
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 16, 2009


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.


Part Four

By Chris

Monica went up to her, reaching out her hands to pull Felicia to her. She kissed her softly and then she saw Felicia frowning, "Take your time honey, we got all the time in the world to play and we will try everything but not everything tonight. It will be more special if we go slowly and just enjoy it. You understand what I'm saying." Monica told her.

"Yea, I'm just so excited and I do want to do it all but I know what you are saying, it's just that I'm afraid..." Felicia said and then she frowned even more as she looked downward and she appeared to be about to cry.

Monica placed her fingers under Felicia's chin and raising it up so that she could look into her eyes, "You're afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid that I'll forget what I liked or disliked or forget what we have done. I want to do it all so that I can remember it for as long as possible." Felicia told her and she did start to cry.

Monica kissed her tears away before saying, "You know there's another way of looking at this. You may forget some of what we do but then when we do it again then it will be like the first time." Monica then paused as Felicia thought this through and when she saw that the idea was growing on her she added what she hoped was the clincher, "And you know what, I won't forget what you liked and disliked and I will use that to my advantage."

"How so?" Felicia asked as she peered into Monica's eyes.

"All the stuff you like, I will be sure to do over and over to you so that you will be putty in my hands and truly believe that I'm the greatest lover in the world." Monica told her with a wink and a big smile.

"I can see you doing that too! Fooling poor little ole me into thinking you're something you're not." Felicia told her now smiling a bit.

"You mean I'm not a great lover?" Monica asked with this fearful look on her face.

"I don't know, I guess time will tell won't it." Felicia said as she slipped from Monica's arms then she said, "I'm going to the bathroom to freshen up and I expect that when I get back, that you'll be thinking just how to please me tonight and it had better be good."

She got all the way to the door before she just had to start giggling and then she was laughing which made Monica smile as a crisis was averted. She went over to the bag and started to open it but then she had a better idea. She instead went to the nightstand putting the dark cloth over the lamp to dampen the light but she saw that it made it too dark so she adjusted it so most of the room was darken but there was a place lighted on the bed. Felicia came back in a few minutes later, naked and looking beautiful as she had freshen her makeup and put a touch more perfume on. She looked at the bag and seeing it closed, she glanced up at Monica with a questioning look.

"Don't you dare peek into the bag while I'm gone." Monica warned her as she gave her a kiss on the cheek and she added, "You look beautiful and smell even better." That she saw made Felicia smile brightly.

Monica went to the bathroom to pee and she took a minute to freshen up her makeup using some of Felicia's stuff and she applied a little of Felicia's perfume. When she came back, she wasn't surprised to see the bag as she left it. Felicia was sitting in the middle of the bed and she looked more than a little nervous but so beautiful at the same time. Monica came over to the bed crawling over in front of Felicia but leaving a little space between them. She leaned over giving Felicia a kiss that she let linger for a few moments as she held onto her arms. As she pulled back, she gave Felicia a quick wink. She then reached over bringing the bag between them and she all so slowly opened the bag making Felicia wait.

"I want you to look inside and pull one thing at a time and we will talk a little about it then we'll go onto to the next item until the bag is empty and then you can decide what you want to try first tonight." Monica told her.

"First but not last?" Felicia asked.

"First but not last." Monica assured her. "We'll keep going until we give out and then we got the rest of the weekend to make love all you want. And then we have next weekend and the next and the next..." Monica was saying when she felt Felicia's index finger on her lips. Then she felt her lips lightly touching her lips.

"I'm glad you came into my life." Felicia said as she reached across the bag to hug her tightly.

"I'm glad I did too as I got meet the woman of my dreams, the woman who makes me complete." Monica told her and they hugged each other tightly then Monica felt a tear fall onto her shoulder making a tear of her own fall onto Felicia's shoulder. They held each other for a few minutes before Felicia pulled back wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I thought we were going to be fucking tonight and not crying like a couple of babies." Felicia said making Monica laugh.

"Well if you'd start pulling things from the bag, we will be." Monica told her as she smiled and she wiped the last tear from Felicia's cheek.

"What shall I pull out first?" Felicia said excitedly as she reached for the bag opening it and looking inside. Monica smiled at Felicia as she reached inside pulling out a purple silk bag.

"What is this?" Felicia asked.

"Open it and see." Monica told her knowing full well what it was.

Felicia very carefully opened the bag, dumping the contents onto the bed between them. "What are they?"

"Nipple clamps, they go on your nipples and pinch them quite nicely. Do you want to try them?" She asked.

Felicia nodded her head as she looked down at them. Monica picked up a pair that was made so that as you pulled on the chain, they squeezed the nipple harder. Monica scooted a little closer to Felicia reaching out to Felicia's breasts. "Let me get your nipples hard first." She stated as she teased Felicia's nipples with her finger tips watching the skin tighten and the nipples become hard. She then grasped the tip of the nipple pulling it out at bit and she saw that Felicia was biting her lower lip.

"Just relax, they don't hurt that bad." Monica told her making Felicia smile. She squeezed the clamp opening it then she placed the rubber tipped jaws onto the nipple. She slowly released the clamp letting the clamp squeeze Felicia's right nipple hearing Felicia groan.

"How is that?" Monica asked as she took her hands away.

"Not too bad but it does pinch." Felicia said groaning a bit more.

"Do you want me to take it off?" Monica asked.

"Oh no, put the other one on now." Felicia told her pleasing Monica.

"Okay," Monica replied as she took the other clamp and she pulled Felicia's left nipple out. She let that clamp close faster causing Felicia to groan.

"Do you like them?" Monica asked.

"Yea they hurt some but they do make my pussy pulse." Felicia said smiling and Monica looked down to see that Felicia's pussy was growing wet.

"Just wait until I take them off." Monica said winking at her. Then before Felicia could question her, she said, "Now put the other pair on my nipples. They are a stronger and squeeze tighter. I didn't think you were ready for them yet."

"No the ones you placed on me squeezes hard enough." Felicia said.

"Then I guess you don't want me to do this then." Monica said as she reached out grasping the center of the chain that connected the two clamps pulling gently on it.

"Ohhh..." Felicia moaned but she didn't try to make Monica stop so Monica pulled harder making Felicia groan before she released the pressure.

"That does pinch doesn't it." Felicia said as she exhaled.

"Tomorrow I will put them on you and add a small weight and let you walk around with them. I do believe that you won't be jumping around then." Monica told her.

"I bet not." Felicia said with a giggle.

"Now put mine on so we will match." Monica said as she reached for the other pair of clamps handing them to her.

Felicia didn't have to tease her nipples much to get them hard as they were already very hard but she did so anyway. Then the tentatively pulled out her left nipple and she had to squeeze hard to open it up. She slipped it onto Monica's nipple then she released it.

"Ohhh..." Monica moaned as she felt her nipple being squeezed.

Felicia stopped and she looked at Monica who smiled at her reassuring her that she liked it. Felicia then took the other clamp and she placed it on the right nipple squeezing it like the left one. Monica moaned again as she felt her pussy getting wet.

"Those really squeeze your nipples don't they?" Felicia asked.

"Oh yes but it feels good. It makes me very hot." Monica assured her by taking Felicia's right hand and putting it on her pussy.

"Oh fuck, you are soaking wet." Felicia said as she let her fingers play against Monica's pussy lips.

"Mmmmm... yes I am and so are you I believe." Monica said as she reached down placing her fingers against Felicia's pussy feeling how wet she was.

She began to play with Felicia's pussy and clit with her right hand as she tugged and pulled on the chain that was attached to the clamps on Felicia's nipples. Felicia reached up and started to do the same to her. Their fingers dug into each other's pussies as they pulled and tugged on the chains. But then Monica took her hand off of Felicia's chain and she made Felicia release her. She then, without taking her hand off of Felicia's pussy, unclamped her right nipple, pulling the chain up under Felicia's chain. She reattached the clamp to her nipple so that now their chains were interlocked. If one of them leaned back, it would now cause the clamps to squeeze harder on both of their nipples. Felicia saw this and was the first to lean back a little and they both groaned. They then took turns leaning back as their fingers started to really rub against their clits. Their fingers were flying as they got each other closer to an orgasm. They were pulling harder against each other causing their nipples to be pulled out and resulting in more pain for both of them. Monica began to pinch Felicia's clit as Felicia copied her and that was enough to bring them both to orgasm. Monica had to pull Felicia to her for fear of her falling back and pulling both their clamps off causing Felicia more pain than she wanted at this time.

After they had recovered, Monica withdrew her fingers from Felicia's pussy putting her fingers to Felicia's mouth letting her lick her own juices off her fingers. She thought that Felicia would do the same but she was a little more selfish as she also cleaned up her own fingers of Monica's juices. Monica then started to reach out to remove Felicia's nipple clamps but Felicia stopped her by grabbing her hands.

"Wait; let's leave them on for a little longer. I like us being tied together like this." She told her.

"The longer that they stay on, the more it will hurt when we take them off." Monica warned her.

Felicia thought that over for a moment before saying, "Well just a little longer then."

"Okay but when I say we need to take them off then we will." Monica told her. "I want you to enjoy wearing the clamps."

"I do and I know it will hurt but then you'll kiss them to make it better won't you?" Felicia asked with a sly grin.

"Oh I see the angle that you're working." Monica said smiling, "And yes I'll kiss them to make it all better but the question is will you kiss mine?"

"I think I could do that." Felicia told her as she leaned in to give Monica a kiss that soon turned passionate. As they kissed, Monica reached between them grasping the chains where they crossed over each other and she pulled down on them causing Felicia to groan.

"That was sneaky." Felicia said as the kiss ended.

"What?" Monica asked innocently.

"Yea right," Felicia said with a laugh then she leaned over to get the bag but she went too far and again the chains tighten up and they both groaned. Monica laughed a little at Felicia's discomfort and Felicia stuck her tongue out at her. They had to sit too close together now to place the bag between then so Felicia just reached inside and pulled out what appeared to be a strange looking dildo to her.

"What is this?" She asked.

