
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on May 5, 2004


Disclaimer: If you're old enough to read this, then keep going. If you're not, then don't.

This is my work. Don't copy it or use it without asking me first, please.

Message to Readers: Well we're up to #13. Wow, I didn't think this story would go on this far. I don't really know where the ending point will be but rest assured, all story lines will be resolved. I trust you like the twists and turns. Please write to me as you have time. I certainly appreciate it and it keeps me interested in writing more for you. Have a great May!

Thanks to my editors Alexander and Bruce. I appreciate your willingness to be my guide through this flight of fancy for me.

As soon as Andrew put the handset back on the phone, Peter walked through the door. Peter was dressed in blue scrubs. He stood about 5'9" and had a tight, muscular body that was well hidden under the cloth he wore. His face was young but sported a tightly shaved, light brown beard.

"Good morning Mr. Johnson, ready to walk again?" Peter smiled as he maneuvered the wheelchair into position beside Andrew's chair.

"Do I have a choice?" Andrew winced as he began to stand up to move to the wheelchair.

"Are you sure you don't need any help there?" Peter moved to support Andrew. "Those ribs are going to be a problem for you today."

Andrew didn't mind the attention but his mood had changed since disconnecting with Randy. "I don't want to be here any longer than necessary." Peter made sure Andrew was secure in the wheelchair and rolled him out of the luxurious room.

"Did you like the hydrotherapy this morning?" Peter tried to make some conversation.

"Yeah, it felt good. Hurt the ribs a bit." Andrew kept his answers short. He was stewing about the Wylie situation but didn't feel comfortable talking to Peter.

"I'm sorry to hear that. You need to let me know if that's the case. We could have adjusted the water if it was uncomfortable." Andrew didn't answer. Peter figured Andrew wanted silence, so the rest of the ride was quiet.

The pair turned to the right and through some glass doors. "This, my dear man, is the romper room. You're going to memorize it very clearly because each day you will be required to master a task." Peter stopped to let Andrew adjust to the obstacles before him.

The standard parallel bars and stairs were there. There were also tables, chairs, and a treadmill scattered through out the room. Windows along the south and west sides of the room opened the room to a panoramic view of the gardens.

"You need to remember that today we're going to take baby steps. I do not accept the word 'can't' unless you first make the effort." Peter was starting to sound like a slave driver. "I am here to assist in your recovery. You are responsible for the level you want to master each day. The sooner you move through the obstacles of this room, the sooner you go home."

Andrew looked up at Peter's face. He saw in it a firm but gentle man. He couldn't wimp out. He couldn't. Randy wouldn't let him.

"So? You ready?" Peter wheeled Andrew over to the parallel bars.

"I guess." Andrew sighed and then stood up. He grabbed the arms of the parallel bars and took his first step. He faltered a bit but then easily took a second step. Peter stood behind Andrew to give his torso support.

"How do the ribs feel?" Peter wasn't sure how to gauge Andrew's discomfort.

Gritting his teeth, Andrew said, "It hurts but I want to make it across."

Peter admired Andrew's strength but was ready to catch Andrew when. half way down the bars, Andrew collapsed.

"Fuck!" Andrew was pissed.

Peter quickly comforted Andrew. "Hey, you have been off your feet for a bit and your ribs aren't quite healed. You got to take it slowly."

Andrew huffed at his comments.

"Do you want to try again?" Peter asked.

Andrew nodded.

Peter stood up and took Andrew under his armpits and slowly raised him until he was standing again.

Andrew was now sweating profusely as he took the next step. Eventually, he made it to the end of the bars.

"Great job!" Peter was excited. "You have a ways to go but you are doing quite well."

Peter left Andrew to get the wheelchair at the other end of the bars. Peter moved to the end Andrew stood at but put it far enough way that Andrew would have to walk freely about four steps to get into it. He put on the brake and waited for Andrew to leave the comfort of the bars.

Andrew took the necessary steps and sat down. Now drenched in sweat, it was less from the walk as it was from the constant pain in his ribs.

Peter leaned down to make sure Andrew had his feet on the rests. "You're going to do fine. Let's get some medication for those ribs. You're done for the morning."

