
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Oct 21, 2004


Disclaimer: If you're old enough to read this, then keep going. If you're not, then don't.

This is my work. Don't copy it or use it without asking me first, please.

Again my thanks to Alexander for his fine editing. I appreciate it.

Note to Readers: It's fall and I'm starting to spend more time indoors, that means we'll be seeing Michael kick it into gear again. I apologize for the long delay but I hope you'll like what I've written. Please write if you like.

Indeed, a pair of eyes had seen Michael and Robert embrace and make out. It was these same eyes that were suspicious of the professional relationship of the two.

"Very interesting," Tad thought to himself.

He had no reason for being on the same parking level as Michael McManus but he chose to walk up the stairwell when he saw the two men drive by and get out of the car. Tad decided to take a detour on his climb up the stairs and spied on the two.

"Now things are coming together. Not only is Jennings a fag, so is McManus. No wonder he came down hard on me in the boardroom last week." Tad smiled maliciously. "I have all I need now to really start fucking them over big time. I'm sure Mr. Wylie will be interested in this."

Tad waited until the doors of the elevator were closed before he went back to his ascent. Little did he know that, he, too, was being watched.

Michael and Robert went to their respective offices and carried on as manager and employee. Robert was only two steps inside his office when he heard a strange ring. He checked his cell phone but there was no call on it. Then he realized where the sound was coming from. He ran to his briefcase and found the secret phone.

"Hello?" Robert was alarmed. No one he knew had this number.

"Hey, Robert, this is Rick." Robert sighed with relief at the sound of Rick's voice.

"I was going to ask how you got this number, but then I realized you must have caller ID. I never thought of that!" Robert chuckled.

"Listen, I've got bad news for you. That hot little exchange between you and that other guy was seen." Rick waited for a reply.

"Oh fuck!" Robert thought back to the exchange. He swore he scoped out the place for any wandering eyes. "Who was it?"

Rick smiled and chuckled. He was going to torment Robert a bit. "Before I tell you, what is it worth to you?"

Robert was not in the mood to play games. "C'mon, man, just tell me"

"Before I tell you, are you wearing any underwear right now?" Rick was in a playful mood and wanted to make Robert suffer a little.

"What the fuck does that have to do with who saw us?" Robert was exasperated.

"Listen, Fuckbait. Last night, when I had my dick buried in your ass, you said you'd do anything for me to have that feeling again. I want to know what you're wearing, NOW!" Rick's command echoed through the garage.

"Geez, I'm wearing some bikini briefs. Are you satisfied, SIR?" Robert was not enjoying this and made sure to emphasize the `sir' to get his point across.

"I thought I told you: No underwear?" Rick knew he had Robert. "You aren't very good at listening to directions. I might just have to kidnap you when I do this Johnson guy. I'd make sure your lover boy was there to teach you how to listen to directions."

Robert relented. As much as he wanted to know who the spy was, he was getting hard from the control Rick had over him on the phone.

"What do I need to do, sir?"

"Good little slave." Rick had him. "You're going to go to the restroom and take off your underwear. You are going to jack off and cum in them and then you're going to put them in a mailing envelope. You're going to deliver that envelope to Nick in exactly 15 minutes in the main lobby of your office building."

"Anything else?" Robert was sweating now.

"Yes, you are to smear just one small dab of cum on the front of your dress slacks. Don't worry, no one will really see it since you're dressed in dark slacks. It should be just enough so that if someone touches you there, they can feel the fluid. Do you have any questions?" Rick waited.

"No sir. I don't." Robert took off his sport coat and grabbed a mailing envelope.

"Good. Your time starts now." Rick hung up.

For just ten seconds, Robert thought he might just brush off the challenge, but he desperately needed to know the name of the spy. He left his office and went to the men's room. As it was about break time, it was pretty busy but he managed to find a stall at the end and locked the door.

He quickly pulled off his shoes, slid down his pants, and took off his briefs. In the back of his head he knew this was insane, but his cock betrayed him. He was rock hard and cock snot was already oozing from the head of his dick.

