Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on Apr 20, 2020


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Melting Pot - Chapter 7 By Rilobo1

During most of the ten minute drive to the Methodist church, Jason and Alex sat in the back seat whispering and giggling to each other. When we were nearly there, they became more vocal, asking if I had anything special planned for the night. I told them that I considered this a "night off" from their parents, and as long as nobody got rowdy and destructive, I'd likely let them be the architects of their own amusements -- within limits. They looked at each other quickly, pumped their little fists, and said "YESSS!." I pulled up at the scout hut, to let them out; before they got out though, each of them reached around my neck and gave me a hug. They got out of the car and thanked me. I told them I'd be back around 8 PM to pick them up, and told them to stick close by the front of the hut. They agreed, and quickly (and noisily) ran off to their little mob of friends. They were all over each other, jostling and joking around. I noticed that the group of about fifteen boys were of all races and distinctions known to man: these little boys would grow into adults who could not fathom why people hated others because of race, and I had to smile with renewed hope for the world. Pulling away, I heard their den leader bark at them to calm down and line up.

I had about an hour to myself, so of course my mind turned to ways to spoil my two charges for the evening. I wandered the aisles of the nearby Kroger collecting juice boxes, ice cream, pizza rolls (for tonight), cereal, toaster waffles, and syrup for the morning. While there, I picked around the produce, getting some additional fresh fruit, as well as some other more adult grocery items before starting to mosey on back to the scout hut to collect the horde. The Red Hat dvd rental machine was just outside, so I took a quick look at movies available. Nothing really called out to me, plus, I didn't know what they'd want. No big deal, I'd let them take a look at Amazon and Netflix, and make their choices -- if a movie appeared on their list of things to do.

I pulled back up at the scout hut, and saw them immediately standing at the door, standing with their heads close together in what looked to be a top secret conversation. I visually checked in with their scout leader, who nudged them, and starting their motion toward my car. They both had huge grins plastered on their faces, and they started climbing in and buckling up. I asked how they were, and as predicted, they both answered "starving!" in unison. Off we went to the Dairy Queen, where they each got the chili dog meal with fries. Jason, however, kept looking at me, and ate his hot dog with... shall we say, an abundance of tongue? Alex kept looking at Jason with a little half grin, and I finally had to shoot Jason a raised eyebrow/"hold your horses young man" look. Dinner accomplished, I got each of them a small soft-serve ice cream cone, and we went outside and sat for them to eat them. That'd be much easier than cleaning my car. While outside, they both sat close to each other, looked up at me with their little doe eyes, and began devouring their cones with lips and tongue. I thought to myself that I've never seen anyone eat ice cream like that: it looked rehearsed, went way past "cute," was approaching "erotic," and I started to chub up a little. I shook my head a little to clear the little demons in my mind, and told them to hurry, as it was getting chilly. They finished, thanked me for dinner, and climbed back in the car.

On the way back, I asked them if they'd decided what they wanted to do, and they said they really only wanted to spent time with me (awww!) I told them they had choices, to pick a movie, play games, or listen to some music. They both shouted "movie" at the same time. I told them as soon as we get back, they'd need to take showers or a bath, and get ready for bed before movie time would start. They quickly agreed. We got back, and kicked off our shoes. They both helped me with the grocery bags before they both ran to the guest bedroom. I got busy putting stuff away, then with a "whoosh!," two naked little butts zipped past the kitchen, and landed in my bathroom. They shut the door, and I heard the water start. I had planned for them to use the guest bathroom, so I went there, collected the washcloths and towels I'd laid out for them, and took them to my bathroom, knocking on the door to let them know I was placing the towels by the bathroom sink. They were both horsing around and giggling in the shower, so I threw the washcloths over the shower curtain, and they both said "thaaaaanks Mr. Rich!" I decided to go ahead and pre-stage the mop by the door: It would likely be messy afterward. I also kicked off my clothes, and got more comfortable in an extra large t-shirt and baggy flannel house pants.

