Messiah Time

Published on Nov 11, 2016


Messiah Time

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I'm Conrad, the new manager of the Pinnacle Theater in Richmond, Virginia. The Pinnacle is the largest theater in the city, complete with huge auditorium and a massive back stage. We had just finished a road show of a Broadway musical, that was good for me, since they have their own stage a managers and staff. My job was almost janitorial, cleaning up the place after every performance and replacing lightbulbs.

Christmas was on the way and we had Nutcrackers scheduled for the Christmas season, but first we had to get through the Messiah. That should have been easy, but this was mostly an amateur group with a professional orchestra and a few star soloists.

There was a week of rehearsals and then three performances. There was no professional staff. Four choral groups participated, each with its own director. Like most chorus directors, they were courteous in public and crazed, backstabbing maniacs behind the scenes.

My predecessor as manager was the daughter of a wealthy local family that was apparently related to 50% of the city's residents and prone to make generous donations. All the groups obeyed her direction. I am not a native of the city and not wealthy. The local groups were free to be bad.

The members of the groups were comparatively normal, except for the tenors of course, but the Pinnacle Theater was a problem. Most of the singers were in church groups or smaller vocal ensembles, like school or college groups. They performed mostly in churches or school auditoriums. A 4,000-seat theater is an entirely different situation.

The directors selected one person to direct the entire operation, a church choir man named Calvin. Calvin was a nice man who was retiring and this was choice based on charity rather than ability. While the directors all loved music, I came to believe their real love was petty bickering.

The first two days of rehearsals were poor, and it was my fault. Choral directors can never be wrong, thus as the theater manager, it must have been my fault. It was a nightmare.

The situation changed when Rolf Neumann, an internationally known bass, arrived on the scene. Rolf was six-feet-five-inches tall, 250 pounds and had a beard the size of a muskrat. His personality was bigger than his huge body. He was German, but he spoke fluent English, Italian, French and Spanish in addition to German. He was a leader of men.

I later realized that he never ordered people to do this or that. He just suggested an approach or improvement and everyone obeyed, even the tenors. He was physically imposing, but he seemed to have an aura of authority.

He sat next to Calvin making helpful comments and suggestions and suddenly the rehearsals improved. The bickering subsided.

My strength as a manager is getting things done. I get things done right away and the theater staff is good about that too. Everything at a theater is on a tight schedule and is seen by the public. You don't buy expensive tickets for a show and discover there is no toilet paper in the restrooms, or that the sound man is having a bad day so you can't hear the performance. Actors may have bad days, but the theater must be prefect. Rolf and I got along very well. If he needed something, he got it.

I also owned an oversized SUV that I normally used it to haul supplies for the theater. It was a comfortable size for Rolf. I am always punctual and that pleased Rolf too. He was staying in an upscale downtown hotel. The next morning, I called his room to say I was there. He answered and told me he had overslept due to time lag from his flight.

"Come up and wait in my room. It will be fifteen or twenty minutes. Could you bring me something to eat? I won't have time to have breakfast," he said. The hotel door man took care of my car and the hotel kitchen made a quick breakfast of croissants and coffee.

I was at his door in ten minutes. He opened the door and wolfed down the croissants, and said he had to take a quick shower and then vanished into the bathroom. Ten minutes later he emerged from the bath, drying himself off. Rolf seemed much bigger and hairier naked than dressed. He didn't seem concerned about his nudity. I thought to myself that if I were as well hung as he was, I would spend a lot of time naked too.

I must have stared. "Is see you like it," he said.

"Sorry about that, it is impressive," I replied.

"It's more decorative that useful at my age," he replied. "Are you gay by any chance?" I nodded.

"I have the misfortune to be a top. It is hard for me to find bottoms who can take it," he said. "Are you a size queen by any chance?"

"I am, but I've never taken any one as big as you are," I said. Rolf looked disappointed. "I wouldn't mind giving it the old college try," I added. He wasn't familiar with that turn of the phrase and I explained it to him.

