Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Apr 17, 2020


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While elements and scenes in this story are based in reality, all of the characters are 100% fictional, the story is 100% mine - please don't reuse without permission. Constructive comments are welcome at

Melting Pot - Chapter 6By Rilobo1

The alarm/radio went off promptly at 7:00 AM, with the local NPR station, WABE starting out with the weather: clear and cool for today. This was a treat after the long, hot, humid Georgia summer. I decided on a shower, then a coffee out on the veranda. It was so nice being able to use the veranda in the very short period of time between summer and summer in Georgia. I had barely taken a seat at the patio table when I heard "Mr. Rich!" from the stairway. Carla, Alex's mom, walked down and asked if I had a moment. Of course I did, and asked if she'd like a cup of coffee too, but with her little one getting ready for school, she had no time for that. I gave her a rain check. She told me very quickly that Felipe had gotten an invitation to a local dance party for that evening, it would be a chance for her and Felipe to spend a nice adult evening with dinner and dancing. I mentioned how happy I was to hear it! They both worked and rushed around so much that they never got a chance to have fun. I knew that this would mean some re-arranging of things, as Carla always acted as transporter-in-chief for Alex and Jason to their Webelos scout meeting on Thursdays, when she brought it up herself; would I please take care of them? Of course I said I would. I'd even take them out to the Dairy Queen in Tucker afterward for a bite to eat and an ice cream. In fact, to provide them with more of an opportunity to have a "date night", I offered to have Alex stay over with me. He had already stayed over in the guest room a couple of twice when times and schedules had gotten tight with the Ramirez family. Jason had ended up (naturally) staying over with him, and of course they were always rowdy until forced to go to bed. I thought about dropping by the zoo to get some thorazine darts -- the kind they use to drop the rhinos when the vet needed to check them.

Carla was of course happy to hear this, just when the Jason's parents came outside on the way to their store. Carla briefed them on the change of plans, and I asked if Jason could also come over to stay with Alex. They quickly agreed, and I told them that I'd get them ready for school the next morning. Plans agreed on, the Chos went on ahead to the grocery, and Carla went back upstairs. The next second, Jason came out with a huge, beaming smile as he walked over to me. He told me he was soooo extra special happy, and slept so well after yesterday's time with Atul. I asked if "everything" (wink wink) was ok below this morning, and he just wiggled his hips a bit, saying that he could still feel how good it felt. I was just about tell him about the change in plans for this evening, when we heard a huge "whoop!," a door slamming, and the sound of great hooves stomping: enter Alex, stage left, shouting "Jason! We're gonna have such a great time! I can't wait..." I cut him off, and began telling Jason about tonight. He too was psyched, and jumping up and down. Jason looked at me, and had an odd expression about his face: dear Lord, what was that little mind hatching now? About then, the bus was pulling up. I told them both to get their homework done as soon as they got home, to put together a bag for the night, as well as clothes for school in the morning. They both shouted "OK Mr. Rich!", and bolted for the bus.Just as the bus pulled off, another door closed, and Atul walked down the stairs. Once again, a bright, grin filled face walked up to me that morning. I was so glad to see my older boy so happy. He said that he had to get to a staff meeting at his company, but he wanted talk with me for a second. He lifted up his left eyebrow, and whispered to me "I will see you at Noon, yes?" I answered affirmatively, also noting that the door would again be open. Again, a huge grin, with a pleasant "I can't wait to properly thank you for everything." He turned, and with a jaunt, started his short walk to the office, turning briefly back to say with a wink, "don't fuss about getting lunch".

