Merman Nightmare

By VaKuya Zeth

Published on May 22, 2022



Here's another monster merman erotica I've wrote for MerMay. I hope you enjoy the story

Merman Nightmare

This is the erotic tale that I never thought of telling out loud. A semi personal dark fetish fantasy that I have to share regardless of whoever believes me or not. For those who are not here for this tale, I'm not going to stop y'all from turning away. But for those who are interested regardless however, then oh boy! Do I have a dark secret of a story for y'all!?

Before I begin to tell my private tale, I must get one thing off my chest first and foremost. I don't want to bore y'all too much of the long recap of my endeavors. So I'll just spare y'all the boredom and share some little highlights of the time I have with these magnificent creatures.

So most of everyone knows that I grew up with the fascination of mermaids and mermen. They're like my favorite mythical creatures of all time. They are aquatic creatures with the figures of men and women, and their lower bodies are that of a fishtail. These sea creatures have been around for a long time throughout the centuries. And many stories surrounding these said creatures differ in other countries and the worlds beyond our own.

So I love mermaids and mermen all my life. However, I never thought I could fall head over heels for the ones I could've thought it would be possible. Especially mermen in particular. Yes! They're just as wonderful and cool as their female counterparts, but I could hardly view them as anything else other than foot tickling fetish material. That's because they don't have legs. Some people in the fetish community suggests that I could just tickle their upper bodies, since they are all bared torso. Yeah I can do that, but then again, there's no fun to that. I mostly get turned on by tickling other grown males on their feet. So that being said, I'm afraid that I cannot go for mermen like that, especially if they don't have legs nor feet.

Then in the year of 2015, a mutant merman named Travannus came into my life, while I was on a vacation in the Caribbean aisle. I was immediately attracted to his monstrous muscular body, the minute he approached me in the shallow waters of an isolated lagoon. When I told him everything about me during our chat, he was immediately intrigued by my personality. And that is when I told him that I have a foot fetish for any kinds of male feet. Surprisingly, he didn't judge me for it. Although he is straight, Travannus is undoubtedly open minded about the secret revelation. And then, his curiosity got the better of him. So he wanted to try my foot fetish. I told him that he needs to have legs for me to do just that, which he doesn't have them. All he has is his long black fishtail. Then suddenly, he caught me off my guard when he used his mutant powers to turn his tail into walkable legs. Black fish scales and fins covered every inch of his legs, just like the bright reddish scales all over his upper body. I quickly became aroused at the very sight of his big masculine size fifteen bare feet with sexily long webbed toes.

That is when Travannus completely changed my mind when he voluntarily allowed me to tickle his feet in the shower, right in my hotel suite. I had fun tickling his fishy soles that day. And I'm sure that he had fun too. Because of Travannus, I have now seen mermen in a brand new light. Well, fully creature-like ones to be precise.

And because of Travannus, I would've met Duncan. He is another mutant merman, with the tail and dentures of a Black Demon Shark. Therefore he was named by the seaside locals, "The Black Demon Shark Mutant Merman." When we were introduced to each other by Travannus, Duncan was already taken interest in me. And because of what Travannus has told him, Duncan invited me to come chill with him at his safe house. Being the open minded monster that he is, Duncan entertains my foot fetish by letting me erotically tickle him from his size seventeen and a half (now size eighteens) feet, to his naked muscular body. During the sensual kinky playtime, he lost his extended three hundredth years of virginity to me when I made him came. He overall enjoyed it as much as I did.

In the year of 2021, the year of the ongoing pandemic, I've met another rare merman. In fact, he is a dragon merman named Thryax. I found him swimming in the stream towards the park's waterfall aisle. We became great friends with benefits after our first encounter. A few days later, he came to dry land and visited me during the Memorial holiday. So we ended up chilling in my apartment. Thryax watches a documentary on Netflix, while I was watching an video of a man getting tickled by other men. Then Thryax caught me watching the video. I can't lie to the dragon merman. So I have to come clean and tell him that I have a male foot fetish. Although he was stunned by this, Thryax still wants to be my friend regardless of it all. Thus I finally got him into letting me tickle his feet and muscular body, as well as fulfilling his own personal fetish; he wants to be fucked in his reproductive clit. And in the morning, we have our one last erotic tickling fun, before he has to leave and return to the ocean.

A few months later, I've recently received a text message from the entity who booked me a flight to the foreign country of Greece in the first week of December. That is where I am going to meet this man that I will be tickling for ten days. But that said guy is not just a man. He turned out to be a twin-tailed mutant merman named Leonius. He's the one who lets me spend a few days and nights in his isolated bachelor pad, residing next to the Aegean Sea. During those said days and nights, Leonius is directly upfront with me. He tells me that he is more than happy to let me tickle him erotically, if and only if, he gets to suck my dick on daily basis. Who am I to deny this eight foot tall muscular mutant merman his personal fantasy? So we had our fun time together, until the last day. I have to return to the United States of America. We bid our farewells to each other. However, this is not a permanent goodbye. Leonius promises me that if he ever traveled to north America by water (like all merfolk do lol), he will come find me. And I eagerly await for the day that he would.

And now, it is time for the dark erotic tale of another merman. He is said to be even far more terrifying than any other sea creature that no man on earth has ever seen. Just as I thought I've seen them all, let alone, have my way with some of them, there are others out there in the world. And trust and believe me, they are coming. Perhaps even sooner than one of us might think. However, I'm going to tell y'all a story about the time I evidently have with this strong sea creature. This is how the story begins.

The year is 2o22. It was the first week of May. Thank goodness I requested to have a couple of days off from my Amazon warehouse job. All because I was invited by a couple of friends from an fetish social website to come down to Seattle, WA, for an event that welcomes all kinds of people with unique fetishes. And the organizers has went out of their way to book me a flight on my behalf. That was very nice of them to do that for me. Not to mention that I get paid for these days off too. So it's an win-win situation on my end.

Today was Monday, May, 2nd. And I am in my apartment, getting my things ready. During the moment, I request an Uber ride to the airport. While my ride is completing a trip from the northeast side of the cities, that gives me plenty of time to get ready for I have ten minutes.

I got my fetish gear packed in my special bag, packed my clothes in my luggage, my electronics such as laptop, Xbox One, iPad and iPhone. And of course I can't forget about my bodily care products from my bathroom. Now that I have my everything in my living room, I quickly got dressed up in my all black clothes. And so I am all set for my trip.

I turn my security system on as I left my apartment.

When I got down to the lobby, my Uber has arrived just in time. I put my baggages in the trunk. And I got into the car. The Indian Uber lady drove us off to the airport.

After a long one mile on the highway, we arrive at the international airport lobby. I tipped the Indian Uber lady for her service, grab my bags out from the trunk and made my way into the airport. The Uber lady thanked me for the tip as she then drove away.

I went through the security panels, grab my airline tickets and then I head for the gate nineteen. That is where I will be boarding the plane to Seattle. There I waited alongside with the other travelers. As the previous passengers gotten left the gate, we can finally board the plane.

Once we're all settled into our assigned seats, the pilots gave their announcements over the radio. They said that we will be departing shortly. As instructed by the captain, everybody has turn off their electronics, fastened their seatbelts and patiently await for the departure. I stared out the window. The plane has departed from the gate and made its way to the runway. With the engines revving up, the plane zoomed across the runway, until it gain altitude. Thus we are now flying out to the state of Seattle.

After an three hour and a half flight, the plane has landed on the runway. At last! We have arrived at the Seattle airport. The plane is now arriving at gateway number twenty one. Once the plane has make its stop at the gate, I got off the plane along with the other passengers. Now what is left is to go grab my luggage at the lobby. As I waited for my luggage to come by, I have suddenly receive a text message. It was sent from none other than the mysterious entity. The same one who has helped me got together with the other men, whether they're human or otherworldly inhuman. And it help me satisfy my foot fetish urges on numerous occasions. I wonder what it has to say now.

"Good afternoon, buddy! How are you doing today?" the entity texted.

"I'm doing okay, thank you." I replied via text.

"That's good to hear." says the entity's text.

"How about you?" I texted my question.

"Oh I'm doing fine myself, thanks." The entity's text replied. "But let's not dilly dally any further and cut right to the chase, shall we?"

"Oh ok. What's up?" I asked it via text.

"I'm here to inform you of your next adventure." the entity texted. "I'm sure you're ready for this one."

"Let me guess. Is it another male who'll let me play with him?" I questioned via text.

"Oh yes. He is another male." texted the entity. "In fact, he is male, but not just another man from your world. He comes from the sea."

There it goes again, being cryptic as usual. But it doesn't bother me that much. So I continue the conversation via text messaging.

"So he's another merman?" I guessed.

"Perhaps he is, but not what you'll expect him to be." said the entity's text message and it went on. "He is forged by the darkest depths of the ocean floor. He is the manifestation of everyone's worst nightmares. No! He is an nightmare incarnate, hellbent on terrifying sea farers, swimmers, scuba divers and other creatures alike. And he truly lives up to his name, and wore it perfectly well."

"Okay. Are you trying to scare me or you're just pulling my leg?" I texted with skepticism.

"Neither." the entity texted. "But you needn't worry too much of this particular encounter. I'm sure you'll make it out of this alive........ with an irresistible price, of course."

"What kind of price are you talking about?" I wondered through text.

"You'll see soon enough." says the entity via text. "I can ensure you that your wants, needs, and desires will be taken care of, tonight. If not by your fellow man, then he will."

"You mean, this merman-like creature???" I wondered.

"Of course, my friend." the entity texted. "And you're going to love him! You will see that he's not so scary, once you get to know him, face to face."

Although what it's saying is frighteningly true, but I was already intrigued by the idea of this mysterious creature. So I didn't hesitate to respond back with my immediate decision.

"Alright then. I'm in." I texted. "So where and when can I find this guy to meet him?"

"Oh you don't have to go looking for him." the entity texted with its cryptic response. "He will come find you, but only after sunset. Once the night has fallen, shall you and the strong creature be completely satisfied together."

And thus the entity abruptly ended the conversation. I hate it when it does that, especially when it is always being cryptic during our conversations. Always leaving me in suspense. But then I shrug it off and grab my luggage, before leaving the Seattle airport.

Several hours later, I booked an hotel room with a special discount. Thanks to the app on my phone. I arrived at the sea-view hotel. The receptionist gave me me a keycard to the suite number 305. Therefore I rode the elevator up to the third floor.

Down the hallway, I found my suite number 305. With the use of the keycard, I entered my suite. Once I'm inside, I took my time settling in for the moment. I set up my Xbox One, hooking up in the HD television. My laptop is on the desk. Everything else is safe in my baggages inside of the mirrored closet.

I just chilled in my suite for hours, watching YouTube videos and etc., all thanks to free WiFi for my Xbox One, my iPad, my iPhone, and on my laptop. Until it is time to go get ready for the event. I request an Uber ride to the fetish event, being held at a club downtown. It didn't take long for the Uber to arrive at the hotel lobby after three minutes. With my fetish things in my bag, I left my suite.

I meet with my Uber at the lobby. Once I got into the car, the Uber driver drove us off to the downtown Seattle.

After a few minutes of a mile, I have finally arrived at my destination. The club is where the fetish event is going on. I tipped the Uber driver and he then drives away up the street. I walked into the clubhouse. My heart is pounding with anxiety, but in the same time, I'm excited. I hope that I get to play with some guys's feet while I'm here. I meet up with the organizers and a couple of friends online who helped invited me here. Thus the event carries on until sunset.

During the time, I've asked all the other men at the party, gay or straight, to see if I could play with them. But they've all declined. So I became very disappointed. It seems that I've come all this way here for nothing. What a total bust! None of the guys at the fetish event wants to indulge in my fetish with me. All they want to do is to get nasty with other gay men. And as for the straight men, they just want to play with the women in their kinky desires. So I've been ignored throughout the whole thing, and that really sting a bit. The organizers apologize to me for I'm not having any fun at all. They hoped that the next couple of days, things will be different for me. And maybe, I could get the chance to have what I've always wanted. I appreciate their concerns though. Alas I left the clubhouse.

I took a long walk all the way to the docks. As upset as I am of this, I glance out to the sea. The crystal clear waters are so calm, and the gentle salty sea breeze is playing with my long dreadlocks. I took in the scenery as the sun begins to disappear in the cloudy horizon. Thus dusk has fallen. I sat on the bench by the boardwalk, scrolling through my text messages. That one conversation I have with the entity earlier, is about whatever is going to happen later tonight. That one sentence it spoke was this.

"If not by your fellow man, then he will."

