
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Apr 6, 2004


Disclaimer: If you're old enough to read this, then keep going. If you're not, then don't.

This is my work. Don't copy it or use it without asking me first, please.

Message to Readers: Thanks for your continuing support. I'm still waiting for someone to send for me so I can finish up writing this saga. Anyone? Okay, maybe a new computer? I guess not. Please keep sending me your e-mails. I love getting them.

Thanks to my editors. You guys and gals are the greatest!

Michael - Chapter 12

After hanging up with Michael, Robert knew the rest of the day was going to drag along at a snail's pace. He went straight to his closet and started to look for what he was going to wear to the dinner meeting tonight. He knew that the twins were accustomed to hot-looking men, but he wanted to tease them while at dinner.

He found a pair of skin-tight black leather pants and thied them on to make sure they still fit. They slid on like a second skin and he tucked his dick and balls in such a way that there would be no mistaking he wasn't wearing any underwear.

He looked into the full-length mirror to see himself bare-chested and looking hot. He was already getting hard. He deceived himself that it was the rubbing of the leather against his skin that was making his cock come to life. But of course it wasn't; it was nervous excitement about what was about to happen.

Robert went back into the closet and found a black silk shirt. The hues from the pants and shirt matched exactly. He put on the shirt and did one more review in the mirror. The fabric hugged his pecs and his hard stomach. He reached down to squeeze his cock once more before beginning to disrobe.

As he took off the clothes, laying them neatly on the bed, his dick didn't want to go down. He wanted to jack off, but he knew he'd better save it just in case. It was going to be a battle of mind over flesh. Right now the flesh was winning.

Robert remembered he had not stashed the money yet, so he put on some shorts, located the cash and went to the hidden safe in his room. He spun the dial and opened the door. As he was putting the money in, he saw the gun his dad bought him. He'd sworn he would never use it, but he kept it anyway, just in case he ever needed it. Closing the safe and finding himself a little hungry and a little tired, he walked up to his kitchen and scrounged around for something to eat.

After finding an apple, he went over to the sofa. He grabbed his cell on the way and programmed the timer to wake him at 6 p.m. Robert bit into the apple and kept trying to will his dick down. It just wasn't going to happen. He clicked on the television and turned to CNN. After about 10 minutes of news, the apple was finished and he put the core on a coaster next to his sofa. He put his head down on a pillow, stretched the length of the sofa and quickly fell asleep.

At precisely 6 p.m., the cell phone began chirping its happy tones. Robert stirred, then realized it was time for him to get ready. Thank God, the nap had managed to quell his erection. He stretched once more before getting off the couch and padding the bathroom to begin getting ready. He only had about 25 minutes before he needed to leave, so he couldn't waste any time.

Randy's command about just using soap was simple to follow. He had contemplated doing a quick enema but he figured that wouldn't be any good as they were going to eat anyway. Something nagged at him as he washed his body down. He knew in the back of his head that Michael had given him permission to do this, but still he was a little worried it was going to affect their relationship. As strong as Michael's personality was for leadership, in matters of the heart he was still fragile.

He finished his shower and dried off. He put a little gel in his hair but, beyond that, he wasn't going to do anything extra. He wasn't even going to put on deodorant. Randy taught him that real men in heavy-duty sexual situations want the smells too. Robert wasn't worried; he didn't usually sweat that much anyway.

He got to his room and put on the pants and shirt, again paying special attention to his half-hard dick. He figured that the semi-hard state it was in was only going to get worse before the night was finished.

He got his cell phone and put it on vibrate. Grabbing his keys, he shut off the lights and locked up the apartment once more. He took a deep breath and started down the stairs to his car. This was going to be one hell of a night.

The Wild Thing was not a ritzy restaurant but, still, most of the city's "well-to- do" ate there. Randy pulled into an empty spot about 6:45 p.m. It wasn't even a few minutes later that Robert pulled in on the passenger side of his vehicle.

