
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Jul 7, 2002


Writer's note: As with anything you read, you should know this is my work, purely fictional, and totally made from figments of my imagination. But unlike my imagination and the characters in this story, AIDS and a wealth of other STD's aren't fantasy. Please use protection! If you're here and you're not supposed to be, then you know what you need to do.

Please feel free to write to me at success66@yahoo.com with comments or concerns. Please do not send negative comments, they'll be ignored.

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Michael - Chapter 3

Michael missed his morning workout. He hated when he did that but he felt he needed to take it slow this morning and regain his footing. For all his talk about keeping his private life separate, his mind filled with doubts about his will power to do so with Robert working just a few doors down.

He stopped in at Rosie's for a quick bite. The one thing he still allowed himself was his bacon and eggs. It reminded him of his mom. She would wake up every morning before even the rooster and make a table full of food. She wouldn't have any of her children going off to school or do chores without a full belly. It was that same high cholesterol and high fat meal that caused his gradual weight gain, but after a struggle to lose and get back to 225 pounds, he allowed himself this one vice. Hell, he thought, it was better than drinking or smoking.

"So you want 'the usual' today hon?" Maggie was dressed in her blue jeans and t-shirt. She was a sight; too much make-up and big hair but it wouldn't be Maggie if she weren't something out of a 50's television sitcom. She poured a fresh cup of coffee for Mike.

"Yeah Mags, I'll take the usual, but tell George to add on hash browns and pancakes this morning." He reviewed the local business section of the paper as he made his order.

"Whoa boy, you're hungry. Hey," Maggie laughed and spoke a little louder , "you got lucky last night. I can tell that glow. You should be hungry. The lucky, lucky girl, if I were only 10 years younger..." she started to walk off.

Michael blushed. So much for keeping things private, he thought to himself. Maggie was a sight but he dismissed her because she would literally give you the shirt off her back if she saw you needed it.

While he read the paper, he really didn't comprehend it. He felt a warm sensation in his crotch. He wasn't thinking about the day ahead, he was thinking about Robert. How could he have fallen so hard so quickly? He could give a flying fuck about the stock market or what the local gas-n-save was doing to stop drive away thieves.

"Here you go honey." Maggie carried two large plates of food on her arm in addition to syrup and a fresh coffee pot. She clanked the plates down hard on the table and freshened Mike's cup. "So do I get to hear about this conquest or are you going to keep me in the dark?" Maggie loved teasing Mike.

Mike looked up at Maggie. He wanted her to shut up but instead he said, "Maggie, it's not what you think. Besides, if you're lucky, you'll get to see them soon enough." Maggie smirked and let him get to his food.

Michael plowed through his food. George, the cook, was a whiz. Over-easy eggs with bacon that wasn't greasy but slightly crisp. The hash browns had a nice tender middle with a golden brown crust. The pancakes were high and fluffy. Michael could eat at any of the more trendy restaurants but he got good food at a decent price here. Besides, it was local. He liked these people.

Maggie came back with the bill. "Well that didn't take you long. I haven't seen you ever eat that much food in the two years you've been coming here." It was true, there was just about a third of a pancake left on the plate. The eggs, bacon, and hash browns were long gone.

"I don't think I could eat another thing if I wanted Maggie." He got up to leave as she cleared the plates. He looked at the bill and dropped a five on the table.

"What's this? Are you sure you want to give me this?" Maggie questioned.

Michael leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You deserve it. You're the greatest."

Maggie was stunned. Rarely did she get such a large tip from a regular. "Well honey, whoever did whatever they did to you, I hope they'll keep doing."

Michael snickered and made his way to the cashier. After paying his bill, he walked outside to see the sky a color of blue that would have gone unnoticed by him before. The grass was greener, the sky bluer, he seemed alive. He liked this feeling.

He walked over to the flower vendor that just sat up for the day and grabbed a handful of pre-arranged flowers. He took a deep smell. He handed the vendor a ten and walked away.

The robust lady hadn't even opened her cash drawer and called out, "Sir, you have change."

"It's okay, keep it." This wasn't the Michael that had been cold and authoritative. This was a new Michael. He felt good. He still had doubts but everything had changed.

The traffic was horrible but Michael managed to arrive just behind Amanda.

"Coming in late, leaving early, someone is going to notice Mr. McManus." Amanda hadn't looked up. She was already engrossed in her e-mail.

