
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Nov 27, 2004


First of all, I want to offer a huge "thank you" and a big HUG to Alex for his wonderful editing skills. He just keeps me on the "straight and narrow" when it comes correcting syntax and grammar.

Next I'd like to say thanks to all those wonderful people that send me lots of e-mails with your compliments and story ideas. One, in particular, has been very persistent about me getting this written. You know who you are and you owe me BIG time. giggles

During this holiday season, please remember to support Nifty with your donations.

Oh yes, I love to receive snail mail too. If you send holiday cards or want to send me a gift (I love gifts...especially bear porn) then e-mail me and I'll send you my address.

Best wishes for a safe and wonderful holiday season!

Michael -- Chapter 15

As Michael drove to his house, he felt lonely. This would be another night without Robert and he didn't want to be alone; but he also felt a pang of jealousy. Something happened last night at the Boston Twins' home but he still hadn't found out what it was. This whole Dillingham situation was taxing him both physically and mentally. He liked Thomas and he liked his job at Wylie and Sons. He just hoped the good guys would win before the bad guys did.

As he neared his home, he realized he didn't have anything to eat. He figured he'd call Woo's and have some Chinese delivered to him. All he wanted right now was to take off his clothes, take a swim, and relax. He parked out in the driveway, since he wasn't sure where he had put his garage door opener. That bugged him too. Where the fuck could it be? He was too tired to search for it.

Michael opened his door, disarmed the alarm, and went up to his bedroom. He laid down his coat and briefcase. He was just sitting down to take off his shoes when his cell happily chirped at him.

"Oh, who the fuck is this?" Michael exclaimed as he dropped his shoe and reached for the phone to answer it. "This better be good."

"A bit grumpy are we?" Robert laughed.

Michael instantly smiled and thought about Amanda's comment earlier. He was whipped. He knew it.

"Sorry, I'm just tired. I thought you wanted to be alone tonight?" Michael lay back on his bed. The cool comforter molded around his body.

"Well, yes and no: I'm a lot closer than you think." Robert was teasing now.

Michael perked up. "You're coming over here?"

"Sort of...I'm already here." Robert's smile was evident as he talked to Michael.

"I'll come down and let you in, just a minute." Michael was up in a flash.

"Hold on there, chief, I'm already in the house. You have to come find me, but first, get naked." Robert waited.

Michael was confused. He knew he'd disarmed the alarm, he also knew he hadn't given the code to Robert. How could he be inside without alarms going off?

"You're confused." Robert laughed. "I know you very well, Mr. McManus. You're sitting there and wondering how I could get in without the alarm going off?"

Michael stood there dumbfounded; he was unable to move. "Yeah, how the fuck...?" "Just get naked and I'll tell you all my secrets." Robert signed off.

Michael felt the tiredness return. He couldn't figure it out but he knew better than to question any more until he did what he was told. He stripped and started to look in his bathroom. He couldn't find any sign of Robert. He stopped to take a piss.

Michael kept looking around the upper level but then decided to go back downstairs. He didn't have to go far. He went to the entertainment room and saw his prize lying by the side of the pool. He opened the door and stood there looking at the lightly bronzed body of his lover lying in the chaise lounger.

"What took you so long?" Robert was drinking a fresh batch of margaritas. He poured one for Michael.

"I am confused." Michael walked towards Robert but not before dipping his toe into the pool to test the temperature.

"I knew you would be, but come over here, give me a kiss. I'll give you a drink, and I'll explain it to you." Robert sat up.

Michael went over to Robert but if Robert was expecting a good ol' fashioned tongue- tying experience, he was wrong. Michael leaned over and gave Robert a peck on the cheek.

"Hey, I expect more than that." Robert huffed.

"Nope, I'm the boss and this is my house, or did you forget that? Give me that drink, I'll sit down, and you can explain how you did all of this without me knowing or my alarm system letting the whole world know there was an intruder." Michael smirked. He wasn't going to let Robert have the upper hand.

Robert liked this side of Michael. He handed Michael the newly poured drink and waited for his lover to settle into the lounger.

"It was rather easy. I took your door opener when I couldn't get out the other day. I sort of forgot to give it back to you, so I figured if you didn't have yours, you'd park in the driveway." Robert stroked Michael's free hand.