Michael and Henry were the first to arrive at the Wylie mansion. James met them at the door and led them to the library, where Thomas and Victoria greeted them. Victoria poured coffee for her guests and offered Danish. The foursome sat in relative silence until Randy and Robert arrived.

At precisely ten o'clock, Robert and Randy were ushered to the library. Again, Victoria offered coffee and Danish but the men refused. The air was thick with agony and stress. Finally, Thomas broke the silence.

"What the FUCK is going on here?" Thomas stood up and went over to the large window and started to weep.

"Son," Victoria quickly went over to Thomas and tried to calm him, "we're not going to achieve anything if you end up in the hospital with a stroke."

"But Mother, this is our company! This shit isn't supposed to happen to us! I've done everything by the book and now this?" Thomas looked away from the stunned group. "I don't think I can do this."

Michael didn't wait for Victoria to comfort. "Thomas, you need to get a grip, man. Keep this in perspective. We are the only ones that know what is going on at this moment. Nobody else suspects anything."

"And Thomas," Victoria was now the every comforting mother, "you have friends and loved ones here that will be by your side."

Thomas looked into his mother's eyes and saw her spirit and fortitude. He grabbed the handkerchief from his pocket and dried his eyes. He wanted to say something but didn't.

"So what is going on?" Randy needed information.

For the next few minutes, Michael and Henry shared all the information they discovered over the last twenty-four hours. Henry spread out his files and showed the missing funds and how the withdrawals were evenly spaced out over time. Thomas looked at the withdrawals but something wasn't right, but he couldn't put his finger on it. With all the information shared, Henry and Michael sat back to let the others digest it.

"So Anton isn't directly involved with this?" Robert wanted to make sure he knew who the players were.

Henry answered. "I don't see how. He doesn't have access to the funds and the only one authorized to write checks on the account from Wylie and Sons is Thomas."

Randy stood up and stretched for a minute. He was tired and the previous night's activities were taking a toll on him. "Then who is responsible?"

"I guess that's what we need to find out and fast." Henry answered. "I have to tell you that an amount this large can't remain hidden for long. I can only keep the proverbial thumb in the dam for so long."

"Henry, you have performed your task well. I don't think we need your assistance any longer." Victoria stood up and went over to Henry. "I don't want you to get messed up with this dam if it does break."

"Victoria, this is the most fun I've had in years. I wouldn't imagine leaving you high and dry at this moment. I'm sincerely indebted to you for your friendship over the years. Let me see how I might help." Henry almost pleaded.

Victoria pulled up Henry in a friendly embrace. "Oh, Henry, I do value your friendship. Are you sure you wish to remain?"

"Yes, Victoria, I do." Henry broke the embrace and sat back down.

"Henry," Randy turned to address him directly, "Is there a way we could get copies of the withdrawals?"

"I'm not sure. If they were done electronically, then there's no signature." Henry waited to see what Randy was thinking.

"Well there has to be some sort of paper authorization, doesn't there?" Randy's mind was pushing ahead with an idea.

"Yes, I'm sure there was. I could get a copy without raising too many red flags." Henry reached for his cell phone and dialed. "Why do you ask?"

"I want to see the signature." Turning to Thomas, Randy continued. "I need a copy of your signature, Thomas."

The rest of the group seemed to perk up at the direction the conversation led. Thomas took a standard sheet of paper and wrote his signature. Henry was on the phone with the banking group that held the Dillingham money in trust. Before Randy could continue, Henry was finished.

"I'll have a copy by 3 p.m. today. Is that soon enough?" Henry smiled at his efficiency.

"Yes," Randy smiled back. "I don't know if this will be a dead end or a starting point but something is just not right here. Have the form brought here."

"Very good." Henry's pulse raced. "This is fun!"

The group kind of loosened up enough to laugh a bit, but the momentary levity was gone as Randy continued.

"Victoria, is Anton seeing anyone?" Randy continued.

"Funny that you ask me that. We had brunch on Sunday but he said there wasn't anyone special, though he had a friend he was supposed to meet." Victoria mulled over the conversation. "I just don't know, Randy. Why do you ask?"

