
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 23, 2009


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Memories By Chris

When Monica graduated from high school, she didn't have many options as far as college went. She had good grades but not good enough to have the colleges rushing to offer her scholarships. However she wasn't going to let that stop her from going as she was determined to get her degree, she was just going to have to make a slight detour. She did lots of research, looking into loans and grants but she didn't want to end up graduating college with a huge debt. In the end she decided that joining the military was her best option and thus getting money for college that way. She had checked out all of the services before deciding where she wanted to serve and she always came back to the Navy. Once she had finished basic and got her tech school completed, she was assigned to the Navy base in Charleston, South Carolina. She was assigned to Logistics section. Here she learned about how the Navy got everything to the places that they needed to be. That included food, fuel, and war material as well as the Marines.

Monica didn't think she would like such a job but then she was only doing it to get money for college and she knew that she could survive anything for four years, as long as it got her to where she wanted to go. However once she got into the job, she found that she had a knack for doing this. So the Navy provided her with an idea as to what she wanted for a career, which coming out of high school she had no clue. The Navy also taught her how to deal with men who outnumbered women in the military by a huge margin. Since she was five-ten with some meat on her bones, she could stand toe to toe with most of the men she served with. She also had, when the moment called for it, a very commanding voice, where otherwise, she had a soft voice. And while she wasn't the prettiest girl on the block, she could make herself more than a little attractive when the moment hit. The only thing was being surrounded by men all the time; she didn't have a chance to meet other women like her who preferred the company of women to men. That is until she had been there about two years where she met someone who opened her eyes to many things. She developed a friendship with this woman and they provided each other with companionship for the rest of Monica's enlistment.

Once she got out of the Navy and started college, transportation and management became her majors. She worked hard with her school work and she also had to work part time to help pay for the day to day living so she wouldn't have to use up all of her savings. All of this toughen her up and made her into the woman that she had become, very strong and more than a little determined. Since she had to spend most of her time either studying or working, her free time was limited however she did manage to have more than a few romances during her college years, she just didn't find the woman that she could see herself living with for the rest of her life.

As her college career came to an end, she began to look for a job. She first looked at the national trucking firms but while she got some offers, none were what she wanted. She kept looking and as she was about to graduate, she got an interview with a national distribution firm. They were basically a large warehouse for a number of large and small firms across the country and even a few outside of the US borders. They did this for a fee that earned the company a nice profit as it was cheaper for other companies to pay them to warehouse their stuff than to rent or buy a warehouse for themselves. Some companies needed just a little space while others needed huge chunks of space.

The company she was interviewing with had several very large distribution centers around the nation, one of which was located near where Monica was born. It was this center that needed an evening manager. The hours were weird as she would be working four ten hour days going from Monday through Thursday starting at five PM and getting off at three-thirty the next morning. This part she didn't like but starting out as a manager with a very nice salary got her attention. When she went for the interview, they told her that they didn't normally hire someone fresh out of college to be a manager but the fact that she had spend four years in the Navy basically doing the same job, helped put her over the hump. So the long interview process went well and after more than a little thinking, Monica took the job.

She started out working days to learn all the processes and after a month, she went to that evening shift. One of the day shift supervisors had been covering for her as she was trained and he was ready to get back to days and more importantly his wife and young children were ready to get their husband and daddy back. So Monica worked hard learning the differences between dayshift work and the evening shift. The main difference was that the evening shift received incoming product putting it into the correct locations and then did some shipping if they had time. The day shift strictly shipped product out and did no receiving.

Monica also got to meet and learn about what would become her crew as she thought of them. She had never had to supervise anyone before so being in charge was completely foreign to her. She also knew that she had to figure it out quickly as her first mistake could make it impossible to ever earn their respect. So she made it a point to come and talk to each of the group as the shift started getting to know them and letting them get to know her. This seemed to go well with everyone and they seemed to like her except for two, a tough acting young man named Virgil and a young woman named Carol, who she quickly figured out was a trouble making little bitch, yet she tried to reach out to both of them.

And as she was learning all of this, she was also trying to get her body to adjust to these weird hours. At first she tried to go on to bed after her shower but she found that the work seemed to just keep circling around in her head making sleep impossible and when she finally did go to sleep she would only sleep for a couple of hours and be wide awake the rest of the day. She had never needed more than about six hours sleep a night but getting two or three wasn't cutting it when she was on her feet for most of the ten hour shift. She eventually figured out that if she came home and stayed up a few hours and then sleep until four in the afternoon, she found that she was at her best. That way when she got off at three-thirty in the morning, she treated it as if it was her evening and she would go home and do the things that she needed to do them go to sleep later that morning.

The first couple of weeks on her own went well and everyone seemed to be giving her a pass and when she asked them to do something, they did it. But she knew that she would be tested and she figured that it would be one of two people and she was right. She came in one evening and she had a couple of people out so that mean that she had to move some people around so that everything could get done and it also meant that their ten hour day might turned out to a twelve hour day. There was some grumbling but for the most part they all saw what they had to receive in that night and they also knew it was their job to do it. So she reassigned everyone and when she got to Virgil, she told him that he would have to give up driving the forklift and go help break down the pallets and restack them so that they could be put into the shelves. Monica saw Virgil's face turn red with anger as he hated that job and did everything he could to get out of it.

So he decided that it was time to put Monica in her place and show her that she couldn't tell him what to do. "You know, I'm tired of taking orders from a pussy. I'm going to go to my forklift and you can get one of these stupid assholes to unload those pallets all night." Then he started to walk toward his forklift.

Monica wanted to go and knock the shit out of him but she knew she had to maintain control and also regain control of the situation. If she didn't handle this right, she just as well quit since Virgil would be the one in charge.

"You know what, you're right. You don't need to be taking orders from a pussy." Monica told him and she saw him turn around to face her. He had this shit eating grin on his face that told her that he felt like he had gotten the best of his manager. "Tell you what; just wait here for a minute." Monica told him as she turned on her heels and walked away and she saw that Carol also had a big grin on her face.

Monica kept her mouth set in a manner as if nothing had happened. She went over to the time clock and she found Virgil's time card clocking him out, then she put his timecard into her pocket. Next she went to his locker grabbing his jacket. When she turned around, she saw that all eyes were on her. She went straight to Virgil handling him his jacket. "Since you don't want to take orders from a pussy, your services are no longer needed. Get out of the building and I don't want to ever see you back here."

Monica stood up in front of him and she saw that he was growing angrier by the second. She figured that she was about to get punched out by this big young man. Then she sensed someone to her right and left side but she didn't dare stop staring Virgil down. She saw him look to the left then right of her and then he backed down. "You know that you can't fire me, I'm going to see the plant manager in the morning and you'll be the one walking out of here." He spat out before turning around and heading out the door.

Monica resisted the urge to exhale loudly as she had survived her first serious threat to her leadership. She got herself back under control then she decided to press her advantage. She told everyone that the show was over and that they had work to do, and as they were starting to walked away, she locked her eyes on Carol and she made sure that she understood that she would be the next to go if she gave her any trouble. Carol quickly looked away and she knew that Carol wouldn't be such a bitch anymore though that would always be a part of her makeup.

It was only then that she looked to the two people that had come to her side. To her left was Phillip who was a huge man with a less than average IQ. But he was the best worker that she had and would do anything that was asked of him. All you had to do was explain it in terms that he could understand and then stand back as he went after it. On her right was her floor supervisor, a middle aged black man named Rex. She had never been able to get a real read on him until this moment. She realized that he was waiting for her to show what she was made of and when she did, he had decided that she was worth giving his full support. He had always done as she had said but she sensed he was holding back but now that would no longer be the case. He knew that he had someone that would support him and that meant that he could support her.

"Thank you guys, now let's get the work done." Monica told them then she told Phillip, "I need you to work the pallets."

"Sure thing boss lady,' He replied as he went whistling away going to the pallets to start breaking them down. And thus Phillip gave her the name that she would be called from then on, she was the Boss Lady.

Monica went back to her office and it was only then that she let her guard down and she felt her hands start to shake. She took in several deep breaths and then she proceeded to write down everything that had happened so that she could remember it when she called the plant manager the next morning to fill him in on what had happened and what she had done in response. She just hoped that he would back her up. She figured that he would, considering what Virgil had called her and how he had refused to do as she had told him to do. So once she had that done and sent the plant manager an email telling him that she needed to talk to him as soon as he came in. Then she went out to the plant to help and to make sure that everyone was doing as they should be doing. She did notice that everyone was quieter than normal but she also saw that they were looking at her a little differently.

The next morning right at eight, she got that call from the plant manager. She proceeded to tell him what had happen that evening and how she had fired Virgil. He listened carefully asking a few questions along the way. When he was satisfied that she had gone by the rules, he told her that he would have his admin fill out the separation paperwork and she would have it on her desk when she came in. When Monica got off the phone, she felt much better about things as she felt like she was right in trusting this man to back her up and he did. She had been cleaning her apartment all morning to work off her nervous energy and now that everything was settled, she felt suddenly tired. So she finished what she was doing, and then went to bed to sleep off her exhaustion.

She went on with her work for the next couple of months getting into a routine and learning more each day. She was enjoying her work and she had slowly made her people into a real team that wanted to help each other out, well everyone except Carol who was and would always be a trouble maker. Luckily everyone else paid Carol no mind so that kept her pretty much on the sidelines. Monica would have loved to have fired her ass too but Carol knew where the line was and she made sure that she got to the edge of the line and then backed off. This frustrated Monica but not enough to let it bother her. She knew that was what Carol wanted and she was damn sure that she wasn't going to give it to her.

Then one Tuesday morning she was coming home from work, driving on the deserted streets at about a quarter to four in the morning and she saw a small diner that was open. She had passed it every night and had thought about stopping to get something to eat. She usually passed it by going on home to fix her something to eat but she hadn't gone to the grocery store in a while and she didn't have anything at home to eat, so she decided tonight was the time to check the diner out.

She slowed, and then she pulled into the lot. There were a couple of cop cars there but the place was basically deserted. She grabbed her wallet and a paperback book that she kept with her to read when she was taking her breaks at night. She went on in checking the place out. It seemed very clean and at first she didn't see anyone except a couple of cops sitting at one of the tables. She went on into the diner going to the counter and sitting at one end. About this time the waitress popped up from behind the counter.