"It's a butt plug, see how it gets bigger and bigger then slopes in. That way you can put it in and it will stay in place." Monica told her then she saw Felicia start to handle it a little more carefully. "Don't worry; I wash it real well after I use it." She told her smiling and Felicia began to study it closer again. "There are several different sizes in the bag, going from a small to much larger. That way if you want to try one we can start small and work you up to a much bigger one."

"Oh okay, we'll try that later." Felicia said as she put that aside and she reached for the other butt plugs, looking at each one before setting them with the first one.

Then she reached in pulling out a bag of scarves and said, "These are for tying me up right?"

"Yep and there is a feather and whips that can be used when I do but also remember that if you want, you can tie me up and do as you please with me. It works both ways here. I can play the Mistress or the slave equally well and I enjoy both roles." Monica told her.

"I think I might like tying you up..." Felicia said somewhat hesitantly.

"I was hoping that you would. I love to be whipped and then teased with the feather until I am begging for release. And the longer you make me beg the harder I cum when you do decide to please me. But I must warn you, I tend to squirt hard by that point." Monica told her and she saw a big grin that filled Felicia face.

"Then we will put that near the top of the list." Felicia told her as she giggled.

Next, Felicia pulled out several dildos and vibrators and Monica told her about what each did and how they were used or at least how she liked to use them. There were also several types of lubes and lotions that Monica had packed in the bag and she told Felicia about them. Felicia then pulled out the large dildo that had the suction cup on the end. Monica then had to explain how she would stick it on the floor and fuck herself on it while she thought of her. Felicia blushed at hearing this but then she made Monica promise to show her how she would do that and she wouldn't let up until Monica made that promise. Felicia pulled out several other toys and playthings leaving one thing in the bottom and that was what she pulled out last.

"I know what this is for." Felicia told her as she held up the strap-on harness with the small dildo attached.

"And what is that my sweet?" Monica asked her.

"This is what you are going to fuck me with tonight." She said.

"And so I shall." Monica said as she took the harness from her placing it to the side of them.

She leaned forward kissing Felicia as caressed her face and cheeks. She slowly opened her lips letting her tongue run across Felicia's teeth as they kissed. She then slipped her tongue into Felicia's mouth as she opened it. She kissed her passionately as her hands went to Felicia's sides and hips pulling and holding onto her. She kissed her chin and went on down to her neck kissing and sucking tenderly there. Then she kissed her way down to Felicia's chest, kissing her between her breasts before going up to the right nipple.

"This is going to hurt for a moment." Monica whispered to her as she put her fingers to the clamp. She quickly released the clamp hearing Felicia groan loudly. She let her feel the pain for a moment or two before she placed her mouth over it kissing and sucking gently on the tender nipple. Felicia was breathing rapidly but when her breathing slowed down, Monica moved over to the other one. She released that one again letting Felicia feel the pain of the blood rushing back to her nipple. This time she let her feel it longer before kissing it and sucking it gently.

"God that was intense, I also came just from that." Felicia said as she rolled Monica onto her back. Felicia went straight for Monica's nipples releasing the right one and Monica let out a loud moan and a louder one as Felicia sucked and kissed it. Felicia stayed on the nipple for a few moments before going to the left one and releasing it. She held off kissing this one like Monica had done to her then she sucked it into her mouth making the pain more intense and satisfying. Monica let her suck and kiss each of her nipples for a bit before turning them back over so that she was again on top and in control. She slipped on down between Felicia's legs which were wide open and Monica could see how aroused and swollen Felicia's pussy was. As she lowered her head to that wet pussy, she reached out for the harness.

She began to lick up those juices as she began to put the harness on. She was well experienced at doing both at the same time as Libby had taught her well. She wanted to get Felicia very relaxed and producing plenty of juices before she tried to fuck her. She licked her way up to Felicia's clit sucking and biting it causing Felicia to raise her hips up off the bed to meet her mouth. Monica got the harness very tight against her body and she felt the end of the cock rubbing her clit. Once she thought Felicia was wet and excited enough, she gave a kiss to Felicia's clit then she came up in the bed. She grabbed a bottle of the lube and she put lots on the cock making it very slippery. She leaned down and kissed Felicia on the lips as she lowered her hips downward. She took the end of the cock and she rubbed the head against Felicia's slit causing her to moan.

Then she positioned the head against Felicia's entrance and she saw that Felicia was again biting her lower lip showing her nervousness. Monica smiled at her and she leaned down to kiss her and reassure her. She moved her hips forward letting the cock start to enter Felicia's pussy. Monica went slowly watching Felicia's face as the cock opened up her pussy and filling it. Felicia groaned at first then she began to moan as the cock filled her pussy. Monica released the cock and she let it slide on into Felicia's body. She lay down on top of Felicia as the cock slipped completely inside of her.

Monica kissed her now sweating face and Felicia began to relax. "Are you okay?" Monica asked between kisses.

"Yea, it hurt a bit at first but now it feels good. Can you just hold me a minute?" Felicia asked of her.

"Sure baby, we got all night." Monica assured her as she kissed her lips and face. Monica kept on kissing and loving on Felicia until she felt her raising her legs up and wrapping them around her waist. Monica raised her hips up a couple of inches pulling the cock back the same amount then she pushed back down. Felicia groaned as she bit her lower lip. Monica began to kiss her again making Felicia stop biting her lip and also making her relax. She fucked her slowly using just a couple of inches of the cock she was wearing until she heard Felicia's groans turn to moans. Monica began to fuck her harder and faster using more of the cock to fuck her with. Felicia reached up grasping Monica's shoulders digging her nails into the soft flesh. That just spurred Monica on as she went faster getting into a nice rhythm. She didn't want to go to fast or hard as she wanted Felicia to slowly work her way to an orgasm and not cum too quickly. Monica worked her cock deep into Felicia's pussy going in at different angles and moving her hips around so that Felicia got the full affect of being fucked. Monica slowly increased her speed as Felicia began to pant and groan. Monica could feel her own orgasm beginning to approach as the end of the cock rubbed against her clit. Monica just kept fucking Felicia for good long while before she felt Felicia begin to tighten her body so she went into overdrive with the cock driving it deed and hard into Felicia's pussy. Soon she felt Felicia's body arch as she came hard and Monica began her own orgasm as she fell down on Felicia.

"So did you enjoy it?" Monica asked as she shifted the cock that was still buried deep inside of Felicia's pussy.

"Oh fuck yes, you got to fuck me lots more tonight but now I want to fuck you." Felicia told her as she began to push Monica up off. They both looked down as the cock was pulled from Felicia's body and Monica could see that it was coated with Felicia's pussy juice and her girlcum. Monica sat up on her knees and began to take the harness off as Felicia watched. Once it was off she changed out the dildos going to a much larger one which caused Felicia's eyebrows to rise. Once it was in place, she had Felicia stand up on the bed and she helped her to step into the harness. She brought it up Felicia's firm legs as Felicia went back down to her knees. Monica showed Felicia how to tighten down the harness so that it would stay in place. That way in the future she could do it on her own.

"Oh god I look weird with this big cock sticking out from my body." Felicia exclaimed as she looked down at her new appendage.

"I think you look cute." Monica said as she leaned forward, first kissing the head of the cock then taking it into her mouth and sucking on it.

"Oh suck my cock girl." Felicia said as she put her hands to the back of Monica's head.

"You like having a cock I see." Monica said as she pulled off the cock.

"Yea and now lay back and get those legs spread; I am going to fuck you good." Felicia said as she pushed her backwards. Monica then did as she was told and she spread her legs out wide as she watched Felicia get some of the lube, coating the cock real well. Felicia started to move down as she held the cock but then she stopped as she tried to figure out how to get the head of the cock in the right place. Monica started to help her but then she stopped letting Felicia figure it out on her own and she did. She slipped her knees back and putting her weight on her left hand and guiding the cock with her right she got the head in the right place and was able to slip it inside her.

Monica let out a moan as she felt her pussy being filled and she felt Felicia's body laying on top of her. Felicia kissed her holding still for a moment as Monica had done to her but Monica didn't need that but she liked the kiss that Felicia gave her. Monica then remembered to bring up her legs and wrap them around Felicia's waist and that got Felicia's hips to moving. Felicia used short strokes at first as she seemed to be really concentrating on what she was doing.

"Just relax and use more of the cock, you can't hurt me as I like it rough." Monica told her.

"Okay," Felicia said as she began to bring her hips up more and she pushed down harder.

"This better?" Felicia asked.

"Ohhh... yes, it is so nice to be fucked by a woman again." Monica groaned out.

Felicia stopped in mid stroke and asked, "Have you been fucking a man?"

Monica just smiled as she reached over finding her big cock and pulling it up for Felicia to see. "Oh," she replied then she slammed the cock down hard into Monica's pussy.

Monica gripped Felicia's shoulders as she began to push back against Felicia's thrusts and she urged Felicia on. She saw that Felicia was starting to pant and sweat as she worked hard and the end of the cock rubbed against her own clit.

"Fuck that feels good baby, fuck me hard." Monica urged her on and she felt the cock move faster and harder inside on her pussy. Felicia was catching on quickly as to how to control the cock that she was wearing. Monica loved the feeling of the cock filling her pussy so well and rubbing against her clit. Monica gripped Felicia to her as Felicia's strong hips and thigh muscles worked the cock hard and fast splitting her pussy open and filling it to the max. Soon Monica felt her pussy pulsing and then soon afterwards she felt her orgasm overcome her and she came hard getting the relief that she so needed.

When she recovered, she felt Felicia kissing her and she looked up to see Felicia sweat soaked face looking back at her. Monica reached up wiping the sweat off of Felicia's brow then she gave her a kiss.

"Now it's your turn to fuck me again." Felicia told her as she started to push herself off of her.

Monica reached up pulling her back down as she said, "Let's take a break, I need some water." Then she saw Felicia frowning a little, "And then I'll fuck you again but this time in the doggie position."

"That works, I need something to drink too." Felicia said now smiling again.

