
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Jul 26, 2002


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Writer's note: First of all, thanks for the positive responses. I apologize that this has taken awhile to get completed but my muse has returned. I realize that the muses were female in Greek Mythology but mine is tall, dark skinned, and oh so gorgeous...and guys...he's mine! Enjoy!

Michael - Chapter 4

As they rode down in the elevator to the garage, Michael was sort of fidgety. Robert wondered if he should ask Michael if there was something wrong but then wisely remained silent.

The car descended and finally arrived at G1. This level was where Michael would get off to get his car. It was the executive level parking. He stood in the doorway keeping the doors from closing.

"So where do you want to go eat?" Michael said.

"Can we just get some stuff at the store and go back to your place?" Robert offered a suggestion.

"You know that would fine with me." Michael looked down and got silent. "I think it would give us a chance to talk without distraction."

Robert agreed. "Well since I need to get changed do you want me to go to the store or what?"

Michael smiled. "How about I get the steak and fixings and you go home and change. Are you going to stay the night?"

"I'd like that if you want me to." Robert was going to wait for an answer but continued, "Do you want me to come ready with work clothes for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I would." Michael leaned in keeping his leg against the now anxious door. His lips met Robert's. It was a tender kiss. It was simple and sweet.

Robert sighed. "Mr. McManus, you keep doing that to me and, well, I'm going to be hopelesslyd lost."

Michael stepped out of the door and let it close without answering. He had only about 15 feet to his car. He already had the doors open and engine started. He decided it was a beautiful night so he opened the top of his convertible. He knew that he was in love but he also felt a nagging in his stomach. He dismissed it as hunger but he knew it went deeper than a physical thing. He pulled out of the stall and then drove on out of the garage.

Robert was still relatively new to the company so he was relegated to G3. While Wylie & Co. would eventually move him up to the upper level as his tenure grew, he still had a longer walk and wait to get to his car. Damn this elevator was slow, he thought to himself.

Finally the doors opened and he made his way to the car. As he found his keys and inserted them into the door, Robert saw a small piece of paper attached to his windshield under his wiper blade. He carefully reached for the paper and opened it. It was handwritten but he didn't recognize the handwriting. It read:

Be careful, you are being watched. A friend

"Strange," Robert wondered out loud. Normally he wouldn't let this get to him thinking it was a prank, but something in his conscious told him to take heed to the warning. I can fix that, he thought to himself as he got in, started his car, and drove home.

Michael was enjoying the little shopping excursion through the Piggly Wiggly. Three nice lean NY Strips, a few large baking potatoes, zucchini, summer squash, some other assorted vegetables, condiments, and some fresh French bread littered the shopping cart. Michael thought about buying some beer or wine but decided against it. He wanted to have his full faculties available tonight.

He quickly checked out and the bag boy arranged his groceries in 3 separate bags. Michael noticed the boy and realized that he wasn't that young and he was cute. Damn, Michael caught himself thinking, only a few days and I'm already thinkin' like a fag. He snickered as he thanked the boy and made his way to the car.

Michael threw the groceries in his back seat and decided to check the voice mail on his cell. He had a message.

"Hey Mikey," Michael noticed the familiar tone of Robert, "I need you to make sure you grabbed enough food for three tonight. I've got a special guest coming. I realize it's last minute but I'll fill you in later. Ditto!" The message went dead.

That was strange. Michael looked back at his groceries. He had enough to feed an army so he started his engine and headed for home. His mind was engrossed in questions who this mystery guest would be and why it was short notice. He figured it would be revealed soon enough.

Michael knew that it wouldn't be long before Robert pulled into the driveway for the night. He grabbed his groceries and headed inside, closing the garage door behind him. He got the perishables in the refrigerator and then went to his room to change into a polo shirt and a pair of blue jean shorts. Since the weather was nice he opted to go barefoot feeling the cool wood surface as he made his way to the kitchen.

Michael decided to pour himself a little drink so as to take the edge off the nervousness he had in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't figure out what it was but he knew something was going to happen. Just as he took a swallow, the doorbell rang. He looked at his watch but realized it was still a little early for Robert to make it from his place. He took a look in the peephole and saw a rather tall muscular man standing on the other side.

"Who the fuck could this be?" Michael said out loud.

Michael weighed his options very briefly. It was still daylight out so it most likely wouldn't be a mugger or someone to rob him. Maybe this was Robert's mystery guest? He threw caution to the wind as he opened the door.

The tall muscular man smiled then looked surprised. It was like he had seen a ghost or something. He exclaimed, "well I'll be fucked!"