Michael dropped the flowers on the desk. Amanda was shocked. In the years that she worked at Wylie & Sons, no one ever gave her flowers for no apparent reason.

"Sorry I don't have a vase for them but I figured someone had something around here you could use." Michael grabbed his mail off of Amanda's desk and walked into this office.

Amanda wanted to ask what was up but wasn't quite sure to make of it. She figured Mr. McManus was always direct with her so she got out of her chair and went into his office holding the flowers. She shut the door.

Michael waited for his computer to come alive. "Yes Amanda, what can I do for you?" He knew he was about to be drilled.

"What's this? I mean, Mr. McManus, I appreciate this gesture but I'd like to know what I did to deserve this." Amanda stood waiting for an answer. Michael looked her over. She was dressed in a light purple skirt and matching suit coat with a light colored blouse. He detected a scent of lavender on her that had recently been applied.

"You know Amanda, I'm not sure. I just felt like you deserved flowers. I guess they looked good and since I don't have a woman in my life to give flowers to, I thought you would like something nice for your desk."

Amanda was still stunned. She hadn't gotten the answer she was looking for. She didn't know whether to pursue this any further. "Well thank you, they are quite pretty. I'll go get some water for them."

"Very good, and Amanda, it's Michael, remember?" He looked up from his e-mail as she started to exit.

"Very well, Mr. McManus." She smirked as she walked out. He can say what he wants, Amanda thought to herself, but he's still my boss.

Meanwhile, things were not going well for Robert. The Dillingham project was not just a nightmare it was a horror. In his mind, Robert knew how "project management" ideally was to work but he really was pushed into a firestorm of disorganization and confusion. He sighed heavily. He knew he had to meet with the contractor today. He also was waiting on information from the newly hired director on the center's purpose and how they intended to fund this project.

There was a knock at his door.

"Hey Andrew, what's up?" Robert smiled.

"Um, do you have a minute? I really need to speak to you for a moment." Andrew looked nervous.

"Sure, you're a welcomed diversion from this Dillingham project." Robert got up and shook Andrew's hand. He always liked Andrew Johnson. He was quiet but he was effective in the company. He had a knack for being able to bring about calm in confusion, he might see if Andrew could help in this matter.

"I'm not sure if you heard but I wanted to come to apologize for something that happened yesterday." Andrew looked down at his hands. He knew this was a big risk.

In all of the activity over the last 24 hours, Robert totally forgot about Michael's confrontation in the boardroom. He wisely chose to play dumb.

"Sorry? For what? I recall anything you did wrong." Robert lied. He wanted to hear if this was going to be genuine.

"Yesterday, I was in the boardroom with Tad Reynolds after our meeting. While we were talking, Tad made some disparaging remarks about you. I wanted to defend you but before I could Mr. McManus came in and confronted us." Andrew spoke slowly making sure to choose his words carefully.

"I wanted you to know before the grapevine got to you that I don't have any ill feelings towards you. As a matter of fact, you're being gay is a non-issue for me. I just felt that I needed to clarify my position. I even wrote Mr. McManus a letter of apology. I just hope that this doesn't affect my position here. I really like my job here. My concern yesterday had more to do with the fact you were there in the meeting but you weren't. You were distracted. I was concerned...well, it's none of my business. I just wanted you to know."

"Andrew, it's okay. Do you think Tad is going to intimidate me? He's a weasel. I know for a fact he's not well liked in the company. I'm glad you came to me but you don't need to worry about it. It's over and done with." Robert looked into Andrew's eyes. He saw the relief in Andrew's eyes.

Robert got up and sat next to Andrew. "To show you I have no ill will, I'll make sure to let Michael know that we had this conversation. I think it would benefit you too. Just do me a favor, okay?"

Andrew looked up at Robert. "Yeah, anything!"

"If Mr. Reynolds wants to share anything around the water fountain or in private, direct him to me. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't defend myself. If he's not man enough to talk to me directly then he's not worth our time." Robert smiled at Andrew.

Andrew stood up and wiped his hands on his pant legs. He shook Michael's hand and turned to walk out.

Robert would make sure Michael heard about this conversation. It was sort of surprising to him Andrew felt any differently. There had always been an air of respect and mutual admiration for each other. Then he sighed. "This damn project is going to be the death of me."

He returned to his desk, sat down, and shook his head. He called Michael.