Those words echoed in my mind. I can't seem to help but wonder who will he be? What does he look like? And how will I know that he's worth all of this kind of trouble for? I guess I'm going to find out soon.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, then all of a sudden, I heard a loud sound of something splashing upon the saltwater below the dock. I immediately went to the ledge to check it out. When I look out at the water below, I could make out a large fishtail splashing about near the pier. Although it is dark to see anything, I can see the tail fins appearing out and into the water. It seemed intimidating and monstrous looking, as if it is not just any normal sized fish. That is when I knew that something was off around here. Part of me wants to just go follow it, but part of me wants to run away and go back to the hotel. Eventually, I choose the ladder.

I look around my surroundings to make sure that nobody else has saw the large fishtail. Thankfully, they didn't saw it. So without any hesitation, I follow the the large fishtail as it swims away across the waterfront.

I carefully pursue the large fishtail all the way towards the coastline, where it disappears into the water. I was frustrated like hell when I lost it. As I walked through the boating area, I ran into a group of fishermen who all had warned me about venturing out into the seaside wilderness. They told me not to go anywhere near the watery cave. It is rumored that a terrible hideous sea monster resided inside that cave. The locals were terrified by the sound of an ear-shattering ungodly roars, especially when they hear it at night. Which is why nobody wants to go near the cave, let alone, inside of there.

So the fishermen urged me to turn back. I didn't argue with them. Instead, I pretend to take heed of their warnings. Therefore I turn to walk the opposite direction, just to keep them off my trail. Once they've disbanded back to their posts , I quietly snuck past by them without detection. Thus I continue to track this fishy creature down.

I ventured into the wilderness side of Seattle by boat that I borrowed from a kind old lady. I aimlessly paddled across the water, until I finally found the watery cave that the local fishermen had mentioned. My heart is pounding out from fear. I am drenched with sweat and I am frozen cold inside. My human instincts is telling me that I should turn back, while I still can. However, I unknowingly brave it out. And then I paddle further inside the seaside cave.

It is pitch black in there. Thank goodness for the flashlight on my phone. I lit the way as I rowed carefully further into the cave without crashing the boat into rocks. The further I go, the more that I will likely to be lost. Just as the battery on my phone is going to die out, I can see the light from the distance. That's strange. There shouldn't be any light in the cave. I wonder where it leads to? I row the boat towards the light.

Once I got closer to the end of the cave, the lights turned out to be electric enhanced lanterns. I notice that the lone doorway is in the middle of the pathway. I parked the boat by the rocks, set foot on the solid soil, and then I begin walking towards the door.

I slowly push the door open and what I found inside, shocks me. Inside lies a sauna-like room with steaming hot water to keep the place warm from the cold of night. And a neighboring room where an mini waterfall is falling on the floor. Up ahead is a staircase that lead upward somewhere. I quietly crept up the stairs to what appears to be another door. As I got closer to the door, I could hear the sound of splashing water behind it. I crack the door open a little bit for a sneak peek of what's beyond the other side.

What I see is a pool of water in the middle of the room. Now none of it doesn't make any sense. If the cave is right by the sea, then why is there a pool inside of here, let alone, the other rooms? And who owns this place anyway?

But before I could process the whole thing, then suddenly, a loud roar echoes through the place. That sound scared the shit out of me. I turn to notice that something is emerging from the pool's water. That same large fishtail that I spotted earlier, turned out to be long and sickly with an unsettling shades of the colors of dark green and black. And that tail happens to belong to the massive figure surfacing from the pool. It is a figure of a muscular man, but yet barely even human. He looks completely monstrous of a sea creature. His eyes are milky white, surrounded by a black ink-like substance that filled his face. He has a large mouth that can expand twice the size as his whole head, complete with rows of razor sharp teeth to match that of any ocean predator. Fin-like ears on the sides. And from the neck down, his muscular body is covered with sickly pastel green scales, alongside with oceanic botanicals on parts of his torso. His webbed hands and forearms are also covered in dark green fish scales, alongside with fins and finger talons to match. A large pair of dorsal fins on his black striped back. Shark-like gills on his rib cage. And from his waistline downward is his long dark green fishtail. That giant aquatic creature is a monster merman!

I was stunned petrified by the sight of him. I hid behind the door, covering my mouth in hopes that not a single sound would give me away. But when the door creaks an sound, it immediately alerted the giant monster merman.

"Who's there!?" roared the giant merman.

In a fit of a panic, I quickly got up to run like hell. The merman crawls out of the pool's water, whilst bellowing an unpleasant sound.

I ran across the room towards the open door, one from whence I came from. But then suddenly, the door closed by itself. I tried to open it, but it won't open! Its completely shut closed and I can't get out of here! I am trapped inside of this place with the giant merman monster!

And speaking of which, he is right behind me! I can hear his wet heavy footsteps approaching me. I slowly turned over my shoulder to gaze at the merman whom is towering over me. Then I notice for a split second that his lower half where his tail used to be, has now been turned into walkable legs. Dark green and black scales, many mini fins, and botanical coral completely covered all of his strong meaty legs. And of course, the same thing can be said of the merman's big masculine fishy bare feet.

I tremble in fear, falling on my ass. He glared down upon me with his soul piercing white eyes. So this is it! I've sealed my fate! I am at the mercy of this terrifying aquatic beast.

"Please don't hurt me!!!" I cried, pleading and begging for my life.

The giant monster merman knelt down to my level. Then he proceeds to what it looks like that he's about to put his big webbed hand on me. I close my eyes as to embrace my inevitable fate. But instead of causing harm to me, the merman gently placed his hand on my back.

"Relax, little human. I'm not going to hurt you." said the merman. "Hell! If I wanted to do just that, it'll be out of self defense."

I was surprised by this. Although I'm still shaking in fear, the giant monster merman pulls me closer to his body. He embraced me in his arms in attempts to calm me down.

"Come on. Relax. Chill." says the merman.

After a few minutes of his embrace, I finally calmed down. And then I embraced him back.

"There you go." says the merman as he finally lets go of me.

His sudden warm approach has made me easily forget my fears. I look up directly at him.

"I'm so sorry that I intrude into your place." I said to the creature. "I didn't mean to cause you any trouble. You have to believe me."

The giant monster merman laughs for he finds this kinda adorable to him.

"Ah haha! Oh aren't you so cute when you apologize like that." the giant monster merman laughed amusedly. "And don't worry about it. Because first of all, you didn't cause me any trouble at all. Second, you're not intruding in here. I lured ya here on purpose."

"What??? You lured me into this place?" I questioned him in shock.

"Yes, sir!" the merman boasted proudly.

"But why?" I asked, although confused.

"Because I can tell that you're not like most other human beings up on land." says the merman as he continues with his reasons. "When I saw ya on the pier, I immediately got the vibe that you were different from any of them. And from that, I find you fascinating. So that's why I wanted you to follow me back to my cave."

"For real?" I wondered.

"Yes. For real." said the giant merman. "Besides, I never had any human visitors in my airspace for a long time."

"Wow! Never?" I asked in wonderment.

"Yeah! It gets so lonely in here sometimes." says the merman.

"Oh you poor thing." I remarked.

"Yeah. I'll spare you the sad backstory of my life, because I don't want to get into that." said the monster merman as he then continued. "But wherever I go, humans, merfolk and other sea creatures alike, will always flee whenever they see me. I meant no harm, unless I'm being fucked with. But other than that, I'm not hostile towards anyone or anything. I just stayed to myself."

I can't help but feel bad for the masculine merman. Especially when I was afraid of him at first, due to his nightmarish visage. But now, I'm not afraid of him anymore. All I feel right now is rather sorry for the tall muscular creature. I know what it feels like to be misunderstood constantly by others, especially ignorant people. So if anything, I could relate with him. I showed the monstrous merman some compassion for I can sympathize with what he had to endure all of his entire existence.

"You know, when I saw ya earlier, I thought that you were going to kill me." I said.

"Oh no! I never kill someone or something out of feral instincts." says the merman. "Just because I look like a fearsome sea monster of a merman, that doesn't mean I am vicious. The only times that I will be, as if other people attack me for no reason. And I have to defend myself. But other than that, I'm harmless to humans and other merfolk. I could never harm anybody else on purpose."

"Well that's good to know." I replied. "I mean, you did kinda terrified me when you make those horrific beast sounds when you caught me."

"Oh did I!?" the merman wondered.

"Yeah. I was pretty scared of that." I uttered.

"Sorry about that." said the monster merman as he chuckled abashedly. "It's a force of habit of mine. I promise that I'll work on that."

"Okay. Cool." I complied with a smile.

We've been chatting for almost over three hours now. We were just getting to know each other and our individualities. We talked so much about ourselves, our hobbies, our likes and dislikes, our passions, and our hopes and dreams. That is when overtime, we became good friends (with benefits, of course). It crossed my mind to ask the giant monster merman for his name.

"Do you have a name?" I asked the tall muscular monster merman.

"Yes. My name is Nightmare." the merman said, introducing himself.

"Oh ok. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Nightmare." I said, although a tad bit puzzled by that name.

"Likewise, little human." said Nightmare, smiling.

As the hours passed by, I was so deeply immersed into our conversation, that I didn't realize how late it was from now. I check my phone for time and it was a quarter of ten. I knew I should be heading back to the hotel. Nightmare became slightly confused as I got up and then I was about to leave.

"Where are you going, little human?" Nightmare asked. "Leaving so soon?"

"Well it is getting rather late." I replied to the monster. "I should be going back to my hotel suite."

"At this kind of high tide?" questioned Nightmare. "Come on! It's rather chilly and dark outside. I will feel guilty for letting you walk outside, wandering through the night. So how about you stay here with me? I can keep you all safe and warm."

"Oh no! It's fine!" I declined politely. "I'll be alright. I just need to request an Uber to take me back to the hotel."

But Nightmare persuades me into staying with him. All by using his otherworldly charm.

No! Please stay! I insist!" he exclaimed. "What must I have to do to get you to stay?

He looks down upon me with his sad looking white eyes. I couldn't bear to see the way he's looking at me. Therefore I sighed in defeat.

"Well... I don't know..." I said with confusion. "Are you sure that you want me to stay? I mean, I don't want to be a burden to you."

"Ah don't worry about it. It's all on me." said Nightmare as he went on. "Please!?!? You'll leave in the morning, I promise. Just stay with me, out of the cold dead night."

"Well..... I......" I stammered, but then got interrupted.

"Please!? Don't make me beg." says Nightmare as he follows up with his ultimatum. "Just stay with me for one night. I'll do anything."

"Anything?" I asked, cracking a smirk. "You mean it?"

"Yes! Of course!" Nightmare pleaded with his ultimatum. "I will do anything that you ask of me. But only if you stay."

And that was it. Nightmare has said that he'll do anything if I can spend the night in his seaside dwelling cave. Now that he said it, I just suddenly had an crazy idea popped in my head. While I was eyeing the giant monster merman's big webbed bare feet the whole time, I felt that I must take him up on his offer, just to get closer to his feet. So here I go, turning to face him with a smile.

"Well.... okay, Nightmare. Since you're being so genuine with me, I guess that spending a night here wouldn't hurt." I remarked.

Nightmare grin excitedly for he now has me as his first human guest. Alas he hosts his hospitality and he bribes me to get comfortable in the warm wet room.

And since that is so warm in here, due to the steaming hot water filling up the room, I started sweating profusely, soaking in my wet clothes. Nightmare sees this as he then approaches to my side.

"Ah man! You're all soaked and wet." says Nightmare as he knelt down to my level. "Here! Let's get you out of these things that you humans call clothes."

The giant monster merman proceeds to strip me out of my clothes, all drenched in sweat. Now I am standing here naked before the monster. Normally I wouldn't be okay with all of that, especially when I just met him, but I didn't resist him. All just because I was planning to get at his bare feet. And his whole body too, when I'll get to that. I just have to wait for the monster merman to make the right moves, or just simply let down his guard.

He hosts his utmost hospitality by offering me a refreshing drink. I requested for water. Nightmare went to the other room to fetch the beverage. He returns to the warm room with a bottle of water for me to quench my thirst. As I sat down on the bench, Nightmare proceeds to sit right next to me. He look down to me with a grin.

"So what do you want to do, little human?" Nightmare asked.

"Well, I don't know. What did you want to do, Nightmare?" I questioned the giant monster merman.

"Whatever you have in mind." said Nightmare.

Then I remember what he said to me earlier. I look up into his white eyes.

"Well.... if I recall correctly, you did say that you'll do anything with me, if I stay here for the night. Am I right?" I wondered with a smirk.

