
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Aug 23, 2009


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.


Part Five

By Chris

Felicia looked at her then at the water again. Monica just knew that she wanted to say yes but just couldn't bring herself to do so. Monica decided to take the lead and push Felicia a little.

"Come on, Joyce and I will be beside of you. I promise that nothing bad will happen to you." Monica said as she got up and taking Felicia by the hand pulling her up. Joyce got up too and they each took off their coverings.

"Oh I love your suit." Joyce told Felicia.

"Thanks, it is just an old one that I had." Felicia said but she was smiling from the compliment.

Monica then took her right hand as Joyce took her left one and they led her to the water's edge.

"You won't take me in too far will you?" Felicia asked.

"Just up to here." Monica said as she reached over with her free hand and placed it on Felicia's pussy giving it a squeeze.

"Monica!" Felicia screamed as she pushed Monica's hand away and she turned a bright red as she looked at Joyce who was trying not to laugh.

"I can't believe that you did that." Felicia screamed at her.

"Oh she has never had any manners; she's always been the uncouth one." Joyce told Felicia.

"You can say that again." Felicia said and Monica could see that Felicia was a little mad at her but that wasn't such a bad thing as it got her mind off what Monica was doing at that moment which was leading her into the water.

"Oh you loved it, you know you did." Monica said as she eased Felicia further into the water.

"I did not; it was embarrassing and uncalled for." Felicia told her with her face turning red with anger.

"Yes it was and I'm sorry but look down." Monica said as she looked down as Felicia did and they were all three up to their waist in the water.

Felicia tensed up for a moment and Monica was afraid that she would panic and she almost did but then she calmed back down. "That wasn't fair..." Felicia said to her.

"No it wasn't but it worked. Now let's squat down and get the rest of our bodies wet." Monica said as turned Felicia toward her as Joyce released her hand and she put her hands on Felicia's hips.

"We both got a hold of you so nothing is going to happen." Joyce told her.

"Okay but Joyce and I are going to kick your ass when we get out of the water." Felicia told her.

"If you think you can then go for it." Monica said challenging her but then she saw Felicia smile as she began to go down with them.

Felicia gripped her hands tightly as they went down in the water until just their heads were out of the water. Felicia was as stiff as a board for a few minutes before she began to relax. Monica felt Felicia's hands relaxing so she slowly eased her hands away.

"Don't leave me." Felicia told her.

"We won't honey. Joyce and I are going to be right next to you." Monica said as she leaned in giving her a short kiss then she pulled back a couple of feet. Again it took Felicia a few moments to relax again but she did.

Monica eased back a few more feet and she said. "Now swim to me."

"But I don't know how to swim." Felicia told her.

"Yes you do, just let nature take over. It's like riding a bike, you never forget." Monica told her.

"But I don't know how to ride a bike either." Felicia countered.

"Okay if you're just going to be a big chicken then be one." Monica told her and she saw Joyce giving her a dirty look.

Felicia eyes lit up on that one, "Fuck you bitch." Then she launched herself toward Monica who was backing up making her swim further.

The first few strokes were awkward but Felicia was determined to get to Monica who wasn't sure just what she would do once she got there, however when she did get there, she grabbed a hold of Monica and she could sense that Felicia was about to panic again. "Put your feet down, you're okay." Monica said as she gripped her tightly as she pushed down on her lower back.

"You did it babe." Monica said as she felt Felicia begin to stand up.

Felicia's face turned from a white panic look to something closer to pride. "Thank you but I am going to kick your ass when we get home tonight."

"How about you putting the strap-on on and fuck my ass instead." Monica whispered into her ear.

Felicia then blushed but she whispered back, "Oh that sounds kinky."

"Yes it does." Monica said and then she pushed Felicia away and turned her around so that she was facing Joyce.

"Joyce back up some more and Felicia is going to swim to you." Monica said.

"I am?" Felicia said as she looked back as Monica.

"Yes you are." Monica told her as she pushed Felicia away from her but she held onto her hips.

"You won't..." Felicia was saying when Monica finished her sentence with, "No we won't." Then she let go of her and pushed her toward Joyce.

This time Felicia's swimming strokes were smoother and she began to relax as she swam. When she got to Joyce she grabbed onto her and hugged her tightly. Monica could see Joyce congratulating her as Monica mover back further.

When Felicia turned back around and she saw Monica further away she called out, "Quit moving back."

Monica just laughed and Felicia gave her the bird before setting out to swim to her and Monica kept moving backwards until Felicia got there and this time she put her feet down immediately as she hugged Monica who kissed her before sending Felicia back toward Joyce who had also moved back more.

"Will you two quit moving!" Felicia said as she set out for Joyce again. When she got to her she gave Joyce another hug then she set back toward Monica.

Each time she swam, Monica could see how much smoother that she got with her strokes. It was like the swimmer in her was coming out. She may not remember swimming but somewhere in her brain, it remained and Felicia was making it come out. They made her swim several more times before Monica could see that she was tiring just a little so she and Joyce came back together and they just soaked in the water until it was time for them to get out and fix up lunch as Morgan and the kids were heading back in.

They ate and talked and then rested with Morgan laying back and taking a nap while Jayne and Cody bugged Joyce about going back into the water but she made them wait until she was sure that their lunch had settled and she had gotten tired of them bugging her. As they headed for the water, Monica felt Felicia grab her hand and she was pulling her toward the water. Jayne and Cody were already in the water and had started dunking each other when Monica and Felicia got here. Of course, they immediately stopped picking on each other and went toward their aunt. Monica could fend them off pretty well until Felicia decided to join in and then she was getting dunked regularly. Then it became a free for all as they went at each other. Then Cody went for Felicia and before Monica could tell him no, he had dunked her. Monica went toward Felicia as she yelled at Cody who didn't have a clue as to what he did wrong. Felicia then came up out of the water spitting out water and coughing a bit and she heard Monica getting on Cody who was feeling bad.

"Now shut up Monica, I dunked him first." Felicia said as she went to Cody and gave him a hug to reassure him that he had done nothing wrong.

"I'm sorry Felicia." Cody told her.

"Now don't be sorry, it's cool but I think your aunt needs to be taught a lesson." Felicia said as she went to her and grabbed her from behind.

"Now dunk her good!" Felicia called to Cody who wasn't sure what to do as his mom was now at the water's edge.

"I'm sorry Cody but Felicia is just now getting used to the water again and I didn't tell you to go easy on her. But obviously she is doing fine now." Monica said as she turned quickly and dunked Felicia but she kept her hands on her making sure that she would feel safe. However Felicia jerked away and she came out of the water fast and she dumped Monica into the water pushing her down hard.

Monica came up sputtering and she turned to Cody and said, "Honey, you can dunk her all you want." Then she went to Cody and gave him a hug to make up for hollering at him then she dunked him and he went after her and the fight was back on until Joyce decided that it was getting too rough and she made all four of them stop. So Jayne and Cody went to the pontoon boat and climbed up and ladder at the back of the boat that their father had made so that they could jump off of it. It was about ten feet off the water and they screamed and hollered as they jumped into the water. Monica and Felicia moved up out of the water and were watching them with Joyce as Morgan snored away. Monica saw that Felicia was watching them jump off and she saw her getting anxious and she was afraid that Felicia was getting scared for them. She was just about to reassure her as Joyce made them wear their life vests when they jumped off the boat. But then Felicia got up heading toward the boat. Monica could see that there was a sense of purpose to her walk and she just knew what Felicia was going to do and she was the one who became fearful. Monica wasn't sure that this was such a good idea. She had gotten Felicia past her fear of water but she hadn't planned on her trying diving again.

Felicia got to the ladder and she waited for Cody to jump off. Monica meanwhile had gotten up and walked to the water's edge as had Joyce. Jayne being the sensitive one and being in tune with her mother, slipped back into the water and she had taken her vest off so that she could help Felicia should she need any. Felicia climbed to the top of the ladder then she looked down at the water. Monica start to holler at Felicia to not to dive when she heard Joyce say, "Don't say anything, I think this is something that she has to do. She doesn't know why, but she does have to get it out of her system." Felicia then brought up her hands and she dived into the water. She came back up about five feet away from where she hit the water with not a hint of a smile one would expect.

"God that was the most graceful dive I have even seen." Joyce gasped out.

"From what her mother told me, she would have been a gold medal winner one day." Monica said in almost a whisper.

"She could be one now as far as I am concerned." Joyce said as she grabbed Monica's arm.

Felicia was coming out of the water toward them about then and she said, "What's wrong with you two, haven't you ever seen anyone dive before?"

"Not like that." Monica said and she gave her a hug just wanting to reassure herself that Felicia was okay.

By then Jayne and Cody had come up and were begging Felicia to teach them how to do that. Felicia just smiled at Monica and she went with Cody and Jayne spending the rest of the afternoon teaching them how to dive making them go from the boat and not going up high until they had the basics down pat. Jayne was able to catch on first and ended up being a decent diver but Cody was determined to do as well as his older sister and he kept trying until he had it down.

They ended up staying on the lake until it was starting to get dark, then they were able to get the kids out of the water and that included Felicia who had discovered her love of the water again. On the way back, Morgan was able to run full speed and he even let Felicia drive part of the way. Monica watched her as she saw Felicia concentrating so hard on what she was doing. Monica wanted to tell her to relax that it wasn't that big a deal to drive a boat even a big pontoon boat. But then to Felicia it was a real big deal so Monica talked to Joyce and Jayne on the way back.

"Thank you for today, it was so wonderful though it was scary at times." Felicia said as Monica backed out and started them on their way home.

"I'm glad that you had so much fun but I should have thought about you and water. I wasn't thinking ahead on that one." Monica told her feeling bad about that.

"How would you have known, I didn't know I would be afraid until we got there. But anyway it turned out great in the end and that is all that counts." Felicia said as she leaned over and giving Monica a kiss on the cheek before getting back into her seat.

Monica was quiet for a moment thinking of what she wanted to say next when she happened to have looked over and she saw her little angel was sound asleep. She smiled to herself as she reached over and got her phone out of her little bag. She hit the speed dial button of Joyce.

"My child is sound asleep, how about yours." Monica asked her after Joyce had said hello.

"They were sound asleep long before we got out on the highway. That's the one thing I love about going to the lake, it wears them out and they're too tired to argue on the way home." Joyce said with a laugh.

"I do want to thank you for your help today sis. I don't know what I would have done without you to save my ass again." Monica said sincerely.

"That's what big sisters are for honey. Beside you have helped me out too so it works both ways." Joyce said. "Felicia is a wonderful girl; you could do a lot worse than her you know."

"I know sis that is why I brought her out to meet you all as I plan on hanging on to her." Monica said and then she saw a sleepy Felicia move over and kiss her cheek again.

"Thanks Joyce," Felicia mumbled out before leaning up against Monica and falling asleep.

"Was that Felicia? Tell her that she's welcome and she is welcome to come back anytime." Joyce asked.

"Yes it was her but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to tell her she has gone back to sleep again." Monica said with a laugh.

"Well, tell her for me when she's awake." Joyce told her.

"I will." Monica told her and then they talked for a few minutes more before hanging up.

Monica drove on to Felicia's apartment in silence as her mind went through the day and she was so thankful that it turned out as great as it did. When she got to the apartment, she found that there wasn't a parking place very close so she had to park further away. She got all of their stuff out first before going around and opening the door and catching poor Felicia before she fell out.

"Come on babe, you need to wake up, we're home." Monica said as she gently shook Felicia awake.