Finally landing back on the sofa, I started warming up the TV and sound system and waited. I was just about to send out a search party for the horde, when both of them showed up, wrapped in bath towels. They both headed for the guest room, and Jason said they'd be out in a minute. A few minutes later, Jason's little head poked out from the door frame, and wanted to know if he could ask me a question he and Alex had. I, of course, said "certainly," and Jason -- still wearing the bath towel -- took a couple of steps toward me. I could then see Alex's head furtively peek out from the door frame. Jason took a couple of breaths, and then proceeded to say something along the lines of: "Alex and me want to know if... if you wouldn't mind... see, we don't get a lot of time together without the rents, and we thought, you know, since we're here, and you're so cool... if it would be ok if we just went nakey' tonight?" So, the shoe finally drops. Alex took a half step outside the door, anxiously waiting the verdict.

I just looked at both of them, tilting my head and giving them a fake pout, telling them "Oh, I see. And I thought you only wanted to spend time with me, watching a movie or something." They both looked at each other, and both looked back at me with squinted up eyes and exasperated looks on their faces. Alex's answer was priceless: "Uh, yeah, Mr. Rich. We can spend time with you, AND watch a movie, AND be nakey, all at the same time!" Again, the unassailable logic of tweens. I had no objections, and besides, the lurid part of my mind wanted to know what Alex was packing down there. I told them it would be OK, but only if they both had their pajamas nearby that they could quickly put on in case the `rents wanted to pop by and check on them. Again, they pumped their little fists with a quick "yessss!" They ran back in the guest room, to get their pajamas, and I yelled " and hang up those wet towels!" They both quickly ran to the guest bathroom, pajamas in hand, and then came out on full parade, PJ draped over their shoulders, but other than that, stark naked... nakey. Alex's junk was a little bigger than Jason's. Alex's cut penis and glans also looked somewhat darker than the rest of his body, which was a nice caramel color. As he got a little closer, I could see a tiny, narrow pink line that seemed to lie exactly on the edge of his corona, demarcating the border between shaft and glans. I was most definitely starting to chub again.

They both climbed up on the couch, one on each side of me: Alex on the left, and Jason on the right. They both snuggled in, and I wrapped an arm around each of them. They both purred just a little bit at the affection. I asked if they wanted a blanket, but they declined: after all, why be nakey if you're just gonna cover it all up, Jason said. I opened Netflix, and started going through the movies with them. We didn't have to go too far before they saw, "Avengers, Age of Ultron." They had both seen it, but on Jason's little TV in his room. They thought it would be the BOMB to watch it on a big screen with theatre sound system. Just before I could hit "play", there was a knock on the door. Fifteen scrambled seconds later, pajamas had been thrown on, and I opened the door: it was Atul. Jason's eyes opened widely, and shone like floodlights framed by a grin and two giant dimples. Alex just looked at him, and rolled his eyes. Atul was just getting home, and wanted to check in and see if the guys were having a good time. Both the boys reported "YEAHHH!", so Atul took his leave, gave Jason a little wink, and air kiss, and went on his way. Alex rolled his eyes again, as I closed and locked the door.

Alex immediately shucked off his PJs, and sat back down, but Jason just sat there with a dreamy look on his face. I asked Jason if everything was ok, but it was Alex who answered: "He's fine, he always looks like that when he sees his `boyfriend'. I bet his pecker is hard too." Alex then patted his hand on the sofa, indicating he was ready for me to sit down. Jason looked at Alex, shrugged, and pulled off his pajamas too: yep, hardness. Alex just looked at me, said "yeah, Atul is pretty hot", and then went back to the remote to start the movie. They both snuggled back into me. As the movie title credits started, Alex looked up at me and whispered into my ear "it's kinda not fair. It's nakey night, and you're not nakey." Jason crept up and whispered in my other ear "yeah. You need to be nakey with us tonight". Oh shit, I thought. There's absolutely no way I am going to avoid a boner now. What do I do? Invoke adult privilege? Call off the snugglefest? They were both staring up at me intently, so I decided to see if half measures would suffice. I leaned forward, pulled off my t-shirt, and leaned back, pulling both of them back in for cuddles. Alex just shook his head, and Jason started with "no, no, no. It's still not fair." So, I lifted up my hips, and removed my house pants -- leaving my boxers on, which was barely concealing a growing erection.