"You know you might want to go easy with the fucking, you will be a little sore in the morning." Monica warned her.

"Ah..., but I'll have you to kiss it and make it better." Felicia said as she gave her a quick kiss and then she slowly pulled the cock from Monica's pussy and rolling onto her back. Monica sat up and helped Felicia to remove the harness and they made a pit stop at the bathroom before heading to the kitchen.

"So be honest with me, how did you like being fucked with the strap-on." Monica asked as they leaned on the counter drinking their cold bottle water.

"I loved it. I mean why would I want to do it again if I didn't." Felicia said with this confused expression on her face.

"Maybe to please me..." Monica told her. "And you would do something just to please me wouldn't you?" She went on to ask.

Felicia hesitated for a second before answering, "Yea I would but I'm not doing so here. I really did enjoy it."

Monica put her empty bottle down coming over and standing in front of Felicia. She put her hand to Felicia's face caressing it and she said, "Please promise me that if we happen to do something that you don't enjoy then tell me. I want everything that we do to be pleasurable to you."

Felicia smiled and said, "I promise."

"Good, you know as much as I love using toys and playing kinky games, there are days when I most enjoy just using fingers and tongues. You know what I'm saying?" Monica asked.

"Yes I know what you are saying but tonight I want to play the kinky ones." Felicia said as she pulled Monica into her body and kissed her.

Monica put her hands to Felicia's lower back bringing her in close as they kissed. Their still sweaty bodies slipped against each other as they kissed and caressed each other. The kissing lingered for a few moments before Felicia eased Monica back. She whispered into Monica's ear, "Woof Woof."

Monica laughed at Felicia who was grinning ear to ear, and then she took her by the hand, leading her back to the bedroom. She gave her another kiss before she had Felicia get up on the bed on her hands and knees. She picked up the strap-on and started to take the larger cock off.

"I want to try the one you used." Felicia told her as she frowned.

"Honey, I got a larger pussy than you do and I have fucked many times while you are new at this. You enjoyed this cock before didn't you?" She asked.

"Yea it was great." Felicia conceded.

"Cool then let's stick with the smaller one for now and work our way up if you like. Besides as they say, it's not the size of the cock but how you use it and I do know how to use it my sweet friend." Monica said as she gave Felicia a wink and she saw that she was smiling again so she had convinced her for the moment. Monica finished changing the dildos out before climbing up on the bed behind Felicia. She reach up putting her hand on Felicia's upper back forcing it down until Felicia had her head on the bed. When Monica looked down at Felicia's ass she could see that cute little rosebud winking at her and Felicia's pussy all wet and aroused.

Monica placed her hands on Felicia's ass cheeks giving then a squeeze as she kissed her little rosebud causing Felicia to groan. Monica knew that one day she would fuck this little hole too but for now she would just lick and tongue fuck it so that was what she did. She let her tongue tease the center as she kissed the little hole. Then she pushed her tongue deep making Felicia squirm. Monica brought her fingers up and was gently rubbing Felicia's pussy lips getting her wet and well lubricated. She fucked Felicia's little hole with her tongue before letting her tongue venture down to get a taste of Felicia's pussy juice. She did taste so good as she licked up and down the slit for a few minutes until she had Felicia really squirming on the bed. It was then that she gave a last kiss to her pussy prior to getting back up on her knees. She grabbed the cock putting it to Felicia's pussy lips. She ran the head up and down her slit getting the cock head coated with Felicia's juices. She then began to ease the cock into Felicia's pussy. She was going slow as Felicia moaned. Monica could see Felicia's pussy lips opening up to accept the cock. This was turning her on big time so she took her time but Felicia got impatient as she shoved her ass back onto the cock.

Monica smile as she grabbed onto Felicia's hips and she began to fuck that little pussy of Felicia's. She cock was sliding in and out so smoothly as she fucked her and Felicia was soon pushing back on each in stroke. Monica picked up the speed and forcefulness of each stroke causing Felicia to moan but she kept pushing back.

"Oh fuck, you're getting in so fucking deep. I love it this way." Felicia groaned out to her.

"Oh I can get in a bit deeper my sweet." Monica told her as she thrust harder and Felicia let out a loud groan as she began to pant. Monica let go of Felicia's hips reaching around her and grabbing onto her breasts. She gave them a squeeze and she felt Felicia's body shiver. Monica began to twist and pull on Felicia's nipples which were still a little tender from the clamps that were on them earlier.

"Oh fuck I'm going to cum soon. Fuck me harder!" Felicia groaned to her and Monica did, making each stroke of her fake cock count and soon she had Felicia crying out and she felt her girlcum leaking out from around the cock and getting onto her thighs. Felicia finally gave out and she slipped from Monica's grip. Monica lay on top of her kissing the sweat from her face and kissing her lips lightly as Felicia gave her a weak smile.

"So you like the doggie position?" Monica asked her when Felicia's eyes finally opened wide.

"Oh yes that is definitely the best position there is." Felicia told her.

"I would wait on saying that, we got lots more positions to try out first." Monica said with a little laugh.

"Like what?" Felicia asked now completely recovered from her orgasm.

"Well there's me on my back and you sitting on my cock, then there's you bent over the couch and me fucking you, and there is me fucking your little ass. " Monica was saying when Felicia interrupted her.

"I definitely want to you wearing the little cock when you do that." Felicia told her.

"Yea me too, I liked to fucked in the ass sometimes but with something smaller than what I liked to be used on my pussy." Monica told her. Then she whispered to Felicia, "Woof, Woof."

Felicia giggled but then she sprung into action. She slipped from under Monica and she began to take the harness off of her who tried to help her but she got her hands slapped away for the trouble. Felicia got the harness off and she exchanged out dildos before putting it on her body. Monica got up on her knees with her head on the bed. Monica watched as Felicia got in behind of her then she felt Felicia's hands on her ass cheeks. She felt Felicia's hot breath on her asshole just before she felt her lips. Monica let out a moan as Felicia kissed and licked her asshole. She loved anal sex and Felicia was quickly learning just how to please her by mimicking what she had done to her. That tongue was soon deep in her ass moving around and filling her up. As Felicia did this, she was using two fingers to fuck her pussy. Monica gripped the sheets in her hands as Felicia pleasured her. This went on for a few minutes before Felicia was kissing her asshole and pussy then a moment later, she felt the head of the cock at her entrance.

Felicia pushed the cock into her with one quick stroke causing Monica to moan out her pleasure at being filled again. Felicia gripped her hips and began to fuck her pussy. Monica could feel every inch of the cock as it moved in and out of her pussy and she was soon pushing back against Felicia's every stroke. It felt so good and she was loving every second of it but then she decided to add something to Felicia's education.

"Put a couple of fingers in my ass and fuck it as you fuck my pussy." Monica told her as she moaned.

She felt Felicia slow down her fucking then she felt two of Felicia's fingers still coated with her pussy juices at her asshole. She relaxed as the fingers entered her ass.

"That's it babe," Monica moaned. "Push them all the way in, I've got a big ass."

That got a giggle from Felicia but it also got her to push her fingers all the way in. Soon both of her holes were being fucked and it felt great. Monica was moaning and groaning for all she was worth as Felicia fucked her hard. Monica felt her orgasm rising from deep within her body and she held it off as best she could but is was a lost cause as she soon found herself in the throes of a massive orgasm. She felt Felicia fucking her as hard as she could and then in the back of her mind she heard her groan out and she knew that the base of the cock hitting her clit had caused Felicia to cum too.

Monica was worn out by then and she fell asleep but not before feeling Felicia get up and going to the bathroom to wash her hands then she felt her next to her in the bed. She felt Felicia turning her over onto her back and Monica wrapped her arms around her and she felt Felicia's mouth on her nipple right before she was gone completely.

When she woke the next day, she looked at the clock and saw that it was a little after noon. She felt Felicia move beside of her and she was waking up too.

"Morning," Felicia said as she smiled then gave her a kiss.

"I think it is afternoon," Monica corrected her after the kiss.

"Whatever, smarty pants," Felicia said with a sigh though she was still smiling.

Monica kissed her again then she said, "I need to pee, coffee, and something to eat and in that order."

"Me too," Felicia said as she climbed over Monica to get off the bed. Monica started to complain that she was climbing over her rather than getting off her side of the bed but then she got to caress her breasts as she went by. Felicia helped her up and she followed her into the bathroom. Felicia sat on the toilet first and began to pee. But this Monica saw her wince a bit.

"A little sore down there?" Monica asked as she moved in front of Felicia.

"Just a little but not bad enough to keep us from having more fun today." Felicia told her.

Monica smiled as she kneeled down in front of Felicia as she finished peeing. She opened up Felicia's legs as Felicia looked down at her with a questioning look.

"I believe last night I promised to kiss it and make it better." Monica said as she reached around to Felicia's ass cheeks pulling her to the front of the seat.

"But I just peed..." Felicia told her but Monica just put her fingers to Felicia's lips.

Monica moved her head in and she kissed Felicia's clit causing her to cry out with an "Oh God...." Monica kissed her way down Felicia's slit tasting the residue of Felicia's pee on her lips. It was strong being the morning pee however that just excited her more. Monica then licked her way back up Monica's slit getting more of her pee and now some of her juices as Felicia was getting excited. Monica licked and sucked on Felicia's pussy lips getting Felicia was moaning and groaning and Monica felt Felicia's hands on the back of her head pressing it into her pussy. Monica licked and sucked on her pussy getting Felicia very aroused then she went to her clit sucking it into her mouth and she used her lips to press down on it. Monica went from her clit back to her pussy then back to her clit until she had Felicia squirming on the toilet seat. It was on the next trip to Felicia's clit that Monica got her to cum and she came hard. Monica licked up all her girlcum as Felicia recovered from her orgasm.

"Is it better now?" Monica asked as she sat back on her heels.

"Some but I might need you to kiss it again a little later on." Felicia said with a wicked grin on her face.

"Well just let me know." Monica said smiling at her devious friend then she got up and helped Felicia off the toilet so she could use it.