"Okay, I'm awake." Felicia said as Monica helped her out however Monica could see that she was still more asleep than awake. However she was awake enough to walk to the apartment though Monica had a hand around her waist guiding her. She got her inside and she locked the door with Felicia still clinging to her. This scene reminded her of bringing a friend home who had gotten drunk, only Felicia wasn't drunk, she was just worn out after spending all day in the water playing.

Monica then led Felicia to the bathroom where is sat her on the toilet as she turned the shower on. She thought about just going on to bed but she knew Felicia would fuss at her in the morning, if she let her go to sleep with the lake water on her body. She got the water nice and warm before she pulled the half asleep Felicia to her feet and into the shower with her swim suit on. She put Felicia under the water and she saw her eyes flash open in fear at first and then those eyes focused in on Monica and a smile came to her face.

"Is it time for that ass fucking?" Felicia said as she smiled at her.

"No it's time to get you out of that tight bathing suit and wash the lake water off." Monica said as she began to peel Felicia's suit off giving her a kiss or two on her breasts and pussy as she got to her knees to finish getting it off. Felicia giggled as she kissed her pussy but then groaned as kisses was all she got. She did help Monica in stepping out of her swimsuit. Monica then got out of her suit and she began to wash Felicia's hair as Felicia played with her breasts. This did make it hard to wash Felicia's hair but she got it washed and rinsed. Then she went for the rest of her body washing more than caressing much to Felicia's disappointment. Then she further frustrated Felicia as she washed herself making Felicia pout a little. But that didn't stop her from coping some feels as Monica bathed.

When she got done, she ushered Felicia out of the shower and helped her to dry and she brushed out her hair as Felicia sat on the toilet. She did it longer that was necessary and she saw Felicia begin to yawl as she relaxed.

"Oh no you don't, I know what you are doing here." Felicia said as she jumped up then she gave Monica a kiss and said, "Let's get to bed and make love."

"Okay babe, let me finish up and I'll be right in." Monica said as she turned Felicia toward the door pushing her away but she did squeeze her bum on the way out making Felicia giggle.

Monica took her time allowing Felicia to get settled in the bed, and then she headed out toward the bedroom. When she got there, she saw that Felicia was lying on her side facing away from her. Her eyes went straight to that cute little ass with her pussy just peeking out from between her legs which she had one slightly in front of the other one. Monica started to say something when she heard a sigh come from Felicia and she knew that her lover was sound asleep. Monica smiled to herself as she quietly went to the bedside lamp turning it off. Then she went to her side of the bed, slipping in beside of Felicia. She pulled Felicia in close giving her a kiss on the forehead. Felicia stirred then she settled back down. Then it wasn't long before Monica was off in dreamland too.

Monica woke up alone in the bed which she was getting used to as Felicia was almost always up before she woke up. She made a stop at the bathroom before heading to the front of the apartment. She heard Felicia in the kitchen so that is where she headed.

"I'm mad at you." Felicia said as soon as Monica entered the kitchen and Monica could tell by the tone of her voice that she really was mad. Felicia was at the stove facing away from her and she didn't turn around.

"Why baby?" Monica asked as went over to her placing her hands on her waist as Felicia continued to face away from her.

"Because you said we were going to make love last night but you let me fall asleep and didn't wake me up. I bet you even stayed in the bathroom until I did fall asleep. Didn't you want to make love last night?" She asked and Monica could sense that she was about to cry.

Monica knew that she had to tread carefully here as she turned Felicia around and she saw that she was about to cry and that her feelings had been hurt a little. "Okay I did stay a moment longer in the bathroom than was necessary just to see if you would fall asleep." Monica said and she saw the anger fire up in Felicia's eyes however she put her finger to Felicia's mouth to prevent Felicia from blasting her before she was done.

"I did it because I knew that you were as worn out as I was. And I want us to be wide awake when we made love. How would you feel if I feel asleep while you were making love to me? You'd feel like you had to be the worse lover in the world wouldn't you?"

"Well yes..." Felicia said and she was about to go on but again Monica stopped her.

"And how would I feel if you fell asleep as I was making love to you? I think I would feel the same way. We had a great day yesterday and I didn't want it to end with us both trying hard to make love to each other and please each other. It's better to do that when we do have all our energy. And you my sweet friend, do wear me out when we make love and I didn't have much energy in reserve last night. So am I forgiven or do I have to get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness?" Monica asked.

Felicia looked at her carefully before replying, "I don't know... Maybe a little begging is needed."

Monica saw that Felicia was trying hard not to grin, but Monica played her part as she went down to her knees grasping her hands together, she looked up at Felicia with sad eyes saying, "Oh please Felicia, please forgive me..." Monica was saying making it as dramatic as she could.

"Oh quit that!" Felicia said as she reached down to pull her up.

"So am I forgiven?" Monica asked.

"Yes you're forgiven. I should have known that you had a good reason to do what you did, and I was worn out last night; I just woke up feeling a little hurt that you didn't seem to want to make love last night." Felicia told her.

"You know there will be more days like last night when I am just not up to making love because I am tired or pissed off at the world or if I am starting my period. That first day I tend to cramp and am not in the mood but the weird part is there after I am horny as hell though that isn't when most people would want to make love." Monica told her.

"I think we can figure out a way to satisfy your needs and besides I might need to have something done when I am in the same condition." Felicia said with a wink then she gave her a kiss. "Now go get me the box of waffle mix from that cabinet over there. We're going to have my special waffles this morning."

"And just what makes them special?" Monica asked her as she went to the cabinet that Felicia was pointing to.

"I'm the one making them, that's what makes them my special waffles." Felicia said simply and Monica had to laugh as Felicia had gotten her on that one.

After their breakfast, they went out to the garden and talked to some of the other residents there and also to Ruth who was coming out of her apartment with the cane that she used for a bad hip that Monica learned about as they talked. Monica noted that as Felicia and Ruth talked it was more like a young person did to an older person that she respected and not as great grandmother to great granddaughter. They talked about the diner and Ruth made sure to include Monica in on the conversation. And though the talk, Monica could see that while Ruth's conversation didn't suggest that she was talking to her great granddaughter, her old loving eyes did. Monica hated the way they were pussy footing about their relationship but she didn't feel that she was in a position yet to change that. But one day, she felt like it needed to come out in the open and even if Felicia didn't remember who Ruth was; she should be reminded of that. Even now that Felicia did know, she didn't change the way she acted toward Ruth. Monica felt like everyone tiptoed around Felicia too much as she had seen the strong side of her and she hadn't showed much of a weak side. However there was that side of her that her family had seen and Monica would too, much sooner than she could imagine.

They talked for a while before Felicia said that they had plans and had to go; Monica gave her a knowing smile which made her blush. Monica wanted to say something about her blushing but she decided not to push it since Ruth was still there listening to everything and seeing even more. Ruth talked for a moment more and Monica could see Felicia getting anxious before Ruth finally let them go, however as she said goodbye, Ruth put her hand on Felicia's forearm and she gave her a loving smile and her hand squeezed Felicia's arm. Monica saw Felicia smile and that made her feel good.

"I didn't think Ruth was ever going to let us go, whose idea was it to go out to the garden anyway?" Felicia asked.

"It was your idea silly." Monica said with a smile.

"Well next time, tell me that you don't want to, tell me you'd rather stay in and fuck." Felicia told her as she began to strip out of her top and shorts.

Monica laughed as she told her, "Okay I'll try and remember that next time but I also know once you set your mind to something then there is no use trying to change it."

"Try... and start getting out of those clothes girl, I'm horny." Felicia said grinning from ear to ear now that she was buck assed naked.

"I can see that you are." Monica said as she quickly finished stripping out of her own clothes, then she went to Felicia pulling her in close and giving her a kiss. Her hands caressed her back then as one hand stayed there as the other went down to Felicia's ass giving the cheeks a squeeze. Felicia was panting as she kissed Monica back and Monica could sense the desire within Felicia, a desire that needed to be satisfied now. So she reached down to Felicia's thighs gripping at them then pulling them up as Felicia gave a hop and curled her legs around Monica's waist.

Monica kept kissing her as she slowly walked back toward the bedroom. Monica slipped her hands to Felicia's ass cupping her cheeks as she walked. As she was entering the bedroom, Felicia was rubbing her pussy against Monica's lower stomach and Monica could feel that Felicia's juices were already flowing. When she got to the bed, Monica eased over until she got to the point of no return and they fell onto the bed. Monica, with Felicia's help, moved them into the center of the bed and she resumed kissing and loving on her. Then she began to kiss her way down to Felicia's chin, then to her neck and on below down to her breasts. She bit the left nipple then sucked it into her mouth letting the tip of her tongue tease the nipple. Felicia moaned and groaned as she gripped Monica's shoulders in her hands. Monica went to the right nipple kissing it first before biting and then sucking on it. Felicia allowed her only a few moments of loving on her breasts before she pushed her on down. Felicia needed relief and she needed it now. Monica kissed her way to Felicia's pussy inhaling her sweet womanly aroma for just a moment before she began to lick. Felicia wasn't in the mood for lots of teasing so she went right to her slit licking and sucking on those lips. Felicia's juices tasted really good this morning and she licked them up as her tongue went deeper and deeper into her pussy. She licked her way up to Felicia's enlarged clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She sucked hard as she slipped two fingers into Felicia's tight pussy. Felicia was already twisting around on the bed pushing her hips up to get Monica to suck harder on her clit. She fucked Felicia with her fingers going in deep and moving them within her pussy as she sucked and bit on Felicia's pussy. She wanted to bring Felicia off so she kept sucking hard on that little bud until Felicia cried out as she went stiff and Monica licked up the girlcum that was pouring out of the pussy.

Slowly Felicia began to relax and as she did so, Monica went to their toy bag pulling out the strap-on and she put the smaller cock into it before putting it on. As Felicia opened her eyes, Monica was just laying down on top of her with the cock pointed at Felicia's pussy. Felicia gave her a big grin as she opened her legs out wide allowing Monica to press the fake cock into her pussy.

"Fuck me good..." Felicia panted out.

"Oh I plan on it sweetie." Monica said as she lay on top of her pushing the cock deep into Felicia's pussy. Felicia wrapped her legs around Monica's waist pushing her pussy up onto the cock. Monica twisted her hips around making Felicia moan then she began to lift her hips up and bring them down. She fucked her slowly at first going in deep letting Felicia feel every inch of her cock.

"Oh that feels great." Felicia moaned out.

"That is what I want for you. I want to make you feel so good." Monica said as she smiled down at Felicia kissing her softly.

Monica moved her hips slowly raising them up and pushing them down letting the cock she was wearing go in deep into Felicia's pussy. Monica kissed her lips and face as she fucked her slowly and she felt Felicia flex her hips on each thrust of her hips making their coming together that much more pleasurable for them both. The base of the cock was rubbing nicely on Monica's clit making her feel good as she needed to cum too. Ever so slowly, Monica picked up the forcefulness of the thrusts of her hips making Felicia grunt and groan as the cock filled her pussy. Soon Monica began to quicken her thrusts as she pushed down harder and deeper into Felicia's pussy. They both began to pant and Felicia's nails were digging into the flesh of Monica's back and Monica felt her own orgasm gathering speed. She fucked Felicia harder and faster with the sounds of their bodies coming together echoing around the room. Monica was shifting her hips making the base of the cock rub her clit that much harder and she knew she was about to cum. About that time she felt Felicia's nails dig deep into her shoulders, Felicia's eyelids fluttered as she came hard. Monica felt the release of her own orgasm at that time and she fell down on top of Felicia burying the cock deep within her pussy.

