
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Jul 5, 2002


Writer's note: As with anything you read, you should know this is my work, purely fictional, and totally made from figments of my imagination. If you're here and you're not supposed to be, then you know what you need to do.

Please feel free to write to me at success66@yahoo.com with comments or concerns. Please do not send negative comments, they'll be ignored.

Please support nifty.org as they depend on your donations to keep this service free.

One last thing...if you're lookin' for a quick thrill, you'll need to look elsewhere. I don't intend for this to be more than a one-time thing but you won't get your jollies by reading this for a quick squirt.



He awoke with a start. His green eyes were blurred and he wasn't quite sure what he was looking at but he knew this wasn't his bed, his house, or his anything he came to know as his room.

Michael McManus lifted his head only to feel a sharp pain as he did.

"Oh so the prince awakes," a voice from the other side of the room spoke. It was a familiar voice but he couldn't place it because the ringing in his ears and the pounding of his head wouldn't allow him to think clearly.

Then he realized it. He was naked.

Michael rolled over on his back not giving any regard to the fact his dick was standing straight up. He knew he was covered but he knew that he really could give a fuck. He wanted to know who that person is.

His eyes focused. The blurry shape sitting in a chair across the room slowly took on a shape of someone. He could tell they were wearing a robe. Then he knew who it was. It was Robert.

"Oh fuck, Robert, what happened last night?" Michael went to put his fingers through his hair as he caught a wiff of his own man scent. He needed to shower.

"Hey Mikey, glad to see you didn't die on me." Robert laughed. "You were pretty fucked up last night and well you didn't do very well so I brought you to my place."

"Do you have some coffee? Why the fuck am I naked, I'm not queer, like..." Michael's temporary anger was quickly replaced with fear. His mom always taught him to be courteous of other's hospitality.

Robert wasn't angry, just pleasantly irked. "Like what, Mikey? Like me? If I were you I'd be worried about what you did last night and less of whether I took advantage of you or not." Robert was going to stop, but stood up to hand Michael some coffee. "If I were gonna fuck you, you'd be sane, sober, and alert."

Michael took the coffee and sipped the hot brew. It had cream, no sugar, just like at the office. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just so fucked up right now and don't start with that 'Mikey' shit."

"I'm just giving you a bad time. Do you remember anything you did last night?" Robert sat back down.

"Uh should I be worried that I did anything wrong?" Michael sipped again.

Robert pondered for a moment, letting the dramatic pause cause some anguish with Michael. For the first time, Robert had Michael by the balls, but he wasn't one to blackmail.

Robert's sparkling blue eyes looked into Michael's deep green orbs and said, "No, you didn't do anything wrong, but you were lucky I happened on you. You could have and I don't think even I would have been able to save your ass."

"Well I kind of wonder now what happened but I'll worry more about that after I take a piss." Michael went to get up but his started to lose his balance. Robert quickly sprinted across the room and grabbed the coffee out of Michael's hand as he fell backward. He had already saved his boss's ass, he didn't want to have to clean up after him too.

"Whoa boy, I think you're gonna need some help. Here, take my hand, I'll get you to the bathroom."

Michael gave no thought to his nakedness or his hard-on. He had to piss and it hurt. He lifted his hand and Robert gently but powerfully pulled him out of bed. Robert wasn't a fool. He had seen Michael at the corporate gym. The boy was fine and that dick really needed some attention but he also had to remember, Michael was his boss.

They slowly walked out of the guest bedroom to the master bathroom, which was joined to the short hallway. Michael thought the ceramic floor would be cold but it was warm to the touch.

"Well you have to make a decision here, sit or stand?" asked Robert.

"I think I'll sit, if you don't mind."

"Good choice, I don't want you going queer on me 'cuz I helped you take a piss by touching your dick," smirked Robert.

"Oh go fuck off," snickered Michael.

"I'll leave you to your duty. I will be outside but if you'd like, you can take a bath or a shower after you done shakin' the monkey. I would recommend the bath, it's got a jacuzzi with it. It might help you out better." With that Robert exited and left the door partly cracked.

For the first time, Michael wondered why the fuck he was here and how this boy could afford a place like this? He had only seen just two rooms but still, it was way too spacious for the income he knew Robert was being paid. Damn, his dick hurt, he needed to piss but couldn't. Finally, after some deep breathing and relaxation, the stream of steady, heavy piss flowed. Gawd this feels good, he thought. It seemed like he had the whole fuckin' Hoover Dam in his bladder. But still the question nagged him, how the fuck did he end up here?

Robert went to fetch a robe then waited patiently outside the cracked doorway. He had his own issues to deal with besides bringing his boss home. How would he tell his boss that he was drunk when he entered "The Hole", a gay bar. How would he explain that he pulled his boss from a compromising position of being the bar's fuck toy? How would he get past his own lust for this man he both respected and wanted for his own?

Finally he heard the toilet flush and Michael called for Robert to help him up. Robert entered with a robe. Robert had the robe draped over his shoulder as he lifted Michael up.

"So what would it be, the shower or the tub?" Robert helped Michael sit down on the edge of the tub.

"Well I see you have bars in the shower, let me try that. I think I could manage."

"If you're sure then the shower it is." Robert moved away from his boss, went to the closet and quickly fetched a towel and wash cloth. He quickly made work of opening the shower, getting the water to an acceptable temperature then helping Michael into the rectangular space. "If you need anything, let me know. The soap is there and the shampoo back behind you. I'll listen for any loud thuds in case you fall over."

Michael's legs were a lot more solid now even though his head wasn't backing down. "I'll be fine but damn if I'm not hungry."

"I've got that taken care of already. When you're done, let me know. I'll have some breakfast and some aspirin ready for you."

Robert questioned why this kid was being so nice to him after the comment in the bedroom but then smiled. "You've thought of everything, haven't you? What am I going to do for clothes?"

"Use the robe, we'll figure something out later." With that Robert was out of the bathroom, closed the door and on his way to making breakfast.