I looked to my right, and predictably found Jason's little nail at full erection. Looking left, I was surprised to see Alex's nail in a similar state, although about 4 ½ inches long, and a bit plumper. The little pink line expanded to cover the entire region between coronal rim and the outer edge of his circumcision scar. It was a ¼ inch band that circumnavigated his entire penis, and what's this? I noticed an incredibly small little nest of wispy black filaments at the base of his cock; I was incredibly turned on by the sight, when Alex placed his right hand directly on top of my cock, starting to rub it. He then said that it was even bigger than Jason said it was. Looking back at Jason, who was focused on happenings in my lap. I leaned over, and whispered in Jason's ear: "I think someone has been telling what were "supposed to be secrets" to his best friend." Jason just cut his eyes up at me, half grinned, and whispered "yeah." At this point, both of them grabbed the band of my boxers, and began tugging them down. I assisted by lifting my butt up a little. They both took them to my bare feet, removed them, and flung them into the armchair. We were now all nakey. Well played, boys. Well played.

The loud, jarring movie now being fully ignored, Alex placed his small brown hand back on my cock, and started to rub. He got closer, and closer to my glans, where he ended up rubbing his finger in the pre-cum oozing from my slit. I had already figured that little boy best friend kept no secrets from each other, but wanted to verify. I leaned back over to Jason, and asked him exactly how much he had told Alex. His one word response? "Everything." Alex leaned over, and was intently focused, and maybe even mesmerized by my cock and cockhead, I just kept rubbing his back, from shoulder blades down all the way to the top of his little brown bubble butt. My right hand was lightly rubbing Jason's right arm, when he suddenly twisted up to my face, and gave me a sloppy kiss on my lips. He then looked up in my eyes and asked if he could show Alex what he could now do. I asked him what that was, and he sheepishly said "sit down all the way on your COCK," clearly enunciating both consonant "k" sounds in the word. That broke the spell on Alex, who also looked up, wanting the answer.

Oh well, in for a dime, in for a dollar. I told him "I suppose so," but he'd need to run and "prepare himself" for that. That brought sheepish grins and blushing cheeks to both of them: they both replied in unison "we already did that," explaining why they went to my bathroom, as well as why they were in there so long. I told Jason that he needed to go get the lube then, when they each just reached under the respective throw pillows, Alex bringing out the lube, and Jason pulling out the poppers. The little scamps had smuggled the items in with their pajamas! Alex then informed me that Jason had also lubed up his own butthole, as he poured lube onto my cock. Then, as he slicked up my shaft with his hand, Jason went about taking two good draws on the poppers bottle. In what must have been a move coordinated in advance, Alex slipped down to the floor, kneeling between my feet, and Jason raised himself up, straddling my cockhead. I was about to object, needing to insist that Jason allow me to open him up properly, when he just started sinking down on the full shaft of my cock. Mere seconds later, he was fully imbedded. From below, I heard a long, protracted "whoooooah" from Alex, who had front-row seats to the show.

Jason began to ride with abandon, taking full strokes from base to glans. I could feel Alex's fingertip touching and riding along the junction where my shaft met Jason's ring. After a few minutes, Jason started torturing his prostate with my glans. He looked down at me and said "we don't want you to come yet", and began rubbing his cocklet with his own fingers, bringing himself to a clenching orgasm, and immediately pulling himself off just seconds before I orgasmed. Jason grabbed his pajama bottoms, let Alex wipe his hands, and then cleaned has backside off. Alex then jumped up, his penis visibly pulsing with every rapid heartbeat, announcing "my turn!" as he tried to climb up into my lap. I had just enough presence of mind to grab him by his armpits, lifting him off to the side saying "oh no, young man. You do not have anywhere near enough experience for that!" Alex started that little boy whine, complaining that it was unfair! To which it just told him, "you'll get what you want, but only after I've spent some time preparing you for it. Jason, to his credit told Alex "it's all good buddy! You're gonna REALLY like the getting prepared part!"