He started to stroke but couldn't find the inspiration to blow his load. He looked at his watch. "Damn, about seven minutes to go before I need to be downstairs."

This caused his cock to deflate until he heard a familiar voice. It was Michael's. It was almost as if his cock was teasing him. Little did Robert know that Michael had put an "out of order" sign on the outside of the men's room door and locked it.

"Robert, are you in here?" Michael whispered, even though they were the only two in the place.

Robert opened the door to his stall and saw the reflection of his lover in the mirror.

"Yeah, I'm over here." Robert felt ashamed.

Michael smiled. He saw his lover with a tie and shirt on helplessly jacking off but not getting anywhere.

"Apparently we had an audience in the parking garage and now they want a repeat performance." Michael tried to stifle his laugh, but couldn't.

Robert was not amused but before he could ask any questions, Michael bent over and took his cock into his mouth. Robert moaned loudly.

Michael sucked fast and hard. Robert put his hands on Michael's head and started shoving his cock deep into Michael's oral cavity. As the mouth fuck continued, Michael began to release his own tie with one hand.

"Oh fuck, man, this is hot. You don't know what you're doing to me!" Robert spoke in breathy tones. "Baby, I'm getting close, I can't shoot in your mouth...oh fuck! Please Michael, let go!"

Michael kept his head pumping until he felt Robert's cock getting thick. He knew Robert was close. He stopped just in time to get Robert's briefs and let Robert's cum fly all over the fabric. Robert's body kept convulsing until every last drop was gone and accounted for in the briefs. Robert took a smear and rubbed it across the flap covering the zipper of his pants. He wanted to make sure he followed Rick's directions.

Michael deposited the briefs into the envelope, which was lined with bubble wrap, but before Robert could stand up, Michael straightened up, opened his pants and let them drop, exposing his cock under his briefs. He grabbed Robert's head and pushed him into the hardened mound of cloth-bound flesh.

Robert still didn't understand but he didn't care. Nick be damned! He was going to get Michael's cum down his throat.

Michael took his tie and slid it around the back of Robert's neck. He was going to ride this pony and enjoy doing it.

"Listen little fuckbait!" Michael commanded. He had never called Robert that before and was surprised he used Randy's term for Robert. "You are going to soak my briefs with your spit, then you're going to pull `em down and I'm going to shove my dick down your throat."

Robert groaned his approval.

"You are to take my cum but you may not swallow. I have a special place for it when I'm done. Do you understand?" Michael was hot and playing butch top now.

Robert stopped long enough to enthusiastically say, "Yes sir!"

Robert was well on his way to soaking his lover's briefs but in the back of his head he knew that it was well past fifteen minutes. Again, he didn't care. He slid the fabric down off of Michael's cock and, immediately and without warning, Michael shoved it deep into Robert's mouth.

The mouth fuck was hard, hot, and heavy. Michael held the tie tightly around the back of Robert's neck, not giving Robert much room to move. Michael knew he wouldn't be long in cumming and was getting off on the rough play. He could feel his balls churning.

"Oh fuck, yeah, baby. Oh yeah, take my cream but don't you fuckin' swallow, do you understand? Oh, here it comes, take it all in your mouth!"

Michael released Robert and slid out to where his head was just inside his lover's mouth and he felt shot after shot fly into the warm, moist cavern. His body was exploding in a flood of sensual warmth and excitement. As he came down off his post-orgasmic high, he slowly pulled the head of his cock out from Robert's mouth.

"Okay, fuckbait, you're going to slowly spit that cum out on my tie here and place it in the envelope with your briefs. You are to leave a little so we can make sure you're pants are moist." Michael was still in command.

As Michael stretched out the tie, Robert ran his tongue along it, letting the mixture of Michael's cum and his own saliva run down and soak into it. When he was finished there was just a bit left so when Michael grabbed Robert's pants, it was spilled on the inside so it got the fabric moist but didn't stain it.

Robert finally came to his senses. "What the fuck just went on here?"