Monica was the first to recover and she began to kiss Felicia's sweaty face as she slowly pumped her hips making Felicia grunt sending her into another orgasm as the last one was ending. Monica kept driving the cock into Felicia's pussy making her groan and moan as she just kept having a series of mini orgasms. Eventually Felicia grunted out, "Oh god stop, I can't take anymore." Monica gave her a few last hard thrusts of her hips making Felicia cry out then she stopped allowing Felicia to calm down.

Monica kissed Felicia's lips letting her recover but keeping the cock buried deep in Felicia's pussy. She wiped the sweat from Felicia's brow feeling the edge of her sweat soaked hair. Felicia looked at peace with the world and that made Monica so happy. Monica kissed her again and this time Felicia was able to kiss her back.

"Oh god girl, that was wonderful, I didn't think I would ever stop cumming." Felicia panted out as she struggled to get her breath back.

"I wanted you to just keep on cumming, it seemed that you needed that this morning." Monica told her as she kissed her again.

"I did but now it is your turn to be fucked." Felicia said as she pushed Monica off of her.

"I do believe that you owe me an ass fucking, maybe now is the time for you to give it to me." Monica suggested and she saw the twinkle return to Felicia's eyes.

"Cool, let's get started," Felicia said then she hesitated. "But I have never done that before."

"You had never used a strap-on before and you did just fine with that so I have no doubt you can do this too. Just go slow at first and put plenty of lube on my ass first." Monica told her as she helped Felicia get the harness off of her.

"What dildo do you want?" Felicia asked.

"Just use the one that is on it." Monica said and she added, "Don't worry, we'll wash it real well before using on it you again. I have some cleaner that will get it all clean and ready to be used on that sweet pussy of yours. Or even better, we can buy you another one." Monica told her.

"Maybe a little bigger one but not much bigger?" Felicia suggested.

"I know just the perfect sex shop to take you too and it's just an hour away. It has lots of toys that you will like." Monica said and she saw Felicia's face light up.

"Oh god that will be fun." Felicia said with glee.

"Yes it will but now it's past time for a little ass fucking." Monica said as she turned over and got up on her knees putting her ass high in the air. She then reached over and got a tube of lube handing it back to Felicia.

Monica heard Felicia opening the tube and she expected to feel the cold jelly on her ass but instead she got a pair of hot lips kissing her asshole.

"Mmmm... that feels good." Monica moaned as she felt Felicia began to lick and tease her asshole with her tongue. Then the tongue began to probe her asshole making Monica moan louder. The tongue went deep into her which made her pussy really start to leak out it juices. But soon the warm tongue left her ass and it was replaced with fingers that had the cold jelly on them. The shock of different temperatures on her asshole made her groan but that turned into a moan as a couple of fingers entered her ass putting the lube inside her. Felicia put lots of lube on her ass, more than was really necessary before she stopped. Then Monica felt the head of the cock at her ass.

"You ready?" Felicia asked nervously.

"Yea baby, go for it." Monica said as she relaxed her asshole. Then she felt Felicia beginning to push it in but she wasn't using much pressure.

"It won't fit, I'm afraid that I'm going to hurt you." Felicia said as she pulled back.

Monica looked back over her shoulder at Felicia and said, "Honey, it will go, you just have to use more pressure than when you fuck my pussy. Don't worry, you won't hurt me."

"Okay," Felicia said and Monica felt the cock back at her asshole.

This time Felicia applied more pressure and Monica felt her asshole opening and the head popped in. "Oh there you go babe, now slowly push the cock on in. It feels good." Monica told her.

She felt Felicia's hands on her hips and then she felt the cock going deeper into her ass opening it up and stretching her asshole open. Soon she felt Felicia's hips touch her ass cheeks. "You did it babe, you're all the way in." Monica moaned out.

"Are you okay?" Felicia asked.

"Yes, it feels good, now pull it out a little ways and then back in." Monica told her.

Monica felt the cock begin pulled out an inch or so then pushed back in. Monica moaned feeling the cock move within her ass. Monica let Felicia fuck her ass slowly before she began to push back and Felicia started to speed up going in even deeper. Monica reached down and she began to play with her clit as Felicia fucked her ass. It was going in deep now and was feeling good.

"Fuck my ass baby, go deep and hard." Monica told Felicia and she felt Felicia grip her hips harder and she began to really fuck her asshole. Monica started to slap her pussy and clit as she felt Monica fuck her asshole good, just giving it a real reaming. Monica was pushing back hard and Felicia was now grunting as she fucked her ass.

"Spank my ass baby, as you fuck me." Monica ordered her.

This time Felicia didn't hesitate as Monica felt a hard slap against her right ass cheek. It stung and then there was another spank her to her left cheek. Monica started to slap her pussy and clit harder as Felicia was fucking her ass hard and fast as she slapped her ass cheeks making them hot and red. Monica held off her orgasm for as long as she could but when she felt it coming, she pinched her clit hard and she came hard. She fell to the bed and the cock popped from her asshole leaving it empty but she was in the middle of a massive orgasm.

As she came back around, she felt Felicia kissing and hugging on her. Monica turned over onto her back pulling Felicia to her kissing her back and hugging her tightly. "Oh that was great." Monica moaned out between kisses.

"It was cool seeing that cock go into your ass, will you do it to me now?" Felicia asked.

"You sure you want to try, it isn't for everyone." Monica told her and she saw Felicia frown. "Okay, I'll be glad to fuck that cute little asshole of yours.

"Goodie," Felicia said with glee.

Monica got up taking the harness from Felicia and removing the cock. She took it to the bathroom and put it onto soak with some cleaner. She then came back pulling out the smallest dildo that she had with her but it still looked too large for Felicia's tiny asshole. She wasn't so sure about this but she knew better than to try and talk Felicia out of it as she already had her ass high in the air. Monica got in behind of her and she kissed and loved on Felicia's cute little asshole making her relaxed as she played with her pussy. She soon had Felicia moaning and groaning. She got the lube and she put lots on her fingers using one then two fingers trying to get Felicia stretched out. She put lots more on the cock then she got into position.

"You ready?" Monica asked.

"Yea," Felicia replied as her voice went high from her nervousness.

"Just relax," Monica told her as she pressed the head against Felicia's asshole. Felicia groaned and Monica started to pull back but Felicia was determined as she was pushing her ass back toward her. Monica knew Felicia wasn't going to give up on this so she pressed harder and the head popped in. Felicia let out a loud groan and Monica stopped for a moment. Then she pressed in further seeing Felicia's asshole opening up but she could feel Felicia's body tense up and she knew that she was hurting her. However Felicia was still pushing back and kept on doing so until the cock was all the way into her ass.

"You did it babe, it's all the way in." Monica told her as she stayed still hoping that Felicia's ass would stretch enough to make it easier to fuck her.

Monica could see Felicia breathing hard as she pulled back a little and went back in causing Felicia to groan more and Monica knew she was hurting Felicia and that wasn't good.

"Babe, I have another idea I want to try. Just close your eyes and relax for a minute." Monica said as she slowly pulled the cock from Felicia's asshole.

"No I want to do this." Felicia moaned out as Monica was getting off the bed.

"We'll do it, just let me try something. Now close your eyes and trust me." Monica said as she kissed Felicia on the head then she turned it away from her so Felicia couldn't see what she was up to.

Monica took the harness off putting the dildo in the sink with the other one before coming back and getting another dildo of about the same size and putting it on the harness. She got it strapped back on then she pulled out one of her smaller butt plugs. She put some lube on it before getting back on the bed.

"You ready to try again?" Monica asked and she saw Felicia tense up.

"Yea," Felicia said and she voice sounded scared.

"Just relax; I think you'll like this." Monica told her as she let her hand caress Felicia's lower back and then ass.

Monica waited until she felt Felicia started to relax and she put the tip of the butt plug to Felicia's asshole. Again Felicia tensed up and Monica waited her out using the tip of the plug to tease Felicia's asshole. When she began to relax, she started to push the plug into her ass. The slim plug easily penetrated Felicia's ass and her asshole expanded to accept the flared end of the plug. Then the plug popped in and Monica settled it in place. She played with the plug for a few moments pulling it in and out until she heard Felicia moan. It was then she placed the head of the dildo she was wearing to Felicia's pussy and pushing it in with one firm stroke. Felicia let out a loud moan as Monica began to fuck her hard and deep. Monica didn't give Felicia time to say anything as she fucked her pussy good with the dildo and she began to play with the butt plug again. Pulling and pushing on it so that Felicia was getting stimulation from both her asshole and pussy. Felicia was now fully into the fucking she was getting as she pushed back against Monica.

"Spank me," Felicia cried out and Monica was more than willing to comply with the request.

She began to spank those firm cheeks making them red and Felicia grunted and groaned with each slap. Monica was pushing the dildo in deep into Felicia's pussy on each in stroke and she was pushing against the butt plug in Felicia's ass making it move too. Monica kept up the spanks and fucking going until Felicia's ass was a bright red and she was crying out as she came hard. She fell to the bed pulling the cock from her pussy. Monica took off the harness layingit beside of her but the left the butt plug in Felicia's ass.

Monica was kissing on her when Felicia came back around, "I'm sorry that I couldn't take the ass fucking." Felicia said and Monica could see that Felicia was disappointed in herself.

"Honey, it's cool. You enjoyed the fucking and the butt plug didn't you?" Monica asked as she reached down and pushed the plug into Felicia's ass a little more.

"Yes... But..." Felicia was saying.

"There's no buts' to it, we do what we enjoy and if it doesn't feel good then I'm not going to do it to you. We'll use the butt plugs until you feel like you want to try ass fucking again but you can't ask me to fuck your ass until I know that you will enjoy it. Do you hear me?" Monica asked.

"Yea I do." Felicia said then she added, "The butt plug does feel nice."

"Good then we'll leave it there for a while." Monica told her with a wink.

"And some nipple clamps..." Felicia asked.

"Honey, you got to work tonight and you know how tender you were last Sunday night." Monica cautioned her.

"That's why I want to wear them, so I will think of you all night." Felicia said as she got up off the bed going to the bag finding the nipple clamps. As she bent over, the small butt plug started to slip out causing Felicia to have to reach back to get it before it slipped out of her ass.

Monica laughed then she said as she was getting up, "Come on to the bathroom, I think you need a little bigger one that will stay in."

Monica then took the plug from Felicia's ass and then she reached down into the bag pulling out a slightly larger butt plug that had a larger flare to it so that once in place, it would stay there. Felicia's eyes grew wide when she saw it but Monica could tell the Felicia liked this one. "Now let's head to the bathroom and clean up a bit and I'll put this one in." Monica told her.

"First the nipple clamps." Felicia said as she held up the pair that she had worn before.

"Okay my sweet," Monica said smiling as she took them from her. Monica pinched Felicia's nipple making it hard before she opened the clamp and putting it on Felicia's left nipple. Felicia moaned as the clamp closed onto her nipple. Monica then put the right one on and she heard Felicia groan again as the clamp tightened down. Felicia then gave her one of the weights and she put that one the chain which pulled down on Felicia's nipples. It was Monica's turn now and she pushed her chest out. Felicia pinch and twisted her nipples making Monica moan and then she put the left then right clamp on, then came the weight that pulled down on Monica's nipples and making her groan.

