Melting Pot

By rilobo1 schoengut

Published on May 7, 2020


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Melting Pot - Chapter 9 By Rilobo1

After Atul had returned to work, I had a little "me" time, and decided to indulge in my favorite solitary activity until the boys got home -- I was sure there would be an invasion, as they had both yet to get their overnight bags -- they couldn't have taken them to school. So, with a nice earl grey tea, the veranda and the sunshine were in order. While there, Carla literally sashayed down the stairs: Scarlett O'Hara couldn't have pulled it off any better. She came up to me with a thousand watt grin on her face, and began to thank me over and over for allowing her and her man to have an evening as a couple. Everything must have gone well, because she did undoubtedly have a JBF look (just been fucked) about her. I mused in the irony that her only son probably had a similar grin plastered to his face as well. Carla looked like she had another thought in her head, but was hesitant to give voice to it. I gave her another little "anything else" look with my eyes, and I guess she found words. "I hate to ask another favor of you, but I really want to cook Felipe a romantic dinner tonight, and wondered if you would mind...."; she ran out of gas. So I completed for her "...keeping Alex for another night? No problem. He's a wonderful young man." If she only knew.... "Tell you what," I began, "bring down a change of clothes for him, and possibly his skateboard for later (he and Jason were constantly on those things on the weekend), and you and Felipe have a wonderful time (said with a wink). She said "thank you" multiple times, practically flew up the stairs, and was back with clothes and a skateboard minutes later. I put the items on the veranda table, and went back to my earl grey.

A few minutes later, Jin Woo (Jason's father) pulled in and walked up. This was most unusual, as the man was NEVER at his grocery store while the sun was up. Although very much a handsome and attractive man, he looked rather haggard and weary, even more so than normal; he looked like a man who hadn't had the JBF look for quite a long time. He stopped and to greet me, and mentioned that he needed to come home for a quick nap, as a headache was coming on. This man taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon was indeed unique, and I did feel genuine concern for him, so I asked him if I should intercept Jason to allow him a chance to rest a bit -- as Alex was going to be here anyway, and the loudness would be guaranteed, and since Alex was staying overnight, Jason would probably insist on staying as well. At the mention of his son's name, he did brighten up, and even had a twinkle of pride in his eyes; the man was proud of his boy. He said yes, that would be very nice. He went on with "Jae Sun does always seem happy lately now that he has so many friends in this building." I told him he had a wonderful son, to go inside, let Halmoni take care of him, get some rest, and not worry. I ran inside, and got him a good dose of ibuprofen -- which in a heavy dose has been known to stop a migraine. He thanked me, shook my hand with both his strong hands, and went inside. I like the guy; he was kind of hot, and I hoped he'd be alright.

My earl grey had gone cold by then, but the trade-off of having another afternoon with those two boys placed in my lap (pun?) far outstripped my need for hot beverages. It wasn't much longer before the little devil on my left shoulder began whispering to me: "invite Atul too," and curiously, the angel on my right shoulder was in full agreement. I immediately sent a text message to Atul "got a second to call me?", and he quickly sent back "will call in about five mins." That man is nothing if not punctual, and five minutes later, my phone rang. Atul on the other end said he had gone outside to make this call with some privacy -- which was good given the offer I was about to make. I told him how Alex and Jason would be with me this evening, and Jason also possibly (probably) overnight again, and asked him if he'd be interested in having a little Friday fun surprise for the boys; I could practically see the grin on his face accompanied by that deep dimple before hearing him say "what time should I be there?" I told him that depended on if he just wanted time with Jason, right at 5:00PM would work, or if he wanted to "prepare for anything and everything possible," 4:45 PM would work. After a couple of seconds of silence, he said he'd be here at 4:45. This sounded exciting to me, so I told him just to quietly come in, and head to the bathroom. For my part, I went to my bathroom, and thoroughly did a prep job, and then went back to the veranda to wait for the boys.

