
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Sep 7, 2006


Reader's Note: This chapter takes a decidedly darker turn. I promise to keep the S/M, BDSM stuff to a minimum for there is a greater message involved. Just hang with me until we're done, okay? Thanks for all the notes of encouragement for me to return to this series.

Disclaimer: If you're too young or your community standards don't permit you to read this, then don't. It is a work of fiction. The people, the events, and even the sex-without-consequences is made up (a.k.a. if you're gonna stick it...cover it!).

Write me with kudos...keep your flames to yourself. It'll keep you warm on those cold winter nights!


At 6 a.m. sharp the two oversized men entered Denny's. Sitting in a corner booth was James.

"Thankfully, I could get away but I must be back at the house by 7 a.m. Thanks for meeting me here today," said James.

Steve took the lead this time. "What's so important that you got us out of bed at this ungodly hour?"

The waitress came and got their orders just as James was to speak. James only ordered a badly made cup of coffee. The other two ordered coffee and large breakfasts.

"I wasn't entirely truthful with you the last time we met. I told you that the Wylie house is a house of secrets. Mr. nor Mrs. Wylie was ever all that faithful to each other. I knew about their trysts. However, it was Mr. Wylie that had the most to lose from it all." James paused to give them time to comprehend.

"See back about the time Thomas was about 3 years old, Mr. Wylie had an affair with Helen Dawson, his secretary. They were in love until that bastard, Mr. Wylie got her pregnant. He insisted she have an abortion but she wouldn't do it. Instead it got real nasty. Unless he promised to take care of her, Helen said that she would reveal their affair to the entire Wylie family and bring the family down in scandal. Mr. Wylie decided to quietly ship her off for awhile to have the baby and then paid her off to keep quiet."

"So old man Wylie has a forth son?" Randy asked.

"No, he only has three." James waited for them to process the information.

"I told you, neither one of them was very faithful to the other, but I've shared enough for you to know about. I've already spoken too much and I need to get back." James started to get up.

Steve stopped him. "So who's the missing link here?"

James smiled. "You'll need to ask Victoria about that one. I don't know."

The two men looked at each other for the longest time. They got their breakfast, drank their coffee and wondered what kind of web of games this had become.

"Oh shit," said Randy.

Steve looked up. "What's up?"

"Tonight the twins take Tad, you interested in having some fun?" Randy sneered in an evil manner.

"The twins?" Steve was confused.

"Oh man, I'm sorry, I've got to tell you about that. C'mon, let's go see Andy, I'll fill you in on the way." As Randy got up, he realized he sprung a boner thinking about what was going to happen to Tad tonight. He could care less who might be offended by it.

Jerod felt the stiffness in his muscles and knew it was time to get up to go to the gym. He reached over to Anton and kissed him. Anton stirred and asked, "Gonna work out?"

Jerod smiled, "Yeah, I'm going, I'll see you tonight."

Anton reached up for a kiss and then fell back to the bed. "You know we could just get you a workout thingy here and then you wouldn't have to get up so fuckin' early."

"Yeah, but that would mean you'd have to get up too." Jerod laughed.

Anton's closed eyes clenched. "I don't think so. Go; let me get back to my beauty sleep."

Jerod finished dressing and grabbed his bag. He headed for the gym where the less than perky but always bright-eyed Jenny stood.

"Good morning Mr. Dawson, how are you today?"

Jerod flashed his pearly whites in a flirtatious manner, "I'm good, and you?"

"Oh peachy-keen!" Jenny sarcastically laughed.

"I thought so. Have a good day!" Jerod took the towel and turned away.

Jerod geared up and went out to the main floor to hit the treadmills. First he stopped and stretched a bit. He had his IPOD ready to go but as he stretched, he saw that same guy from the other day. He wasn't sure but he thought the guy was scoping him out. It wasn't that he was unnerved by it but it was one of those, "I think I know you" stares.

Jerod dismissed it and went about his workout. His workout was pretty much the same each day: Treadmill, machines, then taking a few laps in the pool. He knew he'd have to hustle because he needed to go home and change his clothes.

While in the shower, he saw the same guy again scoping him out. Usually when it's in the main gym, it's no big deal but in the showers? A guy, especially when he's gay, has to be careful, especially when it's a busy time of the day. Jerod just ignored him and decided to get out of there fast. While getting dressed, the other guy had enough nerve to step up to him.

"You know this is probably pretty weird doing this in a guy's locker room but I can't help to think I know you from somewhere. My name is Michael, Michael McManus." He extended his hand.

