Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Aug 21, 2020


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While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters and activities herein described are 100% fictional, and the story is 100% mine, although some of you have given me really, really good ideas to throw into it - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 29 by Rich Lobo

Atul was standing just ahead of me, but I didn't need to see his face to know that his inner minotaur was about to break free and run rampage through the labyrinth. I whirled around to face him, first to catch his attention, and second to provide a physical obstruction to his physical aggression and protective instincts for Jason. Jin Woo and Jae Soo moved to flank me, and extend the front like a wall. I tightly grabbed his upper arms, now beefy and prepared for battle, and moved my face closer to his to break his view, as well as to force him to make eye contact with me. Before I could get a word out, Jin Woo spoke (or rather whispered) up: "Atul, your mother Jaya came to us a little after noon today. We talked with her for quite a while. She is with Jason with our permission." So her name is Jaya. seeing how the thought of either of his parents had piqued his ire, I had avoided asking him (much less asking to be introduced.) In measured pulses, Atul seemed to come down off of the emotional high perch he had jumped upon, readying himself to pounce and make his attack. After three or four palpable pulses of relaxation, I slid my hands down Atul's arm to grasp his hands - which were now just hands, and not fists balled up in rage. A few seconds later - confident that we had avoided an ugly explosion - I moved to stand at his right side, still holding his right hand, and this gave me a chance to view the scene in some detail.

Neither Jason nor Jaya hadn't noticed us in the hallway, so they both were in a relaxed posture, smiling at each other and chatting. Jason still had a bandage on his head, albeit a smaller one than when I had last seen him. He had significant bruises above his eye and on his cheek; still had an IV line flowing, and a urine bag hanging below the mattress, so he must have gotten a catheter to minimize then need to get out of bed. Jaya was wrapped in a yellow and red sari, her long black hair had a few long strands of grey flowing from her temples. It was tied below her neck and flowed down her back. Her makeup tastefully applied, and a red bindhi between her eyebrows. In the brief encounter we'd had with the parents, I really hadn't had time to focus on the mothers, as the fathers had soaked up all of the attention and oxygen in the room with their shithead shenanigans. I have to admit, Jaya was beautiful; I could immediately see Atul in her facial profile and in the smile on her face sitting there talking and laughing with our Jason. Wait! Did I just see Atul's dimple flash upon her face? I found myself putting my own prejudices in abeyance, and considering that I could learn to like this woman.

Jin Woo pulled us off to the side, and motioned toward a few chairs in a small waiting area just outside Jason's room. After we had seated ourselves, Jin Woo began to talk. It seemed that there had been some developments after the parent's visit to Rana that morning, and Jaya broke free from the group, taking Robert around a corner for a private chat. After which, It was Robert himself who brought her here to the hospital: the other parents do not know where she is. At just that moment, Robert strode up from around the corner with to-go coffee and tea in a one of those cardboard beverage trays. Knowing Robert had sanctioned Jaya's visit was all I needed to sanction it. I suppose Atul felt the same way, as I felt the last bit of anxiety evaporate, leaving him as the sweet, patient, and kind man I love so very much. Robert started: "I had a feeling you'd show up her sooner than later. I didn't let you know about this development, because you would've broken all kinds of traffic laws, killing civilians at each intersection if you had known. Your mother has some things to tell you, and you should hear her out, but she wanted to meet Jason first, so that she could apologize to him, and thank the young man who had bravely stepped in front of her only son to protect him from Rana." Hmmm. Jaya had watched the entire Rana-thon, and Jason trying to protect Atul is the detail she found most significant? The woman was winning bonus points with me.

Atul, however, was not quite ready to make amends: "Robert, what was it that convinced you that it was OK for us to break your own security policies and bring the enemy to the victim?" Here, Robert got down on one knee before Atul, taking Atul's free left hand in his, and looking at him directly in the eyes. "Atul, once you have grown some grey hair and spent your youth, you would have discovered the truth and wisdom I'm about to give you prematurely: any policy that has the words all' or none' in it is a bad policy. It's like saying there is a white and a black, but never any grey. Humans are not, and never will be creatures of binary `either/or' behavior - either good or evil, loving or hateful. Good policies involving humans, and indeed good decisions involving humans must take into account the history and the baggage which that human has carried around with himself of herself. It would be wrong for me to tell you what I've learned, as it needs to come from her to you. Your mother has that baggage and history, and you would do yourself the grandest favor in the world if you would take some time to speak with her without your father's presence." Profound words! The man is a guru himself: I'm going to nudge Atul in that direction.