I stood up, took Alex by the hand, and asked him to come with me into the guest room. Jason collected up the PJs and other paraphernalia, and followed shortly behind. Once in the room, I asked Jason if he'd explained the difference between little boy orgasms and grown man orgasms. He said that he had, and Alex proceeded to give me a fairly accurate summary of the subject. I then asked Alex to lay in the center of the bed, and Jason to lay next to him, so that he could narrate what was about to happen. Very quickly, I ran out to the kitchen to get a fresh bottle of poppers out of the freezer: this young man's virginal fuck required the best quality possible. I returned quickly to the room. I got on my knees between Alex's legs, and nearly melted from the hotness and beauty laid out below me. Leaning forward, I began placing quick, light kisses on Jason's lips -- one per second. On about kiss number five, he got with the program, and began kissing back. The quick little kisses began merging into longer kisses, which then yielded into a full lip-mash, followed quickly with the introduction of tongue. After a few moments of that, I shifted attention to his right ear, giving it a breathy tongue bath, at which point he cooed loudly, raised his knees, and crossed his feet behind my back. This gave me license to begin exploring his undiscovered erogenous zones. I licked and kissed the side of his neck for a few seconds, as Jason narrated how great it felt when Atul did that to him. I went back to his lips for some more tongue action, and then repeated the licking and kissing on the other ear and side of the neck. Alex was full-on moaning by this point. I then went down, visiting both dime sized, dark and puffy nipples. With very early onset of puberty, I knew they would be sensitive, and he did not disappoint. I gave each of them a few light nips with my teeth, and he squirmed and squealed. I looked at Jason, and saw him making an obvious note to self to have Atul play with his nipples as well. I went down his centerline down to his little outie navel, giving it a few licks. Going further south, I entirely avoided his cockle and balls, spending some time slathering my tongue in the folds where his legs met his groin, and on his thighs below his balls. I travelled down his right leg, kissing along its length, until I got to his tiny, brown foot.

I licked the bottom of his foot from heel to big toe, which I took into my mouth and sucked, bathing it with my tongue. I moved on to the other toes, sucking each one in turn, and bathing the space between each toe with the tip of my tongue. Alex was giggling and cooing alternately, and Jason just looked at me with what looked like... jealousy? I looked at him in the eye, and said "you have a boyfriend. Alex doesn't. You take notes about what interests you, and train Atul to do what you want. He'll do anything you ask." Jason gave me a big wide grin, and the glimmer in his eye told me that Atul was going to have a very full Sunday afternoon. After dealing with Alex's other foot, I kissed my way up his leg, soon arriving back at his tackle. I licked and bathed his little ball sack, taking each little grape, and then both grapes into my mouth for some loving attention. At this point, Alex was starting to physically tremble, almost vibrating. I then moved on up toward his shaft, but not before spending a few quality moments at the base of his shaft, bathing his nascent little nest of hairlets with the tip of my tongue.

Finally, the time had come for Alex to meet the orgasm. I went to the tip of his throbbing cocklet, and swallowed it whole, It was long enough to tap the back of my throat whenever my top lip landed in his little nest. I kept on deep-throating him for about three minutes, as he lay writhing on the sheets. When it was time. I pulled my mouth off him, and then pulled the skin on his shaft tight downward, further exposing his glans. I put my lips around his glans, and anchored there with my teeth lightly clamping on his bright pink upper and lower corona. My tongue then attached the glans like the agitator of a washing machine. He began wailing and flailing his legs. Putting both hands on my head. I grabbed his wrists, and forced them to his side on the mattress, and kept up the assault on his glans. Within seconds, his body went into a rigor state, and he was gasping for breath. Just then, I felt a small trickle of something land on my tongue: it was sweet, but just a trickle. The boy had just cum, and had produced his first semen! I savored the taste of it, and knew it marked me as the first one to ever taste him.