"Just a hunch. Is there a way you could find out?" Randy was still mulling over his next step.

"To be honest Randy, I don't think so." Victoria's mind was already planning tactical moves. "It would raise too many flags, I think."

"Damn," Randy exhaled loudly. "I think we need to still follow up on him and make sure he's above board."

Thomas was in an altered state of depression and consciousness. Michael saw this and moved to take his boss' hand.

"Thomas," Michael whispered, "you need to snap out of this. I think we've got this under control."

Thomas looked up into Michael's eyes. He was looking for some support, some kind of comfort. What he saw was confidence. Thomas sat up and took Michael's hand.

"All right, it's time to get to work." Thomas stood up. "Michael and Robert, off to work with you. I need some leadership at the office. Henry, go over the files again. I want to know how much money was withdrawn and the dates those withdrawals correlate with. Randy, Steve comes in today, doesn't he?"

Randy looked up from his thoughts. "Yeah, um, at 3 o'clock this afternoon."

"Good. I want you two to come out here directly from the airport. I want to meet this man, got it?" Thomas was in command now.

"Sure, anything you want." Randy wrote down some thoughts on a pad he had brought along.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Thomas wanted to make sure everyone knew what he or she was supposed to do. They all acknowledged their roles. "Good, then I have one more thing. If we come through this unscathed by the media and we catch the asshole before the police arrest me, there is going to be a $5000 bonus for each of you. Now go."

There was to be no further talk today. Randy was the last to leave. As he was being escorted to the door, James stopped him.

"Randy, I believe?" James spoke rather quietly.

"Yeah, what can I do for you?" Randy was a little unnerved by the butler. Something was up, and the hairs on the back of his hand were beginning to stand on end.

"I believe you have an associate coming in today?" James continued to speak quietly.

"Yeah, how the fuck did you..." Randy was interrupted.

"A butler knows everything, sir." James continued. "I need to speak to you after you're done with Master Thomas today."

"Okay, but why?" Randy's interest was piqued.

"Just trust me. When you hear what I have to say, you'll have more information than you can imagine about the late Mr. Wylie." James saw Victoria coming.

"James, why is Randy still here?" Victoria was very surprised that Randy hadn't left yet.

Randy saw James's nervousness and answered, "I was just asking him about suspicious things he might have seen."

James sighed in relief.

"Very well, James, when you're finished, please come to my study upstairs." The two watched while Victoria ascended the wide staircase until she disappeared at the top.

"That was too close, sir." James's face had broken into a sweat.

"Hey, no problem: I lie all the time. I'm glad I didn't get you into trouble." Randy smiled. "So am I going to like what you're going to tell me later?"

Before James let Randy out, "I think you'll be greatly enlightened."

The door closed and Randy saw Robert and Michael waiting for him. The hairs on the back of his hand were still raised. He made a mental note to do some background checks on James.

Michael looked at his watch. "We need to get to work, Robert. It's going to be noon before we're back."

"Yeah, I need to talk to Amanda too. I need to know when the principals meet again for the project." Robert pulled out his Palm Pilot.

Just as the three went to their vehicles, Randy's cell phone chirped. He waved at Michael and Robert to stop.

"Hello..." Randy didn't recognize the number on the caller ID. The other two waited and then saw Randy smile. Randy's smile got bigger and then tears started forming in the wells of his eyes. "Yeah, I love you too."

Robert knew it was Andrew. "So what's up?"

"He walked. He's tired and sweating but he walked." Randy's tears were streaming down his face.

Robert didn't say anything more. He just went over and hugged his friend.

Michael observed the two from his open car door. He smiled. Now that he knew Andrew would be okay, it was time to save his boss. As Randy and Robert broke their hug, Michael thought to himself. "I want to hang this fucker for what he's doing to all of us."


Randy didn't have to wait long for Steve to come down the walkway to see him. The only difference in Steve was that his hair was more bleach-blond and he was tanned from his face to his feet. The two men met in a huge bear hug.