Jerod stood up, half-naked to receive the hand. "Well I was kind of wondering who you were too." Jerod got kind of quiet continuing, "after all you were kind of staring, which isn't too healthy in a guy's locker room."

Michael laughed a bit. "Yeah, I guess it's weird. Sorry about that. So what's your name?"

"Oh sorry, the name is Jerod Dawson." Jerod put on his shirt.

Michael looked confused. "Hmmm, that name doesn't ring a bell. What do you do for a living?"

"I work as an English teacher for the public schools. And you?" Jerod asked.

"I'm a project manager for a local company." Michael was perplexed because the name didn't seem familiar to him. "Well I guess I'll figure it out sometime. Thanks anyway."

Michael turned to walk away when Jerod stopped him. "Hey, why not wait up, I'm about done here and I'll walk with you."

Michael smiled. "That's great, I'd like that."

Jerod collected his stuff and grabbed the used towel. The duo headed out and made small talk. It bugged Michael that he couldn't place the man but he figured he might have a workout partner.

"So you come here everyday?" Jerod asked.

"I try to but my job is rather complicated and a new relationship has kind of fouled up those early mornings, if you know what I mean." Michael surprised himself by suggesting such a private thing to a stranger.

"Yeah, those relationships do foul up the simplest things, but if you're around here when I am, maybe we can work out together? I'm always looking for a partner." Jerod was hopeful. He liked Michael.

"Sounds like a plan." Michael extended a hand. "Well Jerod Dawson, it was nice to meet you."

Jerod accepted the hand again. "It was my pleasure to meet you too. Have a good day."

The two men separated and drove off in different directions. Something still bothered Michael about the man. It just wouldn't leave him alone.

Randy and Steve arrived at Kennedy's just before Andy started his rehab for the day.

"Hey sunshine," Randy leaned over to kiss Andy on the forehead.

Andy was sore and not in good spirits. He didn't sleep well because he dreamt a bit too about the attack again.

"You look tired, you had those dreams again? Did you remember anything?" Randy was concerned.

"Yeah, I did but I don't want to talk about it. I'm so fuckin' tired of being in this place. I'm tired of hospitals, and I'm tired of not having you here with me." Andy was angry.

Randy wasn't taking offense at any of this because he knew it was frustration that Andy felt, but he didn't know what to say.

Steve did. "Then you need to get off your skinny ass, stop feeling sorry for yourself and get yourself back to a normal life. Stop cowering in the shadows and be a man."

Andy didn't know who this guy was but he didn't like what he said.

"Who the fuck are you?" Andy didn't waste a minute annihilating this stranger.

"This is Steve. He's a long time friend of mine that I've called to help with this whole Wylie mess." Randy took a breath and said something that he knew would piss off Andy. "He's right though. I want to protect you babe but this, all this, is done so you can get stronger and better. You've got to fight back and that includes those dreams."

Andy relented a bit, but because he didn't have more to say but Pete came in to whisk him away to therapy.

"Oh you brought an audience today?" Peter joked.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Andy sulked a bit.

"Hey, what's this? After yesterday? You did so well! You're gonna get off your ass and get in this chair then you're going to walk for these guys. Got it?" Peter kept smiling.

"You can't talk to me that way! Get out of here, all of you. I want you to leave." Andy wasn't budging.

Peter laughed. "You can kick anyone you want out of here, except me, but you're not going to sit there sulking." Peter's face changed. "Now get out of bed or do I have to do it for you?"

There was a pause in the room.

Andy huffed a bit but then decided he'd better just give in. He moved his covers and slowly swung his legs over the side of the bed. He winced because his ribs were still sore. He slowly scooted until his feet touched the floor. He stood for a moment then slowly turned to sit in the chair.

"C'mon Mr. grumpy pants, let's get to work." Peter then rolled Andy out of the room.

Steve and Randy were in tow. When they finished the tour to the rehab room, Peter lined up the chair to the bars and locked the wheels.

"Up Cymba! Up!" Peter wasn't wasting any time this morning.

With Randy and Steve looking on, Andy stood up and took his first step, then another, then another. By the end of the bars, he was walking at a good, but slow pace. Randy could tell that Andy was thinking about his steps. Someday, he would do it naturally.

Andy turned around and walked back to the chair. He was finished and was going to sit when Peter moved the chair away.