OK, what started out as a quiet day looked now like something for the record books. I immediately got to work. First things first: a huge load of towels needed to be done. Once they were safely in the big washer in the laundry room, I turned to my clients' needs. Thankfully, there was nothing urgent or terribly difficult. In between tasks, the towels went to the dryer, and soon they were clean, folded or laid back out on the guest room bed. At 11:00 AM, I made myself a quick sandwich with soup for sustenance, ate, unlocked the front door, and went back to my bathroom to "prepare" myself for Atul's thank you present. Fifty minutes later and freshly dressed, I checked the guest room to make certain all the elements were out: water, lube, towels, wet wipes, Velcro straps, and poppers. I didn't know what Atul had in mind, nor what he wanted to use, but I wanted him to do the driving this afternoon -- no pun intended -- and he needed to have access to whatever tools he wanted to use. Just then, I heard the door open, close, and then lock. He then strode into the guest room and began disrobing down to his boxers. While disrobing, he told me he had about 90 minutes today, had everything planned out, and again expressed his thanks for helping him to start building confidence in himself as a man. As soon as he was down his boxers (and my, did that cock look angry!) he asked me how I wanted him. I merely stated that I wanted him only to be in control, and that I was ready to do anything for him. He gave me an evil leer, and shucked his boxers to the ground, and stepped out of them. I was speechless at the young god facing me -- he was muscular in all the right places, broad shoulders, lightly hairy on his chest and abdomen, well-trimmed pubes, and light hair on his lower legs and the tops of his toes. I hadn't ever really had the chance to notice his feet, but they were long and broad with high arches and perfectly shaped toes. If Michelangelo had ever worked with brown marble, this is how the David would have looked -- except with a much, much more significant cock. I was likely harder than I had ever been.

He then sauntered (yes, it was a saunter) over to me, grabbed me around the waist, and forcefully began kissing me. He kept his eyes open, and I melted into it. He began disrobing me, and only released the kiss when it was time to remove my socks -- everything else he removed during a lip and tongue lock. Once we were both naked, he laid me down on my back, and mounted himself over me. He kept kissing me for a few moments, and then began moving down my body, never removing his lips from my skin. He kissed my neck, upper chest, both nipples, down to my navel, and on to my penis. When he got there, he transitioned from his lips to his tongue, and began bathing my corona and slit with friction and saliva. He continued to my scrotum, raising and spreading my knees with his hands, and bathing both my orbs equally well. Down he went to my perineum, raising my feet off the bed high and wide. Then, he went for it, and began the administration of one of the most glorious rimming campaigns known to humanity. It went on for at least ten minutes, and soon I thought I was going to cum just from his tongue. It also turns out that Atul has a very long tongue, and he was able to lick things no one has ever licked before.

I was so out of it, I never noticed him grab the bottle of lube from next to the pillow. He then began his trip north, spending a few quality minutes on the scrotum, shaft, and head, when I noticed his fingers were very wet with lube, and depositing that lube all around my anus. Curiously, he didn't enter my anus with my fingers, nor seek out my prostate. Suffice it to say that by the time he was back chewing on my lips and tongue, I was well greased. Still kissing, he raised my knees up to my chest, and maneuvered himself so that his scorching cockhead was touching the gates of my asshole. He lubed that as well. He grabbed a towel, dried off his hands, and then began caressing my ears and cheeks with both hands. Only then did he stop kissing me, raising himself up to look down into my eyes. He said "this is going to be a long ride. I hope you feel my gratitude to you the whole time." He grabbed the bottle of poppers, opened it, placed to my right nostril -- closing the left on, and said "breathe".

I took a long draw, and he changed the bottle to the other nostril for a few seconds. I took another draw, and then held my breath waiting for the rush to begin -- which didn't take long. Just as my focus started to shift, he jammed that monster in me, and pushed it all the way to the hilt. It was pure heaven. He then pulled back, actually exiting my anus. I guess he began doing some mental trigonometry, as very soon he had adjusted both of our positions so that he could enter me again without using his hands. As I came back to myself, I saw that he was staring intensely into my eyes, even while I was unfocused. He kept that stare going, as he relentlessly sawed inside and outside me. Each outstroke, I felt his hook and cockhead rake over the prostate, and pull my sphincter out until it freed itself, only to be followed by being pushed back in on reentry, raking the prostate once again going downward until his balls smashed into my ass, signaling the return trip upstroke. His hands and knees were anchored onto the mattress while my feet crossed over his lower back, and my hands caressed the muscles in his arms, shoulders, neck, and upper back.