"Damn, Randy, it's good to see you again. You still look as hot as ever." Steve tried to squeeze the breath out of his friend but was equally met with the same type of hug.

Randy, being bolder than his "brother", reached down to give his best friend a squeeze in the ass. "I can tell you're sagging a bit. Sitting on your ass too much?"

Steve broke the embrace. "Fuck you, dickwad. I work out more than you do. It's those damn airline seats. They're too small."

"Whatever!" Robert took his friend's bag and then headed to the baggage claim.

After getting the bags and stowing them in Randy's SUV, Steve wanted a full rundown on the situation. Randy shared everything, from Andrew's success earlier in the day to what Henry Hinkle had found. He told Steve that they were heading out to the Wylie place first to meet Thomas.

"I'm not dressed. I want to put on a suit for the guy, can't I at least freshen up?" Steve protested.

Randy just laughed. Steve was much more the suit-and-tie kind of guy where Randy was happy with t-shirts and blue jeans.

"You're fine. He knows you're coming in from the airport. There will be time for your Hollywood style later." Randy said, as he turned off the interstate and onto the boulevard leading to the mansion.

"I see you haven't changed...including your style." Steve teased. "I know you make good money, so why don't you dress up once in awhile?"

"Why?" Randy protested again. "I spend a lot of time dealing with jerks: they don't deserve an Armani when they're getting checked out."

The two sat in silence for the remainder of the trip. Randy turned into the Wylie mansion for the second time today and eventually stopped in front of the spectacular entrance.

Steve whistled. "The guy has money, doesn't he?"

"Yeah, but he's really cool. He doesn't flaunt it." Randy didn't even have a chance to knock before James opened the door.

The two were led to the back patio, where Thomas and Victoria were having a mid-afternoon drink.

Thomas got up to shake hands with Steve while Randy made introductions. Steve's eyes made contact with Victoria's as he was being introduced. Victoria was taken by Steve's looks.

"Are you sure you two aren't related?" Victoria questioned.

"No, ma'am, we're not." Steve sat down next to Victoria and Randy sat next to Thomas.

James asked if the two wanted something to drink and Steve asked for an iced tea or lemonade, if they had it. Randy was fine. James left to get the beverage.

Victoria leaned forward and grasped Steve's right leg with her left hand and squeezed as she said, "Steve, I am Victoria, not ma'am. We may have money but we're not the kind of people who rest on position." As they continued to talk, Victoria's hand slid down into Steve's crotch giving it a firm feel. He didn't flinch but was surprised at the move. "I hope we can be friends." Victoria smiled as she sat back and removed her hand.

"Definitely." Steve was a bit unnerved at the pass, but he relaxed once Victoria sat back. James returned with his drink and he took a large swallow.

"Time is wasting, gentlemen, so I'll get to the point." Thomas was on fire. "I don't just want to find who this culprit is; I want him to hurt. I'm not asking you to do anything illegal, but I want you to know that I certainly approve of making this bastard hurt, especially before the law gets to him."

Randy was surprised but understood. He looked at Steve and then spoke. "Thomas, you know I'm loyal to you and I know Steve will be too. I can't help to think whoever is doing this is responsible for what happened to Andrew. I can guarantee I'll mess him up good before I turn him over."

Steve smiled at the prospect of getting a little down and dirty. "I have a feeling that there might be some justice we can exact on whomever is doing this."

"Good, then I think you have your work cut out for you." Thomas took a drink of his highball. "Randy, who are you doing surveillance on now?"

Randy took out his notebook. "Just Tad Reynolds, but I have the entire office bugged now so I should be getting reports back, since yesterday was the first day of the week. I'm only monitoring phone and e-mail, but if whoever is doing this is smart, they'll stay away from using the office."

At that moment, James walked in with Henry in tow. "Good afternoon, all. I thought I'd bring these out personally." Henry handed over a manila folder with a thick stack of papers in it.

Thomas opened the folder while Steve was introduced to Henry. James asked Henry if he wanted something to drink, but he declined.

"Something isn't right here." Thomas said while the others sat quietly.

"What do you mean, Thomas?" Victoria sat up, taking the opportunity to firmly brush her leg against Steve's.