Michael was taken aback for a moment. This man was familiar to him but he wasn't quite sure how this could be true. His mind desperately searched for some connection.

The man, standing in the doorway, put his big thick hand out and introduced himself.

"Hey, you must be Michael. I'm Randy, Robert's friend."

At that moment Michael's face drained of blood. His mouth got dry and he couldn't speak. This was the guy that was going to fuck him at the bar. The night that Robert saved him from making a mistake he'd never forget.

"I'm sorry," Michael stammered returning the firm handshake of Randy. "I'm glad to meet you. I'm just a little surprised that you're here." Michael then looked confused. "Why are you here?"

"He doesn't know Michael." A voice spoke from Randy's back. "He's here because I asked him to be because of a "gift" I received tonight." The voice revealed itself. It was Robert.

As Michael moved out of the doorway for Randy and Robert, he still was dumbfounded and had a hard time speaking. Robert's earlier description of Randy paled in comparison to what he saw standing before him.

Randy was easily 6'4", broad shouldered, and solid muscle. There wasn't an ounce of fat on his body, or at least what Michael could see. Randy wore a goatee that gave him an air of authority. Michael's face was rugged, dark, and sexy. His eyes were dark brown and his dark hair was shaved close on the sides and just a bit longer on top. He was definitely a man to avoid if you didn't want the shit kicked out of you.

Robert came in behind Randy and put down his bag and hung his suit on the coat tree in the entrance. He moved around Randy and gave him a big hug. "Thanks for coming on short notice, I appreciate it."

Michael closed the door and then waited for his turn. Robert turned to him and kissed him full on the lips. Randy stood in awe, smiling a shit-eating grin. Robert and Michael could have easily forgotten Randy but there were too many unanswered questions and Michael wanted to get to the bottom of this.

"So you save this fuck bait for yourself and I get you instead? I think I want a refund." Randy broke the silence.

"Um, no refunds Randy. But if I remember, you made one hell of a deposit on me the other night at 'The Hole'!" Robert slugged Randy's chest.

An awkward silence fell on the three. It was anyone's game so without so much of a word, Michael started for the kitchen with Robert and Randy in tow.

As Michael put on his "Kiss the cook" apron, Robert and Randy moved around to the other side of the island Michael was working at in the kitchen.

"Is there anything I can do?" Robert wanted to help.

"Yes there is," Randy spoke up, "why the fuck am I here? I know it's not for sex."

Robert pulled the note out of his back pocket and handed it to Michael first. Michael put down the slicer he was using to prepare the veggies. He looked at the note then shook his head. "Who the fuck?" was all he managed to say.

Randy put his hand out. He read the note. He smiled. Michael returned to his work as Randy turned to Robert.

"This is a job, isn't it fuck bait?" Randy looked at Robert directly.

"Yep, find who might be watching me and well, then we're gonna have some fun." Robert said with a tinge of anger in his voice but there was something more; something almost sinister, maybe evil, in his voice.

"This might be a prank, did you ever consider it?" Randy looked blankly at the note again.

"Yeah, but I don't think this is. I think I have my suspicion as to whom wrote this note." Robert looked at Michael.

Michael paused for a moment scanning his memory. "Andrew!"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking too." Robert smiled.

Randy was curious. "Who is this Andrew and why do you think it is him? I mean, do you think it's him watching you?"

Michael was preparing several plates of raw meat and veggies for the grill. "Uh no, but the guy we're talking about is Andrew Johnson. He's one of my project managers. He is sympathetic to "the cause" as he put it. I never bothered to ask him why he felt that way. We got involved in some personal issues and shit, maybe the boy is growing some balls, or..."

"He's a closet case?" Randy spoke up.

"I don't know. I don't believe too much in 'gaydar' but there have been some vibes I've gotten around him." Robert saw that Michael was ready to move on to the grill and started to grab a plate.

"I wonder if his self-confidence problems stem from his being gay and he doesn't know it, or doesn't want to admit it?" Michael spoke as he grabbed a plate and pushed the two men out of the kitchen towards the deck.

Not much was said until after Michael got everything on the grill to cook. Robert went back in to the kitchen and got some fresh brewed iced tea for the three and returned to the deck.

"So what about this note, and what do you want me to do?" Randy stretched out on one of the chairs. His shirt pulled out of his jeans as he stretched giving just a glimpse of hair that trailed to places locked under his belt.

"I want you to investigate. Follow me, check my phones for wiretaps, see who might be following me, and when you have enough information, see me. You know me, I'll pay you well." Robert was now bent over the table. "Do your usual thorough job, okay?"