Robert stood back up, releasing Atul's hand in the process. Once he was vertical again, he cupped his palm on Atul's cheek, telling him "you really are a beautiful man. Please do not let anger, and vengeance poison your beauty." I began sniffling, and my eyes watered at that. My vision was compromised, but I think Atul's eyes did too. Robert then went about handing out coffee to Jae Soo and Jin Woo, and announcing that he'd be back after delivering Jaya her tea. Atul sat there, simply stunned. After about a minute, I waved my hand in front of his eyes to see if I could break the spell. He stood and hand still in mine, turned and began walking back to the doorway of Jason's room. Robert had just cleared the doorframe as we reached it, and Jason excitedly shouted "Baby!... uh. Atul! You're here! I'm so happy!" Both his dimples were on full high-beam. Shocked, I looked around to see if anyone was gearing up to bring out the pitchforks and torches after that particularly bad slip of the tongue: curiously, all I saw were sweet smiles on the faces of Jin Woo, Jae Soo. and Jaya (?!) - WTF?

Jaya's smile quickly morphed into a more somber expression as she stood, bowed her head, and adopted the stance of one who had been greatly chastened before her son. Jason broke the newly built dark tension in the room by yelling at me: "Rich! Come over here and meet Atul's mom! Her name is Jaya, and she is AWESOME!" Jason motioned with both arms for both of us to come over and give him hugs, kisses, and cuddles - and we obeyed without hesitation. Apparently oblivious to the mother/son tension in the room, Jason grabbed Atul's left hand, and reacquired Jaya's hand with this right one, pulling both of them down to force them to sit on the edge of the bed on either side of them before introducing me: "Jaya, this is Rich, Rich, this is Jaya. You two are really really gonna like each other, because you both love Atul so so so much!" Wow. That was a hell of a way to be introduced to your potential mother-in-law. Whatever the case, Jason had thankfully been spared the drama and daggers of the full family reunion in the last 20-ish hours; he continued to babble joyfully about how he and Jaya were going to make Indian sweet treats for both Atul and me when he got to go home. Atul and Jaya seemed to both be content to let Jason babble out all his pent-up little guy energy just as a nurse with her little computer cart stepped past Jason's parents in the doorway to come in and check on Jason.

Jaya took this opportunity to break Atul away for a long needed talk. Caressing her hand through that part of Jason's hair not covered in a bandage, said "My little rakshaka, while the nurse checks you, I'd like to see if both Atul and Rich would allow me to me speak with them for a little. Is that ok?" Jason just smiled and nodded in the affirmative, asking her to come back to see him soon. I squeezed Atul's hand, he looked up at me, and squeezed my hand back. It looked like the time of reckoning was here. I was later to learn that "rakshaka" means "protector", this appellation and Jaya's display of affection to the boy would certainly buy her a few credits with Atul. We sat in the waiting area, and contrary to my expectation, Atul did not remove his hand from its grip with mine, in fact, our fingers were now completely interwoven. Atul remained silent, but I could sense the minotaur just below the surface: he wanted to hear what she had to say, and I was certain the credits she now had won would not last long. Jaya moved her armchair directly in front of us both, sat down, grabbed my right hand in both her hands, looked into my eyes, and spoke directly to me.

I did not expect this opening gambit: I was shocked, but managed to resist the impulse to withdraw my hand. I did, however, feel Atul's hand grasping mine more tightly. "Rich," she began slowly and with a soft voice, "I see and feel how you are my son's one true partner. I sense the love and care he has for you, and you have for him. It pains my soul that we have to meet each other for the first time under such circumstances. I am most thankful for you and for Jason, that sweet and brave little child in the bed, for you two have showered my son with the love and protection that I could not provide. until now. I thank you for this." OK Jaya, five more credits: make them last! Turning to Atul, she wiped a tear from her eye with one of her hands, leaving one residing still in mine. "Atul, my son. I am so sorry for many things. First, I have sensed that you were not interested in girls since you were Jason's age, but I was not strong enough to let you be who you are. no, that is incorrect, I was not allowed to let you be who you are, but I should have been stronger to challenge each of his many stupid and cruel decisions regarding you. He was and still is emotionally and physically abusive to both you and me." Here she pulled aside a bit of silk on her upper arm, showing a freshly applied bruise.