"Yes. That's right." Nightmare replied, nodding his head.

"Do you really want me to stay?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Yes." said Nightmare.

"And you want to do something with me, no matter what it is?" I asked the masculine monster for the last time.

"Yes, of course, little human." says Nightmare. "Whatever it is you want to do in here, I'll do it with ya. I'm down for anything."

And that was it! He sincerely gave his word. And his consent when we get to that part in a couple of minutes. I grin sinisterly as I then scan my eyes down on his body, ultimately gluing my sights on his big masculine feet.

"Well then. In that case, I want to have at those first." I said as I reach downward to grab the merman's right foot.

Nightmare was a tad puzzled by this as I pull his foot closer to my direction. But he went along with it anyway, adjusting his body into a comfortable position. He lied his back up against the earthly wall, rests his long muscular fish-like legs on my lap and on the platforms underneath the bench, and he watch me massage his foot as a warmup for his sensual torment later tonight. I took my time feeling every inch of his foot. From the tiny dark green scales on his veiny top, to the fin on the side of his heel, to the underneath of his black leathery and blubbery sole to match that of a dolphin, a seal or a whale. And of course, I cannot forgot how sexily long his webbed toes are. They're as long as the fingers on both of my hands. Not to mention that the giant monster merman's foot is as large as my upper torso. Mind ya, I'm a short person compared to the monster merman's size.

As I continue to rub his big foot, I can feel the fin on the side of his heel caressing my torso as I go. Nightmare felt so relaxed for the foot massage that he is receiving, feels so good. He almost fell asleep on me when I put pressure on his sole. But he didn't. While I run my fist down his sole, Nightmare glance down at me with a relaxing smile. Then it doesn't take him that long to already figure me out during the foot massage.

"Do you like feet?" Nightmare asked.

"Oh yes. I do." I responded softly. "I hope that you don't have a problem with that. Do you?"

"Oh no! I don't have a problem with that. Not at all." says Nightmare. "It's just that I'm surprised a little bit. But at the same time, I can tell that you wanted to touch my feet. In fact, I know that you have a foot fetish for any male feet, whether they're your fellow human man or otherworldly beasts. You love a male's feet regardless."

"Whoa! How'd you know that about me?" I asked in surprise.

"Lucky guess." says Nightmare, shrugging his strong shoulders. "Or I just have a habit of reading other people, especially humans. Strange but handy sometimes. You know what I mean?"

"Ah! I see what you mean." I uttered.

"So you like to massage my feet, huh?" Nightmare asked.

"Well, That. And other things." I remarked slyly. "But only if you allow it."

"You tell me. What else do you want to do with my feet, other than massaging them?" Nightmare asked out of curiosity.

I make a sheepish expression for I didn't want to ruin the fun by letting him know that I was going to tickle him from his feet, to his muscular body. But since that he asked, I have no choice but to fill him in on the kinky fun time.

"Well okay. If I tell you, will you let me do just that?" I questioned him.

"Yes, of course." says Nightmare, his eyes widening. "I told you that I'll do anything you'll ask of me. So spill it out. I'm all ears."

There I go, taking a deep cleansing breath, and then I told him about my private goals while I'm here in Seattle for the week. I told him that if I'm going to be spending the night in his seaside dwelling cave like he requested, then I would want to have my way with him during our time together. And maybe, just maybe, I might let him return the same favor upon me. But only if he wants to. Nightmare became intrigued by my proposal. Thus he too requests his ultimatum.

"Well if that's what you want to do, then sure!" said Nightmare as he continues his ultimatum. "This sounds like fun. I'm down for that. I will let you do whatever you want to me. But however, on one condition."

"What's your one condition?" I asked him in wonderment.

The giant monster merman grinned as he then makes his own personal request.

"I want to pleasure you and then swallow your human seeds." says Nightmare as he went on. "I should tell you that I have a fetish of pleasuring humans. Male or female. I like to taste their wet, gooey substances. And I will drink and swallow them from a man's penis and/or a woman's vagina. I think of this as my personal drinking fountain, only with legs. You know what I mean, my little human?"

"Uh huh. I definitely know what ya mean." I replied, nodding.

"Yeah. So if you want to tickle me all over and make me bust, then I want to get in on draining you of your warm seeds. So do we have a deal?" Nightmare reprimanded.

"Yes, Nightmare. We have a deal." I complied.

"Good. Then I know that you and I are going to get along just fine." says Nightmare as he then lifts his left leg up and set his foot on my bare lap. "You can do my left foot now."

I smiled happily as does he. Alas I proceed to massage his left bare foot. Nightmare puts his muscular arms up behind his head, relaxing and enjoying his foot massage. I rub every inch of his foot from the smooth leathery soles, to his long webbed toes.

After a few minutes of that, Nightmare put both of his feet on my lap, just for me to massage them for three minutes. During the moment, Nightmare decides to be a tease and he playfully wiggles his webbed toes in my face. I love the way he teases me with his toes. Such a playful masculine monster. And I also love the feel of this moist fishy soles on my fingertips. I could play with them for hours. Which is what I'm going to do in the next best part, whether he is aware of that or not. I bet he already knew what he's expecting to happen next.

After an hour in, the monster merman's foot massage is now over. But before I can get right into it, I turn to ask him a couple of questions.

"Say, Nightmare?" I spoken up.

"Hmmm?" Nightmare uttered.

"Can I ask you something before we resume this?" I asked.

"Sure! Shoot!" the giant monster merman complied.

"I just noticed that your feet are huge." I said to the creature.

"Yes? My feet are huge. What about it?" says Nightmare.

"What size are your feet?" I asked.

"They're size twenty, according to human measurements." says Nightmare.

"Size twenty? Damn!" I exclaimed in surprise. "That's quite big for a giant sea creature."

"Yeah! I know, right?" said Nightmare, cracking a smile. "Which is why I can't fit my big ass feet into human land shoes. So I just walk barefoot on dry land."

"I bet you do." I remarked and then asked another question. "And speaking of big, how tall are you?"

"As far as I can recall, I stand like eight feet eight inches tall. Again, according to human measurement standards." Nightmare replied.

"Wow! Eight foot eight inches tall!?" I exclaimed surprisedly. "Well goddamn!! You are the tallest monstrous merman I have ever had the pleasure of running into."

"Yes. Lucky you, my little human." Nightmare chuckled slyly. "And I ever had the pleasure of having you as my first guest. So we're both even on that."

"Yeah, I hear ya." I complied.

"So you're about to tickle me, are you?" Nightmare wondered.

"Oh I forgot that you already knew about what I'm going to do." I uttered.

"Yes, I already know that." says Nightmare as he then smiled. "But you can go ahead and do it anyway. I'm ready for you. So make me laugh."

"Okay! You got it, Nightmare." I complied happily.

Therefore I gently set his left foot aside on the platform below. I wrap my arm around his ankle in an ankle-lock. And then I slowly, and playfully, begin to tickle tease his right bare foot. Just one touch on his black sole is enough to make his long toes twitch. Then I placed each finger on the large sole and stroke across the surface of his arch. With every finger on the sole, I start to increase the speed onto the fishy underfoot. Thus the whole foot starts to wiggle and squirm around. What followed the foot reactions is the sound of Nightmare's growing tamely laughter. His laughter is not too loud nor too quiet. Just the joyous kind of laughter for he is enjoying this as much as I do. I tickle every inch of his big masculine foot, going from the heel, to the arch, to the ball of foot and underneath his sexily long ticklish webbed toes.

Although he is a tall monster, and he has every opportunity to kick me off his leg and escape his torment, but he chose not to do just that. He just sat there and took the torture like the masculine monster that he is. I can't seem to get enough of the way he squirms his foot around as I tickle the black sole.

"You seem to be enjoying this. Aren't you, Nightmare?" I asked the creature.

"Yeah! Haha!! They sure do tickle as hell!" laughed Nightmare.

"Yep! Noted." I replied. "I knew that you would have ticklish feet."

"Yes, they are ticklish! Hahaha!!" laughed Nightmare.

He buries his face in the palms of his webbed hands, laughing through them. After four minutes of tickling his right foot, I reach down to grab his left foot, pull it up to my side and then I start to tickle his sole. Nightmare continues his masculine laughter as he watches me tickle his big masculine bare foot. I love the way he wiggle his toes in my face, just to be a tease.

"You love tickling my big ass feet, don't ya?" Nightmare teased whilst laughing.

"Oh yes." I answered softly.

"Do you love the way I wiggle my toes for ya?" the giant monster merman taunted.

"Yes, Nightmare." I responded. "I love it when you tease me while I'm tickling you."

"I know I do! Ah haha!!" laughed Nightmare. "When you tickle my feet and make me laugh, does that turn ya on?"

"Oh yes, Nightmare. It turns me on." I uttered softly.

"Good! Ah haha haha!!" Nightmare says as he continues to laugh. "Oh! I can't wait to get you off later! Ah haha haha!!"

I grab both of the merman's ankles and tickled both of his feet. Nightmare just laughs away as I tickle his big masculine black bare soles, from the heels, to arches, to the balls of the foot and underneath his twitching long webbed toes. Thus the barefoot tickling last for five minutes straight. And after that, I give his feet a break.

As Nightmare is catching his breath, I crept upward on his long strong legs, ultimately making my way to the merman's torso. There I begin to tickle his abdomen. Thus Nightmare resumes his laughter for it kinda tickles on his six pack abs. Although it's nowhere near as ticklish as his feet. I stroke my hands across his body, feeling the gills on his rib cage. When I reach out to tickle his underarms, Nightmare's reaction is priceless. I am not surprised by the fact that his armpits are just as ticklish as his feet. Also, I'm not afraid of the sight of Nightmare's jawline expanding when he laughs. But the way he is looking at me is just too adorable rather than frightening. So I tickled his armpits for six minutes. And Nightmare just allows me to do that to him. I guess he really enjoys being tickled by a human, and his reactions shows it.

"Oh that freakin' tickles, my little human!" Nightmare laughed.

"Oh? Does it tickle now, huh?" I teased.

"Yes! It does!" Nightmare answered as he continues to laugh.

I proceed to tickle his thick neck, making the aquatic male monster giggle like a little girl. Now that's just so cute. After the neck tickling, I put my hands on his pecs. And being a playful tease that he is, Nightmare moves his pecs, all the while I playfully squeeze them. Then he puts on a gun show for me, showing off his muscles. The giant monster merman even lets me feel his biceps as well as his fins on his forearms, and his big taloned webbed hands. And alas the display is over. Now back into our next kinky fun part.

Nightmare lied his back on the bench. I climb up on top of his torso, and then I tickle his nipples. He moans softly to the feeling of having a human being tickle his nipples, regardless of gender. The tall muscular monster merman glance down at me with a soft grin.

"Oh that's feels good." the monster merman uttered.

"Do you like this, Nightmare?" I asked.

"Oh yes. I like it." says Nightmare. "I mean, no human has ever touched me everywhere before. You're the first one who has done this to me,"

"Well I'm glad to be the first at something." I remarked slyly.

"Yeah. I appreciate you so much for this." said Nightmare.

"Thanks, Nightmare." I said in a soft tone. "So do you want me to keep going?"

"Oh yes, please....." Nightmare answered with a following moan. "Do keep going on my nipples. It turns me on quicker."

"Okay then." I complied happily as I continue playing with the merman's nipples.

I did this to him for a few minutes, until he then shifted his whole body with me still on top of his torso. The giant monster merman moans simultaneously and he glance at me, licking his lips as if to seduce me while we're at it. Thus the nipple tickling ensues onward.

"Ohhhh..... ahhhhh.... You're making me rock hard when you do my nipples like that." says Nightmare. "Don't believe me???.... Well look behind you......"

I turn to look over my shoulder to see that his huge pinkish cock is rising out from his reproductive slit. All covered in an oozing fishy substance. And from the way he is looking at me, it looks like he is ready to be milked and edged to utmost completion. He nods his head, as if he has given me his consent to do so. And alas, I climb downward from his torso and then I am right in between his legs. I took a short minute to admire the monster merman's huge cock and balls. And I mean HUGE!!! Ever for an mythical creature that appropriately stood eight feet eight inches tall. I can't suck on his cock though. All I can do for him is to stroke his huge pinkish cock. Thank goodness for the bodily substance he is equipped with, so there's no need for lubricant. And I tickle his balls while I'm at it. Nightmare rests his head onto his arms, closing his eyes to the sensual feeling that he is receiving from me.

"Ooooohhh.... Aaaaahhhh.... Oh that feels so good....." said Nightmare, moaning simultaneously. "I can't believe that a mere human like you could have make me feel so overwhelmingly horny........."

