
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Dec 7, 2011


Dear friends, I know this is over 3 years in the making (or cumming, depending on your point of view) but I have received several requests to restart this story and finish it. With winter upon us, it's time to hibernate and get it done. I hope you like what I've wrote.

Since it has been awhile, you may want to go back to reacquaint yourself with previous chapters.

If you have any questions, comments, or need clarification, please contact me at success66@yahoo.com

Usual disclaimers: Work of fiction, AIDS/STDs are a real threat so please cover it up. If you are not supposed to be reading this, then don't.

Michael - Chapter 20

It was Rick that saw Randy and Steve returning from what seemed a long ride. They were bare-chested and overly sweaty.

"Did you find the ride on my studs good?" Rick joked.

"Yeah you could say that," Steve nudged Randy.

"Which one did you like the best?" Rick was curious.

"Well I loved the horses, they behaved well," Randy offered a sly smile, "but damn if Jean-Claude was the best ride I've had in a long time."

"Where did you find that boy?" Steve asked.

Rick offered the two a cool drink under the canopy on the patio. "Well he was actually a stray. About five years ago, I found him whoring his sorry ass. His story was the same as others, parents found his stash of gay mags, threw him out with nothing more than the clothes on his back, and he did what he knew he could do."

"Shit, we saw that a lot when we were cops." Steve felt a little guilt about fucking Jean-Claude now. "You can't help them all."

"True," agreed Rick, "but something in Jean-Claude's eyes that showed me he wasn't wild or out of control like the others. He had only been on the streets for 2 weeks when we met. Of all the boys I've trained out here, he's been the easiest, maybe because he's a natural."

"Has he ever tried to leave?" asked Randy.

"No, he feels secure here at the ranch. He tried making contact with his parents but they just hung up the phone on him. Some parents will never learn." Rick's eyes grew distant. "Don't feel too poorly for him. He's my 3rd in command. He takes care of the day to day operation of the ranch with Nick. He's going to college to get his degree in veterinary medicine. I fully suspect that he will leave me when he's graduated. What he doesn't know, is that he won't be going far. I will fully fund a new clinic for him when he's ready."

"And you're okay with that?" Steve asked.

"Oh hell yeah," Rick straightened up. "These boys, or I should say men, come willingly here and when they feel they're ready, they leave this place being stronger men. I have only thrown out two men in all my days of training because when they didn't want to obey; some think they can handle my rules but many find they can't. My men work hard, serve me well, exercise, eat right, go to school (if they want), and when they leave, I compensate them."

Nick came out on the patio. "Tad is ready. He's been fed and he's rested. I did manage to find some jeans and a t-shirt."

"Has he been cleaned?" Rick asked.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't even think about that." Nick made a mental note.

"Get Jean-Claude and go wake him up. Fully shower him and take care of extracting any unnecessary debris." He needs to be clean for his next training session.

"Uh Rick," Randy interrupted. "Sorry to tell you this, but we wore Jean-Claude out." Randy saw Steve was laughing and smiled. "He's not going to be ready for anything anytime soon."

Rick sighed but smiled. "Well you can't say you're not satisfied."

"What about Owen?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I guess we're going to have to use him." Rick sighed. "Do you think he's ready?"

"He's been begging to be moved up the food chain here." Nick looked at Randy and smiled. "I think he'll do just fine.

"Go," Rick dismissed Nick.

Nick walked down to the bunkhouse. About 5 minutes later, a man, about 30 years old, walked by the men. Owen was about 6 foot and dark olive skinned, either naturally or by the god's touch, this man was stunningly beautiful. His green eyes stood out from his dark, Greek features. His hair was cropped short and he sported the only goatee of all the men under Rick's care.

"Where did you find him?" Steve was breathless.

Rick smiled. "Hands off boys; he's mine and still in training."

"Holy fuck Rick," Randy was also speechless, "where did you dig him up?"

"I didn't," Rick stood up to go back into the house. "He came to me."

Michael stirred first. He looked at the clock and saw that dinner would be in about an hour. Next to him lay Robert. Robert was softly snoring; he had had a rough day. Without trying to wake his sleeping boy, Michael got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. He lifted his right arm to smell his pit; it was funky and smelled good, but he knew he needed to get himself ready for supper.

