repay it. I am yours to command now. Please let me know how I can begin to repay you. To start, right now I really want to spread my legs for you, and have you do everything you wish to me." Dileep seemed to be a bit shocked at this, and came back with what I considered to be a rather clumsy response I had never expected: "Atul, you are a most beautiful and sexy man, but I am of a lower caste than you. How can this be? You cannot expect that I could ever act as your superior in sex!" I had never expected to have the issue of "caste" come up. Yes, during my time in college, several courses mentioned the caste system in India, and even mentioned how it continues to hold vast sway in many aspects of life and relationships between Indians, but this was the first time it had come up in the real-life context of my life. I also knew that there was a term called "colorism" in Indian society whereby those of a lighter skin tone (like Atul) were perceived and considered to be "better" than those of a darker skin tone (like Dileep). Wow, keep your eyes and ears open, and who knows what you might learn when the right bits of info pass by.

Atul simply stared with a smile at Dileep and said "caste is no concern to me anymore that I have found love with Rich. I will be back in five minutes, please wait here," before disengaging and heading into our bathroom, ostensibly to "prepare" himself to be fucked. The thought of that coupling was quite appealing to me, and an erection rose in my pants instantly. Hell, this might be an opportune moment to take care of another experience that has long been missed in my life too! I walked up to Neal, grabbed his hands in like manner and said "You old son of a bitch, you have been my best friend for too many years, and now I want to throw my legs open for you too." Now addressing both Dileep and Neal, "You two need to go ahead and get naked, because you both are about to have the rides of your lives." With that, I went to join Atul in the bathroom: we were both going to get our brains fucked out.

In the bathroom, I joined Atul with the wand and then in the shower. He asked me if I had any problem with him getting fucked by Dileep. My answer? No problem, as long as two things happen. First, he has to be ok with Neal fucking me, and that 2) I am the only man who he will wake up beside. Atul just grinned, and began soaping my asscheeks and hole nice and clean for Neal. We finished, dried ourselves, and lubed each other's pussy very well. Dileep shouldn't be a problem for Atul: his cock looked on the whole to be about the same size as Juergen's cock. I could also surmise from conversation that this would also be Dileep's first time as a top, his first time bottoming being last night with Neal. It was Neal's cock that concerned me: not his girth, but his length. Atul seemed to have handled it quite well back on the coffee table that rainy afternoon, but ten inches is about an inch and a half more than I've ever successfully accommodated. For this reason, I added just a dab more lube to myself. We exited the bathroom and joined our naked friends down the hall in front of the guest room. Dileep was magnificent: his ebony uncut cock straining no doubt to having learned it would soon be in a place he once only dreamt of. This was his first fuck, and he had scored the big fish for his first try. Atul was the kind of man that young Indian girls dream of; hell, I know of a lot of Anglo men who would kill for what is mine! Atul once again took Dileep's hands and told him "Dileep, you are my hero, and I am prepared to do whatever you wish, you need only let me know, or simply take it yourself. With that Atul laid down on the bottom part of the bed, and as promised, simply spread his legs up, apart, and back. Atul then made eye contact with Dileep, gave him a full dimpled smile, and motioned him on.

Dileep was obviously entranced and his body moved forward -- quite possibly not of its own volition. Hell, who could resist this man laid out before him. Dileep got on his knees between Atul's raised feet, stripped back his foreskin baring the beautifully shaped purple helmet, aimed it at Atul's beautiful brown ring, and pressed home -- moaning the entire way home. Dileep had not lost eye contact with Atul, and simply asked if he could kiss him. Atul, still smiling said "you saved my man, and thus need not ask anything of me, my hero. Just do it." Dileep just did, leaning forward, and engaging Atul in some light kissing, which quickly developed into something a lot sexier. I hoped Neal was taking note: Dileep was acting out all there was to know about Dileep's wants and needs in the sack. If Dileep was to become Mr. Turner, all the secrets of success were being rolled out before him.

For Neal and I, it was much different. Principally, we both knew everything about the other -- all the minutiae of life, hopes, wishes, failures, embarrassing moments -- everything, except what we were about to do together. We had been all over the territory we call life together and knew each other's thoughts before they could be spoken. For me (and I believe for him too) this moment was indeed (not to sound trite) momentous. We had joked, (sober and drunk), discussed, opined, mused, and groused about this moment for twenty years and now the import of it was just sinking in with me. He grabbed me by the cock and peered into my eyes... nah, he could see my soul... "Second thoughts? Me too," he said. "I need to let you know that I'm not wigged out, nor do I have any kind of taboo' complex running through my head. If we do this, our world will be different, but it is not going to crack open and swallow us. My mother would have a coronary, but hey, nobody's guaranteed a tomorrow. I liked you when I met you and we formed this relationship we now call us'. That like grew into friendship, and added new aspects and dimensions to us' with each passing season and year. I love you, and will always love you. If we do this, we will only be loving each other in a new way and dimension, and us' will have only changed a bit for the better. Now stop overthinking everything like you usually do, and lay down and spread your fuckin legs!" I usually have a problem with "bossy" Neal shows up, but I think I'm going to comply now and form an opinion later.