The phone buzzed. Breaking his concentration, he spoke. "Yes, Amanda?"

"Mr. McManus, Robert Jennings would like you to stop by his office. He says he's having some difficulty with the Dillingham project."

Michael sighed. "Okay Amanda, let him know that I'll be by in about 15 minutes."

"Thank you Mr. McManus." Amanda signed off and Michael returned to his project. He knew that this wasn't about last night. It was about the Dillingham project. He didn't doubt that Robert had the balls to take on the project but he might need a little more handholding than he expected.

The fifteen minutes turned into thirty when he was buzzed again. "Mr. McManus?"

Michael snapped, "Yes, what is it?"

"I'm sorry to bother you but you told Mr. Jennings you'd be in about 15 minutes ago."

"Oh," Michael looked at his desk clock, "yes I did. I'm sorry I snapped."

"It's okay, I'll let you by this time since you brought me flowers." Amanda wasn't offended but laughed as she signed off the intercom.

Michael stood up. Damn, he was stiff. He noticed that for the first time he was a bit sore in his lower back. He smiled. He knew why. He stretched a little then walked out of the office.

"If you need me..." Michael didn't finish.

"...you'll be in Mr. Jennings' office. Go before I have to take you there myself." Michael smiled as he walked away. Good ol' Amanda, she might be all business but she held her own quite nicely.

The air in Robert's office was not stale but filled with stress. A knock at the door broke his concentration.

"Come." He didn't look up. The door opened. Michael had his first look at the man he said he loved just a few hours before. Robert didn't look up. He was deep in thought.

"You need some help?" Michael's familiar voice lightened Robert's mood.

"Can I quit now? This Dillingham project is a fucking nightmare. Oh sorry, I don't mean to swear but I have to ask, are you sure I'm right for this project?" Robert was exasperated.

Michael laughed and smiled. "No, you cannot quit and yes, you will do just fine. I guess I gave you a little more than you can handle. I should have been a better mentor. What's the problem?"

"Well there's no current cost estimates and the ones that I have are barely legible. This director they hired might be good to run the project but she has not concept of the construction timelines or costs. The contractor is trying to get the architect to finish their designs before the go beyond the foundation work. The board has requested a summary of work up to this point by the end of the week. The director is also seeking out additional staffing but hasn't given me any budget information on what the center will need to run day-to-day operations. It's really messed up and I'm sure I'm missing something." Robert's voice, eyes, and face showed the stress of the moment.

"Well you need to build the building first. While it is important to find the staffing and money to pay for the programs, right now you need to nail down the cost estimates, the architect, and the contractor. Call the director and advise her that it is her responsibility to be present at all meetings between all parties, after all, she's the one the board is going to expect accountability." Michael waited for Robert to type this information into his laptop.

"Okay, but I'm supposed to meet with the contractor today. What do I tell them?" Robert waited for a response.

"I guess I would contact the contractor, the architect, and director and schedule a new appointment. Set deadlines and expect them to be met. If they're not, then advise the board of that by the end of the week. You have to be assertive in your communications. Don't overstep but make sure that you reiterate that Wylie and Sons are handling this project at no cost to them. Your services, hell, our services are costly and we felt committed to help but only if they do their part." Michael waited for another question from Robert.

"What if the contractor balks at this?" Robert was concerned. This was the second rescheduled appointment with the contractor. They were in the same boat as the architect. All three were either donating or reducing the price of their services in pursuit of this project.

"I would still keep your appointment with the contractor. Try to see if the architect can be present. At least get them working on your side to push the director and board to get off their collective asses to do their work." Michael smiled at this suggestion. Triple-team seems to work when trying to do a favor to an agency that hasn't shown much interest in actively helping in the day-to-day details.

"Okay, I'll get that done. Should I be able to expect cost estimates by week's end?" Robert was not sure he could get the information in a timely manner.

"No, the board should have already done their legwork. Advice the director that you need those cost estimates hand delivered by no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Any and all financial information should be handed over by that time. You need to know what they know. Actually I'm surprised Mr. Wylie didn't request that information but sometimes some of those details are overlooked." Michael leaned back. Robert would do fine. He just needed the initial push to gain some control. "If anything is lacking, advise the board on Friday. Oh yes, no more than one page on that report. I would also like to see it before you submit it so I know what's going on with the project."