They went from there to the bathroom both walking easily until they got used to the clamps on their nipples. Once there, Monica sat on the toilet and peed then Felicia got down in front of her and licked her clean thus saving some toilet paper. Then Felicia got a wash cloth so that she could wipe the lube from Monica's ass. They then switched places only Monica made Felicia opened her legs and she licked at Felicia's pussy as she peed drinking in some and licking up the leftover girlcum. Once she was done, she made Felicia get up and she put the lid down making Felicia bend over as she held onto the toilet. Monica wiped the excess lube from Felicia's ass cheeks leaving the lube around her asshole. She used her spit to wet down the butt plug that she was holding then she placed the end at Felicia's asshole.

"This will stretch you a little more than the other one but not as much as the dildo did." Monica told her.

"Okay, I'm ready." Felicia said and this time she didn't tense up when the tip touched her asshole.

Monica slowly pushed the butt plug in making Felicia moan as her asshole opened to accept it. She let the flared in go in slowly so that Felicia could get use to it and make it more fun as she loved watching the asshole open. The plug then slipped in and Monica played with it for a moment before she slapped Felicia on the ass hard saying, "You're ready."

"Ouch," Felicia said as she jerked up grasping her ass then she had to grab her tits as the weight swung wildly pulling on her nipples.

"That hurt," Felicia said pouting.

"What hurt?... This?" Monica asked as she slapped the other cheek hard.

"Yes that hurt!" Felicia said grabbing her ass again and then her tits as the weights kept moving.

"Then I guess it would be a good idea to get your ass out of the way of my hand." Monica suggested as she slapped Felicia's ass again.

"Damn you girl!" Felicia said as she turned her head toward Monica and she saw Monica raising her hand up again.

Felicia screeched as she started to go out of the bathroom in a fast walk as she couldn't run with the butt plug up her ass and the clamps on her nipples that were weighted down. Monica watched as Felicia waddled away, always looking back to see where Monica and her hand were. Monica laughed as she caught up with her but this time she didn't spank her. She just put her hand on Felicia's ass, she pressed on the butt plug making her giggle. They went on into the kitchen where they got some cold bottled water as they both felt dehydrated from all the sweating they had done while making love.

"Did you like it the first time Libby fucked you in the ass?" Felicia asked her.

"I didn't dislike it but I also didn't get as much pleasure out of it as I do now. It felt uncomfortable and weird but it didn't hurt so I was willing to try it again." Monica told her.

Felicia thought about that for a moment and then she seemed to want to say something but didn't know how. So Monica tried to help her out hoping that she was right in her thinking of what Felicia wanted to say.

"You didn't like it at all did you?" Monica asked.

Felicia hung her head as she said, "No." Then she raised her head up and she was smiling as she said, "But I like the butt plugs. They feel good and when you fucked me with that little one in me, I thought I had died and gone to heaven."

"I'm happy that you like them, see you don't have to like everything that I show you. We can have lots of fun with the things we both like. I mean there are so many things that we can try and we always have the basics that are very enjoyable too. Don't ever forget them." Monica told her.

"Oh I won't, you got me hooked on rubbing our pussies together. I love that the most." Felicia said as she came to her giving her a kiss. Their breasts came together and the clamps hurt them both but that just made the kissing more intense. Monica let her hands slide down to Felicia's ass and she began to play with the butt plug making Felicia moan into their kiss. Felicia's finger curved around from Monica's back to her front and down to her pussy. She began to stroke her pussy lips making Monica moan too. Monica of course had to keep pace as her left hand went to Felicia's pussy and she began to play with it. Their kissing got lighter as they played with each other's pussies and Monica added playing with Felicia's butt plug to add to the sensations that she was feeling. Monica pushed a couple of fingers into Felicia's pussy making her cry out as she broke off the kissing. Monica then went at her harder pulling more on the butt plug so that she was pulling it out to the flared middle before pushing it back in. Felicia was trying to keep up but Monica was fucking her pussy with two fingers and her palm was pressing against her clit making Felicia squirm. Monica fucked Felicia's pussy hard with her fingers as Felicia's fingers were now just resting on Monica's pussy but Monica didn't care as all she wanted right now was to get Felicia off. Monica felt Felicia biting down on her shoulder as her body went stiff and Monica had to hold her up as she felt Felicia's girlcum coating her fingers.

"Damn you girl, you do know how to get a girl off don't you?" Felicia gasped out.

"Yea and I do love getting you off. It makes me so happy." Monica told her and she hugged her.

"Well give me a minute to get my legs under me and then I'm going to get you off too." Felicia said as she clung to Monica.

"Take your time honey," Monica said as she eased Felicia over to the edge of her table getting Felicia to sit on the edge.

Monica eased Felicia on back while she didn't have all her senses with her. She dropped down to her knees and she put her mouth between Felicia's legs and she began to lick up all the girlcum. Felicia let out a moan as she put her legs up over Monica's shoulders using her heels to pull Monica in closer. Monica licked around Felicia's pussy lips getting all the girlcum up and just as she stuck her tongue into Felicia's pussy, Felicia came around to what was happening to her.

"Oh no you don't!" Felicia cried out as she tried to get up but Monica was ready for her reaction and she put her hands to Felicia's breasts squeezing them as her mouth went up to her clit. She sucked the sensitive bud into her mouth and Felicia cried out, "You fucking bitch!" which was followed by a long moan.

Monica knew she had Felicia now as she released Felicia's breasts letting her right hand go to the butt plug in Felicia's ass. She began to pull on it so that the flared end was almost coming out and then she would push it back in. Her left hand went to the chain connected to the nipple clamps and she pulled on it making Felicia moan louder. Monica sucked and chewed on Felicia clit as she pulled on the chain and played with her butt plug. Felicia began to squirm around on the table and her juices were coating Monica's chin. Monica went back to her pussy to lick up those juices before going back to Felicia's clit sucking and chewing on it. She heard Felicia moan louder and her breathing had sped up so Monica knew that she was close to an orgasm. Monica gripped the butt plug and she pulled harder on the chain. Then as Felicia let out a squeal that indicated that she was coming, Monica pulled the butt plug out as she yanked on the chain pulling the chain from Felicia's nipples, Felicia's hands went to her nipples covering them as the pain hit her as her orgasm passed through her body. Monica pulled her own chain down pulling the clips off causing her a great deal of pain then she gathered Felicia up in her arms as she kissed and loved on her as the orgasm coursed through her body.

"One of these days I'm going to get the best of you." Felicia moaned out.

"Not if I can help it, I like making you cum as much as I like cumming myself." Monica told her.

"If anyone else told me that I wouldn't believe them but you I do." Felicia said. "Now let me rest and I will make love to you." Felicia said.

"Let's rest in bed, you need to take a nap, you have to work all night." Monica said expecting a fight but Felicia just laid her head on her shoulder and let her carry her into the bedroom.

Monica lay her down on the bed then lay beside of her. She kissed Felicia then pulled her in close and they both slept for a few hours. When Monica woke up, Felicia was between her legs licking away. Monica smiled at her and reached down to caress her face as she let Felicia bring her to a nice orgasm. They took a shower and Felicia made them a later dinner before Monica drove her to work.

Monica had picked up an old dresser that she was in the process of working on so that is what she set about doing once she got home. She wondered if she would get another call from Felicia that night complaining about her nipples hurting from her bra rubbing on them and sure enough about three in the morning the call came. This time Felicia wasn't busy so they got to talk a while before hanging up. Monica was feeling good as she went back to work on the dresser, all the while thinking about Felicia and how well things were going. Then about five in the morning, she took a shower and went to bed, dreaming of her love.

Early Saturday morning, Monica and Felicia headed for the sex shop. Felicia was excited about the trip and what toys they would find there. As soon as Monica had parked the car, Felicia was out and heading for the door. Monica watched as she locked the car and she could see that Felicia was getting impatient that she wasn't in as much a hurry as she was.

"It took you long enough." Felicia told her when she got to the door.

"Honey, they're not going to sell out of everything before we get in there." Monica said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I know but I've never been in a place like this and I want to see what they got and I want to buy something that you haven't tried so we can try it together." Felicia told her as she grabbed her hand as she opened the door. Then she stopped as she saw just how big the store was and how many things were there, dildos and vibrators of every size lined the walls and shelves.

"Shit," Felicia let slip from her lips and Monica laughed.

"Come on girl and let's look around." Monica told her as she pulled Felicia from the doorway and on into the sex shop.

Monica went first to some of the dildos made to use with a strap-on and they looked at them first. They looked them over carefully each picking out one to use on the other. Next were the butt plugs which Felicia got real excited about since she had just found out that she liked them. Monica picked out a couple that she thought that Felicia would enjoy; one about the same width as the one that Felicia liked and then another slightly larger to be used once Felicia got more used to wearing them. Once they finished with them, Felicia spotted some nipple clips and she pulled Monica over to them.

"Look at all these nipple clips; I can't believe that there are so many different types." Felicia exclaimed.

Monica smiled at her and then she said, "And I bet you want a set of each."

"Yea and some of these weights." Felicia told her as she giggled.

"Oh yes, we can't forget the weights." Monica said with a laugh, and then they began to seriously look at them. She told her about each of them; at least what she knew as there was a couple she hadn't tried before. Some looked like that were harder to put on and some of the cheap ones they skipped past entirely. Monica let Felicia pick out what she wanted to try and Felicia studied each of the final few that they had decided were worth trying carefully and she picked out a couple of them. Monica told her that the shop wasn't going anywhere so they could always come back for more if they wanted.

Next to the nipple clamps were some clamps for the clit and also for pussy lips. "Have you tried these?" Felicia asked.

"No, that I haven't tried." Monica admitted.

"I wonder what it would feel like to have them on your pussy lips?" Felicia said aloud and Monica wasn't sure if she was talking to her or thinking aloud.

"I don't know but we can always get a pair and try them. I think we have enough weights between what we have at home and what we are going to buy here. I mean if we don't like them then we can always just not use them again." Monica told her.

"True but which ones?" Felicia asked as she picked up several different types.

"I don't know but let's go with one of the better looking ones that have a lot of rubber to the tips. My pussy lips are very sensitive as are yours so let's protect them when we play." Monica cautioned her.

"True and the clit clip?" Felicia asked.

"Okay, pick out a couple of those too but good ones, we can wear them together with our nipple clamps." Monica suggested.

"Cool," Felicia said as she picked a matching pair out and these she kept as this was what she was going to buy.

Next was some of the bondage stuff and since they hadn't really tried that yet and Monica had some stuff they just mainly looked it over however Felicia found a small light weight whip that she liked and it wasn't too expensive so she decided she just had to have it too. So Monica knew that she would be whipped soon and that wasn't such a bad thing as the whip that Felicia picked out would sting nicely but not hurt real bad. They looked around the store for another couple of hours picking out a couple of more things that looked interesting but weren't too expensive. Monica also got Felicia a little pocket rocket for her to play with when they weren't together. Felicia liked this and gave her a kiss for getting something just for her. Then they went to check out and Monica ended up with a bill that totaled a little over three hundred dollars. Felicia was shocked and offered to put some things back but Monica wouldn't have any of it as she was looking forward to trying out these things with her lover.

"So did looking at all these sex toys make you wet?" Monica asked when they got back in the car.

"A little," Felicia said blushing.

"Let's see," Monica said as she leaned over placing her hand on Felicia's inner thigh.

"What are you doing?" Felicia asked a bit shocked as Monica slipped her fingers inside of her shorts leg and onto her panty covered pussy.

"Checking to see how wet you are, my dear." Monica said grinning at Felicia as her fingers moved up and down Felicia's panty covered pussy.

"Very wet I see." Monica told her as she pushed Felicia's panties aside allowing her fingers to caress Felicia's wet lips.

Felicia closed her eyes and let out as moan before she came back to her senses and pushed Monica's hand away. "We can't do that here, someone will see us." Felicia protested but Monica could see that Felicia really was horny as hell and wanted to make love as soon as possible. She licked off her fingers then put the car in reverse.