Michael started to pull up his pants and then he noticed a bit of cum still on his cock. He pointed it out to Robert. "Lick it clean. I want it clean before I leave this room."

Robert, still disheveled and sweating, leaned over and gave Michael's flaccid cock a nice bath. It started to plump a bit but then Michael swatted Robert's cheek with it and told him to stop.

"Rick thought that it was time for you to understand who is in control here. He told me what was up and gave us an extra 10 minutes to complete these tasks." Michael filled in Robert as he pulled up his briefs, pants, and tucked his shirt in.

"That fucker!" A wicked smile spread across Robert's face.

Michael laughed. "Don't be too hard on him. He's under the assumption that you're a buck that needs to be broken and he's going to instruct me on how to do it."

Robert remained silent as he tried to compose himself. He looked at his watch. "Oh, fuck, I've got to get this down there. I only have two minutes."

"Yes, you do. You'd better get going." Michael smiled as Robert scrambled to look presentable before leaving.

"Do I need to do anything else before I go?" Robert turned to Michael. Michael leaned in and gave him a long, hot kiss.

Before letting him go, Michael said, "Yeah, one more thing. Make sure to rip down the out of order sign as you leave."

Robert rolled his eyes and freaked at the time on his watch. He forgot the door was locked and fussed with it before Michael came over and helped him. Then he flew out the door and forgot to rip down the sign. No worries, though, Michael took care of it for him.

Robert was lucky and hit the elevators just as they were going down. "Going down" Robert thought to himself. He had certainly done a lot of that in the last twenty-four hours. He smiled as he caught a whiff of Michael's cum on his breath. He would need to get a mint before he returned to work.

After a few stops the elevator doors opened to the main lobby of the office building. He stepped out and saw the tall, silver-haired god named Nick. Nick was dressed in a tight black t-shirt and black jeans. The cloth hid nothing. Muscles and the prominent outline of his dick were plain for all to see. Robert went over and handed him the envelope.

Nick wasn't going to let Robert off that easily. "Is this the package that you were told to deliver?" Nick spoke a bit loudly on purpose so as to embarrass Robert.

"Yes, sir," Robert spoke softly and looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping.

Nick smiled. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you?"

Robert blushed; he knew he wouldn't be let off easily. He spoke louder now. "Yes sir!"

"Let's just see how well you performed here." Nick began to open the envelope much to Robert's horror. Robert knew this was a game of humiliation Nick was playing but still he was shocked.

Nick looked in the envelope and took a deep whiff. "Oh, yes, this smells very good. Let me have a taste."

Instead of reaching in the package, Nick yanked Robert's tie and gave him a hot, wet kiss, right there in the middle of the main lobby. Robert's cheeks burned but his dick betrayed him.

Nick pulled away from Robert and saw the satisfied and sultry look of the young apprentice. "Yes, very nice. I can see you enjoyed your encounter."

Robert was almost afraid to ask but he needed to know the answer. "Sir, who was spying on us?"

Nick was glad to see the boy had some backbone in him. "Well, I'm not sure, but that man over there could tell you."

Robert was growing tired of the games, but deep inside he was turned on by the control these gods had over him. He turned around to see Rick standing against the granite wall. Robert started to move towards Rick but felt Nick right on his heels.

Rick smiled as Robert came closer but Nick kept pushing Robert closer until the three were sandwiched together.

"So did he do what he was told?" Rick questioned.

"Yeah, take a whiff. It's hot!" Nick smiled.

Nick took the envelope and opened it. As he whiffed his eyes closed in a deep satisfying smile. As he settled against the wall, he "accidentally" let the contents fall from the inside.

Robert was horrified and began to squat to pick them up when Nick sandwiched him tighter.

"You were not told to pick them up. You need to ask permission." Nick whispered into Robert's ear. Robert shivered at the dark sensual tones that hit the back of his neck.

"Sir, may I pick them up?" Robert looked into Rick's eyes.

"No." Rick continued, "I suppose we should tell you who was spying on you. My question for you is this: Would you like to know the name of the spy or would you rather pick up what I spilled? You get a choice but you don't get to do both."

