
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Jun 9, 2013


Hey everyone, I'm back! I really appreciate all the kind e-mails I've received about continuing this series. I have to admit I'm ready to put the finishing touches. Check back soon for the last part of the story!

If you have any questions, comments, or need clarification, please contact me at success66@yahoo.com

Usual disclaimers: Work of fiction, AIDS/STDs is a real threat so please cover it up. If you are not supposed to be reading this, then don't.

Michael – Chapter 21

The alarm went off too early the next morning. Michael groaned that it was, in fact, Monday. He knew it was time to get back to work again, time to figure out what needed to be done for the week. So much came flooding back to his brain about what was supposed to be normal, it seemed the activities from The Ranch were almost a distant memory.

He reached over to feel for Robert but he wasn't there. He panicked for a moment then groggily remembered he took Robert home. He wanted Robert next to him but Robert admitted he had been neglecting his apartment and the mail. As Michael drove away, feeling a little bit lonely, a weird thought popped into his head about how nice building was that Robert lived in; it was almost too nice.

He felt his age this morning. The weekend caught had caught up with him about 7 p.m. last night because he remembered turning on the sports channel to catch the weekend game highlights but he didn't remember shedding his clothes or shutting off the TV.

He moved slowly as his muscles cried for mercy; he definitely wasn't 20 years old any longer. As he went to grab his gym bag, pull on some sweats and quickly put together his clothes for the day, he smiled a bit when he went to put on his watch. Next to the watch was Robert's leather collar.

A wicked smile came across his face and even more evil thought stuck in his brain. He stashed the collar in his bag and headed to the gym.

The sun was just starting to warm the eastern skies with its light as Michael headed into the gym. He was actually looking forward to his workout even though his muscles seemed to be sore. Michael knew he needed to get back to some sort of a routine.

As he walked to the check-in desk, Jennifer, the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed attendant was there.

"Hey Mr. McManus, good to see you back!" She smiled as she handed him his towels.

"Have I been gone that long that you've missed me?" Michael was surprised she remembered him.

"Well you're the only one at this hour of the day is kind enough to acknowledge any one of us when you come in and it has been more than a few days since you were last here. Have you been keeping busy?"

Michael laughed, "Yes, Jennifer, I have as a matter of fact. "Double O" agents don't always get to be as close to home as we'd like!"

Jen looked at him, blankly processing Michael's smart-assed comment, then got the James Bond reference and laughed. "You know if you keep drinking those martinis, you'll need more time in the gym!"

"Nice comeback, Jen, have a good day!" Michael turned to move to the men's locker rooms.

"Anytime! Enjoy your workout!" She went back to folding towels.

Michael was kind of curious to see if the "mystery man" was in for his workout but there was no hide or hair for him to be seen. Michael kept a quick watch for him just in case as he put on his workout gear and headed into the gym.

As Michael plugged in his iPod and hit the music, his muscles whined as he tried to make them do something they didn't want to do. He slowly started the elliptical machine and eventually he loosened up to where he was sweating at a pretty good pace as he came to the end of his cardio routine.

Michael stepped down and looked at the time. He decided to let the strength training go for today and decided to take a long, hot shower to see if he could get some of the kinks out of his muscles. As he turned to move he felt a sharp pain in his right calf. He swore loudly.

"Damnit, I have a fucking charley horse!" He winced in pain and in about 15 seconds before Joseph, a trainer came over to help him.

"Mr. McManus, you okay?" Joseph was concerned.

"Yeah," Michael said in frustration. "I have a charley horse. I knew I shouldn't have come this morning!"

"Naw, it's just your body's way of telling you need some water and maybe a banana or two." Joseph smiled and helped Michael sit down while helped him push on Michael's toes to stretch the muscle.

"I'm getting too old for this, I guess." Michael grimaced as the knot worked itself out.

"Actually, this happens a lot more than you think. We'll get it stretched, do a little massage number and you'll be good to go for the day." Joseph's hand made its way to Michael's calf and started to massage gently.

As Joseph massaged, Michael started to become aroused. He couldn't believe that he was getting a hard-on and be in pain at the same time. Something about Joseph's manipulations weren't just about getting out the knot.

Realizing if he stayed there much longer, Michael's dick would be at full attention he stopped Joseph. "Uh, Joseph, I think I'm okay, just help me up, would you?"

"Sure, if you get a chance, make sure to put a little ice on it and maybe get some aspirin for the pain." Joseph stood up and helped Michael move a bit. "How's that feel?"

Michael felt better. "Thanks Joseph, I appreciate the help."

Michael's mind was definitely wired for sex; he knew why. Joseph was similar to his own Robert's physique, maybe a little more younger but definitely bells and whistles were going off in his head. He was horny and wanted his lover with him.

Michael walked away tenderly at first then got his legs under him and headed for the locker room. He found his locker, grabbed his towel and stripped naked. Just as he was fidgeting with some of his gear, Robert's collar came falling out of his bag and just had to roll about 5 feet away.

He went to reach for it when he saw Joseph standing there.