"No, no, no, Mr. Johnson, you've got to do this a lot more. You've taken baby steps, now it's time to grow up." Peter was pushing him today.

"You're a jerk, you know that?" Andy laughed, sweating profusely.

"Yep, that's why they pay me the big bucks. You're going to be walking, even running before I'm done with you." Pete smiled. "And if you're lucky, we might throw in some jujitsu."

Andy knew Pete was kidding.

Randy came over to Andy and hugged him. "I'm very proud of you. I need to let you know that we're going to teach Tad a little lesson tonight so I won't be around until Sunday. I'm sorry but I need to be there for his reprogramming."

Andy wasn't happy to hear this news. "I guess. I'm gonna miss you. Will you at least visit when you're finished?"

"Yeah, I'll get over here...promise. I love you and keep up the work okay?" Randy kissed Andy on the forehead.

"Hey Steve," Andy stopped him.

Steve responded, "Yeah?"

"Sorry, I'm just tired." Andy apologized.

"Naw, no biggie, you just get well, okay?" Steve turned and left.

Randy and Steve walked out to the SUV. "Yeah, he's cute alright," Steve chimed in. "I think he's good for you."

"Me too, man, me too." Randy started up the SUV and they were off again to Randy's house.

Michael stepped off the elevator to see Tad Reynolds coming down the hall.

"Good morning Tad, how are you today?" Michael asked.

Tad looked up and got a constipated look on his face. "I'm okay, I guess. I'm just trying to stay out of trouble."

Michael wanted to say something less than professional but decided that he wasn't going to stoop to that level.

"How is the O'Neil project coming along? Getting all the information you need?" Michael was genuinely concerned.

Tad was already tired of this useless banter. "It's coming along fine; I'll have a report for you next week. I need to go."

Michael just sighed. He knew Tad's day of reckoning was coming. He felt pity for Tad.

Tad was infuriated. He would have quit this damn den of fags if he didn't need the money so badly. He needed to keep his nose clean until he had some evidence for Mr. Wylie. He'd see both Jennings and McManus kicked out before he was done.

Amanda was ready and waiting for Michael when he came by her desk.

"Just a minute, young man, you need to go directly to Mr. Wylie's office." Amanda blocked the door.

"Oh I'm called to the `principal's office' again?" Michael laughed.

"I guess. You're still going to remain hushed about the `secret project'?" Amanda asked.

Michael walked away. Amanda smiled.

Michael got on the elevator and pushed the top floor. When he exited, Helen wasn't anywhere to be seen. He started for Thomas' door when he took a look at a small picture on Helen's desk. The face was of a younger man. Dark hair, bright eyes, very handsome, and then Michael froze.

"Jerod Dawson." The name froze on Michael's lips. As if he was speaking, though only thinking loudly in his head, "Jerod is Helen's son." Something was too strange about this information. In a sad sort of way, Michael wondered if their meeting was chance or planned.

Michael put down the picture and turned towards the large doors leading into Thomas' office. Thomas looked up and was surprised to see Michael so soon.

"Good morning Michael," Thomas said before stopping. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"No, not a ghost but," then Michael froze again. He knew why Jerod looked familiar. He was Thomas, or at least they looked alike.

"What the fuck is wrong with you today?" Thomas grew concerned.

"I'm not sure, just kind of got some personal revelations. Why did you call me up here?" Michael sat in front of Thomas' desk.

"I just wanted to say how grateful I was that you put Robert on the Dillingham project. He is an asset to the company. I know that I probably shouldn't tell you this, but in addition to the bonuses I promised when this whole mystery is solved, I think we should bump his pay a bit to reflect his commitment." Thomas waited for an answer.

"I agree," Michael continued, "he deserves it. He's come a long way in such a short time. But why did you call me up here today, was that it?"

"Yes, that's all, well and you haven't heard anything have you?" Thomas asked more quietly.

"No, I haven't., why, have you?" Michael leaned in.

"No, but I'm sure there's going to be some interesting things happening soon." Thomas sat back in his chair.

"For all our sakes, I hope so too." Michael stood. "If that's it, I've got a pile of work to do at my desk."

"Have a good day, Michael!" Thomas went back to work while Michael showed himself out.

Just as the elevator doors opened, Helen exited. "Good morning Mr. McManus, how are you this morning?" Helen asked.

Michael's eyes narrowed a bit. He was looking for resemblance in the mental picture he had of Jerod.

"I'm good, thank you. Have a nice day." Michael stepped on the elevator and pushed the button for his floor.