Felicia talked nonstop on the trip back home about everything in the store and the things that she had seen. Monica let her talk for a while and then she happened to mention that they could get even more stuff over the internet however Felicia didn't even own a computer much less have access to the internet. So if they were to order something then it would have to be from her house which Felicia had yet to go to. Felicia was excited about what else was out there and Monica told her about some of the better places that one could order from. But for now they had more than enough to play with.

"So what do you want to start with?" Monica asked as they entered Felicia's apartment with their new purchases.

Felicia took their bags over to the couch sitting down as Monica went to sit beside of her. Felicia began to pull the items out laying them on the table in front of her. Monica watched as Felicia studied each carefully before laying them down. It was only when she opened the bag that she had bought that her eyes really lit up and Monica knew where they would start.

"These," Felicia said finally as she held up the clamps for the pussy and a new pair of nipple clamps.

"I figured that would be what you chose." Monica said as she got up. "Come with me." She said holding out her hand to Felicia.

"Where're we going?" Felicia asked as they got to the center of the living room.

"Right here," Monica said as she stopped. "Now close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you."

"Why," Felicia asked her.

"Because I asked you to," Monica told her as she put her fingers above Felicia eyes and gently bringing them down so that Felicia was forced to close her eyes.

Monica gave her a soft kiss before heading to the bedroom. There she got a couple of scarves and some of her weights. When she returned, she was pleased to see that Felicia still had her eyes closed and was waiting for her return however somewhat impatiently. Monica went behind of her placing a scarf around her eyes and tying it around her head. She then went in front of her and she began to pull Felicia's tee shirt off then she reached behind of her unhooking her bra, pulling it off leaving her breasts exposed. Monica wanted to caress and kiss them then and there but she held off. She went to Felicia's shorts pulling them down with Felicia's panties. She could see how wet she was and she could smell her arousal. Monica helped Felicia to step out of her shorts and panties before she stood up. She then silently removed her own clothes as she wanted to be as naked as the beautiful young woman in front of her.

Monica moved behind of Felicia and she leaned in whispering all so quietly, "Put your hands behind your back.

Felicia did so and Monica took the other scarf, using it to tie Felicia's hands together behind of her back. "Spread your legs out wide, my dear." Monica whispered to her. Again Felicia did so though her legs were somewhat shaky from excitement.

Monica walked back in front of Felicia and she could see that her juices were starting to leak onto her inner thighs. Monica went over to get the nipple and pussy clamps when she saw the little whip. She decided that maybe Felicia should be the first to feel the sting of the whip. She picked it up going back to Felicia where she let the tails of the whip graze across Felicia's breasts.

"You know what this is?" Monica asked.

"The whip," Felicia said with a slight break in her voice.

"I think that maybe you should be the first to feel the sting of the tails, what do you think of that idea?" She asked her.

Felicia gasped and Monica wondered if she had played this one too far and she should have let Felicia try it on her first but then Felicia replied calmly, "I think I would love that."

Monica looked at Felicia's facial expression and how her body reacted to the new experience of bondage and she saw that Felicia had an excited grin on her face and her body was very relaxed. Then her eyes went down to Felicia's pussy and it was leaking even more juices now. So she felt better about her decision. She took the whip and she walked around Felicia's body trying to decide where to start but when she saw that cute ass, she knew that was the obvious starting point.

Monica reached out with her left hand caressing those cute cheeks as she said to Felicia, "I believe this cute ass needs some warming up, don't you?"

"Oh yes," Felicia said as she stuck her ass out a little.

As soon as Felicia did this, Monica brought the whip back and sent it across those bums.

"Ohhh..." Felicia said as she moved her ass in but then she put it right back out there for Monica to hit it again.

Monica then began to lightly whip that cute ass making Felicia squeal and moan as she did so. Monica knew the tails were stinging Felicia's ass cheeks but they weren't hurting her. Monica whipped Felicia's ass for a couple of minutes before stopping and going to her front.

"Now I think those cute titties need some warming up." Monica said.

"Yes they do," Felicia said as she pushed her tits out.

Monica hit the right breast coming for over top of it. 'Ohhh," Felicia cried out as she bit her lower lip. Monica then knew to go a little easier on those sensitive breasts as she went over to the right one hitting it with a lighter stroke. This seemed to be just right as Felicia moaned but didn't cry out. Monica lightly whipped both breasts working the right one a bit then the left one then going from one to the other. Then she very lightly whipped Felicia's stomach before going on down. Felicia tightened up as she had figured where Monica was heading with the whip. This is also where Monica was very careful not to hurt Felicia making sure that this was enjoyable so she used very light strokes to hit above then on Felicia's pussy causing her to really moan but she also saw the juices flowing. Monica only stayed there for a moment before quitting then she leaned in and took a long slow swipe up Felicia's pussy with her tongue.

"Oh fuck," Felicia cried out as a small orgasm passed through her body. Monica didn't mean to make Felicia cum right then but Felicia was closer to the edge than she had thought. So Monica had to grab onto her hips to steady her as the orgasm passed through her body. As soon as Felicia got her legs back under her, Monica stood up and she came up to kiss Felicia which surprised her at first but soon she was kissing her back. Then just as the kissing was getting intense, Monica pulled back and she saw Felicia trying to follow her until she almost lost her balance.

"Here hold this in your mouth; I'll need it again soon." Monica said as she put the handle of the whip into Felicia's mouth.

Felicia opened her mouth accepting the whip handle as she tried not to grin. Monica went over to where the nipple clamps were sitting and she picked them up along with some of the new weights and the pussy clamps. She came back to Felicia and stood there for a few moments just making Felicia wait and she could see her slowly get antsy. She then bent over giving her right nipple a kiss and she saw it start to get hard. She then took the nipple between her fingers pulling it out a bit before placing a clamp on it. She heard Felicia moan as the clamp squeezed her nipple.

"How does that feel?" Monica asked her as she took the handle from Felicia mouth so she could talk.

"It is a little tighter than the other one so don't pull this one off when I cum." Felicia told her.

Monica placed the handle back to Felicia's mouth and she opened it to take it in. Then she said, "You're assuming that I'm going to let you cum."

Felicia let out a giggle or tried to with the handle in her mouth. Monica kissed the left nipple before pulling it out and placing the clamp on it. Felicia moaned again so Monica let her get used to the new clamps before she placed the first weight on the chain. Felicia let out a groan and again Monica waited for a moment before placing a second one on the chain. This time Felicia moaned a little louder but she seemed to be okay however Monica decided to stop there with the weights. She then went down to her knees giving Felicia's clit a kiss drawing a moan from Felicia as she pushed her pussy out toward her which was what Monica wanted.

She reached out taking a hold of Felicia's right pussy lip and she felt Felicia tensing a little. Monica kissed her clit again to get her to relax then she placed the clamp on the lip and then she slowly released it. Felicia sucked in her breath then she slowly released it. Monica went ahead and placed a clamp to the left side lip. Felicia again sucked in her breath holding it a little longer before releasing it. Monica kept an eye on Felicia as she placed a weight on the chain and she slowly released it. Monica watched as the lips were pulled downward and Felicia sucked in her breath. Monica placed a second weight on the chain pulling the lips down even more. Felicia tightened her face but she seemed okay however Monica saw sweat developing above Felicia's upper lip.

"Do you want anymore?" Monica asked her.

Felicia hesitated for a second before shaking her head "Yes."

Monica had one more weight left and it was the heaviest. She placed it between the first two then she released it. Felicia groaned louder and Monica was about to pick up the weights when she calmed down.

Monica stood up, taking the whip handle from her mouth, and she asked, "Are you okay, do you want me to take the clamps off?"

"No I like it; it hurts some but not that bad now. I just wish I could see what it looks like." Felicia told her.

"Okay," Monica said and she saw Felicia turn her head so that Monica could remove the scarf covering her eyes. However Monica went to the desk that Felicia kept her camera. She got in front of her and began to snap several pictures. She knew that even with the scarf over her eyes, Felicia could tell she was taking pictures of her as she couldn't help but to smile. After taking several from the front and back, Monica stood in front of Felicia and said, "Here, look at these pictures, you look so cute in them."

"Oh you bitch!" Felicia said through she was grinning at her.

"I'm a bitch am I? You know I was going to be nice and not whip you anymore but now I think that cute ass of yours needs another whipping." Monica told her.

"Well you are a bitch, so give me what you got." Felicia said as she bent over ever so slowly.

"Tell me if I go too hard or too long." Monica said wanting to make sure she didn't do too much.

"Oh I can take what you got bitch!" Felicia said as she wiggled her ass which caused the weights on her nipples and pussy lips to move and she moaned.

"You asked for it." Monica said as she went behind of Felicia and she began to whip that cute ass harder and faster than before.

Felicia moaned and groaned as Monica whipped her. She was moving her ass around so the weights were moving too. Monica was about to let up when Felicia cried out, "Whip me Bitch!"

Monica was surprised by this outburst but she could see that Felicia's pussy was getting wetter and wetter. So she whipped her harder and going down to the thighs to whip them. Felicia was obviously getting into this so she kept going until Felicia's ass and thighs were very red. Monica didn't know when she should stop as Felicia was moving around but making no effort to get away from the whip plus she was still calling her a bitch which Monica was taking as meaning that she didn't want her to stop.

Then Felicia cried out, "Oh Monica, I need to cum!"

Monica dropped the whip and went to her side. She reached down and started to rub Felicia's clit hard and fast. She was kissing her face as she did so. Felicia was wiggling all around and the weights were flying all around, so much that Monica was afraid they would pull her nipples and pussy lips off. About then Felicia let out a loud moan and Monica felt Felicia soak her fingers and the floor with her girlcum. Monica had to grab her as she started to fall. Once she had her on her knees, she removed the clamps from her nipples and pussy lips rubbing both as Felicia moaned and shivered more from the intensity of her orgasm. Monica untied Felicia's hands and pulled off the scarf from around her head so she could open her eyes when the orgasm allowed her to. Monica held her tightly kissing her face and caressing her body.

It took Felicia longer than usual to recover and when her eyes opened, she said, "Oh god that was intense, my pussy is still quivering."

"That's good to hear, I wasn't sure how far you wanted to take this. I was whipping you pretty hard there." Monica told her as she kissed her lightly on the lips.

"It hurt but I liked it and the clamps were hurting too but that just added to it all. I think we got to do this again, once my nipples and pussy recovers." Felicia said with a giggle. Then she saw the wet spot on the carpet, "Oh god, did I pee on the floor?"

Monica smiled, "No but you squirted pretty well, it just means that you had an intense orgasm. I'll just have to remember to put some towels down next time." Monica said as she gave her a kiss then she got up to get a towel from the bathroom. When she came back, Felicia had the whip in her hand and a gleam in her eyes. Monica smiled as she went to her knees and she soaked up Felicia's girlcum from the carpet, as she did so she felt the tails of the whip going across her back. She looked up and smiled at Felicia so she would know that she was willing to have Felicia do the same things to her.

Once she had the spot soaked up, she took the towel back to the laundry room giving Felicia time to rest a bit more and she could get a towel for herself in case she ended up squirting since she was already so excited. When she came back into the living room, Felicia was standing and had two scarves in her hands. Monica came up to her, closing her eyes as Felicia put one of the scarves around them and tying it behind her head. Monica could sense Felicia walking around her so she wasn't surprised to feel Felicia grab her wrists from behind. However instead of just putting them behind her back as she had done, Felicia brought her wrists up placing them behind her head and it was there that she tied them together. Monica liked that Felicia was thinking for herself and not just copying what she had done to her. It also made her wonder just what Felicia would have planned for her now.