The warm water cascaded over Michael's husky body. He wasn't fat but he wasn't muscular. At 38 years old, he had really turned his body around in the last 2 years. He dropped from being well over 300 pound to a nice 225. His 5'9" frame held it well. The doctor said he could lose more weight but he didn't need to since his blood pressure and cholesterol was good. He worked out 3 times a week. Since he had been promoted to head of Project Management for Wylie and Sons, he had less time and more stress. He dropped back on his days in the gym but still managed to schedule his workouts like any other appointment. He even managed to pack his lunch many days when he knew he didn't have a lunch appointment. It brought jokes about the office but he wanted to be in control of his life.

He grabbed the soap and washcloth and got to work cleaning his body. He wasn't sure if it was the fact he was now standing up or if the showerhead was doing wonders on his neck but his headache seemed less prominent. He rubbed the white washcloth across his muscular arms and across his nicely haired chest and belly. He went to work on his feet, which took a little effort with his head still hurting. He got his legs and then ended up with his crotch. He took his cut, 7" thick cock in his hand and soaped it up. Taking a few extra slides of his hand, his cock became semi-hard. He had jacked off in the shower before but this time it was different. He wasn't sure that it was because he was in the home of a guy who he knew was gay or what, but all of a sudden as his cock hardened, he closed his eyes and he saw Robert. Strong, lean, young Robert... He stopped.

"I'm not a fag," he said to himself. He stopped his stroking. Something else bothered him. How the fuck did he get here? How did Robert tie into all of this? He didn't like being at someone's mercy so he determined to get to the bottom of this when he was done.

He rinsed his body, quickly soaped his hair and then rinsed again. He shut off the water and then reached for the towel as he opened the door. He stepped out on the mat and dried himself completely giving some extra attention to his not so soft dick. He wondered about that too. Usually it was on or off...not suspended like it is now. He grabbed the robe and headed over to the sink. His mouth tasted like shit but figured that in a bit he'd have breakfast so he'd just gargle with the mouthwash there. He still thought...he needed answers. It was time to do some investigation.

Robert closed the door and without thinking reached through his robe, through is boxers and gave his semi-hard cock a stroke. Oh man, he thought, this could be a good thing or be a bad thing. He couldn't stay there and just play with himself, he had work to do.

Robert went to the kitchen and began his routine. He washed his hands and got out the skillet. He poured a little oil in and let the pan heat up. He knew Michael. He was a health nut but he still was a "meat and potatoes" kind of guy at times. Robert peeled potatoes, shredded them and placed them in the hot pan. He grabbed a half dozen eggs, pulled down a mixing bowl and began cracking the eggs, adding milk, and mixing it all together. He set that aside for when Michael was done. He got out a package of thick-sliced bacon and put it on a microwave tray, covered it with a paper towel, and set it to cook. Finally, he pulled a loaf of sourdough bread from the breadbox, sliced it and got it ready for toasting. While he was efficient and proficient in the kitchen, he knew his boss. He'll be asking questions and Robert knew better than to lie.

"Well what do we have here?" Michael appeared from the bathroom. He saw the array of foods being cooked or waiting to be prepared for breakfast. "You know when I said I was hungry, I didn't know you intended to raise my cholesterol count in one meal."

Robert laughed. "Well you'll work it off today, I'm sure. Besides wasn't it you that told me that when I suggested rolls for a day-long planning meeting that there'd be none of that. You said 'momma always said breakfast was the most important meal,' and you made me order every breakfast dish known to mankind?"

Michael laughed, "I did not and you remember too much."

With the bacon and hash browns cooked and moved to separate dishes, the eggs were then poured into the same pan as the potatoes and fried up fairly quickly. The bread was toasted and Robert floated around the kitchen as he got dishes, silverware, and accompaniments for the impending meal.

"Sit down, it'll be just a minute for the eggs."

Michael heeded Robert's advice and sat down to a table suited for two people and waited for his food. Again, Robert moved quickly so that the eggs were cooked to a fluffy yet moist consistency. The toast popped and then the dishes were brought to the table. Orange juice was poured and coffee served. There was even a copy of one of the national dailies on the table.

"There, how's that?" Robert smiled.

"Robert, you've outdone yourself." Michael looked at the food, not a lot but enough to get quite satisfied. He laughed and said, "So you think this is going to divert you from answering some questions for me?"

Robert nervously sat down. "Um no, I knew you were hungry. You're gonna know the truth whether I tell you now or later, so it better be now."

"Don't worry, bud, I'm not going to nail you to the wall. This is not work." With that Michael grabbed the eggs and pour a good-sized portion on his plate, grabbed some potatoes, bacon, and a piece of toast. He was amazed that there was butter and orange marmalade on the table. Robert was all too good at this.

Robert looked up at Michael. He could see he was nervous all of a sudden. "Hey, don't worry, eat, damnit!" Michael looked at Robert and gave him a look to ease him. Robert wasted no time getting his food dished.

It was like being at home again. Michael had forgotten what it was like to be served. He liked it, it was comfortable. He just finished a nasty divorce from bitch that wouldn't lift a damn finger unless it was to say "charge it". The last time he was served was Thanksgiving where his mom took pity on him and made sure the holiday wasn't going to be a bust since the kids were with their mom.

The meal was eaten in silence with exception of Robert and Michael quietly sharing the newspaper and occasional request for more bacon, or another piece of toast. When it was completed, Robert rose to clear the dishes but Michael wouldn't have it. He helped to clear the table, wipe it off, and helped to load the dishwasher. With fresh coffee cups in hand, they walked to the living room and found two overstuffed chairs that were close and comfortable.

Michael spoke first.

"First of all, I'm going to start by saying "thanks" for your hospitality. I'm sure it's going to be revealed how I got here shortly but you have made me feel comfortable. I'm not easily shaken, not after what I've gone through the last two years, but you have been a great host."

Robert blushed and went to speak but Michael raised a hand.

"Secondly, I'm going to apologize for my off-color remark earlier. You have been nothing more than straightforward (pardon the pun) with me about your sexuality. I have to admit that did take me aback a bit when I learned about it, but I also am worldly enough to know that it's who you are. So I hope you'll forgive me."