"And as for me," Michael continued, "when you find out, I want to know too. If it is one of my employees, they'll be sorry they ever messed with Robert."

"This could get costly guys." Randy sat straight up.

"Fuck it," Robert dismissed him. "I want to teach this asshole a lesson. Not the one who wrote the note but the one who might be following me."

Michael looked at Robert. His eyes danced in the warm evening light. The sun was setting and the stars were beginning to make their appearance. The moon hadn't shown it's face but there was a warm breeze that swept across the deck forcing the grill's contents to make their stomach's growl with anticipation.

Michael and Robert got up and checked the food. It was ready. Robert grabbed Randy's plate and threw a steak on it with some veggies and a potato. The other two got their helpings, shut down the grill and returned to the table.

As they started eating their food, Randy asked the question he had wanted to ask since walking in the door. "So fuck bait," Randy loved calling Robert that name, "how is it I get your ass and you end up with this guy?"

Michael laughed nervously. Robert began to fill Randy in with all the details of the last week. Soon, the appetites that were ravenous earlier were now filled to satisfaction.

"Well Mike, let me tell ya, I might look like one mean mother fucker but I'm really a pussycat. It's all an act, well some of it." Randy got an evil grin as he continued. "I'm not gonna lie, Robbie's ass is the finest thing I've fucked in awhile but I'm glad he's found someone like you. Just too bad that I didn't get a shot at it."

Michael laughed nervously again. "Well, if Robert doesn't work out, you just might." Robert shot Michael a nasty smile. Robert knew that Michael was kidding but even though he loved his boss, there was a small inclination to let it happen.

Randy was ready to go. "So I'm on the clock now. Thanks for the food. Oh by the way, what are you guys going to do to the guy who's watchin' you?"

What Robert said next surprised Michael.

"It depends," Robert mused out loud, "I might blindfold him and take him to 'The Pit' where he could learn some real discipline, or we could just let you take care of him. "

"Oh you are evil," laughed Randy. "Well listen boys, it's still early and I need to get on the prowl. I'll get back to you in a week or so." Randy turned to Michael and said, "take care of him, will ya? I'm sure you know he's got the finest ass a man has ever had the pleasure of having, so be good to him."

Michael smiled and blushed. Randy didn't know they hadn't actually fucked yet, but figured that wasn't something Randy needed to know. He showed Randy to the door and shook his hand. Randy pulled him into a big hug.

Robert opened the door and hugged Randy. They might just have been fuck buddies for a few times, but Robert trusted Randy to find out who might be following him. They watched out for each other.

As Robert said good-bye to Randy, Michael had already been to the grill and scraped it down. Robert came up behind him and put his hands around the front of Michael. Michael just melted backwards to feel Robert's lips brush against his neck. He also could feel Robert's bulge pushing against his ass. It felt strange and yet, it felt good.

Michael turned around and kissed Robert full on the lips. Fuck the grill, he heard himself saying. Michael forced his tongue through Robert's lips. They kissed for along time. Their hands caressing asses, chests, necks, heads, but their embrace was strong and passionate.

Robert broke the kiss. "Um, maybe before this gets too serious, we should at least clear the dishes and put away the food."

Michael looked directly into Robert's eyes. He saw something he hadn't seen in his lover's eyes before: it was fear.

"It's going to be alright." Michael didn't need to ask what's wrong. He could feel the beating of Robert's heart against his chest. "Randy will find out what's going on, okay?"

"I sure hope so. I'm not good about wanting to look over my back all the time." Robert broke the embrace and started stacking plates, food, and various items to take to the kitchen.

Michael could tell this wasn't going to be easy. Damn, he thought to himself, he really wanted to talk to Robert. Maybe this wasn't a good time. Confusion was running rampant in his own mind, but Robert needed his strength. He felt no time was going to be a good time so he got to the dishes and let some time and silence come between them.

Michael grabbed other items and closed the door to the outside. He met Robert in the kitchen, and the two worked efficiently to get the work done quickly. Just as they finished cleaning up, Robert's cell rang. It was Randy.

"Yeah Randy, what do you have?" Silence as Robert listened. "Oh FUCK," he screamed, "you mean they were outside..." his voice trailed off. "Yeah, I know you're gonna have fun, but shit, this is really bad. Yeah, yeah, I'll let you go. Let me know what you find out."

Michael sat on the stool in the kitchen watching Robert. For the first time it never occurred to him that he was in this too. Well if there were any doubt, he'd be labeled a "fag". That didn't shake him except for the fact that the previous events that have led up to this hadn't given him enough time to deal with his own feelings about being "gay". For the first time, he felt sick to his stomach. What would his ex-wife say, what about people at work? He started to get a headache.