Randy got out and stood at the front of his SUV. As Robert came round the corner of the car, Randy gave a wolf whistle.

"Fuckbait, you're looking like you're gonna get lucky tonight!" Randy was salivating at the sight.

Robert knew how to tease and rubbed his left hand on Randy's crotch as he passed. "You jealous?"

"Me? Jealous. Fuck no...just nice to see you in rare form tonight. I take it that Michael gave you permission to play?" Randy followed close behind.

"Yeah," Robert stopped and almost came off his sexual high. "I'm not sure this is right."

Randy rolled his eyes. "Oh, shut the fuck up! Remember that this is Randy you're talking to. I remember back in the day that you'd fuck any good-looking thing that gave you five seconds of attention. If Michael said it was okay, it's okay. Now, get your ass in the restaurant."

The two men were met by a rather thin maitre d'. Randy indicated they had a reservation for four with Nick and Rick. At the mention of the name, the maitre d' smiled. He immediately showed them to the table, then returned to other guests that had arrived.

Almost like clockwork, Nick and Rick entered the restaurant promptly at 7 p.m. Even though many of the patrons had no idea who these two men were, the air immediately became charged with a raw sexuality.

To look at the pair, you'd think they were lovers, but nothing was further from the truth. Nick stood just a little taller at 6'4". His silver hair was cropped military style and he wore a dark maroon shirt with black slacks. His face was rugged and dark. The stubbled goatee on his face only added to his mystique. The shirt and pants hugged him in the right places and left nothing to the imagination. Nick was a god to many and he possessed an ego that matched his breathtaking good looks. Rick was a bit shorter at 6'3" and stood in sharp contrast to his partner. His blazing blond hair and quasi blue-green eyes made him look like the poster child for Hitler's Germany. An Aryan god to the core, his body was much harder than Nick's. His white button-down shirt was left open a couple of buttons to expose pecs that were deeply defined. His white pants were tight and you saw both the line of his ass as the cloth draped over the hard mounds of flesh and the outline of his dick.

The two crossed the room before the maitre d' could guide them. Randy stood up and signaled Robert to do so too. Nick was the first to reach the table and gave a hearty bear hug to his best friend.

"Hey, Randy! It's great to see you; it's been six months. What have you been up to?" Rick asked before Nick had his chance.

Nick grabbed Randy and hugged him, too. Before breaking, Nick gave Randy a kiss on the cheek.

"Gentlemen, this is my very good friend Robert Jennings." Robert reached out to shake Rick's hand.

"So this is the stud I spoke to on the phone today. Glad to meet you, but you'll get a hug if you're a friend of Randy." Robert thought he was ready for the strength of the hug but Rick literally squeezed his breath away.

Again, Nick gave Robert a hug, but not as forceful. "Yes, a very good friend, I can see." Nick sized up Robert before sitting down.

As a sign of respect, Robert waited until Rick and Nick had sat down before sitting himself. He knew there was a pecking order and he was bottom of it tonight.

Nick was impressed. "Randy, is this a pupil of yours too?"

"Naw, I just gave him a few pointers when we still were messing around. He likes it a little rough at times, but now he's got a lover, I think he's going soft." Randy laughed as he looked at Robert.

Robert shot a less than flattering look at Randy. "I don't think that's true; you know Michael isn't ready for this yet. Besides I haven't told you what his wish was and now I'm in half a mind not to tell you at all."

"Oh, c'mon fuckbait, you know I'm just yankin' your chain. I know Michael might be the lead of your relationship but he's so fuckin' wet behind the ears, it's gonna be years before he's ready." Randy leaned in further to Robert. "So what's his request?"

"Not here...later, if you're nice." Robert smiled.

"Randy, I think it's you that's going soft." Rick chimed in, smiling at Robert's self-will. "You let him talk to you that way?"

Randy knew he was being baited but, he figured, What the hell? "His lover's boss is my latest job so I'm being tolerant...for now." The other men at the table saw Randy's wicked smile and the glimmer in his eye.