"Oh shit!" Monica said aloud drawing the cop's attention then she felt her face turning a beet red as she said to the cops and to the waitress, "Excuse me."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," Said the slim young lady, with the name of Felicia on her nametag.

"It's cool; I just didn't see you behind the counter." Monica told her.

"So what can I get you to drink this morning?" Felicia asked.

"Coffee please, with some creamer," Monica replied and she watched the girl go to the coffee machine.

She had a pink waitress uniform on and it was sort of tight around her ass. Monica couldn't take her eyes off of that ass and when she bent over to get the creamer the dress got a little tighter and rode up the back of her thighs an inch or two. The dress uniform was too long to really show Monica anything but she did like what she was seeing and it was having an effect on her body. She knew right then that when she got home she would have this girl in her mind as she masturbated. She figured that this girl had to be straight as she would never be so lucky to get her into her bed. Soon Felicia straightened back up and she turned to bring Monica her coffee and cream, Monica took in the front of her body. She figured that her breasts would be a B cup at max and she had slim waist that flared out to some nice hips. As she got closer, Monica studied her face a little close and saw that her eyes were brown like her hair which had blond highlights in it.

Felicia set the coffee and creamer down the she asked, "Have you decided what you want to eat?"

Monica had been eyeing Felicia and hadn't bothered to even look at the menu that was in front of her. So she quickly looked down and ordered some eggs, hash browns and sausage. That was the first thing that looked good to her so that was what she ordered. She hoped that Felicia hadn't noticed how she had been eyeing her but she also knew that she hadn't hid it very well.

Felicia turned, walking to the doors that led to the back of the restaurant calling out to someone named Juan that she had an order for him. Soon a Latin American looking man can through the doors with a big grin on his face, he greeted Monica before going to the grill. Felicia called out the order using the common terms used at these types of diners and the only way that Monica could tell what she was saying was because it was her order. Felicia went back to cleaning as Monica pulled her book out. She kept on reading but she had one eye on Felicia as she cleaned. There was something about this girl that had gotten her attention and it wouldn't let loose.

Soon her order was done and Felicia washed her hands before getting it, then she brought it to Monica asking her if she needed more coffee. Monica looked into her eyes and saw those long lashes and her heart skipped a beat. It took her a second to get her voice to work, replying that she would love a refill. Of course Monica's eyes followed that lovely creature to the coffee pot watching her get the pot and bringing it over to her. Monica then went about putting the cream and sugar into her coffee as Felicia went back to cleaning.

Monica began to eat slowly as she read and watched Felicia. It was a good thing that she could multitask as that was what she was doing at this very moment. When Monica got near the end of her meal and Felicia had refilled her coffee a couple of times, Felicia had completed her cleaning and she pulled out her own book. Monica glanced at the title and she saw that Felicia was reading James Orwell's "1984". This impressed Monica as she wouldn't have thought that a waitress would be reading such heavy literature. And Monica could also see that she was really reading it and not just pretending. Monica's next thought was maybe Felicia was just working here to put herself through school. Monica read for a bit more and she wanted to stay longer and maybe engage Felicia in a conversation but Felicia kept her distance. So Monica paid her bill and walked out but her mind didn't leave the diner.

When she got home, she changed out of her work clothes putting on her PJ's which consisted of a loose fitting top and since it was summer, a loose pair of shorts. She didn't bother with a pair of panties or a bra. She liked the feeling of the loose fitting clothes as she walked around the apartment. She then went into her study / spare bedroom to work refinishing an old desk that she had found at an estate sale. That was one of her hobbies, refinishing old furniture and then reselling it at a profit. She only did one piece at a time as that was about all the room that she had in the condo that she had recently bought. Her father used to do that in his spare time and she loved to help him so it was natural that she picked up the hobby. Once she had gotten an apartment in college, she did this to make some extra money and it had served her well plus it was a stress reliever. It was something that had no deadline so if her studies took her away for a while, it wasn't a big deal. Plus it took her mind off the world and that was what she needed right now, as Felicia had her full attention and she didn't want to become obsessed with the girl.

So Monica got some sandpaper out and she began to sand all the old finish off and to take out the dents that had developed over the years. The only problem with sanding was that she could do it and still think about other things. And of course, Felicia came front and center. She began to imagine how she would look naked and how that cute ass would feel in her hands. Monica felt her nipples begin to harden and her pussy start to get wet. She sanded harder trying to concentrate on what she was doing but Felicia kept coming back into her mind. She cursed herself and the fact that it had been awhile since she had last had a lover thus causing her to feel extremely real horny right then.

Monica worked for a few minutes more but her desires were just getting the best of her. "Oh fuck it!" she said aloud as she dropped her sandpaper on the table. She was unbuttoning her PJ top as she went toward the bedroom. Going into the bedroom, she threw her PJ top on the floor and when she got to the bed, she quickly pulled her PJ bottoms off, stepping out of them as she lay onto the bed on her back. She closed her eyes picturing Felicia walking into the bedroom and of course she was naked. Monica's hands went to her breasts letting the fingertips guide across her nipples. She felt them hardening as she saw Felicia laying down on top of her and giving her a kiss. Monica pinched her nipples making them rock hard. She used her fingers to pull and twist her nipples then she used her index finger to circle her nipples teasing them and herself to no end. She felt her pussy getting very wet so she opened her legs thus opening her pussy lips. She let her right hand go down to her pussy going across her trimmed bush and to her wet pussy. Her left hand stayed at her breasts caressing and teasing her nipples thus keeping them rock hard. Her fingers went across her pussy lips as she imagined that her fingers were Felicia's tongue licking her. Monica let out a moan as she pushed her fingers deep into her pussy. She began to fuck herself as she pictured Felicia finger fucking her.

Monica then put her fingers to her clit feeling how aroused it was and how sensitive. She caressed it with her fingertips then she began to squeeze and twist it. She let out a louder moan getting herself closer to an orgasm but she needed something more so she reached over to her nightstand pulling out a fleshed colored dildo. She ran the head along her pussy lips getting it wet before shoving it into her pussy. She liked her sex a little on the rough side so she began to really fuck herself hard shoving it deep within her pussy then pulling it out only to shove it back in. She was now using her fingers from her left hand to caress and pinch her clit as she fucked herself. She was getting so close to an orgasm and she began to fuck herself harder and faster as she pinched hard on her clit. She felt her pussy spasm and she cried out as she came hard. She felt her girlcum come out around the dildo that was still shoved inside of her pussy. Monica rolled onto her side closing her legs thus trapping the dildo deep inside her pussy.

She lay there a long time enjoying the wonderful orgasm and the feeling of being so full. She still had the picture of a naked Felicia in her mind only now she was lying close to her, even though it was her pillow and not Felicia. She lay there for another thirty minutes before she reached down to pull that dildo from her pussy and then she licked it clean as she did love the taste of her pussy juice. She then went to the bathroom washing the dildo off and then her pussy. From there she went back to her bedroom getting redressed in her PJ's and going back to her old desk. This time she was able to keep her mind on what she was doing that is until she was lying naked her bed trying to sleep when Felicia came roaring back into her mind.

The next morning, she forced herself to drive past the diner but that still didn't stop her from masturbating to the thoughts of Felicia when she got home. So the following morning, she did stop at the diner. Felicia was there and she gave Monica a smile as she entered the door. This time there wasn't anyone else in the diner so Monica went to the end of the counter and got her seat. Felicia asked her if she wanted coffee and Monica told her that she would love a cup. Monica tried not to look at Felicia as she got the coffee and then the creamer but while her mind was telling her eyes to look elsewhere; her eyes weren't listening as she took in that cute ass and the dress riding up an inch or two. Monica felt a twitch in her pussy and she admonished it but it wasn't listening to her either.

Felicia took her order and then she hollered at Juan to come and fix her food. This time Felicia went over to the side and picked up her book. Monica saw that Felicia was nearing the end of the book and she thought that maybe she would have a chance to talk to her today. So as she ate and read, Monica watched as Felicia read through the last few pages of the book. Just as Monica was about to open her mouth, three fire trucks pulled up into the parking lot and then about twenty firemen came into the door. They were all dirty obviously coming off of a call and they were all starving. They filled one end of the diner and all were talking away. They were still coming off the adrenal rush and they had to talk it out. Felicia immediately jumped up going to them and they shouted out their orders. Felicia just stood there and Monica knew that she was overwhelmed with the rush of orders but then she came back behind the counter and she called out all the orders to Juan. He had to ask her to repeat a couple of them and she spat them back out. Then she went to get their coffee, cokes, and tea. She then went back behind the counter and began to write down the orders on her ticket book. She was only halfway finished when the first of the orders began to be ready so she started to take them to the tables. Monica noticed that she didn't get one wrong, there was no exchange of plates. Monica was impressed as there was no way that she could do that without fucking it all up.

Monica knew that any chance of her getting to talk to Felicia just went flying out the window. So she paid her bill, gathered up her things and went to her car. She knew that her dildo was going to get another workout that morning. For some reason, since she had laid eyes on Felicia, she was horny all the time. When she got home, she went straight to the bedroom shedding her clothes and grabbing her dildo. She put a little lube on it then pushed it deep into her pussy. She fucked her pussy hard and fast as she pinched and pulled on her clit. She wanted to cum quickly this morning as she was so horny. So she made short work of it that morning and she came all over the sheets. Then she rested for a minute as she thought about Felicia. She knew that her attraction was physical at the moment and she wanted and needed more but until she actually got to have a conversation with her, she didn't know if they had anything in common or if she would even like her. And then she would have to find out if she was even interested in women. So all this fantasying could be for naught, which with her luck it probably was.

The next morning when she stopped in at the diner, she got another smile from Felicia and she automatically smiled back. There were several people in the diner but no one was sitting at the counter so that is where she went. She sat in what was becoming her normal spot and Felicia brought over her coffee and creamer. So Monica didn't get to see Felicia bending over to get the creamer which disappointed her a great deal. Monica gave Felicia her order and Felicia went to get Juan to cook it. Then she was back to cleaning but she was on the far end of the diner so there was no chance to talk. About halfway through her food, the young couple paid and left leaving only two men who left about the time that she was finished eating. As they left, Felicia had worked her way down to her end of the diner.