Michael opened the door to the translucent shower and entered. He adjusted the water temperature and then let all the jets spray. He stood for what amounted for a few minutes while the jets all did their best to wash away the soreness of all the sexual activity.

"Maybe I'm not as young as I'd like to think I am," Michael spoke out loud not expecting to be heard.

"Or maybe, you just think you have to keep up with me." Robert smiled and entered the huge shower.

Michael turned and embraced his lover. "So what do I call you now? Slave seems a bit un-PC, and submissive takes too long to say."

Robert kissed Michael hard. They were tired, but their bodies betrayed that feeling. Even though they held each other tightly, their cocks started to wrestle with the blood flow.

"How about you call me Robert at work and 'boy' when you want me at home?" Robert smiled, meeting his forehead to Michael's.

"That's a bit demeaning, isn't it?" Michael was leading Robert along and Robert was about to get trapped.

"Well I am not as old as you are old man!" Robert laughed until Michael's hand slapped Robert's tender ass cheek.

"Ow, will you stop that?" Robert winced.

"You may not like it now, but your dick says something else." Michael thrust his hips just a little more into Robert's.

"Sir, we'd better not play now. I think we have only a certain amount of time before dinner." Robert reminded Michael.

"Yes, I would agree. It is getting to be time." Michael turned away but only to push Robert's dick between his ass. He knew Robert wasn't allowed to fuck him, but teasing Robert was fun too.

The two started to soap each other down. They struggled not to make each other cum though it could have easily happened if either one wanted it enough. They dressed into their attire and went down to the main hall.

Nick joined Randy, Steve, Robert and Michael there. Rick emerged, most likely from the playroom, and welcomed the men into his dining hall.

"Michael, do you wish Robert to sit with us?" Rick moved to his seat.

"Yes, if you would permit it, I would." Michael answered.

"Yes, I would like that too," Randy chimed in.

"Very well, Robert, please join us here at the table." Rick sat and the gentlemen followed.

Of all the men there, only Robert was the one without a shirt. The servants were once again dressed in starched uniforms and served a flawless dinner. Rick noticed that Robert wasn't speaking.

"Is everything okay, Robert?" Rick looked at Robert.

"I apologize, sir, I was keeping my place." Robert answered.

Rick snapped his fingers. Owen, the dark-skinned man from earlier came by Robert's chair and began to remove his collar.

"As long as you remember your place, you no longer need to address me as "sir". If Michael or I utter a command, you will be expected to answer." Rick waited until Owen completed the removal. "Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir, I mean, Rick." Robert sputtered.

"Very good." Rick smiled. "You are my guest Robert. Owen, would you please take that collar up to their room and retrieve a white t-shirt for our young guest?"

Owen did not speak but bowed to acknowledge the direction.

While the men continued to eat, Owen returned with a white t-shirt for Robert. Owen assisted Robert in dressing.

"So I understand that Michael has entrusted you with a large project at Wylie & Sons?" Rick questioned Robert.

"Yes, it's quite fascinating." Robert chatted. "It is rare that a person with my experience gets such a large project in such a short time."

"I have full confidence that he will meet and even exceed the needs of the project," Michael wanted to build Robert up.

Rick smiled. "Something tells me that from what I've observed, you will leave no stone unturned."

"The bigger question is," Randy put down his fork. "Are we going to be able to clear Thomas and find the culprits behind the embezzlement?"

Michael shot a hard look at Randy. "I must apologize, Rick, it is not appropriate to discuss confidential business matters in front of you."

Rick laughed. "Nonsense, I have secrets that would ruin lives if I ever wanted to write a book. Everything is confidential here."

"Still," Michael continued, "I'd rather not dwell on work affairs right now."

Steve smiled cheekily, "Well you've got a pretty good working affair with Robert!"

All the men, including Michael laughed. "Yeah, I guess I'd get nailed for sexual harassment."

"Depends on who is doing the nailing," Robert added.

Again the laughter filled the room.

As the dinner portion winded down, Rick asked the men to join them in the library. The chairs had been rearranged to include all six men so that they could face each other.

The conversation was lively and engaging. The men enjoyed each other's company.

Then the clock struck 8 p.m.

"Well gentleman, it's time for this evening's festivities to begin." Rick stood. "Would you please follow me?"