His entry into me wasn't as traumatic as I had built it up to be in my mind. Don't get me wrong: his last two inches were plainly well into terra incognita for me, but it wasn't bad. Rather, it was like an added burst of pressure. As forecasted, his cock was smooth, evenly sized, and well-shaped. The last two inches of his shaft at his cock root were noticeably wider than the preceding eight inches. I must have contorted my face while he installed those last inches the last few strokes, noting that all the Mrs. Turners did have a problem with his root, and he hoped it was not to difficult for me. To underscore the pleasure I felt, I began moaning each time he planted his cock root, and told him that the new Mr. Turner would be most pleased. Both Atul and Dileep then turned simultaneously toward us and agreed, saying "yes, it is nice" or "I found it sexy". All of us kept up our focus on our partner, ramping them up as things developed, although I couldn't say that I felt like Neal was my "partner". I mean, I love him dearly, but it didn't have the electrical charge I felt with Atul. Nonetheless, it certainly wasn't bad, and I wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity. I had never really felt Neal's body before, so I went about rubbing my hands everywhere I could reach, even running my hands down over my ass and up toward where we were joined. My fingers could just reach his balls, and so I catalogued both of them in my mind. For his part, I suppose Neal wondered what kissing me was like, and so he went about that task most properly, He is quite skilled, and soon we were borrowing each other's tongues. He found all my erogenous zones on my neck and ears, and was rewarded by me clamping down on my ass, providing extra friction for his pistoning inside me, with each new sensory input, he increased his frequency of thrusts.

I did note Neal checking in with Dileep from time to time, and Dileep responded to that checking in. I don't want to be a matchmaker or anything, but I did want to see this relationship develop: there is much potential here! Of course, I was checking in with Atul. From time to time, he reached out his right hand to touch or rub my arm. Every time he reached out to me, I added a little more tension to Neal's cock. Each time Atul made contact, my connection to Neal increased dramatically. Curious, I reached up to take Dileep's left had from Atul's chest, and brought it to where Neal's hand was resting on the mattress. On contact, they both moaned, and began ramming Atul and I a bit harder and faster. Leaving their hands together on the mattress, I reached for Atul's hand: we both moaned as well, and it was like blue sparks were ricocheting off the walls. Atul and I simultaneously began shifting our bodies toward each other, bringing our tops along with us. Of course, this meant straightening out our legs and wrapping them around our tops, but soon we were in position where our heads were close together. Dileep and Neal were able to twist in ways we on the mattress couldn't, and were soon kissing each other passionately. For all of us, some basic truths were now on full display.

Atul and I knew the depths of our feelings for each other, but for Neal and Dileep, this new knowledge must have been awe inspiring. The couples quickly decoupled, and reformed with the correct partner -- I was reminded of that scene in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" when Puck's love spell uniting the incorrect partners needed to be broken in order...

...To take from thence all error with his might, And make his eyeballs roll with wonted sight. When they next wake, all this derision Shall seem a dream and fruitless vision,

I love Neal, but am not in love with him; any thought otherwise was indeed a fruitless vision. Neal belongs to Dileep, and Dileep to Neal. Before I could philosophize any further, Atul wrapped me up in a consuming body hug, lifted my up into his arms, and carried us to our bed. I don't think Neal or Dileep noticed us leaving. Both of us were still well lubed, so we took each other in turns. He took me first, driving me mad with his cock forcing its way up inside me. Were it anyone else, I'd have been screaming in pain. He was perched over me, one elbow on the mattress, the other arm gently under my lower back, lifting me up with each thrust. His tongue was inside me as well -- not just my mouth, he was in there deep, bathing my tonsils and testing my gag reflex. It was almost like he couldn't get enough of himself inside me. We shifted positions in what could only be described as choreography: in an instant, I was inside him, he bent in half, his legs pointed outward and backward in a very wide "V" shape, my hands holding me up into a position otherwise best suited for doing push-ups, plowing as deeply inside him as possible with my eyes barely six inches away from his hazel eyes, searching deep inside his soul and finding only love.