Michael stopped for a second and sipped his coffee. His mouth was strangely dry. He looked at Robert as he waited for a response. Michael had more to say about the subject but decided to keep some "professional distance" at this time.

"Well Michael," Robert cleared his throat, "I didn't give your comment another thought, and thanks for verbally acknowledging what I already knew. You've always said that actions were louder than words, and you have shown your acceptance where others haven't been so nice at the office."

Michael moved forward in his chair a bit, a little annoyed that Robert hadn't told him this before. "Oh really? That's interesting. I would have hoped you would had talked to me about it."

"It's not a big deal. If they can't handle it or can't seem to come to grips with the fact there are those of us that are different, then I don't have time to address their petty ignorance." Robert was looking straight at Michael throughout his comments. Michael thought to himself, maybe this boy does have the balls to go further in the company, but he was digressing from his intended topic.

"Well I want you to know I don't put up with that shit. If there is something going on, I expect to be made aware of it. I've got women and men of different colors and religions on my staff, I don't need some narrow-minded bigot causing problems with the type of teamwork I demand."

Robert appreciated Michael's comments and if there was any doubt he really respected this man before it wasn't there. Robert shifted in his chair somewhat nervously at what was about to come.

"Finally, Robert, I want you to know I have been one for direct, forward, and truthful answers on my team. You're part of that team. Rarely does a manager get an opportunity to see his employees outside the realm of their workplace. I can tell by your body language you have something to tell me that is going to either piss me off or make me incredibly sorry I didn't go home last night. But I want you to know that whatever you tell me, it's going to stay here. It will not affect me on Monday, it will not affect ever. I have learned how to keep my professional life and private life separate. That's probably why I'm divorced but it didn't slow down my drive. I'm not the Director of Project Management because I allowed a private defeat slow me down. Anyway, I'm wanting, and even expecting, some answers. Do you understand?"

Again, Robert shifted nervously in his chair. He looked down. He's given Michael bad news before, but this was different. This could really fuck up Michael, and he didn't want that to happen. He finally looked up, after a long pause, into Michael's eyes and said, "You'll get nothing but the truth from me. I respect you and I trust you'll respect me."

"Good," Michael said with a smile. "So what happened last night?"

Robert sipped his cup then put it on the end table. He looked into his boss's eyes for the first time. He thought this could be incredibly stupid or incredibly smart. But which one he wasn't sure.

"Well, you already know I am gay, and actually when I found you, I found that you were in a very compromising position."

Michael looked directly into Robert's eyes. He knew this was tough. "So what was I doing? Was I sucking some guy's dick or something?"

Robert snickered. "Uh no boss, you weren't exactly in that position." He smiled again. "Um, you know about a bar called 'The Hole'?"

Michael was now nervous. He had heard of the bar. It has a rather interesting reputation as a place to get drugs, get drunk, and get fucked, if you were gay. Once gain Michael looked into the eyes of his employee and said, "Yes I'm aware of it."

"Well Mikey, I mean, Michael, I saw you the very second you entered the bar. You were so out of place and so drunk that I honestly picked up you didn't know what you were doing. I don't know where you came from or where you were going but I knew you were headed for trouble fast." Robert started to laugh.

"You were a riot last night and if you could have had the words "fresh meat" tattooed on your head, you would have. You weren't 3 feet in the door when you were taken by the hand out to the dance floor. Well, I hate to tell you this boss, but you can't dance."

"Okay, knock off the funny shit, what happened?" Michael was not annoyed at the laughter as he was at the dancing comment. He took lessons but it was for formal dancing, not the sexual gyrations known as legitimate dancing these days.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Robert still smiling, continued. "Well anyway, you weren't really with anyone but some guy coaxed you into taking your shirt off. Like I said, here's this white male who hasn't seen a tan line in years dancing on the floor with kids about 10 year younger than he is. That is until Randy found you."

"Who's Randy?" Michael was concerned.

"Randy is a buddy of mine. He's 6'3, 275 pounds of packed muscle and the guy is the very definition of butch. He took an interest in you. That's where the problem is. Randy doesn't care if it's your first time or your 30th, he's gonna fuck you and you don't have much of a choice. I knew at that moment I had to save you, so I did."

"You did what? I did what? Oh fuck, what was I doing?" For the first time Michael put his head in his hands and started to really worry. Did I get fucked, did I suck the guy's dick, I'm probably infected now or worse, someone took pictures and will show them around work. Oh fuck, what am I going to do, he thought to himself.

"I saved you. The shirt was lost but I knew I had to intervene. I went over to Randy before he took you to the backroom. I told him that he couldn't do what I knew what he was going to do to you. He, of course, asked why? I told him that not only was this guy not ready for him, he's my boss and I didn't want him to get hurt. Randy was really horned up. He wanted a piece of your ass and nothing was going to stop him. He then asked why I cared. I just said I did and that this guy didn't deserve it. Well in the mean time, you started to pass out. You were really fucked up. I don't know what you did to get fucked up but I found out from Larry, the bartender, that you had one of the house specials and that would do anyone in." Robert paused to let this information soak in.

"So, here I was, you knew I was there, you came and saved me. But how?" Michael was still worried.

"Randy is clean. He's really cool but he's also one horned-up bastard. So I told him that instead of fucking you, he could fuck me. Randy didn't need to think twice about it cuz as long as we were friends, he's been wanting me but I wouldn't let him do it. His body isn't the only thing that's big on him. Anyway, I took you to Larry and asked him to call a cab and make sure you got in it and have you go to my house. I knew you'd need a safe place just in case you wondered what happened. Larry owns the bar so he had one of his flunkies stay back while he helped you out. I told him no funny business with you and he said, that's okay, you weren't his type."

Michael continued to listen in disbelief. He started to piece together things. That pounding in his head had less to do with alcohol and more to do with the pounding of the song he had going through is brain. He remembered being hot and taking off his shirt but never quite knew where he left it. Slowly it was coming back.

"So what did you do after Larry brought me here," Michael was on the edge of the seat again.