The men followed Rick to the control room facing the playroom. As they entered, the room had changed significantly.

In the center of the room, a table was placed that had one purpose. From a door to the left, both Owen and Jean-Claude emerged wearing nothing but a black jockstrap and zippered masks. Jean-Claude had a key around his neck and Owen followed him to the room on the right.

Suddenly a screen came alive in the control room to see Tad waiting on his bed. Jean-Claude opened the door and Owen entered first. Tad tried to put up a fight but was immediately overtaken by the two muscular men. Tad struggled as they carried him out but Tad was powerless to get free. At this point, Nick had already placed a mask on his head and headed down to assist the two men.

It was eerily quiet in the control room as the men watched the scene.

Tad's limbs were secured to the table. Tad began to cry.

"Why is this happening to me?" Tad screamed. "What did I do?"

Rick's voice came over the speakers in the room.

"Tad," Rick asked calmly. "Are you gay?"

"NO!" Tad was lying.

"Tad," Rick's voice stayed steady. "Are you going to tell me that all those pictures of all those men fucking and sucking didn't turn you on?"

"You tricked me!" Tad tried to deny it.

"Tad, stop denying who and what you are and this will be a lot easier." Rick shut off the microphone.

The group watched as Owen moved Tad's legs apart. Where a table appeared to be, was more like an exam table. Tad was helpless to do anything.

Jean-Claude came over to Tad's ass and started lubing it up.

"Oh no, you're not going to fuck me, are you?" Tad waited for an answer. "This isn't natural. This is wrong!"

Tad's body betrayed his true feelings. As Jean-Claude continued to manipulate his ass, Tad's dick got hard. Tad knew what he was. He knew that inside there was this gay man screaming to get out. But again his upbringing, the fiery pastor's sermons on Sunday morning played havoc with his brain. He didn't want this to happen. He didn't want to be a fag.

Once completed, Rick turned to the men.

"You may choose to join me down in the playroom or stay up here. It is your choice. We're going to complete Tad's training this evening." Rick moved to the door.

"I would encourage you to place a hood on before entering." As Rick grabbed his hood and zipped it securely, he asked Michael. "May I borrow Robert?"

Robert turned to Michael in horror. This was harder for Michael to do than some played-out scene from earlier today. He wanted to watch Robert fuck Tad, but he thought he had to also consider Robert's feelings.

"Rick, he will be down shortly." Michael answered and Rick turned to go down.

Randy and Steve watched Michael as he spoke to Robert.

"I want you to do this for me and for you." Michael looked into Robert's eyes.

"I don't want to." Robert's arms were crossed in defiance. "If you want me to fuck him so badly, why don't you go?"

Michael sneered. "Because he degraded you with his words and treated you like shit. This isn't retribution, this is training. He needs to know he cannot deny who he is by pissing all over you."

Rick looked up from the playroom. He waited patiently.

"But I don't need to prove anything to him or anyone else." Robert rebuffed. "I am happy with who I am."

Michael knew there was no reasoning with him and he wanted to see Tad receive his first fucking from Robert. Michael knew he had to pull rank.

While Robert looked on, Michael signaled for Rick to send up Owen. Owen swiftly came up the stairs.

"Go to my room and get his collar." Michael commanded.

"You're going to fuckin' force me to do him?" Robert was aghast. "What about mutual respect and trust?"

Michael did not answer. "Take your shirt off now."

Robert didn't comply.

In a show of force that was only made by eye contact and voice, "You will strip your shirt off NOW!"

Robert knew that he couldn't deny the command. As he shed his shirt, Owen returned with the collar.

"Place it on him." Michael instructed Owen.

Robert glared at Michael as the collar was firmly placed around Robert's neck. Robert couldn't believe he was being forced into this. Owen stepped back.

"Randy, get a hood and place it on his head." Again Robert didn't move. Even though the hood only had the eyes showing, Michael could tell Robert was furious.

"Owen, do you have leashes here?" Michael asked.

"Yes, we do." Owen's answer was short.

"Get one for me now!" Owen didn't hesitate to leave the room and get what he needed.

Rick was watching the scene play out. Michael was learning his final lesson: dealing with defiance. He was well-pleased with his student.