A bit embarrassed at first, Michael wasn't sure what to say. Joseph reached down and retrieved the collar.

"This yours?" He said with a wicked smile now spread across his face.

Michael straightened up and put his hand on the collar but didn't take it away from Joseph. "It belongs to me, but it isn't mine."

Michael pulled the collar and Joseph with it. Joseph's body was nearly pushed up to Michael's naked frame. Michael's dick was now at full attention.

Michael looked directly into Joseph's eyes. He knew it would be improper to have sex with this hunky man in the locker room because while it was quiet, the morning rush would soon hit. Also, he knew he wanted to take this boy with Robert along for the ride.

"So do you like it? Boy?"

Joseph swallowed hard. His eyes firmly looking into Michael's. "Yes, sir." Joseph's dick was now hard and pressing against his tight shorts.

"I'd like you to answer how much you like this collar." Michael demanded as he made a point to push his hips into Joseph's hard shorts.

"Uh, I am not sure how to answer that, sir." For the first time Joseph looked down like he was a naughty boy that was just caught in the act of doing something wrong.

Michael leaned over to Joseph's right ear. "You will not disappoint me, boy." Michael said in an authoritarian-like tone. "You WILL come see me before I walk out of here today and I will give you my address. You will have your ass at my house at 7 p.m. tonight."

"But..."Joseph looked up confused.

Michael yanked the collar from Joseph's hands. "But what, BOY? Did I stutter? I think you know what you want and I will give it to you. Any questions?"

Michael turned to put the collar back in his bag and locked his locker. As he turned around, he saw Joseph standing there in a stunned silence.

"Yes?" Michael questioned Joseph.

Joseph looked up to Michael's eyes. "I don't know..." his words trailed off.

"Yes you do know otherwise you wouldn't be standing here with your dick harder than it has ever been in your short sex-filled life." Michael stepped around Joseph and headed to the showers.

Michael never saw Joseph leave. He was proud of himself. He didn't panic nor faint; he took control, like he was taught. His only concern was how he was going to explain this to Robert. Wait, did he really need to explain this to Robert? He wasn't sure what to do here but figured a quick call to Randy might help him sort things out.

Michael got all spiffy for work, checked his personals, and pulled out a Wylie & Sons card and wrote the address and phone number of his home on the back of the card. He locked his locker and started for the front desk.

He didn't look for Joseph because he expected Joseph to find him. This would be a test to see if the boy was really looking for some fun or not.

"All done with your workout today, Mr. McManus?" Jennifer greeted Michael.

"Yep, and from now on, can it just be Michael, please?" Michael smiled.

Jennifer smiled, "Sure, Michael, besides, the "Mr." thing makes you sound like my dad and you're waaay too young to be my dad!"

Michael quietly chuckled at that thought. He actually could be her dad but didn't want to push the conversation as he knew he needed to get to work. He pulled out his wallet and gave her $20.

"Oh Michael, I cannot accept this. We're not allowed." Jennifer handed him back the bill.

"Well as your `dad'" Michael smiled, "I want you to do something special for yourself. It'll be our little secret, okay?"

Jennifer looked around, smiled, and then tucked the bill in her pocket. She whispered "thank you".

"Think nothing of it, Jennifer. You deserve it for your great attitude."

Michael turned around to leave and Joseph almost ran into him.

"Yes, Joseph, something else?" Michael's tone was professional but hinted at something more devious.

Joseph held out his hand. Michael pulled out the card from his pants pocket and smiled as he looked directly into Joseph's eyes.

"How's the leg feeling, Mr. McManus?" Joseph regained his composure for just a moment.

"Just fine, thank you for your help today." Michael dropped the card into Joseph's hands. "I'm sure it will be feeling just find by this evening."

Michael turned and walked out the door.

After Randy dropped Steve off and get a change of clothes, he headed out to see Andy.

When he walked in the room, he was surprised to see Andy walking around with the help of a walker.

"Hey little man, you're doing good!" Randy gave a hug to Andy.

"Thanks, I have a long way to go but at least I don't have to call for an attendant every time I want to take a piss or crap. " Andy was happy that Randy was there. "You stayin' the night?"

Randy's smile got bigger. "Yes." He put his bag in the closet.

Andy was comforted by knowing his protector would be in the room with him tonight.

"I called my parents to let them know what happened." Andy sat down in a chair. "Mom was concerned, of course, and Dad wanted to come down to see me but I told them there wasn't a lot to see or do and I'd rather have them get through calving season and I'll call them later in the week to let them know how I'm doing."

"Damn," Randy was surprised. "I never thought to ask if you had kin or what I needed to do."

"It's alright I've been hurt before. I was thrown off a horse when I was kid." Andy seemed to be finding his strength as he sat up, grimacing less from the pang in his ribs. "They were worried I'd never walk again but here I am."

Randy changed the subject, "So how was the weekend?"

"I guess okay. They've had me up and around more and more. I'm supposed to use the walker over there for balance but I try to get around without it." Andy seemed more confident. "I've been through this before, I'll make it, besides I've faced death twice now and won."

"Hey!" Randy's face darkened. "Don't be talkin' shit like that! You ain't gonna die."