As soon as she sat down, Felicia went down on her knees in front of her pushing opened Monica's legs. "This might not be the best time to try this, the morning pee is the strongest, and you might not like it when another time you would." Monica warned her but all that got her was a dirty look from Felicia. Monica now wished she had waited but it was too late now so she relaxed and released her pee. Felicia watched her pee closely and no sooner than she had finished, Felicia was pulling her ass to the front. Felicia didn't hesitate any as she kissed her clit then began to lick the pussy lips. Monica had to let out a moan as she watched Felicia lick the pee off her pussy and then begin to really lick her pussy lips and clit. Monica reached down and pushed Felicia's face to her pussy making her lick her good. Monica groaned and moaned as Felicia worked her quickly to an orgasm.

When she had recovered, Monica pulled her off of her pussy and she brought her up giving her a kiss tasting her own pee and pussy juices on Felicia's lips. "I hope I didn't taste too bad." Monica asked her.

"I liked it and I'm being honest." Felicia told her and Monica believed her.

"Good the next time we might start from the beginning, but right now let's get some coffee and something to eat." Monica told her.

So they went to the kitchen with Monica making the coffee as Felicia began to fix them a BLT which was good for breakfast or lunch. As they ate, Monica brought up what they were going to do that afternoon and evening. While she knew they could spend the rest of the day in bed, she wanted to make sure that wasn't all their relationship became. And she saw that Felicia wasn't completely disappointed as she figured that she was a little tender and needed some rest. So they decided to take in an afternoon matinee and then go to dinner. As they were getting dressed, Monica's sister called and invited them to go to the lake with them the following Saturday. Monica asked Felicia with her hand over the phone so sister couldn't hear that she was with Felicia who only thought for a second before saying yes.

On the way to the movie theater, Felicia made her tell her all about her sister's family. She told her about how she and Joyce had fought like cats and dogs as they grew up but at the same time they were very close. This was something that Felicia couldn't seem to understand so Monica went into more detail. Joyce was three years older so Monica was always following her around and Joyce was forced to look out for her. This put a big limitation on Joyce's freedom and she let Monica know about it. It got worse when Monica started high school and Joyce was a senior. This was when they really fought but then when Joyce found a job as a receptionist at a medical lab. She made just enough money to find an apartment and she was out on her own. Monica said as much as she and her sister fought and argue, now that her sister wasn't there to argue with, she missed her terribly. She told her that it took them a few months to figure out how much that they loved each other. This was also when Joyce happened to fall in love with the mail man who brought in the mail and packages every day. This was also when Monica said she was discovering that she was a lesbian. So they had something to talk about as adults more than children. Joyce soon got married and she picked Monica to be her maid of honor even though she was only a junior in high school.

Felicia then began to understand her relationship with her sister. She admitted that she was fearful of meeting her family but not so much now. This made Monica feel better as she knew that Felicia had to be a part of her family and that meant spending time with Joyce and her brood as well as her parents but more so Joyce's family.

The movie turned out to be pretty good and Monica told her more stories of she and her sister as they ate at the restaurant. Monica paid again with Felicia protesting only a little as she was getting used to Monica paying all the time. But then Monica made about three or four times what Felicia made so she really should be the one paying.

When they got home that night, they went to bed and made love again but this time no toys were used. Monica wanted them to go without them for a night so that the toys didn't become a major part of their lovemaking but just a part of it. So they just used their fingers and tongues and then finished off with a little tribbing which was a fitting end to the night.

The next morning after they had their breakfast, they were sitting in the living room reading the Sunday paper which was the only paper that Felicia had delivered and it only for the coupons and some of the articles that were interesting and of course the funny pages. She didn't keep up with the news much since she would only forget it a couple of months later. She didn't even vote since the campaigns went on so long that she forgot what each of the candidates stood for and it was too much trouble to write everything down. Monica started to tell her that she could and should vote but decided that discussion could be put off until later. Monica was reading an article on a scandal that the mayor of the city was up to his eyeballs in, when she felt Felicia get up on the couch. She didn't pay that much attention as she was engrossed in what she was reading. A few minutes later, she heard Felicia re-enter the room and she heard some metal rattling so she figured that Felicia was up to something naughty which made her smile. As much as she wanted to lower the paper to see what Felicia was up to, she decided to ignore her and see what Felicia would do.

She felt Felicia at her feet then she felt a hand on each of her knees as they were being pushed apart. She then felt Felicia reach to her ass pulling it toward her. Monica raised her ass up and she used her back and legs to help Felicia get her ass to the edge. She left the paper in front of her, however she was making no attempt to read it now and Felicia knew she wasn't reading it anymore. Monica then felt Felicia's hot breath on her pussy a nana second before she felt her tongue there.

"Oh babe" Monica moaned aloud as she pushed her legs open even wider.

She felt Felicia's tongue go up her slit stopping at her clit where she kissed and then sucked on it. Monica was about to put the paper down when she felt it being jerked from her hands and sent sailing. She looked down at Felicia whose eyes were grinning as her mouth was glued to her pussy. Monica put her hands down to Felicia's face caressing it as Felicia feasted on her pussy. Monica pushed her pussy against Felicia's mouth as she sucked and licked her it. Monica had to moan and groan as Felicia went back down to her pussy licking and chewing on her lips.

"That feels wonderful babe." Monica moaned out as she gripped Felicia's hair pulling her in deeper.

Felicia pushed her tongue in real deep as she moved it around inside of Monica who could feel it all and it was arousing her to no end. Felicia would then go back to her clit and suck hard on it as her tongue teased the tip. Then she would stop the sucking and use rapid strokes of her tongue on her clit and this sent Monica closer to the edge of her orgasm.

"Oh lick me there baby, I'm about to cum, lick me hard!" Monica cried out and Felicia did but she also shoved three fingers into her pussy and began to fuck her.

"Oh fuck!" Monica cried out as she felt her orgasm take over her body and she felt the waves of pleasure course throughout her body. Felicia was continuing to lick and fuck her pussy making her orgasm that much more intense. She went rigid for a moment as her orgasm finally passed through her and then she reached down pulling a smiling Felicia up to her.

"That was super my sweetie." Monica said as she kissed her tasting her juices on Felicia's lips. "Now it is your turn my sweet."

Monica started to push Felicia onto her back but she pushed herself up to her feet first. "I want you to put these on me again." She said as she reached down to get the nipple clips.

Monica noticed that there was a second set and some weights that Felicia had brought along. She also noticed the strap-on with the smaller dildo attached. Monica took the nipple clips from Felicia and she watched as Felicia bit her lower lip as she reached out to pinch the right nipple to get it a little harder. Felicia watched her fingers as they went to the nipple with the clamp. She pulled it out and then she let the clamp close on the nipple making Felicia moan. Monica let Felicia catch her breath then she went to the left nipple and placed the clamp on it.

"How you doing?" Monica asked.

"It feels good now put some weights on it." Felicia told her.

"No let's let you get use to that and in the mean time you can put these on me. We don't want my nipples to get jealous." Monica said as she gave her a wink. Then she bent down to get the clamps handling them to Felicia.

Felicia smiled as she first pinched then twisted both of Monica's nipples making her winch with pain but her pussy began to get wet again from the pinching. Felicia then put the clamp on the left nipple before putting the right one on. She pulled gently on the chain making Monica moan as she felt her nipples being pulled outward. Monica then reached out and pulled on Felicia's chain making her moan from the pain and pleasure. Monica let go of Felicia's chain bending down to get the weights. Again Felicia bit her lower lip as she clipped on the first weight. Monica eased it from her hand letting Felicia feel the weight. Monica could see that Felicia was expecting it to pull more and saw her disappointment but then she smiled as she saw Monica reaching to put a second weight that was slightly heavier placing it beside the first one. This caused her to groan and then she bit her lower lip harder as she saw another heavier weight placed on the other side of the first weight. Now her nipples were being pulled harder and Monica could see that it was closer to what she was expecting.

"Too much?" Monica asked wanting to make sure that she was okay with the amount of weights on her nipples.

"No that feels fine but now I'm afraid to move." Felicia said with a giggle.

"Then I guess you don't get to put any weights on me." Monica said as she stepped back so Felicia could bend down to get the remaining weights if she so chose.

Monica could see that she had Felicia between a rock and a hard place. She wanted to get the weights but was afraid to move much. Of course, she could always just grab the weights to keep them from moving but Monica knew she wouldn't do that as it would take the fun and challenge out of it. Felicia looked at Monica who had to give her even more of a challenge as she arched her eyebrows at her as if mocking her predicament. Felicia gave her a determined look and she bent down to get the weights. She also let a moan slip out. As she stood up, she had this pain expression but also a proud look as she had done it and survived.

There were only two weights left but they were heavier than the ones she put of Felicia so Felicia looked at her with the questioning look.

"Put them both on sweetie." Monica told her.

Felicia took the first weight and clipped it on then slowly eased her hand away letting the weight pull down on Monica's nipples. Monica moaned and Felicia hesitated before putting the second weight on and Monica had to nod her head to get her to go on. Felicia put the second weight on and again let it ease down. Monica let out another moan but she kept her smile as she saw Felicia watching her closely.

"You ready to be fucked now?" Monica asked as she reached down to get the strap-on.

"Oh hell yes, I'm about to die." Felicia said excitedly making the weights move and thus making herself moan.

"Let's go to the bedroom." Felicia said as she took Monica by the hand and started to walk carefully in that direction.

However Monica stood still causing Felicia to swing around and for the weights to move wildly and causing her to let out a moan. "I don't think we need to go to the bedroom to make love. You just made love to me on the couch and I do believe that I can return the favor here."

Felicia started to move toward the couch but as she turned to lie down, Monica stopped her. "I got a better idea that I think that you might enjoy." She told her as she turned her around so that Felicia was facing the couch. Felicia looked over her shoulder at her question just what she was up to.

Monica put her hands on Felicia's shoulders, gently pushing them down toward the edge of the couch. "Put your hands on the edge of the couch and hold yourself steady. But we may want to remove the nipple clamps as the weights may get to swinging." She told her just to see what she would say and she got the expected answer.