Atul flinched imperceptibly, and his eyes looked away. I sensed that the bruise had brought back long undesired memories of other bruises. I knew the frustration and grief myself of a small boy watching his mother be abused by a tyrant father, and being able to do nothing about it. Anyone who has been through this can sense it in others. "I only met Rana at the engagement ceremony," she said. "Your father and Subhash made all of the arrangements. I had before heard rumors of the things Rana had done, and rumors of how Subhash paid everyone off to make the problems go away, but it was just gossip, and I did not dream of the nightmare we had subjected you to. Your father told me that you needed a strong woman to make you a `normal' man, and that everything would be perfect for you. I should have fought for you but couldn't. I prayed constantly that I had made you strong enough to work through any problems. It is a blessing to learn now that you have indeed been strong enough, even much more so! To know that you have surrounded yourself with people from everywhere who love and protect you, and whom you love and protect. You have Rich and Jason, and may I pay special respects to Jason's grandmother! If I may allow my true emotion regarding my husband and his friend show, it was such a sweet pleasure to see what she did to Rana, to Subhash, and to your father." Those last two words were delivered in a lower, ominous tone of voice - almost a growl. "In the days before coming to the US, I went to the temple, to pray for guidance. The goddess Lakshmi spoke to me, telling me that this was the time for me to be courageous: that soon I would lose either my husband, or my son, and that I had no further options. That decision is clear for me now: I am therefore divorcing your father."

OK, we've already been through the import of how divorce and disrespect of a parent were key arch sins in Indian culture, so this was a seismic shift.

I could sense the thousand questions building in Atul's brain, but before any of them could spring out, he reached out his right hand, and placed it upon Jaya's knee. With a wrenching sob, she placed her free hand upon Atul's hand, and held it tightly. Atul, with a concerned expression on his face just said "Talli" (I knew that one - mommy), how will you manage, and how may I help?" Note: his question was not "should you do this? No, it was "how may I help?" Jaya had recovered from her emotional outburst, reached into her handbag. Inside was a fat legal envelope which she handed to me. "The meeting with Rana was blessedly short. Atul's threat to expose Rana, Subhash, and your father to the world was well made. Inside are the signed and notarized annulment papers. Atul's attorney had people there to make certain it was done properly. Rich, please make sure these are delivered so that this sham wedding may be erased. I only pray that you and Atul soon will allow me the joy of taking part in his real wedding - a happy one - that I understand is now possible in the United States. I took the envelope from her hand, thanked her, and released Atul's hand, bringing that hand together with Jaya's, but not before she reached up to my face, bringing it down for a kiss on my cheek. Well played Jaya, you had only a few credits to play, and you played them well.

I left them both to emotionally reunite. I knew that there was much, much more to this story, and as I solution to this need to know, I went to find Robert. He was with the Cho family in Jason's hospital room. Dr. Becker had just visited, and proclaimed that she was willing to discharge Jason today as long as he took it easy, remained off his feet for a few days, and came back for some cautionary tests before he started back to school on Wednesday at the earliest. The child was stoked, and would have jumped out of bed to go find Atul had he not had a catheter connecting his penis to the bed. I told him the nurse would be in shortly to disconnect him, but he should wait for Atul, who had some important things to talk about with his mother first. He asked me "is he really mad with her?" and I thankfully told him, "not anymore." He grinned with both dimples ablaze, knowing full well that he had been responsible for making this happy reunion possible.