Andy smiled, "Well not by a beatin'" He moved the sheet away from his crotch and Randy saw Andy's dick plumping up in his shorts.

"Wow, you've gotten kinda bold since your accident." Randy slowly reached over and over the fabric slowly stroked Andy's dick.

Andy closed his eyes and sighed. "It's the stupidest thing, I have been horny all day but been unable to do anything about it. Whenever I thought of you, it kept getting harder. Can you fix it?"

"Don't you think someone will come in on us?" Randy asked, a bit concerned a nurse could come through at any time.

Andy grabbed the phone, dialed the nurses' station, asked for some privacy and hung up. "There, we'll have privacy as long as I don't hit the buzzer." He picked it up and moved it to the bedside table next to him.

Randy was impressed. "So what's changed?"

Andy sighed. "I wasn't going to tell you this, but I have been having those dreams of that night but in every scenario since, I'm not alone. I see you coming to save me. I don't know what to do with all these feelings. I've never been serious with anyone, especially a guy. I don't know what to do, how to do it, but you are there and all the fear goes away."

Randy smiled, a small tear dripped from his right eye as he stood up and kissed Andy full on the lips.

Andy groaned a bit as Randy's lips touched his. Randy wanted to make love to this boy but knew he couldn't or wouldn't try because of his condition.

They made out, Randy's hulking dark-haired figure over Andy's smaller, red-headed frame, skin pale from not seeing the light of day.

Randy broke the kiss and started to brush his unshaven face against Andy's smooth face. Randy dove for Andy's neck, licked, sucked ever so slightly, and nibbled, taking in Andy's scent. Andy groaned as Randy found new places to turn Andy on over and over again.

Randy got up on the bed straddling Andy's legs between his and helped Andy sit up. Slowly Andy's shirt rose up and Randy carefully helped to bare Andy's chest. He was slow not to overly disturb Andy's ribs and then helped Andy to like back on the bed.

Randy then shed his shirt displaying his hairy muscles. His nips were at full attention as Andy reached up to touch and explore Randy's torso. Andy was fascinated by Randy's nips.

"Go ahead, you won't break em. Squeeze, pinch, twist em. I like that." Andy applied more pressure and Randy groaned in delight, his own dick now strained against the jean fabric.

Randy carefully lowered himself to Andy's torso, carefully letting his chest hairs rub against Andy.

"Mmmm," Andy groaned. "That feels so fucking hot."

Randy softly laughed, "It's yours for the taking." Randy looked up into Andy's eyes.

"I'm not going to make love to you tonight." Andy's face was crestfallen. "Oh wait, little man, not in the way that I want to, but once you're healed, I will."

Randy started his dissent. He wanted to find out what Andy's "buttons" were. He discovered one on Andy's neck but wondered about the nips.

Randy dragged his pointed snake-like tongue over the left nipple and Andy's body seemed to tense up a little. When Randy closed his mouth around the tiny nips, Andy came alive. A deep fast breath of air signaled to Randy that Andy liked his nips to be played with. He would save any nibbling for later.

Randy went over to Andy's right nipple and Andy's behavior was the same.

Slowly Randy nibbled and kissed Andy's stomach until he got to the waistband. What was a small lump earlier had grown significantly. Randy reached down, and slowly pulled off Andy's shorts to his knees. Andy's dick flew straight up and a drop of clear precum hung on the tip of Andy's dick.

Randy looked up at Andy from behind Andy's dick to see Andy's face when he drug his tongue over the head, swallowing that precious drop of precum. Andy looked like he was going to jump out of his skin.

"How are you feeling, babe?" Randy waited.

A loud heavy sigh came rolling out of Andy. "This is great. This is better than our first time."

"Any pain?" Randy was a little concerned about doing something to hurt Andy.

"No, " Andy looked at Randy, "not at all. It's like I'm feeling ready to go home."

"Gotta love the endorphins, but trust me, you're not." Randy opened his mouth and swallowed Andy's dick whole.

Andy didn't have time to gasp or scream in pain. There wasn't any pain at all, just an explosion.

While Randy was ready to accept it, he was surprised that Andy came that very moment. It wasn't a small amount, it was like years of stored cum, came flushing out of Andy's dick.

Immediate Andy apologized between gasps as cum volleyed out of his dick. "Oh...I'm...so...sorry. I just couldn't hold it!"

Randy said nothing for about a few moments. He reserved some cum in his mouth to roll Andy's dick around in while he waited for Andy to calm down. Once Andy's dick went soft, Randy swallowed and got up.

He could see Andy was embarrassed, and Randy smiled. "Andy, it happens to the best of us. You hadn't probably came in awhile, you needed to release and there was no point in holding back." Randy reassured Andy.

"I just wanted it to be longer." Andy couldn't make eye contact with Randy.

Randy smiled and moved up to Andy's lips and gently kissed, prying Andy's mouth open with the taste of Andy's cum on his tongue. Randy made out with Andy for awhile before speaking.

