
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Feb 9, 2004


Michael - Chapter 11

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Writer's Notes: Once again I'm grateful to my editors for their wonderful assistance. One of them, Alexander, has been extremely helpful. I apologize for anything I might have missed and the time it has taken me to make the corrections on this chapter.

Please feel free to write me at success66@yaho.com. I enjoy hearing from you and your "applause" forces me to write faster and tells me you're actually interested.



"Are you sure that everything is going according to plan?" the hushed-toned voice spoke quickly.

"Yes, everything is on schedule. Within the next month, Thomas Wylie will be in jail and the company will be dissolved within the year. I doubt much can derail our plans now." The other voice was muffled so as not to give away any identity.

"Good. And what about the money?"

"That's all been taken care of. No one will ever know it is missing until Mr. Wylie is indicted, then magically it will appear." The muffled voice laughed a silent but maniacal laugh.

"We'd better get off of here now. Have a good day."

"Good day."

Sundays were better spent lounging than working. The one thing that Victoria always used to do was to remind her now deceased husband that Sundays were for resting and relaxing. Any business to be done could wait until Monday. That was until today.

Today she had covert operations to attend to, so she hoped that her oldest son, Anton, wasn't at the heart of this move to ruin Thomas. She didn't know if she would have it in her to forgive Anton such a monstrously unforgivable sin against the family.

James asked if she wanted him to drive her to the country club but she said no; she would much love the drive and wanted to take the Sebring convertible out for a spin on this beautiful Sunday morning. Nonetheless, James made sure the car was out front ready for her when she wanted to leave.

She dressed in a light pink blouse with a white jacket, just in case the weather should turn while she was golfing. She had been considering wearing a short skirt but thought better of it and switched to white slacks. The weather report had spoken of a slight chance of rain. She wanted to be prepared.

Victoria stopped by the study to see Thomas staring blankly into the distance. She could tell her son's mind was occupied. She walked over and tapped the desk.

"Earth to Thomas...Thomas, come in?" Victoria smiled slightly.

"Oh, Mother, have you been there long?" Thomas broke his trance and turned to his mother.

"Not terribly. I'm off to see your brother. Are you okay?" Victoria's face registered concern.

"Yes, I believe so. I'm just trying not to jump to conclusions. I don't want this to be Anton. We've never been all that close but I still find it hard to believe he'd do this to me."

"Well, do you want my opinion?" Victoria leaned in a bit as if to tell a secret.

"Sure." Thomas leaned over the desk a little.

"I don't think he has the balls to do it. I think it's someone else. The question is, who?" Victoria stood up and went around to where Thomas was sitting.

Thomas turned towards his mother. "Are you sure?"

Victoria leaned over and gave her son a kiss on the forehead. "Yes, call it a mother's intuition. I just don't think it is him."

"I'm glad you think that, but if not him, who do you think it is?" Thomas' eyebrows turned serious again.

"That I don't know, but if Randy and his friend Steve are as good as they say they are, I'm sure it will be revealed soon." Victoria started for the door. "I need to go, son, I'll talk to you later."

Thomas was sitting alone again. He looked out across the well-manicured lawn and kept asking the same question over and over again; who was it?

The country club was in the full throes of Sunday morning brunch and golfing. As founding members of Haven Hills, the Wylies were more like owners of the club than members.

Victoria made her way to the Augusta Room but seemed to be stopped every few steps by someone who wanted to welcome her back from her long trip through Europe. Many of Victoria's acquaintances expressed surprise that she had returned earlier but Victoria made a point of just saying she missed her boys and wanted to get home.

André, the main host of the Augusta room, greeted her as she entered the mahogany doors. He didn't waste any time getting her to her seat. She wasn't surprised that while she was on time, her son Anton was late. As a mother she was forgiving, but as a boss it would irritate her when someone didn't arrive on time.

About ten minutes after 11, Anton made his way to his mother's table. Anton wasn't the epitome of health that Thomas was. He had a little more pudge in the belly, a little less hair on his head and was grayer. The ironic part was that Anton was only a couple of years older than his brother.

"Hello mother, you look fabulous today," Anton took his mother's hand and kissed it.

"You should know by now your flattery will not get you anywhere, but thank you, son." Victoria was glad to see her son. "I hope this meeting today didn't stop you from doing something else?"

Anton looked into his mother's eyes. He wanted to put his guard up but just couldn't; his mother knew him too well.

"Oh, it was nothing, Mother. I was just meeting a friend. He had something else come up anyway." Anton took the napkin from the table and then spoke, "It was a rendezvous I'm rather glad I didn't have to go to, anyway."

Victoria would have liked to pursue it a bit further but decided not to for the moment..

The waiter approached the table. He was dressed a bit more casually than Andre in a bright green shirt and white pants. He quickly took their drink order and pointed them to the buffet.

"Mother, I must tell you, I'm terribly curious about something." Anton looked about the room, trying to avoid his mother's eyes.

"Yes? What is it?" Victoria's eyes bored a hole into Anton's face.

"Why did you invite me to brunch?" Anton finally looked Victoria square in the eyes. "We haven't had a meal together in private for years and all of a sudden you return from a six-month trip after only being gone for about two months and now I'm invited to a meal. Something just has to be up."