He kept this same exact pummeling going for God knows how long, as I lost track of time. From time to time, he punctuated it with alternating light or deep kisses, always returning to full-presence eye contact. He developed a light sheen of sweat, and I began to notice the light, spicy smell of male musk -- which only intensified the passion I was experiencing. He stopped the fuck only twice, each time only long enough to apply more lube. After the second time, he stopped the long stroke, and began strokes only deep enough to swipe the prostate. He sped up the pace, and soon I felt him swelling inside. He took the poppers, and gave me another good hit, bringing me to the point where I would have gladly let him kill me; that is about the point where I began my orgasmic contractions without even having my cock touched! He then resumed deep dicking me into oblivion, and I began noticing him contracting and spasming -- each of us with extremely uneven breathing. He planted his cock so deeply inside me I swear part of his scrotum was inside me too; his cockhead felt like it had doubled in size, and he was cumming. Almost immediately, I could feel how he was filling me with his load.

It was as intense as anything I've ever felt in my life. All the time, he was nibbling at my lips, and giving me little kisses.

After having come back to my senses (because of course I lost contact with space and time during that,) I glanced over to the clock on the table. It read 1:00 PM. My muddled mind did some quick math, and arrived at an estimated forty five minutes. The man had fucked me nonstop for a full forty five minutes! I may never walk correctly again! He came back to Earth, pulled back, looked into my eyes and said "Thank you. You gave me the confidence to be a man, and to love. Anytime you ever need me, let me know. I will always be there for you." After a few more sweet kisses, he began softening and pulling out. I was able to clench my muscles before anything spilled out, but knew I wouldn't be able to hold it for long: he had deposited much more that the enema wand had, and it would be wanting out shortly. He jumped up, looked at the time himself, and said he needed to get back to his office. While he was dressing, I told him that I had both Alex and Jason as guests that night, and might have some time alone with Jason beforehand. He asked me to tell Jason how much he loved him, and I promised that I would. I also promised him that his next time with Jason on Sunday should be even better than yesterday afternoon, at which he grinned broadly. Before he left, he once again took me in his arms, telling me that he loved me too, and would always want to make sure I am happy. He then opened the door, made sure the coast was clear, and dashed out.

I didn't have another moment to spare. I ran to the toilet to relieve myself of his load, and it was truly epic. I needed an immediate power nap, and laid down for a much needed hour. About 3 PM I got up, got dressed, made a hot tea, and went out on the veranda for a bit of warm sunshine. I must have dozed off again, but woke with as start when I heard the air brakes of the school bus hiss. Jason and Alex jumped out, saw me on the veranda, and ran up to mob me. I gave both of them big hugs, and they began jabbering about what they wanted to do tonight. It did my heart good to see how very excited they were -- it also made me glad that I got a bit of a nap, because sleep may very well be a precious commodity later with the unwashed horde in the house. I told them both to run home, get their homework done, and get their bags packed. The Webelos scout meeting started at 6:30 PM, and it would take about five minutes to drive to the First Methodist Church where the den had its headquarters, so I asked them both to be downstairs, ready to go no later than 6:15PM. They both agreed, and started to dash toward their respective dwellings. Jason quickly turned back, Held up ten fingers, and mouthed "ten minutes", and then ran inside to meet Halmoni.

I went inside, and pulled some chicken nuggets out of the freezer to defrost (always a good thing to have on hand when 10/11 year old boys are around). I also cut up a couple of apples, and washed some grapes. I also made a couple of turkey sandwiches I could give them before heading out to the scout meeting, to hold them over until we could storm the Dairy Queen later. I then went to unlock the front door, but didn't get a chance to. Jason was there with his backpack and his overnight bag. I let him in, and he quickly kicked off his shoes. He ran back to the guest bedroom to deposit his items. When he got in there, he took one look at the bed and asked if Atul had been there. I answered truthfully, and told him we were preparing some things for him and Atul to do the following Sunday. He seemed truly aroused, and began a little excited dance, going from foot to foot. He then quickly asked if I could train him a little bit right now, because it would "be better to practice as much as possible." With such unassailable logic, how could I deny him. I told him this would have to be a short session, because we don't know how much time we had before Alex would show up. He gave me a very odd look and grin, but agreed. I told him to go back to the bathroom, prepare himself, and come back naked. He pulled off all his clothes, and dashed off to get things done. I disrobed myself then too.