Rick leaned over to Robert. "I like you. I can see you don't take any shit from this guy. Though, I wonder if you'll say the same if I invite you home tonight."

"Sir, you can expect me to be very obedient when the situation calls for it."

Nick spoke up. "Robert, you don't need to use "sir" with us for the rest of the evening, at least in public. Just relax, I'm sure we're all going to have a good time tonight."

After that exchange Robert felt much more relaxed and much less worried about how he should interact with the twins. The waiter finally arrived, got drinks, took orders; and then the four men were left to chat about some business.

"So Robert, what's the job you have for us? I'm still kind of surprised that Randy didn't want it." Rick spoke while Nick observed.

"Well, it's kind of complicated, but let's just say I have someone at my work place that I need to reprogram." Randy smiled. He went into a brief synopsis of Tad Reynolds and some of the issues at work.

"I guess I'm still confused. Why us? Why is this guy that important?" Nick chimed in.

"It's because we think the fucker had something to do with messing up my boyfriend." Randy's eyes grew red.

"Really? You're seeing someone?" Rick sat up. "You really haven't dated since Tony left. Oh, damn, sorry, that's kind of stupid of me to say."

"It's okay, bro. Tony was a fuck-up. I can't really say we're dating yet but he's got my interest. He's got no confidence, but he's a damn fine fixer-upper." Randy smiled. "I knew I wanted him the first time I visited him at his apartment."

Nick was silent. He was hatching a plan. "This is going to take some real covert operations, but it can be done."

"So do you want us to hurt him or what?" Rick was thinking about what they'd do to him.

"No, I don't want him hurt," Robert replied. "I just want him to go away with the feeling that he really should be careful because he might be caught in a compromising position."

"Blackmail?" Rick smiled wider. "Hot damn, I think I'm going to like this job. Though I don't know what I'd charge for it."

"We're not going to charge anything." Nick said firmly. "This is for a friend, though we might have some expenses."

"That's fine. I can advance you some cash." Robert said. "But one thing must be clear. Absolutely no one can know about this and it cannot be traced back to my employer or me. Understood?" Robert surprised himself by sounding like Michael as he gave the ultimatum.

Randy smiled. "Fuckbait, who do you think you're talking to here. They are the best. No one is going to find out -- well, except maybe Tad. But I doubt he'll be talking about it."

"That's all right Randy, the kid is right. We'll need to be extremely careful." Rick reached over to pat Robert's hand. "I just need to get a fix on the guy."

"I've got that taken care of for you, guys. I've got a full folder of pictures and a tentative schedule for him." Randy saw that food was coming. "We'll discuss more about this after dinner."

The waiter had brought all the food and, after ensuring everyone was satisfied, left the quartet to their dinner. They discussed Andrew some more, and the events of the last week. Randy and Robert did most of the talking while the twins ate their large meals of steak and potatoes. Nick punctuated the proceedings with an occasional disbelieving shake of the head. The twins managed to eat their entire meal, but not before building up an angry head of steam.

"It sounds like you guys are all very busy, then." Rick wiped his mouth with his napkin. "I think we'll be able to accommodate you in this little venture."

"Say, Rick, why don't we invite Randy and Robert out to the ranch tonight. Robert hasn't seen the place and it might be better if he sees where everything might happen." Nick winked at Randy; Robert missed it.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Do you have any plans tonight, Robert?" Rick made sure to sound as if nothing was going to happen.

"Nothing tonight. I was just going to go home and sleep." Robert's dick started to grow. He knew something was up.

"It sounds like a good idea to me, too." Randy smiled. "We need to take Robert's car home. Give us about 30 minutes to get out there. Sound good?"

"That'll be about right. We need to make a stop on the way." Rick was starting to stand, as if to stretch. "And bring that information too, if you could Randy?"

"Sure, we'll be there in about 30 minutes." Randy waited for the waiter to present the check. Nick got up and walked behind Rick.

"So does he always do that?" Robert inquired of Randy.