"No leave them on, they feel good." Felicia told her as she looked over her shoulder as Monica began to put on the harness.

"Then maybe we'll take a couple of weights off." Monica said as she started to reach up under Felicia but got her hand slapped away for her trouble.

"Now leave my tits alone and put that harness on, I am dying to get fucked here." Felicia told her as she opened her legs up for Monica.

"Yes Madam," Monica said smiling at her horny little friend. So she finished putting the harness on as she looked upon Felicia's naked silhouette with her nipples being pulled downward by the weights attached to the chain which was attached to her nipples. Monica got the harness in place and tightened it down before stepping behind of Felicia. She could see just how aroused she was with the moisture glistening off of her lips. Monica dropped down to her knees grasping Felicia's ass cheeks in her hands. She spread them open seeing Felicia's cute little asshole looking back at her. Monica leaned forward placing a kiss on that little hole. Felicia let out a moan and a louder one as Monica let the flat of her tongue run across the little hole. Monica licked and kissed it for a few moments before going on down to Felicia's juicy pussy. She licked from the bottom up to Felicia's clit where she stopped to lick. Felicia moaned and jerked backwards causing the weights to move and adding pressure to her nipples. Felicia let out a groan and Monica felt her girlcum come down on her face as Felicia had a small orgasm. Monica licked up that girlcum then she gave a kiss to Felicia's little asshole before standing up.

Monica put one hand on Felicia's right hip and the other on the cock. She moved the head up and down Felicia's slit getting the head wet and slippery. Monica had to widen her feet out and bend her knees slightly so that she was in position to fuck Felicia. She placed the head to Felicia's entrance and she pushed forward with her hips. The cock opened Felicia's pussy lips and popped into her. Felicia groaned as she felt herself being penetrated by Monica's cock. Monica slowly pushed herself into Felicia's pussy holding onto her hip to keep Felicia still. Monica kept going until her hips met Felicia's firm ass cheeks.

She was now gripping both of Felicia's hips as she pulled her hips back a couple of inches then she pushed back in. Felicia let out a groan as the weights began to move with the motion of their fucking. Monica moved slowly not wanting to make the weights move too much but then Felicia started to push back against her strokes.

"Fuck me harder!" Felicia cried out to her.

Monica smiled and decided to give Felicia what she wanted. She gripped Felicia's hips firmly in her hands and she began to fuck her hard and fast. She could hear the chain swinging wildly and Felicia really started to moan. Monica could see Felicia's juices coating her fake cock and she felt her pussy begin to spasm from the contact of the base of the fake cock to her clit.

"Oh fuck that feels good!" Felicia cried out as she pushed back even more.

Monica gave a slap to Felicia's right ass cheek then on the left. The sounds of the slaps echoed around the room and Felicia groaned with each one so Monica did it again to each cheek leaving them slightly red. Monica kept slapping Felicia's ass as she fucked her going in as deep and hard as she could as Felicia was moaning and groaning. She could sense that Felicia was approaching an orgasm so she went faster and harder as she bent over her. She grasped Felicia's breasts in her hands so only the nipples were being pulled by the weights. Felicia cried out, "Oh fuckkkk... I'm cumminggg..."

Monica shoved the fake cock in real hard and then she grasped the nipple clamps releasing Felicia's nipples from the clamps. This caused Felicia to cry out and gasp as she fell onto the couch. Monica fell on top of her holding her tightly and massaging Felicia's nipples as she kissed the sweat off of Felicia's face.

"Oh god that was intense, I never felt an orgasm like that before." Felicia said as she looked up at Monica. "But my nipples hurt now; I think that they need lots of kisses to make them feel better."

"Oh you do, do you?" Monica asked.

"Yes I do lots and lots of kisses." Felicia said with a shy grin on her face.

"Well I guess I had better get to it." Monica told her as she positioned herself so that her head was over Felicia's nipples. She kissed the right one tenderly causing Felicia to moan. Monica reached down to the cock she was wearing grasping it and pulling it up to Felicia's pussy. She found her entrance and she shoved it up inside of her.

"Oh fuck!" Felicia cried out as Monica began to fuck her again as she kissed her sore nipples.

Felicia's ass was at the edge of the couch so Monica had great leverage to really fuck her and she did. Felicia grasped at her shoulders as Monica used all her skill to make Felicia feel good. She was moving her hips around so that Felicia's clit was getting lots of friction. Monica's tits were smashed against Felicia body causing the clips to be moved and causing her to feel the pain but she wasn't about to stop until she got Felicia to cum again. Felicia wrapped her legs around Monica's waist and was pushing back against her as Monica fucked her. Monica was now sucking on first one of Felicia's sore nipples and then the other. Felicia was shifting all over the couch as she scratched Monica back with her nails.

"Oh god, I'm cumming again!" Felicia cried out as her body went rigid for a moment. Monica fucked her even faster and harder getting the orgasm to be even more intense.

Felicia's legs feel away so that Monica could pull back giving her nipples a break. The clamps were still in place and were really digging into her nipples. The cock was still in Felicia's pussy so Monica started to slowly fuck her again.

Soon she felt Felicia's hand on her waist trying to stop the fucking motion. "Hey, it's my turn to fuck you." She told her.

"Ah, but I'm the one wearing the cock." Monica told her as she reached down putting Felicia's legs up and pinning them against her chest.

"Please let me fuck youuu..." Felicia was saying as Monica start to fuck her harder and faster.

"Oh god damn you..." Felicia said as she gave in let Monica fuck her.

However she did reach up grabbing onto the chain that was connected to Monica's nipple clips. She began to pull on it as Monica fucked her faster and harder.

"Pull on them babe, I'm about to cum." Monica groaned as she was really fucking Felicia's pussy.

The base of the cock was rubbing against her clit and it was bringing her to an orgasm. Monica was going at her hard moving her hips to increase the pressure on both of their clits and get them closer to an orgasm. Monica felt Felicia go rigid just before she herself entered her orgasm and that was when she yelled to Felicia, "Jerk them off, do it now!" Felicia somehow got the message and she jerked hard on the chain. The clips came off releasing the blood back to her nipples and causing her a great deal of pain which only served to increase the intensity of her orgasm.

Monica fell against Felicia, grabbing onto her sweaty body leaving the cock buried deep in Felicia's pussy. They both stayed motionless for a long period as they rested from the intensity of their lovemaking.

"Oh god, that was wonderful." Monica said as she began to kiss Felicia's face and lips.

"Tell me about it, I don't think my pussy will ever recover." Felicia said with a grin.

"Oh I think it's good for at least one more fucking." Monica said as she gave her a wink and she started to move her hips again.

"Oh no you don't, it is my turn to fuck you." Felicia said as she wrapped her legs around Monica tightly preventing her from moving.

"So you say..." Monica said as she wrapped her arms around Felicia and she began to get up pulling Felicia up with her.

"What are you doing?" Felicia screeched out as Monica put her hands to Felicia's ass and lifting them both up.

"Taking you to the bedroom to fuck your brains out..." Monica told her as she got to her feet, thanking the gods that she didn't lose her balance and sending them both tumbling to the floor.

"Monica!" Felicia cried out however she was stuck since the cock was still buried deep in her pussy.

"Yes dear?" Monica said as she kissed her on the cheek.

"Please Monica..." Felicia begged her to no avail as Monica wasn't listening to her.

When she got to the bedroom, she went over to the bed and there she dropped Felicia to the bed causing her to cry out. Then before Felicia could move, Monica was back on top of her and she had the cock back in her pussy. Felicia groaned but again she wrapped her legs around Monica's waist. This time, Monica fucked Felicia slowly kissing and loving on her as she made love to her. They kissed and hugged as Monica moved her hips up and down getting Felicia to moan from the fucking that she was getting. Monica wanted this fucking to last forever and it almost did but Felicia could only hold out for so long before her orgasm overcame her and she came hard for Monica.

Monica let Felicia enjoy her orgasm before she finally pulled the cock from her body and then she took the harness off. She lay beside of Felicia who curled up in her arms. They rested for a while before they both fell asleep.

When Monica awoke several hours later, she found that she was lying on her back with Felicia on top of her. There was also something big filling her pussy. She also found that her wrists were tied together and they were pulled above her head. When she tried to move them she found that she couldn't.

"I see we're getting kinky here." Monica said as she opened her eyes to see a smiling Felicia looking down at her.

"No, just wanted to make sure that you didn't end up fucking me again." Felicia told her.

"Oh I see..." Monica said as she wrapped her legs around Felicia's waist.

Felicia kissed her as she began to move her hips. Monica let out a grunt as she felt her pussy being filled and unfilled by the cock that Felicia was using. Monica wanted to wrap her arms around Felicia but she didn't think Felicia would take a chance on releasing her until she was done fucking her and she was right. So Monica went with it as she pushed back against Felicia's body as Felicia fucked her through two orgasms. And she would have gone longer but they both had to pee and they were getting hungry so the orgasms ended at two. Felicia finally released her so that they go to the bathroom, and then took a shower together, kissing and caressing as they washed.

When they got to the living room on their way to the kitchen, Felicia stopped them. "What?" Monica asked her.

"I want us to wear our nipple clips for the rest of the evening." Felicia said getting both of their clips from where they were laying.

"Honey, you got to work tonight, I think that you need to give your nipples a rest. You got to wear a bra tonight and that isn't so fun with sore nipples." Monica cautioned her.

"It'll just remind me of you tonight." Felicia said as she came back with the clips and she reached out putting the clamps onto Monica's nipples making her sore nipples protest with the pain that she was feeling. Then she handed the other set of clamps to Monica.

"You sure?" Monica asked.

"Yea, I'm sure." Felicia said sticking her tits out for Monica.

"Okay," Monica said as she reached out pulling Felicia's right nipple out a bit then placing the clamp on her nipple. Monica saw Felicia clinch her teeth but then she let out a sigh. Monica gave her a moment to recover then she put the clamp onto the left nipple.