Robert saw Rick's wicked smile. He thought this was a fuckin' nightmare. He was going to kill Randy for suggesting these two.

"Before I answer, why are you doing this to me?" Robert's eyes pleaded.

Rick smiled. "We're doing this because it's fun for us. After all, we're not charging you for what you're asking us to do because it is for a friend. Another reason is to help you take your boyfriend to the next level of gay sex. So, in a way, we're providing two services. Now, time's up. What will it be?"

"I want to know the identity of the spy." Robert conceded.

"Silly boys, aren't they Nick?" Rick laughed.

"It's just too bad he's taken. There's so much potential here." The normally quiet Nick pushed his heavy groin closer to Robert's ass. Robert pushed back knowing he could play this game too.

Rick gently pushed the two back and reached over and picked up the contents of the envelope. He got some cum on his fingers and licked them seductively in front of the two men.

Nick leaned forward and said, "It was Tad. Tad Reynolds saw you in the ramp. You ought to be more careful." Nick snickered.

At that moment, Nick stepped away and went around to Rick. Rick spoke.

"So what do you want us to do."

Robert was visibly angry now. "Fry the fucker."

Rick smiled. "You know, you really surprise me."

"How's that?" Robert straightened his tie again.

"You are such a bottom, but at times there's this huge top that comes flying out of you. So what do you want to be when you grow up?" Rick teased.

"I'm not sure," Robert smiled. "I like giving and receiving, but there's something about leather and whole domination thing that gets my motor running. Does that make sense?"

Nick smiled. "I'm the same way. Tell you what, I know Rick will agree to this, but," Nick spoke softly now, "when we kidnap the fucker, Michael and you will be there to help. We might as well help to bring your lover up to speed."

Robert liked that idea. His dick had been half-hard through the whole encounter with the Boston Twins in the lobby but now he was at full staff. He was a bit concerned about Michael, though.

"So when do you think you'll do it?" Robert asked.

"We need a couple of days and we have some training that's going on even as we speak, so probably Friday. We want the place cleared out," Rick mentally thought of their activities for the week when Nick chimed in.

"...and of course we're going to need the entire weekend, but the boy will be changed." The twins smiled.

"Alright, sounds like a plan. So does this end lesson one for today?" Robert smiled.

"So he told you?" Rick laughed. "Yeah, the lesson is done. You did well. Thanks for the fun. We'll be sure to reward you soon!"

Robert didn't know what that meant but after what happened last night, he was willing and able to do it again.

Nick pulled a brown envelope out from behind him. "Here, some viewing for later."

The Boston Twins left and Robert read the printing: "For Michael. It's time for you to come out of the closet and see what real men do. Your friends, Rick and Nick."

Robert smiled. This was better than photographs.

Amanda had a laundry list of things to discuss with Michael when he finally weeded out all the junk mail and responded to e-mails. Michael needed to stretch his legs, so when he was ready for Amanda, he went to his door and asked her to come in.

The two sat at the work table in Michael's office instead of the desk. Michael was physically drained from his encounter with Robert. He couldn't believe that the twins had gotten him worked up as quickly as they did; but then again, he never thought he would have had a blow job in this very office just a week prior.

"Earth to Michael, Michael come in?" Amanda caught him daydreaming.

"I'm sorry, Amanda, what was it you were saying?" Michael was embarrassed.

"I hadn't really started to say much of anything but you certainly weren't here just a few seconds ago." Amanda shifted in her chair and reached across the table and held Michael's hand. "I'm sorry if this is too forward, but is everything okay?"

Michael appreciated the support. "Yeah, it's just been really hectic. Thomas has had me on some secret project."

Amanda knew better. She took back her hand and looked cynically at her boss. "And there is someone special too. You have had a huge bounce in your step lately. Anyone I know?"

Michael looked at her half-cocked but then relaxed. He couldn't lie to Amanda. It was that damn mothering gene she had. "Yeah, there is someone. I can't lie to you."