We changed positions many times -- I'm not sure how many. Interspersed with these changes were episodes of performing 69 on each other, or otherwise worshiping each other's cock. His magnificent, beautiful cock takes my breath away, both figuratively and literally -- I cannot get enough of it. By the time we finally came, he was inside me, telling me how much he loved me and how the thought of me leaving him was unbearable. My emotions mirrored his, and we were both crying when our orgasm (singular -- there was only one, and it was unified) consumed us, both of us bellowing like musk oxen. We melted into each other, each of us hot and sweaty, yet still working to maintain as much physical contact with each other's bodies as possible. Our faces were pasted together, cheek to cheek as we slowly came down from the mountain, and regained our breath. Just then, another "musk oxen" bellow came from the room next door: Atul and I started giggling -- and then laughing -- all the while giving each other little kisses all over. We heard laughing next door too. All four of us had figured out -- or otherwise had confirmed -- what our lives were all about.

Slowly, we four emerged from our dens and went about cleaning the telltale detritus of JBF off of us before joining together in the kitchen to replenish the fluids and proteins we had all just burned off. Making scrambled eggs is a kind of existentialist act in which one may detach himself the herd and contemplate the mysteries of life. Doing so, it came to me that with heterosexual couples, there might have been some residual antagonism or sense of competition in the air, but with us four there wasn't: all of us knew who we were, and whom we were with. I loved Atul, and he loved me. I loved Neal, and he loved me. Atul now loved Dileep, and I'm certain the other "love" bonds would soon be secured. In fact, I was already working out where Neal and Dileep could live together -- in the apartment above us where Rana had lived. Of course, we'd have to hire an exorcist or two -- but I get ahead of myself: we'd have to divest ourselves of the current Mrs. Turner. Until then, I'd have some new keys made for the two so they could have their refuge in which they could construct their love in peace. I want those two to be happy as much as I want Atul and I to be happy. Atul came up behind me, wrapped his arms around me, and rested his chin on my shoulder. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dileep and Neal wrapped up in a frontal embrace, whispering God knows what to each other: it was another perfect moment in time.

Just then, the front door burst open. We all whipped around to see Alex rushing in with his father yelling to "Jeez, son! Knock on the door first before entering!" That's my little boyfriend, always testing the boundaries. Mental note to LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR! He stood there in the foyer scanning the tableau of the two couples embracing in front of him, not knowing if the continents had shifted. Atul opened his arms, indicating he was to join us. Grinning broadly, he kicked off his sneakers, and ran over to us and into our embrace. Felipe came in, closing the door and locking it, kicking off his shoes and joining us for a hug and kiss before going over to Neal and Dileep, exchanging hugs and kisses (on the cheek) with them. I asked them if they were hungry; Felipe said "no", but little Alex looked up with puppy dog eyes. Atul went to the fridge and got a couple more eggs -- we'd need them. I texted Juergen to see if they wanted to join us for brunch, and he messaged back that they'd bring some food. Before long, Juergen, Russell and Jonas arrived and we had all put together a decent little brunch with some toast, bread, fruit, yogurt, coffee, tea, and juice. It was so nice to have our little family of men, informally sitting together in companionship and comfort. If only Jin Woo and Jason could be with us.

I could see the look of worry about Jason sitting on Atul's face. I pulled him aside and asked if I could go with him to the hospital to see Jason -- I was missing the little shit too. He was worried about what was happening between the parents and Rana -- we hadn't heard anything about the meeting which should be over now, but that didn't matter: we could learn what happened here, or we could learn what happened at the hospital -- or in transit between the two. Atul relented, and we announced that we were going to see Jason for a few hours. Atul wanted to drive his car, but Dileep reminded him that we needed to make sure it looked like he wasn't here, so his car needed to stay here. Again, he relented, and we were off to Decatur in my car. He held my hand the entire way there -- and I felt a kind of peace that seldom comes into my life. When we got there and got (finally) parked, we made our way to Jason's room on the fourth floor. We were surprised to see both Jin Woo and Jae Soo standing outside in the hallway, peering surreptitiously inside the room. Atul hastened his pace down the hall, sensing something was amiss. Before we got there, Jin Woo jumped in Atul's way, asking him to stop and talk with him first. I slipped by and peered inside, making an involuntary gasp and (unlike me) clutching my pearls. At this, a concerned Atul sidestepped Jin Woo and came to my side to see what I saw: Atul's mother was there, seated in a chair next to Jason's bed, holding his hand and speaking with the smiling child.

Next: Chapter 29

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