"I had a commitment to fulfill. I certainly didn't want Randy coming after me cuz he knows where I live and even the fucker is a friend, he get's mean when he's denied his pleasure. I went to the backroom and took care of business." With that Robert spared Michael the erotic details. As nasty as it might sound to Michael, Robert wasn't about to divulge that it was one of the best fucks he'd received in awhile. He even told Randy he'd love to get fucked by him again. So Randy did...right there. Robert was sore but not enough to where he still couldn't move.

For awhile, both Michael and Robert sat in their respective chairs. Michael leaned back in his chair forgetting that under the robe, he was completely naked. His dick, once soft, was now semi-hard and it started to poke out of the robe. This display didn't escape Robert's attention either. While telling the story, Robert's dick got hard but the chair, along with the robe and boxers helped to hide most of it.

Finally, Michael broke the silence. "I remember what I was doing last night, I mean, why I was drunk. Yesterday was the finalization of my divorce. Remember what I told you earlier about private vs. business lives? Well that's what that 3:30 p.m. appointment was. The deed was done. I wanted to get drunk. My lawyer, who happens to be golf parnter, and I went out for a couple of drinks. Well I got shitfaced and he put me in a cab. But I must have been coherent enough to tell the cabbie to go to The Hole. FUCK!"

For the first time Robert felt sorry for Michael. He knew something was up but didn't know what it was. He reached forward and put a hand on Michael's exposed knee. Michael looked up with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be doing this here. I'm sorry." Michael went to get up but Robert was there and hugged him. That's when Michael began to sob uncontrollably. Robert felt Michael's tears and knew that this was needed. He would just comfort him. Help to realize it would be okay. They stood there for an eternity.

"Um, Robert, thanks. I'm sorry that I did that in front of you. I don't want you to think I'm trying to get into your pants or something but I really, oh fuck, I don't know what I want!" Michael dropped back into the chair with his head in his hands with his sobbing started again.

"Michael, it's okay, man. You go ahead and cry and do whatever you need to get this out. For all your bullshit about different lives, you are human. One is going to touch the other. You haven't really talked this out with anyone have you?"

Michael shook his head no.

"Well don't worry no one is going to know. This is between you and I. Everything, all of it." Robert squatted down and lifted Michael's tear-stained face. "It's going to be alright. I'll see to that."

Michael then did the very thing he thought he'd never do to another man. He leaned into Robert and kissed him. Not a sexual kiss, but a kiss that was innocent and was a sign of the promise Robert made with him. Then at that very moment, Michael froze in horror and then stood up.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that! Oh shit, I've really fucked things up."

Robert was still stunned, still squatting and looking up at his boss. He slowly stood up as Michael moved away, he knew the response. When something unsettling happened, Michael would pace and run his fingers through his course dark hair. The response was normal. He watched, kind of smiling, as he saw his boss go where he's never gone before. Then quietly, carefully, Robert spoke.

"Hey Michael, Mike, MIKEY!" Robert shouted finally to get his attention. "It's okay man...I'm not worried about it. It was innocent." He smiled. "It was sweet."

Now Michael stopped in his tracks. He looked at Robert cockeyed. He didn't understand. He wasn't sure he wanted to understand.

"Where's my clothes? I want to get dressed, I want to get out of here." Michael demanded.

"Except for the shirt, your stuff is back in the bedroom. I can give you a jogging shirt to wear home. I'd be willing to take you, if you'd like." Robert was shocked even more so now, he didn't know how to respond. He was on autopilot. It was as if he had been slapped across the face.

"No, no, you don't have to do that, you've done quite enough already. Not that I'm not thankful to you, I'm just not ready for, for, this. I can't, I'm not...I'm uh...I've got to get out of here." Michael ran for the bedroom. He quickly put on his clothes. Robert had brought a running shirt for him. He looked silly in a partial suit and t-shirt but he didn't care. He wanted to get home.

"Um I'll see you at the office on Monday. I need some time to figure this out Robert. You're still okay, don't worry, but I, just, well can't do this right now. It's not right." Michael didn't even give Robert a pat on the back or anything. He just flew out the door. The door slammed and with it, Robert's heart was shattered.

...and it wasn't even noon yet.

Monday came and Robert wasn't sure what to expect. He arrived a bit early to get a head start on the day. He opened the door to his small office to find his shirt cleaned and neatly pressed with a note on top. The envelope was addressed to "Robert".

His heart beat quickened. He wasn't sure he wanted to open the note, but did.

"Dear Robert,

I want to say an enormous thank you for your hospitality and kindness you've shown to me.

So that I'm not indebted to you for your show of support, you are expected to arrive at my home tonight by 6 p.m. There are some related issues I'd like to discuss with you and I would like to resolve any possible problems at that time.



"Strange," Robert smiled. "He used 'Mikey' so things must be cool. But still it must be hard for him to do this." From the tone of the note, he knew this wasn't a choice, he had to report, and he didn't bother to respond.

The rest of the day was a combination of weird tension and busy activity. Robert knew that he'd have to keep his mind sharp if he were to survive the day. He had several reports to complete and a 2 p.m. meeting with Michael and the other staff. That would be the most awkward time, or so he thought.

The 2 p.m. meeting was about to begin, and Michael caught Robert before they entered.

"I was kind of hoping you would have responded," Michael said quietly into Robert's ear.

"Wasn't it you that told me that you have separate lives. Besides, the tone of you note wasn't exactly giving me a choice."

Michael smiled. "There you go again, using my own words against me. And just so you know, I am the boss." Robert saw Michael wink and they entered the room.

Robert was in the meeting but he wasn't there. Something had changed. He wasn't sure but whenever a question came his way, he seemed distracted. Michael noticed it, so did others. Regardless, the meeting went off without a hitch and everyone had his or her mission for the week.

Johnson and Reynolds stayed behind to discuss a few business-related items but didn't see Michael's PDA sitting there. Michael realized that in his rush to get to his next meeting, he had forgotten his personal digital assistant. This had become normal because the little organizer didn't have its own place but as his whole life was programmed into that digital demon, he had to go back and get it.