Victoria was surprised at Anton's question. She wasn't quite sure how to answer but she was shocked that Anton had put it all together so quickly. She knew she had to be very careful how she answered so as not to arouse any more suspicion.

"Anton, I wasn't all that enthralled with Europe and, frankly, Greece was a bore. I just thought that it was a nice time of the year to come home and I could always continue my trip at a later time." Victoria had fed Anton the bait; the question was, would he bite?

"That still doesn't answer why you wanted to see me, here at the club." Anton was persistent.

"Anton, I'm an old lady. I figured on my flight home that I should try to mend some bridges with you. I know I haven't been the easiest on you, but I just want you to be happy." Again, Victoria lied. Will he believe me? She thought to herself.

The waiter returned with their drinks. It was in that 30 seconds of silence that caused Victoria to wonder if her son was just processing what she said and would call her on it or believe it.

"Fair enough, but in all honesty mother, I think the olive branch needs to be from me too." Anton lifted his glass. "Here's to new beginnings."

Victoria raised her glass and said, "New beginnings! Now let's eat!"

The two got up and went over to the long table of fruits, breads, salads, and main dishes. They returned to their table.

"So how was your trip?" Anton started off.

"It was immensely boring, although I must say there were some of the handsomest men I have ever seen in Greece. But I don't suppose I'm telling you anything you don't already know, mm I?" Victoria liked teasing her gay son about his men.

"Oh yes, I would agree; Greece does have some nice men. But so does Italy. And we all now how spicy some of that sausage is there!" Anton rebuffed her tease.

"You're a wicked boy! I'm glad something of me rubbed off on you. So how are you doing on your monthly stipend? Able to remain comfortable?" Victoria was genuinely concerned.

"Actually Mother, you'd be proud of me. I must be growing older, or stingier, but I don't spend as much. As a matter of fact, I've taken great strides to start saving some of my monies so that when I do finally get written out of the will, I have something to survive on." Anton laughed.

Victoria wasn't amused at the comment regarding the will. "While I'll give you kudos for saving, you shouldn't ever worry about the will. It is iron-clad. No one can change it, not even me. You're father loved you very much. He just didn't know how to handle you being gay."

Anton's tone grew a bit vindictive. "He had a funny way of showing it. Kicking me out, banning me from the family business...I could be doing what Thomas is doing right now."

Victoria put down her fork and grabbed Anton's hand. "Anton, I'm not going to get in this with you here but let me tell you one thing. You're father and I both agreed you were not company material. It wasn't just his decision. You chose to be a free spirit. Thomas was the one with the Harvard MBA. He earned his spot." Victoria continued. "The door has always been open for you at the company, but I've never seen you show much interest. If that's going to change, then you need to let me know, otherwise this discussion is finished for now."

Anton didn't pursue it further. He knew that his mother was right and the country club wasn't the best place for this conversation.

Awhile passed before either Victoria or Anton spoke again. They got up from their table and went through the buffet line again. As they sat down, a roll of thunder was plainly audible in the background.

"Well it looks like our golf game is off today, Mother." Anton was the first to break the silence.

"Yes, it looks that way. I hope those boys were smart enough to put up the roof on the car." Victoria was looking out the windows. While it hadn't started to rain, she knew she needed to act fast.

Victoria found André and asked him to make sure the valets closed up her car. André returned a few minutes later to inform her that in fact they had done it when they parked the car. She was relieved and gave an extra $5 to André for his trouble.

"Well, it looks as if the room is thinning out quite a bit." Victoria took another bite of her food, then swallowed. "Anton, I do hope I didn't upset you earlier."

"Mother, you didn't. I know I chose this path. I like to think it was a lot different but I have always been the spoiled brat. I should have done a lot of different things but I haven't." Anton looked at Victoria. "I've missed you."

For all her bravado, Victoria couldn't keep it up when Anton said he missed her. "Oh, son, I've missed you too. I don't want this to get mushy but I must ask. Is there anyone special right now?"

"No, no one special at all. Look at me. Who'd want this? I keep meaning to get to the gym and take better care of myself, but I don't." Anton grabbed his mother's hand. "I'm just sorry I caused so many problems for Dad and you."

"First of all, there is nothing wrong with you that you couldn't fix in a few months. All my sons, well at least the two I see, are fine-looking men. And as for being a problem; your brothers have given me quite a few headaches as they grew. Don't be too hard on yourself." Victoria smiled.

"Well what's your plan that you're home? I know we can't golf today. Is there anything you'd like to do instead?" Anton asked.

"Hmmm, nothing I can think of at this moment. Tell you what, the symphony is performing next month, I believe on the 15th. Would you like to accompany me to the concert?" Victoria was finished eating and ready to leave. Here instinct told her that if Anton were hiding something, it wouldn't be revealed today.

"Yes, that would be nice. What about Thomas?" Anton was curious.

"He doesn't care for the symphony so I think you'd be better than one of the studs for hire I'd have to get." Victoria smiled. "But then again, maybe I should get one for you and then I could stay home!"

Victoria stood up and readied herself to leave.

"Mother! You are terrible. Let's not wait too long before we do this again." Anton walked with his mother to the entrance of the club.

"I agree. Actually, why not plan to come out to the house for dinner next week, Thursday perhaps?" Victoria was mentally scanning her schedule.

"I will check and give you a call." Anton waited while the valets came to the door with her car. "Thank you for brunch."