Helen thought that Mr. McManus was a little short but may have had something on his mind. She didn't think any more it as she went back to work.

"Hey Rick, this is Randy, is everything set for tonight?" Randy had to make sure he knew the plan for the night.

"Yeah, it's a go. We're gonna mess this little fucker up good." Rick's laugh was maniacal.

"Hey Rick, I've got an ol' cop buddy named Steve here. He's interested in coming to the party too. You okay with that?" Randy waited for an answer.

"Sure, who is he?" Rick questioned.

"Rick, he's me with blond hair. He's forsaken us for California but he's very hot, though we need to convince him to stop playing both sides of the line." Randy laughed.

Rick laughed again. "So he's confused? We'll get him straightened out, for lack of a better term, this weekend."

Randy and Steve laughed at that prospect.

"Oh yeah, one more thing for you, Michael and Robert will be joining us this weekend."

Randy was surprised. "You think that's going to go over with him? I mean, he's so fuckin' wet behind the ears."

Rick then told him about the stunt they pulled the other day at Wylie and Sons. When he got finished telling the tale, both Steve and Randy had raging stiff dicks.

"Wow, you are taking some chances," said Steve.

"So what time do you want us there?" Randy chimed in.

"Be here around midnight. It's a good time to wake him up and really fuck with his brain. He's going to be changed when we're done with him. I've got to go. Later." Rick hung up.

"Are you sure these guys are for real?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, they are. They are sought for their training methods." Randy smiled. "Rick even tried to "train" me once, but my heart wasn't in it. He's a good man though. If people really knew what he did, they'd be shocked, but he is good."

On his desk, Michael finally had a chance to look over his pile of mail. It had grown significantly since he seemed to be running from meeting to meeting and attending to whatever email emergency seemed to plague him at the time.

Most of it was junk mail and was disposed of it fairly quickly. It was, however, the black envelope with white writing that struck his interest.

He slowly opened it and pulled out the card. It read:

Dear Mr. McManus,

Tonight, promptly at midnight, you are to bring Robert Jennings with you to our ranch. Mr. Jennings knows the way. If you need directions, please call us at 555-3425. Mr. Jennings should not be in anything more than leather pants, a white t-shirt, and comfortable shoes, which he'll remove when he gets to our home.

You may come dressed in whatever attire you feel comfortable. When you arrive, you'll be fitted in appropriate gear for the weekend. You will not be released until Sunday evening but you may choose to participate or not participate in whatever you feel comfortable in doing.

We rarely offer this opportunity to others but because of your relationship with Randy Duncan, we feel this would be a rewarding step in your development as a man.

Please RSVP at the above number so we can count on your attendance.

Most sincerely,

Rick & Nick

"Strange." Michael thought to himself but it was almost without hesitation that a knock came at his door. "Come in."

Appearing through the door was Robert. He was clutching the same type of invitation. Robert was excited to receive his invitation but wasn't quite sure if Michael would understand or even want to go.

Michael looked up from staring at the white print on the black paper. "What the fuck have you gotten me into?" He laughed.

Robert sighed loudly, he was happy to see that Michael wasn't freaked out by the invitation. "To be honest, I'm not sure."

"'My development as a man'; what the fuck is that?" Michael was intrigued and confused but could only think that there was an ulterior motive. Did Robert put them up to this?

"So are you going to call?" Robert wanted to go. He wanted Michael to go too. He knew he wouldn't be permitted to go if Michael didn't go.

"I might, just give me a minute." Michael got up. He knew it was close to 5 p.m. so the office would be emptying out soon. He went to his door and looked out. Amanda had already gone for the day. He closed the door and then locked it. He turned down all the lights except for his desk light.

Michael returned to his desk.

"So why should I want to call? " Michael wasn't going to be easy on Robert.

"Because it would be fun and because you are curious. I can tell." Robert smiled as he loosened his tie.

Michael knew he was being played. He might be older, he might even be naïve but he knew he was being played.

"Did you put them up to this?" Michael was serious.

Robert took off his tie and loosened his top button of his shirt. He moved over to Michael's desk. "No, I didn't."

Michael was a man possessed all of a sudden. He didn't know why he felt this power coursing through his veins but he knew he could make Robert bend to his will if he wanted. Was this part of the grand scheme?

Michael stood up, loosened and took off his tie, unbuttoned the top button of the shirt and then sat down.

Michael looked Robert directly in his eyes. Without breaking the stare, "Show me how badly you want to go."

