
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Jul 6, 2002


Writer's note: As with anything you read, you should know this is my work, purely fictional, and totally made from figments of my imagination. But unlike my imagination and the characters in this story, AIDS and a wealth of other STD's aren't fantasy. Please use protection! If you're here and you're not supposed to be, then you know what you need to do.

Please feel free to write to me at success66@yahoo.com with comments or concerns. Please do not send negative comments, they'll be ignored.

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Michael - Part 2

Writer's note: Well leave it to a good reader to pick up on a confusing mistake. If you read the last installment of this story, in the boardroom, where a meeting had just taken place, Johnson and Reynolds have a conversation. Well folks, the conversation was actually about Robert, not Michael. Sorry for the confusion and thanks to the kindly soul that pointed it out! Enjoy!

The morning sun hadn't made its appearance yet as Robert stirred from his satisfied slumber. He lay on his back and heard the rhythmic breathing from his boss and hopeful lover, Michael. His mind somewhat groggy from the sleep but also numb from the events that led up to him not only being with his boss but also falling head over heels in love with him. By all logic, this shouldn't happen. But it did.

He closed his eyes and fell back to sleep.

"So what do we do now?" Michael said with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean, "what do we do"? I don't know. I've never been in this position with a man." Robert turned towards Michael on the bed. The smell of freshly cleaned bodies and the damp hair permeated their space.

"Huh? You mean you've never been with a guy before or what?" Michael was confused.

"I mean, I've never been in a position where I've fallen head over heels for someone who just happens to be my boss."

"Okay, let's just get something clear right now. When we're outside of work, I'm no longer your boss. Got that? Separation, remember? We don't have to talk shop and our time is our time." Michael lay on his back.

"Hey bossman, don't get so pissy. I was just making a point. I know how you feel but you have to understand this isn't as easy for me. Tomorrow when I wake up and walk into work I'm going to remember tonight. I'm going to remember making love to you."

Michael laughed. "Is that what it was? Making love?"

Robert slid his hand over Mike's chest and tummy. He knew where his hand would end up. He slowly began to play with Mike's dick.

"What we did, Mikey," Robert snickered at calling him "Mikey", "is the ultimate form of erotic love. To cum with touching each other with nothing more than our lips and cocks, has to be more than just sex. Besides, you'll know what making love is soon enough when I have my way with you."

There was a silence. Mostly it was because Robert's hand was awakening Michael's libido. They both knew that once wouldn't be enough. They had experience passion, they experienced intimacy, but they both knew the thing they both experienced was love. A deep love that no one could touch. It scared them. They weren't ready to admit it to themselves or each other. That would take time.

"Robbie," asked Mike, "what are we going to do? I love this but I wonder if we're wrong for doing this. I mean, you do have a point: we do work together. Do you think we could be in love?"

Robert looked into Michael's eyes. Again, they searched for each other's response by simply looking into the soul. They knew the answer. They both smiled but again, the fear of the commitment. The commitment to say, "I love you" was too great. They knew it was a matter of time but this was only the first time. They'd want more time together. They'd want to experience everything each has to offer. There was silence.

"Um Mike, I'm not going to answer that right now. I think we both know the answer but I'm not ready. Are you?"

Michael turned towards Robert. He took Robert's head and forced it towards his and gave him an initial kiss. It was as if he was preparing Robert for more. Their lips met again. This time they didn't part. Michael continued to pull Robert on top of him. Robert removed his hand from Mike's hard dick and climbed on top. The kiss continued as their lips were now open and their tongues danced together. There was a moan. It came from neither Robert nor Michael but it was mutual.

Robert started sliding his dick over Michael's. He knew that he wanted this man, but this time he didn't just want their dicks to make love, he wanted Michael to claim him. He wanted Mike's dick inside of him. Fucking him, no, making love to him and consummating their relationship. He wanted to feel the fullness of this man inside of him.

"Oh fuck Mikey, I need you so badly. I want you to make love to me. Please make love to me!"

"But I'm not prepared," Michael said breathlessly. "I don't have any condoms."

It was almost as if they both hit a brick wall. The kissing stopped, the touching stopped, and well, everything halted.

"Fuck...I want you." Robert sat up on Michael adjusting to let Mike's dick slide between the crack of his ass. "Have you ever fucked around Mike?"

"Uh no. I don't do that. You're my first guy. My hand has been my only sex partner."

"This is so wrong. I've been tested. I'm negative, I mean HIV negative. I don't give a fuck about the condom. You got lube?" Robert was possessed. He wanted Robert now.

"Yeah, in the bathroom cabinet. Are you sure it's okay? I mean I don't want to have any problems." Michael knew that it was risky to say that but he was concerned for Robert too.

"Well with the exception of Randy, I've been basically without any sexual partners for some time. And so you know, Randy and I doubled up on condoms, so I don't think I'll have a problem there." Robert continued to move his ass over Mike's dick. He wasn't going to lose this battle. His eyes pleaded with Michael's. He leaned over and kissed Michael.