"And how are Robert and you getting on?" Amanda faked looking at her pad of notes as she stated the obvious.

Michael could have died right there. He tried to speak but the awkward silence just swallowed up his words. Finally, he stood up and closed the door and returned to his chair.

"How the fu-, I mean, hell did you know? Am I that transparent?" Michael was shocked. He had tried to keep that part separate from his professional life.

Amanda looked up and rolled her eyes before looking directly at Michael's face. "Who do you think you're talking to? I didn't just fall off the turnip cart. Besides, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see Robert has fallen for you. And you . . . well, you only have to speak his name and you're smiling!"

Michael just couldn't believe it. He wasn't like those gay men that are stereotypical limp-wristed, shrieking, effeminate men. He was a man's man, or so he thought. He had nothing against any gay man but he wanted to still remain in the closet to some.

"Michael, don't worry. I'm not one of the office gossips. But I wanted you to know that I'm okay with it. You don't have to hide it from me. I'm not going to tell anyone. That's your business. I just wanted to let you know, I'm on to you." Amanda smiled.

Michael was still stunned. He just sat there and looked at his wonderful assistant. "Secretary" was demeaning. She complemented him and he deeply respected her for that. He just needed a moment to clear his thoughts.

Amanda spoke again. "The reason I felt it necessary to tell you this is because I know what it's like to have one of those secrets. Mine is different, though. You've heard me talk about my son, Terry?"

Michael found enough strength to say "yes."

Amanda's voice cracked a bit. "Well, the thing you don't know is that he killed himself when he was 18 years old. I thank God everyday that I still have three healthy children, but he was the youngest and even though it was years ago, I still love him as if he were here."

"Amanda, how awful, but why are you telling me this?" It was Michael's turn to reach across the small table and grab Amanda's hands.

"The reason I tell you this is because Terry was gay." Amanda looked into Michael's eyes as she shared. She didn't shed tears but her eyes grew misty at the memory of that fateful day. "In his note, he said that he couldn't bear the thought of embarrassing us and, while we had been good parents, he felt like he was a disgrace. He found my husband's service revolver and ... well..."

"Amanda, stop, please. You don't need to go on any further." Michael pleaded with her.

"No, it's okay. It helps me to cope when I talk about it. He was a beautiful boy. Dark brown hair, freckles on the face, green eyes that danced in the light of the day. If he only knew that my husband's older brother was gay, we could have helped him. We just never told him and now he's gone." Amanda pulled one hand away to retrieve a handkerchief that she had hidden in her sleeve.

"Amanda, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I am also deeply touched you felt comfortable to share it with me, but I don't get why you're sharing it with me." Michael sat back and waited.

Amanda composed herself and spoke clearly, "I tell you this because I know your divorce was tough on you, and I assume you only recently discovered these wonderful feelings inside of you. I've watched you mature here at Wylie and Sons and I think you are a wonderful man." Amanda smiled as if she had a hand in his maturity. "I don't want you to sell yourself short or feel less of yourself if you are, in fact, gay. If that is what you are, embrace it and celebrate it. By the way, you have a good catch in Robert Jennings."

Michael smiled. "Why do you say that?"

Amanda was amazed. "He's a lot like you were when you came to the company, but most of all, you two complement each other. You look good together."

Michael blushed. "Thanks, he has shown me a lot in just a short time and yes, I'm very much in love with him."

"Good, it's settled, no more secrets then?" Amanda had a plan.

"No more secrets." Michael reached over and shook Amanda's hand as if making a deal.

"Okay, then, what's this super-secret project you've been working on for Thomas?" Michael smiled at Amanda. She was good and came out of left field with her question.

"I'm sorry to say that is one secret that I can't share with you at this moment, but tell me something. What is your relationship with Helen? I'm kind of curious." Michael switched the subject.

"Listen Mr. McManus, you just promised me no more secrets." Amanda tried to change the subject back.

"Amanda," sighed Michael, "I really want to share it with you but give me a few more days before I spill the proverbial beans, okay? This is huge and I don't want you to get caught up in it if I can possibly help it."

