Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on May 5, 2020


Melting Pot - Chapter 8 By Rilobo1

My bladder is one of the few regular things in my life. It usually wakes me up one minute before the clock radio goes off at 6:00 AM. This morning was irregular, I was not alone in bed: It seemed that two little scamps had woven themselves into my limbs, effectively creating a man/boys tapestry -- and that tapestry was "nakey", and all parts of it had morning wood. Jason on my left had both arms around my arm, and a leg over my leg, head nested above my armpit -- and drooling. Alex's posture was more difficult. He was halfway on top of my chest, head in the crook of my neck, sweetly breathing quietly on my neck. He had somehow gotten my right arm around him, slung his right arm around my chest, and his right leg between my legs -- nestled in my crotch. I took a mental picture of this peaceful moments with my two little buddy bears, and was smiling -- until Mr. Bladder started making demands. For middle-age men, the prostate can be a wonderful/terrible thing at times.

I started extricating myself. Jason was no problem; I knew from his father that he slept like a log, and was notoriously difficult to wake in the morning. Alex, on the other hand gained consciousness at the first attempt to move his arm. His head rose, little brown eyes fluttering, and he grinned at me. His first words were "so that wasn't a dream?" I kissed his nose, told him it wasn't a dream, and that if he didn't want to get wet he needed to let me get to the bathroom. He jumped out of bed, grabbed my hand, and cheekily announced that he was also going to pee "with my boyfriend." That brought a grin to my face, and I gave him a quick kiss before pulling him with me to the bathroom. While we were peeing, our penises were still at half mast; after finishing, I took advantage of the lingering tumescence, sat down on the toilet, engulfed his entire cock, and started giving my boy a blow job -- I couldn't help myself.

Since he was starting puberty, I wanted to start getting him used to the idea of thrusting his hips, so I grabbed him, and started moving him in and out of my mouth. Pretty soon, he caught on, and asked if he was officially fucking me. Not stopping, I just hummed "mmm hmmm" to confirm his assessment. He took over the task, and did a most credible job, ending up shooting about a half of teaspoon of boyload on my tongue. When he was done and breathless, I sat him on my lap and told him that he was now "shooting", and that I was proud of him. He didn't believe me, so I opened my mouth to show him: the child was so psyched! I also promised him that when he got a little bigger, I'd also let him fuck me; he pumped his fist at that!

We went back to bed, as we had a few minutes before they needed to be up and getting ready for school. We climbed back in bed, and cuddled a little bit before Jason snored loudly, and rolled back over to rejoin the tapestry. Alex told me that we probably needed to start waking Jason up now, because he was a bear in the morning, but he giggled noting that it should be Atul's problem to deal with, and I'd gotten the better boyfriend, because Alex is sweet in the morning. I did take a few minutes with the necessary chat about us being boyfriends is something that can't become common knowledge -- and he gave me the "duh -- eye roll" response I had grown to expect from these two.

On to business: I also asked how things were "back there" after last night, and he just gave me a dreamy stare. He said that it was a bit sensitive, but basically, he had never felt better in his life, and he wanted me to fuck him again. We didn't have time for that, but I did grab the lube from the bedside table, and began fingering him a bit. I wanted to make sure his muscle tone was good, and that there was not distress. All he did was moan and thrust himself down on my finger. Pretty good sign that all was well. I also suggested that it might be a good idea for him to practice fucking from time to time with Jason, who then chimed in to the conversation that he'd be fine with that idea -- the little bugger HAD woken up, and had been listening! I told them that if they wanted, they could start right now while I got up and made them breakfast. Jason had his feet "thrown to Jesus" in no time, and Alex was lubing up before I could even get out of bed.

I cooked bacon and eggs for them, cut some apple slices, and poured some milk for each of them. All the while, I heard cute little slapping sounds come from the bedroom. When I peeked in to tell them it was time for breakfast, the tableau had changed, and Jason was fucking Alex with a great deal of enthusiasm and dedication. Just to joke a bit, I mock shouted "Jason, what are you doing to my boyfriend!" Both looked at me with shock in their eyes, until they figured out the joke, and Jason resumed his thrusts, quickly finishing with his boygasm. I told them they needed to wash their junk, eat breakfast, and get ready for school. All of that accomplished, it was almost time for the bus. Jason was the first ready to say goodbye, and I told him Atul wanted me to remind him that he loved him. Jason said "I know", and gave me a kiss on the lips. Alex was next, and he wanted me to know that last night and this morning were the happiest times of his life, and that he loved me. I kissed him, with just a bit of tongue, and told him I loved him too, and couldn't wait to see where all of this would go! He grinned, and Jason started up his "Alex has a boyfriend" song again. I made sure they had lunch money, and shooed them out the door just as the bus rolled up. I could get used to this.

Just after they had left, I took my coffee out on the veranda just as Atul bounded down the stairs -- and he looked like a million bucks! I was so glad to see him with a look of joy on his face. When he got to me, he asked how the night went. I must have had an odd look on my face, as he cocked his eyebrow in curiosity. I told him that we should talk, and that there were some new things of which he should be aware -- and possibly trained on. I noticed a distinct swelling in his slacks, and he asked if I had anything planned for lunchtime. Of course I didn't, so I told him the door would be unlocked. He had another big grin with full dimple showing, and took out for his office. When it rains, it pours!