He was about to enter when he heard the conversation:

"What was Mike's problem today? He's usually put together and without flaw." "I don't know, he probably found some fag to fuck and is still slobbering over his ass." "You sound jealous Reynolds, do you want his ass?" "Fuck off Johnson, you know better than that. It'll be a cold day in Hell before some ass-burying cocksucker gets me in bed."

At that moment Michael entered. His face was red and he was pissed. Both Johnson and Reynolds stood up and were surprised by his entrance. Michael kept his cool but still wanted a piece of their hides. He walked in making sure the door clicked close behind him.

"So Johnson, do you feel the same way? Would it be a cold day in Hell for you too?"

"Uh Mr. McManus, um, well we didn't know..."

"You didn't know what?" Michael was yelling now. "You conveniently forgot that this business doesn't tolerate any type of discriminatory behavior, that this person that stands before you could wipe our asses off this map with a snap of his fingers? So what is it Mr. Johnson, is it going to be a cold day in Hell for you too?"

Reynolds was shaken. He knew that his ass was in the can. He didn't know what to say or do. "Uh Mr. McManus, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Oh shut the fuck up you ass-licker. You might not be gay but you've had your nose so far up my ass the last year that you didn't think I'd notice your performance? It takes a lot more than schmooze to get me on your side."

Both men were sweating. They knew they could possibly be fired. Michael loved this. He was angry for the sake of Robert, but also he loved busting someone's balls for something outside of sloppy work.

"Here's what I propose gentlemen. I'm not going to fire you. I am, however, going to take this incident into consideration on my next round of promotions. See gentlemen, just as you can say you didn't have this conversation, I can say you did and given that neither one of your work records have been stellar, you can be fired without as much as notice. So make one more disparaging remark, and I hear about it and your ass is gone. Oh yes, I will be speaking to HR about this incident. I will propose leniency for two reasons: First even though you two are the biggest fuck-ups to walk this earth, I need you. And secondly, I believe in giving people second chances. Prove your worth to me and I'll keep you on. It's your choice. Good day gentlemen"

Michael picked up his PDA and then exited the room. Both men looked at each other and sighed. Michael's heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. He couldn't believe he did that, but why? Michael felt like going directly to Robert's office to share the story but he looked at his watch. Those asses made him 5 minutes late for his next appointment. He hated to be late.

Before he entered his office, he stopped to talk to Amanda, his administrative assistant. She was a woman in her 50's that had been with the company almost longer than anyone he'd known. She was lean, business-like and even on days when casual wear was permitted she was impeccably dressed. Of course Michael liked to razz her about it but she wouldn't have any of that "nonsense".

"Amanda, a couple of things. Please call HR and have a manager up here at 4 p.m. today. There is an issue that I'd like to discuss with them. If a manager can't be here, I want someone here so that I can resolve this issue today. If they give you any crap, tell them I'll hunt them down for the dogs they are, just kidding of course. Would you please make sure that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Reynolds receives a printed copy of the company's policy on discriminatory behavior and rhetoric. Finally, send E-mail to Mr. Robert James and tell him to dress casually for this evening. I'm terribly late for my meeting but do you have any questions?"

Amanda looked up at him but still down her glasses perched at the end of her nose.

"Since when have I ever had a question for you Mr. McManus? I'm sure if there was something to clarify, I would do it. Now get to your meeting before I'm having to train a new boss." Amanda smiled. Good ol' Amanda, Michael reminded himself to do something nice for her next week.

The rest of the day went along without incident. Other than being 10 minutes late for his meeting, Michael was excited about his evening's plan with Robert. After his meeting, he quickly perused his e-mail as he waited for the HR Manager to arrive for their meeting. A quickly worded apology was sent from Mr. Johnson. Unfortunately for Reynolds, no such e-mail was received from him. Michael printed the e-mail and filed it in his private folder for future reference.

The HR manager arrived on time and was concerned about the need for an urgent meeting. Ms. Andrews was a newly hired manager but she was a Harvard graduate and professional in every manner. Michael shared the content of the overheard conversation and this too, concerned Ms. Andrews. Michael further shared that he didn't feel any necessary punishment needed to follow but he did mention that he had Amanda send the discriminatory policy to each of the men. Ms. Andrews said that this type of speech is hard to punish but she was already aware of some remarks made by one of the men in question. She would make note of it in each of the men's files and have a brief meeting with each of them. The whole exchange took 15 minutes.

Michael decided to leave work at 4:30 p.m. He did have other work to do but decided rather getting involved with a large project then having to stop midway, to just let it wait until the next day. He shut off his lights, turned off his computer, locked it away and headed for the door.

"Going home a little early tonight, are we?" Amanda teased.

"Why yes, I can do that. I'm sure it'll be made up somewhere. As a matter of fact, what are you doing right now?" Michael was in a good mood.

"Well actually nothing, just fired off two inter-office memos to Reynolds and Johnson and I thought I'd tidy up a bit."

"No you won't. You're going home." Michael was set in his resolve. He knew Amanda would say 'no'. "Before you argue with me, don't. You will not win. Shut off your computer, your light. I'll put up the "gone fishin'" sign and we're out of here"

Amanda wasn't going to complain. In all her years, it was 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. It never changed. She had to wonder what put Michael in a good mood, but she wasn't going argue. "Why thank you Mr. McManus, I appreciate it."

"Good, I'm glad you see it my way. And another thing, my name is Michael. Please use that in the future. I know we're professional around here but you've been here forever."

Amanda laughed and said, "Anything you'd like Mr. McManus. I only do what you tell me Mr. Manus. By the way, I'm not that old."

The two walked to the elevators together. There were strange looks to see Amanda going home early. When one of the office busybodies asked where she was going, Amanda said, compliments of my boss, I get to go home early. The elevator doors opened, the two stepped in and they were officially gone for the day. The busybody was left watching with her mouth wide open as the doors closed.

Robert's afternoon wasn't as pleasant. After the 2 p.m. meeting, he started to encounter problems with the Dillingham project. It was a multi-million dollar facility to enhance the learning of less fortunate children. Robert hated construction projects but the firm was handling this so that all functions were centralized up to the day the facility was opened. His head hurt from all the details that still need to be ironed out. The stupid building hadn't even got to construction before issues of cost and staffing were raised. It was going to be a long hard project. He wondered why he had received it.