Robert sighed and smiled. He was relieved to have some help. A little smirk grew on his face. "So you do have my backside?"

Michael thought to himself, you little shit. He smiled. "I have everyone's backside here, it's my job."

"So anything else? I need to get back to work." Michael looked at his watch. It was already 11:30 a.m.

"Yeah, Andrew Johnson stopped by this morning to apologize." Michael sat up straight when Robert shared this news.

"Oh really," Michael was surprised, "and?"

"He said that my being gay was a non-issue. He's always respected me and he was actually going to defend me yesterday before you entered the boardroom. He was extremely sincere. I told him that if Tad Reynolds wants to make more disparaging remarks about me, have Tad come to me directly." Robert was glad to share this with his boss.

"Maybe I misjudged him. Thanks for telling me. I'm not so worried about Mr. Johnson as I am about Mr. Reynolds." Michael withheld anymore information since it wasn't necessary for Robert to know anyway.

"Well bossman, I need to get these tasks finished and off to their respective parties before lunch."

"That sounds good." Michael went to get up, he wanted to hug Robert but his better judgement told him 'no'. "When is that meeting with the contractor?"

"Um, it's at 3 p.m. today, why?" Robert looked at his PDA.

"I think I'm going to sit in on the meeting, if you don't mind." Michael was leaning against the opened door now.

"I would appreciate that." Robert smiled. "And by the way, 'ditto'".

"You ass. 'Ditto' to you too." Michael turned and walked out of the office.

Michael was going to go back to his office but decided to detour to Andrew Johnson's office. He knocked on the slightly opened door.

"Yes, come." Andrew looked up. He got nervous immediately.

"Do you have a minute?" Michael tried not to look so serious but closed the door as he entered the office.

"Actually, this is a good time. How might I help you, sir?" Andrew's palms got sweaty.

"Oh stop the sir crap. I'm not your dad." Michael sat down in the chair across from Andrew's desk. "I just talked with Robert and he told me of your apology. I'm impressed. I think I have misjudged you."

Andrew was surprised. This wasn't the conversation he was expecting. "Well, thank you, Mr. McManus. I was afraid you thought of me as a gay basher or something. I'm not. As a matter of fact, I'm extremely sympathetic to the cause."

Michael was taken aback. He certainly didn't expect this kind of response. "Oh really? Then why didn't you say something yesterday?"

"I froze up. I'm not good at confrontations. Do you remember when you interviewed me for this position?" Andrew's palms were now on his lap. He was hoping to hide his nervousness.

"Yes, I wasn't sure you were Wylie & Sons material but I felt you had something that would benefit the firm." Michael settled into his chair.

"I threw up three times that day of the interview. I was nervous. The last position I had was with a group of people that were rude and crass. I hated working for them but I loved the project management field. I thought I could get past it but I couldn't. I didn't fit in there." Andrew was putting his past on the line.

"Hmm, interesting...have you ever talked with anyone about this?" Michael was concerned.

"No, you're the first. I guess after yesterday, I had nothing to lose. I want you to know I'm in total awe of how 'together' you are. I wish I had the balls to be as bold." Andrew felt his palms soaking the leg of his pants.

"You're nervous now, aren't you?" Michael had noticed the moment he entered but now that the cards were on the table, he was going to confront this man on his fear.

"Yeah, I am. How can you tell?"

"Your hands are no where on the desk. I can assume your legs are soaking up the sweat from you palms, am I correct? Michael kept pushing.

Andrew didn't answer. He jerked his hands back onto the desk.

"Well tell you what Mr. Johnson, you are going to get lessons in assertiveness and we're going to cure you of this nervousness. You are too damn valuable to have a scared child on my team. Do you understand?" Michael raised his voice. He did sound like a dad now.

"Yes, yes, sir." Andrew was barely audible. He wouldn't look Michael in the eyes.

"Tell you what," Michael smiled. "I'll talk to HR and I'll have them conveniently forget the incident yesterday. Also, I want you to be in a meeting with me today at 3 p.m. Robert is having some problems with the Dillingham project and from what you have reported to me, you are in need of a new project. Am I correct?" Michael stood up and started walking to the door.

"Yes, I am, but the Dillingham project? That's huge, I don't think..." Andrew was cut off.