Just about ten minutes later, he showed back up. I asked if he had any problems, but he reported that "everything came out ok": Cheeky little bugger. I laid Jason down in the middle of the bed, got between his legs, grabbed his by now hard erection, stripped it down, and began administering a very active blowjob. He writhed around for a few minutes, and eventually dry came hard. The edge having been taken off, I then began explaining that the biggest problem he and Atul had yesterday was that Jason kept moving around. He agreed, and even noted that once I had started holding him down, it got "hundreds of times better." The solution to the problem was to teach Jason to control himself, and for that, Atul and I went shopping, bought some tools. He was intrigued and wanted to know what we had in store for him. I brought out the Velcro straps, asked him to trust me, and began the process of tying him up. I laid him down with his head on a thick pillow, and then secured each of his wrists separately in the center of the headframe. I then took each ankle, and secured each to the respective side of the bed frame. I pulled his torso down the bed so that tension between his legs and the bedframe brought his tender little ass curved up into the air, about a foot above the mattress, I then shoved another pillow underneath him, to support his lower back. I then dove down on his little anus, giving him an extremely dedicated rimjob, utilizing a couple of tactics I had newly acquired from little Jason's lover: I stuck my tongue inside him farther than I had ever done in my life. Jason mewed and squirmed, but was completely unable to move his body in any direction.

After about ten minutes of prep, I raised up, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I lubed his ass and my cock up, and told him I was going to give him a little medicine that would make everything much easier. Full of trust, he said "ok", and I put the bottle to his nostril, and told him to breathe in deep, and hold it in as long as he could. I closed his other nostril, and he did just as instructed. After he had released his breath, I moved my cockhead to his hole, and pressed home. Jason was completely dazed and overcome by new sensations, but did not exhibit even one scintilla of pain. After initial entry, I tried deep dicking, avoiding his prostate, then full-on prostate pounding, then intermediate penetration. It was clear that he was straining to alter his position, but could not. It looked like the experiment was a success. I told him that I was going to really fuck his prostate, and that I would let one of his wrists loose so that he could really rub his dicklet. He nodded, and asked for some more medicine, which I gave him. Immediately after the hit, I started pounding his nub, and released his right hand, which went right away to providing friction to his cock. Soon, he began his spasms, I went back to long dicking, and moments later, we were both feeding each other's orgasms.

Once finished, I apologized for the brevity of the lesson, and released him from the straps. He got up and ran to the bathroom, and I began straightening up the guest room, pulling the towels off the bed, and hiding the other paraphernalia in the toy drawer. I threw the play pillows into the closet, replaced them with the guest pillows, threw on the normal comforter, and dressed myself. Jason showed up shortly after, threw me the "OK" sign, and got dressed himself. I then told him to go into the living room and finish his homework. He began to protest that he didn't have any, but I shot him a raised eyebrow, and he quickly conceded; he set about getting it done. In between, he asked about the "medicine", and I gave him a quick rundown, along with a warning that too much of it would be bad for him. Soon, he said he had finished all his homework.

About 6 PM, I opened the front door, and left it cracked open. Not two minutes later, Alex showed up and pushed his way in. I told both of them to go into the guest bedroom, get Alex settled, and put on their Webelos scouting uniforms. While getting their sandwiches, chicken nuggets and fruit together, I could hear a lot of giggling and talking from the guest room, followed by a period of ominous whispering. They both came out, cute as little bugs in their scouting uniforms, but grinning and glancing at each other conspiratorially: they were hatching something. There was no doubt about it. I gave them their snacks, herded them to the back seat of the car, got them buckled in, and soon we were off to Webelos, each of them giggling and whispering to the other. What had I gotten myself into?

Next: Chapter 7

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