I chuckled to that statement that he has made. Thus I continue to milk and edge his huge cock. Nightmare opens his legs up and spreads them further apart for the sensual feeling is overwhelmingly arousing to him. I love the sounds that he makes when I hit the right spots, massaging the little head and the shaft. Also, tickle teasing the ballsack helps a lot for that is his sweetest spot of all. Thus making the tall muscular monster merman chuckle whilst moaning.

"Oh dear sweet Neptune..... Have mercy on my balls, will you?" Nightmare uttered pleasurably. "I'm a little bit ticklish down there....."

"Okay. Noted." I replied with a grin

I continue to work on his cock and balls. Nightmare dug his talons into the earthly walls within his reach. I edged his little head, just enough to make him groan heavily.

"Ohh!!! Ahhh!!! I am sensitive right there on the head....." said Nightmare, groaning soundly.

That is when I know that I'm doing something right, after the merman has said that. Thus I continuously worked on his cock and balls.

After an good long hour in, Nightmare begins to grunt ferociously of lust. That is the sound of him getting closer to his finishing limit. He encourages me to keep milking his cock until he reaches the climax. That I did just that. And the more I keep hitting the right spots of his genitals, the more hornier he will become, and the closer he will get.

He stretches out his long muscular fish-scaled legs behind me, stiff with utter excitement. His long webbed toes curled up. He risen his lower body from the bench, muscles tightened from every inch of his body, webbed hands balled into fists, he squinted his eyes shut and bared his clenching teeth. I can tell that he is about to cum.

"I can't believe that a human is going to make me cum!!!" Nightmare screeched lustfully. "Oh dear sweet Neptune!!! Here it comes!!! I'M GONNA CUM!!!"

He lets out a loud menacing, ear shattering, roaring cries of lust as he blasts his massive load of seamen all over the place. Even on me. He gazes upon me with relieving white eyes. Feeling relieved of this sensual endeavor, Nightmare lied back against the wall once more. Although I'm covered in his bodily mess, I'm still not done with him yet. I continue to stroke his cock, until it is sensitive to the point where it is now ticklish. And thus Nightmare begins to laugh as the result.

"Oh no!!! Why are you tickling my cock!!!" laughed Nightmare.

"What? I leave no part of you untouched. I thought you should know by now." I taunted sarcastically.

"It tickles so much down there!!!" cried Nightmare as he laughs hysterically. "I can handle having my feet tickled!! I can handle having my armpits tickled!! I can handle it all!!! But my cock and balls!?!? They're my sweetest yet sensitive spots of my body!!! My only weakness of all!!! Ahhh haha haha!!!"

"Oh I see." I muttered out loud as I tickle his genitals. "Tell you what, Nightmare. Just one more round of tickling and it will be all over. Endure this one last time. For me, please???"

Nightmare can't refuse my pleas for he wanted me to have a good time with him in his cave. Alas the giant monster merman gives in.

"Oh alright! Just one more round of tickling." says Nightmare, preparing his body for another torture. "After all, I'm doing this for you, my little human."

Thus we have resumed the full body erotic tickle torture. Nightmare embrace the sensual torment for the last time without fighting back. He lets me tickle him all over his body. >From the neck, to underarms, to the whole torso, to his cock and balls, and then all the way down his legs, ultimately to his big masculine bare feet. As the clock stroke a quarter of twelve, it was midnight. And alas Nightmare's tickle torture is now over.

He is panting heavily for he is relieved of his ticklish torment. So he finally deserve a good long breather from all of the laughter. After he regains his stamina, Nightmare carefully gets himself up. He knew that he is going to have to clean up his mess that he made, especially when I'm covered all over in his massive gooey seamen (no pun intended). The tall muscular monster merman glance at me with a smirk.

"Stay right where you are. I'm gonna get a few wet towels." says Nightmare as he heads towards the waterfall shower room. "I'll be right back."

I waited patiently in the warm sauna-like room for a couple of minutes, until Nightmare returns with a few wet towels in his hands. He lends a few to me, so I can wipe his mess off of me. And Nightmare himself is cleansing his genitalia. With his lower region all cleaned up, his huge cock has softened. And it's now returning back inside his lower body.

I too am all cleaned up. Now that's out of the way, Nightmare threw the towels into the chute.

Then the giant monster merman turns to me. He is grinning widely now. For some reason, I knew right away that he was going to do what he's been wanting to do to me after his kinky tickle torture. And he has waited patiently for this. So now, he felt that it is time for his personal fetish to be fulfilled. I'm gonna honor my part and let him get what he wants.

So the tall muscular monster merman approaches me at the benches. Using his ungodly strength, he lifts me up in his arms. And he carries me to the middle of the room, where there's a soft moss that acts as a supportive cushion bedding. He lays me down on the moss. And there he was, towering over me on atop. He proceeds to caress my face and then my body. I can't seem to look away for I am drawn to the merman's pleading white eyes.

"So, I have done my part of fulfilling your fetish fantasy." said Nightmare, grinning widely. "Now it's my turn to get my fetish on. Are you going to fulfill mine?"

"Yes, Nightmare." I answered. "You can have me all to yourself."

"Good." says Nightmare as he then whispers seductively in my ear. "I'm going to be sucking on your dick. And I won't stop until you came inside of my mouth. And I promise that you're going to enjoy it. You will enjoy this so much that it'll make you come back for more. So are you ready for me, little human?"

"Yes. I'm ready for you, Nightmare." I complied, nodding my head. "Do what you want to me."

"And that I shall." Nightmare whispered, grinning widely as he sets his sights on my dick. "Here I go!"

The giant monster merman crawls downward, until his head is right in between my legs. He proceeds to lick my ballsack with his big long wet tongue. That really felt good when he licks me down there. I guess he was really serious about this fetish of his. The tall muscular monster merman really enjoys pleasuring human men and women, until they came into his mouth. He warms me up by licking my balls, my neck and my nipples. Thus the way he did my nipples has gotten me hard rather quickly. Nightmare sees this as he licks his way back into between my legs. Then he licks my hardening dick, before taking it into his mouth. I close my eyes to this overwhelming feeling of being sucked off by this giant sea creature of a merman. Thank goodness that he was being careful not to hurt me with his teeth whilst giving me a irresistible blowjob. For a second, I was feeling a little bit worried about this. But I ended up trusting him for he knows what he is doing.

He kinda reminds me of the other mermen that I have known. And not the pretty boy looking ones that I'm talking about. I meant others just like him. Thus the blowjob ensued for a good long minutes.

Nightmare looks up to gaze at me as he is sucking my dick. He seems to be pleased by my expression of satisfaction.

"Do you like that, little human?" Nightmare wondered.

"Yes.... I do..." I responded softly. "You felt amazing down there."

"That's good." said Nightmare with glee. "Then I know that I'm doing my job right. I'm going to keep sucking your dick, until you spill your seeds in my mouth. I want to taste your delicious gooey seeds from the tip. Can you give that to me?"

"Yes, Nightmare. I can give it to you." I whispered responsively.

"Excellent! Now embrace yourself!" Nightmare boasted excitedly. "Because I will be sucking you off to completion. And I won't stop until I drain all of your manly seeds from your cock! So here I go!"

The giant monster merman continues to suck me off like the champion creature that he is. The feeling is so overwhelmingly arousing, that I put my hands on his bald head, enticing him to go faster. Thus he went a little bit faster. And to be extra sexual, he uses his big webbed hands to toy with my nipples, making me even more hornier than I was before. It is working for he is making me all hot and bothered to the point where I'm about to reach my limit. The more he does this, the closer I will get to busting my nut.

Then a few seconds later, I am getting closer and closer, until I can't hold it in any longer. Nightmare can tell from my body language and heavily breathing, that I am going to cum inside his mouth. Just like he wanted.

"Here it comes...." I uttered heavily. "I'm going to cum inside your mouth......."

"Umm hmmm!!!" Nightmare muffled responsively.

Then suddenly, I finally came, blasting my massive seamen into his mouth. He kept his mouth on my dick, draining every last drop from my little head. And now, I am finished. Nightmare shows off the oozing seamen to me before he swallowed it all whole, gulping down his throat. We both laughed at it for it's so funny. Now the monster merman is satisfied as much as I am.

"Mmmm.... Tasty." Nightmare remarked joyfully.

"Whew!!!... Now that was intense." I uttered out loud whilst panting and sweating.

"So how was it? Does that feel good?" Nightmare asked.

"Oh it felt amazing." I replied. "I like the way you used your tongue inside to add some little pressure on the head. And underneath the shaft too, I forgot to add that. You're really good at this."

"Well at least I tried my best to make it more hot and steamy for ya." says Nightmare, abashedly. "Because after all, this is my first time actually getting to do this with a human being. And finally, I have my personal fetish fantasy come true. So I thank you for being the first human who has ever visited me, let alone, lets me drink your delicious seeds. Thank you very much."

"Oh no problem." I said in reassurance. "And I would like to thank you for letting me tickle you from your feet to your upper muscular body. You've made my fetish fantasy really memorable tonight."

"Aww! No sweat, my friend." says Nightmare, smiling. "As much as I like pleasuring humans, but I don't mind pleasing other people's secret fetishes too, especially from time to time. Just as long as they're happy, then I'll be happy. So we're both even right now."

"Yeah. I really appreciate it, Nightmare." I said to the monster merman. "I really appreciate that you went out of your way to indulge in my foot fetish fun."

"And same to you, my little human." said Nightmare as he caress my face gently.

I look around for my clothes. Nightmare begin to wonder about my subtle action before he can ask his question.

"Hmph? Looking for something?" the tall muscular monster merman asked.

"My clothes." I responded. "I have to check my phone for time."

Nightmare got up from the soft moss and went to get my clothes. He returns with my sweat-drenched clothes in his webbed hand. I reach into my pockets for my phone. I took out my phone to check the time. Although it's low on battery, I briefly saw that it is a quarter of one. It's getting really late now. We've been sexually playing with each other for quite a long few hours. Talk about time flies when you're having fun and then some. I look up to the masculine monster merman in his white eyes.

"Wow! It is almost one a.m.." I said. "It is getting late."

"Yes it is." said Nightmare, agreeably.

"I guess time flies when we're both having fun. Would you agree?" I remarked.

"Wholeheartedly agreed." Nightmare replied.

Then he gets up from the moss. The tall muscular monster merman lends his webbed hand to pull me up back on my feet. Now we must clean ourselves up beforehand. Nightmare bribes me to follow him into the waterfall shower room.

Once we got inside the room, the soothing waterfalls pour down the tall muscular monster merman's body. I can't help but gaze at him. True he may be terrifying to some people, but to me, he is just so damn beautiful in his own unique way. Hell! He even reminds me of the other mermen whom I've been friends with all these years.

After he has washed himself clean, the monster merman invites me to join him in the waterfall shower. So I too can wash myself up. Nightmare even helped cleanse my long dreadlocks with organic shampoo and conditioner, made of earthly ingredients. After the last minute of a little kinky playtime, we've both had finished our shower.

Now it is time for bed. Which that reminds me of something. What am I going to wear? And where am I going to sleep in here? I turn to the giant monster merman with my concerns.

"Umm Nightmare???" I spoken up.

"Yes? What's up?" Nightmare replied.

"I kinda have a little concerning situation here." I said as I went on. "What am I going to wear for bed, let alone, tomorrow morning? And where am I going to sleep?"

Nightmare smiled softly for he has offered a few solutions that he can think of.

"Don't worry, my little human. I have just the thing for you." said Nightmare as he then bribes me to follow him. "Come with me."

So I follow him to the stairs, leaving the warm wet room.

Once we've reach the top of the stairs, there lies a stainless golden door at the end of the cavernous pathway. Upon entering the door, I was astonished by the place that Nightmare was residing in. It kinda looks like an small apartment or a little safe house, complete with a kitchen on the left, a dining room that is neighboring both the kitchen and the living room, and the restroom inside the bedroom. As I was taking in the essence of this cozy sight, Nightmare turns to me and smiles proudly.

"Welcome to my secondary home." said Nightmare as he hosts his hospitality. "So don't be a stranger. Come on in! Make yourself at home."

I just sat down at the edge of his huge king-sized bed. I waited there patiently as Nightmare went to fetch some fresh clothes for me to wear. Hopefully, it'll fit me. Then a few minutes later, Nightmare has returned with a pair of comfortable sleepwear in hand.

"Here! Try these on." said Nightmare as he hands the clothes over to me. "I was going to give this to a human guy long ago, but he was afraid of me and he ran away. So I think you should have it."