I managed to pull Robert aside, and he gave me a general outline of what was about to happen. First, he told me that Jaya had slipped him a note, telling him of her plans, and that she wanted to visit Jason alone today to give him a message for Atul. On the ride over to the hospital, Jaya shared that she had made preparations for her decisions to leave Anish. She has been in control of accounting and bookkeeping for Anish's business dealings as Anish had a head only for the politicking and backslapping side of the business. So, she had moved most of the business and home assets into Citibank accounts under her name; should she so choose, Anish would be nearly penniless. Robert had also been in contact with the police and the district attorney's office regarding events of this morning. The two men with Subhash and Anish were so-called "private investigators" who were also being investigated by state and federal authorities for money laundering and racketeering. In the recording of the incident, Anish had warned the men not to say anything about them planning to kidnap Atul, so Anish's mouth had bought all four of them state charges of conspiracy to commit kidnapping, and since they had all acted together in the commission of a felony, charges of assault with a deadly weapon also. Anish and Subhash would soon be under arrest as soon as we took Jaya back to the hotel to remove all of her luggage and belongings - which also included all of her jewelry, valuables, and all the important business documents she would need to liquidate the business. Robert also had someone arranging transportation back to Hyderabad for Rana's mother, so that left only what to do with Jaya - I told him that Atul and I would take care of her.

Atul and Jaya rounded the doorframe just as the nurse had disconnected Jason and given discharge instructions to us. Jason was a bit irked that he wouldn't be able to run around with his friends, but we were firm: the whole building would know his restrictions, and would make sure he did what he was supposed to. Atul sat down by him and told him not to worry, because he was planning to spoil him. Everyone giggled at this, because we knew it to be the truth. After a whirlwind of activity, Jason was in a wheelchair, zipping downstairs to be released out into the unwary world. Robert said that he had some items to discuss with Jaya on the way, and that Atul and I should follow them; having no reason to disagree, we all pulled out of the parking deck, and headed back to the hotel. Atul took my had once again, and told me he was worried about Jin Woo and Jae Soo, that they looked terribly tired and careworn. I told him I saw the same thing, and of the brief conversation I had with Jin Woo regarding his needing some relief "off his soul." Atul and I were of one voice in making sure that happened, and that we should offer some guest room (not play room) time to Jason so the parents could decompress.

As we pulled up to the hotel parking lot, we noticed the police cars sitting out front, as well as another of Robert's black SUVs. Jaya seemed less certain of herself than she'd seemed at the hospital, so Atul and I made a beeline for her. On the way over, Robert had explained what was about to happen, and that in an instant, all of her decisions had transitioned from being theoretical, and were all about to be put into the realm of real life. In essence, she was experiencing a mix of disquietude and existentialist angst - making a leap of faith into the unknown - or was she being pushed? Whatever, it was happening, and Atul and I felt it: we both enveloped her in our arms for support. We were by her side, but it was her that began striding forward to make that final confrontation with Anish: she was not being pushed.

We met Captain Perry in the lobby, along with four of his officers. Dileep was there, as was Neal; they had both been briefed of the situation with Jaya, so Dileep stayed with Robert, and Neal came over to us. He had already been working on the basic divorce paperwork for Jaya, and needed her signature so that they could be served to Anish at the time of his arrest. Neal explained that the charges against Anish and Subhash, as well as their two accomplices would likely not allow for bail, so the divorce would have to be adjudicated while Anish sat around in an orange jumpsuit - and it could take a while. Jaya took the papers, and while looking them over, Neal turned to us and told us Dileep had been ordered to stay at our place for the next few days as a precaution. Of course I couldn't miss this opportunity: "so of course we should include you on the dinner and breakfast list too?" Neal turned beet red, but Atul took him into his arms and told me to "be nice." After Jaya had looked the papers over, with a deep breath she tookthe pen offered to her, and signed in all the places indicated. Neal took the papers over to the hotel's business center to make copies of them. The hotel had a notary public on staff to make the copies official, so with all the details handled, the divorce was on.