I poured the remains of my tea into the bushes on the side of the veranda just as the bus pulled up. Both boys came running up the walkway shouting, and I just "shhhed" them, telling them that Jason's dad had a really bad headache, and was taking a nap. Just then, Alex said "is that my skateboard? and my clothes on your table?" I told him that was so, and told them to come inside with me. Once inside, I told Alex he'd be spending the night with me again, and asked him to put his things in the guest room. He complied, but only after jumping into my arms, wrapping his arms and legs around me, and kissing me repeatedly on the lips. Jason seemed to be a little put-off and pouted a bit, and I couldn't avoid dragging out the drama for a few seconds before telling him to QUIETLY go home, let Halmoni know he is staying with Alex again, and get his skateboard and some things to wear tomorrow. He nodded with both dimples on high-beam, and rushed toward the door, with me admonishing him "QUIETLY PLEASE!"

When he got back with his things, Alex was in the kitchen with me, "assisting" me to pull together some snacks for the boys. I quickly called Carla to let her know Alex was back, and that all was well, and laid out some chicken nuggets, fresh fruit, and milk for them -- glad that I had laid in extra provisions last night at Kroger. With their appetites, we were good for another 24 hours or so, and this was a bridge meal, until after fun time when we might order Dominoes pizza. It was about 4:00 PM when they had finished eating and (good lord) cleaning up after themselves(?!) I told both boys that I had some important work to do in my home office that had to be done by 5:00 PM, and asked them to go into the guest room, and play XBOX until then at right at 5:00, I would come into the guest room, and we could figure out what to do next. They agreed, and went in and shut the door. I went into my home office, and was indeed answering some customer emails when what I expected next did happen: they "quietly" snuck out, and scurried to my bathroom. Obviously, we were all on the same page. I did hear them giggling in the bathroom, and by 4:30 PM they they had not so silently snuck back, and closed the guest room door: I heard whispers and giggling, of course.

Right on the dot at 4:45, I heard the door open quietly. I stuck my head out, and gave Atul a "shhh" gesture. He locked the door, and followed me back to my bedroom. I gave him a quick tongue kiss, and briefed him on what was happening, adding that the boys were planning a "surprise" (wink wink) at 5:00 PM. I told him that he should walk in to the guest room right after me, naked and prepared for anything. They wouldn't be expecting this at all. Atul grinned and agreed, and started to the bathroom to prep himself. I then stepped up to unwrap him myself -- it was so very hot. While he was getting ready, I got undressed myself, and was in the wings, waiting for "showtime". When Atul came out, I told asked him if he'd had the opportunity to consider more the idea of "boyfriends" and "manfriends," and if this might be a good time to introduce the concept to the boys. Atul nodded confidently, and agreed to go with it. Atul was standing, and I was sitting at the edge of my bed, and to seal the deal, I reached out, stripped my new manfriend's foreskin back, and gave it's plum sized goodness a thorough, but brief working over with my tightly packed mouth, lips, and tongue. I stood, and we both clasped our hands together with fingers interlaced, and kissed each other as official manfriends. We let go of each other, and headed off with full erections pointing out our paths to see what the boys had in store. I asked Atul to remain outside until I could announce our "surprise" to the boys.

I opened the door inward right at 5:00, and on walking in I beheld a very naked and erect Korean boy standing there by the bed. He grinned at me, and informed me that he had "wrapped up a surprise present" for me. On stepping into the room, I beheld that present: Alex was on the bed, hands and feet bound widely to the headframe with the Velcro restraints. Jason had done a good job, as Alex's feet were spread obscenely wide, and his pelvis was tilted up at an angle that presented his penis and anus very clearly. To add to the dramatic effect, the late afternoon sun was streaming through the blinds, and adding a distinctive spotlight to the scene. Alex's brown skin looked golden in the light, and his rock hard penis and the bright pink of his corona and ass lips were easily seen. The anus looked like it had been expertly prepared: the pink lips were shining, exposed, and dilated enough to clearly see the ruby red interior. Not to be rude, but it did look like a pussy -- a moist, needy, boy pussy in full estrus. After the two seconds I needed to evaluate the scene, my eyes moved up to meet with Alex's; he stared back into my eyes, and delivered his prepared lines: "Oh, daddy. I'm sorry you caught me like this. Please don't rape me! I promise I'll be a good boy! Please don't stick your big man cock in my pussy and rape me so hard until you cum inside me!"