"Anytime, son. See you Thursday."

Victoria got in her car and headed home. No sooner than she was out of sight than Anton was on his phone.

"So, how did lunch go with the old bag?" The voice on the other side sneered.

"Hey, it was brunch; and that's my mother you're talking about. It went fine, though. You busy right now?" Anton's face smirked an evil little smile.

"No, you coming over?" the voice inquired.

"Yeah, be there in 10 minutes. Be ready for me, do you understand?" No answer came as Anton got into his car and stepped on the gas.

"Amanda? Is that you?" Michael wasn't sure if that was she on the line or someone else.

Amanda was very surprised to hear her boss's voice on the line, especially on a Sunday.

"Michael McManus, if you're at work, I'm going to skin you alive!" Amanda was half-joking with her boss.

"No, Amanda, I'm not at work but I need you to do something for me tomorrow morning when you walk through the door." Michael hated calling employees on their day off.

"Okay, let me grab a piece of paper." She put down the receiver for just a moment, then returned. "Go ahead."

"Call all the people on the Dillingham project and get it rescheduled ASAP. Also, send out a memo to all department employees that phones will be checked tomorrow. Can you get that done for me?" Michael was waiting for Amanda to finish.

"Yes, that's pretty simple. Do I want to know why this is important enough to warrant a call on a Sunday?" Amanda wasn't quite sure of the urgency of these two matters.

"No, no you don't. The less you know, the better it is." Michael usually shared everything, but this time he thought it best to keep Amanda out of the loop. "And Amanda; thanks."

"You're welcome, Michael. See you tomorrow."

Randy didn't bother to question Andy about the financials on the Dillingham project when he returned to the hospital on Saturday. His mind was wrapped up in more of what Det. Manning and the hospital security had found out about the dead roses sent to Andrew's room. Nothing was traced and the box didn't have a card, so there wasn't any signature so Det. Manning took the tapes from the hospital security cameras in the hope of seeing who brought them into the hospital.

Randy spent some time with the security guard and security staff. He figured there wouldn't be a need for their services since Andrew was going to be moved to Kennedy's, but still, it did give him a sense of security. Well, that and the fact the security guards were pretty hunky and very easy on the eyes. The security staff was on high alert and, with Randy standing guard all night inside the room, Andy was safe.

Now that three days had passed since finding Andrew in the garage, Randy wanted some answers from him regarding the Dillingham financials. He wasn't quite sure how he was going to approach it, but he figured Andy would be forthcoming with anything he knew. That is, if he remembered anything at all.

While Randy was getting ready to question him, Andy was deep in thought over his own set of questions. Why would someone want to hurt him? Was it really Tad that would have done this? How did he really feel about Randy? Could he really be gay? He just didn't have the answers.

"What's on your mind, kid?" Randy asked once he saw Andy's eyes open.

"Oh, just stuff. Kind of confused, and just wondering I'll ever walk again." Andy lied.

"Hey, you'll walk again. Dr. Raj says that some of the feeling is coming back." Randy wanted Andrew to stay positive. "Look at how you've come so far. I think you're doing fine."

"Still..." Andrew didn't finish his sentence.

"While we're talking here, I've got a couple of questions to ask you - that is, if you feel you're up to it?" Randy looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah, fire away. What do you want to know?" Andrew was afraid they were going to talk about each other.

"You had mentioned the other night in your drug-induced stupor that there was some kind of shortfall. Do you remember that?" Randy watched to see if Andy responded.

"Yeah, sort of, but it had to do with something I was working on at Wylie and Sons." Andy wasn't sure he should be sharing work-related projects with Randy.

"The Dillingham Project, maybe?" Randy wasn't in the mood to step around the subject.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Andrew winced again as he tried to prop himself up.

"There's something going on and I've been hired to try to figure it out. So what did you find?" Randy grabbed a small pad of paper and a pencil to write anything out of the ordinary.

"Let me see...well, I was getting done putting the financials together when something struck me as being odd. I was telling Michael and Robert that the fund for the project was down a bit but I attributed it more to the slide in the recent market investments. It was getting late but then I started to look at the books. Someone was withdrawing money from the project. But, as I said, it was getting late and I wanted to get home. I figured I'd look at it again on Friday with an accountant from the company. Something wasn't right. No one should have been withdrawing any kind of money." Andy stopped to wait for Randy to stop writing.

"Was there anything else that made you concerned?" Randy smiled, because he knew something was up.

"Well, yeah, it looked as if Thomas was withdrawing the money, but it was to an account that had no origin. I'm pretty good with numbers but I had never seen an account number like this before. I was a little concerned, so I thought I'd better hide the information until I could get to it the next day. I don't know why I did it, I just wanted to protect Thomas. The only problem is, I can't quite remember where I put it." Andrew looked confused.

"If you put in the office, I'll find it. This is really good stuff. This is going to help a lot. You remember anything else?" Randy wanted to make sure he got everything.

"No, I think that's it." Andrew sighed. "I just wish I could remember where I put those records and my notes."

"Hey, I said I'll find them when I'm there tomorrow. So how's the ribs feeling?" Randy put down the paper and pencil. He went over to get closer to Andy.

"Oh they're sore, but I guess I feel a little better every day. I just want to get out of bed. My ass is sore." Andy laughed. "And you haven't even gotten to it yet!"