"Hmmm, if something that big is up, then it must be about the Wylies, but if you think it's for the best, then I'll be okay." Amanda sighed.

"Thanks, now about Helen?" Michael was on a roll.

"Now just a minute," Amanda laughed. "I'm the one that needed this meeting and you're taking over. Who do you think you are?"

Michael leaned over to Amanda and pulled her close as if to whisper. "I'm your boss, that's who." He smiled.

Amanda sat back and rolled her eyes. "Oh that now? Pulling rank? Fine." Amanda liked this game but then she saw the time and knew she needed to get back to work. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything, if that's possible." Michael grabbed.

"Oh, that would take days. I'll give you the shortened version." Amanda shifted again and sat up as if she was sharing some highly confidential information. "She started a year before I did and was in the secretarial pool like me. It usually took four or five years for someone to move up but not her. She was already Mr. Wylie's secretary within two years. She was beautiful back then. She's still got her small figure, but in those days she turned every man's head in the office. We all joked that she was giving Mr. Wylie personal dictation on the side, if you know what I mean."

Michael was busy writing on his pad and said, "Go on."

"I think it was about my sixth year with the company when she went on an extended leave of absence. There were a lot of rumors, but then she came back to her old position with Mr. Wylie. Unfortunately, she had changed. Before she left she was very bubbly and outgoing, but when she came back she seemed really hard and brittle. She acted like she was the "queen bee". She didn't interact with the rest of us and kept her distance."

"Very interesting, please go on." Michael kept writing.

"There isn't really much to tell. I think she's got a son, but because we rarely talk about anything outside of business, I don't know what her current private life consists of." Amanda waited.

"Hmmm, that is very interesting. I wonder why she didn't retire when Mr. Wylie died?" Michael wondered out loud.

"Oh, that's easy. She was ten years younger than Mr. Wylie. Supposedly she knows everything about the company, so when Thomas took over, she just kept working." Amanda stopped.

"Well, thanks for the information, I appreciate the background." Michael finished. "So now that I've asked you questions, what do you have for me?"

Amanda was suspicious of Michael's questions but she trusted him enough to tell her what had been going on. She talked about the retreat and reminded Michael that he'd be meeting with the Dillingham people on Friday. While Michael seemed to be interested, Amanda could tell he wasn't "all there."

"I think that's it, Michael." Amanda finished up.

"Thanks, Amanda, I think I've told you this before, but you're the greatest!" Michael stood up.

Amanda stood up and came around and gave Michael a brief hug. "It never hurts to hear it. You keep your chin up." Amanda broke the embrace and started for the door. "And, by the way, if anyone messes with you; they'll have to deal with me!"

Michael laughed. "I wouldn't even want to mess with you. Thanks!"

Michael followed Amanda out and went to the break room to get his piece of lemon meringue pie that was left from Maggie's earlier today. As he walked, he thought about stopping to chat with Robert but then realized that Robert needed to prepare for the Dillingham meeting on Friday.

Michael was just outside Tad Reynold's office when he overheard a not too discreet conversation.

"Yeah, I tell you, not only is that Jennings a fag, so is my boss. I'm fucking surrounded by them." There was a bit of silence then Tad spoke. "Yeah, I guess I just have to put up with it. It's just too easy of a meal ticket here. Yeah, I'll talk to you later."

Michael wasn't surprised at the conversation but he wasn't going to confront Tad either. He knew Tad's day of reckoning was coming soon.

Michael got his piece of pie, then headed back to his office. There was an e-mail waiting for him, and as he took the first bite of pie he read the contents:

"To: M.McManus@wylieetsons.com From: R.Jennings@wylieetsons.com


I really want to see you tonight but I'm tired. I need to get some sleep. Will that be okay?


Only then did Michael realize that Robert had been going non-stop since yesterday. He was a bit sad about the prospect of waking up in his bed alone again, but he knew that it was probably better that way.

Michael responded and told Robert to go home and get some sleep. There wasn't much going on tonight and he didn't want Robert to get sick. He told him to have "sweet dreams".