"So did you enjoy "1984"?" Monica asked hoping that Felicia would stay and talk a minute.

"What?" Felicia asked then she realized what Monica was asking about. "Yes I did but it was a little scary and left me feeling funny but not in a good way." Felicia told her in her soft voice.

"I read it the summer after I graduated high school and it gave me the willies and I hated the part with the rats. God I have been afraid of them since then." Monica said smiling.

Felicia laughed and she had such a sweet soft laugh. "I'm glad that I'm not the only one that the book affected that way. I don't think that I will ever forget that feeling." She said and then Monica saw this sadness come over Felicia's eyes and face. It stayed there for a moment then it was gone and that familiar smile came back but now Monica could see that the smile was false. It hid something and that something went deep into Felicia's soul.

Monica decided to restart the conversation so she went back to the book, "You know since 9/11 I'm wondering if we aren't getting closer to having big brother in real life."

There was a flash of confusion on Felicia's face but that too was gone in a second, it was so quick that if you weren't studying her you would never have seen it. However Monica had been studying Felicia carefully since she first laid eyes on her so she saw that confusion. "Yes I guess you're right." Was Felicia's reply. Then Felicia's went back to her cleaning leaving Monica to wonder about her weird reactions.

That morning, when she got back to her place, Monica didn't go and masturbate as she had something else on her mind. It was still on Felicia but now she was thinking about her reactions and what they meant. She knew now that Felicia was much more complicated that she thought she would be, the only problem was she didn't know what made her complicated. Since it was now Friday morning, it would be three days before she could get back to the diner and Felicia. She had promised her mom that she would come home for the weekend and it was much too late to cancel now. Her mother would give her hell if she did and it wasn't worth the hassle. She loved her mother to death but the woman hated a last minute change of plans so she grew up knowing that was something that you didn't do to her if you wanted to keep her happy and as everyone knew, you always kept the mom happy. So she packed her bags and headed off to her parent's home.

Early Tuesday morning, Monica rushed from work and headed for the diner. This time there were just two ladies in one of the booths. They had obviously finished their food and were talking and drinking their coffee. She wondered why two women would be out so late then she realized that she was a woman and she was out this late so they probably had a good reason too and if not then that was cool too. Monica searched around and she didn't see Felicia around anywhere. She was afraid that she had the night off or something but then she came through the doors from the back pushing a cart with stuff to restock the diner.

"Oh hi there, I didn't hear you come in. You want a cup of coffee... and you take creamer right?" she asked.

"Yea I do thanks." Monica said as she got up on the stool behind the counter.

"So how are you doing this morning?" She asked as she watched Felicia get her coffee then bend over a bit to get the creamer from the cooler.

"Pretty good, been a slow night but most nights are which is why I like working this shift." Felicia told her as she put her coffee down in front of her.

"Wish I could say the same about my job as we are busy every night. There is always more than what can be done in ten hours." Monica said liking it that she was beginning to have a conversation with her.

"Friday and Saturday nights are the busiest for this shift so in a way I'm glad that I don't work them. But then the time goes faster when you're busy." Felicia told her.

"True, the night does fly by but at least you like to read so that helps pass the night." Monica said.

"Yea, if not for that then I don't think I could take it." She said then she asked, "So you want your usual tonight?"

Monica wasn't quite ready for the sudden change of subject so she had to look down at the menu for a second and she saw the cheeseburger staring at her and she just had to have one so that was what she ordered.

Felicia went and got Juan and he started to fix her cheeseburger then she went back to restocking everything and unfortunately that took her away from where Monica was sitting. So she pulled out her book and started to read. She ate slowly trying to make it last as Felicia went about her work. The two ladies kept up their conversation and didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave and since they were at the far end of the diner, it wasn't a problem. As Monica finished her food, Felicia was finishing up her work and she pulled out a new book.

"So what you reading now?" Monica asked hoping that Felicia would respond which she did but only by holding the book up showing her that it was Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Monica did have to admire the books that Felicia chose to read. "Are you reading that as a school assignment?" Monica asked hoping to get even more information from her.

"Oh no, I don't go to school or anything, I just decided to read it." Felicia said.

"Well I admire you reading that when you don't have to. I read some of Shakespeare's plays in college but I have to admit that I had trouble with them. I liked them but they were hard to read." She told her.

"It is hard and I do have to read a lot slower but the language is wonderful and the plot of two star crossed lovers was too good to pass up." Felicia said as she gave Monica a smile.

"Yes that is a classic tale and one that is sure to get to you." Monica told her.

"Well it has already gotten to me, I can't wait to get to the end and find out what happens." Felicia said as if she had no clue as to what happens to the young lovers.

Monica almost laughed but then she realized that Felicia was being serious about what she was saying. It was like she had landed from another planet and was discovering this world for the first time. In a way Monica wanted to tell her that it had a tragic ending but decided against it. She wanted to see what she had to say at the end. But all this made Felicia all that more intriguing.

"Well not everything ends happily ever after you know." Monica said not wanting to ruin the end but she had to warn her somewhat.

"Oh I know that." Felicia said with almost a sigh then she went back to reading and Monica hated for the conversation to end and she also went back to her book but an eye was always watching Felicia slowly turning one page after another. Monica stayed for as long as she dared then she paid her bill and left with more to think about.

Monica stopped in the next two nights watching as Felicia slowly made her way through the book. She did get to talk to her a little more each night and that made it nice, they talked a little about Romeo and Juliet and the beautiful language and Monica could sense that Felicia had figured out that this wasn't going to end happily. Another thing that made Monica feel hopeful was that Felicia wasn't standing at the other end of the counter talking to her but was easing her way closer. Then on early Friday morning, as Monica walked into the diner, she saw that Felicia was reading and there were tears in her eyes.

"You know you could have warned me that they died in the end." Felicia told her in a tone that was filled with grief and anguish.

"I'm sorry, I know I should have but I didn't want to spoil the ending for you." Monica told her.

"I'm sorry but I so wanted them to be happy and unite their families." Felicia said as she wiped her eyes before getting Monica's coffee and her creamer.

"I know you did and we all do when we read that story but they did end the feud between their families. And maybe somewhere, sometime they do find each other again." Monica said hopefully.

"Maybe but still I feel sad." Felicia told her.

"But the love that they had made you feel good didn't it?" Monica asked.

"Of course it did and that made the book worth reading." Felicia said then she asked, "So what you having this early morning?"

"I don't know..." Monica said then she decided to take a chance, "Why don't you decide for me. I've made enough decisions tonight."

Felicia stood back for a moment studying her and Monica hoped that she hadn't crossed over any lines where Felicia was concerned. Then a slight smile came to Felicia's lips as she said, "Do you trust me?"

"Sure," Monica replied giving Felicia a soft smile.

"Well, I'm not supposed to cook but since we're the only ones here and Juan knows better than to cross me, plus this means he doesn't have to hang up with girlfriend and actually do some work..." Felicia said with the last part being louder so that Juan would be sure to hear and then came "Thank you!" from behind the swinging doors.

"Anyway, I think I may have something that you'll like. So just read your book and don't peek." Felicia said as she reached across the counter grabbing Monica's book and handing it to her.

"Now you got me curious and hungry." Monica said as she took the book and she felt Felicia's soft fingers for a second which made her heart skip a beat and she couldn't help but to smile at her.

"Now get to reading as I cook." Felicia told her and she didn't move until Monica took her eyes from Felicia and to her book.

Monica was tempted to sneak a peek at Felicia as she cooked but she had made an inroad and she didn't want to screw it up so she read or tried to read as that proved to be difficult with the smell of the food cooking. The only time she started to lower her book was when Felicia refilled her coffee cup but Felicia stopped her by grabbing her book and holding it up as she slid the coffee cup up under the book making Monica smile at her antics. She knew that Felicia was playing with her and it was fun.

A few minutes later, she felt Felicia coming close to her and she was tempted to put her book down however she decided to leave it up even though she knew her food was probably ready since she didn't hear anything cooking on the grill. She waited another second and then she felt her book being pulled down. She saw Felecia grinning broadly as she put a plate in front of her. On that plate was a huge omelet that looked and smelled delicious.

"Here it is, I hope that you like omelets." Felicia said as she bit her lower lip.

"I love them and this one smells fabulous." Monica said seriously.

"I love them to; in fact I had to make one for myself." Felicia said and Monica noticed that there was another plate by the grill.

"Well, bring it over here and let's enjoy our omelets together." Monica suggested as she gave Felicia a soft smile.

She could see Felicia hesitating so she decided to help her decide, "I don't think that the other customers will mind." She said as she waved her arm around indicating that she was the only customer at the moment. Then she added, "And we can see if someone drives up and you can go back behind the counter."

Again Felicia hesitated but then she made her choice, "Okay, but help me keep an eye out for anyone arriving."

"I promise." Monica said as she moved her book from where she had laid it, putting it to the opposite side so that Felicia could sit beside of her. She then reached out her hand taking Felicia's plate and setting it next to her. Felicia then hurried over to the drink machine and got some ice and then some fresh water.

As she turned around, she frowned at Monica and said, "Eat!"

"I will as soon as you get over here. So hurry up, I'm starving to death." Monica said giving her a grin while keeping eye contact with her.

"But it's getting cold, you fool." Felicia said but she did hurry around the end of the counter and the tables and she came over to the seat by Monica. Again she hesitated for a second until Monica patted the seat beside of her.

"Now eat girl." Felicia admonished her and she pointed to the omelet on her plate.

She looked at her as Monica took her fork and cut off a bit of her omelet. All new aromas hit her nose and they made her mouth watered. She could see that there was cheeses, ham, sausage, peppers, onions and about everything else in the omelet. And when she tasted it, there were also some spices that she didn't know what they were but they made the omelet tasted absolutely great.

"Oh god this is wonderful, you are a great chef." Monica said seriously.

"Oh no, this is about all I can cook." She said modestly.

"I doubt that but now you're not the one that's not eating so eat up before it gets cold." Monica told her.

Felicia gave out a little giggle then she picked up her fork and she saw Monica looking at her, "Now you eat too."