"Think about it and maybe we can work things out," he said. Rolf dressed quickly we went to the theater. He was entirely professional and very helpful during the rest of the day. He was experienced, intelligent and thoughtful. One of the directors wanted the chorus members who were not singing to leave the stage. I thought that would be both time consuming and noisy. Rolf agreed. The Messiah is long and the director said that standing that long would be a problem for some of the singers.

I suggested that we could provide chairs for those who couldn't stand. When the choirs reassembled, I asked who would need a chair. Not a single person said they needed one. I had assumed that they all knew it would be long and were prepared for that. This was a big event in their lives and they would give it their all. The director gave me the evil eye. Rolf smiled in approval.

Rolf was generally solicitous of the performers' comfort and needs. He told them that he didn't want them to wear themselves out during rehearsals. They would need all their strength during the performances, a matinee and two evening shows.

We had a catered dinner and then a rehearsal that night. We were done by 9:45 and I took Rolf back to the hotel. "Would you like to come up to my room for a nightcap?" he asked.

"Maybe we could get to know each other better," I said.

"I was hoping we might fuck some and then see if it's worth getting to know each other better," Rolf said. Rolf tended to be direct in private.

"That sounds like a good idea to me," I replied. Ten minutes later were we in his room, naked. He had seemed like a big man that morning. He was huge and his cock massive. I must have looked uneasy. Rolf noticed.

"This doesn't always fit, so if it hurts, let me know and I will pull out," he said.

"Are you sure you can do that," I asked.

"90% of the time it works. If I am shooting off or close to shooting off I may have a problem," Rolf explained. "Do you want the sperm or do you want me to pull out?"

Instead of answering I dropped to my knees and began sucking him. I didn't intend to do that; it was almost an involuntary reaction. I had never sucked an uncut cock before. That excited me almost more than the huge cock itself.

I worked my tongue into the tube of skin and immediately the sweet taste of precum coated my tongue. It sent shivers of excitement through my body.

"Lick it up; there is a lot more coming," Rolf said. "Some men think it is messy, but others think it is the food of the gods."

A few minutes later, I was on my back and his drooling tool was knocking on my back door. He was slow and careful, but he wanted to get deep in me. I knew that I liked big meat. I was excited and a little uneasy. A minute later I knew that wasn't going to be a problem. He made a quick thrust and his knob was in the dark side of my sphincter. In another few moments, his cock head rubbed my prostate and my ass opened wide.

Rolf was not in a rush to have an orgasm. Of course, I knew that was his goal, but he seemed to enjoy my twitching and moaning. When he found a good spot in my ass, I would moan. He then would return to that spot several times. His cock must have been continuously drooling precum. I had a sense my ass was well lubricated by his cock ooze.

He was relaxed and at ease until he suddenly picked up the pace and began ramming in deep strokes. I could feel him ejaculating. It felt like a high-pressure nozzle in my ass. When he stopped, I felt my own juices rising. A few seconds later he had pulled out of me and was eating my spewing seed. We calmed down and I dressed. He told me he would love to have me spend the night, but we both needed to rest before the next day's rehearsal.

When I went to pick him up the next day he was waiting at the door. The rehearsals were getting better as he systematically worked on the performance. Three other soloist and joined us, a soprano, an alto and the tenor, William Jones. Billy Jones was an up and coming star. Tenors are always suspect, but Billy was pleased to be included in the soloists. I later found out that Rolf often recommended young singers for roles in European opera companies. This was a sort of an audition for him. Jones looked like a Welsh miner, but had a fine voice with a range from tenor to baritone. If he played his cards right, he could become a Wagnerian tenor. Billy had been brought up right so he was polite and differential to elders.

When we had the first rehearsal with the chorus and soloists all was well. There were some rough edges, but the soloist seemed to inspire the chorus and dampen the bickering among the multiple choral directors. The next day we would have two rehearsals with the full orchestra. I knew the conductor, Etienne DuBois, well. He was talented and pragmatic. While the orchestra is somewhat secondary in the Messiah, it is popular and doing a good job is good for the orchestra's donor base.