"What do you mean?" Randy wasn't sure what Robert wanted to know.

"Does Nick always walk behind Rick?"

"Yep, Nick is Rick's submissive. They're masters when training others but Rick is in charge most of the time." The waiter came with the bill and Randy paid with his American Express.

"But I thought you told me that they weren't an item." Robert was confused now.

"Well, they've been together for over 15 years, so they like to think they're independent, but in fact, they are a team. I wouldn't call them lovers, but maybe 'friends with benefits'." The waiter came back and Randy signed and left a hefty tip.

Randy got up and Robert stretched, allowing his shirt to ride up his flat muscular tummy.

Randy smiled. "Oh, yeah, you're looking good tonight. Did you do as I instructed?"

"Yeah, just soap but no enema, is that okay?" Robert was concerned.

"Naw, don't worry about it," Randy led Robert out the restaurant towards the truck. "I'm sure if they want you to do that, then they'll tell you."

They made their plans to meet up at Robert's apartment.

"Hey, fuckbait, what's that secret you have?" Randy asked.

Robert smiled. "Michael wants pictures: lots of pictures!"

"I think we can do that. Just make sure I tell Rick about it." Randy smiled.

They got in their cars and they were off for the evening.

It was almost 8:30 and Henry quietly dove into his project. Michael was ready to go home but didn't feel comfortable leaving Henry alone.

"Henry, I'm getting tired. Can we continue this in the morning?" Michael was already shutting down his computer.

"Oh, sure we can. I just get engrossed in this type of auditing." Henry started to close some files and shut down his laptop.

"Have you found anything conclusive yet?" Michael rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

"There are some discrepancies but nothing to be concerned about at this moment. I'm afraid the major work will need to be done tomorrow." Henry had put all his belongings into a carrying case. "Would 9 a.m. be good for you tomorrow?"

"Yes, that would be good." They left the office, and Michael made sure to lock his office and check the door. The two men went to the elevator.

"What level are you parked on?" Michael held the door for Henry to enter.

"I can't recall, to be honest. I guess I can walk around and find it." Henry was tired and removed his glasses to rub his eyes.

"No, I'll take you to my car and we'll drive through the garage to find your car." That was the end of it.

As it happened, Henry's car was actually only a few stalls up from Michael's. They drove out of the garage one after the other and into the night.

Anton stirred a bit as he checked the watch on the bedside table. Damn, he thought, it's 9 p.m.

The figure lying next to him stirred enough to wrap his brawny arms around Anton's torso. The arms pulled him back into the body behind Anton's.

"So you late for an appointment?" the dark, sexy voice questioned.

"No, just angry because I should have been busy with some other work instead of sleeping away the evening." Anton slowly turned to face his bedmate.

"I wouldn't exactly say we slept the whole evening away. You were pretty terrific, as I recall. I just can't get enough of your cock in my ass. You are hot. I just wish we could do this every day." The lips of the man reached up for Anton's and they began to make out. Their tongues twisted and slid past each other as their cocks became hard once again.

It would be a while before Anton would sleep again.

The alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. Michael woke up and was immediately aware of the cold space in the bed where Robert's body ought to have been. He got out of bed rather quickly because he knew that he needed to get to the gym and be ready for Henry by 9 a.m.

Michael didn't bother doing much other than putting on his sweats and getting to the gym. He grabbed his clothes for the day and downed an orange juice before going into the garage and getting into his car. He went to open the door but his remote wasn't anywhere to be found. He didn't think much about it as he got out and hit the button on the wall next to the door. It was at this moment that he realized that he had forgotten to turn on the alarm in the house.

He got his keys from the car, unlocked the house, set the alarm, then finally got back in his car and backed out. He wasn't sure if it was an omen of what the day would bring, but he sure didn't like having to retrace his steps. Thankfully he closed the door on the garage and then drove to his gym. It was already 6 a.m. so he knew he'd have to make the workout be a quick one.

Jennifer, one of the early morning attendants, greeted him with her perky little smile.