"I am, I am." Monica told her as she took another bite and she saw that Felicia had gotten a fork full and took her first bite.

Monica then began to ask her what was in the omelet and Felicia told her the obvious things that she could see and taste, but when she pressed her about the things that she couldn't see that Felicia would only smile at her. Monica would press her a little but in a kidding manner so that Felicia knew she was playing with her and Felicia seemed to enjoy it all. So they talked as they ate, mostly about the omelet and some about how Felicia's love of reading which dovetailed Monica's love of reading. Monica got to talk to Felicia for another fifteen minutes before a car drove up and then another. It was about the time for the early morning workers, who had to be at work by five, to come in for a bite to eat before their day began.

Monica put her money on the counter, and then she waved goodbye to Felicia mouthing to her that she would see her early Monday morning. That did bring a smile to Felicia's face which also made Monica smile. As she drove home, she thought about what they had talked about and found that it was very enjoyable to talk to Felicia. She could tell that Felicia was very smart and had a sharp wit which made it the more confusing as to why Felicia would decide to work in a dive like that. She was smart enough to do anything that she wanted. She did feel like she had made some inroads with Felicia by getting her to come from behind the counter and sit beside of her. Even in that waitress dress, she could tell that Felicia had a cute body and that information served her well when she got home. As she was stripping out of her clothes as soon as she got inside of the door, going straight to the bedroom.

She lay on her back bringing forth an image of Felicia, naked of course, standing before her. Her hands went to her breasts and she tweaked her nipples feeling them growing hard and she could feel her pussy getting moist. She let her fingertips tease her nipples making her that much more excited and her pussy was demanding attention. After pinching and pulling on her nipples for a while longer making herself so fucking horny, she let her right hand slip down to her pussy which was coated with her juices. She ran her fingers up and down her slit feeling the smooth skin as her palm rested against her clit and her wrist rested on her mons. It made her feel so good as she looked upon Felicia's imaginary body. She wondered what Felicia's pussy would look like as she pictured her both shaved and with a full bush. She decided that either would be fine with her. Her fingers dipped into her pussy and she was soon fucking her pussy with her fingers. She pushed them in deep and hard as she rubbed her clit with the fingers of her left hand which had abandoned her breasts going for the sweet spot of her body. She moaned aloud as she pulled then rubbed hard on her clit as she finger fucked her pussy. She twisted around on the bed as she worked her pussy over with her fingers until she was able to achieve the release that she needed and sought. Then she let her body relax and she closed her eyes thinking of Felicia who she felt was going to be someone important in her life. She then fell sound asleep dreaming of this strange girl that she just couldn't get into her grasp.

The weekend went by slow for her as she wanted to get back to the diner to see Felicia again. When she went into work Monday afternoon, she found the warehouse stacked full of product to be received and then placed into their locations. Added to that, she was short two people who had come down with the stomach virus that was going around. That meant that they would be lucky to get off by three-thirty and she was right as it was closer to four before she let her people go and then she was there to six catching up on her paperwork. By then the dayshift supervisor had showed up and started to talk. She had trouble getting away without offending him as he was a nice guy. But once she was out of the plant, she sped through town trying to get to the diner before Felicia got off work but that wasn't to be. As she was pulling into the diner, she saw Felicia sitting in the passenger seat of Juan's old truck. All Monica could do was to shrug her shoulders then wave at her. Felicia did wave back and she gave her a smile then she was gone. Monica debated whether to stop in and eat but she saw that it was getting busy so she just pulled on through the lot and went on home. She took a shower, and then she watched the morning news shows before heading to bed as she was worn out.

That evening when she got to work, she saw things had gotten back to near normal but she still pushed her people without becoming a bitch about it. She was determined to get out of there on time and this night she did. Phillip was the last one out the door as he always was and he gave her a big grin telling her to have a good day. Even though she was in a big hurry she couldn't help but to take the time to wish him a good day too then she got him out the door so that she could lock the front door, then she practically ran to her car. Again she rushed to get the diner causing one of the cops to flash her in warning to slow down, which she did thankful that he didn't turn around and follow her to give her a ticket. As she was pulling in, she saw a young couple leaving the diner and she was grateful that she would be the only customer. She grabbed her purse and her book though she hoped the book wouldn't be needed.

She got a smile from Felicia as she walked through the door and she noticed that she had already placed a cup of coffee on the counter in front of her usual seat.

"Morning," Felicia said as Monica sat down.

"Morning to you too," Monica told her then as she sat down she said, "Sorry about last night, I got caught at work and couldn't get off on time. The work was stacked up to the ceiling and we couldn't leave until we got it put up."

"It's cool; you don't have to explain anything to me. I knew something had kept you away." Felicia told her and that made Monica feel better about not keeping her promise about seeing her early Monday morning like she had said. "So what you want this morning?"

"I don't know... How about a BLT?" Monica asked as much as requested.

"I think that can be arraigned." Felicia said with a smile then she called back to Juan to tell him that she had it covered.

"So how has your night been?" Monica asked as she put the cream and sugar into her coffee.

"It was busy earlier but has slowed down now." Felicia told her as she put the bacon onto fry. "How was your night?"

"It was a lot better than last night that's for sure. I mean it was busy and all of that, it always is but at least I didn't have to make everyone stay over like I did last night." She told her and she noticed that Felicia was making two sandwiches which pleased her.

"So how did you end up working here?" Monica asked her while Felicia was preoccupied and thus more likely to answer the question.

Felicia turned and looked at her and gave her a smile thus telling Monica that Felicia wasn't falling for that little trick but she answered the question anyway, sort of. "Oh the old woman that lives next to me owns the restaurant and she gave me the job. She figured that it was a perfect fit for me and she was right. I like it here."

"That's great; you lucked up there with her living next to you." Monica told her.

"True but she is a pushy old broad and what she wants she usually gets." Felicia said not putting the woman down but describing her as she was.

Monica laughed, "Well we pushy old broads usually get our way."

Felicia laughed and then said, "You're not pushy and you're definitely not old."

"Well sometimes I feel old and I can be pushy." Monica told her.

"That may be but still I don't see you that way." Felicia told her as she put the finishing touches on their BLT's then she refilled Monica's coffee and got herself a coke. She put the plates down on the counter with her plate beside of Monica. Then she came around and sat beside of her making Monica smile.

"Now eat girl." Felicia ordered her.

"Yes madam!" Monica said as she grinned.

They ate quietly for a moment then Monica started to talk about her evening at work and the people that she worked with. Felicia seemed to enjoy that and she was a good listener. She didn't talk a lot only asking questions to keep Monica talking. She would get up only to get Monica more coffee and then she would return her seat. She kept Monica talking until a car pulled up. Felicia jumped up to get behind the counter. Monica paid for her food and then she let Felicia get back to her work.

On the way home, Monica couldn't help but to smile. She felt like she and Felicia were getting closer and that just maybe she could get her to do something after work. However she felt like this was one girl she couldn't rush getting her to go out with her or that she would be able to develop a relationship with her. She hadn't told Felicia that she was a lesbian and she didn't know just what Felicia was either. She knew that she wasn't married and that she wasn't dating anyone but that was about it.

Thursday morning she was able to sit and talk to Felicia but Friday morning, the diner had customers that didn't seem to want to leave so she barely got to talk to Felicia at all. So Monica didn't stay long, as she didn't want to put Felicia in a bad spot. When she got home, Monica didn't want to think about another long weekend at home, she went up to spend the weekend with her older sister Joyce. They had always been close and she was the first person that Monica told about being a lesbian and Joyce accepted it without any fuss.

When she got up to her sister's house, she had a few hours before her kids came home from work and since Joyce worked from home, they had the house to themselves. After hugs and kisses, Joyce got them some tea and they sat out on the patio. Monica didn't bother with work as they she could talk about that after Joyce's husband and kids got home. Since she had her alone, she launched into talking about Felicia. She watched as Joyce smiled at her and she put up with Joyce kidding her about having a crush at her age. But then she got serious and Joyce cautioned her to take her time with this girl. She seemed to be an enigma wrapped up in a mystery since she wouldn't reveal anything of her past. Monica knew to go slow but it was hard as she was so cute and she appeared to be so smart but yet she worked in a dive.

They talked most of the afternoon, until the kids came rushing in from school. Joyce's older daughter Jayne was fifteen and she loved her Aunt Monica to death, she dragged her off to her bedroom to talk of school and boys. Jayne knew her Aunt was a lesbian but as far as love was concerned, it was all the same and besides she trusted her aunt not to tell her mom what they talked about. Both Monica and Joyce maintained this trust. The way Joyce looked at it, if there was ever anything that Jayne felt she couldn't tell her about; she had her Aunt to fall back on. That gave her a sense of security as far as her daughter was concerned. Now her son Cody was into video games and sports so to maintain balance, Saturday morning, Monica took him to his little league practice and then the afternoon was spend with the whole family going to the local water park. By the time that Monica got home Sunday afternoon, she was worn out so she spent the evening relaxing and reading the Sunday paper. It was there that Monica found her way to get Felicia to go out with her. The only problem was that it was still a month and a half away. But as she sat back and thought about it, maybe that was just the right amount of time. So the next morning, she order two tickets hoping that she wouldn't have to ask Joyce or Jayne to be her date for the evening.

The next few mornings, she was able to get Felicia to sit and talk to her as either she or they both ate. They talked about Monica's work or whatever books each of them were reading. It was nice to have someone to talk to and Felicia seemed to enjoy her being there. As she would come into the diner, she could see Felicia's face light up and that made her own face light up. So she kept coming back and she kept masturbating to the image of Felicia when she got home.

About a week before Monica had hoped that Felicia would go out with her and the morning that she was going to ask Felicia, Monica made what she thought was a very critical error in judgment. It was Friday morning and when she came into the diner, there were two men in one booth and a young couple in another. Monica had her spiel planned out to the last word and she just knew that she was going to do to convince Felicia to go out with her. Monica cursed the other customers as she was afraid that she wouldn't get to talk to Felicia at all. So she pulled out her book and read as Felicia went from one booth to another and they barely got to talk to one another. Each time that Monica wanted to bring the subject up, Felicia had to go get more coffee or cokes. Then as one couple left, another arrived to take their place. Monica knew that this wasn't going to be the day and she would have to wait Tuesday morning to ask her and thus less time to convince her to go with her should she turn down her down the first time.