Robert didn't have to be told twice. He knew the door was locked. He came around to the other side of Michael's desk and bent over to kiss Michael. Their tongues reached deeply into the other's oral cavity. Their hands pulled at the buttons of each other's shirts, their dicks filling full of the life giving blood to make this another hot office encounter.

Robert stops kissing Michael and leans into his left ear and hisses, "I want this because I want you forever. I love you." And then Robert bites Michael's earlobe and starts to descend down his lover's body for the prize that will win the phone call and the training that will change their lives forever.

Robert pulls at the belt, the clasp and pulls down the pants of his lover. He wildly licks the top of Michael's dick before plunging it deep down his throat. Michael wants to scream but knows he can't. Robert's quick action only makes Michael that more hot for his lover and knows that this blow will be intense but very short-lived.

Michael realizes he doesn't want it this way. He wants to breed this stud. So before he can get too carried away, Michael forces Robert's head off his dick.

"Stand up and bend over. Now!" Michael forcefully commands.

Robert stands up and already has his pants loosened. Michael's chair is just at the right height where he can lick and loosen up Robert's hole. Yes, he is going to have this young stud right here in his office. He doesn't give a fuck about privacy, or who hears him.

Michael licks deep and hard getting a finger poking in and loosening up the hole. Soon there are two fingers and more spit. Robert is gasping for breath because the pleasure his lover is giving him. He knows Michael is on a mission and his ass is the target.

Michael stands up and tells Robert to bend over the desk. Without a second to lose, Michael enters Robert slowly. Even though there's testosterone to let loose, Michael doesn't want to hurt his lover. Once satisfied Robert is ready, Michael starts pumping. The office is already warm and still with shirts on and sexual heat to spare, the sweat, the smells overtake their desires.

Michael pushes harder and deeper. He knows that it won't be long before he breeds his stud. Robert wants to feel his lover's cum in his hole but he wants to see Michael when he cums.

As if in a slave role, Robert asks, "Sir, could I be on my back. I want to see you."

Michael kept thrusting but realized that he loved this man. He would not treat him as a fuck toy but his lover. Michael stops long enough for them to clear off a spot on the desk and for Robert to get on top so Michael can finish the job.

Michael pushes in again and starts slamming Robert harder than he thought possible. Robert is jacking his own dick but also looking at the intense face of Michael as he fucks. Robert grabs Michael's head and they start kissing, and that's all it took.

Without so much as a whimper, Michael shoots hard into Robert. His thrusts are deep and hard and as cum coats Robert's ass. Robert releases his cum between the two hot sweaty bodies shooting over chests, tummies, and chins. Their kissing continues to be passionate as Michael stays inside of his lover. Neither one wants it to be done.

Michael releases the lip lock long enough to breathlessly ask, "So does it get better than this?"

Robert smiles back. "I don't know, but I'm willing to find out."

Robert reaches for the phone and dials and gives it to Michael. Michael realizes he's still planted deep inside of Robert but doesn't care.

"Hello, this is Rick." The strong masculine voice answers.

Out of breath, Michael answers back, "Oh hey, um, (breathing heavily), we'll be there tonight. This is, um, Michael."

"He had to convince you, didn't he?" Rick laughed. "Do me a favor, stud."

"Yeah, um, what?" Michael was blushing now.

"Take some of his cum and smear it on the invitations. I want to smell what sex between you is like. I've got underwear and ties, now I want to see it on black paper. See you at midnight." Rick hung up before Michael could answer.

Michael's dick finally expelled itself from Robert's hole. Michael grabbed the invitations and smeared them over Robert's chest and let some drip from Robert's hole before closing it."

Robert looked up. "What's that for?"

"Special request." Michael smiled.

"God I'm so glad I can finally get out of this place for a couple of days," Tad said to himself as he neared his car. "I need a drink.'

Tad's knew his life wasn't where he wanted it to be. He was young, mid 20's, out of college just a few years and in what, he thought, was one of the best project firms to exist in the U.S. He was told by his collegiate advisors that this was the place to get hired at if you want to really do the big projects.

"Uh huh, right," he said to himself. "All I do is get harassed by fags, try to do my best, and what do I get? Nothing. My life sucks."

He went to his usual bar sat down and ordered himself a beer. He tried to let the beer wash away his blues but it didn't work. He hadn't been laid in months. The last bitch he'd fucked was such a dog he really needed to put a bag over her head to just get through it.