"Michael," Steve spoke up. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Shut up Steven, you are interfering." Randy barked.

"Who does this to someone they love?" Steve argued.

"Steve, you need to shut your hole, understand?" Randy stopped Steve from saying anything else.

Owen returned and handed a long slender leash to Michael. "You may leave."

As Owen descended the stairs, Michael attached the leash to the loop on Robert's collar.

"You will regret this, Michael." Robert was beyond angry.

Michael didn't hear the words as he grabbed a hood and placed it over his head. Michael tugged at the leash and Robert followed.

The table was lit up as if it were the center ring at a circus. Michael led Robert down the stairs to the table. While Michael couldn't see it, Rick was extremely proud of what Michael had done.

Tad sensed something was going on but couldn't make it out. His head was tilted backwards in such a manner that it wouldn't allow him to look up. The sensation of lube in his ass felt weird but welcoming. He struggled mentally to exorcise the demons of his past.

Michael whispered into Robert's ear. "Strip."

Robert did not budge.

Michael controlled his anger and repeated his command

Robert grudgingly took off his leather pants. He was about to take off his jock when Michael stopped him.

"Look at him," Michael whispered in his ear. "He is waiting for his first fuck. Here is a man who has done nothing but mock gay men."

Robert tried in vain not to listen to Michael's words.

"He mocked you at work. He looked down upon you and uttered obscenities behind your back." Michael hissed in his lover's ear. "Doesn't that make you angry?"

Robert turned his head away trying to stop the verbal assault. Michael knew his arguments weren't working so he tried a different approach.

"Look at his hole. He is waiting for your cock to slide through his bud and show him how real men make love." Michael's words were having an effect. Robert's jock was starting to grow outwardly.

"Yes, Robert, you want him. Don't think of him as someone you despise, think of him as a piece of meat that needs your seed to make him a man." Michael was getting hard himself. He stopped to readjust. "Think how you're your dick will feel inside that nice tight hole?

"What the fuck is he doing to Robert?" Steve asked.

Randy knew. "Michael is exercising his control over Robert."

Rick and Nick both watched on. This training session would be the last for Michael but the first of many for Tad. Nick was amazed at Michael's persuasiveness. Rick marveled at Michael's strength.

"Robert, do this for me," Michael finished. "Not because you want revenge, but because you want to obey me. Do it because you love me. Do it because I command you too."

Robert couldn't hold out any longer. Like a drug, Michael's words had penetrated his anger and emotion. He wanted to do this for Michael, to please him.

"Take off your jock, and fuck him," Michael ordered.

Tad wasn't ready for what happened next. "Who's that, what are you doing?"

Robert slid the head along Tad's bud. He wanted to tease Tad. "Oh no, that feels so good, but it's wrong!" Tad's body betrayed him. The head was stroking on the outer rim of his ass. He liked the sensations.

Robert waited until Tad released and pushed his dick past Tad's ring.

"Oh NO! Don't do that! I don't want to be a fag! I cannot enjoy this!" Tad screamed.

Slowly Robert entered Tad. All the men watching wished they could have been the first.

Tad tried clamping down on Robert's dick but that only made Robert push harder. When Tad realized he couldn't stop the assault, he gave up. His body once again fell slave to the new sensations.

Rick moved to Tad's head and leaned down. "How does it feel?"

"Oh gawd, it's wonderful." Tad smiled. "But how can something so wrong feel so right?"

"It is not wrong, Tad." Rick spoke quietly. "Give into what your body is telling you."

Robert's strokes were purposeful. They were slow and steady. Robert wanted to draw this out as long as possible. Tad's ass was incredibly tight and welcoming of his dick.

Michael was pleased with Robert, but he was hardly finished. He moved out of Robert's sight and started to shed his pants only leaving his jock on. Quietly trying not to break Robert's rhythm, Michael came up behind Robert and started to grind his covered crotch into Robert's ass.

Robert was surprised but loved the fabric scratching his ass. Michael brought around his hands to Robert's nips and started playing with them. The duet kept time as not to slow the assault on Tad's ass. Michael wanted to kiss Robert but was unable to through the fabric hood. As Michael pulled on Robert's tits, Robert would thrust deeper into Tad's waiting hole.