Now came the time for action: Captain Perry and his officers went up to the parent's rooms along with hotel security guards. Dileep and Robert went up behind them, while Jaya, Atul, Neal and I stood down the hall on the other side of the elevators. Two officers each went to the two doors the parents were occupying. They knocked, announced themselves, and the hotel security guards unlocked the doors. Both men were soon (again) in handcuffs, loudly expressing their consternations. Dileep (again) translated their charges explained their rights. As they were led down the hallway, Anish began to plead with Atul to get the police to change their mind - to no avail: Atul was stone faced. Then, Anish began to wail at his wife, to which Neal stood in front of her, and served him with divorce papers. Dileep, once again, provided a translation. Clearly understanding that he no longer was a master of the universe, he slumped his head and walked into the elevator. Subhash, on the other hand, still considered himself above all this, and defiantly screamed his consternation. Soon, that big steel elevator door closed itself, as if a curtain had fallen and ended a play. Jaya walked down the hall with purpose, quickly stopping by the doorway of Rana's parent's room. With a deadpan voice, she made a few utterances to Rana's weepy, whining mother, and Atul translated: "Sleep here. They are taking you back to India tomorrow. Be ready to leave at noon" before turning, elegantly flaring her silken sari in the wind, and returning to her own room. Jaya clearly did not care for the woman: Atul explained that Rana's mother had been the driving force behind the marriage in the first place; now in hindsight, it appears she'd been hoping to be rid of her ill-tempered daughter.

Back in the parent's room, Jaya was already going through the suitcases, going through all the suitcases for valuables, collecting them into her suitcase while dumping ballast to make room. Atul asked her if she would rather stay in the hotel, or stay in the guest room at his's old apartment, because Dileep and Neal are temporarily staying in the guest room in our." Jaya cocked an eyebrow up toward me, and with a coquettish smirk asked if Atul had already changed addresses. Knowing he'd just betrayed himself, Atul began to babble an answer, but before he could utter anything intelligible, both Jaya and I broke out in laughter. Jaya lifted her hand to Atul's cheek in comfort, saying that she was glad he'd moved out before Rana could have done any permanent damage. Rana soon had two bags ready to take with her: a large one with clothes and toiletries, and a smaller one with what looked like jewelry and papers. She asked me if there were any lock boxes anywhere nearby where she could store the items in the smaller bag, I told her my bank was nearby, and we could get a safety deposit box there, and that I had a smaller safe at home that had some room for smaller items. She chose a few items to bring back home with her, and we then headed to the bank to get things sorted and stored for her there. It was then that I got a text from Neal: "Love ya, see you in a few. Running home to get some fresh clothes and things. I like my eggs over easy." My response? "and your men over, HARD! Love ya back."

Back home, we gave her the grand tour of our humble abode, and put her valuables in the safe in the home office. Atul then took Jaya upstairs to get her settled. I could only guess that Rana had left a mess upstairs, and texted Atul that we had cleaning supplies if needed; he was back downstairs in less than a minute to collect them for immediate use. While the cleaning took place, I ran down to the Home Depot to have some extra front door keys made for Dileep and Neal's use in the interim. When I got back, Jin Woo was out on his veranda, sitting with his forehead in his hands. I walked up behind him and began rubbing his shoulders: they were indeed tight. After a few minutes, he spoke, telling me that the last few days had been stressful, but he was happy that Jason was home. When speak of the devil, Jason popped out onto the veranda. He said he was worried because his oppa looked so tired, when Jin Woo quickly scooped him up in his arms and pulled him into his lap, cocooning his child tightly in his arms and smothering him with hugs and kisses. I could tell Jin Woo was sobbing too: he had been so consumed with worry over his son, and now he had proof in his arms that Jason was going to be ok. This was a moment of catharsis, and there was nothing to do except let it run its course: I had no doubt Atul would be having one of these moments soon too.

Dileep pulled up just then, and walked up with a small suitcase and garment bag. He took a moment and greeted Jin Woo and Jason, telling them both how happy he was to see him safe and happy again. I gave Dileep one of the new keys, and told him to go make himself at home. I made an executive decision then to order dinner for everyone from Hong Kong Garden - the nastiest BUT best Chinese restaurant I've found outside of Beijing. The first time I walked in there, burned sesame oil was in the air, children were riding bicycles and tricycles around the dining room, the grandparents were sitting at a table playing cards, and the parents were loudly cursing at each other in Mandarin from inside the kitchen: It was just like being back in Shandong province, China (I taught there for some time), and I knew from that instant this place was the real deal. They now knew me, and I would order in my limited Chinese. Every time, they always threw in extra dishes. They also had good vegetarian dishes; one of them was a really spicy tofu dish called Mapo Dofu, and I knew Atul would love it. I texted everyone in the building: "welcome home dinner for Jason here at 6:30 ish - Chinese" and placed a huge order, and as a bonus, they would deliver it too.