Monica was about to pay and leave when she noticed the book that Felicia was reading which was sitting by the grill. She had to look at it a second time to make sure she was reading it right. Then when Felicia stopped by to take her money, Monica had to ask her about the book.

"I see that you're reading "1984" again. I thought the first time through would be enough for you." Monica stated.

"What?" Felicia said, "I've never read it before. I just saw it in my book shelve this morning and decided to read it."

Monica looked at her strangely wondering why Felicia would lie to her and to lie to her over something as simple as a book that she was reading. It had only been a little over two months since she had first seen Felicia reading it. Monica wanted to call her on it but then she looked into Felicia's eyes and she saw a look of fear there. At first Monica thought it was a fear of being caught in a lie but then she saw that the fear ran much deeper. The fear that Monica saw went down to Felicia's core. It wasn't about what book Felicia was reading, it was something else entirely. Then Monica didn't know what to say or do but she had to say something or it would all be lost.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, It was Carol who I saw reading it." Monica said wondering why she thought of that bitch Carol at that moment but that's whose name she used.

"It's cool." Felicia said and Monica could see the relief in her face.

Monica felt the same relief and she wanted to say more but the two men had come up to pay their bill so Monica told Felicia said that she would see her Tuesday and Felicia smiled giving her hope that all wasn't lost after all.

On the way home, Monica went over and over the short conversation and she was clueless as to what had happened. Felicia had read that book before but she was perfectly serious when she said that she had never read it. "God this girl is confusing." She said to herself. She kept on thinking about it until she got home. She paced around for a while before she decided that she needed to talk to Joyce again. Her big sis was always good about telling her what to do and this time she needed her. So she packed her bag and headed upstate to get some good advice.

She and Joyce talked all afternoon and while Joyce didn't have any clear answers but at least she made her feel better about things. She also put her to the test by saying that she had two choices, either drop Felicia right now or keep on pursuing her until she found out who the girl really was. But once she kept going, she couldn't stop if she found that Felicia would be a high maintenance girl. Joyce then let her think about that for awhile letting Monica make her own decision. And think Monica did but she didn't see that she really had any option; Felicia had already gotten under her skin. She had to see it out and once she made her choice, she felt better about things. But in her heart, she knew that Felicia would always be work but work well worth doing. She spent the rest of the weekend with Joyce and her family just so the time would pass faster.

When she got to work on Monday, she saw that they overloaded them again but while it looked like a lot of stuff, it was actually a lot of the same products so that made it easier to get put up. Monica was able to get the product all stocked and they actually got some items pulled to be shipped the next morning. That always made dayshift happy and made her look good to the plant manager which never hurt. She was able to get out on time and she hurried off to the diner and Felicia. There were only a couple of people in the there and they were just finishing up their meals when Monica walked in. Felicia was already getting her a cup of coffee and she had it on the counter when Monica slipped into the seat.

"Do how's it going this morning?" Monica asked her.

"Pretty good and yourself?" Felicia asked.

"I'm great now." Came Monica's reply and brought forth a smile from Felicia.

"So what you feel like today?" she asked her.

"I don't know, something light this morning, I'm not really that hungry." Monica told her as it wasn't so much that she wasn't hungry but that she had a nervous stomach.

"I think I got just the thing." Felicia told her as she went to the doors leading to the back and hollered something to Juan who came out a couple of minutes later carrying something in his hands.

Felicia then went over and took the money from the two men that were the only other customers in the place. Monica saw that Juan was fixing some scrambled eggs and frying up a small chicken breast. It did look good and Monica had to admit that it brought back her hunger again. It didn't take long to cook and soon Juan had disappeared and Felicia was sitting beside of her sipping her coke as Monica ate and told Felicia about her evening. She also talked about going to see her sister that previous weekend, though she didn't tell her the real reason behind the visit. After she had eaten and they had talked for a few minutes, Monica decided it was time to ask before anyone else came into the diner.

"Hey I got something to ask you." Monica said and she reached into her purse and she saw Felicia tense up a little.

"Sure what do you need to know?" Felicia asked.

"I need to know if you would like to go with me to see Romeo and Juliet at the Barter Theater Friday night." Monica said and she saw the worry lines come across Felicia's face so she went on with her spiel before Felicia could turn her down. "It isn't anything special but I saw how you loved reading the play and I love it too. I just didn't want to go alone and so the first person I thought of asking to go along was you." She then gave her a big smile to reassure her of that.

"I don't know, we're not supposed to fraternize with the patrons of the diner. They really frown on that." Felicia told her.

"Well we've become friends now haven't we?" Monica asked.

"Sure," Felicia said and Monica could see that Felicia knew that she was walking into her trap.

"Well then this is just a night out between friends and has nothing to do with the diner. I just happen to eat here because my friend works here." Monica told her.

"But we wouldn't have become friends if it wasn't for the diner as that is where I work when you happened to stop in to eat." Felicia told her.

"True but we're friends now and that is the main thing no matter how we happen to have met." Monica told her.

Felicia sat there and thought for a moment and Monica let her. She had gone as far as she could for the moment and she wanted to let Felicia think it over, she just hoped that Felicia could decide in her favor and as Felicia thought, she kept glancing down at those tickets giving Monica hope.

Finally she said, "Can I think about it?"

"Sure, take your time, you got to Friday to decide." Monica told her then she got a brilliant idea or so she hoped. "I tell you what, why don't you hold onto the tickets as you decide and if you should decide not to go with me then you can take someone else."

"Oh I can't do that, they're your tickets, you paid for them." Felicia told her.

"But I want to. If I can't go with you then I still want you to go." Monica said as she picked up the tickets placing them into Monica's hand which felt so soft and Monica knew that the touch would provide her with a lot more fantasies.

Felicia studied the tickets that were now in her hands and then she looked into Monica's eyes so Monica gave her a reassuring smile hoping she was doing the right thing. She knew that if Felicia took someone other than her, she would kill him or her not that would do much to help her in winning Felicia's heart.

About that time, several people walked into the diner and Felicia had to jump from her stool to get behind the counter. She didn't have time to give the tickets back and when she realized that they were still in her hands she could do nothing but place them into her pocket. Monica knew that she had done all the damage that she could and besides Felicia would be busy for the rest of the night so she gathered up her things and put her money on the counter thus not giving Felicia a chance to give the tickets back. Monica waved to Felicia on the way out telling her that she would see her the following morning. Felicia waved her hand to call her back but Monica kept going giving Felicia a friendly smile getting a frown in return.

When she got home, she went straight to her bedroom and stripped. She pulled out the dildo that had a suction cup on the bottom. She took it and some lube into the bathroom. She put a little of her saliva onto the suction cup placing it onto the tile floor. She then got a couple of small pillows for her knees before getting onto her hands and knees. She put some lube onto the head of the dildo and some on her pussy lips adding to the moisture that was already there. She reached back and grabbed a hold of the fat dildo holding it steady as she lowered her pussy down onto it. She felt the head opening her pussy lips and then it popped in. Monica let out a sigh as she sank down onto the fat dildo. It felt so good as she brought her hands up to her breasts cupping them. She imagined that Felicia was lying below her wearing a strap-on. Monica sank all the way down letting the dildo fill her completely and stretching her lips out so wide. Monica sat there for a moment just letting the dildo fill her. Then she rose up until it was almost completely out of her and she sank back down going a little faster. She pinched her nipples imaging that it was Felicia that was pinching her nipples and pulling on them. Monica began to ride the dildo harder and faster as she thought only of Felicia. This drove her to go ever faster and harder onto her fake cock and she pinched her hard nipples that much harder.

"Oh fuck!" Monica cried out as she felt her thigh muscles straining to push her up and down on the cock. She moaned and groaned as she rode the cock driving it deeper and deeper into her pussy. She dropped her right hand down to her pussy feeling the cock go in and out of her then she moved them to her clit. She rubbed it hard and fast getting her closer to the orgasm that she desired. She pinched and rolled that hard little nub between her fingers feeling her pussy spasm onto the dildo. Then her orgasm hit and she felt her girlcum leak around the dildo. She sat back onto the dildo letting it fill her as she rode out her orgasm. She kept pinching her clit making her orgasm even more intense until she couldn't take it any longer. She cried out and her feet slid out wide letting her pussy sink down that last inch and she could feel the head of the dildo up against her womb. This caused her to start another orgasm and this time she squirted as the orgasm was so intense.

The dildo against her womb almost hurt but it felt so good. She just sat there panting as her body relaxed and she sank the last little bit onto the dildo. The dildo was hurting more but it also felt so good. She stayed there just enjoying the pain and pleasure until her legs began to cramp and she slowly rose up. She did so slowly so that she could feel every inch of the dildo as it left her pussy. The dildo popped from her pussy leaving her feeling empty but more than satisfied. She turned around to see the dildo coated with her girlcum and there was a little puddle around the back of the dildo.

Monica smiled as she got up getting a towel to mop up her juices, then she went to the shower turning it on. She got in washing her body and feeling her sensitive pussy and clit. This was a well deserved orgasm that she needed badly. She then went to work on her desk putting the finishing touches on it as she already had a buyer for it. Then she went to sleep hopeful that Felicia would accept her offer to go to the play with her.

The next two nights, the diner had lots of customers for some strange reason leaving Monica and Felicia very little chance to talk. Felicia did try to give the tickets back but Monica wasn't having any part of that. She wanted those tickets in Felicia's hot little hands so that she would continue to think about them and their date and from what Monica could tell from their limited conversations, she was thinking about it.

When she got there on Friday morning, she saw that there were several people in the diner and Monica wished that she would have brought along her little twenty-two pistol so that she could chase those stupid idiots out of the restaurant. But she didn't think that would have been a good idea and beside a couple of the people in the diner were really big men and her little twenty-two would only serve to piss them off if she shot them with it. She went on in and the first thing she noticed was that Felicia appeared real nervous and Monica didn't see that as a good sign.