"You're funny, just wait, when you're healed, I'm gonna give it to you. Just you wait." Randy smiled and kissed Andy's forehead.

"Uh, Randy, can I ask you something? I mean, I don't want to sound like a dork or anything." Andy's face grew serious.

"Sure, what is it?" Randy sat down next to the bed and took Andy's hand.

"Can we really be in love if we haven't done 'it' yet? Part of me has fallen head over heels for you, but...um...I'm not sure what I'm feeling." Andy looked down.

Randy smiled and his macho features softened a bit before he took his index finger and gently raised Andy's face so their eyes met.

"Sex is only part of the relationship. I've been in love with you the first night I laid eyes on you. I just want you to get well so we can be together." Randy's eyes got misty.

"It's been so much for me lately. I am mad that I didn't defend myself better, I'm confused about my feelings, and I thought that you might just be using me." Andrew's eyes grew dark. He was shaking.

Randy got up and gently put as much of his body around Andy's without squeezing his ribs or interfering with the IV that was in his arm.

"I love you, Andrew Johnson. I know that for a fact. I'm going to be your friend, your lover, and your protector. No one is going to hurt you ever again." Randy kissed Andrew's lips.

Andrew looked into Randy's eyes and said, "Promise?"

Randy smiled. "Promise."

Monday came soon enough. The wheels of Saturday's planning session were in forward motion. No sooner than one minute after 8, Victoria was on the phone to Henry Hinkle.

"Hello, Doris, this is Victoria Wylie. Is Henry in?" Victoria was chipper.

"Yes, Mrs. Wylie, he is; just one moment, please." Doris, Henry's receptionist, quickly connected Victoria to his office.

"Victoria! I thought you were in Rome or some place like that? It is good to hear from you!" Henry's cheerful voice greeted her.

"No, I had to come back on some rather private business. That is why I'm calling; I need a favor from you. It's highly confidential and I'm going to need you to drop everything to do this for me." Victoria didn't mince words.

"Victoria, I am one of your closest and dearest friends, you know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you." Henry turned concerned.

"Very simply put, someone is trying to sabotage Thomas and, to be honest, Wylie and Sons. I'm sure you are familiar with the Dillingham project?" Victoria waited.

"Yes, very familiar. It's going to be a great building to house the community programming we so dearly need, but what does that have to do with Thomas?" Henry started to write notes.

"To put it simply, I think someone is messing with the books. I thought it might be Anton but he hasn't really got any access to the business at this time. I need you to audit the books and find what kind of shortfall we're dealing with." Victoria stopped before she asked the real favor. "What I really need is for you to report directly to me and, if it does look like some impropriety has taken place, for you to hold your tongue until we can find the real culprit."

"Do you have any idea who it might be and why Thomas should be the scapegoat?" Henry wanted to help.

"I don't know. I have two private detectives on the job and they seem to think we can wrap this up fairly quickly." Victoria took a sip of her morning tea.

"Wow, Victoria, I don't know what's going on but I'd be glad to help. I can come over this afternoon, if you'd like. Do you have the books there at the house?" Henry was already clearing his schedule.

"No, I don't. I want you to contact a Mr. Michael McManus at the office. He knows you're coming and will get you what you need. Just one more thing...when and if someone asks you what you're doing, just say that you're here to do an audit on the company's books. No one will suspect anything else."

Henry quickly pulled up his notepad on his computer and typed in what he needed in preparation to sync with his PDA. "Victoria, I should be able to give you the next couple of days. Will that work? You know me, I shouldn't need more than that."

"Henry, you are a life saver. I really appreciate this. Please bill me directly for your time." Victoria was relieved.

"Nonsense. There will be no bill. If something is up, you don't need a paper trail and I am bound by a code of ethics to report anything if I bill you. Just consider it a favor in return for your friendship and your support. Is there anything else I should know?" Henry needed to clear his calendar.

"No, just talk to Michael. He will help you with anything you should need. Let's get together real soon, Henry; I do miss your company. Thank you." Victoria waited.

"You're quite welcome. This sounds like fun. It's a covert operation. Take care, Victoria, I'll see you soon." Henry rang off.

Victoria was satisfied with her part of the "mission." The only thing that nagged at her was who might be behind this.

Michael walked into work with a different air of contentment. It was Monday and his early morning exercise helped him to prepare mentally for the coming week. Something told him to be on his guard this week. Intuition? Suspicion? Intrigue? It sounded more like something from "Mission Impossible" rather than life at Wylie and Sons.

He came up to Amanda's desk but she was no where to be seen. He figured that she was off getting mail or doing some menial task, but he opened the door to his office and sat down, ready to open his computer and get back to somewhat of a normal life.

He'd just got his computer turned on and booted to his e-mail when Amanda came in with a smile and a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Michael. I'm sorry, I didn't get you a cup. Did you want one this morning?" Amanda smiled to see Michael at his desk.

"No, thanks, Amanda. You are not my fetch-and-carry girl. If I want a cup of coffee, I'll get it. I'm just trying to figure out how I can have over 200 e-mails of trash when I only have 20 employees in my area. It's maddening." Michael sat back and stretched.

"I think we need to have IT look at some filtering. I especially hate those pop-up ads when I get online. By the way, I took care of your tasks already." Amanda sat down in front of Michael. "You know, I really would like to know what's going on, if you don't mind."