"As for the alarm, you can thank Randy for that feat of daring. All alarms have a delay of some sort and I noticed that you had about a 15-second delay on yours. I also paid attention to the numbers you punched in when I was here last; another Randy-ism. He's taught me well." Robert took a sip of his drink and waited for Michael to process the information.

Michael said nothing. He put down his drink and then proceeded to dive into the pool. He swam the length and then waited there. Robert didn't quite understand this action but he watch as his lover dripped with the water cascading over his bulky male figure. Damn, he thought to himself, that man is hot.

"Robert," Michael said in a commanding tone. "Come here, now!"

Robert was surprised at the tone but his dick was betraying his will. He jumped into the pool and swam to Michael's side.

"What do you want?" Robert asked not sure of what Michael was going to do.

Michael didn't answer. He pulled Robert in front of him and began kissing his lover. As Michael reached around to pull Robert closer, Michael's hands went for Robert's rosebud. He poked and played with it, causing Robert's dick to fully enlarge. Then, just as quickly as Michael started, he stopped. He moved away and got out of the pool. He went back over to the chaise lounge and sat down and finished his margarita.

It was Robert's turn to be dazed and confused. He turned around and saw his lover, his boss, his friend, sipping on his drink. Michael's gaze met Robert's but no words were exchanged. Robert wasn't sure what he was supposed to do next.

Michael liked this game but he desperately wanted Robert next to him. He smiled and curled his index finger in a come-hither command. Michael put his drink down, laid back his head and closed his eyes. His dick was aroused but not at full attention. Without so much as a look, Robert got between Michael's legs and started to blow Michael.

Michael sighed.

After the meeting with James, Randy took Steve back to his place and made sure he was all settled in. Steve was tired and just wanted to lie low.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Steve commented as Randy left. Randy snorted in mock laughter.

While it seemed like an eternity to get to Kennedy's Rehab, it was only a short drive. Randy wasn't sure what to expect or if Andy was going to be in any position to do anything with him. Randy really wasn't interested in sex. He just wanted to be with the boy. He smiled and then felt his heart flutter because he had fallen hard for Andrew Johnson. Damn!

Randy arrived just after 8 p.m. He got checked through security and then entered Andy's room. The room was dark except for a few soft lights strategically turned on throughout the house. There was some soft music playing but nothing Randy recognized. Andy had dozed off but was resting peacefully. Robert didn't want to disturb him. He was angelic, sweet, innocent, and needing Randy's strength to protect him.

Randy moved to a chair that would be in Andy's direct sight once he woke up. Randy made sure to sit quietly and wait for his boy to wake up. It was during this watch that Randy felt the weight of the day lying heavily on his eyes. It wasn't long before he, too, was asleep.

"Leave me alone! Stop it! Get off of me, you fucker!" Randy's eyes snapped open. He heard someone yelling and knew the voice. He saw Andy fighting, struggling against an unseen enemy. "Ouch, you're hurting me, what did I do to you...oh, God, help me!"

At the very moment that Randy got up to wake Andy, the nurse came running in to see what the commotion was about.

"Andrew, Andy, wake up baby!" Randy was careful not to shake Andy but wanted to get him to come to. "Andy, it is Randy, please baby, wake up!"

Andrew's eyes opened. First it was a dazed look, and then slowly the eyes softened. Without any words Andy threw his arms around Randy and started to cry, then sob.

The nurse just stood on the other side of the bed and rubbed Andy's back. "There, there, it's just his psyche working it all out. You're safe here. Don't worry."

Randy appreciated the nurse's attention but he thought he could handle this better.

"Nurse," Randy looked over at her as Andy continued to sob, "why don't you get some water and I'll take care of this, okay?"

The nurse smiled. "Sure, I understand. I'll be back in a few minutes." Randy waited until she exited and then pulled Andrew away from his body.

"Son, you've got to get it together. How long have you had these dreams?" Randy was looking for answers to help his friend.

Andy took a moment to calm down but he still had a hard time talking. "I, I, I, think, th- that, was the first time."

Randy didn't bother questioning him further. He just pulled Andy to him and held him firmly. It was another five minutes before the nurse came back with some water.

"Here you go, Mr. Johnson." The nurse handed him a tall glass of water and another small paper cup with a pill in it.