Of course there was far too much food - and Halmoni and Carla brought even more. Russell was still with the Meier men; it seemed that he and Juergen had bonded well - and of course I had to find out just how far that bonding went. Jonas stuck by Russell's side, and Alex was pretty much adhered to me. The Cho family came in, and everyone made huge ruckus with the return of our little hero Jason! Everyone had to get a hug from him before his mother made him sit down and rest. Atul and Jaya arrived next, and Jason with a shout made a beeline for Atul, who with a worried look on his face picked him up in his arms, telling him to calm down before giving him a hug and a kiss. Now that Jason was up at everyone's eye level, he shouted "everybody! This is my new Auntie Jaya! Please welcome her!" I was happy that he had settled on "auntie" rather than "mother in law".Halmoni was the first one to come over and shake her hand in welcome. Shortly after that, Neal arrived with his overnight bag to join the party. He went into the guest bedroom to put his things away, but nobody missed the fact that Dileep was hot on his heels, closing the door for a good four or five minutes until they both emerged with different hairstyles than when they had entered. I was in no mood to wash up after this impromptu dinner, so paper plates and disposable chopsticks were the order of the day.

We all ate, and as we did so, all of the pieces fell back into their proper places: Jason was in Atul's lap - with Jaya sitting next to them. I was on the other side of Atul, with Alex in my lap. In the love seat, Russell and Juergen sat with Jonas quasi on top of and between them. Neal let us know that Monday would be a big day, as Subhash and Anish would be arraigned, and the annulment process would be started. We all broke into smaller groups. Jaya wanted to know what would be next with Anish and Subhash; Neal had already spoken with the district attorney, informing her that they both posed a flight risk, and making the recommendation that with their track record, they should be remanded to custody. Fortunately, the same judge that presided at Rana's arraignment would be on the bench Monday, and Neal planned to have a translator and an assistant there as well. It appeared that all the bases had been well covered.

As a hint, I started boxing up all of the leftovers and cleaning up the debris. Jaya and Alex joined me. Soon, all of the food was partitioned out as leftovers for people to take home. Carla and Jae Soo took their leave as they were tired. Halmoni left shortly afterward, but only after giving Atul a kiss on the cheek and calling him "son". Jaya - whose body was somewhere in the 9 « hour time difference between Atlanta and Hyderabad - was starting to drag, so Atul (with Jason's help, of course) took her upstairs to rest in her newly cleaned digs. When they returned, it was just the men and our boys left, so some of us our postures altered themselves toward affectionate. Juergen, Russell, and Jonas became one unit: Juergen wrapped his arm around Russell, and gave both Russell and Jonas kisses on the lips. Jason, Alex, Atul, Felipe, Jin Woo and I were all loosely cuddled together, and Neal and Dileep were both seated/entwined in the same armchair. We were all at last back together, and a feeling of peace descended about the room.

Atul took the floor, telling everyone how very grateful he was for how this new family had pulled together to get us all past the unpleasantness of the last week, and how excited he was that we had Russell, Dileep and Felipe with us to complete us. He also pointed out that Jin Woo was due some attention from all of us, and that we needed to schedule young Jonas' manhood ceremony very soon. Jonas popped to attention at that, and looked up at his father. Juergen agreed with Felipe, and said he had another announcement: Russell would be temporarily moving in with the Meier men effective immediately, with a view to making it long term. It seemed as if Juergen and Russell got along swimmingly since having met just the day before, telling us all that they both are well on the same page with taking care of Jonas and the other boys: having a knowing ally at school and an expert at home would be an intense relief. here Juergen took Russell's hand, intertwining their fingers "he is definitely a pleasure to have in bed." Whoops and catcalls rose up, along with heartfelt congratulations.