OK. I was thrown back by this scene they had pulled together, and not a little aroused. In fact I had gone from wood to platinum in a very few seconds, but managed to regain enough self-control to glance over to Jason and congratulate him, and inform him that I too had a surprise; just then in walked Atul. When Jason saw him standing there naked and erect, he squealed "baby!" and launched himself toward Atul, climbing up his frame, wrapping his arms and legs around Atul's torso, kissing him, aand settling down on top of Atul's now horizontal erection, as if it were a perch. It appeared that Jason was rubbing his butt crack along the length of Atul's erection too. Atul and Alex then became aware of each other's presence, with Alex's face seemingly showing distress and embarrassment, but thanks to Jason's expert work in bondage, completely unable to do anything about it. Atul stood there holding by cupping his butt cheeks, but his eyes were as wide as saucers, entranced by Alex being splayed out so obscenely before us. Atul noticed Alex's discomfort first, putting Jason down while telling him he needed to talk with Alex. Atul went over to Alex, and Jason walked over and hugged my side. Atul sat down on the bed, and smiled at Alex telling him not to worry, and that this made him happy, as he had always thought Alex was a handsome boy, and he had always wanted to know what Alex looked like naked. Alex seemed then to relax a bit, and asked Atul if he thought he looked okay, to which Atul replied "Oh yes. Even though Jason is my boyfriend and I love him, you are most handsome and very sexy."

To further break the tension, I took command of the scene and announced that I had to rape a very naughty little boy right, but Atul and Jason were welcome to stay, watch, and maybe even help. Atul stood, and moved the armchair over closer to the bed. I climbed on the bed between Alex's legs, and saw the little, carefully prepared pile of supplies next to Alex on the bed: lube, poppers, towels, and wet wipes. They had also spread out the beach towels -- thinking of everything. I grabbed the lube, but Jason stopped my by saying that Jason was fully prepared for his rape, just in case, and that lube wasn't needed. Alex concurred, slipping back in to character to announce that he was afraid I was going to rape him without lube, so they both loosened and lubed him up in advance. OK then, I grabbed the poppers, cracked them open, and made Alex take a good three hits. By the third hit, I had my dry cock head perched on the event horizon of his well-glistening pussy. Alex just breathed deeply, looked at me with drunken eyes, and with a raspy voice said "do me daddy".

The advantage of the restraint devices is that it is very easy for the top to control penetration of the bottom. No hands were required to maintain the position of the bottom once the parts were set in alignment, so the top could simply focus on the aim and depth of the penis with relation to the anal aperture being punched. That being the case, I simply raised the height on the bed to match Alex, and pushed shallowly into his hole. I wanted to make sure they had lubed him enough before going balls deep, and confirmed on pulling my cock back out, saw that there was indeed excess lube, warranting a complete thrust all the way to the bottom, followed by a fast, full withdrawal out complete with an audible "pop" of his pink, shiny pussy lips. My now very shiny cock shaft and head were visible to all for a second, before a full, hands-free plunge ensued. Alex's head lolled back, and he moaned "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" repeatedly until he came back to full consciousness after the power of the poppers abated.

I continued the fuck Alex in this manner for a few minutes, taking a moment or two to see what our witnesses were up to. Atul did make the attempt to give Jason a preliminary orgasm with his mouth, but it was apparent that the scene in front of them was too distracting for them both to focus on themselves. Very quickly they gave rapt attention to events on the bed and assumed a new posture in the armchair, with Jason in Atul's lap, his butt crack sitting upon Atul's cock, and his tiny feet on Atul's knees. Atul's legs were spread wide, thus making Jason's also be spread. Jason was lightly rocking his pelvis on Atul's crack, and the fingers on his left hand were tugging back Atul's foreskin, and playing in the pre-cum that was rapidly coating Atul's glans. Atul's right fingers were doing the same thing to Jason's foreskin -- which was shiny itself. I took that as confirmation that buddy bear was indeed starting to produce pre-cum. I refocused my attention on Alex, and saw that his knob was in the same slimy condition as all the other knobs in the room. Moving up to his eyes, he was staring at me intently, while from time to time looking over at what was happening in the armchair. I grabbed Alex's feet, spreading them a few more inches apart as I increased the pace of the fuck for a few moments before slowing down and bending over to kiss Alex's lips. I moved my lips to his left ear and whispered: "my sweet boyfriend, if you want to try either Jason or Atul, it's ok with me, but you need to ask for permission from his boyfriend." I pulled back to look in Alex's face, and he looked up to me with a questioning look, to which I gave him back a smile, and a nod in assent.