"Oh okay." I said as I took the sleepwear clothes. "Are you sure this will fit me?"

"It'll fit ya. I promise." said Nightmare, grinning softly.

So I put on the sleepwear in front of him. And what do we know!? It does fit my body for it's the right size. I feel so much better now. Nightmare knelt to my level, just to be certain of the clothes he gave me.

"So it fits ya, doesn't it?" Nightmare asked.

"Yes, Nightmare. It does fit my correct size." I replied to the merman. "Thank you for these clothes."

"You're welcome, my little friend." says Nightmare, gently patting my shoulder.

He gets up to stand toweringly tall in his own bedroom.

"So can I get you something to drink before we head for bed? Or are you good on that?" Nightmare asked.

"Yes. I would like some water please?" I requested.

"Okay, my friend. I'll get you some fresh water." says Nightmare as he turns to head towards the kitchen.

As I waited patiently for my water, I look around the place. And I thought to myself, why would people be so afraid of him? In and outside of the ocean? And also, who would be afraid of a monster who owns such a small yet lavish place, inside of a cave no less? I mean yeah! He sure is nightmarishly terrifying (again, no pun intended), but he is not a bad guy. Because if he is, I would've been dead by now. Thankfully, that's not the case.

Nightmare return to his bedroom with a bottle of water.

"Here ya go." said Nightmare as he gives me the water bottle.

"Thanks again, Nightmare." I complied.

"You are truly welcome." says Nightmare as he sat down on his bed right beside me.

He notice that I'm just taking in the surrounding place whilst drinking my water. The merman then asks his question.

"What's wrong? Talk to me." asked Nightmare.

"Hmm? Oh! Nothings wrong." I responded out of respect. "It's just that I could never imagine that the most fearsome giant monster merman would live in a warm, cozy, slightly open space inside of a cave."

"Oh yeah? What were you expecting exactly?" Nightmare wondered with a little sarcasm. "A ferocious sea monster dwelling inside of a dark spooky cave, awaiting for unsuspecting victims to be its next prey? If I'm not mistaken?"

"Oh no! Definitely not the dark spooky cave." I reassured. "But to be honest, I wasn't expecting this at all. And you know what else? I'm perfectly fine with that."

"Cool." said Nightmare, smiling upon me. "All the reasons why I like you. Believe me, I do. You really don't come across as the type of guy who goes looking for trouble. Well, except for this kind of trouble I can indulge in with ya. But honestly, I think you're an okay person. And I would love to have someone like you around."

"Oh? You really think so?" I wondered.

"Yeah. I do think so." said Nightmare as he then yawns ferociously. "Oh man! I'm all tuckered out. How about you?"

"Yeah, me too." I replied as I yawned after him. "All of that erotic tickling earlier has really taken a lot out of me."

"Oh yeah. I hear ya." said Nightmare as he then makes his friendly offer. "You want to join me in bed? There's plenty of room for two."

"You want me to sleep with you? In your bed?" I questioned the merman.

"Why not?" says Nightmare with a charming grin. "After all, you're my first human guest. And this is the only bed inside of the place. I will feel really awful for making you sleep anywhere else. So I want to share my bed with you."

"Oh that's very considerate of you, Nightmare." I said to him with a genuine manner. "But are you sure about this?"

"Yes. I'm sure." said Nightmare as he gets up to lift the warm covers. "And don't worry about me being that freakishly tall. I'm not going to crush you. If that's what you're thinking."

"Oh okay. I was just going to say that, but thanks for everything you're doing for me." I said in relief.

"Hey! Not a problem." said Nightmare as he put the pillows on the left side of his bed. "Now hop right in. You can take the left side of my bed."

"Okay, Nightmare." I complied respectfully as I crawled to the left side.

Nightmare tucks me in the bed covers. Then he went to turn off all the lights in his safe place. It is pitch black in here. But luckily, there is a little bit of light poking through the tiny holes from above the room. I think it must be the moonlight from the outside. Nightmare gets into his right side of the bed. He reaches out to pull me closer to his muscular torso. He caresses my back all the while he cuddles me in his arms. The giant monster merman looks so tired as I am, but smiles softly to me.

"Are you comfortable here, little human?" Nightmare whispered softly to me.

"Yes, I'm comfortable, Nightmare." I whispered back to the monster merman.

"That's good." whispered Nightmare. "You know you look so cute when you look at me like that."

"Aww shucks, man." I whispered with a smirk. "You're embarrassing me."

"Hehe!... I can't help it. You really are cute." Nightmare whispered humorously. "Especially when I hold ya like this. It's not everyday that I get to have a human to sleep with on lonely nights."

"Ahh you poor thing." I whispered.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's not get into the sad backstory. At least not tonight." Nightmare says with a following yawn. "Goodnight, my sweet little human."

"Goodnight, my sweet sexy Nightmare." I yawned.

I buried myself into the giant monster merman's arms as we slept soundly throughout the night.

The following morning has come. The sun's rays pierce through the holes. Thus lighting up the bedroom a little bit. And I have awoken from my sleep. Although I didn't want to leave Nightmare's side just yet, because I'm so accustomed to being cuddled up in his muscular arms. So I just lied there in the monster merman's arms for a few more minutes. I look up at him, smiling at the fact that he snores very loudly. But then again, what do I expect when it comes to sleeping with monster men? Also he is too adorable, especially when he sleeps. I don't want to disturb him, at least not yet. So I just lie in bed, cuddling up in his arms and watch the light from the ceiling.

Then after a few minutes later, I decided to finally wake up Nightmare, but only by a slightly playful tickles to his abdomen. That alone is enough to make this tall muscular monster merman go from loud ferocious snores to giggles. I did this to him for a couple of seconds, long before he has finally awoken from his slumber. He gaze at me with a warm smile.

"Well good morning, my little tickle monster." Nightmare joked whilst yawning.

"Well says the monster himself." I replied jokingly. "Good morning to you too."

"Touché." said Nightmare, chuckling. "So how did ya sleep?"

"I've slept very well, thanks." I answered. "How about you, Nightmare?"

"Oh I was completely out of it from all of the erotic tickling activity we have last night." the tall muscular Nightmare replied. "So to answer your question, yes. I did slept deeply all night long."

"I could've imagine that." I said as I yawned.

I can feel the merman's big webbed hand gently caressing my entire back. I really like the way he holds me closer to his body. Then I look up to him and he too looks down to me.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" Nightmare asked. "I have some edible human food for ya in the kitchen."

"That's nice." I said with a grin. "I will let you know in a minute. But first, I have to give you breakfast. I know you want that, I'm sure."

Nightmare raise an eyebrow in confusion, but he finally gets it when I put his hand on my crotch. The tall muscular monster merman grins widely as the result.

"Oh!? So you're up for round two?" wondered Nightmare.

"Yes please." I answered softly. "I kinda have a morning wood here. And I was hoping that you could take care of that for me."

"Oh I would gladly take care of your morning wood for ya." Nightmare complied. "And what do ya want in return after this?"

"The usual thing that I've always requested." I uttered happily. "Your bare feet. And maybe, I can make you bust your nut afterwards. You know, for being a good sport, like yesterday?"

"Hmmm..... Sure! It's a deal." says Nightmare as he adjusts himself. "Now bring yourself over to me."

I did what I was told. He kicks the cover off from his bed. The giant monster merman slides his hand underneath in between my legs, pulls me closer to his head, strips the sleepwear pants down a tad bit and then he proceeds to take my dick and balls inside of his mouth. I am completely overwhelmed by the feeling of the merman's warm wet mouth on my dick and balls as he continues to eat me out like a strong champion of a sea creature that he is. He use his tongue to taste every inch of my genitals, all the while he sucks me off to full completion without exhaustion. The feeling is so intense that I firmly put my hands on the monster merman's bald head, enticing him to go faster. Alas he went faster, just like he did yesterday. Nightmare loves the way I take control of him. Man! For a freakishly tall masculine monster of a merman, he can be quite submissive, especially when one person gives him dick or pussy. Thus he continues to suck me off for three minutes straight.

After the last minute in, I am about to reach my climatic limit. I can't hold it in any longer. I'm going to cum inside his mouth. Nightmare knew that as well. Then suddenly, I finally came inside the merman's mouth. And Nightmare swallows the whole load with one gulp. Now he is satisfied. However for me, I've yet to get my groove on. He looks at me with an pleased expression.

"Yummy! What a huge load of tasty human seeds you gave me." says Nightmare with glee. "You weren't kidding when you told me that you were very horny."

"Yeah. I was." I chuckled.

"Well thank you for feeding me my special breakfast." joked Nightmare.

"No problem, Nightmare." I replied as I then eyeballed his masculine feet. "Now that I have done my part, can I have at your feet?"

"Go right on ahead." said Nightmare, grinning joyfully. "My feet is all yours."

The giant monster merman playfully wiggle his long webbed toes as I crept over to the foot of his bed (no pun intended lol). Then I proceed to hold onto his ankles and start to tickle his black leathery soles. Nightmare lies back on his pillows and he begins to laugh. He squirms all over his bed a tad bit. I stroke my fingers across the surface of the creature's underfoot, leaving no inch of his feet untouched. During the bare feet tickling, Nightmare teases me with his wiggling toes as I tickle underneath them. Thus making them curl. Nightmare buries his face into the pillows, laughing away for the barefoot tickling lasts for five to six minutes straight. All morning long.

After all of that, I gave Nightmare a break, so he can catch his breath. As he lied on his back, he left himself exposed for me to crept up on him and tickle his muscular body. Of course he laughs as the result. I left no inch of the merman's torso untouched, going from his abdomen, to his sides without interfering with his breathing gills, and ultimately to his underarms. Nightmare didn't even fought back to defend himself. He just lets me tickle his underarms and abdomen for three minutes. I just love hearing the sound of his laughter and he knows it. During all of that, I decided to give him what he deserves for being a good sport. And what better way to do just that is by tickling his nipples for at least four minutes. That alone is long enough to turn him on. Nightmare close his eyes to the sensual feeling of having his nipples played with.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhh........ Ahhhhh..... You're turning me on again......" Nightmare uttered whilst moaning simultaneously. "Oh you just love playing with my body, don't you?"

"Why not." I snickered. "You just too hot for me to not get my hands on you."

"Awww..... you are more than welcome to do what you want to me....." says Nightmare as he shifts his body.

I smiled as I continue to tickle his nipples. Then I turn over my shoulder to notice that his huge cock has risen from his slit, oozing with fishlike substance and precum. Now I can get to work on the creature's manly genitalia. I use my hands to get him off, firmly but gently. Nightmare puts his arms up behind his head for he is enjoying his morning sensual pleasure. I just love making him feel good and hearing the sound of his moans. And I think that he loves the way I milked and edged his cock. Thus the session continues onward for at least an hour.

After a few seconds later, Nightmare starts to make ferocious grunts as he was about to reach his climatic finishing limit. I can tell by observing his body language. Just like before, he spreads his legs wide open with his feet bending, and his long webbed toes curling. He bared his clenching sharp teeth and his eyes squinted shut. And he then clawed his webbed taloned hands into his bedsheets. Nightmare is going to bust his nut.

"Oh dear sweet Neptune!!! You're gonna make me bust!!!" roared Nightmare with a lustful manner. "Ohhhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!! Get ready!!! Here it comes!!! I'M CUMMING!!!! I'M CUMMING!!!!"

He shoots out a massive load of seamen all over my hands and on his abdomen. And after making a mess all over himself, Nightmare felt relieved of his arousing pleasure and then lied back down on his bed. He is not aware that he is leaving himself exposed once again. And I'm not done with him yet as I then went in on his body. Thus giving him a one last minute tickle torture. Alas the giant monster merman begins to laugh once more.

"Oh!?!? Ah haha haha!!! You are so mean!!!" laughed Nightmare.

"Oh am I now?" I taunted sarcastically.

"Ah haha!!! Yes you are!!!" cried Nightmare with laughter.

"Well you just left yourself exposed. How can I not take advantage of this hot opportunity?" I teased. "Besides, I gotta get that out of the way before we have breakfast and then we leave for the day."

Although he is ticklish after his orgasm, Nightmare decides to soldier it out anyways. All because he wanted me to be happy. And so he will be happy too. Alas the full body erotic tickling continues.

As I tickle Nightmare to my heart's content, I left no inch of him untouched, going from his thick neck, to the whole muscular torso, to exposed genitalia and ultimately down his legs to his feet. And all Nightmare ever did was to laugh his sexy monstrous ass off.