Dileep was the newest to the group, and had only had direct sexual contact with two of us, so of course everyone wanted to know the story of him and Neal. Neal took Dileep's hand in his, and made a short statement: "I'm not really sure what is going on right now, but I am certain that I have fallen in love with this man. When I woke up this morning with him in my arms, all the missing blanks in my life felt filled. I know that Monday will have one other task on the calendar: suing for divorce from my wife, so that I can be with Dileep. Dileep blushed (as well as his darker skin allowed), and told everyone he felt so welcome. He shared with us that before working with Robert, he had been on an Indian Special Forces team that focused on counter-terrorism. This is where he and Robert had met, but he couldn't share more information about that. He also told us that his family called this afternoon with another arranged marriage, and he had told them to stop matchmaking, because he had already found his partner here. "They are, of course curious, and want to meet your parents first, Neal," He leaned over, and gave Neal a kiss. I nearly fell out of my chair, imagining them meeting Southern Baptist OOB (original old bat) Mrs. Annelle Turner. After my laughing spasm, it was here that (pointing upstairs) I pointed out that there seemed to be a perfect place for them to move once all the dust settled. Our little family seems to have gained an educator, a lawyer, and a security specialist!

Felipe asked Jin Woo what he needed most, and Jin Woo modestly stated "I have a fantasy of recreating some things at a time when I was very young. Memories of those times kept me alive for many years, and Rich helped make a repeat of them happen last week. As shameful as it might sound, I would like very much to do that again." Felipe asked him to tell us the fantasy, and starting out haltingly and a bit embarrassed did so. "When I was 14 or 15, I used to go to a sauna near my home. There, a nice American man taught me about sex, and soon had me tied into a sling, where all the men, all strangers - none of them I knew, would fuck me and cum deep inside me - sometimes as many as ten men would fuck me hard, and I would be in heaven. That's the kind of fantasy I have, to be fucked and bred anonymously by many men. Little Jason hugged his father, and said "that's a kind of fantasy I have too daddy! I love you, and it's not shameful." Felipe noted "no, it is not shameful to have a fantasy. A lot of you know Alex has a fantasy about getting raped, and I suppose I have that fantasy now too." We now have a family with which we can all safely explore and act out our fantasies." He scanned the room and asked "do any of you gentlemen object to taking part and making our Jin Woo's fantasy com true tonight?" No one objected. "Well, in that case, Jin Woo, there are seven men here who are ready to give you what you want. Why don't you go prepare yourself?" Jason began pulling at his father, telling him he wanted to help prepare him, so they both got up, and headed to the bathroom.

The rest of us jumped up to get ready as well. I could tell there was some pent up energy in the air, and I couldn't come up with a better way to provide a release. Atul set up the sling while I put towels down below and on the bed. Alex put out supplies, and Juergen moved a floor light in front of the blinds and turned off the overhead and other lights; in this configuration, shadows would not be projected onto the shades for the outside world to see. Everybody began disrobing, but I had one final touch to make: I took a sheet of paper out of the printer, and with a sharpie wrote "Mun Hwa Sauna" on it, and taped it to the now "playroom" door. I had another idea: inside the darkened room, six naked men were somewhat huddled around the sling, and two naked boys were with their men: Alex stood with Felipe, and was inspecting his papa's cockhead. Jonas was sandwiched between Juergen's chest, his arms and legs wrapped around his father. Russell's chest was pasted to his back with his arms around Juergen's shoulders, and Juergen's hands on Russell's lower back, and between Jonas' legs, his little ball sack was perched upon two very large and very erect cocks. It was Atul that came up with the ground rules for tonight: we didn't have much time, so everybody would get two sessions with Jin Woo tonight, a five minute "warm up", and then after everyone had their first session, we would all masturbate until near orgasm, and then feed the loads, one after the other - to Jin Woo's ass.

Jin Woo and Jason, both very much naked, came to the doorway, Jin Woo giggling at the "sauna" sign at the door. I stopped him, and sent Jason over to Atul, while I put a sleep mask over Jin Woo's eyes. I told him "you know all these men, so you can't have a true fantasy of anonymously taking loads. However, with your eyes blindfolded, you won't know who is fucking you. well, you might be able to figure out when Atul is inside you." Everyone giggled at that, and when the giggles died down, I led Jin Woo over to the sling, and helped him up in it, and Atul and Neal helped to restrain and tie down one of his wrists and ankles, making sure his legs were spread out wide leaving his now still tight hole open for ravaging. His cock was rigid as a sequoyah pine. I left a bottle of poppers in his free hand with the top off. Telling Jin Woo to cover the opening with this thumb: he caught on very quickly, and now he could use the bottle any time he needed to. Very quickly, I did "eenie meeie miney moe" on the group to see who would be the first to fuck Jin Woo, and Russell came up the winner. He came forward and Jonas stepped up to slick up his bronze torpedo with lube. Russell lined up to Jin Woo's hole, which for all practical purposes had become a "public utility." He started to press forward, and quickly Jin Woo took a huge hit off of the bottle, groaning until his hole finally relented, and allowed Russell's slick, thick rod to punch in and go balls deep to the sound of Jin Woo's moan as his ass swung back, slapping Russell's lower stomach and thighs. Jason walked up and looked up into Russell's eyes. Jason hadn't seen Mr. Wilson in any other context except as Assistant Principal, and wanted more info. Russell pulled out for a moment, allowing Jason a short view and touching session before plunging back into Jason's father. Jason whispered "when you're done, I'll be over there," nodding toward the bed.