"Jennifer, are you really having a good morning today?" Michael smiled as he grabbed the towels he'd need.

Jennifer's smile drooped. "No, but we can't let the members know that."

Michael laughed. "It's okay, I don't know that I'd be cheerful about being up at 6 a.m. either."

After stowing his stuff, he found a mat to stretch on. There was another man, in his early thirties, who caught Michael's eye. There was something familiar about him but he wasn't quite sure what it was. He knew he didn't know the man personally, but something was just intriguing him about this dark, swarthy man. Michael would have liked to engage the man in a conversation but, after finishing his stretches, the man disappeared.

Michael located a treadmill and proceeded to warm up for about 15 minutes. He stretched again and then went through his litany of machines. After he was finished, some 45 minutes later, he took a cool-down walk about the track. It was already well after 7 a.m. and he knew he needed to get going.

He was in the shower when he saw the man again. This time Michael was more awestruck by the man's beauty. He was about 5'11, with dark brown hair covering his chest and legs. The hair on his chest parted to accentuate his well-defined pecs, but it was the treasure trail that led south to his dick that caught Michael's eye. There wasn't anything out of place on this man. Michael caught himself staring and then decided that he had had enough eye-candy for the day.

After the shower, Michael shaved and then got dressed. He wanted to stop off at Maggie's and get some cholesterol but decided that a bagel and coffee form the gym's snack bar would have to do.

While he drove to Wylie and Sons, something in his brain was nagging him but he couldn't place it. That guy was familiar and he wasn't sure why. He knew that he was attracted to his natural beauty but it was something more. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

Michael was no sooner out of the elevator when Amanda flagged him down.

"Good morning, Amanda, how are you today?" Michael smiled.

"Well, I'm okay, but I don't think Mr. Hinkle is. He was here already when I arrived this morning. Oh yes, Victoria Wylie needs a call from you immediately." Amanda kept her tones hushed so as not to raise any suspicion among the office gossips.

"Hmmm, well, I should have seen this coming. I knew it was going to be a weird day." Michael grimaced as he recalled the minor problems at the house. He opened his door to find Henry busily working over some papers.

"Oh, good morning, Michael. I have some really bad news to deliver." Henry didn't look up.

"And that would be?" Michael didn't wait for the build-up.

"It looks as if someone is embezzling money from the Dillingham project and Thomas looks to be the guilty party." Henry sat up as he gave the news.

"You said 'looks to be'. What did you mean by that?" Michael prompted.

"I know Thomas. I know that he wouldn't do this, but I have to be honest: something didn't add up last night as I left. I managed to take some of the files home and Mr. Johnson had, in fact, found something. He had scribbled a note in the corner here." Henry got up to meet Michael.

On a sheet of paper, there was a question mark with the comment: "Depreciation of funds or someone stealing? Need further documentation."

The color in Michael's face drained. He knew this could not only ruin Thomas but the company as well.

"The only problem is, where is the money going to? Where are they putting it? It must be an offshore account." Henry continued, "Unfortunately, I can't look any further without raising some red flags."

Michael finally broke his silence. "Oh, fuck! This isn't good. Oh sorry, Henry, I shouldn't talk like that." Michael blushed.

"Well, that's exactly what I said at one o'clock this morning!" Henry managed to smile. "It's not like I'm a saint either."

"Have you called Victoria about this?" Michael went to sit down and put his head in his hands. He was getting a headache.

"Yes, I did." Henry was about to speak again when Michael's phone rang.

"Just a minute." Michael grabbed his phone. "McManus, how can I help you?"

"Hey, lover boy, it's me. Why so formal?" It was Robert. Michael had managed to forget his lover and his foray into the Boston Twin's realm.

"Robert, this is NOT a good time to chat. Is Randy there with you?" Michael was all about business.

Robert knew something was up. "Yeah, we're on the way to my place. What's going on?"