After a few more minutes later, the giant monster merman's sexiest morning erotic tickle torture has finally come to an end. Nightmare just lies there, panting and sweating from all of the erotic tickling he has received this morning. I just laugh amusedly for he is way too adorable, especially when he is relieved of his hot torment. He turns to me with a little smile.

"I take it that you get a kick out of tickling me and making me bust my nut, haven't you?" Nightmare uttered tirelessly.

"Yes, sir." I boasted slyly.

"Ahhh! I figured as much." Nightmare chuckled. "Whew! What a way to wake me up in the morning."

"I know that's right." I said, all cheerfully.

"Now can you go get some towels to help clean me up, please?" Nightmare pleaded.

"Sure thing, Nightmare." I complied as I get up from his ultra king-sized bed.

I went into the neighboring bathroom to fetch some fresh towels for the merman. He awaits for me to return to his bedroom with clean towels in my hands. The few are wet with warm water, and the other few are dry. I handed a few towels to Nightmare, so he can wipe his bodily mess from his torso. Thankfully, his seamen didn't got onto his bedsheets. Now that he has taken care of his own mess by throwing the towels into the chute, Nightmare can go into the kitchen and cook some breakfast for the both of us.

I sat down by the large table, waiting patiently for Nightmare to whip up a delicious breakfast for me and for himself. I was going to occupy myself with my phone, but then I forgot that my phone's battery is dead. All because I didn't bring my charger with me earlier during the fetish event and into Nightmare's cave. And just because of what I've told him, Nightmare already knew about it before I could even say anything. Thus he makes his suggestion.

"If you're looking for a charger for your phone, I have one in the chest right next to the door." said Nightmare as he points at the doorway. "You won't miss it."

I went to the chest by the doorway that whence we've came in from. I open the chest and dug inside for the charger that he mentioned. I pull out a small device that looks like a phone charger, but I'm not sure if it will charge my phone. But when I plug my phone into the charger, it surprisingly works.

Now that my phone is charging, I head back into the kitchen. Nightmare is just finishing up cooking breakfast for me and himself. I sat down at the table, waiting patiently for my breakfast. Hopefully it's edible, like Nightmare promised. After a short minute later, Nightmare is done with his cooking. Alas breakfast is now served.

"Here you go!" said Nightmare as he sets the plates on the table. "Edible human breakfast for you, my friend."

"Thank you, Nightmare." I replied joyfully.

"You're welcome." said Nightmare as he sits down on the left side of the table. "Now let's eat!"

We have begun to eat our breakfast. During this moment, Nightmare is very pleased with how I ate my food. I will admit that it is very delicious. Thank goodness that he has human food stored in his fridge. Otherwise, I would have to wait until I get back to the hotel and have breakfast there. But I think I'm taken care of. Nightmare too is digging into his morning meal. He ate raw dead fish stuffed with bread and seasoned salt. Well what does one expect? He is a predatory sea creature of a merman. He hunts for his food. But he is not hostile towards humans, that is if only they have attacked him first. I knew that all too well. Thus we have finally finish our breakfast.

Nightmare collects the plates and silverware, the minute I sip the last drop of orange juice. As he puts them away in the dish pen, the tall muscular monster merman turns to me with delighted grin.

"So how's your breakfast?" the monstrous merman asked. "Is it good?"

"Oh yes, Nightmare. It was definitely delicious." I answered him. "I didn't know that you can cook like that."

"Well at least I've tried." said Nightmare. "I'm nowhere near as good as your kind, especially when it comes to cooking food for guests."

"Are you kidding? You're fantastic." I reassured the aquatic masculine beast. "I mean, you kinda remind me of someone that I have known. He really knows how to throw down in a kitchen. And hell! He is not even a human."

"Oh really?" Nightmare beamed. "Well what is he like?"

"All I can say is he is another non-human quite like you are." I said, keeping it short. "Let's just leave it at that for now."

"Oh okay. Whatever you say, buddy." says Nightmare as he finishes washing his dishes.

Now the giant monster merman went to his bedroom, as if he was going to fetch something. I waited in his small living room. He return in the living room with a pack of fresh clothes for me to wear, since my black ones are wreaking with sweat last night. They're in a bag now. The tall muscular monster merman knelt down to face me.

"Here. Try these on." says Nightmare, handing over the fresh set of clothes. "I've been having those since three years ago. These clothes are still brand new and fresh. I hope it'll fit you."

"Thanks again, Nightmare." I replied as I took the clothes from the merman's hand.

Therefore I proceed to get dressed, right in front of Nightmare. But he didn't seem to mind. And what do we both have known? The extra pair of clothes actually does fit my body. Not to mention that they're really comfortable too. Nightmare is just as pleased about this as I am.

"So it fits ya, huh?" wondered Nightmare.

"Yes, Nightmare. It sure fits me." I answered. "Once again, I thank you for everything you've done for me."

"Of course. Anything I do for a friend." said Nightmare as he gets back up and stood tall. "Now don't forget your belongings. Because you and I have a big day ahead of us."

Before the giant monster merman can turn around to leave the small living room, I quickly sprung up from the couch and grab his muscular fishlike leg.

"Wait!" I spoken up.

He turns to look down at me.

"Hmph!? What's up?" Nightmare asked.

"Before we leave, can I touch your feet one last time?" I pleaded innocently to the masculine sea monster.

He smiled for he is amused by this. Alas he abide to my subtle request.

"Oh alright, my friend. You can have at my feet one last time." said Nightmare, smiling.

The giant monster merman sat down on his couch, and lays his feet on my lap. I waste no time putting my hands on his big masculine bare feet, gently rubbing the soles. He watches me with amusement, all the while he is enjoying his foot massage. Thence I snuck in a little bit of tickling. And Nightmare begins to laugh once again. This only lasted for a few minutes, before I have finish my minor obsession with the masculine monster merman's feet. I kiss the tops full of tiny dark green fish scales on his feet. Alas we are done with the foot fetish endeavor.

Now it is time for us to leave the merman's cave. I went to check if my phone is fully charged yet, in which I kinda doubt it. But when I check on my phone, it is one hundred percent fully charged. Whatever this device is, I assume that it is portable. Nightmare must've collected the thing during his scavenging on both land and sea, all of his long years.

And speaking of the monster merman himself, he is getting ready to leave his cavernous home for the day. He is waiting for me by the golden door.

"Hey! Are you ready, little human!?" he shouted.

"I'm coming, Nightmare!" I responded as I quickly gathered all of my belongings.

Now that I have everything with me, I can finally leave with the tall masculine monster merman. As I've met him halfway to the doorway, he open the golden door.

"Well then. Let's go." said Nightmare, smiling gleefully.

He lets me walk out the door first. Although I'm not a lady, but Nightmare is being an gentleman anyways (or should I say "gentle-merman", no pun intended lol). Then the creature close the door behind him.

We've walk through the cavernous pathway, almost through the warm wet room, to the door that whence I've came in from. I remember that it has locked me inside of the cave. Just when I was about to bring up the issue, Nightmare pulls the door open effortlessly. I was surprised by this, but at the same time, I was relieved. Now we can leave the place.

I notice that the boat is still there, just like how I left it yesterday. Nightmare stood by the ledge alongside with me as I put my things on the boat.

"Is this what you use to find my cave?" Nightmare asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, Nightmare. This is the boat I rode in." I answered the creature. "It belong to the old lady who let me borrow it, just find you in the cave."

"Oh I see." says Nightmare as he then cautiously turn to me. "But do they know about this place, or of my existence?"

"No. I don't think they know." I replied with reassurance.

"And did you tell them about where you're going?" asked Nightmare out of caution.

"No. I didn't tell anyone where I'm going, nor if they see you like I have." I reassured him. "Besides, no one is gonna believe me anyways. So your secrets are safe with me."

"Okay. That's good." says Nightmare in relief.

"You know that you can trust me, Nightmare." I said, looking the aquatic monster in the eyes.

He smiled as he gently rubs my shoulder.

"But I've already trust you." said Nightmare, smiling softly. "The minute you set foot into my home, I didn't know who you were at the time. And I was going to attack you at first. But then I immediately realized that you didn't come here, looking for trouble. It's just that you stumble upon the cave without realizing what you've gotten yourself into. So I took pity on you. And because of that, I would've made a friend. The only friend I could ever have in so many long years."

"Awww... That's so sad." I said, out of sympathy.

"Yes, it is sad." said Nightmare. "But now, I'm not alone anymore. And it is all because of you."

"Oh! Really?" I wondered. "Because of me?"

"Yes, my little human." said Nightmare, nodding his head. "You have changed my life when you found me here. I'm thankful for that. I'm so happy that I have met someone like you. I mean, you showed me a different side of your world, unlike anyone or anything else that I could have encountered in my life."

"Wow! I never knew that I had that kind of secret power to change someone's lives, especially non-human types." I remarked humorously.

"You really do, my little buddy." said Nightmare as he plays along a little bit. "I guess that make you my little secret superhero."

"Ah you praise me way too much for credit." I uttered jokingly.

"Well can you blame me?" chuckled Nightmare

I shook my head with a smile. He is just way too damn charming, even for his own good. Short humorous conversation aside, we are now going to depart from the cave's landmark.

While I am preparing my things for the boat, Nightmare readies his stance. And then he jumps off the edge, diving into the water. Due to his sheer size alone, it cause a massive mini waves splashing on the soil. Good thing I moved my stuff before they get wet or swept out to the water. I wait for the waters to calm down a bit before I can climb into the boat. Meanwhile, Nightmare has surfaced, his long black striped and dark green tail swishing across the water. Once I've got settled in the boat, Nightmare swims up to grab the riggings. He is going to be my guide throughout the dark cave.

"Alright, my little friend. You better hold onto something really tight." says Nightmare as grips firmly on the ropes. "Because I'm a real fast swimmer. I'm gonna take you out from here. Okay?"

"Okay, Nightmare. Thanks for the heads up." I complied as I secure my belongings first before I prepare myself for the ride.

"Let me know when you're ready." said Nightmare.

I grip onto some pieces of rope, all the while I set the paddles on the side. Now we are good to go.

"Okay, Nightmare. I'm ready." I said, giving him the signal.

"Alright then! Hang on!" boasted Nightmare with pride. "Here I go!"

And with the swish of his long tail, he used his beastly strength to pull the boat out to the waters of the cave. I use my phone for a flashlight to lite up the way. Thankfully, Nightmare has the ability to see in the dark. So he knows where he is going. He is taking me right back out to whence I've came. After a long minute navigation through the watery pathway, I can suddenly see a flash of bright light coming from up ahead. It must be an exit from the same entry into the cave, just like before. And finally, we have made it to the outside.

I can feel the sun shining down upon me. The warmth of the nice weather. The scent of the Seattle waters. And the sound of the city's noises can be heard from a mile away. As Nightmare pulls the boat further out towards the Elliot Bay, we passed by a few ferry boats filled with people aboard. And a few fishermen on smaller boats. Quite a few has seen me cruising by them, and they greeted me with a hello or a nod. I just responded back with a little wave of my own. Thank god that none of them has seen Nightmare for he is swimming deep under the radar. Once that we're in the clear, Nightmare pulled me up to the isolated part of the piers, where no one can see us, especially him.

With his monstrous strength, Nightmare place the boat on the rocks near the sand. I can get out to feel the sand cooling in my toes, before I can put on my sandals. Nightmare crawls out of the shallow water. He turn his tail back into walkable legs, so he can stand toweringly tall on land. He knelt down to my level as we sparked a short conversation before bidding our farewell.

"Well! You must be heading back to your stay, huh?" wondered Nightmare.

"Yep. I gotta go back to my suite." I replied.

"I bet you do." said Nightmare. "So what do you got going on for the rest of the day?"

"Well, I still have an few events to go to." I answered. "Which I doubt that much has changed since yesterday. But other than that, I don't have anything else going on for the next couple of days."

"Oh okay. That's cool." says Nightmare.

"What about you?" I asked the monster merman. "What do you got going on for the rest of your day?"

"Who me? Aww! I'll just probably go swim around the bay all day, until something interesting happens. Who knows?" said Nightmare as he looks out to the saltwater.

"Oh okay, Nightmare. Whatever you gotta do." I remarked.

"Can I ask you a personal question, if you don't mind?" Nightmare asked in wonderment.

"Yes? What is it?" I responded.

"Do you really like me, even if I'm a scary sea monster?" Nightmare asked.

I look at the tall muscular monster merman with an seldom expression. Then I touch his shoulder, feeling the small barnacles that acts as part of his body armor.