Michael wanted to tell Amanda. He trusted her, but he thought the fewer people involved the less risk to them. "Amanda, I would love to tell you about it but I can't. It's a project that I'm taking care of personally. I hope you can understand."

Amanda smiled and, in a mocked tone of disbelief, said "Oh, sure, disturb me on a Sunday but don't let me in on what's going on." She stood up and started for the door. "That's all right, I'm just your secretary, don't mind the fact that I'm not like those busybodies down the way that talk around the water cooler." She stopped and turned around and laughed. "It's okay, Mr. McManus. I'm sure when it's the right time, you'll share it with me."

Amanda exited and closed the door. Michael smiled. Amanda was a hoot. She definitely should get flowers again soon.

Robert was on his cell with Randy as Robert entered the parking garage. He drove to his space and parked. Randy had filled Michael in on what Andy had talked about the day before. Robert knew he had his work cut out for him. He needed those notes of Andrew's to help him put some pieces of the puzzle together. Randy also told Robert that he'd be in the offices around 11 o'clock. He wanted to make sure that Andrew was transported to Kennedy's Rehabilitation Hospital safe and sound.

Robert made his way to the elevators, but Tad Reynolds was already waiting for the doors to open. Robert sighed.

"Good morning, Robert, how was your weekend?" Tad said in a rather forced tone.

"It was okay. I went up to see Andrew Johnson. He looked like hell." Robert wanted to see what he might be able to get out of Tad.

"Oh, did he? That's a shame. You never can be too careful in these parking garages at night." Tad knew what he was doing. He wanted Robert to get pissed off.

"Say, Tad, you and Andrew were pretty good friends, weren't you? I mean, you always seemed to be hanging around him." Robert pushed a bit further.

"It was more like he hung around me. We were just acquaintances. He's a nice guy. But we weren't friends." Tad was getting uncomfortable with the conversation. Tad kept wishing the doors would open so they could get to the office.

"Oh, okay, I was just wondering." Robert was quiet.

The doors to the elevator finally opened. They still had quite a ride to the floor where Wylie and Sons were located. Robert seized the moment and pushed the emergency stop button. The alarm bells started to go off.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" Tad was pissed and tried to pull the red button, but Robert stood in his way.

"I want to see how panicked you'd get breathing the same air a fag breathes. Does it scare you, Tad? Do you think you'll turn fag, too?" Robert was possessed.

"Listen, you homo, I don't want anything to do with you. It's bad enough that you are even allowed to work with normal people, but..." Tad's face was turning red as Robert interrupted.

"But what? But you can't do anything about it? Let me tell you something, you son of a bitch," Robert was on fire. "If I find out that you so much as touched Andrew or make even the snidest remark about me in the future, I'm gonna find you and make you wish you had never been born. You think a butt-fucking, fudge-packing fag can't do it? Well, try me. This conversation never happened and, if you try to report it, I'll deny it. Because, Tad Reynolds, everyone knows that you are slime, and I'm going to prove it." Robert was right up in Tad's face.

"Just get the fuck away from you, you...oh, you're not worth it." Tad pushed Robert away.

"No, Tad, you're not worth the air. Just remember, I'm watching you." Robert straightened his tie and turned around and pulled out the red button.

The elevator continued its ascent until the doors opened. Tad, face afire, pushed past Robert. Robert stepped out and took a breath of fresh air. Yes, the air did stink in that elevator. It was the air of a panicked straight man.

Robert went to his office and didn't even bat an eyelid as he began the task of locating Andrew's notes. He looked through the files but didn't see anything. He took off his sports jacket and went through everything again. He found nothing. He was all set to give up when he sat down at his desk and tried to open his drawer. He couldn't open it. He tried again, and this time he managed to get it open just far enough to see a legal-sized envelope taped to the top of the inside of the drawer. He pulled it out and opened it. Jackpot, he thought to himself. It was Andrew's notes.

Just as he found the envelope, Michael knocked and came in. Robert filled him in on Randy's conversation. Michael was relieved that Robert found the envelope because Thomas came down and alerted Michael to Henry's arrival at 1 p.m. Michael told Robert to meet in his office so as not to raise suspicion over the files being moved. Robert also told Michael that Randy would be in at about 11 to do his checks and his bugging.

Robert chose not to tell Michael about the elevator ride. He needed to call the Boston Twins and wanted Tad to be off his guard for the next few days. He had a plan and didn't want Michael to interfere. Just as the two were finished, Amanda knocked.

"I finally got a call back from the architect. They can meet on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. I have sent you an e-mail so that you can put it on your calendar. I also wanted you to know that while I don't engage in office gossip, there is a buzz about this phone check today."

Michael sighed. "If anyone asks you, just tell them there's been some issues with the phones and our technician will be here to check them this morning."

"I will plant that seed in the grapevine. Thank you, Mr. McManus." Amanda left again.

"Damn gossips...wish I could get rid of them." Michael shook his head as he left Robert's office.

It was by pure luck that Tad Reynolds was gone when Randy arrived. Randy didn't know Tad's schedule or what he was doing, but he managed to insert the disk in Tad's computer so that it loaded the necessary spy tools needed to read his hard drive. While he waited for it to load, Randy put the bug in Tad's telephone and reattached the handset.