Felicia grimaced in pain again but then her face turned into a smile. "See now we match again." She said as she took Monica's hand in hers, leading her into the kitchen. Felicia make Monica help her fix them a late supper as their chains jiggled and their nipples were being pulled one way then another. Felicia made them keep their clamps on until it was time for her to get ready to leave for work. Then she kissed each of Monica's nipples as she took the clamps off and Monica did the same for her as she took hers off. Then they shared a long kiss as their sore nipples were pressed against each other's breasts. Monica helped Felicia get dressed and she could see that the bra did irritate Felicia's nipples and normally she would have gone without a bra until her nipples returned back to normal but in this case, she put her bra on too.

Then she took Felicia to work before returning back home. This was the first time that she had time alone to think about her developing relationship with Felicia. She had learned a lot about her over the weekend and she knew that loving her would be fun but also hard work. There would be nothing about Felicia that came easy. She made love hard and she was hard to get to but Monica just felt like the work would be worth it. Monica didn't have any furniture to work on but she did have lots and cleaning and her bills to pay. So she did those things as well as her laundry. She thought about heading over to the diner at about three in the morning but decided against it as she figured that the time apart would do them good. Then just as she was thinking this, her cell phone rang. Monica picked up the phone and saw that it was Felicia's cell phone.

"Hello sweetie," Monica told her and she could hear the back ground noise so she knew that Felicia was busy then she heard Juan hollering, "Get your ass out of there and help me."

"My nipples are killing me and my pussy is so sore but I'm thinking of you." Felicia said then she hung up.

Monica laughed as she flipped her phone closed, she had to admit that Felicia had stolen her heart and just maybe she had stolen hers. She hoped that Felicia wasn't too uncomfortable but she did like that she was thinking about her as she was definitely thinking about her. She messed around for a couple of more hours then she hit the bed. She had spent most of the weekend making love and her body needed some time to recover and she knew it would be a long night at work so she took advantage of the opportunity to get a little extra sleep.

The night did turn out to be a long one with her favorite employee Carol acting up to the point that Monica had to tell her to shape up or clock out and don't bother to come back. Carol as always knew when to back down and she did but it put Monica a pissy mood for the rest of the night and she knew that was what Carol wanted and that just pissed her off more. She knew she was playing into Carol's hands and she vowed to change that real quickly. She had to work an hour over to catch up on her paperwork before she could leave but once the doors were locked, she was speeding her way to the diner. As she pulled in front of the diner, she saw that Felicia was looking for her and she was happy to see that she would be the only customer. Monica gave her a wave as she got out of her car. She hurried into the diner as she was just as anxious to see Felicia as Felicia was obviously anxious to see her.

"Hi there babe," Felicia told her as she came through the door.

"Hi there, how are you doing this morning?" Monica asked smiling as she came over to sit at her spot.

"Much better now," Felicia said as she moved Monica's coffee out of the way before leaning over the counter to give her a kiss.

"You just made a bad night so much better." Monica said as she sat back down and began to mix the cream and sugar into her coffee.

"Hey Juan, get your butt out here and fix Monica something to eat." Felicia called out as she came around to sit by Monica.

"What am I, the cook and waitress tonight?" Juan said as he came through the door to see Felicia sitting by Monica.

"Yea, you got a problem with that?" Felicia asked him giving him the eye.

"No, no problem at all." Juan said as he held up his hands in surrender causing both Felicia and Monica to laugh at him.

"So tell me about your night." Felicia said as she turned to Monica.

"Well it was just one of those nights. First Carol started off with her mouth again..." Monica said as she began to tell Felicia about her night and how she was determined not to let Carol get to her again. Felicia listened attentively as Monica talked and by the time she was done, she did feel much better and she thanked Felicia for that. Then Monica made Felicia tell her about her evening and by this time Juan had retreated to the back so that they could talk privately.

"So did your nipples bother you too much last night." Monica asked seriously.

"Yes and no..." Felicia was saying as she thought for a minute. "My bra rubbing against them did make them hurt but it also made me think of you and I liked that part."

"Yea I was thinking about you when you called me." Monica told her.

"Really?" Felicia asked as she looked at Monica studying her.

"Yes really, I thought about coming in to see you but then I thought that maybe a night apart would be good to. You know separation makes the heart grow fonder." Monica told her as she placed her hand on Felicia's hand. Felicia gripped her hand back and they just held hands for a few minutes before a set of headlights hit the window and Felicia had to jump down to get back to work. Soon the diner began to fill up so Monica paid her bill and made her way home thinking about Felicia all the way.

Monica stopped each morning for the rest of the week however the diner was busy each day and she and Felicia didn't get to talk much. Monica had hoped to stay with Felicia one morning but they never really got to talk about it and Monica didn't want to just show up and she wasn't sure if Felicia would want to come to her place when she got off from work. But she knew that she would see her on Friday so she was content to wait. And while it took forever to get there, Friday did arrive. Monica went home after visiting with Felicia at the diner and they decided that she would come over about one which would get them both time to get a few hours of sleep.

"Hi there sweetie," Monica said as Felicia opened the door.

"Hi baby," Felicia said as she came out of the door in her robe to give her a kiss then she grabbed her hand pulling her inside. However she didn't stop at the door as she kept pulling Monica's hand barely giving her time to shut and lock the door.

"What's the hurry baby?" Monica asked.

"I need you." Felicia said as she pulled back toward the bedroom.

"I need you too babe." Monica said knowing now what Felicia was wanting.

As soon as they enter the bedroom, Monica took over pulling Felicia to her. She kissed her as her hands went to the tie of the robe and pulling it so that it became untied and the robe opened. Monica put her hands under it and she felt that Felicia was naked underneath. She pushed the robe off of Felicia's shoulders letting it fall off of her arms and to the floor. Monica ran her hands up and down Felicia's bare back and down to that ass she loved, as the kissing became more intense. Their tongues were darting back and forth between their mouths and then to the point that just their tongues were touching before their lips came back together. Felicia's hands got into action as she untied the halter top that Monica was wearing and she pulled it down releasing Monica's breasts which Felicia's hands went to squeezing and caressing them. Then her hands went down to Monica's shorts and she felt them being unsnapped and then pushed down off her hips. Monica kicked her shorts and panties away leaving them both naked.

"Get on the bed; I want that pussy of yours." Monica gasped out between kisses.

"I want yours first." Felicia countered as she pushed Monica toward the bed.

"Then we'll both get our wish." Monica gasped out as she pushed Felicia down on the bed following her there.

Monica got on top of Felicia, turning so that she could get over her with her pussy above Felicia's head and her head over Felicia's pussy. Monica felt Felicia's hands on her ass pulling it down as Felicia brought her knees up and spread them open wide opening up her pussy to Monica's eyes and mouth. Monica saw how wet Felicia was already and she lowered her mouth to those juicy lips. She took a long swipe of her tongue down Felicia's pussy causing her to moan then she felt Felicia starting to lick her pussy and it was her turn to moan. They were both so very horny and needing to cum that their fingers were soon deep in each other's pussy as their tongues went to each other's clits licking and sucking hard on them. Soon they were both cumming hard as they got that first wave of need past them.

"So how are you doing?" Monica asks as she turned around and cuddled up against Felicia.

"Much better now," She replied as she gave Monica a kiss, "though I'm still not done with you."

"You're frisky today aren't you?" Monica asked her.

"Aren't I always?" Felicia said with a mischievous grin.

"Yes you are and it just so happens that I am too." Monica said as she moved over Felicia and she started to lift up Felicia's leg but Felicia had seen this move before and was ready for her. She already was in the process of lifting her leg and turning slightly to her side. As Monica lowered her pussy to Felicia's pussy as Felicia was moving her hips upward. Monica reach down grasping Felicia's breasts in her hands as Felicia reached up for hers. Monica slowly rubbed her pussy against Felicia's as their juices blended together and they began to moan from the friction of their pussies and clits rubbing together. Monica was pinching and pulling on Felicia's nipples as Felicia pulled down hard on her nipples. Monica kept the motion of her hips slow and sensual making it last this time.

"Oh this feels so nice." Felicia moaned out as she pushed her hips upwards.

"Oh hell yes," Monica echoed.

Every so slowly, Monica increased the speed of her hips increasing the pressure of their pussies being pressed against each other. Monica pinched on Felicia's nipples harder and she began to twist on them as they both approached their orgasms. Soon Monica was moving her hips fast and was pushing down harder. Monica felt Felicia's wet pussy pressed against her pussy and she thought that there was nothing better than this. Monica changed the angle of her hips causing their clits to make direct contact and they both moaned loudly as their eyes were closed tightly as they rapidly approached their orgasms. Monica felt Felicia go stiff and she felt the rush of girlcum from her pussy and Monica felt her own orgasm hit and she cried out falling down on Felicia as she came hard.

As she recovered, she hugged Felicia close to her body and she began to caress her cheek and wipe the sweat from Felicia's brow. As Felicia eyes fluttered open, Monica smiled at her lovingly then she kissed her lightly on the lips. "Feel better now?" she asked her.

"Much, it seems like all I have thought about this past week was you and the bed just wasn't as comfortable without you hogging it all and pushing me to the edge." Felicia told her and with the last part she had a mischievous grin.

Monica always had a quick wit, let out her response before she could think about it, "I believe that your memory has gotten worse over this past week as it was you that was hogging all the bed and me clinging to the edge." Then as soon as the words left her mouth, Monica's hand went to her mouth and then she said, "I'm sorry. I was just joking but that isn't something to joke about."

"It's okay, I know how you meant it and I was kidding with you too." Felicia told her and Monica was relieved that Felicia took it the right way.

"So when are we suppose to be at your parents?" Monica asked changing the subject.

"Pop doesn't get home until five but mom wanted us to come by earlier." Felicia told her.

"How much earlier?" Monica pressed her.

"Well if she had her way, we would already be there. I know that she has decided that you're alright and wants to talk more with you. I think that she thinks that you'll be good for me and look out for me." Felicia told her.