While Etienne is good with orchestra members, he is superb with the Board of Directors and wealthy donors. There are whispers that his skills with wealthy closeted men were second to none. He sat through the evening rehearsal and was impressed. Of course, he knew of Rolf, but I think he took special interest in Billy Jones.

The Soprano and Alto had suites at an opulent, restored hotel. The hotel want the publicity and there would be a fancy photo shoot for publicity. Billy was at Rolf's hotel so I provided taxi service. Rolf was talking with Etienne as Billy and I waited.

"Rolf told me you are accommodating," Billy said out of the blue, adding "I could use a buddy to help me relax."

"I would love to help. But I don't know Rolf's plans," I replied.

"Rolf told me that he didn't mind sharing, but he didn't know if you were interested," Billy said. "Is Rolf as big as the rumors say he is?"

"I don't know anything about the rumors, but he is a big boy," I said. Rolf finished talking with Etienne and joined us. We went to my car. As soon as we were in the car. Rolf asked, "Did you boys have a good conversation?"

"Conrad seems open to the possibilities," Billy said.

"That is nice," he replied. "I want to warn you that I'm only a romantic on stage. I am not looking for a life partner. I like sex, no more, no less."

"No strings attached and no regrets in the morning?" Billy asked. Rolf nodded.

Billy looked at me, "Are you okay with that, Conrad?"

"I hate to say it, but if a guy can fuck me to the moon, I don't care about the long walk on the beach, or the meaningful interpersonal relationships," I replied.

Twenty minutes later we were all naked in Rolf's room. Billy was tongue worshiping Rolf's monster cock.

Billy looked up, "Damn it's big. I bottom, but I'm not sure I could take it," he mused.

"Conrad has no problem with it, so don't worry," Rolf said. "I'm sure you can make yourself useful." I had a chance to look over Billy. He had worn baggy sweats for the rehearsal and I thought he was pudgy. He was a little under six feet tall and slightly stocky, but notably muscular. Curly red hair covered his broad chest with a treasure trail to his copper bush. His cock was curved and crowned with a lavender cock head. He was also hot-to trot.

He stood and I got on the bed. Billy fed me his cock as Rolf lifted and spread my legs. He lubricated his cock.

"Do you mind if I watch?" Billy asked.

"I love an audience," Rolf replied. Billy leaned over to suck my cock as Rolf slid his tool into me. Billy spurted precum as he watched and sucked. I had never been so entirely sexually involved. I was sucked and fucked as I sucked Billy. For a few seconds, I couldn't get my bearings, but Billy's cock drool cleared my mind.

Rolf was talking it easy, maintaining an almost leisurely pace. Every time the thickest part of his tool rubbed my prostate, I spurted some goo into Billy's mouth, and he did the same for me.

"I'm getting too close. Billy, would you like to take my place for a little while?" Rolf asked. "I am, sure Conrad would like you. They traded places. His cock was less monumental than Rolf's. but the curve meant he rammed my prostate every time. It was intense. Rolf and Billy chatted.

"Your cock is a beauty; I couldn't believe it fit. You must have stretched him wide, but he's still tight," Billy said. "A little too tight. I'm going to shoot off soon."

"Is that okay with you, Conrad?" he asked. I managed to nod.

"I like to watch men climaxing. There is no acting, only emotion," Rolf said. "I appreciate a sperm lubricated ass too." Billy was close and he shot off. As soon as he pulled out, Rolf re-entered and pushed the goo deeper into me. This time Rolf's orgasm induced me to shoot off, but Billy was there to lick it up.

I was getting late by then and I had to go, so I left the two me talking. The next two days were had performances and by the time we got back to the hotel, we were too tired to play. Billy and Rolf liked sex a lot, but a good performance was always first in their considerations. All three performances were good and well received. The soloists were superb and that helped to inspire the choruses. We added a Sunday matinee it was so well received.

By then everyone was tired but happy. Etienne surprised me by asking me to dinner at his house along with Rolf and Billy. I caught a few meaningful glances between Rolf and Etienne. I thought they had a plan.