"What's this?" Andy asked looking at the white pill.

"It's a mild sedative. If you feel the need to relax, I'd encourage you to take it. It will ease your mind."

Andrew smiled weakly at the nurse. "It's okay. I think I'll be okay now."

The nurse smiled. "I think I'll leave it here just in case but I have a feeling your friend has everything under control."

The nurse left while Randy concentrated on Andy. Randy stroked Andy's hair like a father comforting a son. Randy's eyes looked into Andy's. He cared for this man, though Andy looked more like a boy than a man.

"Are you going to be okay?" Randy was concerned.

"Yeah, you're here." Andy took another sip then added, "But I saw his face for the first time. I saw something about him that looked familiar. I just can't place it."

Randy stopped his comforting and went into private dick mode.

"Do you think you can remember anything specific about the attacker?"

Andy stared beyond Randy, trying to remember his dream. "I remember he was wearing black and he had dark features."

Randy grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. He started to write.

"I remember grabbing for his mask, or at least I think it was a mask; it was more like a ski mask, but I'm not sure. I remember getting it pulled off a bit but he had dark hair. It was dark, maybe curly? I'm just not sure." Andy was now diligently trying to remember his dream but the harder he tried, the fuzzier it got.

"Anything else?" Randy was waiting for more clues.

Andy sighed. "No, I don't think so; but I remember he was strong. He just kept hitting and kicking me."

Randy put down his pad and pen. He smiled.

"Why are you smiling at me?" Andy wasn't sure why Randy was happy.

"I don't know why. Maybe cuz I'm happy. Just do me a favor, if you have more recollections of who your attacker is, make sure to write it down immediately. Det. McManus will want to know."

"Can I ask you a favor?" Andy looked away.

"Yeah kid, anything you want."

"Would you hold me tonight? I know there's not a lot of room in this bed, but I want to be held." Andy shyly met his eyes to Randy's.

Randy didn't answer. He sat down in the chair and took off his boots. He carefully lifted Andy over a bit so he could get his huge frame into the small bed. He didn't want to hurt Andy's ribs so he draped his right arm over Andy's head, and crossed Andy's smaller frame with his left arm.

After some positioning, Randy asked if that was okay.

"It's more than okay, I think I can sleep now." Andy smiled.

Randy reached to Andy's face and moved it toward his. He started to kiss Andy's lips very lightly then began to get more forceful. Andy reciprocated taking Randy's lead. They broke their lip lock.

Randy watched as Andy drifted back to sleep. "I'm here to protect you now. Get some sleep."

Randy watched his lover's chest rise and fall but eventually his eyes grew heavy and he fell into a deep sleep.

It was 4 a.m. when Michael woke up. Robert was still asleep, his arm draped across Michael's chest. Michael needed to take a piss, so he moved slowly so as not to wake Robert.

Michael's head throbbed a bit. It was the margaritas. He knew it, too. He didn't usually drink that much and he knew that they had consumed a lot of liquor and very little food. He smiled wickedly at the thought of other things that were consumed, but he needed to stay focused if he was going to release his bladder.

Finished with his piss, he found himself in a semi-state of alertness. It wasn't like he wanted to go back to bed but he wasn't entirely ready to get up either. He also wanted to go to the gym again but he didn't.

He realized, maybe for the first time, Robert's effect on his life. He would have never walked around his house naked before, but now it seemed, well, natural. He went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. His mouth was dry. He saw his briefcase and decided to look over some documents he had intended to look over last night before Robert had played his mind game.

As he opened it, he saw a bulky envelope. It read, "For Michael, a gift from the Boston Twins."

Michael smiled. He wasn't sure he was going to view this now but his dick did plump up a bit at the mere thought of the contents. He didn't have the slightest idea of what the tape contained but he knew that Robert would be on it. That, in itself, was encouragement enough.

Totally disregarding his intention to read files, he opened the envelope and a small card fell out. It read:


Both Rick and I want to thank you for allowing Robert to come to our home. This young buck is really hot and we know that he will service you well for many years. This tape is for you. We have kept a copy for our own collection. We look forward to assisting you in his training.

Best wishes,


Michael was intrigued about what had really gone on, but now he decided to take the tape, hide it in his safe, and view it later. Whatever sleepiness he might have felt, any thirst he might have tried to quench, was now replaced by his dick showing signs of life to take his lover early in the morning.