"Andy, we're going to have lots of time together, so don't worry about it. We can't change it anyway now. "

Andy saw Randy smiling and he smiled too. "What about you? I mean, you've got to release too, don't you?"

Actually, while Randy was hard, he had no cum left in him from the weekend. "It's okay, this one was for you...you'll have time to make up for me another time."

Randy slowly rolled out of the bed and helped Andy get redressed. Just as they maneuvered the shirt back on Andy, the phone rang. Andy answered. It was the nurses' station and they had some final night preparations to make. Andy gave them the green light and soon after a nurse knocked on the door.

The nurse opened the door slowly a crack, "So is it safe to come in now?"

"Sure" Andy said.

It was a male nurse though he looked more like a body builder than a nurse. His name tag read "Gunter".

"I need to give you your last dose of pain meds and help you get ready for bed, though I think you look pretty relaxed already, Andy." Gunter smiled.

Randy knew the second the nurse walked in he was gay.

"Did you boys have a little fun?" Gunter nonchalantly went about his business while he waited for the answer.

Andy shockingly looked at Randy and Randy gave Andy an assured look. "Why? Did you want to join us?"

Gunter stopped what he was doing, spun around and took a look at the pair. He was ready with some smart-assed remark but instead he kept his cool.

"No, but Nick and Rick wanted me to make sure you were comfortable, no matter what I had to do to ensure you were `happy'?" An evil smirk came over Gunter's face thinking about the possibilities of Randy bending him over and fucking him silly.

Andy was confused but Randy still kept his cool. "Oh did Rick and Nick send you or are you one of their graduates?"

Gunter went into the bathroom, got a glass of water for Andy and then presented the pills for Andy to take.

"I'm a graduate." Gunter waited for Andy to take his pills. "I am studying to be a doctor but this my part time gig on the weekends. Nick offered to pay for my schooling but I wouldn't have anything to with it after they paid for my nursing education. I'll be starting my residency next fall."

Once Andy was done, Gunter made sure Andy was comfortable. Gunter turned to question Randy. "Are you sleeping on the fold out or where you going to sleep in bed with Andy?"

"I'll sleep over here for tonight. I wore the prince out." Randy stretched and yawned, feeling the weight of the weekend's activities wash over his body.

Andy began to protest but Randy shot him a look to shut-up; Andy knew better than to say anything.

Gunter went to the dimmers and turned down the lights. "I'm going to be on all night so if you need anything, don't hesitate to buzz. You are my only patient tonight." Visually checking the room once more, Gunter did take mental note that he wouldn't have minded helping either Andy or Randy out. He left and with a click of the door, the men inside the room sighed.

"What the fuck was that about? And who is Nick, and Rick?" Andy was still a bit alert as the meds hadn't taken affect yet.

Randy's eyes rolled. "Just like Mr. Wylie, we have very powerful friends Andy. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, but..." Andy spoke but in two steps Randy leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

"Then don't worry, I'll explain it later." Randy smiled. "But for now, my sweet prince, you need your sleep. Tomorrow is Monday and I would love to have you out of here by next weekend."

Andy began to protest but in his upset state, the pills worked faster and quickly put him to sleep. Randy quietly grabbed the sheets and a blanket to make a bed on top of the couch cushions. He waited for Andy's deep breathing before slipping out of the room.

Randy quietly padded down the hallway but Gunter came out of the small kitchen and was startled by Randy's presence.

"Oh I didn't hear the alert, is everything okay?" Gunter was genuinely concerned.

"Are we really the only ones on this wing tonight?" Because of his training Randy was a bit suspicious and needed to settle his mind before turning in for good.

Gunter smiled. "Yes sir, we are. From what I understand, our numbers are down a bit this weekend and the administration, on orders of the Wylie family, wanted to make sure your lover wasn't disturbed.

Randy smiled. "Really? So how do you know about us?"

Gunter made sure to check the door to ensure it was shut firmly then spoke. "I can only assume if you know anything about Rick and Nick, they know everything. They make it their job to know more about others than others know of them. In all the years I served them," Gunter lifted up his right pant leg to show a leather strip securely around the ankle, "they are fiercely loyal to those that are loyal to them."

"So you're not in their service any longer?" Randy was confused.

"When you serve them and you leave, you're really never completely away from them." Gunter smiled. "We're like their children, their family. They continue to watch over the successful ones.

"And the unsuccessful ones?" Randy's interest was piqued.

Gunter's face got serious. "You know that guy that was busted for trying to rough up the other guy at the same firm as Andy's?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He was one of the failures." Gunter's eyes started to well up with tears.

Randy was surprised. "Derek was a trainee?"

"Yeah, he arrived at the ranch the same time I did. He was really messed up." Gunter was now crying. Randy reached over to console him.

"You say `messed up', on drugs?" Randy wanted to know more.

Gunter stepped back, wiped his tears and continued. "No, he 17, Nick fostered him because apparently Derek's step-dad really fucked him over. I remember when he first arrived; his body was full of bruises."

"Damn, poor kid," Randy felt compassion for him, "I saw a lot of abuse in the force."