Etienne lived is a secluded mansion west of the city. It was used for fundraising events and Etienne was a noted host. This was a quiet affair with the three of us and two of Etienne's personal friends. One was his special friend, Jefferson, and there was a second man, Lawrence, who seemed to be Jefferson's special friend.

Jefferson was a member of the symphony board, and was a major donor. He was a tall, imposing man, although he looked small compared to Rolf. Lawrence was a smaller, dapper, bald and bearded. He looked like a Victorian dandy. Jefferson was mellow and gentile, with a very slight sense of effeminacy about him. Lawrence had a deep bass voice and was well suited for a role as a Victorian adventurer.

We had a good, light dinner and got along well. Everyone was interested in music and the theater and cordial. Etienne was the perfect host. At the theater, he could be demanding, but in social events he was a master. We had drinks and I felt a slight sexual overtone. That became more pronounced when we went the lounge-exercise room. It had exercise equipment, a full shower room and a big television playing a video of the Messiah production.

"Are you ready for some fun?" Rolf asked me in a whisper. "Etienne and I shared some common friends in Europe. He had heard of me, or more correctly a part of me. He is a bottom, but not a size queen. He wants to see me in action. Is that a problem?"

"It is in theory," I said. "Would you think less of me if I told you I would do anything that would get your cock in my ass again?"

Rolf smiled. "You would not be the first man to have that problem!" He winked at Etienne was we entered the room.

"I was sweating on that platform; would you object if I took a quick shower?" Etienne asked.

"A shower sounds like a good idea," Billy said. "Would you like some company?"

"Anyone can join me," Etienne replied. "It has been a long day. A shower is so relaxing." To no no-one's surprise, everyone decided to join in the shower. The shower was a marble encrusted affair, with four shower heads. It was a large shower, but small for six men, so there was a lot of body contact.

Etienne got the ball rolling by dropping to his knees to suck Rolf. That was a rather slick drop the soap routine. He bent over to pick up the soap and managed to snag Rolf's cock getting up. It looked quite natural. Jefferson took a shine to Billy and Lawrence somehow managed to rub his erect tool on my ass crack. Lawrence was dapper and elegant when he was dressed, a hairy, well-hung muscle man dressed.

His cock was smaller than Rolf's, but on his small body it looked huge. "It is really close in here," he whispered.

"That isn't a problem," I said. I stood on my toes and his cock found my hole. I sat back and it and it slipped into me. He moaned.

"Jefferson doesn't bottom. I love to top. This is great," he said as he pushed deeper into me. His large cock was not an optical illusion. It was genuinely large. Jefferson was fondling Billy.

"Is this a problem for Jefferson?" I asked.

"Jeff likes to see me happy," Lawrence replied. "He likes to watch it. Does that bother you?" I said no. You might think that six men who had just met would have trouble getting into a hot sex scene. That wasn't the case. No one seemed uneasy and held back.

After the shower, I was on my back with Rolf's cock easing into my behind. Jefferson and Lawrence were impressed. I thought I would be embarrassed, but oddly my ass's ability to take his tool seemed to almost equal the admiration for the cock. These men were experienced and appreciated my skills. Billy took a turn as did Lawrence. Lawrence was a big boy and he was good.

Etienne was the perfect host and didn't entertain himself until his guests were happy. He was thin and toned. He took time to suck Jefferson from a position that left is ass wide open. Lawrence knew an invitation when he saw it. Jefferson seemed to like it too, if shooting off into Etienne's mouth as he watched his lover shoot off into Etienne's ass is an indicator.

The evening was casually and comfortable for all of us. Orgasms punctuated the relaxed atmosphere of the party. I was surprised and the intensity of the orgasms and that all of us seemed to be into cum eating. I get turned on when I meet a man and am sucking his sex juices a little while later. Apparently, I wasn't the only one.

Rolf and Billy were to go home for the Christmas season, but those plans had changed. A local university had asked them to do a week of master classes, so they postponed leaving town. Billy would be staying with Jefferson, and Rolf with Lawrence. I had a feeling I would be seeing them again.

Next: Chapter 2

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