Nowhere near finished yet, I gave him a moment's rest, as Jason filled him in on what had just happened to him, with the exception of the first sperm. I'd have to explain that to both of them later. After a respite, I moved down below his scrotum, and raised his legs up and back so that his perineum was taut and shiny, I kissed there a few moments until his legs and feet were so far back that his rosebud was there, in all its glory, winking at me. His entire butt and crevice were the same caramel color as the rest of his body, but like the corona, the rosebud was a bright pink. Jason just whispered in Alex's ear: "you're gonna love this buddy!" I started doing light laps around the tight little aperture, slowly building speed, pressure, and depth as I went along. For his part, Alex kept moaning loudly, and experimenting with the placement of his legs and feet, seemingly trying to find the perfect position where he could achieve maximum spread of his hole. He found one position with his knees -- probably behind his ears -- and my tongue simply popped through without any resistance. It was absolutely breathtaking! Then, to my surprise, he reached behind his legs, grabbed his ass cheeks with both hands, and with a low, throaty groan, pulled his cheeks apart with his fingers. My tongue was all the way in, and he started moaning "more! Give me more please!" to which I felt something wet on my fingertips. Jason was lubing them for me. I put my index finger between my bottom lip and tongue, and introduced it to the party going on just inside Alex's anus, whereby Alex just moaned. I added another finger, and soon a third. Very few seconds later, Alex raised his head, looked down at me, growled, and commanded (yes, commanded) me to put my dick in him and FUCK him. Even Jason had a look of shock on his face.

I sat up and had my dick positioned at the widely splayed opening. His caramel skin bordered a narrow pink ring which bordered a blood red internal sheath. Alex's fingers kept grasping around his hole, trying to get it spread open wider. I was in awe at the porn star quality performance he was giving, as Jason took the lube, applying more to Alex's anus and onto my dick. I grabbed the new bottle of poppers, and cracked it open, placing it to Alex's nostril, and telling him to breathe in deep. He did so on one side, and then the other. The fresh poppers hit hard, and any remaining tension in Alex's sphincter melted away like butter: he practically sucked my cock into his virgin ass, moaning the whole time in ecstasy. I grabbed his ankles, and forced his feet as far apart as physics and anatomy would allow.

I long dicked him until the initial rush had worn off. Jason just sitting there in awe, absolutely slack jawed. Alex then started the hottest narrative I've ever heard while the fuck continued. It went something like this: "I've been wanting this for so long. I've needed a man's cock in me forever. I've wanted you to fuck me for so long. Watching porn isn't enough. I needed a man who would love me and tear me up and breed me with his cock. I've seen enough creampie videos to know that is my dream. Mr. Rich, I need you. I love you. Please fill me up with your love!" Oh my! How do I react to that declaration? Well, this is how. I leaned forward between his spread legs, kissed him with full tongue, as deep inside his mouth as I could get it. Pulling the tongue out, I put my lips to his right ear, and growled/whispered "I love you too baby boy! Get ready! I'm going to breed you! I'm going to put a baby inside you! I started hammering his prostate with short rapid strokes, and Jason immediately bent down and took Alex's cockhead in his mouth, sucking on it for all he was worth. I felt Alex stiffen again, and then clamp down repeatedly and hard on my cock. I forced through the grip, all the way inside him, where I began unloading. Time seemed to slow down, as we both stared into each other's eyes.

After a minute, Jason started a little sing-song "Alex has a boyfriend, Alex has a boyfriend". Followed up with the statement that Atul would obviously need some more training. He also noted that he felt something sweet on his tongue. I told him I'd follow up on that, but right now, we all needed another shower, then sleep, because a school day was soon at hand. The boys got up slowly, got their towels from the guest bathroom, and we all made our way to my bathroom, where Jason taught Alex how to unload his bowels. We all then showered off the evidence. Afterward, I climbed in my bed, and started to stretch out. Seconds later, I was joined by two little nymphs, who looked at me with pouty, sad, little actor faces, telling me they were too scared to sleep in the guest room. I didn't have the heart to even argue with that little bit of deception, spread out my arms, and bundled both of them up on either side of me under the covers. They both told me they loved me, and I returned the same sentiment. We kissed each other, and were all comfortably asleep in minutes.

Next: Chapter 8

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