He knew that there were at least 15 e-mails to read that needed his immediate attention. Someday, he wouldn't be the peon. He'd be the leader, but until then, he worked to try to get some semblance of order before the day was done. He scanned the e-mail to see one from Amanda. He opened it immediately because he knew it might be important. He was told to dress casually for tonight's appointment with Michael.

"Oh man! I totally forgot!" He looked at his watch and it read 5:30 p.m. "Fuck, where did the afternoon get to?" He knew he wouldn't be able to make it to Michael's house and still "dress casually". He called Michael.

"Hello," the voice on the other side answered.

"Michael, this is Robert. I'm sorry but I'm going to be late. I got busy with the Dilllingham project and it's really a pisser. I guess time just got away from me."

Michael laughed. "I knew it was going to be a rough one. That's why I wanted to give it to you. Some of the other managers balked at you taking it but I knew you had the balls to do it. It's alright. Just get here when you can."

"Thanks, that's a relief." Michael hung up and realized that none of what he had to do would get done tonight so he would just put it on "stand-by" and revisit it on Tuesday.

He quickly shut down his computer, lights, grabbed his suit coat and made a beeline for his car. The traffic seemed to be slower than usual but he attributed it to his nerves. What would Michael want to talk about tonight? He had some ideas but still there was an air of uncertainty.

He finally arrived at his apartment, he quickly dove into the shower, took a quick assessment of his body and got dressed. While getting ready for the evening, he took a moment to look at his body. He was 5'10, blond hair, and muscularly slim features. He swam laps and enjoyed running. He was shaved since that's what he did was in college swim team. Everything was clean, pits, chest, arms, legs, crotch, and balls.

He realized it was now 6:20 and he would need another 15 minutes to get to Michael's house. He put on a pair of Dockers, a Polo Shirt, and sandals with no socks. It was a nice warm summer night so he knew he wouldn't need shoes. Grabbing his keys and wallet he headed out the door and drove like a bat out of hell to his destination.

It was 6:45 p.m. when Robert pulled up to Michael's condo. It overlooked the city and was expensive, to say the least. It surprised that it wasn't more of a bachelor's pad but it still retained some elegance.

Robert didn't even need to knock on the door. Michael was coming out, shutting off lights, and leading Robert back out again.

"Where are we going?" Robert asked.

"We're going for pizza and some beer. I want this to be relaxed tonight."

"Oh so you do drink beer? I thought you were on a health kick, "Mr Bring My Lunch to work Executive." Robert laughed loudly.

"You son of a bitch, you've heard about it too? Geez, can't a man have a secret or two?" Michael smiled.

"Not at Wiley & Sons, you can't. There are eyes and ears everywhere!" Robert said in a spooky voice and contorted face.

"Get in you nut!"

They drove over to Gino's Pizza Palace. It was a laid back kind of place with checkered tablecloths and lots of different beers. The guys were hungry so they ordered a large house special that included about everything but the kitchen sink.

As they sat watching the patrons move about. Michael drank his beer slowly. He wanted his wits about him tonight.

"So Mikey," Robert started with a wink, "what's all the mystery tonight."

Michael was quiet. He looked into Robert's eyes but couldn't say anything yet.

"Hey, Michael, it's okay. Is this about the kiss?" Robert kept his voice down to avoid any eavesdroppers.

Michael still remained silent. Robert didn't know what to make of it. Should he speak or should he just shut up.

"Well it has to with the kiss but it has to with something more."

"What, then?" Robert shifted in the booth.

Just as Michael was to speak, the pizza came. It was just out of the oven. The cheese was still bubbling and moist.

"Can I wait until we get back to my place, Robert? I've got some things I want to share with you. I just don't feel comfortable about talking about "it" right here."

"Sure Mike, anything you'd like."

As the pizza cooled and they started to eat, Michael relayed the happenings with Johnson and Reynolds. The passion of the event was magnified again as Michael sat and listened intently. Robert couldn't believe his ears. He simply has gone from lusting over this man, his boss, to the beginnings of love. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Why are you smiling?" Michael asked before finally taking a bite out of his slice of pizza.

"You. You should see yourself. I thought I only got to see you get this excited at work, but you are hilarious. And if I don't say it later thanks for sticking up for me, it means a lot." Robert's eyes now kind of moved from the stare of Michael's. He felt his face blush with pride.

"Anytime. I was especially happy to be there for you." Michael went back to eating. Robert couldn't believe the side of this man he was seeing. Usually aloof and distant, Michael McManus was becoming warm and compassionate. Not that he doubted Michael's words before, but there was something different about him.

The rest of the time was filled with useless banter. Some work was discussed and after another round of beer and a quick game of pool, which Robert won, they found themselves in Michael's car heading back to his house.

It was now 10 p.m. The lights around Michael's condo were on and provided enough light for the two to get inside. As Michael turned on lights and ushered Robert into the den, he asked if there was anything he needed to drink.

"I'd better not. I need a clear head for the drive home."

"Oh, you're leaving?" Michael asked with a little bit of a hurt expression.

"Well not right now, just that I know alcohol affects me."

Relieved, Michael said, "Well let's do some soda or maybe just water?"

"Water, it is. By the way, nice place you have here. Very spacious." Robert was amazed at the large screen television, the view out over the city, and of course the pool that was lighted on the patio."

"Thanks, it was the property I got to keep after the divorce. She hated this place and I loved it. So we split it evenly and she took the house in the country. Not that I don't miss it, this provides its own solitude too."

Michael joined Robert in the den and gave him a tall glass of water. Robert remained at the door to the patio looking out on the lights of the city. It was a beautiful site. Robert was jealous.

"Speaking of nice places, how is it you can afford that apartment I was in on Saturday? I know we pay you well but not that well." Michael broke the silence.

"Well as a matter of fact, I'm a spoiled brat." Robert flashed a white smile as he looked at Michael. Michael's eyes were different, they were maybe...happier.