"Robert, I was going to wait to talk to you about this but we need to talk now. I'm not sure this is what I bargained for when we started fucking around." Michael watched Robert's face as he spoke. "I mean, I'm still trying to come to grips with the reality that I might be gay and here we've got some asshole following you around, and well, me now, too. It's just too surreal."

"Michael, I know. I wish to God that you weren't tied up in this." Robert started to cry. Michael stood up and went over to Robert. "Maybe I should just leave and let Randy handle this."

"Fuck no! I'm not going to lose you over this. So what the fuck? I'm gay? Who's gonna do a damned thing? They won't at work. Wylie and Sons are really adamant about discrimination. My friends will know eventually. I'm here for you now." Michael hugged Robert harder. Michael was going to kill the fucker who was doing this. He wanted to know who wrote the note too, but for now he comforted Robert.

Robert looked up at Michael. Tears stained his face. Robert started to laugh. "Here we are, two moderately butch guys, one crying, one not out of the closet yet, and now we've got someone following us. Could this be anymore like something out of a spy novel? Michael?" Robert got serious.

"Yeah babe?" Michael looked into his lover's eyes. He saw fear but he saw comfort.

"Mikey, I want you to make love to me." Robert reached up to kiss Michael's lips. He moved to Michael's ears and whispered. "Please, make love to me now. I want you inside of me."

Michael didn't need anymore coaxing. He pushed Robert off and told him to get his clothes and go up to the room. Michael left the light over the sink on. He then made sure to lock the door and checked it two more times. For the first time, he put the alarm system on Level 1. This would alert to intruders or anyone who might be creeping around the house. Michael hated the system but he needed it more for himself than Robert. He started up the stairs.

As Michael entered his room, he saw that Robert wasted no time in losing his clothes. Almost as if it were planned, Robert laid in the middle of the large bed with the room almost dark with the exception of the moon's now bright rays shining down across Robert's face and torso. This man, this Robert, was his lover. This was a man who wakened a deeper man inside of himself. He was masculine, sexy, hot, horny, and just the finest piece of manhood to walk the Earth.

The music was already playing. Michael moved towards the bed and took off his polo shirt and shorts dropping them on the floor. He shed his jockeys and slowly moved over his lover. The heat of Robert's body warmed his. Michael's lips grazed Robert's lips, but they didn't kiss. Robert reached for it but Michael had moved on. Slowly, Michael made love to Robert's neck. This wasn't about Michael tonight. It was about Robert.

Michael was sure he could do what Robert did to him. He had never sucked a man off. He had never had a cock up his ass, and hadn't really ever loved another man in a sexual manner. Michael moved down to Robert's smooth defined chest. He slowly licked around Robert's nipple and then nibbled. Robert met the nibble with a gasp. No word was spoken, just sounds, groans, and moans would fill the room tonight.

Michael continued to move down towards Robert's belly button. As he licked around the hole, Robert laughed. He was ticklish but the next target was Robert's cock.

Michael was unsure of himself. He looked up at Robert. In almost a telepathic means, Robert smiled and rose from under Michael. Moving under Michael, Robert's face was now at Michael's cock. Again, no words but as Robert licked at Michael's cock, Michael followed the move. Slowly as Robert sucked on Michael's dick, Michael followed suit. But nothing prepared Robert or Michael for what Michael did next. Without any provocation from Robert, Michael started licking and pulling on Robert's ball sac. Robert stopped sucking Michael and just moaned, but Michael wasn't done. Michael wanted to go further.

Without any warning, Michael got off of Robert and pulled Robert into a position on his hands and knees. Robert was afraid that Michael was going to dry fuck him but Michael had other plans. Michael gently pulled Robert's ass apart and gently licked Robert's ass. Robert almost shot through the roof with the first push of Michael's tongue. Michael continued to lick and started to push his tongue through Robert's hole. It wasn't disgusting it was wonderful. Michael knew by how Robert's hole clenched at his tongue, this was natural.

Robert's ass was now on fire. Michael was enjoying this. He felt Robert's ass shove his tongue deeper into the hole. The taste was clean. Michael was sure he couldn't keep this up much longer and have Robert cum with him. He pushed Robert forward as slid his pre-cummed covered cock over Robert's hole.

"So fuck bait, you want my cock?" Michael made sure to use Randy's pet name for Robert.

"Oh fuck yeah, but I don't want you to fuck me. I want to be made love to, please?" breathlessly Robert asked.