"I can't really talk right now. Get yourselves presentable and head out to the Wylies' place by 10 a.m. We've got business to discuss." Michael didn't even wait for the answer. He hung up.

Before Michael could talk to Henry, his phone rang again. "Where the fuck have you been?" It was Thomas.

"Thomas, calm down, I just got here a bit ago and haven't even had a chance to check my voice mail." Michael knew Thomas wasn't happy.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have talked to you that way. Is Henry there with you?" Thomas was nervous.

"Yes, he is. I just got a call from Robert and Randy. You just stay put, we need to meet at ten o'clock at your house. Okay?" Michael took control again of a deteriorating situation.

"Damn, you sure think like me. I'll see you here at ten then." Thomas rang off.

"Okay, Henry, sorry for the interruptions. We need to go out to the Wylies' house. We should probably leave fairly soon. Is that okay for you?" Michael rang for Amanda.

"Sure, that would be fine. I think we should ride together." Henry was sitting again, trying to see if he could glean anything else.

Amanda entered as Henry got his papers together. "Yes, Michael?"

"Amanda, I have an emergency offsite meeting. If anyone should call for me, just let them know I'm away on personal business and won't return until this afternoon."

"That sounds good. Is this part of that "something" you won't tell me about?" Amanda tried to catch Michael off guard.

"Amanda, like I told you yesterday, I would if I felt it would help, but I don't want to right now." Michael started up his computer to quickly scan his e-mail.

"Okay, I'll cover for you, but only because you're the boss." Amanda smiled at Michael when he finally looked up to process what she said.

"You're the best. Thanks." Amanda exited the room and closed the door. "Say, Henry, do you think Anton is behind this?" Michael stayed focused on answering his e-mail as he waited for the reply.

"According to Victoria, I don't think so." Henry looked up as he continued. "Besides, Anton isn't smart enough to carry this off, especially since he doesn't have any access to the money."

Michael was engrossed in responding to a request when Henry's words registed on his brain.

"What? Anton isn't to blame?" Michael was surprised.

"I don't see how. Anton has no access to the company's funds. The only one that can access this money is Thomas." Henry was closing up his computer and gathering his coat to leave.

"Then who the fuck is doing this?" Michael was rightfully concerned. He knew they needed more help.

Randy heard the one-sided conversation. "What's up?"

Robert didn't even wait to close the phone. "Fuck, something big is happening and we've been called out to the Wylies' house as soon as possible."

"That's not good. You think Hinkle found something?" Randy pushed on the gas to get the SUV to go faster.

"He must have."

Both the men were quiet for a few minutes.

"So, Robert, did you have fun last night?" Randy's face smirked a bit.

Robert was long in answering, then finally uttered, "Yeah, it was fun. I think I would have enjoyed it more if Michael had been there."

"Who says he wasn't?" Randy was playing with Robert.

"I KNOW if he's there or not. Damn, Randy, I love the guy." Robert was resigned to an uneasy silence.

"Robbie, you got to lighten up." Randy put his right paw on Robert's leg. "Mikey's a big boy. Sure, he's kind of been baptized by fire but we all were at one time. When this whole shit blows over, you need to talk to him, okay?"

Robert didn't answer. He felt a bit uneasy, but then feeling Randy's paw on his leg seemed to remind him that Randy was his friend and wouldn't do anything to sabotage Michael's and his feelings.

"What time is Steve coming in today?" Robert changed gears to work.

"Oh shit! I forgot that he's coming in today." Randy's mind worked to remember Steve's itinerary. It was at this exact moment that his cell rang.

"Hello?" Randy wasn't sure who it was. "Oh, Steve, I'm glad you called. What time are you in today?"

Robert listened to the litany of grunts and acknowledgements.

"Cool, I'll see you at three this afternoon. Thanks for calling!" Randy closed his cell. "Damn, I can tell we're still on the same wave length."

"Who is this Steve you're bringing in?" Robert had never met the man and had heard tales of Steve's goings on.