"No Randy, you don't get it." Gunter looked him in the eyes. "Derek was kept in a cage, forced to have sex with anyone his step father wanted him to. He was beaten and bound on a regular basis. The police figured he was abused since he was 5 years old."

An uneasy silence filled the small kitchen area.

"Nick really loved the kid, but Derek wouldn't have anything to do with it. Derek never trusted Nick and eventually ran away." Gunter got quiet. "The ironic part is that Nick never laid a hand or had sex with Derek. Rick was especially nice to him too but when Derek found out what Nick and Rick did for a living, he got scared. He ran away and none of us saw him again."

"Wow," Randy noticed Gunter's body language and thought about his ex, Tony.

"It's a pretty fucked up world when people do shit like that but unfortunately, some just cannot be saved." Randy lifted Gunter's chin with his big index finger, leaned over, and gave Gunter a gentle, but manly kiss.

Gunter accepted the kiss and hugged Randy.

"Are you going to be okay Gunter?" Randy was a big ol' daddy bear at times.

Gunter smiled. "Yeah, but I was serious, if there is anything you need, Rick and Nick told me to avail my services to you."

Now Randy smiled and reminded himself to call Rick on Monday to thank him.

"I may do that, Gunter. Thanks for answering my questions." Randy left the little kitchen and headed back to Andy's room.

Gunter smiled and whispered softly under his breath, "I love you Derek."

The phone rang entirely too early for Randy. Andy had already been up for about 15 minutes. Randy was surprised to see it was Michael.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Growled Randy.

"Well good morning to you too grouchy," Michael laughed.

"This has to be pretty important to be calling me at 7:30 in the morning. So what's up?" Randy sat up just as Gunter entered with Andy's breakfast and a cup of coffee for Randy.

Michael told Randy about the encounter at the gym locker room with the young trainer Joseph. "So what do I tell Robert? Do I tell Robert? Do you think Robert will care? What the hell did I do this morning to bring on such a dominate attitude?"

After the questions ceased, Robert smiled an evil little smirk and answered. "Michael, first you're going to be calm. This was bound to happen, well not the collar rolling out of the bag part, but you would assert your sexual dominance with another man other than Robert."

At that statement, Andy and Gunter looked at each other in stunned surprise. Gunter smiled a bit and, of course, Andy was completely oblivious to the content of Randy's conversation but neither moved until Randy looked up.

"You just need to talk to Robert. You two are partners now and just because you have this young buck coming over to your house tonight, doesn't mean you have to have sex with him." Robert finally looked up to see Andy and Gunter's looks. "Just a minute Michael, are you two enjoying the conversation?"

It was at that question, Gunter and Andy knew they were staring. Andy was kind of stuck but Gunter helped Andy get out of bed to eat at the little table in the suite. Neither one of them wanted to look like they were listening, but they only listened hard after "supposedly" getting busy with their daily routine.

Randy continued once the staring was interrupted. "Yeah, the gay male nurse and Andy were gawking." He paused. "Yeah, don't worry, they're good. Anyway, talk to Robert, I'm sure he'll be cool with it. He wants to make you happy and he's not a prude. He'll want to serve you and help teach you too. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I think I will. Wait a minute – a gay male nurse works there?" Michael all of a sudden wanted to know more. "Is he cute?"

Randy wasn't going to go into a lot of details with Andy in the room. "Yeah, Andy is doing well and yes, you would be correct in that assessment. Now, is there anything else?"

Michael knew it was time to go. "Nope, thanks for your help."

Gunter had just left the room when Andy asked what that was about. Randy explained he was trying to help Michael with the issues of being gay and reminded Andy that Michael hadn't been out of the closet that long too.

Andy was content with the answer until the "collar" comment piqued his interest then let it drop. He knew he had a day full of torture in front of him and he needed to eat and dress.

"I've got stuff to get done today so I'd better get going." Randy grabbed his unopened bag and kissed Andrew.

"You're not going to stay?" Andy was depressed.

"No," Randy grabbed a bite of Andy's eggs, "I have to find out who beat you up, save Wylie and Sons, and fight for truth, justice and the corporate way!"

"Wow, I get to sleep with Superman!" Andy smiled.

Randy stopped for a moment, smiled, and looked at a now healing face and knew he was in love for sure. He bent over, kissed Andy, and said, "I love you. Now get busy so I can have you home with me this weekend!"

"I love you too." Andy smiled as Randy left. Wait; did Randy say something about his house? Oh never mind, he told himself, he had work to do.

It always seemed that work at Wylie & Sons on Mondays was filled with chatter but as the morning started, the office was eerily quiet. Michael arrived in the office precisely at 7:55 a.m. and there sat Amanda waiting for him to arrive.

"Good morning Michael," Amanda wasn't happy or sad, just there in body.

"Good Morning Amanda, what's up? It's awfully quiet around here this morning." Michael opened his office door to see his computer was already turned up and waiting for his password to be entered.

He turned around as asked, "Why is my computer on this morning? Did you do this?"

Amanda almost pushed Michael into his office and closed the door.