"Something isn't right about some of these withdrawals. I can't put my finger on it but the dates don't seem right?" Thomas stared at several of the copies.

Steve decided to play Victoria's game and sat up, returning the pressure of his leg against hers. "Is there a problem with the dates?"

"Well, I think there is, but let me go copy these and then I'll get this back to you, Randy." Thomas got up and left the table.

Henry needed to go but didn't want to be rude. "Is there anything else Victoria?"

"No, I think we'll be fine. I'll be in contact if we need you. Thank you again Henry!" Victoria stood up and gave Henry a kiss on the cheek and led him out with James leading the way.

Steve sat back and laughed.

"What's funny?" Randy asked.

Steve took a drink of his iced tea. "Victoria is over here hitting on me the whole time."

Randy was startled. "No way! I think you've been without too long!"

"Uh no, babe, I had a sweet piece of ass last night. He was totally hot, too, and took me three rounds. I miss being younger. I remember..." Randy interrupted Steve.

"Don't tell me that shit. I know you. You probably own stock in the rubber business, for all the action you see." Randy laughed. "You think you and Victoria will get together?"

"I've fucked older and she's okay looking. We'll see. I've got business to attend to right now." Steve thought about when he'd see Victoria again.

Thomas walked out and handed Randy the folder.

"So you figure out what the problem was?" Steve took the lead.

Victoria walked out with James following behind.

"No, not yet, but I'll do some work. I'll call you if I figure it out." Thomas kept looking at the copies, racking his brain as to what the discrepancy was with the dates.

"Well, Thomas, we should get going. I need to get a bit of rest, then Randy and I have a long night ahead of us." Steve took one final drink of his tea, then winked at Victoria. "Victoria, let's get together after this mess is cleared up and before I need to leave."

Victoria went over to Steve and hugged him, making sure her hand made contact with his firm ass. "Oh, most definitely. I would love to do some dinner with you."

As she broke her embrace with Steve, she hugged Randy as if to act like she wasn't actually hitting on Steve. "Please take care. I want you around too!"

"I will talk to you later, gentlemen." Thomas didn't look up. He was entranced.

Victoria sat down and James showed the two out.

Thomas looked up for a minute to chide his mother. "Mom, could you be any more obvious with Steve?" He was scowling.

Victoria smiled coyly and feigned her son's comments. "Oh. what exactly do you think you saw?"

Thomas couldn't stay mad at his mother. He smiled. "You were practically drooling over him. He is an employee, not one of your Greek studs."

"You're just jealous." Victoria laughed. "He's simply candy, and I have a sweet tooth."

Thomas went back to his papers while Victoria enjoyed the beautiful afternoon. Neither was going to win this argument, so they sat comfortably while Thomas continued wracking his brain for what he was looking for in the copies.

Meanwhile, James led the two to the front door. "I'm sorry, Randy, but when could we meet tonight to talk? With them about I can't very well share what I need to with you."

Steve wasn't aware of the secrecy. "What is he talking about, Randy?"

Randy waved off his friend. "I guess it's a little risky here, isn't it? What would be easiest for you, James?"

"I am off at 7 o'clock tonight. Could we meet at O'Malley's over on 4th?"

"Yeah, that's good. We'll be there." Steve and Randy exited through the open door.

"What the fuck is that about?" Steve questioned.

"He has some information that might help us, or so he thinks. I guess it can't hurt." Randy went around to his side of the vehicle and got in.

Steve climbed in. "I guess you can't have too much information, can you?"

Randy looked at his watch and remembered he wanted to see Andrew today but now the meeting with James would prevent that. The two drove off to Randy's place to get Steve settled for his stay. While Steve was resting, Randy called Andy. He delivered the bad news but Andy took it well.

Randy filled him in on the meetings with Thomas, both in the morning and with Steve. He even made sure to share about Victoria's hitting on Steve. Andrew laughed. Randy got silent and Andy asked him why.

"I haven't heard you laugh for awhile. It sounded good." Randy's eyes and face were smiling brightly.