"Okay Robbie," Michael said as he pushed the head of his cock into his lover's hole. "Here's my tool. I want you to feel me tonight. I want to claim you as my lover."

As Robert's hole adjusted to Michael's cock, sweat started to form on their bodies. Michael continued to slowly push his way into Robert until his cock was all the way in. Robert felt Michael's pubes against his ass.

There were no more words exchanged. It was almost as if the world disappeared from their existence. There was only them. Just their hands, their bodies, joined together as only two men could be joined. As Michael began to pump his cock into his lover, Robert would meet each stroke. They were both extremely horny but it was as if they wanted this to last a long time.

Michael didn't want to cum this way. He wanted to see Robert's face when he comes. Slowly he stopped and turned Robert around. Michael slipped out briefly but after readjusting Robert's legs, he reentered to see Robert's face explode in erotic pleasure.

As the continued to kiss, they both sensed it was time. The familiar pull of their balls into their bodies signaled the point of no return. They continued to thrust into each other as Michael sought to go deeper into Robert. Their pace quickened as their balls tightened. They tried to hold back their initial spurt of cum but when it was released it seemed that every nerve ending was exploding with pleasure. Robert could feel the pulsing cock of his lover deep inside of him as the cum made its way down his ass. He'd been fucked before and yes, even called it "making love" but this was different. He felt safe here.

Robert's cock exploded with a fiery fierceness that made its way through the bodies of the embracing lovers. The cum seemed to seek out any gaps and fill it as a cement glue to keep the lovers in their grasp. Their embrace, their kiss seemed only to intensify and bind them together. This was not fucking, this was a communion of hearts. It was to change them forever.

Michael was the last one to exit the shower and see Robert sitting on the bed surfing the hundreds of channels on the television. He looked over at Robert and couldn't believe this was happening to him. He shut off the light to the bathroom, tossed his towel over a chair and jumped back into bed.

Robert shut off the television and looked over at his lover. He turned to his left side propping his head up with his right arm. He smiled. He was in love. He reached over and grabbed the back of Michael's head and kissed him.

Their bodies both smelled clean with the recent shower. Even with another quickie performed by Robert on Michael in the shower, they was still an air of lovemaking in the room.

Michael sighed.

"What's wrong?" Robert asked.

"Just too much shit going on too fast. If you asked me a week ago if I would have been in this position tonight, I would have laughed at you. It's just moving too fuckin' fast." Michael sat up. "I mean I love you but in all my life, I have never been out of control."

Robert sat up and moved to Michael. "Hey, where did this come from all of a sudden? I mean I can understand you being upset about someone following me, but..."

"But what?" Michael questioned. "You've been gay for a long time, me, it's all new. I didn't even know, or at least I don't think I knew. Now we've got some pervert or blackmailer following you, and probably me, around. I just don't like it." Michael stood up and moved to the window looking over the valley.

Robert sat in bed for a moment and didn't say anything. It really hadn't occurred to him that this guy really needed to figure this out. A lot had been thrown at him in the last week and now this note and the need for Randy.

Quietly Robert looked up at Michael and said, "Do you want me to leave?"

Michael sighed. He spoke quietly. "No, I don't."

Robert was relieved. He got up and went over to Michael and pulled him away from his solitude. He began kissing Michael very lightly on the lips as his hands made their way around Michael's body and landing together in the small of Michael's back.

Michael returned the kisses. This wasn't going to be another prelude to sex. Robert turned around and led Michael to bed. They pulled the sheet over their naked bodies and kissed again. Their hands moved over each other's body.

"Robert is this wrong?" Michael asked.

"Michael, what does your heart tell you?" Robert was afraid for what the answer might be.

Michael laughed, "It says it's glad you're eating Promise spread?"

Robert didn't quite get it until he realized Michael was pulling his leg. "Oh you're funny, so funny!"

"Seriously? My heart says to love you, and you know what? I do." Michael pulled Robert closer.

"Good, that's what mine says also." Robert kissed Michael once more.

Michael turned over and hit the automated light switch and the lights went dark in the room. When he rolled over, he felt Robert's back to him. He reached over Robert's chest and pulled him tightly.

"Just promise me something," Robert said.

"Yeah, anything." Michael waited.

"Regardless of what Randy finds and how this whole mess comes out, you'll still be there for me." Robert's breathing started to get steady.

"Oh you don't get rid of me that easily. I need you as much as you need me." Michael kissed the back of Robert's head.

Soon their eyes closed and their bodies joined in the rhythmic breathing that brought them to sleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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