Tad was mainly silent throughout this. He was confused about how he should be feeling. There were these moments of incredible pleasure and then followed by a hollowed emptiness. He needed something more.

Michael moved away from Robert and moved to Tad's head. Tad looked up to see a hooded man with a jockstrap over his head. Tad knew what he wanted. He saw it in the magazines that he thought were hidden, but now these men, whoever they are, knew his secrets and his desires. He reached his head up and started licking the clothed sack. Just as if he were a newborn baby needing milk, he feasted on the clothed sack.

Michael looked into Robert's eyes as he lowered his jock to expose his cock to Tad. Tad knew what he had to do. He lapped at the end of Michael's dripping dick to take the juice. As Michael moved in, Tad took some of Michael dick in his mouth. It was as if Tad were a natural. He knew what he wanted and would stop at nothing to get it.

Rick and Nick were amazed at how Michael had taken control of the situation. Randy and Steve were still in the control booth rubbing their dicks in anticipation. Rick looked up at Randy and signaled for them to join the party downstairs. Steve almost forgot his hood but Randy reminded him.

As Michael buried more of his cock in Tad's waiting mouth, his eyes remained fixated on his lover/boy. Their tempo was now set. Robert's eyes rolled from time to time due to the feelings that were centered on his dick in Tad's hole, and Michael pumped his hips further pushing his cock down Tad's throat.

If they could have been freed of their masks, Robert and Michael would have kissed. They both realized that they risked exposure if this went badly so they continued to fuck Tad's orifices; they never broke their stares.

Robert's thrusts were coming quicker. Michael knew it wouldn't be much longer before they both came for the first time in Tad. He could see that Robert was ready to blow. Michael's balls started to tighten in anticipation of releasing his load but instead of shooting on Tad's face of mouth, he had another plan.

He quickly pulled out of Tad's mouth and ran around to where he started with Robert. He quickly got some lube on his hand and rubbed it on his dick. He knew the window of opportunity was growing short. He put the tip of his dick up to his lover's hole and when Robert came back Michael pushed forward causing Robert to gasp.

"Holy fuck," Robert yelled. As Robert picked up his pace he now had a new sensation. Not only was his dick being milked by a tight hole, he now was getting fucked by his master.

"That's right baby," Michael gasped for air, "Make me cum and cum in this boy. Let's finish this."

Rick could hardly stand the scene. He already had his pants open and was jacking his dick. When he saw that Michael moved, he went to Tad's face and was instantly taken in by the waiting mouth.

Michael couldn't hold it much longer but sensed that Robert was close too. He issued his final command of this scene: "Cum!"

Robert's body obeyed; with each thrust, cum lobbed from the end of his dick into Tad's hole. With each return thrust Robert felt Michael's cum entering his body. The men kept their thrusting for quite awhile until Robert needed to break free. As Michael pulled out, Robert clenched his ass to hold in his prize. When Robert finally pulled from Tad, cum spilled out of the newly stretched hole.

Not much was lost because next Steve took his turn fucking Tad.

Once Michael and Robert cleared the immediate area, Owen greeted them with a warm, moist towel. Robert took the towel and began to clean his lover's cock. Michael returned the favor and helped to clean up the spooge that escaped Robert's hole.

The two men were exhausted. They chose to go up to the control room to rest for awhile.

As they left the playroom, they removed their hoods. The sweat poured off their heads as the cool air met their tired faces. Robert turned to Michael and kissed him. Michael made a point to grab the leash and pull Robert in closer.

Michael broke the kiss. "Don't defy me again, do you understand?"

Robert smiled. "Yes sir."

The two looked down on the scene to see now that except for Owen and Jean-Claude, all the men were naked either were fucking or waiting to be sucked by Tad. Rick had just finished cumming in Tad's mouth when he looked up to see Michael and Robert.

Rick smiled as he saw the pair exit the control room. He knew it was time for them to celebrate and time for him to get Tad broken in real good.

Sunday morning was naturally a lazy morning for the men. The sun was brightly shining and breakfast was being prepared as Michael and Robert woke up from their night of shared passion. Michael reveled in his new found dominance and Robert in his willing submission to what Michael desired. The guest room bed was the last place they found themselves as they made love in every part of the huge suite.