"Sorry, you're not allowed to think." Michael turned and laughed at Andrew. For the first time, he noticed the striking innocent beauty of the man before him; almost too innocent. "I'm just kidding. I think you have skills that might help Robert. I will expect you there." Michael didn't wait for an answer.

Andrew collapsed in his chair and found his wastebasket. He threw up.

It was fifteen minutes to three o'clock. Robert gathered up the files and what information he had on the Dillingham project and headed for the boardroom. He hoped he hadn't forgotten anything.

On his way, Michael found him before he entered the room. "Take it back," were Michael's only words.

"Huh?" Robert was totally confused.

"Take back that whole mess. This meeting isn't about details. It's about clarifying our position. Did you manage to get a hold of the architect and director?" Michael put his hand on Robert's shoulder to turn him in the direction of his office.

Robert almost dropped a file but Michael's quick reflex caught it. He also took a couple of the tubes of preliminary drawings that were tucked under Robert's arm.

"What are we going to talk about?" Robert entered his office.

Michael entered behind him. He looked down at Robert's ass. He sighed. "Um," he was distracted briefly, "we're going to talk about what we discussed this morning. We're going to clarify with all parties where we stand. I have other work to put you on and I don't want your time wasted fucking around with a bunch of deadbeats." Michael surprised himself. He swore very rarely.

Robert grabbed put down the files on his work table. Michael followed closely behind. As Robert turned to get around Michael, Michael kissed him hard on the lips. Robert was totally taken off guard.

Breathlessly Robert asked, "What about separation?" He smiled knowing this could be trouble.

"I've been wanting to do that all day. You're lucky we have a meeting. I'd fuck you right here and now. I'm glad we don't have windows in these offices." Michael was filled with lust.

Robert still didn't know what to make of it but there was a knock at his door. Both Michael and Robert separated but the evidence of their brief encounter could be see in the slight tenting of their slacks.

"Come," said Robert. Andrew entered. "I'm sorry Andrew, I have a meeting in 10 minutes, is this imporant?"

Michael leaned against the table away from Andrew. He smiled a lusty smile. "I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you that Andrew is going to help you with this project. We came to discover that this would be a good skill-building opportunity for him."

Robert was relieved. He hated the fact he couldn't return the sexual look that was on Michael's face. "Great! I gladly welcome you along for the ride." He looked at Michael when he said, "ride".

Andrew was nervous. "Um should I meet you in the boardroom?"

"That would be a good idea Andrew. I have something to discuss with Robert, would you please close the door?"

Andrew didn't answer; he did as he was told. He knew he interrupted something but wasn't sure what it was.

Robert spoke first, in a hushed angry tone. "You fucker, I thought you were willing to keep this out of the work place?" Robert closed the gap between Michael and he.

"I did?" Michael was teasing him mercilessly. "C'mon, tell me that you haven't wanted me to kiss you all day? It was fun. It was dangerous. It's your fault this happened."

Robert passed by Michael and went for the door. He turned around and looked at Michael. "No, my dear, it wasn't my idea. It was yours. I wasn't the one who was caught with his shirt off at 'The Hole' ready to be made the bar's fuck toy." He opened the door and walked out. He got the last word.

Michael laughed. The fucker, he thought to himself, he got me. He ran out the door and walked next to Robert.

All the interested parties came in as expected. Robert made introductions and in turn the director, architect, and contractor all introduced themselves. The director was confused as to why there were 3 people from Wylie and Sons.

"To be honest Ms. Baker, we're at a loss at what has been done for the last three months. We have a foundation but we don't have a real plan as to what or how the building is to be used. We have no cost estimates and we basically need to get all the necessary information to get this project completed." Robert spoke with authority but wasn't condescending.

"Well Mr. Jennings, I would agree with you. I have only been with this group for about two months but if you could see what I have sitting on my desk, you could understand my lack of action. I have been required to give 60 hours a week to learn the current program and that doesn't include dealing with the new center." Ms. Baker was exasperated. She wanted to complete this project too but she was confused as to where to go.

"Excuse me," Michael spoke up, "but you're telling me that the board, when they hired you didn't ask if you had this experience? Just wonderful!" Michael wasn't happy about this news.

"No, Mr. McManus, they didn't. I know how to run a program, I know what's expected of me as to helping children and adults, but I was led to believe that these details were all taken care of before I came." Ms. Baker looked directly at Michael.