While I kept sawing in and out of his precious, pink little asshole, Alex turned his head to the armchair and said "Jason?" to which Jason replied "Yeah buddy?" Alex then asked "You're my best friend in the whole world and we share everything and I want you to always be happy, but... [pause] what would really be the best thing in the world right now [pause] is if you would [pause] let me borrow your hot boyfriend [pause] for a few minutes." Jason took a couple of seconds to form an answer as an expectant Alex kept eye contact. Jason then lifted himself off of Atul's shaft, reached down and pulled Atul's cock skin completely back to fully expose the huge cockhead, and said "ok buddy, but you're gonna need a lot more lube and medicine to get this huge hook thing in you." Atul bent over to Jason's ear, and said "are you sure you will be ok with this baby?" to which Jason replied, "I loved Alex before I loved you, and I love Mr. Rich too, but l will always love you most. So yes, besides -- I wanna watch!" Jason stood up, with his hard angry nail nearly vertical, so Atul could make the way over to the bed, with hard, bald, huge, wet cockhead leading the way. I then disengaged from Alex, reapplying lube to his aperture, and giving him a big wet kiss before standing up, and taking a seat in the armchair. Jason sat back in my lap, assuming the same position he had in the chair with Atul, crack atop my shaft, and little feet on my knees. His hair was just below my chin, and I could smell his hair with the full scent of boy filling my senses.

Across the way, Atul was engaging Alex in a little chat. He told him that he is a sexy boy, and that he never wants to hurt him, but it's possible that his penis could hurt him. That's why it is so important to let him know if it ever hurts! Alex just responded by saying he was ready, and to give him the medicine. Atul's penis had never looked angrier and more vengeful, but his eyes were full of caring and kindness. Even though his penis had never produced so much pre-cum, he added a good bit more lube to the mix, drying off his hand, he took the "medicine" -- the poppers, and brought them up to Alex's nostril for a few good hits, carefully sealing off the open nostril each time with his thumb for maximum dosage. He then raised his cock to the gaped little puss, adjusted the trigonometry between his shaft and target, skinned back his foreskin, and slowly began injecting the cockhead into Alex's pink aperture. Just as the cockhead's maximum diameter began the transition into Alex's little body, the boy hissed loudly, and screamed "stop for a second!" Everything was held in a state of suspended animation for a couple of seconds, with the extremely taut, bright pink band forming Alex's pussy lips strangling the thickest part of Atul's dark purple cockhead. Alex had his eyes clinched shut, and was breathing shallowly and rapidly, when Jason uttered: "dude, remember what I told you, I always gotta push out like I'm pooping, or it never goes in". Alex took a deep breath in, and bore down as instructed; a second later, it popped in.

Atul was a hero then. Although he could have very easily done it, he avoided pushing all the way in, instead opting for locating Alex's prostate, and giving it some very focused attention for some moments before slowly sinking balls deep. Alex had a sheen of sweat over his entire body, and his pink lips had turned a deeper shade of pink, but he seemed ok. Atul withdrew to the prostate, and plunged back in several times before lifting the poppers bottle back to Alex's nostrils, giving him a few more hits before pulling completely out, and reentering the now wider aperture. It was clear that Alex was hugely gaped with a perfect "O" before it got filled once again. I was entranced by the sight until Jason broke the spell. He had been lightly sawing on the top of my shaft, when he looked up and said "they are having sex, aren't they.", to which I whispered "yes". Jason then went further: "You and I have only practiced, but we never had sex, right?" I told him yes, wondering where this was going, when he looked up and said, "I am lubed up too." Atul must have heard this exchange, as he held out the poppers bottle with this left hand. I took it, and offered it up to Jason's nostrils for a couple of hits. He then raised himself up with his feet on my knees, placed his anus on top of my still moist glans, and let gravity take his body down to the root.