"Trust me, Nightmare. You are far from being a hostile sea monster." I reassured him. "If I didn't like you, I'd be running like hell, screaming for the hills. But I didn't do that. You gave me a good reason not to be afraid of you. Because you are kind, gentle, funny, tough, and all of the other great qualities that makes you, who you are. Not what other people perceived that what you should be."

"Oh!? Do you really think so?" wondered Nightmare.

"I believe so." I said in reassurance. "And besides, I'd rather make friends with monsters than to be friends with another closed-minded human being. Especially with all the stupidity and craziness that surrounds people nowadays."

"Haha! I see what you mean." Nightmare chuckled at my statement.

"And you know what else?" I uttered in a sly tone.

"Hmm? Well, what?" Nightmare wondered.

"The monsters I like to be friends with, are the ones who have the sexiest, ticklish feet and bodies!" I exclaimed joyfully.

"Oh! That." says Nightmare as he laughs along with me.

We were laughing out loud as if we both find my statements to somewhat be true and funny at the same time. And I do admit that it is hilarious, it is almost scary. Well humorous puns aside, we have to hurry up and finish up our conversation, before anyone comes along and sees Nightmare. So we can bid our farewells for now.

"Anyways, I should be getting back to my hotel suite." I said to the tall masculine sea creature.

"Okay, my little friend." said Nightmare, smiling at me. "Who am I to keep you here?"

"Right. And you should go too, before anybody sees you." I said cautiously.

"Yeah, I know." said Nightmare, agreeing with me.

The tall muscular monster merman gets up from the sand, and he starts to head back to the saltwater. As his feet nearly touch the shallow water, Nightmare turns to me one last time.

"I do hope that I can see you again, my little human." uttered Nightmare.

"Sure! We absolutely can." I said with my eyes beaming. "If only there's a way I can reach you or even get a hold of you."

"Well how long are you gonna be here?" Nightmare asked.

"I'm only in town for a couple of days." I remarked. "So maybe, perhaps I could have one last shot with you, before I have to return back home far from here."

"Oh okay. Good to know." says Nightmare as he suddenly makes his suggestion. "Let's meet up again right here, in the same spot. Underneath the pier. Out of sight of other humans. So what cha say?"

"Sounds good to me." I replied, nodding eagerly. "When should I stop by? What time?"

"How about at sundown?" Nightmare suggested.

"Deal! After sundown, that is." I complied as I hurried off to the other side.

"Okay! Just don't be late! Or stood me up!" bellowed Nightmare.

"I wouldn't dream of it!" I shouted from a foot away. "And would you return the old lady's boat to her for me?!!"

"I will do that!" Nightmare responded. "See ya!"

We wave goodbye to each other. As I made my way to the ladder that leads upward to the main pier, I turn around to glance at Nightmare one more time. I watched him from afar as he submerge himself into the saltwater. And he dives into the water. The last thing I saw from him, is his long dark green fishtail, splashing about before disappearing into the water completely. Then I climb up the ladder.

As I made it to the top of the pier, I called an Uber to take me back to the hotel. After three minutes, my Uber has arrived. Now I can have a ride back to the hotel.

Once I've made it to my suite, I can finally relax on a bed, and then watch something on my Xbox One. All day long.

Fewer days later, I've decided to go to the fetish events and try again. I was prepared to be disappointed with the people there, especially with the other guys in particular. But to my surprise, numerous people have approached me from left to right. And once again, I'm shocked that quite a few straight men approach me first than a few gay men. Despite the fact that they only like doing these things with women, but they allow me to play with their bare feet anyways. Some of them have girlfriends, but even they don't mind that I touch their boyfriends's feet. So for what it's worth, I'll admit that it was slightly better than the last time.

And I mean, "slightly". Because most of the other men, somewhat young and old, don't have the spark that lead to the barefoot tickling. Most of them are not ticklish on their feet nor everywhere else on their bodies. A few lack the energy or charisma. And some others just have a personality that is just about as interesting as mayonnaise.

Although every man in the party have really nice bare feet to play with, and I appreciate that they all have given me the chance to touch them, but none of them has made it quite memorable like the monster merman Nightmare did. And somewhat doing this has made me miss him though. I wonder how he's been doing for the last few days since I've last seen him? Maybe I'll go see him after this.

The event continues for another two hours until midnight, according to the organizers who sent me the email earlier this week. However, I didn't feel like staying at the party for too long anyway. So I thank the organizers again, said my goodbyes to them, and I left the party. Right before sunset.

I went to the pier like before. I just wanted to see Nightmare one last time tonight, before I have to get ready to catch my flight back home in the morning. As I got to the edge of the pier, I look around my surroundings to make sure that no one is seeing me doing this. Thankfully, nobody knows nor do they care. I am in the clear to climb down the ladder, to the spot underneath the pier.

It was quite dark down here. And it's very hard to see anything. Good thing I came prepared, so I don't make that mistake again like the last time. I use my phone's flashlight to see where I'm going. I arrive at the same spot by the water, just like the days before. And I wait there for the merman to show up.

Not a minute too soon, I can suddenly see the light from afar. It is approaching to the spot where I'm standing. I took a closer look at the light. Before I knew it, an eight foot eight inch tall muscular figure emerge from the saltwater whilst holding a electric waterproof lantern. It's the monster merman himself; Nightmare.

As his tail turn into legs, the minute he set barefoot in the shallow end of the water, he gaze directly down at me. And then, the tall muscular monster merman knelt down to face me. He is happy to see me again, as am I with him.

"Hi, Nightmare." I greeted happily. "I miss you so much."

"And I miss you too, my human friend." beamed Nightmare.

"Sorry about the last couple of days." I said, scratching my head in slight shame. "I was held up by the event and some other things."

"Hey! Don't apologize." said Nightmare out of sympathy. "I know how humans operate in this world. Well, some of them to be precise."

"So you're not upset with me about it?" I questioned the creature.

"Nahh!!! I'm not upset in the slightest." says Nightmare. "I understand that you're caught up with other human things. The only rare times that I would be upset, is that one or few more people would willingly do these things on purpose. Perhaps even continuously towards the expense of my integrity, and some other people. Without any remorse or thought of that makes the person feel. But other than that, I'm not upset with you, buddy."

"Oh! That's good." I said in relief. "Because I didn't want you to think that I've abandoned you for no reason."

"Oh no. You're all good." said Nightmare, shaking his head. "There's one thing you should know about me, is that I don't hold grudges, regardless how I've been treated."

"I would never treat you the wrong way." I reassured.

"I know you won't." says Nightmare, smiling. "That's is why I like having you as my one true friend. You're never too quick to judge others before getting to know them."

"Yep, that's true." I said, blushing in slight embarrassment.

"So what is it that you want to do, now that we're here?" questioned Nightmare. "I mean, I know that you have to be back to your place before midnight. Right?"

"Yes. That's right." I answered as I check my phone for time. "It's only close to nine. So I still have a few hours to hang out with you. And maybe do something fun?"

"Well what do you have in mind?" Nightmare asked in wonderment.

"I was thinking that you take me on your merman adventures underneath the Seattle waters." I suggested and I went on. "And when we return to the surface, I would love to have at your bare feet and body for the last time. Also, if we both so desired, and if you're being a good sport like you are, I'll let you drain my nuts. Would all of that sound good to you?"

Nightmare cracks a wide grin. Nothing else brings him greater joy than a human man or a woman, asking him to pleasure their private parts and giving him their wet gooey cum. When I ask him for it, the tall muscular monster merman doesn't even hesitate to agree on doing just that. Just like before, he will do it for me again. So he lends out his big webbed hand to me for a handshake.

"Totally! It all sounds good to me." beamed Nightmare joyfully. "So you've got yourself a deal."

"Awesome!" I beamed also, taking his hand.

We shook each other's hands, sealing our deal. It's a good thing I came utterly prepared for this final fun time. I went to grab my bag, and then took out my swimwear. Nightmare didn't mind if I get changed in front of him. Because nobody else would bother to come looking down here. As I got into my neoprene wet gear, I am now ready to go underwater with Nightmare. I hid my bags underneath the rocks with the help of the monster merman's ungodly strength. Now I can join him at the shallow end of the water. Nightmare takes my hand and he lures me into the saltwater. Once that we are halfway submerse at shoulder level, Nightmare's legs fused back together into a long tail. I put my mini oxygen device in my mouth. Now we are both good to go.

"Are you ready?" asked Nightmare, just to be sure.

I nodded my head, letting him know that I'm ready. The monster merman wrap his muscled arm around me tight. So he can protect me from the dangers that lurks in the darkest depths.

"Okay then! Here we go!" boasted Nightmare as he dives under the saltwater with me in his arm.

We swam further down at the deepest part of the Elliot Bay. It is dark down there. I could hardly see a thing. Fortunately, Nightmare can radiate his warm bioluminescence from the fins and scales on his body, to his whole tail. Which I think is pretty cool. So we spent the first hour swimming in the dark depths of the Elliot Bay, finding things that people have lost and some other things. It's so dark down there, that scary things might pop up at any given moment from now. However, I not frightened nor am I worried about the oxygen that I had left. Because Nightmare has got me. He won't let me drown in the Elliot Bay waters. Thus we continue to keep swimming onward in the last hour.

After all of that, we both have surfaced. Nightmare is being careful to not be seen by local fishermen and other people, all the while he carries me in his arm, to the same spot underneath the pier.

Once we've made it to the shallow water, I walk on the sand. Nightmare's long merman tail turn back into legs. So he can follow me on the dry mainland. With his help, I recover my personal belongings from the rocks. And then we go from here, disappearing further into the darker parts underneath the pier.

Thanks to Nightmare whom has brought his electrical waterproof lantern, he lites the way for the both of us. Until we have found an isolated spot nearby. That is where I bring out my long beach towels for us to sit or lay down on. Alas we laid ourselves down to rest. After a short minute conversation, it is time for our final fun time. And Nightmare knows it all too well. The tall muscular monster merman didn't waste a split second to tease me with his big masculine bare foot gliding on top of mine. I am such a small human guy compared to him. I just love the feeling of the monster merman's large fishy soles, on me or otherwise. So I just let him tease me for a little bit, before I can grab his big foot. Nightmare adjusts his body comfortably on the towels. And he watches me play with his big webbed bare feet, with a smile on his face.

I just rub his feet down for a couple of minutes, just to relax the watery creature. He puts his arms up behind his head and enjoys his foot massage. I rub the merman's feet, one foot at a time. As the masculine sea monster merman has gotten too relaxed due to the foot massage, that's when I see the opportunity to go in on him.

Just like the night before, I wrap my arm around his ankles and then I begin to tickle his bare feet. Alas Nightmare starts to laugh. He squirm around a little bit, but for the most part, he endure the sensation. The monster merman just wants to make our last time together as memorable as possible. I can feel the vibe just by the way he plays along while I stroke my fingers all over his large wet soles.

"Ahh haha haha!!! Oh fuck!!! That tickles!!!" cried Nightmare as he buries his face in his webbed hands, laughing.

The barefoot tickling lasts for nearly ten minutes straight. The longest part of the session that I have ever done. It must be because I was very horny towards Nightmare at this time. Then after that, I gave Nightmare an short break. He was relieved for a brief moment. But however, he is pretty much aware of what is yet to come. All because he went through this sexy torment with me the first time around.

The tall muscular monster merman prepares himself for the next part as he expose his torso to me, anticipating it ambiguously. Therefore I waste no time at all, caressing his strong legs all the way up to his torso. Then I tickle him all over his upper body, from the abdomen, to his rib cage without accidentally touching his gills, and ultimately to his underarms. Nightmare just lets me tickle his armpits for seven minutes. He is not fighting back though. The giant monster merman actually likes being tickled by a human and it clearly shows. I just love the way that he is looking at me, all the while he laughs.

As I give him one final break, Nightmare leans forward and proceeds to kiss my forehead. What a seductive aquatic monster he truly is.

"So are you going to turn me on again, like the last two times, huh?" Nightmare questioned seductively.

"Yes, Nightmare. I want to turn you on." I answered him in a quiet voice.

"Oh okay. Just as long as I get to suck you off after this." said Nightmare. "Do you promise me that you'll let me drain your nuts? Give me your seeds?"

"Yes. I promise." I said to the merman.

"Cool! You can turn me on now." says Nightmare as he rests his body on the beach towels. "Make me horny with your touch, buddy."

And alas I did just that. I play with his nipples for like five minutes, just until his cock has risen from his slit, all harden and oozing with fishy substance. Nightmare moans simultaneously as I can see that his huge cock and balls are now out in the open. I know what to do from there. I climb down the monster merman's body and crept in between his legs. Thence I worked my hands on his huge cock. Nightmare spreads his legs further apart and across on the sands. The overwhelming feeling of his cock getting worked on, makes his white eyes water. He licks his lips in pure delight. The giant monster merman can't wait to suck me off after I milked his cock. During the hot moment, I tickle tease his ballsack, just to get a chuckle out of him. The monster merman will allow that just this once. Thus the cock milking continues for at least an hour.