The architect spoke up. "If I might, the reason we're sitting at a site with an open hole and no building is partly due to the fact the board has never really given us what they want built. They wanted a building. If they want four walls, I can do that. If they want floors, I can do that, but I can't be expected to design it and not know what it's intended purpose is."

"And as for us," the contractor spoke, "we were given initial expectations and poured the foundation based on those measurements. No steel, no concrete, or other essential materials have been ordered as of yet. If we don't move in the next month, this building won't get built in the next construction season. We have other orders to fill."

Robert looked at Michael. Michael returned the look and thought that this was a real nightmare. He sighed.

Michael spoke. "Well Ms. Baker, to answer your earlier question, the reason there are 3 of us here is to help you get this project on task. I want to remind that our consulting fees are waived completely due to Mr. Wylie's interest in this project. I understand the architect and contractor are doing this work at an "at cost" option." Robert and Andrew sat watching Michael.

"What I think we're going to do here is this: Robert is going to head up this project and Andrew will assist him in the financials. Robert simply needs information. What we are expecting is to get a preliminary cost estimate needed to complete the building or at least know what kind of funds we're working with right now. Secondly, we need a definite plan for the building. How long would it take to draw up detailed plans for the building once it's use is determined?"

"Actually I have already worked on that on a purely speculative level. I guess if we knew what kind of facility would be needed, I could have it done in say, a week or two." The architect looked at her calendar. She had nothing on her books to be done.

"As for the contracting, once you have plans, how long before the structural engineers and other personnel can have their plans drawn up?" Michael was in full control now.

"I can't say, but I will tell you this, if we don't have materials ordered by the end of next month, we're not going to be able to go ahead. So I'd say by the middle of next month we need to have all plans finalized." The contractor liked this guy.

Michael straightened up. Robert and Andrew knew this is where he was going to give his orders.

"Then here's what I expect. I believe Robert has quite a bit of information already but I want to have all financials to his office by no later than 5 p.m. tomorrow. They must be in our hands so that on Thursday we can begin work. I would like you all to drop by his office before you leave so you can see what he does and doesn't have. Then once we have this information, Andrew will review the financials and give the information to the proper parties." Michael was warming up.

"Ms. Baker, I want you to know I respect your position. I also know that it sounds as if you were misled. I feel badly for that but that's not going to get this building built and project underway. I suggest that you make yourself available to my men here to be apart of the planning of the building. Since you're the one who's going to use it, we'll need your input. We will be scheduling another meeting at 10 a.m. on Friday morning. Can all parties be there?"

They all nodded in approval after checking schedules.

"Good, then by Friday we should start getting some answers. Oh yes, one final thing: I will be speaking with Mr. Wylie about this meeting. Since he is a major contributor and board member, I think it wise he's made aware of this mess. I don't blame anyone. I just think we need to pick up and get going from here. Good day."

And that was it. Michael didn't feel he was being overly demanding but he felt it was time to get the ball rolling. Everyone exited the room and went to Robert's office. Michael returned to his office. He felt Robert had enough to go on. Besides, he had wasted enough time on this pursuit.

Michael fired off an e-mail to Mr. Wylie to outline the meeting and what was and was not accomplished. Mr. Wylie was a generous man but sometimes didn't follow the paper trail to its completion. I guess that's why I have a job, Michael thought to himself.

The day was coming to an end and he had a project for Amanda. Michael buzzed his intercom. "Amanda, would you come in here?"

Without hesitation, Amanda entered the office. "Yes my liege, what can I do for you?" She smiled.

"Oh you've been quite the wit today. Cut it out!" Michael smiled. "I guess "my liege' is better than "Mr. McManus". You may sit."

Amanda smiled. "Oh thank you most gracious sire. Now what may I do for you?"

Michael sat silent for a moment. "Amanda, I would like you to arrange a retreat for my staff, the entire staff. I want to have all levels of management there including administrative support. It should start on Friday evening and it should go through Sunday afternoon."

"Oh really? What's up?" Amanda questioned.

"I just don't think our staff has been working as a team lately and I feel the need to get some tweaking done. Would you call Ben & Marcia Anders and ask them to facilitate? I like their style." Amanda sat writing notes as Michael spoke.

"Where and when are we going to hold this event?" Amanda waited for an answer.