Michael was curious as they snuggled. "Where's the remote?"

"Hey, you don't need to know what's going on in the world, do you?" Robert said with his eyes closed.

"No, I don't, but I do want to know about what's going on here at the ranch." Michael reached over Robert and grabbed the remote.

The brown button was pushed and the monitor came alive with scenes of the house. Steve and Randy were sleeping in their bed with Randy being spooned by Steven.

"I always knew he was a bottom," laughed Michael.

Michael was really curious about Tad. He clicked the number for Tad's room but didn't see him in there. He then clicked the playroom. No, he wasn't there either. Finally he went to Rick's room. There Tad lay at the foot of the bed with a Cheshire cat grin on his face. He was surprised to see that around Tad's neck there was a collar with a leash attached. Even more surprising was Rick and Nick without hoods.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Michael exclaimed waking up Robert.

"What? Hon, what's going on?" Robert was dazed.

"They don't have any hoods on. Are they crazy?" Michael became concerned.

Robert smiled. "Why are you worrying? They are big boys, they know what they're doing, now come back to sleep with me."

It was no use, Michael was already in disaster planning mode. "What if he figures it was you and me that was fucking him? He could claim rape?"

Robert rolled his eyes and waited for Michael to stop.

"Why aren't you concerned?" Michael was staring at Robert with his hands on his hips.

Robert got up and did what he knew would fix this situation.

"Do you trust me?" Robert asked.

"You know that answer." Michael answered.

"Then stop worrying about it. Rick and Nick wouldn't have done it if they weren't confident that Tad was completely turned.

"In 24 hours?" Michael went around Robert to find his pants when Robert grabbed his arm.

"Didn't you see how naturally Tad took to your dick?" Robert grabbed Michael's cock. "I can guarantee you that he's not going to cause problems. Just wait and see."

Michael wanted to continue panicking, but he trusted his lover.

"Now come back to bed and snuggle with me, please?" Robert tugged at Michael's arm like a little boy wanting a piece of candy.

Michael smiled and followed his boy back to bed. Michael was the first to lie down and Robert backed up to the hug of his master/lover/boss. They wouldn't wake again until a soft rap at the door would disturb their cuddling.

"Come in," Michael answered.

It was Randy who smiled at the sight of the two lovers.

"What's up Randy?" Robert asked.

"I was told to come to get your lazy butts out of bed. Breakfast is in 15 minutes."

Michael couldn't resist. "So now that your Steve's butt boy you have to do some work?"

Randy flipped them the bird and exited.

Breakfast sounded really good and when Randy opened the door, it let in the smell of fresh bacon frying and coffee waiting to be consumed.

They showered quickly because neither had the energy to play and their hunger became more ravenous with each passing moment.

Michael put on his heavy bathrobe instead of dressing. Robert decided to follow his master's lead.

The other four gentlemen were already eating when the two appeared on the patio.

"Where's Tad?" Michael looked around suspiciously.

"He's tucked away downstairs." Nick answered.

Michael and Robert took their plates and piled them high with food.

"Gentleman, there is plenty for you to eat." Rick teased.

"Let's just say, we had a busy night and we need the energy." Robert remarked before taking a large bite of eggs.

The other four men laughed.

Michael looked up as if he was missing out on a joke.

Steve leaned over and whispered into Michael's ear. "You guys out did yourselves. You easily went on far longer than any of us did with Tad last night."

"Oh," Michael exclaimed. "I get it. After you finished Tad, we were the after party?"

"Well, to some of us, you were." Rick sipped his coffee some more. "Some of us were busy training."

The gentleman all quietly laughed as if sharing some juicy gossip like ladies at coffee.

"So Rick, how do you get Tad back to where he is supposed to be?" Michael needed to make sure to cover his ass.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I had it planned until he joined us in our room last night." Rick watched Michael's face closely. He wasn't sure what the motivation was here.

"What do you mean?" Robert asked.

"What he means," Randy stated as if it were obvious to everyone, "is that Tad is a genuine cum-sucking little whore."

"So you're saying he's going to go willingly back into the world and not cause trouble?" Michael was angling for position here.

"What Randy should have said," Rick said as he stood and placed his hands firmly on Michael's shoulders, "is that Tad will not be a problem any further. His training has only begun but when you arrive to work tomorrow morning, you will see a much more improved human being."