Atul had other goals: he walked Jason over to the bed, and very, very gently laid down with him. He knew the boy was needy, but wanted to make sure that he was handled with the utmost care and came to no strain, stress or harm. He pulled Jason into his lap, and began a slow, sensual kissing and cuddling session with his boy. Atul's hands were all over Jason, but I could tell that Atul's true motivation was to check his boy over thoroughly, making certain that all of his body was well, but Jason had needs, and telegraphed them to Atul by lubing up his ass in anticipation of some Mr. Wilson attention. Russell had developed a nice rhythm with Jin Woo on the sling when time was called. Neal was next, and he stepped up to fill the void at a nice, deep pace. Russell went over to the bed, where Jason was on his back, legs up and spread, instructing Russell to fill him up just like he filled his daddy. This was the third child and student of his whom he would be violating in as many days, and Atul warned him to take it easy. Jason had been dormant since Thursday night, so it was a bit tight on entry. Nonetheless, Jason was able to take the big brown dick, and savored its length and heft as the educator sawed into the eleven year old Asian ass.

Time called, and now Felipe was up. By now, Jin Woo's gulley had been opened wide, so Felipe had no major issue accessing the tunnel. Jin Woo did moan deeply on entry - my guess was that the dick is so big around and massive, it must have hit all the good nerves, and after his turn he planted himself in Alex. Neal was now back inside a very virile Dileep, whose brown cock curved mightily up over its course of nine inches, Neal's hands were rubbing all over Dileep's chiseled and hairy torso, down to Dileep's hefty ball sack and meaty thighs and back up. Juergen was next, and I'm certain Jin Woo noticed the ramrod straight cock and the regular rhythmic pumping. Juergen was a powerful fuck, but not the most imaginative. We'd all have to work on his spontaneity. Atul was next, and once again I'm sure Jin Woo registered who was at the helm after his massive "OOF!" on entry. Juergen went over to watch what was going on with Russell and masturbate himself inside his Jonas, who was already there, acting as a cheerleader, and clearly marking his territory as the official manfriend - who was only being "borrowed" for the time being. My time was last, and wow, that tight, Korean man pussy had been transformed by seven large cocks into a well-worn cunt. By the time we all unload in him, it would have become a hot mess.

Round two was on, and Russell had already worked himself up to near climax inside Jason. He pulled out of Jason, dashed over to Jin Woo, planted deep and immediately began shooting. Before completion, however, he pulled out, returned to Jason, and shot his last few emissions deeply into Jason; there was a round of applause for that little show! The rest of us gathered near the bottom of the sling, working up our loads and delivering them one-at-a-time as they were ready. It didn't take long for long slimy streams of cum to start drooling out of Jin Woo's now wrecked and red ass. This wouldn't have been my fantasy, but it looked like Jin Woo certainly enjoyed it! Then it struck me: within this group, we can all safely and securely live out our wildest fantasies, and explore new ones. This is why we were all brought together. When it was all over, Jin Woo looked like a five-year old who had received the best birthday gift ever, and he thanked all of us many times. I did give him a towel to put under his ass while he walked to the bathroom, otherwise there would have been a trail. All cleaned up and no harm done, Juergen, Russell, Felipe, and Jin Woo, along with the boys, went home tired but satisfied. Atul, Neal, Dileep and I restored the play room to guest room, and after brushing teeth & locking up, were ready for bed. This time, I was small spoon, and Atul whispered "I love you" in my ear over and over, before finally crashing into his purr/snore. Life is indeed good, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Next: Chapter 30

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