Monica waited for a moment, hearing Felicia breath and smelling her sex but then sweet aroma disappeared and she heard her walking off. Monica was even more curious now and she had to wait a couple of minutes before she heard Felicia return. Again she could sense Felicia walking around her and she kept waiting to feel the sting of the whip and she heard the tails sail through the air in front of her breasts but they never touched her. Instead she felt the lightest of touches on her left nipple which made it grow harder than it already was. As she felt the light touch on her right nipple, she realized that Felicia had retrieved the feather. She then moved the feather around the base of her breasts before she circled the right breast until she got to the nipple and she let the tip of the feather go across it.

"Shit," Monica cried out as she wanted Felicia to touch her for real, the feather on her breasts was driving her crazy.

She heard Felicia giggle then she felt the feather trail down her belly and she had to wiggle around as it tickled so much. She tried to pull her hands down but Felicia had obviously tied her wrists together pretty well. Slowly the end of the feather got to a point that was just above her pussy. Monica was biting her lower lip as the tip of the feather ran back and forth ever so close to her most sensitive spot. She felt her pussy producing more juices and she could feel them leaking onto her thighs. Felicia kept the feather there for the longest time before Monica felt it start to move again. The feather tip went to her clit which was peeking from its hood and Felicia teased it mercilessly as Monica moaned. The light touch just made her want to reach down and really rub her clit hard but she couldn't. It was all she could do to hold her pussy out for Felicia to tease. The feather finally left her clit and Monica felt some relief but then she felt it on the left side of her pussy and then the right side. This felt just as bad, and it got worse when she moved the feather tip to her slit. The feather started at the bottom and went up to her clit where it stayed for a few moments then back to her slit. Monica was trying her best to stand still but it was so fucking hard. She was moaning and groaning as she felt the desperate need to rub her pussy or better yet get Felicia to rub it.

After what seemed an eternity, the feather left her pussy. It did give her some relief but the need to cum was so great within her. She felt the feather trail around her hip and she could tell that the tip was very wet from her juices. Monica felt a hand to the middle of her back and one at her shoulder. The hands made her bend over until she felt her shoulders hit the arm of the couch. Then she felt Felicia push her legs out wider and she could feel her pussy and ass opening up. She knew what was coming next and she was right this time. The feather touched her at the top of her ass crack and all so slowly made its way down her crack to her asshole. There it stopped and tickled her to no end. Monica moaned as she puckered her asshole as the feather went across it. It stayed there for much too long then went back to her pussy where it tickled her there again. Now Felicia was running the feather from the top of her ass crack to her clit and back again. Monica was twisting her body all over the place as she just moaned from her frustration. After another five minutes of this teasing, Monica couldn't stand it no more, her body needed more than the feather touching her.

"Oh god Felicia just do something to me, just get rid of that god damn feather." Monica moaned out.

Monica felt the feather being laid down on her back and even that tickled. Then she felt Felicia's hands on her hips and something hard at the entrance of her pussy. Monica knew then that Felicia had obviously put the strap-on on before she started the teasing. Monica started to push back on Felicia's cock only to feel a sting on her right ass cheek as Felicia slapped it hard.

"Stay still or you won't get fucked." Felicia warned her.

"Oh god you are being such a tease today." Monica said as she tried to stay still with the cock just at the entrance of her pussy and going no further.

"And you're loving it, seeing how wet your pussy is." Felicia said as she left the cock in place not moving it.

It stayed there for what seemed like an eternity before Monica had so say something, "Pleaseee..." which was all she could think of to say.

Monica felt the cock taken away from her pussy and the first thing that went through her mind was that if she could get her hands on Felicia at that instant, she would kill her. However that wasn't necessary as she felt the cock head back at her pussy and it plunged deep into her pussy.

"Fuck yes!" Monica cried out as she felt the cock filling her pussy, stretching out her pussy lips as Felicia had put on the larger dildo onto the harness and was fucking her with it. Monica felt Felicia grabbing her hips and she was fucking her hard and deep. The cock felt like it was splitting her in two as it went in and out of her pussy. Felicia was using the full length of the fake cock and Monica was enjoying every inch of the cock.

"Fuck me hard!" Monica cried out to Felicia as she pushed back against Felicia on each stroke of the cock.

Monica wanted her hands free but she knew Felicia wasn't about to do that so she just enjoyed the hard fucking that Felicia was giving her. Monica was so excited from the teasing that she couldn't hold out long from the wonderful fucking that Felicia was giving her. She had waited too long to get to the fucking and soon she felt her pussy clamping down on Felicia's fake cock and she came. She felt her knees go weak but Felicia held her up as she continued to fuck her pussy. Monica got her legs back under her as she came around. She began to push back against Felicia's strokes feeling the cock go so deep into her pussy. It filled her so well and she couldn't get enough. Felicia was pushing in deep into her pussy and then she felt Felicia's hands leave her hips. She felt one hand on the center of her back and the other came around her right side. Then the felt that damn feather tickling her breasts.

"Goddd...." Monica cried out as she felt the feather going across her nipples and then the feather and the fake cock did their job as she felt another massive orgasm pass through her body. This time she did fall to the floor as she let her orgasm take over her mind and soul.

When she came around she found that her hands were free and Felicia was kissing her face as she was wiping the sweat from her brow. "Oh god, you are suck a tease." Monica moaned out as she pulled Felicia to her kissing her passionately.

"Did you like it?" Felicia asked as the kiss ended.

"I loved it, you did great babe." Monica told her.

"You didn't mind that I didn't use the clips that we bought?" Felicia asked her.

"I was surprised but pleasantly so." Monica assured her.

"I didn't go too long in teasing you did I?" Felicia asked.

"No you did it just about right. I was just to the point of wanting to shove that damn feather up your ass when you started to fuck me. So your timing was perfect." Monica told her as she kissed her again to stop the questions and to let Felicia know that she had done fine.

They rested for a while, kissing and cuddling before retiring to the bedroom, where Monica showed Felicia just what the feather could do to her body. She had Felicia squirming around the bed laughing and giggling but also getting so fucking aroused that Monica had to fuck her long and hard to get all the desire from Felicia's body.

Sunday Felicia brought out the nipple clamps again and early the next morning Monica got that call from Felicia telling her how tender her nipples were from her bra rubbing them. Monica knew that this had already become a tradition with them and she wondered if either of their nipples could survive it.

The following weekend they spent Saturday back with Joyce's family at the lake as Felicia had fallen back in love with the water and she loved playing with Jayne and Cody. They had come a long way in their diving abilities and Felicia loved teaching them new things that she knew. Felicia had quickly fallen in love with all of Joyce's family as they treated her just like they did Monica. The first time that they had gone to the lake with Joyce and her family, the family took it easy on her with her fear of the water. But that was now a thing of the past and Felicia would also go out and ride the tube with Cody and Jayne. She had now become a part of the family and was kidded and teased just as Monica was.

They also began to spend a few more Friday night's at Felicia's parents as Felicia and her mother become a little closer. She seemed to Monica more at ease talking with her mother. The pressure seemed to be off of her to become the girl she was. Monica wondered now who was putting the most pressure for her to do that, Sherrie or Felicia herself. She began to suspect that maybe it was Felicia who thought that she had to be that person and thus felt like a failure because she couldn't pull it off. But at this point it really didn't matter as Felicia and Sherrie had found a way to become mother and daughter.

And, of course, they went to see each play that came to the theater. They both enjoyed going to them and they loved to dress up and go to dinner and then see whatever was playing. They even enjoyed watching the play when the plot of the play wasn't something that really excited them. It was just going out and seeing the actors and enjoying being there.

As the first month of their relationship passed into the second month and then into the third, Monica began to pick up on something about Felicia's memory, while most things she forgot after a couple of months, when it came to the things that they had done together, Felicia seemed to be retaining them. Monica wanted to say something to Felicia about it but she was afraid to. She even mentioned this to Sherrie who had noticed the same thing and neither knew how to handle it so they decided to just let Felicia bring it up first if she chose to do so. Monica still wondered if she was doing the right thing by not bringing it up but things were going so well that she figured it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. However sometimes those sleeping dogs wake on their own and thus was the case with Felicia.

As Felicia would talk about something that they had done more than a couple of months before, she would pause for a moment like she was realizing that it was something that she shouldn't have been able to remember. Again Monica would just let it pass and talk about whatever Felicia had mentioned. Monica was encouraged by Felicia's ability to remember more even if it was just when it was about them. However this retention of their shared events seemed to scare Felicia or at least it seemed that way to Monica. She knew that she should talk to Felicia about it but again, her family had made such a fuss about not mentioning anything about Felicia's memory that Monica was afraid to do so either and that would cost her dearly.

One Friday, Monica came over as she always did, coming on into Felicia's apartment as she had been given a key long ago. Usually Felicia was in the kitchen fixing her something to eat as she always arrived hungry, only this day Felicia wasn't in the kitchen so she went looking for her. She wasn't in the bathroom, and then she heard a noise coming from the bedroom. She noticed that the door was shut and that was something that they had never done. She went to the door, putting her ear to it and it sounded like Felicia was crying. Monica slowly opened the door, seeing Felicia lying on her side and tears were just running down her cheek.

"What's wrong baby?" Monica said as she rushed into the room, sitting by Felicia, pulling her up and hugging her to her body.

Felicia looked into her eyes with those tear stained eyes, and Monica could see that she was about to tell her what was wrong but then she saw this scared look in her eyes that she was getting more and more often. "Oh nothing, I watched a sad movie and it got to me." She said as she got up pulling herself from Monica's arms.

"What movie was it?" Monica asked as she got up following her.

"What movie was it what?" Felicia asked her as she entered the kitchen.

"The movie that made you cry?" Monica told her feeling more than a little frustrated at the way that Felicia was acting. Something was up and Felicia wasn't cooperating.

"Oh I forgot, you know how my memory is, I can't remember anything more than a few minutes." Felicia said, and then she asked, "So what you want for lunch?"

"Your memory is a lot better than it used to be." Monica told her not being able to hold it in anymore.

"No it isn't, it's the same as it always is." Felicia told her and Monica saw Felicia's eyes show that fear but then her eyes flashed their anger at her for even mentioning such a thing.

Monica so wanted to pursue the argument but she backed down afraid to start a fight with Felicia. And this just made her even madder at herself and Felicia as she knew for them to have a real relationship; they would have to learn to argue and then learn to make up.

"Let's go out to eat, I don't feel like staying in." Felicia told her as she strolled out of the kitchen leaving Monica there confused and fuming more than just a tad.

Monica gave in yet again, going and finding her purse then catching up with Felicia who was already out of the apartment and heading toward the car. Felicia seemed to be distant for the rest of the day and then she suggested that they go see Joyce that evening though is wasn't something that they had planned. So Monica had to call Joyce to see what they were up to and found out that Cody had a little league game that evening so Monica invited themselves along.

Once at the ballpark, Felicia quickly got into watching the game as Monica talked to Joyce about what had happened that day. Joyce wasn't sure what to make of the crying either but she did strongly suggest that she talk to Felicia to see what was going on. So that night as they lay in bed, Monica tried to do just that.

"Honey is there something bothering you?" she asked her.

"No everything is fine." Felicia told her as she turned away from her.

"It just that I have noticed that you are remembering more and more and when I mentioned that to you this afternoon, it upset you." Monica told her as she put her hand on Felicia's shoulder.