"Amanda I'm going to leave that up to you. Find out when the Anders are available and find a retreat that we can have for no more than $500/person. Oh yes, I want spouses invited to this event. I think it's time we have them along. Besides there is going to be a lot of free time so I think it would be nice that if I'm going to force these people to go away for the weekend, they should at least be able to have some fun."

That was it, Amanda knew something was up. "Okay Michael," she spoke his first name knowing it would get his attention, "what's up? You've never been this way before. What happened to you in the last few days?"

Michael's eyes sparkled and he smiled slightly. "Ask me another time. I don't want to jinx this, okay?"

Amanda returned the smile. "Okay, I think I have my ideas but I'll keep my mouth shut. Now are you sure you want me to make these decisions."

Michael leaned forward as if to share a secret, "I think you're more than capable. If you have questions, let me know."

Amanda stood up. "Don't I always, Michael?" She made sure to emphasize his first name as she walked out the door.

A knock came almost immediately after Amanda exited. "Michael, may I speak with you?" It was Robert. For a moment lust filled his veins. What a damn fine looking man he was.

"Sure, please close the door." Robert closed the door and locked it. He didn't speak as he approached Michael. Without warning, Michael was pushed away from his desk and Robert kissed Michael hard.

Michael tried to free himself from Robert's lips but couldn't. As the kiss continued, Robert opened up one of the buttons of Michael's shirt. He reached for one of Michael's nipples and pinched it. Michael grunted but loved the attention.

Robert pulled away. Their eyes met. "What's that for and why here?" Michael was confused.

"This is unfinished business." Robert didn't wait as he reached for Michael's fly. Michael tried to stop Robert but he knew he wanted this too. His cock was already getting bigger.

"We can't do this here. It's not right." Michael pleaded with Robert but Robert wasn't listening to his complaint.

"The door is locked and I can do anything I want, this is my time." Robert freed Michael's cock and then got down on his knees. He wasted no time in taking Michael's cock in his mouth. The onslaught wasn't just the head, Robert literally swallowed Michael's cock.

Michael was sane enough to remember where he was but everything in his body was exploding with excitement. How can one man bring so much pleasure to another like this, Michael thought. Right now it didn't matter. He loved this. He loved the chance of getting caught and he couldn't care who knew what was going on.

The intercom buzzed. "Mr. McManus?" It was Amanda.

Michael, gaining as much composure as possible, "Um yes Amanda."

"It is 5 p.m. and I'd like to take care of this project for you tomorrow, would that be okay?" Amanda couldn't make out the sounds of silent sucking going on behind the doors of the office but Michael sure heard them.

"That would be okay. I will see you tomorrow. Have ahhhh good night." Robert chose that moment to slide Michael's dick out of his mouth and then swallow it quickly.

"Good night Mr. McManus." The intercom signed off. Michael put his phone on do not disturb.

Michael looked down at Robert. "You shit, I can't believe this is happening."

Robert didn't say anything but the smile in his eyes spoke volumes.

This wasn't going to take long. Michael went from sane to horny in 0.5 seconds. He felt every nerve ending as Robert milked his cock. He could feel his balls preparing their gift.

"Oh man, I'm about ready to pop. Are you sure you want this?" Michael warned Robert but Robert knew what was going to happen. He sucked harder.

"Oh fuck!" Michael grabbed Robert's head and began thrusting his cock deeper as the first shot of cum came firing out of his dick into his lover's mouth. Then another shot made Michael shudder with a force that he knew could be registered on the Richter scale. Again, a shot made it's way into Robert's mouth, but little did Michael know that he wasn't swallowing all this seed. He retained the last few drops as Michael fell back into his chair.

Robert didn't say anything but made sure to pull out his handkerchief and wipe any stray cum before putting it back into Michael's pants. He stood up and kissed Michael making sure to share the small amount of seed on his tongue. Michael tasted himself on his lover's tongue. He loved it. They kissed for what seemed an eternity before Robert broke the kiss.

"So what's for dinner tonight? I'm hungry." Robert smiled.

"After that appetizer, I don't know. What do you want?" Michael waited for an answer.

"Steak. I want 100% Grade A brand steak." Robert smiled.

"I think I can help you with that." Michael pushed Robert away and shut down his computer. "Meet me at the elevator in a few minutes, okay?"

"Great, I need to close up my office too." Robert unlocked the door and went to his office. He knew he smelled like he had sex but he didn't care. The office was deserted.

The night was far from over.

The end of chapter 3

Next: Chapter 4

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