Before going back to his room, he put the tape in his safe and locked it securely. While doing this, he looked back several times to ensure Robert wasn't looking. He was sure he would hear Robert stir but still wanted to check.

Michael went back to the room and saw that Robert had not, in fact, moved one bit. He was still lying right where Michael left him, with his ass just above the cover of the sheets. Michael sat in his chair for just a moment and still couldn't believe that this man had come into his life in such a special way. Up until now, Michael had always been particular to keep his private life separate from his professional life, but in the last week the boundary between them had become significantly blurred.

Robert moved and turned over. He felt for the body he hoped was there but all he sensed was emptiness. His eyes opened to see a dark figure across the room. He smiled.

"This is ironic." Robert remarked.

"Why's that?" Michael was still locked away in his own thoughts.

"It seems to me that I was in the chair and you were in my bed at my apartment after a long night of drinking." Robert smiled smugly.

Michael didn't answer. He got up and moved over to the bed and snuggled next to Robert.

"Shut up and go back to sleep." Michael wasn't going to play this game.

"Oh, no playtime before the alarm goes off in a few minutes?" Robert teased.

Michael sighed. "Robbie, I'm kind of beat. Didn't you get enough last night?" He smiled.

"Nope, boss man. I can't ever get enough of you!" Robert smirked.

"Just let me hold you, okay?" Michael pleaded.

Robert wasn't sure if something was wrong or Michael was indeed tired. He didn't answer but just resolved to let Michael have his way. His body relaxed in Michael's embrace and almost instantly the two fell asleep again.

It was 6:30 a.m. when the morning nurse came in to wake Andrew. Almost sculpture- like, the two men sharing the bed had barely moved in the night. The nurse was a bit surprised at first to see the difference in the men's bodies, but then she smiled at the sight; one in pain, one providing comfort.

The nurse went over to Randy and gently woke him up. "Mr. Duncan, time to rise and shine."

Randy didn't stir, he was still deeply asleep.

Andy smiled at the fact he was the first up. "Uh, nurse, I'm awake but this big lug needs his sleep. Can you help me up so I can go to the bathroom?"

"Sure, Mr. Johnson, I didn't know you were awake." The nurse went to the other side of the bed.

"I've been going between sleeping and waking for the last 20 minutes but Randy was fun to watch so I just kind of laid here." As he stood up, groaning a bit, he continued, "but my bladder needs to be emptied."

"You know I can help you do that." The nurse supported Andrew.

"Yeah, but I kind of want have some privacy." Andy grimaced as he moved slowly towards the restroom.

The nurse helped Andy to the toilet then, after ensuring he was okay, went back into the room to give him some privacy.

As Randy stirred, he rolled over to where Andy should have been sleeping. It was at that point that he was startled.

"Where's Andy?" Randy sat up.

The nurse smiled. "He's okay, he's in the bathroom."

Randy stretched a bit and rubbed his face. He looked at his watch and saw the time. "Fuck, I didn't know it was so early." Then he saw the nurse and apologized.

She laughed it off and said, "If that's the worst I hear today, then my ears are virginal. It's okay, and for the record, it's actually late. Mr. Johnson needs to be ready for his routine in 30 minutes."

From behind the door Andy corrected the nurse. "Would you people at least call me Andrew, heck, Andy even works!"

Randy and the nurse laughed. A flushing sound was heard and the nurse knocked before entering. Slowly, the nurse helped Andy back to the bed. Randy got out and started to put on his shoes.

"Where are you going?" Andy pouted.

"Hey guy, I have to get to work. There's a lot to do and I can't waste a minute." Randy continued getting ready but saw Andrew's face. "Mr. Wylie is paying for you to work too. You've got therapy."

Andy scowled. "Yeah, more torture."

"Now Mr. John-, I mean, Andy, you have to do this. If not for yourself, do it for your lover." The nurse didn't bat an eyelash as she said it.

Andy shot her a look of embarrassment and blushed.

The nurse smiled and went over to Andy. "Oh, stop it with the surprised look. Everyone here knows about you two. I've got friends that would die to have what you have. Just get well, okay?"

Randy got butch on Andy. "Yeah, what she said! And stop being a fuckin' whimp!" Randy smiled. "Any boyfriend of mine is gonna bust his ass to get in shape for me."