I spent a few hours taking care of client needs, interspersed with cleaning up after two boys as overnight guests. A little before noon, I went ahead with a shower and prep session, not knowing what lunch with Atul might entail. Just in case, I made sure my bedroom and the guest bedroom were properly stocked. I made us a couple of sandwiches for lunch, and just as I was finished, the door opened and Atul walked in and locked the door. I walked to him to shake his hand, but he had other ideas, grabbing me around the waist, and kissing me with... was that passion? Regardless, it was nice, and I returned it. I told him lunch was ready, and we did eat -- really quickly, and with a lot of unnecessary eye contact. I guess we both had other things on our minds. After lunch, I told him we would do training in my bedroom. He was fine with that, telling me that after training, it was my choice what we did together, as he had decided it the last time. I was more that fine with taking turns on who decides, as long as we got to continue doing stuff together. Have I told you what a god that man is?

I told him I had already prepped, and that I would wait for "the moment" to decide what we could do. Therefore, it would be a good idea if he went ahead and prepped too, while I cleaned up after lunch. He grinned wide, and took off for my bathroom, and I went about my business. Ten minutes or so later, he called " I am ready" from my bedroom. When I got there, I was pleasantly surprised to see a naked Atul, propped up on the pillows in the center of my bed, completely hard, and legs spread. I went about removing my clothes at breakneck speed to join him, and when I got there, laying between his legs, I couldn't avoid pulling down his foreskin, licking and kissing that incredible, swollen cockhead over and over again. I had to reassert control over myself again, as there were lessons to impart. I looked up at him, and shared what had happened the night before, leaving no detail out.

When I got to the part about how Jason got jealous when I was worshipping Alex's little feet, his cockhead grew in mass noticeably. On this, I slid down in the bed a bit, grabbed Atul's ankles, and brought them together. Kissing the entire surface of his beautiful, manly feet was a treat, but licking his brown, well-formed toes, and the spaces between them was as erotic an experience as I had ever had. I'm not a full-blown foot fetishist, but the moans and sounds he made were beyond erotic. Having finished my demonstration of what I had done with Alex, I placed his feet down at my shoulders, scooted up to his penis, and kissed his cockhead, which was completely slathered with pre-cum, telling him that Jason would be expecting this treatment on Sunday. Finally, I shared with him how I had caught Jason fucking Alex this morning, and the look he had on his face. It was clear to me that Jason would one day ending up identifying himself as a "top" or at least as "versatile." It was worth mentioning this to Atul, as I knew he did truly value Jason's needs, and suggested that he might let Jason play with his anus from time to time. Atul's dick twitched at the thought -- a hopeful sign!

It was time for me to decide what was next on the menu, when it came to me that a re-creation of last night might be the best route to take. I took the lube from the night stand, lubed Atul's cock, took a double hit of poppers, and rose up to sit on his cock. Sinking down fully, I recreated Jason's performance, asking him to pretend I was Jason, and giving Atul a play-by-play narration. After a few minutes, I could feel Atul's ardor rise, and so I stood and stopped the fuck. Atul seemed dumbfounded, but I told him that I was now going to play the part of Alex. Taking some liberty with the lines, I laid down, spread my legs wide, and COMMANDED Atul to fuck me, with that command he was only too happy to comply.

The fuck that followed was epic. Atul didn't need any further lube: his production of pre-cum was prolific, and far superior to the lube in the bottle. He repeatedly penetrated me just inside my anal ring about twenty times, each time with me begging him to fuck me, when he finally did so, taking by breath away. Atul then pumped deep, and started calling me Alex. Fully in the role, he gave full strokes, from anal lips down to the cock root, and told me not to tell Jason he was fucking me. He said that he loved Jason the most (he said this several times), but that my ass was too sweet to deny. I was also into the role, and told Atul that I had always wanted and needed him to fuck me and breed me so much, and that my ass would always be ready for him whenever he needed it. Atul's thrusts became stronger and more rapid, as we continued the sexual banter -- much of which was true to ourselves and to the roles we were playing. As it seemed we were both headed down the path of orgasm, Atul suddenly withdrew from me, laid down, spread his legs, and announced "I am Alex. You will breed me now" before taking a couple of hits of the poppers.

I was nearly out of breath from the fuck he had been throwing me, but rose to the occasion. I lubed myself and Atul up, took position with my cockhead nestled in his sweet ass lips. I revealed to Atul that Alex was now my boyfriend, and asked if he was ready for the love I was about to give him. To which Atul flexed his cock twice, looked deep into my eyes, and with a husky whisper said "Fuck me. Fuck your boyfriend. Breed me, and make me feel your love for me." I forced my cock forward, and soon bottomed out in his bowels. I pounded him for several minutes before I felt my impending orgasm, at which point I began focusing on Atul's prostate. He reacted to this change of focus by pulling his legs farther apart, and by grasping his with both hands, spreading them apart, ostensibly in a bid to get more of my dick inside him.

I don't think that in my last 43 years of life I have ever cum so much. My emission inside him was prodigious, but not nowhere as prodigious as the emission he produced between us: it was completely hands free, but it sprayed and flowed in every direction. I decided to grab a pillow, and sacrifice the pillow case to sop up his cum, and save the rest of the bed covers. He pulled me down to him, and we kissed deeply. Alex may be my boyfriend, but Atul was now my manfriend. I told him this, and he nodded in agreement. I knew that this arrangement would work for Atul, Jason, Alex, and me: each of us could have a boyfriend, and a manfriend. Atul had to go back to work soon, but for the next few minutes, I completely intended to kiss and hold my manfriend.

Next: Chapter 9

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