"Everyone's computer was turned on when they arrived. People are reporting that their desks have been tampered with and there seems to be no rhyme or reason about it. I even checked your desk this morning and I noticed but didn't touch your desk drawers because your center drawer was ajar a bit." Now Michael could see Amanda was shaken.

"Sit down Amanda" Michael said firmly.

Michael pushed redial.

"I told you to relax!" Randy's voice was happy.

"Shut up and listen to me." Michael's tone had changed. "I don't want to talk here but someone was through our offices this weekend. Nothing was taken, but things have been moved. I need you here immediately."

"I understand" Randy's tone went serious. "Go around your office and tell everyone to log off their computers and step away from their desks now. No more phone calls until I get there."

Randy immediately hung up and called Det. McMillan's private cell.

"Hey Randy, what can I do for you?" Det. McMillan was happy.

"Someone broke into Wylie & Sons this weekend." Randy was direct "Nothing appears to be stolen but there is a concern that information may be taken. Who do you know at the Agency that can get over there and do a scan of the place? I gotta let you know that I have two offices bugged but the rest are not."

"Are you clearing the offices?" McMillan was thinking faster than he could write. "You need to get everyone out of there for a few hours."

"I told them to log off their computers and just sit tight until I call back." Randy stopped on the side of the road to wait for directions.

"I will call a connection I have; they will do a full sweep in an hour's time and get back to me." It's 8 a.m. now, tell management there to clear out as quickly as they can and let me know when the offices are cleared." McMillian immediate hung up.

Immediately Michael's phone rang. "You need to find a way to get your people out of the building until 1 p.m. I have Det. McMillian calling in a favor from the Agency to go in and do a complete sweep. I'll call Steve and find out if he caught anything on what we loaded on the computers. I will be there in about 20 minutes."

Michael and Amanda stepped out to Amanda's desk. Michael used her phone and did a company- wide announcement.

"May I have your attention please, this is Michael McManus. We are asking that you please log off your computers and leave your work area immediately. We ask that you return to work at 1 p.m. today. This is not a drill, there is no immediate harm to you, but we need to clear our offices immediately. Supervisors, please write down who reported for work this morning and turn those sheets into Amanda before leaving. Let me remind you of our confidentiality clause. You are not permitted to talk to anyone about this incident. If you do and you are discovered, you will be terminated immediately. Please leave and come back at 1 p.m. Thank you."

"Amanda, as soon as everyone is accounted for, you may leave. Thank you." Michael needed to talk to Thomas but saw Amanda's worried look. "I will explain this afternoon."

About 30 seconds later, Thomas with Helen in tow came down the stair wells with a line of senior managers bringing up the rear. Michael could tell Helen was pissed off. Had Thomas not beat her to the punch, Michael would have probably gotten an earful.

Thomas quietly but sternly approached Michael and without missing a beat asked, "What the fuck is going on here?"

Michael put his finger over his lips and pulled Thomas to the side.

Michael turned away from the other senior executives and spoke in hushed tones to Thomas.

"There was a break in last night. I think someone was looking for information. Randy has been alerted. He has Det. McMillian calling in a favor from the Agency to do a sweep. Randy is also checking with Steve to ensure there wasn't anything odd on the safeguards they put into place; I have already taken whatever steps necessary to protect you, Thomas."

Thomas looked into Michael's eyes; he saw how serious this could be for Wylie & Sons. He softened his eyes and stepped away from Michael to address the other managers.

"Helen, this does not concern you, you may go." Helen wanted to protest but Thomas put up his hand as to stop her. She turned in a huff and left.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming down. As you know we take security very seriously here given the government contracts we deal with everyday. While we don't believe there may have been a successful event, we believe that someone may have tried to gain secrets of a top level nature over the weekend from our staff files, records, and computers. We are taking appropriate measures and we will request that you scan your respective areas for leftover employees then leave the building and return at 1 p.m. to restart our regular work week. Thank you."

"Very good, boss man" Michael said quietly. "I will meet you outside."

Thomas didn't answer but smiled that Wylie smile that exudes confidence in that everything will be okay.

The crowd dispersed. Amanda returned from getting the entire supervisor staff sheets and then left.

It was strange that Robert didn't come to see Michael but he figured he abided by the rule and just left. Michael also didn't see Tad but again, it was chaotic when he arrived so he'll catch up with Tad later.

Thomas went to his office, retrieved his briefcase and then descended down the stairwell, meeting Thomas as they went to the ground floor and exited the building. As they headed to the west, Randy came up behind them and told them to continue walking.

"Here's the deal, Steve didn't see anything out of the ordinary showing up on the software we installed. I have talked to Det. McMillian to let him know the offices are cleared. His contact at the Agency should be doing the scan and I'll make sure they have access to everything. I will contact you about noon. Thanks"

And before the men could turn around, Randy was gone.

"Can I walk you to the car, sir?" A familiar voice of Robert came from behind Michael. Michael was happy to hear his voice.

"Why yes you can." Michael laughed.

"Did you hire a driver and not tell me about it, Michael?" Thomas was playing along.

"Oh I think I did more `driving' this weekend Thomas than Robert did." Michael was surprised at his own bravado.