"No it didn't..." Felicia told her defensively, "...and don't mention anything about my memory, it hasn't changed and never will. If you can't live with that then you're free to leave anytime." Felicia told her before moving away from her to the edge of the bed.

Monica was taken aback by this sudden change so she knew something had happened that morning before she got there but what it was, she didn't know but she knew she needed to find out quickly.

"Honey, just what happened this morning, did someone say something to you?" Monica asked her as she slipped over close to Felicia.

"Only you and you wanting to dig into my lack of memory; like I told you if you don't like me as I am now then you are free to leave." Felicia said as she got up out of the bed.

Monica lay there watching as Felicia left the bedroom; she wasn't sure what to do with her. She lay on her back waiting for Felicia to return but after about five minutes she realized that Felicia wasn't going to return. So she got up to go look for her. She found her lying on the couch facing the back. Monica went over to the couch and she lay down behind of her.

"I'm sorry if I said anything wrong, I don't want to ever leave you and I promise never to mention your memory again." Monica said to her then she placed her hand on her shoulder.

"You promise?" Felicia asked her so quietly that Monica barely heard her.

"Yes I promise." Monica said as she kissed her on the back of her head.

"Okay," Felicia said as she turned around and Monica could see that fear in her eyes.

Monica pulled Felicia to her body, hugging her tightly as she kissed her face. She wanted to make Felicia feel better and herself feel better but she just didn't feel that this was over with yet. She felt like this was just the beginning of their troubles. They slept on the couch that night so they were both stiff the next morning. Monica tried several times to get Felicia into the mood to make love but she just wanted to sit and read however Monica could tell that Felicia wasn't doing that much reading. The pages were turning much too slowly for Felicia to be reading it. And that night for the first time, Felicia didn't call her from work complaining about her nipples since they hadn't played with the nipples clamps.

Over the week, Felicia didn't seem to be getting better even though Monica kept her promise not to mention her memory. But then again Felicia had pretty much stopped talking to her, making Monica do all the talking which was hard since it was a slow week at work and nothing much was happening. The only thing that was different was the fear that was growing in Felicia's eyes. By Friday when she got to the diner, Monica was growing scared for Felicia as she was very quiet and she had very little to say to her however she was touching her every chance that she got. She also seemed to be studying her as if she was trying to engrain Monica into her memory. Then when she left that morning from the diner, Felicia went with her even though there were customers in the diner.

When they got Monica's car, Felicia leaned in giving her a hug then she kissed her softy on the lips. "Come by at one." She said as she went back into the diner.

Monica was left there standing wondering what that was about. Just the way that Felicia kissed and held her made her feel like it was the last time that she would do either with her. And the way that Felicia looked and touched her just added to that feeling and then add to that the fact that Felicia had told her to "Come by..." instead of telling her to just come on over when she woke up as she normally did. Monica watched her for a few minutes before getting into her car and driving home. She didn't even try to go to sleep as she knew that it wouldn't do any good. She was just too worried and upset about what was to come to believe that she could sleep.

One o'clock was a long time coming but it got there and she found herself at Felicia's door afraid to knock. However she did knock and she didn't have to wait long for the door to be opened. She saw a sad looking Felicia standing her then she saw the two bags that were in her hands.

"Why?" Monica asked.

"Because you deserve better than me." Felicia said as she put the bags in front of Monica then she went to close the door.

"There isn't anyone better than you Felicia." Monica told her as the tears streamed down her face.

"Yes there is, now go and find her. I don't want to ever see you again. Don't come by the diner either, you're not welcome there anymore. If you do, I'll have Juan kick you out. I'll even get a restraining order on you if you do. I don't want to but I will. You know I will too." Felicia told her as she shut the door in her face leaving her standing there crying. She stood there for a few minutes then she could feel that she was being watched so she picked up her bags, turned around and made her way back to her car not caring that everyone could see her crying.

When she got home, she tried to figure out what to do and who to call to find out just what the hell went wrong. The first person she thought about was Felicia's mom Sherrie so she picked up her cell phone and made the call.

"Do you know what Felicia did?" Monica asked as soon as Sherrie answered the phone.

"Yea, she just called me and told me not to talk to you and in fact I was no longer allowed to talk about you." Sherrie said and Monica could hear the sadness in her voice.

"So are you going to talk to me?" Monica asked.

"Well since she stopped listening to what I tell her to do long ago then I'm not bound by her orders. Besides you are good for her and I'm damn sure not going to let her go back to her little isolated world for which I am as much to blame for as anybody. I wanted to protect her too much and you showed me and her just what she can do." Sherrie told her.

"What should I do? Go back and demand that she talk to me?" Monica asked her as she felt her tears start to flow again.

"No wait until I can get her to talk to me, I'll find out what my misguided daughter is doing." Sherrie told her.

"Okay but hurry, I'm afraid that she will forget about me and how much I care about her." Monica told her.

"Well maybe that will be our ace in the hole, you can start again or at least whatever that has scared her away will be forgotten and you can get back with her." Sherrie told her.

"Well I hope that it is the latter, I don't want her to forget about me." Monica told her.

"For some reason I don't think she will, you know that you are the only thing that she has been able to remember longer than two months." Sherrie told her.

"But what if that changes with me not being there all the time. I mean if I wasn't staying at her place I was visiting her at the diner and most days I did both." Monica stated.

"I just don't think that will happen. Maybe it is just a mother's intuition but I feel it in my bones that she will never forget you."Sherrie told her.

"Oh god I hope so." Monica told her.

"Now tell me about what has gone on lately and let's see if we can make sense of my silly daughter's behavior." Sherrie asked of her.

Monica told her everything that she had been noticing lately though even as she told Sherrie, she couldn't find anything that would explain what was happening except that it had to do with Felicia's memory but she felt like there was also something there that she was missing. The fact that Felicia was remembering more did scared Felicia but there was something else that had happened that triggered Felicia to cry that morning and which led her to kicking her out of her life. Sherrie was coming to much the same conclusion but she didn't have a clue as to what that was either. They talked for a couple of hours before hanging up but Sherrie promised to keep her up to date on what was happening with her daughter.

The next person Monica called was Joyce but she didn't talk long to her as Joyce told her that she would be right there. As soon as Joyce got there, she gathered Monica up in her arms and let her cry it out. Then they spent the rest of the afternoon and evening talking it out. Joyce wanted to go over and slap some sense into Felicia's head but Monica wouldn't let her do that. So they talked and talked until Monica fell asleep from exhaustion. Then when she woke up the next morning, Joyce was still there and she made her breakfast making sure she ate well. She stayed with her most of the day before Monica convinced her that she needed to return to her own family who needed to be mothered as much as she did at the moment.

Monica worked out her frustration out on the old desk that she had just picked up. It was in bad shape and needed a lot of work which was good as Monica had now added anger to the frustration that she was feeling. She worked all day barely taking a break getting all the old paint and varnish off the table. She worked through the night and only went to bed when she knew that she would fall asleep. She was still hurt and angry when she went to work that night. Carol had decided that she had been good long enough and it was time to start some trouble but all Monica had to do was look her way and Carol shut up real quick. Monica decided that maybe being angry at the world wasn't a completely bad thing but she had to work at not taking it out on anyone else.

Monica called Sherrie on Tuesday afternoon to find out if there had been any updates from Felicia but Sherrie wasn't making any progress. She said that Felicia refused to talk about her and she refused to say what had happened. Sherrie was afraid to push too hard as she didn't want Felicia to shut her out too. Monica agreed with her on this point as right now Sherrie was the only way she could get information about Felicia. So they talked until it was time for Monica to get ready for work.

The rest of the week went slowly and it was hard as hell to drive by the diner without stopping but she knew that Felicia meant what she said about not stopping there. Felicia was determined to get her out of her life but why? That was the big question; the question that Monica had to get the answer to before she could let go.

That weekend, she spent with Joyce as she needed to get away from her place and away from Felicia. If she had stayed home, she would think about Felicia the whole time. Everyone was nice to her and Joyce made sure that she was kept busy. Jayne was particularly attentive asking how she was doing and telling her that she was there to talk to if needed. Monica gave Jayne and big hug and thanked her for being such a great niece. The weekend was nice but she still spent a lot of time thinking of Felicia and talking to Joyce about her.

When she got back Sunday afternoon, she called Sherrie but she didn't get to talk long since Felicia was there. She did say that Felicia was spending more time there which was nice but she could sense that Felicia would rather spend her time with someone else through she wouldn't admit to that. This gave Monica hope but her wanting to spend time with her and allowing herself to do it was another matter. Sherrie got off the phone quickly but did call her back after she had taken Felicia to work and they talked longer. Monica asked if it was safe to stop by and see Felicia but Sherrie cautioned her not to, Felicia was still determined to keep her away.

Monica waited for another couple of weeks before she just had to see Felicia again. She just couldn't stand it; she just had to make sure that she was doing okay. So when she got off work early Friday morning, she pulled into the diner not meaning to go in. She just wanted to see her and see how she was doing. She sat in her car letting it run as she looked for Felicia. Soon she came into view carrying a bunch of dirty plates. Monica started to duck down but she knew that Felicia would recognize her car and besides she wanted Felicia to see her. She had to let her know that she still cared about her. Felicia about dropped the plates she was carrying when she looked out and saw her. It was hard to tell but Monica thought she saw a sad look come over her face but then that face grew angry. She dumped the plates behind the counter before running around the counter to the front door.

"Get the hell out of here, I told you I never wanted to see you here!" Felicia yelled from the door. And this brought Juan from the back to see what was going on.

Monica felt her heart break as she held up her hands to show she meant no harm. Then as the tears streamed down her face, she backed out and headed out of the parking lot. She was crying so hard that she could barely see the road but somehow she made it home. She went straight to bed crying herself to sleep. She just couldn't believe how Felicia had turned against her so quickly and completely. She slept for only a few hours before she woke up feeling so fucking bad. Her head was pounding and her heart ached so badly. She peed then went to the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee as she called Joyce. Again Joyce only talked for a minute before saying that she was coming over to get her.

Joyce took her home with her and they all took care of her that weekend. Joyce convinced Monica that maybe it was time to give up on Felicia. Whatever was going on with her wasn't getting any better and it didn't appear that it would. And Monica knew in her heart that Joyce was right. Besides there was nothing she could do to convince Felicia to let her back in. If Felicia didn't want her around then she wasn't going to become one of these stalkers who kept after her. The ball was in Felicia's court and it would stay there until she hit it back and that didn't seem to likely at this point. So she accepted her fate but that didn't mean that the heartache went away, it was still there and would stay there for a long time to come. When she got home Sunday night, she called Sherrie and told her what had happened and that she was letting Felicia go. Sherrie tried to talk her out of it but Monica was firm in her decision. Monica told her that she would keep in contact with her as she did like Sherrie and a part of her wanted to make sure that Felicia was alright. She still cared for her and was concerned about her. So they talked awhile then Monica said goodbye knowing that it was indeed over between her and Felicia.

So Monica went back to working on her furniture and reading her books when she wasn't working. It was the two things that keep her hands and mind busy and off of Felicia. She did talk to Sherrie every couple of weeks but they rarely talked about Felicia. Sherrie just said that she had gone back to her old ways, working and staying in her apartment. She did come and see them more often and Sherrie was going to see her. They had grown closer but Sherrie couldn't get Felicia out like Monica was able to do. She told Monica that she would gladly give up some of the time she was now spending with her daughter just to see her happy and as alive as she was when she was with her. This broke Monica's heart all over again but she just couldn't do anything about it. The way that Felicia hollered at her from the diner that night was more than she could take again. Once was more than enough for any one lifetime.