As Felicia put her coffee down on the counter, she almost spilled it causing her to apologize but Monica assured her that everything was fine. She ordered some eggs and sausage but she knew she was too nervous to eat it but she had to order something that would take her a while to eat. She couldn't leave the diner until she had an answer. The other patrons kept Felicia hopping and thus there was no time to talk. Monica was about half afraid that she would have to wait there until Felicia got off before she would be able to talk to her. However slowly the other customers began to leave and that made Monica very happy but the two big men seems to stay around forever before they decided they had enough coffee and they too left leaving Felicia and Monica alone at last.

"Come over here and let's talk a minute." Monica told her and Felicia looked around before deciding to do so.

"So have you decided about the tickets?" Monica asked her trying not to look too pitiful as she was dying to know and so afraid that Felicia would turn her down.

"You sure you want to go with me?" Felicia asked giving Monica hope again.

"Yes honey, I'm sure. If I didn't want you to go with me then I wouldn't have asked." Monica assured her as she placed her hand on Felicia's and she saw that she didn't immediate take her hand away.

"I would like to go but..." Felicia said and Monica could sense that there was something deep inside of her that was stopping her from saying yes.

"Then go with me, we'll enjoy the play and then I'll bring you right back home, I promise." Monica told her.

Felicia thought for just a moment then she said, "Okay, let's do it."

"Great, you won't regret this I promise. We'll have so much fun." Monica said and then she leaned over giving Felicia a hug without thinking about it. She felt Felicia tense up a bit and Monica was afraid that she had screwed up again but then she felt Felicia relax and hug her back and it was a genuine hug.

Monica then let Felicia go and she could see Felicia beaming and that made her glad to see. "It's about an hour and half drive so we'll need to leave by six, so give me your address so I know where to pick you up."

Felicia hesitated a second and Monica was about to suggest that they meet at the diner when Felicia told her, "Give me a pen and paper and I'll give you directions."

"Cool," Monica said as she went for her purse to get the pen and paper, "I just know this will be great."

"I think it will be too." Felicia said as she wrote out the directions and then when she finished, she handed the pen and paper over and she then she reached into her pocket and got the tickets out handing them over too. "You can hold onto these, I think your little trick worked so I don't need to hold onto them anymore."

Monica laughed a little at being caught and she said, "That was a little mean of me wasn't it?"

"Yes it was but it worked so you are forgiven and beside I get to see a play so it's cool." Felicia said as she saw a car pull up and she had to jump down but before going back around the counter, she gave Monica a little hug that had her walking on air. And she was still walking on air as she entered her condo a while later.

She couldn't believe her luck in getting Felicia to go out with her though it was as a friend. But she was going out and that was all that mattered. She went first to her closet as she didn't want to wait until the last minute to decide on what to wear. She didn't have that many dress clothes to wear as clothes were never her thing. She first went through her pant suits but none seemed right to her. She wanted something that looked sexy without being sexy. She went onto her dresses which she didn't wear much. She looked through them until she got to a little flower print dress that went down to just above her knees and they had little straps to hold it up. Joyce and Jayne had made her buy it on one of their shopping trips and she had never worn it. She brought it out and held it up to her body as she looked into the mirror and she decided she liked what she saw. She then pulled out one of her strapless bras and a sexy pair of panties and she was ready. By then she knew that Joyce would be alone so she gave her a call to tell her that she had a date with Felicia and she filled her in on all the details. Then she went in and washed her face then she went on to bed to get a couple of hours of sleep.

When the alarm woke her up a couple of hours later, Monica moaned as she was still tired but then she remembered what she was doing that night and all her energy came rushing back. So she jumped from the bed going to the bathroom to get the shower started. She jumped in when the water got warm and began to wash. Once she finished that, she went to work on her legs making sure that they were nice and smooth. Then she trimmed up around her pussy though she really didn't think that Felicia would be seeing that part of her body at least not tonight.

When she got out of the shower and dried, then she began to work on her hair. She kept it short so there wasn't a lot that she could do with it. However she did pin some of it back and put some curls in it with her curling iron just to make it look different from how Felicia normally saw it. She then began to put a little eye shadow on and then a just a little blush to bring out her skin tone. She went on to the bedroom to start getting ready, checking the clock to make sure that she wasn't running behind. The last thing she wanted to do was to show up late or get them to the theater late. She saw that she had plenty of time so she finished getting dressed then did a last check on her hair and make-up before making sure she had the tickets and the instructions to Felicia's house. She was about to lock her door when something came to her. If she had read Felicia right, there might be something else she would need tonight. She ran into the living room and grabbed a bunch of tissues, stuffing them into her small purse. Then she was off.

She checked her directions several times along the way just to make sure she knew where she was going. She hadn't been to this part of town in a while but she was vaguely familiar with it. She slowed down as she got closer and as she got to the middle of the block that Felicia lived on, she saw a girl standing on the sidewalk. As she got closer, she saw her fidgeting and she thought that she looked so cute. However as she pulled up in front of her, she changed her mind, Felicia wasn't just cute, she was beautiful, too beautiful for someone like her, she thought to herself.

Monica jumped from the car and went around it so that she was facing this young beauty. Felicia had done her hair up in curls that hung just off her shoulders and the blond highlights seemed to just shiver in the setting sun. She had put some blush on her high cheekbones and it made her face just glow. She had on a short black dress that showed off her figure perfectly. She had on high heels that had straps that wrapped around her calves and she was now as tall as Monica was.

"Oh god you are beautiful" was all Monica could think to say.

Felicia blushed which made her look all the more desirable to Monica, so much so that she just wanted to rush to her and hug her tightly to her body but she held back as she knew it was too soon to make such a bold move. "Thank you," Felicia said shyly then she added, "You look beautiful too."

"Thank you but I know better, you're the one who is going to turn all the men and women's heads tonight." Monica said making Felicia blush again. Then she knew that it was time to move on before she said anything more so she told her, "I think we should get on our way."

"Okay," Felicia said then she turned and Monica caught sight of Felicia ass that the dress fit snugly around and she about pissed on herself as it was so cute. She stood there for a second frozen in place but then she remember that she wanted to hold the door open for Felicia so she had to get her own ass in gear.

"Here let me get that for you." Monica said as she rushed to Felicia's side just as she got to the passenger door.

"Thank you." Felicia said giving Monica a warm smile.

Monica opened and held the door open as Felicia got in and she saw Felicia's dress ride up a couple of inches showing more of her firm legs. Monica couldn't help but to look at those legs a second then she glance up at Felicia's face and she saw her looking at her. Now it was time for Monica to blush and that made Felicia grin though she didn't say anything. Monica quickly shut the door and she practically ran to the driver's door and she saw that Felicia had leaned over and pushed it open for her.

"Thank you," Monica said as she slipped behind the wheel.

"I want to thank you for taking me tonight; I know that there was probably a bunch of other people you could have taken." Felicia said shyly as Monica pulled into traffic.

Monica glanced ahead and nothing was coming so she looked over at Felicia as she said, "Yea, there were a few I could have asked, like my sister or my niece who either would have loved to go..." Monica said and she saw Felicia frown, "... but you were the one I wanted to go with so you are the only one I asked to go with me." And that made Felicia smile again.

"I'm glad, I've never seen a play before and I can't wait." Felicia said and Monica could almost see her fidgeting in her seat like a little girl.

"I just hope that you like the play, I know I have trouble with Shakespeare and the language that he uses." Monica told her.

"Yea I know, I had to go slowly through the book to understand it but to see it live on stage is going to be great even if we miss some things." Felicia told her.

"I think it will be too. I haven't seen a play since my freshman year of college and I did enjoy it. I'm not sure why I never went back." Monica confessed.

"Well we're going tonight." Felicia said excitedly.

"Yes we are." Monica said as she reached over to Felicia's hand giving it a squeeze and she was pleased that Felicia didn't pull her hand back. She didn't leave her hand there for long as she didn't want to press her luck.

On the rest of the trip to the theater, they talked of the play and what it would be like. Felicia told her what she remembered about the play that she had seen and how they did it in acts with intermissions in-between. Monica would glance at Felicia's face from time to time and it was glowing with excitement. Felicia excitement even made Monica excited so by the time that Monica parked the car they were both bubbling over with joy. In fact, so much joy that they both had to stop at the restroom once they entered the theater.

They had a few minutes to kill and they wandered around the lobby of the old theater. It was all beautiful and they talked about how it looked and how the other theater goers looked all dressed up. As they walked about, Monica would feel Felicia's hand brush up against hers and more so as the lobby filled up. Each time their hands touched, Monica felt like that she was getting shocked by electricity. Everyone looked beautiful however to Monica, Felicia outclassed them all and she told her that and that made Felicia blush but she had a big smile on her face as she did so.

Finally they opened the door and everyone to begin to enter. Monica felt Felicia's hand touch hers again and this time Monica slid her hand around grasping Felicia's hand in hers. She looked over at Felicia who smiled at her and she felt Felicia entwine her fingers together. Monica tenderly squeezed Felicia's hand as they walked down the aisle to their seats. Monica had gotten the tickets early enough that they were located in the center of the theater and about halfway back. As they sat down, Monica told Felicia that she thought that they had the best seats in the house and that caused Felicia to giggle with her excitement. After about fifteen minutes the lights dimmed once and then came back on. Monica told Felicia that the play was about to begin. A few minutes later the lights slowly dimmed and Monica felt Felicia squeezing her hand. They theater grew quiet as the curtains began to open.

Monica looked over at Felicia and she saw that Felicia's eyes were wide open and her attention was on the stage. Then the play began and Monica refocused on the stage and she gripped Felicia's hand tightly. Monica pretty much kept up with the play as she had remembered it from the movie and from school. She found that it was easier to follow live than trying to read it and Felicia was taking in every word and every action of the play. The first act ended much too soon and they were both surprised as the curtains closed and the lights came up.

"Oh god this is great, did you see that sword fight, that was so cool. I can't wait for when Romeo and Juliet get together." Felicia said excitedly.

"I know, me too. How about we go get something to drink and hit the restroom?" Monica asked.

"Okay I am thirsty and I do need to go again." Felicia said as she smiled back at her.