The whole operation took no less than five minutes and not a moment too soon. Just as Randy left Tad's office, Tad came out of the elevator. Randy watched as he pretended to work on something. Instead of going to his office, Tad went to the bathroom.

Randy decided to follow. Tad was taking a piss when Randy entered. Randy decided he wanted a better look at the man, so he moved down a couple of urinals and opened his jeans and started to let the yellow stream flow. Tad had his eyes, closed which gave Randy the opportunity to spy at his meat. Tad was hung. Give or take a bit, but it was at least five inches soft. Randy thought to himself that the Boston Twins were going to have some fun on him.

Randy averted his eyes just as Tad finished. He waited for Tad to wash his hands and leave before he moved from the urinal. Randy zipped and left the bathroom. He went to Robert's office and did a quick scan for any spyware on Robert's computer and did a quick bug check. Nothing, but he wasn't surprised. He did the same in Michael's office and then went to Thomas's office.

It was Thomas's office that really intrigued him. He got down to business but again found nothing. That was strange. Nothing was showing up, yet someone was trying to frame Thomas. It didn't make sense. Just as he was pondering these things and leaning back in the comfortable leather chair, Helen Dawson came in.

"Just what are you doing in here?" Helen's glasses were pitched low on her nose, giving her the look of a teacher catching a student doing something he shouldn't.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I was told to come up here and check the phone. I checked yours, too. I was told there were phone problems." Randy looked her straight in the eye so as not to raise suspicion.

"Well, young man, there aren't any problems with our phones. Now, if you would kindly leave before I call security, I would appreciate it." Helen opened the door wider as if inviting Randy out of the office.

Randy picked up his tool belt and walked through the door. The word "bitch" came to mind as he passed the smaller woman. He just stood there watching her.

Helen closed the door firmly and returned to her desk.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Helen said in a firm tone.

"No, ma'am, thank you. Have a nice day." Randy went to the stairs and started walking down.

Helen didn't return the courtesy.

Robert took a longer lunch than necessary. He wanted to check his personal mailbox at the mail store down the street before returning. His dad told him his package would arrive Tuesday but he was anxious and wanted to see if it had arrived.

As he went to his box, he put in the key and opened the drawer. Inside was a plain paper package with the name "Johnny D. Veeus". It was his cute way to receive porno and other personal packages without raising suspicion when he was growing up. Obviously it didn't work, because his mother had discovered the stash (and why is it always Mom who finds out first?, he thought back) and confronted him. He smiled as the memory flooded his brain, then he checked the return address and it was blank. It was from his Dad.

Robert knew better than to open it there. He put it in a shopping bag he had from a store and then walked back to work. After stopping for an ice cream cone and spying the bench where, just less than a week ago, Andy and he had talked about Andy's first encounter with Randy, he went back up the elevator to Wylie and Sons. He put the bag under his desk, then went to see Michael.

Michael was already meeting with Henry Hinkle. Henry was very impressed with the organization of notes, reports and financials by Andrew.

"Yes, yes, this information is very well organized. You have a talent in that Mr. Johnson. If I didn't know better, I'd say he'd be a great accountant one day." Henry smiled.

"Do you understand what's going on, then?" Michael was intrigued by how fast Henry worked.

"Oh, not quite entirely, my boy, but I'd say in about 24 hours I'll have a better picture." Henry continued to sort through the files as Robert knocked on the door.

"I'm sorry that I'm late Mi..., I mean Mr. McManus." Robert grimaced when he realized he needed to address Michael by his formal name. "You must be Mr. Hinkle?"

"You must be Robert." Henry stood up briefly to shake Robert's hand. "Just call me Henry; we're going to be very good friends. Yes, I must say you did a fine job on these files. I can tell the chaotic mess it once was, but I think this will do quite nicely." Again, Henry was busy at work.

"Mr. McManus, I have those additional notes for you and I wanted to ask if it would be okay if I took off early today to take care of some other business?" Robert's eyes twinkled as he said 'other business'.

"Robert, Henry here knows that you know." Henry didn't even hear them but Michael smiled. "Do what you need to do today."

Robert sighed. "Thanks Michael, I don't know how much longer I could hold up using that "Mr. McManus" crap."

"I was kind of getting sick of that, too. I think, when this is all over, we're going to loosen up a bit around here. Hey, Henry, do you need Robert for anything further?"

Henry took a moment and then shook his head. "No, no, I think I can manage. If I have questions we can deal with them tomorrow. Have a good day, young man." Henry smiled and then returned to work.

"I'll talk to you soon, Michael. Do you want me to call you later?" Robert wasn't sure what Michael wanted to do for the evening.

"It depends on how much time Henry needs; I don't know how late I'll be. Yeah, call me later." Michael winked at Robert. He wanted to hug him, but with Henry in the room, that was impossible.

Robert left Michael's office and headed for his own. He didn't bother to do any more work. He wanted to call the Boston Twins and get Tad oriented to a new way of thinking. He quickly shut off his computer and grabbed the shopping bag with the package. He was no sooner out of his office then he found himself in his car heading for home. His dick was hard at the anticipation of calling the Boston Twins. Yes, he wanted revenge for Andy. He was sure Tad was to blame.