But that wasn't the reason for his funk. He knew down deep inside he lashing out at Robert because he had those feelings too. But he felt fucked up inside. "It's wrong to be a fag, that's what my preacher used to say." His thoughts betrayed him. He had been with guys before and enjoyed it, but afterwards he couldn't bring himself to do it again. He was guilt-laden and would just bury it deep so he didn't have to think about it.

As he sat there, this tall, masculine man came up and sat on the stool next to his. Tad had a hard time keeping focused on his thoughts with this man literally touching him because of his immense size. He started to get a little uncomfortable when the big man turned to him.

"Oh damn, sorry, I didn't mean to crowd you. Sometimes I underestimate my size." Rick was selling his goods. He knew he'd be chatting up Tad in no time.

"That's okay, it's about time for me to go anyway." Tad threw a buck on the bar and started to get up.

"Hey, what's your rush? My name is Rick, what's yours?" The man extended a hand out to Tad.

Not wanting to be unkind, Tad introduced himself to Rick, shaking the big paw firmly. Rick asks if he'd like to shoot some pool. Since he had nothing more to look forward to than a few pornos and passing out for the night, Tad said "sure".

Rick was friendly enough, thought Tad. They talked about politics, the area, what Tad did for a living, just aimless banter to pass the time. They played with equal skill and finesse and there were a couple of times Rick had to pull himself back to reality because inside his jeans his dick betrayed him. He wanted this boy for slave material.

They finished the game and Tad announced that he should be going home. Rick pressed him to play one more game. He'd even buy the next round of drinks. Tad was going to say "no" but decided he liked Rick's company and one more beer wasn't going to kill him. Tad had to piss like a race horse so he excused himself while Rick set up the game and ordered a fresh round of drinks. What Tad didn't know was that this round would be his last.

Tad came back and the game was set up and a beer was waiting for him. Tad took a sip and asked whose turn was it to break. Rick said it was Tad's. Tad broke but nothing fell. Rick then chose to put his plan in place. As Tad went back to nurse his beer, Rick pulled out the stops and took his time shooting the balls into the pockets. The longer Rick took, the more Tad drank until Rick saw that the drug he put into Tad's drink had the desired affect. Just enough to knock him out but not enough to make him sleep all night. Rick put his next phase into play.

"Hey barkeep, this guy is not feeling well, can you help me?" A large man came around and saw that Tad was kind of falling forward but thought he could be sleeping or passed out..

"Damn, he doesn't look well, are you his friend?" The bartender asked.

"Yeah, I'll get him taken care of, here's a few bucks, sorry for the mess." Rick handed the bartender a $20. The bartender didn't argue because there wasn't much of a mess.

Rick carried Tad out to the black cargo van they rented. Nick was outside waiting for Rick. He grabbed Tad's keys and they drove over to Tad's apartment and put his car into its spot for the weekend. No one would miss Tad this weekend.

Nick locked the car and put the keys into his pocket. The two drove the van out to the ranch and parked in their storage barn. Nick grabbed Tad and flung him over his shoulder like a bag of seed. All the time, Tad was breathing but asleep.

They took him into their main play room. It was Nick's responsibility to strip him down while Rick prepared the spot where Tad would lay until he woke.

As Nick stripped him, he was surprised. "I thought this guy was going to be a skinny fucker but he's actually in pretty good shape. You sure this is a good idea?"

Rick shot Nick a look that made Nick sorry he said it. "I know what I'm doing. This little fucker is going to learn tolerance. He's also going to come to terms with who he is. Call it "shock therapy" but he's going to be a much better man leaving than when he came. Now get him ready."

Nick was sorry for questioning Rick's plan. He knew that he could be punished at any time and might be for being insubordinate. He laid the naked body over the table lining Tad's dick with the hole, taking great care not to hurt him. The hole was about 12" in diameter and was the thinnest part of the table.

Next, Nick took soft restraints, because the purpose was not to hurt him, and tied down his wrists and legs. He made sure to get them tight enough so Tad couldn't get out but at the same time where his blood flow wasn't compromised.

Finally, he attached a milk machine-type device to Tad's dick on the underside of the table. To get it to fit properly, Nick had to bone up Tad a bit with a few jacks of his hand. To keep Tad's dick hard, Nick turned the machine on the lowest setting. Then Nick took a small vibrating dildo and greased it up and loosened up Tad's hole. He slowly inserted it into the tight chamber. Nick also turned it on the lowest setting. Everything was set; now all that they needed was Tad to wake up.