They slowly made their way to the aisle and into the lobby with Felicia talking away. It was so much fun to listen to Felicia talking so excitedly. And Monica saw that Felicia understood the characters and the ole English better than she did. She knew that Felicia had a sharp mind and this only further proved that fact. They had to wait a few minutes to get a stall and then they went out and got a small coke. There were no refreshments allowed in the theater itself so they drank their cokes and then ventured back into the theater.

They stayed inside the theater during the other intermissions as Felicia was afraid that they would miss something by getting back late. So they sat there and talked quietly. Then it came to the scene where Romeo drank the poison and Monica saw Felicia start to wipe her eyes. She reached into her purse and pulled out a tissue for her. Felicia gave her a grateful look as she used it to wipe her eyes. Then when Juliet pressed the dagger into her breast, Felicia really started to weep and Monica pulled out more tissues. Monica then had to take a tissue or two for herself as she too was crying as were most of the women and half of the men in the theater. Then the final scene played out and the curtains closed and everyone clapped and no one louder and more enthusiastically than Felicia. After a minute, the actors and actresses came out to take their bows and everyone stood and clapped. Then the play was over and the lights came on.

"Oh god that was great, thank you so much for taking me." Felicia said as she wiped the last of her tears away.

"It was my pleasure, I'm just glad that you enjoyed it." Monica told her and she gave her a hug.

"I did, I really did." Felicia said hugging her back then she stepped back as the row was clearing so they could get out now.

"How long is this play going to be on?" Felicia asked when they got to the aisle.

"I think that tomorrow is the last night." Monica told her and she saw Felicia frown.

"Oh okay," Felicia said disappointedly.

Monica knew what Felicia wanted and that was to come back again before it closed and she wished that they could but she doubted that she could get tickets for the closing night but then she saw the look in Felicia's eyes and she knew she had to try. "You want me to see if I can get tickets for tomorrow night?"

"Would you? I'll pay this time." Felicia said.

"Let me see what I can do first then we'll worry about paying for them." Monica said and she saw Felicia's face brighten up.

"I hope you don't mind seeing it again..." Felicia said as she nervously bit her lower lip.

"I loved the play and I would love to see it again but the best reason to see it again tomorrow night is that I get to see you again." Monica said as she gave Felicia a wicked grin.

Felicia blushed but she also smiled broadly. When they got to the lobby, Monica went over to the desk where the theater was selling memberships to the theater. Monica enquired about tickets for the following night and that took the lady she was talking to by surprised but as the lady gave her spiel about the benefits of membership she checked to see if there were tickets available. As it happened, there was but they were located it the top balcony. Monica looked around and saw that Felicia was looking elsewhere; she got the tickets and took an application for membership. She figured that if it worked out with Felicia, they would be seeing lots of plays in the future so membership would be worth the price she would have to pay.

She put the tickets into her purse before starting toward Felicia. As Felicia turned to face her, Monica put a frown on her face and she saw that it had the desired effect on Felicia as she frowned too. She came on up not changing her expression as she said, "I got some bad news."

"They don't have any more tickets left?" Felicia said as she showed her disappointment and hurt.

"Actually they do but before they would sell me a couple, the lady told me that there was a condition to selling them to me." Monica told her.

"A condition, what type of condition?" Felicia asked completely confused.

"The lady said that you would have to go out to dinner with me before the show or she wouldn't sell me the tickets. I told her I wasn't sure if you would do that or not." Monica said and it was then she began to crack a smile.

Felicia still had the confused look on her face until she saw Monica start to smile then she let herself smile before she pouted and she hit Monica on the arm. "I should tell you no on the dinner just for doing that to me."

"But are you going to?" Monica asked now she was the one on pins and needles.

"I don't know, you were being a little ass for teasing me." Felicia said as she gave Monica her best mean stare.

"Yes I was but???" Monica asked.

"Yes, I'll go to dinner with you." Felicia finally said as she gave Monica a warm hug. "Thank you for humoring me and going again tomorrow night." Felicia whispered into her ear as they hugged.

"Hey I want to see you again and like I said, I loved the play and I would love to see it again with you." Monica whispered back and she gave Felicia a squeeze and she inhaled Felicia's sweet perfume.

Then she pulled back and looked into Felicia's eyes and they stared at each other for a moment before Felicia pulled back. Monica let her go but held onto her hands for a moment. "Seriously there is one problem with the tickets."

"What's that?" Felicia asked a little concerned.

"The only seats that they had available are in the upper balcony." Monica told her.

"Oh that is fine with me. I wouldn't care if it was in standing room only." Felicia said with a big smile.

"That is what I figured so I took them without even asking you if they were okay." She told her.

"Thank you for getting them, how much were they and I'll pay this time." Felicia told her.

"Don't worry about that, besides I put it on my credit card and didn't even look at the cost." Monica told her though she could see that Felicia didn't believe her.

"Well let me treat you to dinner then." Felicia told her.

"Nope can't do that. Remember the lady said you had to go out to dinner with me or she wouldn't sell me the tickets." Monica told her smiling.

"Oh yea, I forgot about that. Then the next date, I'm going to pay and you had better not argue with me." Felicia told her.

"Deal," Monica said squeezing her hands, and then she noticed that they were about the only ones left in the lobby. "I think we had better get going before they lock us in."

"You're right, let's go." Felicia said as she let go of Monica's left hand but kept holding onto her right one which please Monica.

They walked hand in hand to Monica's car with Monica holding the door open for her as Felicia got in. Then she went around to the driver's door and saw that Felicia had leaned over to opened it for her. The talk home was mostly about the play and Felicia replayed all her favorite parts even quoting a few lines that she loved the best. Monica wanted the trip home to last for the rest of the night but she arrived in front of Felicia's apartment complex a little before midnight. Felicia had her pull up in the yellow marked area in front of the gate that let into the complex so Monica knew she wasn't going to be invited in tonight which was okay.

"I really did love tonight; I'm glad that you asked me." Felicia said as she turned toward Monica.

"I'm just glad that you said yes. I was a little worried that you would turn me down." She admitted.

"I almost did, I kept going back and forth about going or not going but then I decided that you were a nice person and that I could trust you." Felicia told her.

"You can trust me, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I may screw up but it won't be intentional, it'll be just because I'm an asshole sometimes." Monica said smiling and she saw Felicia smile back at her.

"We can all be assholes at times; it's what we do to make up for it that is what counts." Felicia told her as she stared into Monica's eyes.

Monica stared back into those beautiful big brown eyes that seemed to grow wider by the second. Monica hesitated a second then nature took over. She began to lean in to kiss Felicia when Felicia leaned forward quickly giving her a kiss on the cheek and she then opened the door, getting out. Monica froze for a second, still feeling Felicia's soft lips on her cheek then she woke up and saw that Felicia was about to go through the gate. She hit the button to roll down the passenger side window.

"Felicia wait a second." She called out.

Felicia turned around looking back at her. "I'll be here at five to pick you up, okay?" Monica called to her.

She saw Felicia smile real big and she said, "Okay," then she disappeared behind the gate. Monica sat there in her car as her mind went over the last few moments and her hand went to her cheek where Felicia had kissed her. She didn't know that Felicia was standing behind the gate watching her and she smiled when she saw Monica touch her cheek. Monica stayed there for a moment or two longer before she started her car and headed home.

It took her a long time to go to sleep that night and when she did; her dreams were filled with scenes of going to plays and of lips kissing her. She woke up around eight feeling as happy as she has ever felt. After visiting the bathroom, she went to the kitchen to make some coffee and plan out her day. The first thing she thought of was that she needed a dress and she didn't have a clue where to look for one but she did know two people who would. She placed a call to her dear sister who was more than happy to collect her daughter and headed to her place.

They arrived about ten all excited about taking their sister and aunt on a shopping trip and she had already agreed to try on anything they asked her to without complaint. Monica knew they would take full advantage of her promise. Five minutes after Joyce and Jayne arrived; they were in Joyce's car heading out to shop. Monica had to fuss a little just on principle about trying on so many things but she was thankful that she had them to depend on when she needed it most. They picked out several dresses for her even though she just needed one but they wanted her to be prepared for future dates with Felicia. They also made her get some sexy shorts and tops that showed off her ass and boobs. Then they went to the bra and panties, where Monica preferred plain cotton ones that were comfortable to wear but she found herself with thongs and lacy bras. Her credit card took a major hit but it was worth it. She now had some things that she felt confident wearing and knowing that she looked as good as she could. Joyce and Jayne stayed on and after Monica took her shower and they made her sit patiently in her panties and bra as Joyce worked on her face and Jayne worked on her hair.

"You're putting too much makeup on me sis." Monica complained as she tried to push Joyce's hand away.

"Shut the fuck up and be still little sister." Joyce told her as she swatted Monica's hand away. And Jayne giggled at hearing her mother say "fuck".

"And I don't want to hear you say that word young lady." Joyce said as she gave a stern look at her daughter.

"Yes madam," Jayne dutifully said.

"Oh no, if you can say it then so can she." Monica said to her sister and then she turned to Jayne and said, "Say Fuck to your mother, I'll protect you." Then she winked at her but at the same time she let her right hand slip back and touch her sister's leg telling her to keep quiet.

Jayne looked at her mother's stern face and then she looked at Monica who smiled at her giving her encouragement. Joyce softened her facial expression giving her daughter permission to say it as she knew this was really between niece and aunt. Monica winked at her again giving Jayne the confidence to go ahead.

"Fuck." Jayne said in almost a whisper and she blushed saying a bad word for the first time in front of her mother.

"Oh girl you can do better than that, say it like you meant it." Monica said as she smiled at her young niece.

"Monica, you're going to ruin everything I have tried to teach her." Joyce protested.

"That's what favorite aunts are for." Monica told her sister.

"You're her only aunt." Joyce reminded her.

"So that ensures that I'm her favorite." Monica said as she laughed as did mother and daughter.

"You'd be my favorite aunt even if I had fifty aunts." Jayne said as she hugged her.

"And you would be my favorite niece even if I had fifty nieces." Monica said as she hugged her niece back. Then as they parted Monica said, "Now say fuck like you mean it."

This time Jayne didn't look at her mother before saying very clearly "Fuck."

"There you good, now that was a fuck I can appreciate." Monica said as she turned to Joyce and gave her a devious grin.