"It's just because I know I've got you out there somewhere taking good care of me." Andy shared. "I wanted to make it across those bars today because I want to be with you now. I miss you."

Randy was surprised and touched. "Fuck this, I'm coming out tonight. How big is that bed?"

"I was told I could get a bigger one if I wanted." Andy paused. "Do you want me to?"

"Yeah, I do. I'll see you later tonight." Randy paused then sighed. "I love you."

Andy's smile could be heard through the phone. "I love you, too."

What Randy didn't know was that Steve had woken up and was listening to the entire conversation.

"I guess it's true." Steve sat down next to Randy.

"What?" Randy asked in surprise.

"You're in love; and you know what?" Steve continued not waiting for Randy to ask. "I'm happy for you."

Randy looked at his lifelong friend. "Thanks. I'm glad you're here. Just like old times, huh?"

"Just like old times." Steve smiled. "Let's get to work. We have to meet that butler at seven o'clock and I think little Randy has a date afterwards."

"Fuck you." Randy quipped.

Steve retorted. "Not this time."

Robert and Michael headed back to the office. Michael still hadn't asked about Robert's romp at the Boston Twins' place but figured there would be time for that. The two stopped to grab a quick lunch at Maggie's Diner. Maggie was a mess but took time to greet her favorite "family" customers. Michael blushed a bit at the openly audible suggestion of his homosexuality but got over it. Maggie fussed a bit over them and insisted that they save room for her lemon meringue pie, which would definitely be "on the house."

The two talked about Andrew's progress and this Steve that was coming. Robert had heard a lot of stories about him from Randy but knew that the guy was just as capable at getting to the bottom of this embezzlement mess. They got their food and devoured it. Maggie insisted on sending them on their way with her pie, even though the two didn't have room for it.

They were heading back to the office when Michael took Robert's hand and kissed it.

"I missed you last night but especially this morning." Michael kept Robert's hand in his.

"I missed you too." Robert exhaled as if he was relieved to say what he was thinking. "I enjoyed myself last night but it wasn't the same without you."

Michael felt a knot in his stomach. "You know the saying that goes 'hindsight is 20/20'? I wanted to be there too."

"I'm sorry. It's one of those times I let my dick think for me." Robert gripped Michael's hand now. "I should have been more sensitive to your issues."

Michael laughed, breaking the tension. "Fuck that! I wanted you to go. We both know that I'm wet behind the ears. You are much better at this gay sex stuff than I am. I still love you."

Robert was relieved. "You do?"

"Robert, I love you very much. I never felt this love with 'the bitch' and I'm having the time of my life. I appreciate the fact you asked my permission, but in the end I knew it would be me you'd be coming home with at the end of the night...or so to speak." Michael had to let go of Robert's hand as he turned into the parking garage.

"Well, Mr. McManus," Robert used the formal term to tease Michael, "we'll have plenty of time to get you up to speed with this gay sex stuff. Oh, by the way, Nick and Rick expect us to visit them soon."

Michael was surprised. "Why?"

"Because, as Rick put it, I need a strong hand and, from what Randy has told them of you, you're just the man to do it." Robert laughed. "They want to make sure you have the right training."

Michael laughed and shook his head at the absurdity of the statement. "Do I have to pay for this service?"

"I don't know, maybe Thomas will let you expense account it!" Robert was straightening up his tie.

"Yeah, I could just see the accounting department trying to find a slot for that on the general ledger." Michael parked the car in his usual spot.

The two got out and. before they went to the elevator, Robert yanked Michael into the corner, away from the cameras.

"I love you, Michael McManus." Robert pulled Michael into a hot embrace as his tongue slipped past Michael's lips. Michael didn't know what to think about it but was swept away by the raw emotion and thrill of getting caught. Michael dropped the sack that contained the free pie so he could embrace his lover.

They broke their kiss and they straightened their coats and ties again. Michael picked up the sack. "Well, Mr. Jennings, I think you did very well. I'll give you an 8 for that kiss."

Robert smiled. "Damn, and I was going for a ten!"

The two went to the elevator and headed up to their office. Little did they know that a pair of eyes had seen their passionate exchange.

Next: Chapter 14

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