This just in, Nightmare begins to grunt ferociously. He clawed his webbed talons into the sands, his legs stiffened and lifted off the ground. His feet tilted like a ballerina, with his long webbed toes curled up. His muscles tightened. His gills breathe heavily. He bared his clenching sharp teeth, and his eyes squinted shut. I knew his body language all too well. As I continue to do away his cock head and his shaft, whilst tickling his balls, Nightmare can't hold it all in anymore. The tall muscular monster merman is going to cum.

"Ohhh!!! Ahhh!!! You're gonna make me cum, little human!!!..." Nightmare screeched ferociously and lustfully. "I'M GONNA CUM!!! I'M GONNA CUM!!!!"

He roared his lustful cries as he blasts his load all over me and his lower region. The giant monster merman's roars was so loud that everyone from above the pier can hear it from yards away. It startled them for they don't know what is making that ungodly sound, let alone, where is it coming from. I hope nobody ever thought to check down here. Or else Nightmare would be in trouble.

As I am dripping with his massive seamen, Nightmare sits up to glance at me.

"Was I too loud?" he asked.

"Yes, you were." I replied with a embarrassed expression.

"Oh! Sorry about that." says Nightmare as he too felt embarrassed. "I get like that when I feel so good. Especially when my cock is touched like that. I'll have to work on not being so beastly loud."

"Yeah. I know." I reassured with laughter. "It's not your fault. So don't feel too bad."

"Thanks. And I'm also sorry for getting my mess on ya." says Nightmare as he grab a few more towels next to his reach. "Here! Let me clean ya up, my friend."

He takes my hand and bring me to the water, where he proceeds to wash me up from his cum. Using the towels to dry me off, Nightmare brings me back to the spot. Before I knew it, Nightmare knelt down to strip me out of my neoprene swimwear. Thus I am now nude in his presence. He is grinning at me for I am completely exposed. I know what's going to happen next, the minute he caresses my skin, gently and carefully.

"So I let you tickle me again, and make me bust my nuts." said Nightmare as he went on. "I made you happy, in which I've done my part. Now it's my turn to get what I've wanted, and make you bust your nuts in my mouth."

He push me down on the ground. As I lie down on the towels, Nightmare towers over me with his body. He leans towards me and whispers seductively in my ears.

"Let me give you one last pleasure before you leave." whispered Nightmare.

I just nodded in response. And without further ado, Nightmare licks my body all the way down to my lower area and he took my whole genitalia inside his mouth. Thus giving me a good blowjob. The tall muscular monster merman starts off by sucking my dick slowly. He wants to savor every moment of making me feel overwhelmingly good as he goes. I just lie there and allow this to happen to me. It just feels so good with the way he uses his tongue to add pressure on the tip of the head. I rub his bald head gently. Nightmare likes it, and then he continues to suck my dick to completion without exhausting himself.

Just a few minutes in, Nightmare takes his time building up his speed as he glides his lips around my dick, whilst his tongue adds pressure from the cock head, to the shaft. My eyes were watering like crazy. He is just too damn good at this. During all of that, I reach down to grab the merman's webbed hands. And I pull them up towards my torso. Nightmare already knew what I was going to request. As instructed, he proceeds to tickle my nipples and armpits, all the while he sucks me off like the watery beast that he is.

And in the very last minute, I am about to reach my limit. I don't want him to stop. Not yet. I'm getting closer to busting my nut in the giant monster merman's mouth. The faster he gets, the closer I am to being ultimately finished. I firmly place my hands on his bald head, enticing him to keep going faster. Nightmare just likes the way I take control of him. Especially when it comes to sucking a male's dick or eating a female's pussy. Thus he continues sucking me off strong.

And I finally came, blasting my massive load into the masculine sea creature's mouth. He won't stop until he gets the very last drop of cum from my tip. Hence the masculine monster merman gulps the whole bodily mess, swallowing it down his throat. Alas I am now finished. Nightmare glance down at me with a delighted grin for he is now satisfied.

"Yummy! That was delicious." beamed Nightmare with joy. "Thank you for giving me your tasty treat."

"You're welcome, Nightmare." I replied happily. "And I also like to thank you for letting me play with your feet and body for the last time."

"You too are welcome, my little friend." says Nightmare, smiling joyfully. "I hope that I pleased ya good."

"Indeed you did." I said humorously. "From the way you got me overwhelmed with pleasure, I'll have to admit that I'm never going back to human blowjobs after this."

"Haha! I know that's right." Nightmare added agreeably.

"Oh! And a human man's feet, body and cock too." I also added.

"Yeah! I can tell that you love tickling my feet and body." said Nightmare as he chuckled. "And touching my cock and balls too. No one, human nor creature, has ever came into my life and made me feel this way. Sexually, must I add. I owe it to you for giving me this unforgettable experience. So once again, thank you."

"Oh no problem, Nightmare." I said. "It's my pleasure for sure."

He smiled at me with joy. I sit up to look around for my things. And I grab my bag to take out my phone. I check the time on my phone's screen. It is almost close to midnight. I turn to the masculine merman as he knelt to my side.

"Is it time for you to go back?" asked Nightmare.

"Yes, Nightmare. I should be heading back to the hotel." I answered as I reach for my clothes from my bag. "I gotta get up early for my flight home."

"I understand." said Nightmare, nodding agreeably. "You have to go back to where you came from."

"Yeah. I know." I said in a seldom tone. "Home is where I grew up at. You know? Gotta go do adult responsibilities."

"Yeah, I know. Well it's been fun for the last couple of days." said Nightmare. "I really enjoyed it and I appreciate you for being my first human friend."

"Aww shucks! You're too kind." I remarked abashedly. "And I could say the same thing for you as well."

"Aww! Why thank you." says Nightmare, getting a little misty eyed. "Come here..."

He open his arms out to give me a big bear hug. I too embraced him back. After the heartfelt embrace, I brush the sand off my dreadlocks and legs, quickly get myself dressed in my clothes, gather all of my belongings and I am now ready to head off. But not before I say goodbye to Nightmare. So I turn to him one last time.

"I should be going now." I said to the creature.

"Okay, little man." said Nightmare as he too grabs his lantern. "Perhaps I should head back home too."

"You're going to swim home?" I wondered.

"Yeah." replied Nightmare, glancing at me. "Well I hope that we can see each other again someday in the future. If that's okay with you, or even possible?"

"I think the almighty universe happen to think so." I complied with a smile. "Whenever I'm in town of Seattle again, perhaps I can come visit you near the water. Or the cave. However you prefer."

"I would love that very much." says Nightmare, smiling.

"Then it's a promise." I said as I then walk away. "Goodbye for now, Nightmare!"

"Yes! Goodbye for now, my little human friend!" boasted Nightmare, gleefully.

We waved at each other from afar. As we both have parted ways, Nightmare starts heading towards the saltwater. With my phone's flashlight in hand, I walk up towards the ladder. I turn around to see Nightmare disappearing into the water, with his large tail fins splashing around. And then he had gone home. I climb up the ladder to the main pier.

From there, I call an Uber to take me back to the hotel. Well what do ya know?! The Uber ride is only three minutes away from where I am. That was quick! By the time my ride has arrived, I got into the van. The nice Uber lady drove away, taking me back to the hotel. After a few long minutes, we arrive by the lobby. I tip the nice Uber lady before I head inside the hotel. She drives off to the street.

When I got to my suite, the first thing I did was to take a quick shower, to wash away the saltwater of the Elliot Bay. After I've finished my shower, I dry my long dreadlocks with a blow dryer. Then I went to get dressed in my sleepwear. I turn off all the lights, turn on my Xbox One for soothing music, and then I went to bed.

The following morning is arriving at the break of dawn. I was sleeping soundly in bed, until the alarm on my phone went off. I've awaken to the sound. And I turn my alarm off. It's time to get ready for my flight back home. I quickly got myself dressed, gather all of my belongings, pack them in my bags, and now I'm ready to go. With my keycard in hand, I left the suite.

As I made my way down to the receptionist desk to return the keycard, I stop by the cafeteria for a quick breakfast. I have a little time to kill before I call another Uber for the Seattle airport. This just in, I have receive a text message from none other than the entity itself.

"Good morning! How are you doing today?" the entity asked via text.

"Why Good morning to you too." I replied with a text. "I'm doing okay for myself. Just waiting patiently for the right time to go to the airport."

"That's good to know." said the entity via text. "Did you have fun with your monster merman?"

"Oh yes! I'd have fun with him." I answered through text. "He is actually very nice. He maybe scary at first, but then again, he's not so bad once I get to know him personally. All he needed was a friend. And I just became his friend."

"That's good to hear that you made a friend of the giant monster merman." says the entity's text. "So did he meet your exceptional desires?"

"Yes. He met my desires and expectations very well." I text my answer. "He was so sexy, especially when I tickle him from his feet to body. And making him laugh. Not to mention that we both have made each other came three times now."

"Awesome! Sounds like you two have a really great time together." the entity texted.

"Oh totally!" I responded via text. "Now I have another reason why I would like to come to Seattle again. All because of him alone."

"I figured that you would like to see him again." the entity said via text. "Well then! I will write him in my records for you. And I will keep you posted. Shall you and that giant monster merman ever meet again, I will be hearing about it. Until then, I'll keep it in the files for you."

"Thank you for everything." I texted my gratitude.

"You're welcome, my friend." the entity texted. "I gotta go now. I have another client over in Europe who is looking for a man to satisfy her tonight. So I must go accommodate my suggestions for her. Ta ta for now! And have safe trip back home!"

The conversation ended there. I'm not surprised at all about this. So I finish eating my breakfast and then went outside the lobby. I call an Uber for the last time. And after six minutes away, my Uber ride has arrived. A red car pulling up to the side. I put my baggages in the trunk and I got into the car. Now the Uber driver can drive me off to the airport.

After a long mile on the highway, we arrive at the airport. I tipped the Uber driver before he drove away on the street. With my baggages and airline tickets in hand, I enter the airport. It is crowded as usual. But I manage to maneuver my way around to the Northwest Airlines desk. After I got passed the security standpoint, I went over westbound to gate B23, where I take my seat and waited there with the other passengers. It was not long before they've announced that everybody can board the plane now.

Once that I got onboard the plane, I follow the flight attendant to the first class area. There I sit down in the five row. I will admit, it is nice to be sitting in the first class seats. The pilots announce that they will be taking off shortly. As the jet engines are revving up, the plane has left the gate and is now making its way to the runway. The plane zoomed across the runway, until it has gain altitude. Just like everyone else on aboard, I am finally leaving Seattle. Thus I'm flying back home.

And alas, this is the end of this tale. No doubt about it, I had fun with the giant monster merman, Nightmare. He is a very unique creature alright. Funnily enough, his overall appearance kinda resembles that of both people who I've known for years; Travannus the first mutant merman, and Venom from Marvel's Spider Man. Yeah I can definitely see the resemblance in him. Meaningless to say, Nightmare is the best of both worlds. I mean yeah, people are easily afraid of him due to his nightmarish visage (again, no pun intended), but he's just simply misunderstood. Like some of us are. And speaking of which, I have to introduce Nightmare to my other monstrous mermen foot friends. Travannus, Duncan, Thryax, and recently, Leonius. I'm sure they will welcome him to the club with open arms. That way he won't have to feel like he's alone in two worlds.

Not to mention that he is a nice edition to my foot fetish tale. Especially when he lets me tickle him erotically. I tickled every inch of him, all over his muscular merman body. Yes, even his manly parts. And most of all, his big feet is to die for. Not only that, Nightmare has his own personal fetish; he likes to eat out human men and women pleasurably.Well, he sure did that to me as I much as I love having at him, especially his masculine fishy feet.

Some of us who are into this kind of stuff, we can all agree on the fact that Travannus the mutant merman did the foot tickling fetish thing with me first. But Nightmare did it best. Hands down! All because I couldn't get enough of him. And I'm pretty sure that Nightmare himself has felt the same way too.

I have to wonder though, is he invited to an all monster/mutant mermen's barefoot party??? We will have to wait and see what the future may hold for us here. Until next time, sweet dark dreams! Also, stay imaginative, stay inhumane, stay kinky, and please do stay golden!

Oh! And don't forget to go get vaccinated! So stay safe!

The End.... For Now

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