Andy was a bit shocked but then laughed. "Okay, `daddy', whatever you say!"

The nurse stepped out of the room for a minute and Randy went over to Andy. "I can see you're walking slowly but you have to work very hard. The doctors seem to think this is temporary. Just do what you can but don't give up. Okay? For me?" Randy kissed Andy on the lips. Andy felt empowered by the kiss. He would do it for himself and for Randy.

"Can I say I love you?" Andy asked as Randy got up.

"You can say it all you want, but do you mean it?" Randy started for the door and looked back for the answer.

"Yeah, I mean it. Thanks." Andy just sat on the edge of his bed.

"I love you, too." Randy's eyes sparked. "Now damnit, get to work!"

After a long hot session of shower sex and a breakfast at Maggie's, where Maggie doted over the two lovers, Michael and Richard headed to the office. Robert had been smart enough to take the extra time he had from yesterday to go home and get a change of clothes.

Meanwhile, Randy got home around 7:30 and came into his condo with the smell of coffee in the air. Steve was already at work on his computer but barely dressed in anything but a t-shirt and boxer shorts.

Randy laughed, "When the fuck did you start wearing boxers, and are those things silk?"

Steve smiled, "Yeah, they are, and I don't always walk around like a stud in heat. I've grown up a bit."

Randy grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at his computer. While the computer booted up, Steve told him about another case he was working on in the area. It was really a simple thing but he was getting paid big bucks for it.

"So how was Andy?" Steve asked.

"Oh, he's fine. He had a nightmare about the attack; remembered some details too. I've got to remember to get McManus some information." Randy was starting to download some spyware reports from machines he had software loaded on at Wylie and Sons. He also check Tad Reynold's computer.

"Did you get any last night?" Steve ribbed.

"Nope Andy isn't ready for that yet, or at least his condition isn't ready. I'm willing to be patient." Randy wasn't really paying attention.

Steve shook his head enough for Randy to notice. "I don't think I'd ever see the day when Randy Duncan would ever be so sensitive about another guy."

Randy was annoyed. "There was another."

"Ah, yes, Tony, but that's ancient history." Steve continued. "Admit it, you've changed, too."

Randy wanted to review the information on his computer, so he sighed and agreed just to shut Steve up. A few minutes of silence passed.

"Well I'll be fucked." Randy exclaimed.

"What's up, bro?" Steve was somewhat startled.

"Remember me telling you about this fuckhead from Wylie named Tad Reynolds?" Randy's eyes danced with glee.

"Yeah, you think he might be a closet case and took out his aggression on Andrew." Steve stood up and went over to Randy's computer.

"Well he didn't do it. He's a fag. Look at his history. It's all gay pay sites. And look here, he's got a link to a journal." Randy clicked the link and instantly his internet connection opened the page.

Steve wasn't surprised but he was amazed. "He's in serious denial, dude. He needs some help."

Randy and Steve read several entries on his online journal. Even some chat conversations were in log files. It was apparent that Tad was repressed, at best.

"So do you think this is going to change how the Boston Twins deal with him?" Steve asked.

"Yes and no. From what we've read, he's a virgin with guys, but he needs to be taught to be comfortable with his sexuality. He still must like pussy but he definitely likes the dick." Randy was amazed at what he found.

Without hesitation, Randy called Rick and Nick. With Steve silently listening, they discussed the course of action to take with Tad Reynolds. It would only be 36 hours until they started initiating Tad. A plan was already under way and Randy agreed the course set by the threesome was a good one.

"One question for you, buddy," asked Rick.

"Yeah, shoot." Randy was already moving to other information gathered from Wylie and Sons.

"Do you think we should have Michael and Robert there?" Randy did not know about the previous day's events at Wylie and Sons.

"I'm not sure, Michael is sure green. I don't know if he could handle it or not." Randy stopped for a minute to focus in on the conversation. "Why are you asking me?"

"I'm not sure. I just sense that Robert needs a strong hand and Michael might be the one to do it for him and I think Michael needs to be trained as well. After all, I have a feeling Michael would be one hell of a master." Rick sat silently.

"I dunno, that's your area of expertise. I'd say play it by ear." Randy started to focus in on some information. "Hey, Rick, I've got to go. I'll talk to you later today."