"Is that so? Please educate me." Michael directed Robert to the sofa at the other end of the den.

"Well my parents are wealthy, no, that's a lie. They're filthy rich. My dad works as an executive in an oil company and well he's managed to make a fortune. It's funny but where other's fail, he succeeds and the company compensates him well. Right now they live in Saudi Arabia but they also have a house in California, Texas, and a condo in New York City. When I graduated from school and landed the job at Wylie and Sons, I was told about a trust fund that was created when I was a baby. Well long story short, my trust fund keeps me "happy" as long as I'm employed and don't get fired. When I'm 40, it's supposed to be "free and clear", but I'll believe that when I see it."

Michael hung on every word of Robert's explanation. This kid didn't seem like a spoiled brat. He didn't even were the finest clothes to work, but somehow he believed him.

"Well that explains the apartment. But I have to say, for a fellow that has money to burn, you don't really seem to be all that excited to spend it."

"It's kind of a burn-out thing for me. I've done the blowouts of spending before and it gets old. So I play the market, save my money, and then one day maybe I'll run my own firm." Robert took a long drink of his water and set it down on the table. "So now it's my turn. What's up?"

Michael was now thrust into a position of uncertainty. He knew he needed to be honest with Robert but he wasn't sure if Robert could be trusted. This was tough for him as he wrestled with what he was about to say.

"I guess I have to apologize first of all for running out on you like I did Saturday. I don't know what came over me." Michael was looking down, he didn't want to make eye contact with Robert. "I was vulnerable and you just happened to be the one that was there to unconditionally accept it but the kiss, I don't know where that came from."

Robert watched Michael. He knew this was difficult for a man that managed to keep his private life private. He decided that there was more to this.

"Bullshit." Robert said. He was bluffing, he wanted to see where this was going.

"Huh? What do you mean 'bullshit'?" Michael looked surprised.

"I don't believe you. You're lying. You do know where this is coming from. Something changed for you this weekend. You stepped over a line and you don't want to admit it. So I say 'bullshit'!" Robert sounded almost angry but he knew there was more.

A huge pause remained. Robert didn't know if playing his trump card was a smart move or not. He watched Michael look everywhere else in the room but at him. Michael let out a deep sigh and spoke.

"You're right, it is bullshit. I don't know how in just over 48 hours I have reawakened a side of me that I thought that was long gone. That kiss on Saturday was great. It wasn't sexual but it was sexy and intimate. Just like this one right now."

Michael leaned over the couch and looked at Robert. His lips were full and luscious. He wanted to kiss this young buck hard and long. Their lips touched gently then more firmly. It was a kiss that was innocent, loving, and yet held back torrents of lust and passion. It was hot. Robert's own lips parted as Michael's tongue made its way into Robert's mouth. While the kiss seemed like an eternity, it was only very brief.

Michael leaned back just enough to separate their lips. Slowly Michael and Robert looked at each other. Neither one would admit at that moment that they'd fallen hopelessly and helplessly in love with one another, but that's what it was. They knew it. They knew this was not going to stop with one kiss.

Robert spoke first.

"Well bossman," Robert straightened up as Michael put some distance, "that was definitely interesting. What brought that on?"

Michael smiled. "I'm gay?" He then broke out laughing. Not just a giggle or a fake laugh, it was a belly-shaking laugh.

"Um Michael," Robert looked at him in disbelief, "I know I'm good and that you had a moment of indiscretion, but it takes more than one kiss and an almost fuck to become gay."

"I'm bullshitting you, well mostly. Robert, and why the fuck is your name always so formal? Why can't it be Robbie, or Bob, or something silly like that?"

"Hey, that's your choice but you're avoiding the issue. Call me Robbie."

"Yeah, I am, Robbie," Michael said it but it was weird hearing it. "When I was in high school and then in college I messed around with guys. It wasn't anything serious. It was just getting our rocks off. But now it's something different. Maybe because you were kind to me, knowing that you were gay, maybe because I was still unsettled by this divorce."

"You sound confused and will you sit down? That pacing is going to drive me crazy." Robert was concerned.

"I am. I don't' like it either." Michael sat down. He forced himself to look into Robert's eyes. Robert returned the look.

Robert sighed. "So what was this tonight? Were you hoping I'd come over here and suck your dick and then you'd know you were gay or not?"

"Honestly? I don't know, but you have done something to me. You've not only awakened feelings of lust that have been absent for years, but I also feel something more for you. I'm not sure if it's just friendship, or maybe more."

There was a long silence. Now it was Robert's turn to think about what needs to be done. He's never been in this situation. Sure, he has feelings for Mike, but this guy is his boss. He's also someone that needs help. He sighed again.

"Um Robbie, what are you thinking about?" Mike was unsure of what would happen next. Maybe he stepped too far over the line.

"You've put me in an awkward position Michael. You're my boss. I respect you, but I won't lie when I tell you that I think you are the hottest piece of manhood to walk the face of this Earth. I guess I want what you want, but I have a feeling you are expecting me to help you out. It's very confusing." For the first time, Robert was in the dominant position here. Also something occurred to Robert, his dick was getting hard.

"I can understand. If you want to, you can walk out the door and I'll consider this a lesson learned. Or if you want, you can have as much time to figure this out then come back. I am willing to wait." Michael's eyes were focused on Robert but they pleaded and hoped that Michael wouldn't leave.

Robert got a small smile on his face. He knew what he was going to do. He turned towards Michael and pushed him backward on the pillows on the couch. He slid his slender body on top of his boss and spoke.

"Tell you what bossman, let me help you out and let's see where this will lead." And with that, Robert planted another kiss on Mike's lips. His crotch rubbed up against Michael's crotch. He knew where this was going to lead and he had to be ready for anything.

Michael broke the kiss. "So does this mean you're staying the night?" He smiled.

"Yeah, I guess it does. Where's your room?"

Robert got up and Michael took his hand. As they moved through the house, Michael made sure to turn down lights. They finally arrived in the bedroom at the top of the second floor. Michael turned on the lights but dimmed them down. He found his remote and hit the music for some soft jazzy number. He was nervous. He didn't know what to do.