Randy had one more stop to make that day. He went over to Tad Reynolds apartment and, using his tools, quickly opened the entrance door. He scanned the room and then went to work. It was only 2 o'clock and he knew he had some time before Tad would be home. He found Tad's computer and again loaded the spyware. He noticed Tad had a cable modem and no firewall. Damn, the boy is dumb, Randy thought to himself. This was going to be too easy.

He searched around for bank statements, personal information, quickly writing down everything he could. He found some phone records with the payment coupon torn off, so he took the statements. When he had enough information, he grabbed his computer disk and started to leave. Then he decided to look around Tad's room a little more.

Randy found the usual dirty clothes, old magazines, and a few racing forms. Nothing was out of the ordinary until he started to check his closet. He pulled out some porno magazines. The first few were guys fucking girls, but then there were a few where the action turned bi and there were two men fucking a girl and each other. Bingo! he thought to himself. Tad is at least bi, or interested. It was good information to have when the Boston Twins meet up with him. Randy checked his watch. It was time for him to leave.

Robert got to his home and was relieved to see the door was locked. He had his key ready and entered the apartment. Before checking his mail, he closed the door and double-checked to make sure the lock was properly latched. He looked over his mail and nothing was so important that it couldn't wait.

Sitting at his table, he pulled out the package and opened it. Inside was $20,000 cash in $100 bills. He also saw the cell phone. He pulled out his wallet and opened it. He pulled out the number for the Boston Twins. He dialed.

"This is Rick. What do you want?" the gruff voice on the other side answered. Robert was speechless for a moment. "C'mon, I don't have all day. Who is this?"

"Sir, I'm sorry, my name is Robert Jennings and I'm a friend of Randy Duncan." Robert was nervous. He didn't know why, but he was.

"You're a friend of Randy's?" Rick's voice changed to a happier tone. "Shit, that fucker hasn't been around for awhile. How's he doing?"

Robert again was surprised and speechless. "He's doing fine, sir. He gave me your number because I have a job for you to do?"

"A job, eh? Hey, Nick," Rick yelled at his partner. "Randy Dawson referred us for a job. What kind of job?"

"Well, sir, I would like to meet with you and discuss it a little more in person, if I might." Robert waited. "It's a very special job, sir, one that I know you can do very well."

Rick paused before speaking. "It must be pretty special for ol' Randy not to take it. Tell you what, are you familiar with the Wild Thing restaurant over on 34th?"

"Yes, sir, I am." Robert got a piece of paper.

"Get that no-account Randy to be there with you at 7 p.m. sharp tonight. Nick and I'll be there. Call ahead and get a table for us four. Do you understand?" Rick was a natural at giving orders.

"Yes, sir, I will do so immediately, and thank you. I am sure it will be an exciting meeting." Robert waited.

"And more one thing, Robert, thank you for using "sir." I don't know if you're fully aware of what we do, but I appreciate the respect. We'll see you at 7 p.m." Rick rang off without a good-bye.

Robert didn't waste anytime calling the Wild Thing. Naturally, the restaurant was booked but Robert stated that Nick and Rick required a table and, suddenly, a table was open at 7 p.m. Any "family-owned" restaurant knew better than to turn away the name of Nick and Rick. It didn't surprise him that he didn't even need to use the "Boston Twins" name to get the table.

It was at this moment Robert truly became aware of two things. First, he was sweating. He never sweated unless he was working out. He was nervous because, by all accounts, these two men literally were the master's master. He knew that using "sir" was a sign of respect. He was glad he remembered his etiquette. Secondly, he had a raging hard-on and he grew concerned. As committed as he was to Michael, he knew that if offered the chance, he'd let either one or both of those men take him. It was a weakness of his. He had been dominated before and to be dominated by the Twins would be an honor.

Robert gained his composure and called Randy.

"Fuckbait, how are you doing?" Randy was in a good mood. Like Robert, he was sporting a hard-on. He was primed from all the work he had done earlier.

"I'm, well, I'm okay," Robert was usually so confident but talking to Rick had taken it out of him.

Randy was concerned. "Are you all right? You aren't hurt, are you?"

"No, not hurt. Horny and nervous." Robert's throat was dry. "I called Rick and we have a date for 7 p.m. tonight at the Wild Thing. That means you."

"Okay, and what else?" Randy knew what Robert was feeling. He just wanted to hear it from Robert.

"Uh, I don't know. I'm confused. I am committed to Michael but if the mood is just right, I could see myself going home with the Twins." Robert grew quiet.

A short silence fell between the two and then Randy laughed a gut-wrenching laugh. "Hey, fuckbait, you kill me. For all your damn talk about wanting a romance and mutual respect and love, you are still a fucking horny animal. You want to get plowed by these men and, tell you what, if you want, I can help make that happen...but you have to talk to Michael first."

"What? Talk to Michael about what? Shit, I love the guy. I can't just go off fucking around on him." Robert was pissed. "That would be like you fucking around on Andrew."

"No, fuckbait, it isn't the same thing. You don't know this, but ol' Mikey has made a pass at me. He even said that he might want to even the score for what I missed out at the Hole that night." Randy was smiling from ear to ear as he maneuvered the traffic.

"He did?" Robert was surprised. Maybe he had underestimated Michael.

"Yeah, he did. I think you need to bring the boy into the real world, but that's just my opinion." Randy laughed. "Call him, tell him what's up. If he gives his permission just tell him I'll make sure to be there so there's no marks on that smooth body of yours."