"I'm glad that she has taken a liking to me, that does make things easier but it is more important what you think of me." Monica told her then she said, "And by the way, I don't think you need anyone to take care of you, you're doing just fine without my help."

Felicia smiled and Monica could see that Felicia liked that she had added that last part, "Thanks, I appreciate that but sometimes I could use a little help and I like it that you're here."

"You're welcome and just to let you know, I too can sometimes use some help so we can help each other." Monica said as she pulled Felicia in close to kiss her.

"But since moms can get pissed off if you don't show up when you're supposed to, I say we go take a shower and head over there." Monica said and she saw Felicia frown but then she got that mischievous grin again and Monica knew that she was up to something.

"Come on then, let's get into the shower." Felicia said as she jumped up and then she practically pulled Monica's arm off getting her off the bed.

Monica followed her to the bathroom and as Felicia turned on the shower, Monica started to sit down on the toilet. "No wait, don't go yet." Felicia said stopping her.

Monica then knew just what Felicia was up to and she had to say something, "Honey, maybe we should work up to that. It isn't something that everyone likes or enjoys."

"I know, but I want to try it. It just feels like there is so much I've never done and I want to try most everything at least once. Besides once you start to pee and I decide that I don't like it then I can move out of the way and just let you pee in the shower. See I've thought this through so know what I'm doing." Felicia told her.

"Okay, but I go first and that is final. I don't want any argument from you." Monica told her giving her the look that said she was very serious. She just felt it was important that she put herself in the submissive position first before Felicia did.

"That's fine with me, besides I got to go pretty bad." Felicia told her as she gave her a wink.

"You've probably been saving it all day just for this moment." Monica said with a laugh.

"How did you guess?" Felicia replied acting all surprised then she too laughed.

"Come on girl, I think the water's hot now." Monica told her as she reached over and adjusted the water temperature then she stepped in before helping Felicia in. She put Felicia under the water as she kissed her. Then as the kiss continued, Monica moved them around so she could get wet too.

It had been a long time since she had played this game with Libby and the thought of doing it again excited her. So she eased Felicia to the back of the shower kissing her as her hands went to Felicia's breasts caressing them and pinching her nipples making Felicia moan. Felicia hands went up to her breasts and they were both playing and caressing each other as their tongues began to kiss as their lips were doing. Monica let the kiss linger before she slowly ended it.

Monica moved her mouth down to Felicia's right breast, giving it a kiss and then the left one. She went back to the right nipple giving it another kiss and she just kept going back and forth kissing Felicia's nipples. Then she would stay a moment sucking on them getting each nipple very hard. It wasn't very long before she felt Felicia's hands on her shoulders pushing her downward. Monica glanced up at Felicia's face and saw that she was biting her lower lip. Monica grinned at her before she dropped down to her knees. She pushed Felicia's legs open and she could see the left over girlcum on her pussy lips that hadn't been washed away by the water. She leaned in and kissed her clit then she took a long slow swipe of Felicia's pussy lips getting the juices from them savoring the taste. She pulled open her lips and licked deeper getting Felicia to moan as she probed her pussy with her tongue. She licked a moment more then she felt some warm fluid on her tongue that had a slightly tangy taste.

She glanced up at Felicia as Felicia said, "I got to go..."

"Okay baby, let it go." Monica said as kept her eyes on Felicia's face as she opened her mouth.

Felicia was staring down at her as she let out a stream of her pee hitting Monica on her chin and running down to her breasts. Felicia was able to stop her flow for just a second before she had to let it go. Monica had her mouth positioned perfectly as Felicia's pee went into her mouth. She made sure that Felicia could see that she was swallowing as much as she could but Felicia's pee was coming too fast for her to keep up and some was running out of her mouth down to her breasts. Felecia really did have to go and she just kept peeing as Monica kept swallowing and smiling up at Felicia. She also could feel her pussy getting so fucking wet from playing this game with Felicia. She also saw the Felicia was now smiling as she too seemed to be enjoying it. It took well over a minute before Felicia's pee began to run out and that was when Monica closed her eyes and she moved her face up under Felicia's pussy letting the pee run all over her face and into her hair.

When the pee stopped, Monica moved her mouth to Felicia's pussy and she began to lick. She cleaned the pee from Felicia's pussy but she could also taste her juices and she knew then that Felicia also got excited by peeing on her. Monica pressed her tongue between Felicia's pussy lips licking deep and getting all the left over pee and her fresh juices. Then she went up to her clit sucking it into her mouth as her tongue teased Felicia's clit. Felicia began to moan and groan and soon she was cumming hard releasing her girlcum for Monica to lick up.

Monica held Felicia up until her orgasm had passed then she got back up on her feet, pulling Felicia to her, kissing her passionately. She wanted Felicia to get a taste of her own pee just to see how she would react. Felicia reaction surprised her but didn't surprise her as the kiss ended, she licked Monica's face clean then she moved down to lick her breasts where the pee had fallen. She kept licking her way down her body until she was at her pussy. Monica opened her legs and she groaned as Felicia began to lick the juices at her pussy. Monica had her eyes closed as she enjoyed the way that Felicia's was passionately licking on her pussy lips and clit. She was so into it that she didn't notice that Felicia had stopped until she felt a sharp pain on her lower right ass check.

"Ouch!" Monica cried out as she looked down to see that Felicia had her mouth open in front of her pussy and Monica realized that Felicia had pinched her ass. "Oh okay," Monica said as she prepared herself. She moved her pussy closer to Felicia's mouth as she reached down to spread her pussy lips. She could see that Felicia looked a little nervous so she let a small amount of pee squirt out of her pussy into Felicia's mouth. She stopped it to see how Felicia would react. She saw that Felicia was letting the pee sit in her mouth then she saw her swallow it down. Felicia then looked up at her smiling before opening her mouth for more. Monica was so proud of her and she was more that a bit excited that she just stood there an instant too long as she felt another pinch on her left cheek this time.

"Okay, Okay easy on the pinching there." Monica told her mischievous little friend who had a big grin on her face.

Monica made her wait for another moment then she let a small burst of pee flow from her pussy. It hit Felicia squarely in the mouth and Felicia drank it down. Monica then was able to let her pee flow slowly enough that Felicia could catch most of it in her mouth and she just kept on drinking. Monica could feel Felicia gripping her ass cheeks as she drank in her pee. Monica let her drink for a bit more then she reached down pushing Felicia's head under her pussy and Felicia squealed as the pee hit her face and then her hair. Monica let the rest of her pee go soaking Felicia well before it ended. Felicia looked up at her grinning as she attacked Monica's pussy licking and sucking first her lips and then she went for her clit. Monica moaned loudly as Felicia sucked and bit on her clit and she came hard as visions of Felicia drinking her pee went through her head.

After her orgasm passed, she pulled Felicia up and she kissed her tasting her pee that coated her lips and face. Monica kissed her face all over cleaning the pee from her face. "So how did you like your first time at playing pee games?" Monica asked her being serious.

"I think we will have to try it again. It was definitely kinky and fun." Felicia said as she hugged Monica and kissed her again.

"Well it's definitely kinky and you like things like that don't you?" Monica said as she placed her hands to Felicia's face and looking directly into her eyes.

"Yea, they make me feel alive and I have to admit that the orgasms are intense. But..." Felicia was saying.

"But what dear?" Monica asked not a bit concerned.

"I have thought some more about a third person like you and Libby did and I don't want that, okay. I just want it to be us." Felicia said.

"That is fine with me, like I said the thing with Libby and me was different from what we have and also I told you before, I don't want to share you with anyone else. You're mine babe." Monica told her kissing her lightly on the lips.

"I like hearing that." Felicia said as she clung to Monica.

Monica held onto her tightly for a few minutes before she kissed the top of her head then she pulled her back. "I think that we need to finish our shower and get over to your mom's." Monica told her.

"I wonder what my mom would think about what we just did." Felicia said with a grin.

"I would say that she would kick my ass all over the yard." Monica said with a laugh.

"Probably," Felicia said with a laugh.

""Oh shit the water's cold now and we still got to take a shower. We both smell like pee, thanks to you." Monica told her but she was smiling as she did so.

"Hey, you're the one who told me about doing this so I do believe that it is your fault." Felicia told her.

"Oh so it's my fault, I see how you think now." Monica said as she put her hands on Felicia's shoulders and she quickly moved her around putting her under the cold water."

"Shit that's cold!" Felicia screamed as she jumped back away from the cold water. Then she grabbed Monica forcing her under the cold water.

"Fuck!" Monica screamed and she put Felicia back under the stream of water. And so they did this for a few moments laughing and playing until they both more or less got used to the cold and then they took a very quick shower before jumping out shivering and then drying off as they tried to get warm.

When they pulled up to Felicia's parent's home, Monica saw that it was a modest ranch style house and Sherrie was coming out the front door to greet them as Monica put the car in park. Monica looked over at Felicia and she saw that she was a little nervous so Monica grasped her hand giving it a squeeze. Felicia smiled at her then she got out of the car going to her mother giving her a hug that Sherrie returned warmly. Monica then got out of the car going up to Sherrie and Felicia and Sherrie let her daughter go long enough to give Monica a hug. Sherrie then put her arms around both of their waists escorting them through the house and on out to the patio. She sat them down as she went back to get some freshly made lemonade that she had just made just for them.

As Sherrie went to sit down, Monica leaned over to Felicia and whispered, "This color reminds me of something we just drank." To which Felicia blushed profusely, which in turned made Sherrie give them both a funny look but she seemed to know when it was better not to know what it was about. They chatted until Felicia's father Brett came home and after he changed into an old tee shirt and shorts, he set about firing up the grill. Monica went over to him helping him thus allowing Felicia and her mom some privacy to talk.

Monica and Brett talked as they both watched the interaction of Felicia and her mom. Monica could see that Felicia was telling her mom about something and it seemed that Sherrie was enjoying every word that Felicia was saying. When Felicia reached out and grabbed her mother's arm to make a point about whatever she was talking about Brett said to Monica, "Sherrie and I want to thank you for what you've done for us."