"Robert, um, I'm not sure what to do here," Michael was unsteady.

"It is alright Mikey, let me take control."

Robert and Michael stood face to face. They kissed. Their lips were hot and wet. Their tongues mixed a strange brew of spit and sex. The earlier hint of lust was now full blown. There was no mistaking it, Robert knew Michael wanted this. He had wanted it for a long time, but it was up to Robert to help him rediscover and go deeper within Michael's own self than he'd ever been before with any fuck buddy or ex-wife.

Robert pulled away. "Michael, I'm going to keep this simple tonight. I want you to do what you feel comfortable with and nothing more. This is about you, no, it's about us. I want you to bond with me tonight."

They kissed again. This time Robert started to move around Michael's face. Kissing his ears and his neck made Michael gasp. Robert knew this man was going to be hot. As the continued making out, their crotches were painfully aware of each other's need to release.

Robert began tugging at Michael's shirt. Slowly he pulled it up over Mike's head only breaking the kiss to get it taken off. Robert then took his own shirt off. His body became a surface of goose bumps as it became accustomed to the rush of coolness on one side and the hot body of his future lover.

Robert started moving down to Mike's chest. It was hot. The hairy man's chest was not a carpet but dense enough to accent the body that worked out regularly. Robert licked and nibbled at Mike's nips. This brought about a response as Michael grabbed Robert's head and mashed it into his breast. Then Robert moved over to the other nip and played with it.

Slowly, Robert followed the firm tummy down to the belt that waited to be sprung open. As he worked on the belt, Robert rubbed his face against the clothed cock that stood out under the pants. He couldn't wait to free it and make love to it. Robert moved back as the pants were opened and down came the pants, then the bikini underwear. He helped Michael step out of the pants. Robert wanted to kiss the head of his lover's cock but Michael had other ideas.

In a firm tone, Michael says, "So you want to suck my cock boy? I'm gonna lay down and I want you strip off those pants before makin' love to me."

Robert smiled an evil smirk, "Well you think just cuz you're the boss during the day, you get to lead this show? I don't think so. You go ahead and lay down. I'm gonna do things to you tonight that you have never had done before."

Robert found the remote and turned up the volume then proceeded to strip. He slowly took off his belt and then turned his back to Michael as he ground his hips and opened his fly. He was going to make this long and hard for Michael. He slowly pulled down his pants and underwear as his smooth ass was exposed for the first time to Michael. Once he had his pants off, he reached around and started to knead his ass. He looked around to see that Michael wasn't taking his eyes off of him. He knew he had Michael in his grasp.

He turned around to expose his long, hard dick to Michael. He stoked it a couple of times mixing the copious amounts of cock juice over his dick. He climbed on the bed dragging his dick across the sheets as he slithered up to Michael's parted legs.

"So Mikey, you ready for this?"

Michael stared at him. He wanted this man, but not to fuck, to make love to him. Michael grabbed Robert's head and pulled him up his hot, hairy, and now sweaty body. He was nervous.

"Kiss me, please?" Pleaded Michael. "Long, hard, please, just kiss me now!"

Their lips met. Their bodies met. Their cocks danced with one another. The animal passions that they withheld from each other were now released. Like a spell that was broken with a kiss, their lust, their juices, and most of all, their love would be consummated tonight.

As they continued to kiss, Robert started to hump his cock against his lover's. He knew deep inside of his body that they would cum like this. Kissing, rubbing, never licking, but just touching. It was only a matter of time.

Their kiss intensified as their hips met each other's thrust. Their cocks were on a pace of their own. As precum flowed, it made each other's tube slippery and wet. The blood coursed through its veins. Each ball sack was getting ready to release its reward. It wouldn't be long.

"Oh Mikey, I'm, um, gonna cum this way if we don't stop." Robert was breathless.

"Oh yes, I want that, please, just kiss me, please, let's just make love." Michael quelled his lover's pleading.

Then it happened. From deep inside each of their bodies, their cocks began to spasm. The cum, not just from one man but from both, at the same time, came flying out between their bodies. Since their bodies were close, it hit their stomachs and dripped between each other's crotch.

"Oh my god, it's happening!" Michael screamed. They continued kissing, the cum flew for what seemed like an eternity. Their bodies continued to spasm and accept the juice that would not only bind them as men but as lovers. In all their years, neither man had every came like they just did. It was magnificent and huge.

Finally, Robert collapsed on Michael. Their mouths still touching one another but now their kisses were changed to heavy hot pants of stale air between the two. Their bodies were now attached not by only their arms but the cum that now was gluing them together. There was a lot of sweat and finally tears came from Michael's eyes.

"Oh babe, what's wrong?" Robert heard and saw his lover sobbing.

"It was never like that. Never with her, never with anyone...gawd, I'm so, um, well..."

"...in love?" Robert knew it but it was up to him to say it.

"Yeah, I'm in love with you. Is that possible, I mean so soon?"

"Well, I'm not sure, but I hope so. I've wanted this for a long time. I never dreamt it would ever be like this." Michael smiled as he hugged Robert.

Michael continued to cry but being held by the man that he trusted the most, he felt safe. He felt secure. He knew it was going to be all right.

Once he finally settled down, Michael asked, "So what do we do now?"

Robert propped himself up on one arm, "well I think the bathroom might be a good place to start, what time is it anyway?"

They focused on the clock. It read 11:30 p.m.

"Well son, if you'll just unglue yourself from me, I think your idea would be great."

"Not quite yet." Robert moved down to Michael's tummy and began licking the spilled seed. Then he moved to Mike's dick and cleaned off some of the larger globs of seed. After he was done, he moved back to Michael's face. He didn't hesitate as he stuck his tongue in Mike's mouth and dumped some of the cum into his mouth. Their tongues swirled around before they each swallowed.

"What was that for," questioned Michael.

"I'm not sure, but I wanted to taste you and me together. Now let's go get cleaned up."

THE END of part ??

So should I continue? Let me know!

Next: Chapter 2

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