Rick watched from above and was well pleased with their plan so far. He turned on the microphone to the room. "Nick, report to me immediately."

Nick knew what the sound of that command meant. He knew he deserved it too.

It wasn't easy sneaking out of Wylie and Sons after their hot sexual encounter. As much as they tried, they still looked like they had sex, which made Michael and Robert laugh even more. Michael even had to send Robert back in after the invitations.

They decided to go their separate ways to get ready but would meet to go out to the ranch together. Michael was already tired from the week but strangely the last hour's activities energized him a bit. He showered, shaved, and got on a pair of tight fitting jeans, and a polo. Something told him he should wear heavy white socks and sneakers.

It wasn't long after he got done that his garage door opened. He was kind of freaked out about it until he realized that Robert still had his garage door opener. Michael went out to greet his lover and nearly fell over when he saw what Robert was wearing. The tight leather pants left nothing to the imagination. Nothing.

Michael leaned over to kiss Robert as he ushered him into the house. "Where's your cologne?"

Robert smiled. "Um, I'm not allowed to wear any."

"Not allowed? Who told you that?" Michael was confused.

"There are rules; rules you'll learn this weekend." Robert said matter-of-factly.

"Is this going to be fun?" Michael wasn't sure of this all of a sudden.

Robert grabbed Michael and kissed him hard on the lips. He thrust his hips into Michael's body. Michael, got lost for a moment, then Robert released him.

"Stop worrying, you'll have fun. Trust me." Robert smiled.

Michael wasn't so sure.

It was nearing midnight and the four men drove into the ranch about the same time. Of the four, the least dressed for the occasion was Michael, which made him feel even more out of place than before. Randy was the first to come up to him and take him to the side and talk to him.

"Hey Mikey, you okay?" Randy was concerned.

Michael didn't lie. "No, I'm starting to wonder if this was a mistake; I mean all of it."

Randy laughed. The other two men were close enough to hear but not seen by Michael.

"Hey buddy, Rick and Nick are going to make you do anything you aren't comfortable with and if you're not sure, just ask Rick `why' you're doing it. He'll take good care of you." Randy continued. "To be honest, Rick must see something in you that he feels you need to bring out into the open; he must like you to spend his very valuable time with you. I know I've scared you a bit with this talk of master/slave stuff, but it's more than that. Rick can really help your relationship with Robert grow. I know Rick, he's a good man. He's going to test you and push you but he won't break you."

"I don't get all of this. I mean, I know Tad is here somewhere tonight but why am I included in this? I'm tired; I want my quiet life back again. This is getting to be too much" Michael put his hand in his pocket, thinking he was going to get his keys and go home.

Randy sense Michael's uneasiness and felt he needed to play hardball. "Are you sure you want to hear this from me?" Randy got serious.

"Yeah, be honest, I can handle it." Michael said.

"You're recently divorced, you've just discovered you're gay, you've got one of the finest and hottest pieces of ass on your arm and you're unsure you're worth his time, you're embroiled in a company scandal, and you've been questioning which way is up. Rick can give you direction. What he has to teach is time honored and respected. You can take those keys you're holding on to tightly in your pocket and run away, or you can go in and learn what is to be a man." Randy stopped.

Robert was listening to this conversation and wanting to go to Michael but Steve stopped him. "Let him talk to Michael. Michael has to want this." Steve held onto Robert's arm.

"Let me ask you something Michael," Randy continued. "Were you ever part of a frat in college?"

"Yeah, one of the best," Michael remembered the good old days. "Why do you ask?"

"Cuz what Rick can teach you about yourself, your relationship to Robert, and fuck, just about being a man is what you need now. Go in, learn, and have some fun. Okay?" Randy grabbed Michael into a big bear hug. "You're gonna be okay. Just go with it this weekend. If you have questions, ask. Rick sees something in you. Trust that he knows what he's doing."

It quiet for a few minutes and eventually Randy and Michael came upon Steve and Robert.

"What are you two doing over here?" Michael asks.

"Nothing, we were just waiting for you two to get over here so we could have some fun!" Steve yelped.

The four men started for the main house and arrived just a couple minutes shy of midnight. Just as they walked up the wide stone stairs, Nick opened the door to greet the foursome.

Nick was in nothing more than his leather pants and a leather collar around his neck. In the middle of the collar, there was a ring. Michael saw this but was unsure of what it meant.

As the four came into the softly lighted room, Rick joined them.