"You know guys, if you want to get a motel room, that's fine by me, but I don't really want to know what you do behind closed doors!" Thomas laughed.

"Was that TMI for you Thomas?" asked Robert.

"Yes, I'd say a little." Thomas remarked.

The three walked across the street to a small park bench and sat down.

"Okay Michael, talk." Thomas got serious.

"I'm sure it's nothing Thomas, but I just wanted to be careful. I don't want anything to circumvent our figuring out who truly is messing with Wylie & Sons. I liked how you dismissed Helen this morning." Michael smiled.

"I know my dad trusted her but sometimes I think she feels as if she should be running the company. She's getting near retirement so I'm going to retire her soon." Thomas surprised the two by saying that.

"She scares me." Robert confessed.

Thomas smiled, "Honest truth, Robert? She kind of scares me too!"

The three men laughed and then Michael got serious.

"Thomas, I think it's time to bring Det. McMillian into this investigation. He needs to know what's been found so far and he may be able to provide some additional help. I think if we come forward now, we may have some leverage when this all comes out."

"Are we sure about that?" Thomas grew concerned.

"We'll ask Randy but I think with this scare today, it's going to become a race to see who gets to the finish first." Michael hoped Thomas would take his advice.

"I have to admit," Robert chimed in, "that this event is all too coincidental. We just don't know what to expect anymore."

It was at this point that Robert looked up and saw Tad staring at the three men. Robert looked directly at Tad but instead of returning the stare, Tad looked away.

"Speaking of coincidence" Robert continued, "Tad was across the street watching us. I stared him down but he turned away. I wonder if he learned his lesson."

"Time will only tell." Michael searched to find him but he had disappeared.

"Well gentleman, it's only 8:30 a.m. and it's already been an eventful day. You both are dressed nicely, how about we stroll around the park then maybe I treat you to dinner at The Perfect Touch. While I know we have a policy of no drinking and working, seeing how I'm the CEO and President, I think we can bend that rule and have a fantastic lunch." Thomas stood up and smiled.

"Well, when in Rome, I say," Robert stood and helped Michael up. "Say, I saw you limping Michael, did you hurt yourself?"

It was at this moment Michael remembered the cramped leg, the locker room and the guest that he will be entertaining tonight.

"Tell you what Thomas, we will take you up on your lunch invitation, but I need to talk to Michael about the Dillingham project." Michael was improvising and Robert knew it.

"Oh that's fine." Thomas understood. "I hope it's nothing serious but sure, we can meet at say 11:15 p.m. before it gets busy?"

"Sure, that would be great." Michael shook Thomas' hand and then proceeded to grab Robert's arm and walk in an opposite direction.

Robert knew something was up and wasted no time. "Okay, bossman, what's up?"

"Something happened this morning at the gym and I need to talk to you about it. I'm not sure how you'll take it but I hope you'll be understanding of what I did." Michael's voice was filled with anxiety.

"Well as long as you didn't have sex with anyone, I'm sure it's okay." Robert retorted.

"Not yet." Michael found a bench and promptly sat Robert down.

Michael shared the story about the cramp, the hot trainer boy Joseph, the locker room and how Robert's collar rolled out of the bag.

Robert couldn't retrain his laughter, "You took MY collar with you to the gym?"

"That wasn't the point of the story, idiot." Michael kind of smiled at Robert's comment. "I was bringing it with me to work so I could tease you with it by being on my desk."

"Oh really?" Robert's dick started to plump up. "And where is it now?"

"I left it in my gym bag in my car." Michael had to think if he had taken it with him into the office or not.

"And you want me to wear it tonight with it being in your manstink all day?" Robert was enjoying this teasing of Michael.

Michael hadn't told him the rest of the story but started.

"The thing I didn't tell you, yet, is that he is coming over tonight to our house. When he didn't let go, I took it as a sign that he was interested. His dick was hard and mine was sticking out for everyone to see. I demanded he come to our house tonight. I just don't know what the fuck came over me." Michael was afraid there was about to be a scene in the park.

What he didn't expect was came out of Robert's mouth next.

"That is so fucking hot babe I want to do you right here. Is there a private grove of trees I can suck you off?"

Michael shook his head as if to think her didn't really hear what Robert said. "What was that?" Robert really wanted kiss his boss/lover and then find a motel room to fuck his brains out.

"Don't you see that? I get off on you asserting yourself like that. Sure, it's an anonymous thing but you at least did it and you're inviting me to be a part of it." Robert was on fire. "So is this Joseph pretty hot?"

Michael was dazed but composed himself enough to smirk. "Well, he IS a trainer, but from what I could tell, there's not an ounce of fat on him."

"You want to fuck him?" Robert's questions really shook Michael.

"Until now I didn't know what I was going to do to him. I hadn't thought that far. Randy said I was asserting my sexual dominance over him."

"You talked to Randy about this?" Robert was surprised.

"Well I wasn't very well able to talk to anyone else about it." Michael was still not sure where this all was heading.

"So when you tried to get the collar from him, did he pull away?" Robert wanted to know everything now.