"He's an old buddy of mine from high school. We went to the army together, did our four years and decided that it was enough. He stayed in California and I moved back here. We both entered the police force but even though we were thousands of miles apart, we could sense that neither one was happy." Randy stopped to smile.

"So is he gay?" Robert really wanted to know the answer.

"You'd probably be surprised to know this, but he's more bi than gay. He still loves pussy from time to time but the boy can suck dick with the best of 'em. Wait until you meet him, we were considered brothers back in high school because we both did the same stuff. We almost look alike." Randy continued. "He and I quit the force at the same time and we opened our own Private Detective businesses. We work together on cases that stretch cross-country."

The two arrived at Robert's house. "Do you want to come up?"

"Yeah, I can give Andy a call then, if that's okay." Randy made sure to lock and hit the alarm button.

When they got into the apartment, Robert headed for his room and got his shower started. He closed the door so Randy could have some private time. Randy did feel a little bad about going to the twins' home last night but he knew Andy wouldn't understand if he tried to explain it. Down deep in his heart, he had it bad for the boy.

Randy called Kennedy's. The receptionist answered but, because of security at the rehab center, Randy had to give a special code to gain access to Andy's room.

Andy was actually sitting in a chair when the phone rang. He reached for it, still wincing in pain, but it was duller than a few days before. It took him a couple of rings to reach just even three feet.

"Hello?" Andy answered painfully.

"Hey, Andy, this is Randy. How's my boy today?" Randy's voice grew soft.

"Oh okay, in pain, but it's different."

"How so?" Randy was concerned.

"They don't waste any time here. After I talked to you yesterday, my physical therapist was in to explain what would happen starting today. I had to be up at 6 a.m. and we started with hydrotherapy." Andy was thirsty, so he reached for his water.

"Did it feel good?" Randy relaxed on the sofa, stretching his legs out.

"Yeah, it did. I got to actually shower today and the doctor seems to think that my legs are doing pretty good." Andy sat up. "He said that the bruising on my spine has gone down and is allowing for more motion."

"What else do they have you doing?" Randy let Andy speak because he was tired.

"Well, in about ten minutes I'm supposed to go to the bumper room to work on strengthening my legs. They're kind of waiting for my ribs to heal better before I do any weight training in my upper body."

Randy felt like teasing Andy. "You'd better be careful! They'll have you pumping iron!"

"Yeah, it's a major thing for me to lift a paper clip." Andy laughed, but not too hard as it still hurt.

"I can't stay on too long here. I need to get to the Wylies. Something big is happening today but not sure." Randy really could use some shut eye but knew it wasn't going to happen.

"That's okay, Peter will be in soon to take me to the next session." Andy grew quiet. "Are you going to come out tonight for a bit? I really need to see you."

Randy perked up. "Yeah, I'll be out, it might be more towards seve or so. Steve is coming in at three so I doubt I'll be free before six. What's wrong?"

"I know you're busy trying to help Mr. Wylie; I just would like a little time with you." Andy blushed.

"You're blushing, aren't you?" Randy smiled.

"Yeah, I am. I can feel it too. So you're coming out?" Andy's face grew darker.

"Sure, I'll be out there. Hey Andy, work hard for me, okay?" Randy didn't want to let him go but he heard Robert getting finished up.

"For you? Anything. I love you." Andy couldn't believe he said the words.

"I love you too, Andy. I'd better go. Bye." Randy waited.

"Yeah, until tonight. Bye." Andy hung up the phone.

Randy didn't see Robert behind him as he hung up the phone. Randy was quiet. Hearing Andy's voice kind of reminded him how much he wanted to hang the fucker that messed him up.

"It's hard to be apart, isn't it?" Robert startled Randy out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, fuckbait, it is. I've really fallen hard for him." Randy's eyes started to tear up.

Robert smiled at him as he grabbed Randy's huge paw. "Hey man, it's going to be okay. Let's go kick some ass!"

Randy pulled himself up holding Robert. "Thanks man, thanks for being a friend."


Next: Chapter 13

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