"Oh fuck, I know I'm going to hate myself in the morning but go ahead." Michael couldn't resist this man. He had never fucked a guy before but if he truly wanted to know the extent of his love for this young buck, he was going to experience first hand.

Robert joyfully leaped off Michael. He ran to the bathroom and grabbed the tube of KY that was in the cabinet. He ran back and jumped on the bed. He was like a schoolboy with a new toy. He thought about opening the tube but then he got another idea.

"Mikey, have you ever fucked a guy before?" Robert held the tube in his warm hand. He wanted the gel inside to be warm.

Michael turned himself towards his new lover and propped himself up on the bed. "Um no...just usually jacked other guys off."

"Just curious mostly. I knew you said you fucked around with guys but wasn't sure what to make of it. I want this to be special. I want you to know what it's like to make love to me. This is NOT a fuck, we'll do plenty of that in the future. This I want to mean more." Robert looked like a teacher as he spoke to his willing student.

"Well I don't want to hurt you. But I'm game if you are."

"Oh I am REALLY game..." Robert smiled and put the tube of KY in Mike's hand. "Keep hold of this while I get you ready."

"Geez, I feel like a patient being rolled in for surgery. I..." Michael was shut up by the attack of Robert's mouth. This time the kiss wasn't passionate, it was lusty. It reeked of sexuality. It wasn't long but it was hard. Slowly Robert pulled away and then started kissing Michael as he pushed Mike onto his back.

He nibbled at Mike's ears and then moved to his neck. Mike groaned. He would note that for future use. As he moved to Michael's chest their eyes locked into each other. Robert wasn't going to play games. He wanted two things: Michael's cock in his mouth, and Michael's cock in his ass.

In their conversation over protection, Mikey's dick went flaccid. It started to show signs of life when Robert began his pursuit but it wasn't until Robert moved completely between Michael's legs that it started to grow with intensity. Robert's eyes were still locked on Mike's. Before the dick became rigid, Robert began to slide the head into his mouth. He felt Mike's blood filling up the head and shaft as he continued burying the cock deeper in his throat.

Michael jumped. Never in his life had he had someone deep throat him. Rarely did his ex ever give him head but somehow he felt that was about to change with Robert. The feeling was extreme. He felt an explosion in every nerve ending in his body. His head reeled back as his hips plunged his cock deeper into Robert's mouth.

Robert knew it wouldn't take long. He massaged the now rigid cock in his mouth and throat. He wasn't going to do this long because the real aim of this exercise was get what was in his mouth up his ass. As he continued to lick and bob on the cock, he grabbed the tube of lubricant from his lover's loose hand. He manipulated the cap to open it, then squeezed the warm juice out on his finger tips. He kept his rhythm of oral prowess on Michael as he reached around and rubbed the lubricant on his ass and even managed to poke a finger or two up there to loosen him up. He didn't have much time.

"Oh fuck Robbie, this feels great. So fuckin' hot. I can't stand it. I'm so hot. I want to cum."

Robert slowly released Michael's cock from his mouth. He once again slithered up Mike's body to his mouth. There were no words, just lips. Robert was in control and Michael knew it. Without as much as a word, Robert's hand slipped around to Mike's cock and aimed it for his ass.

Mike pulled from Robert's lips. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He saw the fire in his lover's eyes.

"Shut the fuck up...let me do this!" Just as he finished, Michael's head entered his hole.

"Oh my...gawd, oh fuck that's hot!" Michael once had the feeling that every nerve ending in his body was going to explode. Robert's ass was tight and hot.

"Mikey, just a minute. Let me adjust to you." As he continued to slide his ass further down Mike's cock, the fullness of having a thick dick was fantastic. He stopped when he knew he was to the base.

Robert looked into Michael's eyes. They didn't need words. They were connected, they were communing, they were as close as they'd ever be.

Michael's eyes welled up with tears. He was in love. It was never this way with the bitch. It was never this way with anyone. As a tear made it's way down the side of his face, Robert reached down and with his tongue licked it away. With no movement, Robert gently kissed Michael.

Then it started. It was almost as if someone programmed the music in the background but the beat was primal. It was erotic. It was low and sexual. Robert began to slide up but as he moved down, Michael's hips met him with a thrust. The music was their guide. As the drums would thump, their lips, would press harder into one another. Their thrusts were slow, methodical, but make not mistake, they were making love. As the music intensified so did their thrusts. Sweat poured from their bodies...the clean smell of soap was given to manly smells of sex and sweat. The passion, the lust, the friction created was only helping them to climb to the summit of their budding love to where they'd full give themselves to one another.

"Oh fuck Michael, make love to me. C'mon babe, I want you to cum inside me. Please, help me become part of you. I want you!"

Michael couldn't find any words. He watched as this sweat glistened stud moved up and down his body. He was aware of Robert's cock and how it slid between their bodies. He wanted to touch it but couldn't because he was now holding onto Robert's ass. The heat was building. He could feel his balls creating a new batch of love juice for this stud.