"No," Michael replied, "he actually held tighter to it until I pulled him close to me. When I gave him instructions, I was about 2 feet from leaving the facility when he ran to me to get my card."

"Oh daddy, he wants you bad!" Robert was almost slobbering.

Neither man could stand up without revealing the huge lump in their pants. Had there been a sleezy hotel within walking distance, they would have been humping like rabbits.

"So you're okay with it?" Michael wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Well like any gay couple, we'll have to establish some ground rules, but for this? Yes!" Robert was smiling ear-to-ear. "Damn, you got more out of the weekend than I hoped!"

It was at that moment the phone rang.

"Hey, how'd he take it?" Randy cut to the chase.

Michael started to twist about to see if he could see where Randy was located. "Where are you? Are you spying on me?"

"Well sorta, I can see you from here but don't try looking for me, I'm not easily seen besides I have some good news." Randy's tone changed, "But first, how did fuckbait take the news?"

"Like a kid in a candy shop." Michael leaned back and Robert knew it was Randy on the other side.

"Well the scan is complete. They found nothing, no breeches, nada." Randy paused. "I'll call Thomas with the good news. By the way, there's another set of eyes on you about 20 yards to your right."

"Who?" Michael already knew before he looked or asked.

"Our new homo-in-training, Tad." Randy sorta laughed. "He looks like he's a little boy needing to take a pee. I think he wants to talk to you but you're distracted."

"Okay, I'll send Robert away for a few minutes to give him some time to visit me. Thanks." Michael leaned over to tell Robert to take a walk for a few minutes and he'd explain later.

As soon as Robert walked in the opposite direction, Tad wasted no time in finding and sitting down to Michael.

"Mr. McManus, can I talk to you, please?" Tad was almost apologetic in his request.

The minute Tad sat down, Michael noticed the thin leather chord that was tightly attached around his neck.

Michael was going to torment Tad but chose to wait.

"Sir, I'm sorry." Tad looked down at his shoes.

"Tad, you need to know if you are truly sorry, you'd look into my eyes and explain why you're sorry." Michael shivered as he sounded more like his dad than a boss.

Tad struggled to look up but met Michael's eyes. Tad thought he was going to see a man filled with hate for him but instead there was compassion in his eyes. Michael returned the gaze and saw not a broken man, but a man struggling with himself and his new identity.

"Sir, I mean, Mr. McManus," Tad struggled for words. "I was wrong to hate Robert. Not that it was an excuse, but I was raised to hate anyone that wasn't like me. If you're black, gay, whatever, my daddy just was a hateful person; now I know I was wrong."

Michael, as much as he wanted to torment this kid, just couldn't. He felt pity for him. Maybe Tad really did learn his lesson this weekend.

"Well Tad, what brought you to this revelation?" Michael wanted to see if he'd slip up and confess to being used all weekend.

"Just, just, just..." Tad's eyes welled up with tears, "...just some personal revelations and at the end of it, I didn't like who I was before and while I'm trying to change, I don't know who I really am now."

At this moment, Robert came up behind Michael. Tad looked up and realized how sorry he really was.

"...and you Robert, I'm very sorry for my attitude towards you. I'm just so sorry" and at that moment Tad just bent over and started crying hard, hot tears of forgiveness. Michael stood up and Robert sat down next to Tad and put his arm around him. Michael stepped around to shield Tad from any public embarrassment.

Again, as much anger Robert had towards Tad, he just couldn't feel that way at seeing Tad genuinely sobbing.

"Ya' know Tad, we all do stupid stuff in our lives. We get told something so wrong for such a long time that we have nothing else to believe but the poison that others have taught."

Tad continued crying. Michael reached in his coat pocket and gave Tad his handkerchief. Tad sat up and looked into Robert's eyes.

"But it's not right." Tad's tears slowed.

Robert continued, "No, it's not right, but Tad, if you truly recognize the lies and are willing to change yourself to be a person full of tolerance and love, you're a much better man for it."

Robert looked Tad in the eyes and said the words Tad needed to hear: "I forgive you."

Tad stopped crying as if someone knocked the wind out of his sails. "That easily? I was really wrong and I should be punished."

While Tad dried his eyes, Robert looked up at Michael and smiled a little smile. "I think you have already punished yourself enough."

"And to give you a chance recover," Michael continued, "How about taking the rest of the day off and when you get into work tomorrow morning, we'll have a conversation about your future at Wylie & Sons."

"Future? I have a future?" Tad was like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Yes, Tad, I believe you do. You'll have to work extra hard to prove it, but by actions, and not words, I believe you have a good strong future with us." Michael smiled.

Tad stood to give Michael's handkerchief back and Michael signaled he could keep it. Michael shook Tad's hand and Robert extended his hand and Tad surprised them both by giving Robert a hug.

As Tad walked away, Michael had this astonished look on his face. "Do you think that was genuine?"

Robert nodded. "Yeah, I think it was. He'll take some time but I think he was changed more profoundly than we had thought."

"Bravo Rick & Nick, Bravo!" Michael grabbed Robert's hand as they walked through the park; nothing was going to stop their joy today.

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