"God what am I going to do with you two?" Joyce asked as she went back to work on Monica's face and as they worked Monica kept after Jayne to say fuck just to get at her sister and they all laughed as she did so. Soon every other word the three said was "fuck" and after each brought forth laughter. The three had always been close and this was one of those instances that made them that way. After they had her hair and face done, it was on to the dresses and Monica had to try on several before Jayne and Joyce decided which one she was to wear.

Then it was time for Monica to leave and she thanked them both for being there for her and then as she kissed and hugged her sister she whispered into her ear, "Now don't you go and get on Jayne about saying fuck that was me." However she said it loud enough so that Jayne could hear her and she gave Jayne a wink as Jayne was standing behind her mother.

"Oh I know and that is why I'm going to punish you every time I hear her say it." Joyce said and to make her point, she popped Monica on her ass.

"Ouch," Monica said making it sound like it really hurt.

Then Jayne said "Fuck" real loud and Joyce popped Monica on the ass again.

"Ouch," Monica said as she drew back and rubbed her ass like it really hurt, and then she looked at Jayne and said "Traitor!" And they all laughed. But then she went to her kissing her on the cheek as she hugged her niece.

"Have fun tonight." Jayne told her as she went to her mother and she put her arm around her and Joyce pulled her in close giving her a kiss on the forehead so that Jayne knew that everything was cool between them and the fuck thing would go without any lectures. But then Jayne knew where her limits were with her mother and the fuck word wouldn't be said in her earshot but it flowed easily when she was with her aunt but not too much as she knew that her aunt would correct her too if she went overboard and became a potty mouth.

Monica went to on to her car and waved goodbye to her two best friends who just happened to be her sister and niece. Doing all the kidding and laughing with them also kept her from getting nervous and her sister also suggested that she find a restaurant and make a reservation which turned out to be a good idea as the restaurant that she wanted to take Felicia to was a couple of blocks from the theater and it only took reservations.

When she got close to Felicia's apartment, she saw that she was standing out in front of the gate. This time she had on a long light colored dress that Monica could see was almost formed to her body. As she pulled up, she saw that the dress was actually aqua in color. This time Felicia waited for Monica to get out of her car and come around to her.

"That dress is so pretty on you, I love it." Monica said as she came up to Felicia and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Felicia returned the kiss and hug then she pulled back but she kept her hands on Monica's hips.

"And I must say that the dress you're wearing is very flattering." Felicia told her.

"I'll pass on your compliments to my sister and niece." Monica told her and she saw the confused look on Felicia's face. "I'll explain on the way.' Monica then said as she pulled back and went to the passenger door opening it for her.

Felicia got in and Monica went around to the driver's door, getting in. Once she got on the road, Monica began to tell Felicia about her calling her sister and her coming down with her niece to go shopping for some clothes. Monica saw that Felicia seemed pleased that Monica had gone to all that trouble for her. She went into detail about the shopping and all the clothes that her sister and niece made her try on and how she fussed at them. Felicia laughed as Monica made it more dramatic than it really was but then Monica did fuss a lot so maybe she wasn't making it too much more dramatic. Then she went on to how Joyce and Jayne proceeded to fix her face and hair and that pleased Felicia even more. She talked about how she fussed during this apart too and Felicia told her that she fussed too much but she did so with a smile. Monica went on with the telling of the tale and then she got to the "Fuck" part and how she got her niece to say it in front of her mother.

"You didn't?!" Felicia said disbelievingly.

"Yes I did, I kept after her until she said it and then it was barely a whisper and I made her say it louder." Monica told her grinning from ear to ear.

"You made that poor girl say it twice in front of her mother?" Felicia asked as she was even more surprised at Monica's actions.

"Oh hell no, I made her say it a bunch of times. Before they were done with my face and hair, every other word we were saying was 'Fuck'." Monica said laughing.

"Oh god all three of you should have your mouth washed out with soap." Felicia told her but she was grinning at her.

"Probably but it was fun." Monica told her.

"You know you're going to get poor Jayne in trouble if she says it by accident and it will be your fault." Felicia told her now a bit concerned for Jayne.

"I told my sis not to get on Jayne or lecture her on the use of that word and she assured me that she wouldn't, she's going to hold me responsible for every time that Jayne says it. Then she popped me on the ass to prove her point." She told her.

"Good and if she needs any help, tell her to call me and I'll help her to spank you." Felicia told her.

"Oh you will. I see whose side you're on now." Monica said as she pouted at her in jest.

"Sure, I'm on Jayne's side, whose side do you think I'd be on?" Felicia said as she looked at Monica sternly.

"Well I thought you'd be on mine but I see that I'm wrong on that count." Monica said pouting even more.

"Hey you're the one teaching her to say fuck, you deserved to have your ass busted and then have your mouth washed out with soap." Felicia told her.

"Oh and you think that you can do that to me, I'm a bit bigger than you my friend." Monica said as she looked over at her.

"You may be bigger but I'm stronger than I look so just watch yourself." Felicia said as she flexed her arm showing off her muscle causing them both to laugh.

"I still can't believe that you got your niece to say that in front of her mother." Felicia told her.

"Actually I can't either but it was fun and I know that it made Jayne feel more grown up. I mean she is becoming a young woman and I think that she liked being treated as an adult and not a child and I would say that it brought her and my sis closer though they were pretty close already." Monica told her.

"And I bet she is close to her aunt too isn't she." Felicia stated.

"Yea, we have always been close. I have always tried to treat her as an equal and not as a child, or at least as much as I could." Monica said.

"It's nice that you have such a close relationship to both your sister and your niece, that's sweet." Felicia said almost wishfully.

"Well I was close to my sister until she popped me on the ass, now I'm not so sure about her." Monica said.

Felicia laughed at her and said, "Well you deserved that."

"I guess I did but it was fun." Monica told her.

"I bet it was I would have loved to see the three of you together like that." Felicia told her.

"You will, I'll take you up to see them the next time I go for the weekend, they have been hearing me talk about you for a long time now and they are dying to meet you." Monica said then she realized that she said more than she meant to.

"So you've talking about me for a long time?" Felicia asked.

Monica hesitated for a second then she decided to fess up, "Yea when I first saw you in the diner, I thought that you were real cute, beautiful actually." She said and she saw Felicia blush a little. "Then as I got to know you I started to be attracted to you for more than your body. I knew that I wanted to be around you more and really get to know you. I hope that doesn't bother you."

Felicia looked over at her and then she said with a serious tone in her voice, "Why should it bother me, I'm flattered that you're attracted to me and the feeling is mutual. Thought I'm afraid that it took me a little longer to see you as someone I would want to go out with. In fact it wasn't until you asked me out that I really thought about it. I hope that doesn't make you feel bad or bother you."

"No, it's cool. I was scared to death of asking you out as I feared that you would say no but you didn't." Monica said as she reached over and took Felicia's hand in hers.

"I almost did but now I'm glad that I didn't." Felicia said as she turned her hand over and she grasped Monica's hand.

Monica gave her a sweet smile before putting her eyes back on the road and they sat silently for a few miles as they got lost in their own thoughts. Then Monica got Felicia to talk about her day and she confessed that it took her forever to go to sleep as all she could think about was the play that they had seen and how they would be going out again the following night. This pleased Monica to no end so Monica got her to keep talking about her day and the play. They soon got into town and Monica parked at the theater. It was a warm early summer evening with a slight breeze so they walked to the restaurant. Monica took Felicia's arm in hers thus pulling her in close. She loved the feel of Felicia's body next to her and her perfume was so nice to smell. They talked as they walked and when they got to the restaurant, they were sat immediately. Monica was going to order them some wine but Felicia said that she didn't drink so they ordered tea instead and they sipped it as they waited for their food. It was an upscale restaurant and the prices were steep but Monica didn't have anything to spend her money on and Felicia was well worth the price of the dinner. They didn't have time to linger long after they finished eating so they paid and slowly made their way to the theater. They visited the restroom and when the time came, made their way upstairs to their seats.

"You know these are still good seats." Monica said as they settled into their seats.

"They are great and is gives us a different perspective. It will be like we are seeing the play for the first time.' Felicia told her.

Monica thought for a second and she realized that Felicia was right; she just had a way of thinking of things that were so true. "You know you're right."

Soon the lights dimmed and the curtains opened. Monica felt Felicia's hand barely touching her hand so she took it in her hand giving it a squeeze as the first act began. They sat in their seat through the intermissions and talked about what had happened in the play. And when the scenes where Juliet and Romeo die; Monica had the tissues ready for Felicia and herself. And they both cried as much as they had done the previous night. Monica told her later that she was crying because Felicia was crying though she knew that Felicia didn't believe her for a second.

On the way home, again the conversation was about the play and how it looked so different from above but that they both liked seeing it from there and Monica told Felicia that she was going to think seriously about becoming a member of the theater. That way they could get tickets cheaper and be able to see them all. Felicia didn't want her to spend all that money but Monica could see how happy that she made Felicia by suggesting it. Again they ended up at Felicia's complex much too soon and Felicia had her park in front.

"Thank you for taking me again and for the dinner. It was all so wonderful." Felicia told her.

"You're welcome but I'm glad that you went with me and I am hoping that maybe you will go out with me next Friday night." Monica told her and sort of asked.

"I don't know..." Felicia said and Monica felt her heart sink as she thought things were going so well. Then Felicia smiled at her and she said, "I'd love to go out with you Friday night but I hope to see you at the diner tomorrow morning."

"Great and it would take superman to keep me away from the diner." Monica said.

And then they both grew silent and their eyes met. Monica slowly leaned toward Felicia as Felicia leaned toward her. Monica kept her eyes on Felicia's eyes until their lips touched then she turned her head slightly and she kissed her. She felt Felicia's soft lips touching hers and it felt so wonderful. Monica let her lips parted slightly and so did Felicia. The kiss went on and on for what seemed like hours but then Felicia pulled back. She gave Monica a heartwarming smile before getting out of the car. She gave a wave to Monica before disappearing behind the gate. Monica put her fingers to her lips just feeling the electricity that seemed to come from Felicia's lips to hers and just stayed there. Felicia watched from behind the gate and as Monica touched her lips with her fingers, she did the same. Finally Monica came from her dream world and she started the car, heading home and Felicia went on to her apartment.

End of Part One.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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