"That sounds good. Later!" Rick hung up.

Steve saw the look in Randy's eye. He found something major.

"Right under his nose, it's been right under his nose the whole time?" Randy shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Steve moved in closer again.

"I mean, I think I might know who has been embezzling funds from the Dillingham project, but I've got to figure out why." Randy scratched his day-old beard. "That's the question."

He got up to shower and shave.

Thomas started his day like the rest. He was horny but his mind was otherwise preoccupied with thoughts about who was trying to screw him up. While he tried to jack off thinking about Tammy, his latest sexual conquest, he kept coming back to the business. He gave up and got out of bed.

He grabbed a towel, donned a tank top and shirt and hit his gym. For 90 minutes he ran, lifted, and stretched, hoping to find some solace from his thoughts. He read The Journal and watched the early morning business shows. Finally he showered and shaved. When he got out, he saw that James had laid out his clothes for the day.

Something was nagging at him. It was those copies of the withdrawal receipts that running through his head. He saw his signature and it looked like his, but there was something about them that just wasn't right.

He went downstairs to see his mother sitting in the kitchen eating her toast and reading the lifestyle section of the paper. Thomas bent over and gave her a kiss. As usual, James had prepared eggs, bacon, two pieces of toast and a small glass of orange juice. Thomas picked at it a bit before Victoria took notice.

"Still bothering you, son, eh?" Victoria tried for eye contact.

"Yes, mother, it is." Thomas finally took a bite of his cold eggs. "I can't figure it out."

"Worrying about it isn't going to help. You must eat." Victoria put down her paper and held Thomas's left hand. "Now eat!"

Thomas smiled and appeased his mother. He almost gulped down his food but he admitted that it did taste good. Then he did something totally uncharacteristic. He got up from the table and took his dishes to the sink.

"Sir," James was horrified. "I can do that for you."

"No, that's quite all right, James. You do enough for me." Thomas put the dishes in the sink and smiled at James. "I'm old enough to do this small thing."

Thomas turned and walked out. James looked at Victoria and she returned his confused look. She shrugged her shoulders and went back to her coffee and newspaper.

"Would you care for more coffee, Mrs. Wylie?" James inquired.

"That would be nice, if you please." She paused for a minute. "And while you're at it, grab a cup and join me."

"Ma'am, I can't do that." James politely declined.

Victoria looked up and growled a bit. "James, it's just us, do it, please. I would like your company this morning."

James sighed. This went against all of his years of service and training, but he knew better than to say no twice.

He sat down and Mrs. Wylie poured his cup. He thanked her and the two sat silently drinking their coffee but concerned over Thomas's behavior.

"I do worry for him these days, madam." James finally broke the silence.

"I do, too. I'm happy you're still with us. I know we haven't always been the easiest people to work for but after this is all finished, we are going to talk about your future with us." Victoria smiled.

"Are you thinking of putting me out to pasture?" James smiled nervously as he sipped his coffee.

"Heavens no! You're too valuable to us, but I daresay it's time for you to be more of an administrative man and let others do your work." Victoria hoped that calmed James' fears.

James snickered. "Then who would keep all the Wylie secrets?" He knew he was being cheeky.

"Well, I guess we'll have to find someone trustworthy the way we did in you." Victoria sipped her coffee again.

All of a sudden, a loud yelp shattered the silence of the mansion. Both Victoria and James quickly ran to where the sound was emanating from in the study. They opened the door to see Thomas dancing joyfully.

"I've got to call Randy, I've got to call Henry, and it's just great. I can't believe I overlooked such a small thing!" Thomas was absolutely giddy.

"Son, Son! Get a grip, what's so great?" Victoria was surprised to see her son excited but thought he had gone off the deep end.

"I couldn't have done some of these withdrawals. It's just not possible. I wasn't here." Thomas was shaking with excitement. He held two receipts in his hand like he had just won the lottery.

Victoria was confused. "What do you mean, you weren't here?"

"I mean I wasn't here. I couldn't have done these withdrawals. They were done when I was away on business or out of the country. It just isn't possible!" Thomas sat down exhausted from his outburst. "But that leaves one question: Who is responsible?"

The three looked at each other and the question was burning in their minds. Who?

Next: Chapter 16

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