"I guess. So I'll see you at the restaurant at 7 p.m.?" Robert confirmed.

"No, you will see me at the restaurant at 6:50 and no later. I want to be up to speed before we meet Rick and Nick, got it?" Randy was stopped at a light and wrote the time down on his pad of paper.

"Yeah, I got it. What should I wear?" Robert wasn't quite sure what to wear.

"Tight shirt, dark jeans, take a shower, no cologne, that is if you want to get lucky. The guys like 'em natural. Oh, yeah, unless given permission otherwise, you will always use the term "sir" with them." Randy commanded.

"I already did. You think I'm stupid?" Robert laughed a bit.

"Good to see you haven't forgotten what I've taught you. Yeah, you'll do fine. Talk to you later, fuckbait!" Randy hung up.

Robert put his phone down and went to his bathroom. He had to take a piss but couldn't because his dick was too hard. He sat down for a bit until the dick loosened up and the stream flowed. As he washed his hands, he decided to call Michael's cell phone.

"Hey, Mikey, this is Robert." Robert figured Henry was still there. It was almost 4 p.m. now.

"Yes, I figured it was you. What can I do for you?" Michael wanted to remain businesslike.

"First of all, what's this thing about you flirting with Randy? You want to make up for the Hole? Are you insane?" Robert was kind of teasing but really wanted to see how far Michael would go before he had to excuse himself from the room.

"Yes, I do believe that proposition was offered. It was put on the back burner for awhile." Michael was staying level-headed.

"Just makes me wonder how many other men want access to your back burner?" Robert teased a bit more. "Is Henry still there?"

"Yes he is, just a moment." Michael put down the phone on his desk.

"Henry, you've been working very hard here and I need to take a personal phone call. Could I ask you to step out for a minute while I finish this?" Robert could hear Michael's request of Henry.

Henry looked at his watch. "Oh my, I have been at this for awhile. Tell you what, I'm going to go downstairs and get a snack and I'll be back in 15 minutes. Would that be okay?"

"Thank you, that would be perfect." Michael stepped out of his office and saw Amanda sitting there. "Amanda, would you like to escort Mr. Hinkle to the snack bar and pay for whatever he needs? Just reimburse yourself with petty cash and get yourself something too, okay?"

Amanda stood up. "Yes, Mr. McManus, I appreciate that. Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks, Amanda, you're the greatest." Michael closed the door and went back to his phone. "There, we're alone."

"Oh, we are?" Robert teased. "I don't think so, because I seemed to remember a time where a certain someone..."

"Oh, would you stop? I am already missing you enough today." Michael sat back in his chair. "What do you need?"

Robert stopped teasing. "I've got a little problem. I'm meeting with Randy and the Boston Twins tonight at the Wild Thing. It's a family-owned restaurant."

"What's that, a home-cooked meal kind of place?" Michael was in the dark.

Robert laughed. "No, babe, it's a restaurant owned by gay people, hence the "family-owned" label. I have so much to teach you! Anyway, I've got a problem and I need your permission."

"Okay," Michael said slowly. "I still don't follow but what is it."

"When I was talking to Rick, on of the Boston Twins, I kind of popped a boner." Robert started slowly. "I know these guys' reputation and well my dick just went wild."

"Let me guess, you want to know if would be okay if you could fuck around with them?" Michael cut to the chase.

Robert didn't know what to say. Sometimes Michael was entirely too naïve for his own good but this time wasn't the case.

"Well, Robbie, is that it?" Michael smiled, because he already knew the answer.

"Uh, well, um..." Robert was tongue-tied. "Yeah, I'd like to if it would present itself. Randy said he'd be there to protect me from any damage. But I don't want to if it means ruining our relationship."

"You know I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I don't mind." Michael sighed. "We talked a lot yesterday and yet we didn't really get into this topic. It's kind of sudden, but I'm not a jealous guy. It's not like you're giving your heart to these guys."

Again, Robert was silent. He just didn't understand how Michael thought sometimes.

"That's true. It's sex, and I know we'll play safe." Robert was getting hard again at the possibility.

"Well if I do this, I want one thing from you."

"What's that, babe?" Robert was willing to do almost anything.

"I want pictures. Lots of pictures so we can recreate the fun at home. If this is something you like to do for spice, then I want to be able to do it for you." Michael's smile was ear to ear. His free hand was gently stroking the hard dick in his pants. He knew he didn't have long before Amanda returned.

"Are you sure about this, then?" Robert wasn't sure.

"Pictures. I want pictures. You got that? It's too bad you're not here, I'm harder than a rock." Michael sighed.

"What's that for?" Robert was concerned.

"Oh, that you're not here' but also it's probably good you have some outside activity tonight. I have a feeling it's going to be a late night." Michael's dick started to subside at the thought of business.

"So you're okay with this?" Robert was not sure he was confident with Michael's answer.

"Yes, damnit! Go, have a good time. Get your project underway, take Randy with you, and get lots of pictures. I've got to go. Amanda should be back any minute." Michael stood up to walk around a bit.

"Thanks, Mikey. I love you."

"I love you what?" Michael's eyes sparkled.

"I love you, sir!" Robert smiled.

"That's better!" Michael hung up just as Henry entered the office again. It was going to be a late night and he could feel a few cool drops of precum against his leg. A long night, indeed!

Next: Chapter 12

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