Atul and Alex had already established a nice rhythm by the time I had entered Jason. Alex kept repeating "fuck my pussy, rape my pussy", and Jason was cooing with pleasure like a dove. After a few minutes, I was afraid it was all reaching climax far too soon, when it appears Atul came to the same conclusion. He pulled out of Alex with a pop. Atul told Alex that his boypussy (he said "boypussy") needed a little rest before it could go any further, and surprisingly, Alex, who was nearly out of breath, didn't dispute that assessment. Atul looked at Jason, telling him that he knew Jason and Alex were also boyfriends, and asked if he'd be so kind as to come over, and kiss his little boyfriend's butthole to make it all better. Atul then released Jason from his restraints, taking a few minutes to rub the boy's tight muscles. He then had Jason lie face up on the bed, and put Alex on top in a modified "69" position, so that Jason and Alex could reach the other's taint and anus. They dutifully began kissing and licking nether regions, eliciting more coos from both of them. I made the suggestion that they should go ahead and give each other orgasms, since we had neglected to do that earlier. They both transitioned to each other's boycocks, and began vigorous blowjobs. I then got Atul's attention, and pointed to Jason's feet; he got the message.

Atul grabbed Jason's feet and pulled them up in the air with his legs forming a "V." Stretched out, each leg was just long enough for a foot to reach Atul's mouth when he leaned his head to the left or the right. He performed the foot worship I taught him perfectly. Whenever he had Jason's toes in his mouth or around his tongue, the boy squirmed and mewled below. From my vantage point, it appeared that Jason was taking that extra stimulation, and transmitting it on to Alex, who also began to squirm, and feed it back to Jason in an erotically charged, symbiotic cycle. I was sitting back in the armchair, the sole audience member to this incredibly sexual piece of performance art, when it became clear from the pitch and frequency of moans that the boys were reaching simultaneous orgasm. When these climaxes came, it was as if a wave crashed ashore, and all three of them pulled apart, breathing heavily. Only Atul had not orgasmed, but was indeed highly erect and engorged. Atul motioned for me to join him on the bed, and asked the boys to sit in the recliner and rest.

As they were sitting across from us, I asked the boys if they were surprised that we knew they were also boyfriends, and they shyly looked up at us, and nodded yes. Atul took over, and said that it was ok, and in fact good -- because they were both boys, and would learn things from each other that they couldn't learn from men. I then told them that it was the very same thing for men, and that only another man could do things that boys couldn't yet do, and that's why Atul had become my "manfriend". Without missing a beat, Atul continued that we four were indeed lucky because each of us could have a "boyfriend" and a "manfriend"at the same time, with me following up that we were all extra lucky, because all of us loved each other, and only wanted the other three to be happy. The boys considered this, and soon were nodding in agreement. I then kissed Atul, and within seconds, the boys were kissing each other as well. A few moments later, Jason's curiosity popped up, and he asked what things two men could do that a man and a boy couldn't. I started to stammer an inchoate response, when Atul chimed in, and said, "Rich, put me in in the restraints."

Both boys perked up at this turn of events, and showed intense curiosity -- little boners that had shrunk earlier were now starting to rise again. Atul lay down on his back, and raised his hands to me, and I affixed them to the center of the headboard. He then raised both legs in a great, wide "V", and I affixed each ankle to the widest part of the headboard before grabbing his hips, and pulling them out toward the center of the mattress so that his ass was positioned upward. I placed a pillow under his hips, and under his head. I squired some lube in his anus, and lubed mine up as well -- and the boys became perfectly focused and silent. I knew that Atul was still opened up from earlier, so I offered some poppers, which he declined. Instead, he looked at the boys and said "this is what my manfriend can do for me that boyfriends cannot yet do." With that, he looked up and me and rasped "breed me."

I needed no further direction, and pushed in balls deep.

Next: Chapter 10

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