"Yeah boy, you're gonna be mine in just a minute. I'm gonna cum hard in your ass. You wanted this and now you're gonna have it." Michael's throat was dry from the passionate workout he was giving and receiving from this angel of love.

The music was nearing its end but the beat was harder. Their thrusts met each down beat as intensely as the musician playing in the background. The other instruments only served to help them become more in tune with each other's body. It wouldn't be long.

For the second time tonight and for the second time in his life, Robert knew he was going to cum without the aid of a hand or a mouth. He was in love with this man.

"Michael, I'm gonna cum," grunted Robert.

"Yeah babe, I'm gonna too...I can't hold it much...uh....oh fuck!" Michael exclaimed again, he was too far-gone for words.

As if it were perfectly timed, their balls tightened. The love juice in their bodies traveled its preordained way. As Michael thrusted into Robert for the last time, he felt his cum enter the dark passageway into Robert's body. At the same split second, Robert's dick gave way to its lust and shot it's load between the sweaty sex-filled bodies.

Neither could speak. It was primal. It was grunts, moans, and if the windows were open, everyone in the valley below would have known what these two men were doing.

They continue to thrust and hump and cum for another couple of minutes. Whatever their loads were earlier didn't compare to the outpouring of love juice this time. Exhausted, hot, sweaty, and yes, in love, Robert collapsed on top of Michael again. Breathing was heavy and labored. They needed to recover.

Robert's head rested on Mike's chest. Then Robert looked up at Michael and smiled. Michael's eyes were shut in sweet ecstasy.

"So?" Robert finally questioned breaking the long blissful silence.

Michael cracked an eye open, looked up, and smirked. "So what? Is that all there is?"

"Oh you are a dead fucker! I can't believe this. Men cry over..." Robert didn't finish as he searched out a ticklish spot on Michael.

Michael was now laughing a deep belly laugh. He felt him slip out of Robert as they started wrestling on the bed. Being heavier than the slim swimmer bodied boy on top, he took dominant position fairly quickly pinning Robert below him.

Michael looked at Robert. Once again their smiles were replaced by loving looks that focused on their eyes. Michael reached down and kissed Robert. It was the same type of innocent kiss that started this last Saturday in Robert's apartment.

"Thank you. I love you." Michael surprised himself by what he said.

Robert wanted to shoot off a smart assed remark but decided not to, instead he returned the kiss.

"I should be the one saying "thanks" that we did twice tonight what most men dream a lifetime doing. Oh yes, that "love thing"? Ditto." Robert let out a huge laugh and then maneuvered himself out from under Michael and ran towards the bathroom.

Michael was surprised by the move. "Ditto? Ditto? What the fuck is "ditto"? You are so dead." He got up and ran after Robert.

The shower was turned on and more laughter was heard.

The buzzer rang.

Oh fuck I'm so tired, Robert thought to himself. He reached over to other side of the bed for Michael. What he found was an empty spot.

His eyes sought to get focused then he saw the object of his affection sitting at the desk in the room. He smelled coffee.

"Coffee, I smell coffee. Must have caffeine!" Robert laughed.

"So the sleeper awakes? I thought for a boy as young as you are, you'd recover a lot faster." Michael got up to pour his bedmate some coffee. "Here, enjoy it."

Robert smirked. He sipped. It was steamy hot and delicious. As he drank more, he could feel strength coming to his limbs and legs. He sat up on the edge of bed. He realized for the first time that he was naked.

"I guess the question I have for you is did you enjoy yourself?" Robert questioned Michael.

Michael looked up from his computer screen. He was trying to get a fix on his day. He managed to find a robe to cover his nakedness. It was now 6 a.m. and he had to start getting ready soon

"Well I guess it was adequate." Robert didn't see his face but Michael was sporting a smile.

"HUH?! Adequate? Oh you are such a silly man." Robert got up and set his cup down on the table then went over to Michael and spun his chair around. He grabbed for the opening of the robe and then sat his ass down on Michael's soft cock.

They kissed. The heat of Robert's body against Michael's made them both aware that they were slaves to the lust that burned inside of each other.

"We can't do this now. We have jobs to get to." Michael pushed Robert away. "Besides, I'm going to find it hard enough to keep my hands off of you today, well any day for that matter."

"Kill joy." Robert got up and got his coffee. He started putting on his clothes.

"Where are you going?" Michael said with surprise.

"I've got to get home and get changed. I've got a big day. I'm meeting with the builders for that stupid Dillingham project. It's a nightmare."

"I kind of figured it would be, but I have faith in you. You've earned the right to lead this project. Just remember, do what's right and if you have problems then come see me. I've got your backside." Michael smiled at the pun.

Robert gave a smart-ass smile. "Cute, I'm glad you've retained your sense of humor. I'm sure you'll be doing more to my backside than just watching it."

"That's yet to be seen. Remember, it's all about separation."

Robert grabbed made sure he had his keys and kissed Michael. "But babe, I'm all about commitment."

With that, Robert turned around and walked out.

Commitment, Michael thought to himself. That's to be seen.

Next: Chapter 3

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