The weeks and months passed as Monica was making a killing on her furniture. She was refinishing a piece about every two weeks as she put all of her soul into it. About everyone at the plant had an old piece that they wanted done and she gladly took the work in. It kept her busy and she pretended that she was happy doing it. The cruise that she and Felicia were to go on with Libby and her girlfriend came and passed. She just didn't feel like going without Felicia. There was another one scheduled for the spring and she promised Libby that she would go on it, even if she had to go alone. When Thanksgivings came, she spent her days off with Joyce and her family. Their parents came down and spent the long weekend so Joyce had a full house. Monica had for the most part stopped thinking about Felicia by that time however it was Jayne who brought her up one night. Monica was bunking in her room since Monica and Joyce's parents had taken the spare bedroom.

They were lying in Jayne's big bed talking about school and the things that Jayne was into there. It was fun to listen to Jayne go on about school and all the plans she had for the future. Her life was just starting and she so wanted to get out into the world and explore it.

Then unexpectedly Jayne popped out with, "Have you seen Felicia lately?"

The question took Monica by completely surprise as everyone had about stopped talking about Felicia except for Jayne who always did so when they were alone. But on this trip she waited until the last night before doing so. And Monica had figured that Jayne had to given up on her and Felicia getting back together. "No, of course not, you know that. Why are you asking?"

"I was just wondering. You know maybe it is time for you to try again. Maybe she has had time to think about things and changed her mind." Jayne told her.

"Honey, things don't always work out in the real world as they do in your books and movies that you read and see. Sometimes love just ends and that is it." Monica told her as she took Jayne's hand giving it a squeeze as she hated to tell Jayne that every romance doesn't end happy ever after.

"I know but you and Felicia was made to be together, I just know it. Please just go see her one more time for me." Jayne pleaded with her.

"Honey, you know Felicia's memory, she has probably forgotten all about me now and I'm not sure that if we tried again that things would end any differently. Maybe she is better off without me in her life." Monica told her.

"But she isn't better off, she's worse off and you need to go and save her." Jayne told her and Monica could see the heartache in Jayne's face.

"How do you know that Jayne?" Monica asked becoming more than a little suspicious of her niece.

"I just do." Jayne told her.

"You haven't been talking to her have you?" Monica said as she was about to go off on her niece if she had.

"No, I haven't I promise. I just feel it in my heart. Just do it for me and I promise never to ask you for anything else." Jayne told her.

"Honey, you have been making that promise to me since you were old enough to talk and you have yet to keep it." Monica said with a smile.

"This time I will. Just do this for me and if she rejects you then I will never mention her name again, I promise." Jayne told her.

Monica didn't believe this promise any more than she did the others but it had been months since she had last seen Felicia and even though her memory had improved, she doubted that she would remember her now. Even Sherrie had told her that Felicia had stopped talking about her so she figured that she was safe in stopping by the diner. "Okay, I'll stop in and see her but then that's it. You can't ever mention Felicia again, you promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die," Jayne said as she crossed her heart and smiled at her.

"Yea right, you probably got both your fingers crossed and your toes crossed when you said that." Monica told her as she gave her a hug not bothering to check Jayne's hands for fear that she would find her fingers crossed as they actually were. "Now go to sleep, your old aunt is tired."

"Yea I know how you old people are." Jayne said with a giggle as she turned over on her side away from Monica.

Monica then popped Jayne's ass for that comment and said, "I'm not that much older than you little girl."

Jayne said "Ouch" then she giggled before falling into a contented sleep of the young leaving Monica there thinking about Felicia all over again.

Monica was awake for half the night as her niece slept away. She started to wonder if Jayne was right after all and it was time to make one more try at Felicia, she was worth that at the very least. But what would she do if Felicia had no memory of her at all and that was a real possibility. She wasn't sure she was up to starting over with Felicia and not have it end the same way. What if she got scared again and dumped her. Getting dumped was hard enough to get over but getting dumped twice by the same girl might be pretty hard to take. She was tough but she wasn't so sure that she was that tough. As she finally began to get sleepy, she looked over at her niece and she figured that maybe it was okay to follow the advice of her innocent in the ways of love niece. It was with that thought that she fell asleep.

Monica thought about going to see Felicia all week trying to get her courage up but every morning, she found a reason to pass the diner by. When Friday morning arrived and she was locking up the plant, she knew that this would have to be the day that she fulfilled her promise to Jayne. She was as scared as she had ever been in her life as she walked out to her car. Then she drove under the speed limit for the first time in years as she headed toward the diner. But she got there all the same and she had to force herself to pull into the parking lot. Her only hope now was that Felicia had taken the night off or had switched to days. She knew that her luck never went that well and such was the case tonight.

She got out of her car going into the diner. She didn't see Felicia at first as there were several customers in the diner and all were eating but Felicia nor Juan were to be seen. Monica went over to her usual seat and she hopped up on the stool at the end of the counter. Monica felt nervous sitting there as she had forgotten her book. But there was a paper a couple of seats down so she grabbed it and began to read the comics hoping that there would be a funny one that would help her to relax. She heard the doors behind the counter swing open however she didn't pull her paper down to see whom it was.

"What can I get you to drink?" she heard a very familiar voice say.

Monica hesitated for a moment before she brought the paper down so that Felicia could see whom she was talking to. Monica looked into Felicia's eyes and she saw for just an instant that Felicia recognized her and she was pleased to see her again but then her face went blank like she was just a waitress waiting on a customer she would see once and never again.

"Coffee," Monica said leaving out that she needed creamer just to test Felicia and see what she would do.

She just nodded her head getting a coffee cup and filling it with coffee from a fresh pot and not the one that had obviously been sitting there for a while. Then she went to the cooler and got some creamer bringing it over to Monica and setting it in front of her.

"Thank you," Monica said with a smile as she saw that Felicia had just realized that she had given herself away with the creamer. Monica could almost see her cussing herself for not asking if she needed cream but it was too late now.

"What do you want to eat?" Felicia said in a fake monotone that Monica knew she was trying to use to sound bored and uninterested but her eyes were betraying her. They were telling Monica that she so wanted to say or do something right then but she just couldn't let herself.

"Let me try some of your new biscuits and gravy, they sound real good. Have you tried them?" Monica asked trying to strike up a conversation.

"Yea, they're real good." Felicia said then she turned and hollered, "Juan, I got a B&G for you." Then she left Monica to look after her other customers.

Monica wanted Felicia to stay and talk but this wasn't the place, besides Monica got the information that she needed. It wasn't the response she expected to get from Felicia as she expected to either get no response from Felicia or be hauled off to jail for being a stalker. But now that she had gotten a somewhat positive response from Felicia, what should she do with it. She wasn't expecting it so she didn't plan ahead. She knew she would have to come up with something soon but this moment wasn't that time. She could afford to wait but not for long. When Juan came out; he saw Monica and was about to call out to her when Monica shook her head no. She didn't want to make a scene and force Felicia's hand. Lucky Felicia was busy so she didn't see their silent exchange. Felicia soon brought her food and refilled her coffee without saying anything to her but Monica could see that Felicia was eyeing her. Monica ate her food and read for a few minutes as she drank her coffee. Then she paid her bill and left the diner. However as she was starting her car, she saw Felicia looking at her and she was staring hard. She saw Felicia arguing with Juan and she figured that Juan was telling her to go out and talk to her and Felicia wasn't having any of that.

Monica backed out and headed home. Now came the tough part, trying to decide what to do. She could wait until Monday morning and stop in again but she had a feeling that she had a very short window of opportunity here and she needed to strike while the iron was hot. She went home but she wasn't sleepy in the least so she went to work on the dresser she was now working on as she formulated a plan. She finally came to the conclusion that if she was going to do anything then today was the day to do it. So she tried to figure out what she was going to say to her when she went over to see her. She was going over everything that Felicia could possibly say to her knowing full well that anything that she would come up with would not have anything to do with how the conversation actually went but it kept her mind busy and helped to calm her down.

Monica did manage to lie down and get a couple of hours of sleep before noon when she got up and took a shower. She put on her best pair of jeans and a knit top that would keep her warm as the weather had turned cold. She then grabbed her coat and headed out to see what the rest of her life would be like. Either she was going to get back with Felicia or she would get her heart stomped on again. Or maybe Felicia wouldn't be there and she would have to live another day in limbo.

She had to park a good ways away from Felicia's apartment and that wasn't a good sign as far as she was concerned. She walked to Felicia apartment feeling the cold harsh wind cut through her body. It chilled her heart and she just knew that it was going to go bad today. She almost turned around to go back to her car but she forced herself to go on. She had to get this over with today.

She was about to knock on Felicia's door when she heard yelling coming from inside of the apartment. One of them was Felicia's and another was Sherrie, she thought but the third she could make out. It was familiar but not completely so. Monica became worried now so she knocked hard and the voices quieted down. She had to wait for a minute but then the door opened and she was looking at Ruth, Felicia's great grandmother.

"Well speak of the devil," She said then she added, "Come on in girl, your timing's perfect."

Monica stepped inside and she went on into the living room where she saw Sherrie standing by the kitchen door and Felicia was standing by the hallway leading to the bedrooms. Monica tried to read Felicia's eyes but this time she had time to cover any reaction that she may have had by her sudden arrival.

"I think that you have come to say or ask something of our problem child over there so go ahead and ask her." Ruth said as she came up beside of her leaning on her cane.

Monica was suddenly speechless as she looked from Ruth to Sherrie and finally to Felicia. She wasn't expecting to have Ruth and Sherrie there when she talked to Felicia so she didn't know what to say but then she looked at Felicia and saw that bored, do not care look in her eyes and it hurt her. She was hoping to see the same thing she saw at the diner but that was gone now. All she saw was that look that Felicia wanted it all to go away; she wanted her to go away so that was what she ended up asking.

"Do you want me to stay or go?" Monica askd her.

Felicia stood there for a moment not saying anything and Monica could see that the question went even deeper that she had intended for it to. It was a simple question but it actually was a question that the answer would determine both of their fates. The silence was almost deafening to Monica as her heart was in my ears beating loudly. Finally Felicia said, "It doesn't matter to me, you can stay or go, I don't really care."

Monica felt her heart sink as that wasn't what she wanted to hear, so she said, "Okay," and she started to leave when she felt Ruth old bony hand grab her elbow holding her in place. She was gripping it so tightly that it almost hurt.

"That isn't good enough young lady. Monica came over to get an answer from you and she deserves that answer. So get your ass over here and look into Monica's eyes and give her an honest answer. This is your one chance to tell her how you feel because once she walks out this door I suspect that she will never come back." Ruth said so angrily that even Monica was scared of her.

Felicia stood there for a moment and Monica felt sorry for her but she did want an answer that came from Felicia's heart so she would know for sure.

"Now get over her girl before I have your mother go get a switch and I'll wear that ass out of yours and don't think I won't, I wore her ass out once when she was about your age because she didn't mind me." Ruth told her in a cold steely voice. This time Felicia did move, abet slowly, toward her. Monica felt her heart beating pounding within her chest as Felicia drew nearer. She could now smell her perfume and it made her want her so badly but she held firm. She was going to make Felicia say what she had to say good or bad.

As Felicia drew close, Monica felt Ruth let go on her arm and step away. Felicia came up to her but she was looking down at first and no matter how much Monica wanted to reach down and lift her chin up, she didn't. She made Felicia do that on her own, which she did after a moment. And when she did, Monica saw the tears running down her cheeks.

End of Part Five.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 6

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