Michael looked up to Rick. "So we're not going to have to worry about any harassment from him about being kidnapped or raped, because that's what this was."

Rick smiled and leaned down to kiss Michael's forehead. "Michael, I have this taken care of, trust me."

Something didn't set well with Michael. He wasn't sure if it was the patronizing manner in which Rick acted, or if he totally trusted that this weekend worked.

Randy, sensing a need to change the subject, commented to Steve. "So you think you'll be ready to go in about an hour or so?

"Yeah, I don't see why not. It's not like we have a lot of packing." Steve smirked.

Rick returned to his seat. "Say Michael, I was wondering if you could arrange for a little vacation time for Mr. Reynolds?"

"When would you like it schedule?" Michael tried to make a mental note.

"I was thinking he could be dismissed noon on Friday for the next three weeks?" Rick opened his planner.

Michael caught on quickly. "I don't see how that is a problem since my associates tend to slack off after noon on Fridays." Michael looked right at Robert and smiled. Robert returned the gaze but said nothing.

"Good, he will be asking you for the time off tomorrow so it would be helpful if you would act as if it was the first time you heard of it." Rick penciled in Tad's name.

"Despite the initial tension, I do want to thank you for inviting me, I mean, all of us out here, Rick." Michael finished his cup of coffee.

"How how nice of you to say," Rick smiled. "I must say it has been my pleasure to have you all here. I do enjoy my weekends off to entertain friends. I say we should make this a monthly gathering. Wouldn't you agree, Nick?"

"Yes, I think there is some unfinished business we could all, ahem, attend to next time." Nick smiled coyly at Michael.

Michael didn't understand the look but Robert did and smiled.

"Gentleman, when you are ready to depart, just let Nick or one of the servants know; they will summon me. I want to make sure to say good-bye." Rick stood up. "Michael, may I see you for a moment?"

The guys at the table all gave Michael a bad time as if he was going to the principal's office for some minor infraction.

Michael followed Rick into the library.

"Please sit." Rick offered Michael a chair.

"You amaze me Michael and I don't amaze easily." Rick sat directly across from Michael. "What have you learned this weekend?"

Michael looked down at the rug and searched his mind.

"I learned that masculinity isn't about positioning, it's about how I feel inside. I've learned I can master my emotions and control my desires. But most of all, I have the strength to discipline Robert if he is defiant, but without cruelty." Michael was finished.

"Very good; last night I knew Robert was going to challenge you. I saw it when you were fucking him on the bed and he questioned your request. You showed you were not led by anger but showed your submissive that you knew what you were doing and could bend him to your will." Not many master that last point." Rick sat studying Michael.

"So are we finished?" Michael was curious what was next.

"Not quite." Rick stood up and sat on the edge of a stool to be closer to Michael. "Do you trust me?"

Michael was startled by the question.

"Michael, do you trust me?" Rick asked again.

Michael searched Rick's eyes. Here was a man that he hardly knew but in a weekend changed his life forever. Michael would walk out the doors of this house and be someone different.

"Yes, the answer is yes."

"Good, then don't worry about Tad. Hell, for that matter don't worry about Wylie & Sons." Rick took Michael's hands. "Part of being a leader is to trust the people you put in authority to do the work you have asked them to do."

"Why are you saying this?" Michael questioned Rick.

"I've got Tad covered. He's mine, no, he's ours to manage." Rick looked directly into Michael's eyes. "I don't fail my friends, understand?"

Michael understood. "Yeah, I do. Thanks."

"I want you to play a little mind game with Tad, if you don't mind?" Rick smiled.

"What do you want me to do?" Michael returned the smile knowing he was going to enjoy this.

"When Tad asks you for time off, make sure to notice the leather string around his neck and make mention of it, if you would please," Rick looked directly into Michael's eyes.

Michael thought about the embarrassment. "That would be okay except he'll have a shirt and tie on tomorrow."

"Oh I'll make sure you can see it." Rick had already hatched a plan.

The two men stood up and embraced each other. "You have learned much this weekend. Now go and get ready."

As Michael found Robert and the two got dressed, Michael felt content in his life for the first time in two years. He found his voice and he found himself.

Next: Chapter 22

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