Michael decided to finish up his day a bit early. He closed down his computer and said good night to Amanda before heading out. He was going to stop at Robert's office, but he saw the lights were out and the door shut.

As the elevator doors closed, Michael felt a bit lonely, but he figured there would be days like these. For the first time since the revelation of Thomas' plight, he felt weighed down and tired. He could use a night alone, too.

O'Malleys wasn't a typical Irish bar. Actually, it was more of a pub that opened into a dining room. It was typical meat and potatoes fare there, but you were always guaranteed to have a good meal at a great price.

James sat alone in a booth towards the back of the restaurant, nursing a beer. He liked a good snifter of brandy from time to time, but beer was a drink to help him gather his thoughts.

Randy and Steve came in right at 7 p.m. and, after "cruising" the bar, found James in his booth. James was a bit surprised at Steve's presence but loosened up as soon as he realized they were working together.

"Okay James, I'm sorry to be so short, but what do you have for me?" Randy was right to the point.

"Well, sir, as you know, I've served the Wylie family for over 30 years. I have known all three Wylie boys since they were young tykes. My primary role was to serve Mr. Wylie, but I have taken great satisfaction in serving all the Wylie men over the years."

James drank a little more beer before continuing.

"Mr. Wylie confided in me about two years before his passing that he had an affair with a woman. This woman was much younger than he, and he had fathered an illegitimate son from the affair."

Randy perked up. "Oh really? Do you know who this person is?"

"Unfortunately, I do not. But it is my understanding that this young man is about the same age as Thomas, maybe a bit younger. I don't believe Mrs. Wylie knew of the affair."

"Oh, and why do you say that?" Steve asked.

"Because it was common knowledge that she was known to have her own affairs, too. While I served the Wylies faithfully, the Mr. and Mrs. were not faithful to each other. They loved each other, but they had an understanding, of sorts."

Randy and Steve looked at each other and smiled.

"If this isn't a secret, then why are you telling us this here instead of earlier today at the house?" Randy knew there was more.

"Well, because the boys didn't know about the affairs. I don't think they were aware of it even today." James took another long drink then said, "and you must understand that Mr. Wylie was not happy about the affair. He told me he regretted it for years, but he stopped short of telling me why."

Randy knew something was up. He usually knew better than to trust somebody on their word, but James was pretty straightforward. He made another note to do a check on James, but he knew in his heart, he wouldn't find anything.

Steve changed the subject a bit. "I've always wondered, why did you choose to be a butler? Don't you have family?"

James smiled. "I came from England. There are positions in one's life you are born into and mine was being a butler. My father was one and his father before him. I have chosen not to marry nor carry on my family line. I am quite content being where I am today."

Randy looked at his watch. It was only 7:15 p.m. but knew he wanted to get out to Kennedy's to see Andy.

"So you think if we find this person he had the affair with, we might get some additional answers?" Randy wanted to make sure there was a purpose to this meeting.

"I'm not sure, sir. I just think you needed to know that there might be more players than what Thomas or you are aware of." James finished his beer and started to pay when Randy stopped him.

"No, this one is on me." Randy paid the $2.00 for the beer. "Thanks for your help, James."

Both Randy and Steve left the bar ahead of James. They got into the SUV and headed back to Randy's place.

"So you think he has some good information there?" Steve questioned.

"I'm not sure, but if there is another party, then we might be getting fucked over and not know it." Randy sighed heavily.

"Tell you what," Steve said rather sleepily. "Tomorrow morning, when you're back from cuddling with Andy, how about you and I have an information search party and see what we can find."

"That sounds good. Are you going to be alright at home tonight?" Randy asked.

"Yep, I need my beauty sleep. It looks like my other business will have to wait until we get this done." Steve still sat with his eyes closed.

"You are okay with this, right?" Randy asked.

"Yep, just need to find the missing link in this puzzle and we'll have this solved." Then Steve fell silent and stayed so for the rest of the ride.

Next: Chapter 15

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