
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Feb 27, 2003


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WRITER'S NOTE: Okay, so your patience has paid off. I appreciate the kind comments and e-mails I've received. I think you're going to like this chapter. It only took me 4 hours to write so pardon the grammatical and spelling errors, if any.

Chapter 6

As Randy, Andrew, Michael, and Robert went down to the parking garage, Michael became a little edgy. Robert noticed it right away but figured it was Michael's way of getting his thoughts together.

The door opened to the executive parking area and Michael stepped out of the elevator. He turned to look at the three men remaining inside and thought for just one more moment.

"Robert, I think you should come with me. Andrew please go with Randy. I think it would be best if we went into separate cars."

Andrew began to protest but Michael put his hand up. "I know you aren't ready to be involved with this Andy, but you might as well learn to grow some balls if you're going to be in this business. It's always about politics, especially when family members are involved."

"There's just one problem here," Randy interrupted. "How the fuck do we get to wherever we're going?"

"Just follow me. You have my cell number don't you?" Michael directed his question to Randy.

"Yeah, I have fuck, I mean, Robert's too." Randy pulled out his cell and waved it at Robert.

"Then you'll be fine, just follow me. We'll meet at the main gate of the garage and go from there." Finally the doors of the elevator were allowed to close, but not before Michael stopped them.

"By the way Randy, you'll be compensated very handsomely for your work." Michael let the doors close.

Robert wasn't sure what Michael meant but he figured it had to do with money. Randy loved money. He also loved the pursuit. Whatever Michael meant, he was sure he'd learn what it was soon enough.

Michael and Robert headed to the impeccably clean, midnight black Lincoln Towncar. He hit the automatic locks so Robert could get in on the passenger side. Michael hit the automatic starter and the car was already purring softly by the time he sat behind the wheel.

Michael leaned over to Robert. Almost forcibly he grabbed Robert's neck and pulled him to his lips. Robert didn't need to be asked. He opened his lips and their tongues started dancing immediately with each other. The brush of their evening beards felt good against each other's face as they continued in their semi-erotic embrace.

Michael pulled away and put the car in reverse. Robert just remained in position, almost stunned at what just happened. For the first time today, his dick was hard and leaking. Fuck, he thought to himself, I have fallen hard for this man.

As they made their way to the garage gate, Randy was waiting in his sleek black, Lincoln Navigator. Robert was kind of surprised at the type of vehicle Randy was driving, he knew Randy to be an old junker kind of guy, but that might be the personality, not the type of car he drives.

Slowly the two vehicles made their way out on the street and down the road. Even with no traffic, it still would be a 20 minute drive.

Robert finally broke the silence. "So what was that kiss for?"

Michael hesitated, he needed to chose his words carefully.

"I'm not sure. Well fuck, I am actually, well, I'm scared."

Robert was surprised. Michael was scared? The great Mr. McManus was afraid?

"Of what are you afraid?" Robert prodded.

Michael sighed. "This whole situation, I mean, I'm not ready to "come out" as they say. I have only really been doing this for a few days and I haven't had time to really figure out what I am feeling."

Once the words had time to sink into Robert's brain, he wasn't surprised. Actually, when Michael freaked on him that morning after the whole bar thing, he thought Michael would have put a 10 foot stick between them at work. Robert wasn't sure what to say, but he spoke anyway.

"Hey Michael, remember this is me, your friend, Robert? I'm not going to judge you. I have to be honest when I say that I'm not surprised that you haven't broken down yet about being "gay" or whatever you think it is, but don't worry. You don't have to do anything that you're not uncomfortable with, okay?"

Again a silence permeated the car. It was heavy and it seemed the only thing that either one heard was their own breathing.

"But am I supposed to say to Mr. Wylie about us?" Michael asked out loud.

"Nothing, not a word. It's none of his business. It's no one's business. I'm the token gay guy at the office. I don't want to do anything to compromise your leadership." Robert took Michael's right hand and kissed the palm.

"I couldn't stand it if you got fired." Michael started to cry. His tears were welled up in his eyes and some managed to fall down his cheeks.

"Oh baby, don't think that way." Robert leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "You have to remember, I'm a rich white boy. I don't need to worry about this shit. Besides, something tells me that there isn't going to be a firing tonight."

Michael was a mess of emotion. He knew he had to get it under control if he was going to be professional. Mr. Wylie was a fair man but he was all business. He figured that even though it was only 9:30, it was still hardly a time for a social call.

Robert wasn't sure how to proceed. Part of him wanted to rip open Michael's fly and suck his dick, because even though this wasn't a time for sex, he was incredibly taken by this man. But instead he held his lover's hand and watched as the streetlights overhead paced the car as it made its way to the Wylie Estate.

"Michael, just take a couple of deep breaths, compose your thoughts, and just be ready for anything, okay?" Robert kissed and rubbed Michael's hand some more.

"Do you really think Mr. Wylie isn't onto Anton? C'mon, the man is the head of one of the most successful consulting firms in the state. I have a feeling that what is going to happen is there is going to be an ass kicking tonight. You just are going to confirm it for Mr. Wylie." Robert tried to build Michael back up again.