"What do you mean?" Monica asked.

"Sherrie and I know that Felicia will never be the same girl that she was before the accident but somehow you have brought a little of that girl back out. Sherrie has worried herself to death about how withdrawn and quiet that she has been. She was always so outgoing and full of herself and then it was like all of that died when she died in the pool after hitting her head." He told her and Monica could see how heartfelt his words were.

"I don't know if I had anything to do with that." Monica said not knowing what else to say.

"Oh we do and we are thankful for it. I'll admit that when she pronounced that she was a lesbian, I was upset about it but I still loved her. But now my opinion has turned one hundred and eighty degrees. I am proud to call you my second favorite daughter. You know Felicia will always be our number one daughter, I hope you understand." He said as his eyes twinkled she had seen in Felicia's eyes.

"Oh I do understand completely." Monica said with a laugh.

And so the rest of the evening went very well as Felicia enjoyed her ribs greatly, getting the sauce all around her mouth and enjoying every bite. Monica figured that Felicia ate about half of the ribs that her father had fixed forgoing the side dishes that she had helped her mother fix. Monica was growing close to both of Felicia's parents as they made her feel right at home and was soon kidding with her as they did with Felicia. They stayed until about ten when they had to leave as they had to be up early the next morning to get to the lake.

When they got home, they took turns making love to the other with Felicia going first as she ate Monica's pussy until she came hard and after that, Monica went down on her getting her to cum just as hard. Then they cuddled and kissed until they feel asleep in each other's arms. Monica had set Felicia's alarm for six making Felicia groan at her when it went off. But once Felicia was awake, she was the one rushing around and pushing Monica to hurry up as Felicia was excited about meeting Monica's sister and her family as well as going to the lake. They both put on their swim suits on first. Monica had gone out and bought a two piece suit that wasn't too revealing as there would be her brother-in-law and nephew there so she wanted to be somewhat conservative but only to a point as she did like to show that she had a decent body. Felicia on the other hand had decided to go with one of her old suits. She said that she didn't remember when or where she got it but it fit and she liked it. However as soon as Monica saw it she knew exactly where Felicia had gotten the suit or at least why she had gotten it. As it was a one piece suit that was very tight fitting. It was a suit that a competitive swimmer or diver would wear. She knew that the two males that would be present would like it as it was form fitted to her body. The one good thing was that it didn't camel toe her pussy which was good though Monica wouldn't have minded too much if it had. They both then put shorts and old shirts over their suits and they were ready to go.

They were to meet Joyce at the boat dock where they kept their pontoon boat. It was a nice size boat that could hold all their supplies for the day as they were heading out to a quiet cove that they often went to. The back half of the boat was covered thus providing some shade when needed. It also had a big enough motor so that they could pull people on an inner tube or other floats which both Cody and Jayne loved to do. Once they got into the car, Monica could see that Felicia's excitement began to turn into nervousness as she began to ask all kind of questions about Joyce's family. Monica was patient as she answered them and she also took Felicia's hand to calm her down some.

When they got to the lake, Monica parked the car and she walked with Felicia down to the boat dock where the pontoon boat was tied up. Monica saw that Joyce and her family were already there putting the stuff away and she waved to them. When they got down to the water, there was a walk way about four feet wide and about twenty feel long that led out to the dock itself. Monica took a step up onto the walkway before noticing that Felicia had not taken that step with her. Monica turned around and she saw Felicia looking nervously at the water. Monica looked at her wondering what was wrong as Felicia had practically lived in the water when she was young. She was about to say something very wrong when she realized just how stupid she was.

"It'll be alright, I'm going to be next to you the whole time but if you want to go home, it's okay. My family will understand." Monica said as she stepped back off the walkway to stand beside of Felicia.

"I don't know why I'm so scared of the water. I don't want to ruin your day." Felicia said as she started to cry.

"Oh honey, you aren't ruining my day. I wanted to spend it with you and I will, be it here or somewhere else. And we both know why you are afraid of the water but it can't hurt you. I won't let it." Monica told her.

"I'm sorry..." Felicia said as she cried harder.

Monica saw Joyce coming toward them from the corner of her eye and she waved her away with her hand without Felicia seeing her.

"Come on, let's go home and fuck our brains out." Monica whispered in her ear.

Monica saw Felicia blush then giggle a little and that made her feel better as she had gotten Felicia past this crisis. And she knew that she was going to have to get Felicia over her fear of water but she would do it slowly. She turned Felicia around and had started to escort her back toward her car. However she had only gotten about ten feet when Felicia stopped and she turned to look back at the water then at Joyce and her family who had gone back to putting their stuff away or acting like they were.

"You'll be with me the whole time and never let go of my hand?" She asked as she looked directly into her eyes.

"Yes I will and I'll make sure that Joyce or Jayne is with us too in case you need two hands to hold onto." Monica assured her.

"They won't think I'm a big chicken or being silly do you." Felicia asked her.

"They know what happened to you; remember I told you that I was going to tell Joyce so they'll understand, but we don't have to do this today." Monica assured her.

"No, I got to get this fear past me and today is as good as any." Felicia said determinably.

Then she changed their direction marching them back to the water's edge. Felicia hesitated for a second and Monica squeezed her hand giving her a big smile. Felicia gripped her hand tighter as she took a step up onto the walkway. Monica walked with her keeping Felicia in the center of the walkway and her on the edge. The further they went up the walkway the tighter that Felicia held her hand. By the time they got to the main part of the dock, Monica's hand was in pain but she kept a smile on her face when she really wanted to pull her hand away to get the circulation back to her fingers. They went around the dock to where the pontoon boat was sitting. Monica was glad to see that Joyce was now waiting for them on the dock as the rest of her family held back.

"Joyce, this is my friend Felicia and Felicia this is my much, much older sister Joyce." Monica said as she kept her hand gripping Felicia's hand.

"Watch it sis, I whipped your ass when we were young and I can still do it." Joyce told her sister and Monica felt Felicia's hand relax its grip as she let out a giggle.

"Oh I doubt that big older sister, and we can go at it right now if you want." Monica said as a comeback and she make her voice sound angry. Monica felt Felicia's grip loosen even more and she was finally smiling.

"I don't know Monica; she looks like she can still kick your ass." Felicia said surprising both Monica and Joyce.

"I knew I would like you Felicia." Joyce said with a laugh then she went to Felicia giving her a big hug which caused Felicia to have to let go of Monica's hand so she could hug her back. Monica stepped back a little as she saw Joyce whispering something in Felicia's ear and while Monica couldn't hear what it was, she knew that Joyce could be counted on to say the right thing at the right moment. Joyce was a great mom and she must have figured out that Felicia was frightened of the water so she took charge of her.

Joyce took Felicia by the waist helping her to step onto the boat. Felicia glanced back at Monica and she gave her a reassuring smile. Joyce took Felicia to the center of the boat introducing her family to her with Monica following close behind. Both Morgan and Cody shook her hand while Jayne gave her a big hug. Joyce then took Felicia to one of the cushioned benches in the back of the boat sitting beside of her as Monica came over and sat to her other side. They put a life vest on her as the rest of them put theirs on. Joyce then immediately began to talk almost nonstop to Felicia as Britt, Cody, and Jayne got the boat ready to leave. Morgan then started the engine as Jayne and Cody pushed the boat from the dock. Monica saw that Joyce had taken Felicia free hand and was holding onto it. Joyce was telling Felicia about how much a pest Monica was to her as they grew up together while Monica kept telling Felicia that she was making it all up and thus protesting her innocence. When they got out of the cove that the boat dock was located, Jayne suggested that they take a slow ride to where they were going to. Morgan being the good husband that he was, he knew the suggestion was actually an order so he followed it.

Soon enough Monica could sense that Felicia had begun to relax and feel safe. She was looking around more and was watching Cody and Jayne as they sat at the front of the boat with their feet in the water. They were of course kicking their feet out and splashing each other.

"You want to go sit by Jayne and Cody?" Monica finally suggested.

"You won't let me fall off will you?" Felicia asked quite seriously.

"No I won't." Monica told her then she just had to add, "Besides I plan on tying a rope to you and that way if you do fall off we can just drag you to where we're going."

"Monica!" Joyce yelled at her. The she said to Felicia, "I can kick her ass for you if you like."

"That's okay; I plan on doing that myself." Felicia said as she stuck her tongue out at Monica making them all laugh.

"Come on, Jayne and I will take care of you." Monica said as she got up and helped Felicia up.

She eased her over to where Jayne and Cody were sitting and she sat down leaving a space between her and Jayne. Felicia sat down and eased herself toward the edge. Monica took Felicia's hand in hers and she motioned for Jayne to do the same with Felicia's other hand. Felicia slowly eased her feet over the edge and down into the cool water. She was nervous at first but like before she began to relax as she realized that nothing bad was going to happen. Soon her feet were flying and she and Jayne had become fast friends as they picked on Cody. So Monica got up leaving Felicia with Jayne. Felicia looked up at her but Monica gave her a reassuring smile and she went to sit beside of Cody thus evening up the odds a bit. Morgan began to speed up the boat all so slowly that Felicia didn't notice as she was having fun.

They eventually made it to the cove and just before Morgan got the boat to the land, both Cody and Jayne jumped off the boat and into the water. Monica stood by Felicia and she could sense that she wanted to jump in too but she was still too afraid. So they waited until they hit land and then she was able to jump off onto the bank. She and Monica helped to tie up the boat and then Joyce called her two wayward kids in to help unload the boat. Joyce, Monica, and Felicia put up a cover so that they could have some shade. As soon as everything was put up and after lots of sun screen was put on, Joyce and Cody got their father to push the boat back out and they got out the ski rope and they headed back out leaving Joyce, Monica and Felicia under the shade of the tent to talk and watch the kids on the inner tube and ski board. They talked for a while then Monica noticed that Felicia was eyeing the water more and more.

"You want to go in and cool off?" Monica asked her.

End of Part Four.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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