"Good evening gentlemen, it's so good to see all of you. Randy, would you like to handle introductions?"

"Oh yes, thank you Rick. This man next to me is my "twin" brother in crime, Steve."

Rick extended his hand and Steve met him with a firm handshake. "Both Nick and I are much honored to meet you tonight Steve. I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us tonight."

"Next you know Robert and next to him is Michael."

"Michael! At last we finally meet! I'm very happy to meet you. I trust your weekend with us will be a memorable one." Rick didn't merely shake Michael's hand, but grabbed him to hug him. "I also trust that you will come away renewed and much more in touch with who you are. Oh do you have what I asked you to bring?"

Michael looked dumbfounded but Robert knew. He approached Rick with his head bowed and two black stained invitations in his right hand.

Rick smiled, "Ah yes, this one is going to serve you well, Michael; very well, indeed."

Rick stepped back a bit and snapped his fingers. Nick immediately left the room and came back with four glasses of wine surrounded by a leather collar on a silver serving platter.

Nick first served Randy and Steve, and then he served Michael but skipped Robert. Michael was confused by this action but then finally Rick received his glass. Michael wanted to ask but soon his question was answered.

"Gentleman, we have much work to do tonight with Mr. Reynolds down below. Michael, I saw your face when a glass of wine wasn't extended to Robert. Nick, give Mr. McManus the collar.

Nick took the collar from the silver platter and handed it to Michael.

"Michael, place this collar around your lover's neck. Let this collar be a testament that Robert is yours. He is only yours. You may choose to share him or you may choose to keep him to yourself but other than me, you command him. For this weekend, he is your servant, just as Nick is mine. Nick wears his collar tonight because he chose to question my authority. Robert wears his to be a learning tool for you this weekend. Gentlemen, please raise your glasses to a most successful weekend."

Michael was still confused but the four tapped their glasses and drank their wine.

Rick snapped his fingers again and Nick came around to collect the empty glasses.

"I am sure Mr. Reynolds is waking up about now. Let's go to the playroom."

The four men followed Rick down a wide case of stairs. They entered a room that resembled a booth more than a room. It contained different control panels and screens.

"Gentlemen, this is the control room for our little playroom. What you see is state of the art in recording equipment. Everything that's done in our playroom is taped. Mr. Reynolds is starting to wake and he's about to start to put up a fight but I can guarantee when we're done with him, he'll be a changed man."

The four men looked down on the sight. There he lay on his stomach. His ass filled with a dildo and from the underside a camera catches a picture of his dick inside a sheath of some kind.

It was Michael that was the first to ask, "What are you planning to do with that?" He was pointing at the screen showing Tad's dick.

"It's actually quite an ingenious little invention. Taken from the same concept of milking cows, we find that if we stimulate the prostate and milk the cock at the same time, there can be upwards to 3 orgasms an hour. Of course, at some point the balls stop producing sperm because we're taking faster than it can produce so it is a pain mechanism for training.

Michael stood there wide-eyed as Rick explained that. "Certainly you're not going to keep him on that all weekend, are you?"

Randy was the first to laugh. "Naw, they're just de-juicing him a bit so that they break him a little faster."

"Let me show you." Rick leaned over and adjusted the knob for the dildo and adjusted the milking machine a little higher. "Watch and learn."

Without so much as any other stimulus, Tad's ass started to move. The vibrations against his prostate and the milking mechanism were working overtime to make him cum. About 30 seconds later the first load was seen draining from Tad's dick. Rick turned down the knobs to low again.

"Kind of kills the whole concept of sex, doesn't it?" Steve laughed.

"Well yes and no," said Rick, "it just puts it into perspective what we do as guys with each other."

"So what are you going to do to Tad?" Michael was still a little shell-shocked.

"Oh don't worry, Michael, we're going to be gentle on him. However, we're going to apply just enough pressure to get him to change his homophobic ways."

Little did the other four know that Rick hoped Tad would be his next slave, and if he had his way, Tad would be willing to take on that role.

From the room below Tad started to stir.

"What the fuck is going on here? Where the fuck am I? Why can't I move?"

Tad was blindfolded and unable to move. Panic set in. Who was doing this to him? What did he do to deserve this?

The fog of his mind started to lift when he realized he was feeling a different sensation. His ass felt, well, good and something around his dick was strange. He needed to get free but as hard as he tried, he couldn't.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Tad screamed. There was no answer but there was an increased pressure from behind and below.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Tad screamed.

Next: Chapter 19

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