"You know, that's kind of what I thought. This doesn't make sense. I knew there was some rivalry and politics behind the scenes but I just didn't expect to get in the middle of this." Michael was gaining his confidence.

They were about halfway to the estate when Robert's cell rang.

"Hey fuckbait, how much further is this place?" Robert heard Randy's raspy voice on the other end.

"Michael, "Dickhead" behind us wants to know how much further." Robert laughed as he questioned his lover.

"Tell him about another 10 minutes." Michael laughed.

"Hey Dickhead, it's only about another 10 minutes. What's the hurry? Got some ass you have to plow?" Robert was being nasty with Randy because he knew he could get away with it for now.

"Well as a matter of fact, yeah. I think I might have someone to train, if you get my drift. And you'd better watch that "dickhead' shit unless you want mine up your ass again." Randy laughed.

"Oh man, such promises, besides I've had bigger." Robert teased back.

"The fuck you have. I know you. Even that boss you're humpin' doesn't have what I have. No one loves you like I do." Randy was ready for a cell phone pissin' match.

"Well I'll agree there." Robert laughed. "But we do need to talk. You'd better be careful, if you're thinking about diving into Andy. Something tells me he's not too experienced."

"Damn straight on that, virgin territory, if you get my drift!" Randy got kind of serious. "Besides, I haven't been with anyone for awhile."

"Oh fuck, that's right, you haven't, how long has it been since Joey walked out." Robert was reminded of the terrible split up of the first real gay couple he knew.

"The shit has been gone for 3 years. You know, every once in awhile I find something of his that reminds me. It still kind of hurts, y'know?" Randy got quiet, he saw that Andrew was elsewhere in his thoughts.

"I bet it does. I'm sorry about bringing it up. But what about Andy, is he really a virgin, both teams?" Robert wanted to know more. He wasn't a gossip queen but some juicy information might aid his cause at work.

"Damn straight. He told me that first night, but maybe we should talk about this later, you think?" Randy didn't want Andy to think he was going to rape the poor virgin hole.

"Yeah, I think we're getting close anyway. I'll talk to you in a bit. I love you bud." Robert ended the call.

"You mean to tell me that Randy wasn't always a rowdy son of a bitch?" Michael asked.

"Oh man, it was horrible. Randy has always been rowdy, but that fuck up Joey got involved with some bad people. He started to drink too much, started taking drugs, and well Randy told him to make a choice. It was either the drugs or him. Joey walked. It just killed Randy." Robert looked at Michael and continued.

"You probably wouldn't believe it but Randy stopped going out for the longest time. Randy and Joey were the nicest guys. Actually, they were my first threesome. Fuck, as hot as Randy is, Joey was even hotter. He was Cuban and man the boy could suck cock, but I'd better stop this. I'm going to get worked up and not be able to do anything about it." Robert smiled.

Michael shook his head and smiled. "Ah youth...can't live without them and you can't fuck them. Well, in my case, I can."

"So is this an indication that you're okay?" Robert moved to adjust the hardening piece of meat in his trousers.

Michael reached over and squeezed Robert's dick. "Ah, I think I'll be okay after this is all over."

"I hope." Robert met Michael's squeeze with a jump of his dick.

The Wylie Estate has been around for a hundred years or better. Michael had only been out to the estate once but even in the night time, it was a sight to behold. The gate was open so the vehicles made their ascent to the mansion. The topiaries were eerie and awesome in the light of the clear starry night.

Robert caught glimpses of deer and on the lush green lawn as they got closer to the house. This reminded him of his grandparent's home in Virginia but he felt it was best not to mention this to Michael. Even though he had told Michael that he was well off now, he didn't think it was important to blow him away with the knowledge that he could buy the Wylie's estate three times over and still have money left.

They finally arrived to the front door. As the four men gathered before going in, Michael did a quick check of himself.

"Gentlemen, I don't want you to be intimidated. Mr. Wylie is a good man and he's very fair, but please be EXTREMELY respectful of his status. This man is not only my boss, he is very powerful and can ruin a man for life. Do I make myself clear?" Michael spoke more like a father than a friend.

Robert rolled his eyes. "Yes Dad, can we go inside now?"

"Uh Andrew, come here for a minute." Michael called.

"Yes Mr. McManus?" Andrew was already nervous.

"You're going to be okay, aren't you?" Michael looked directly into Andy's eyes.

"Yes sir, I will." Andrew only looked for a second before looking down.

"Young man, this is where you start to grow some balls. It is time for you to see how real business is run. I think you'll like Mr. Wylie." Michael smiled. He put his right index finger under Andrew's chin and forced him to look at him. It was going to be alright.

The four approached the door. Michael didn't even ring when James, the Wylie butler, opened the door.

"Good evening gentlemen, Mr. Wylie is waiting for you in the Billiard room. Please follow me." James closed the door once everyone was inside. They followed James down a long hall and to the right through a door.

From what Robert could surmise, the room sat on the western side of the house. It was a deep forrest green with burgundy accents. The room smelled sweet of pipe tobacco and a faint hint of cigar. A large billiard table took up the center of the room. It was already set up for a game.

Along the outer perimeter of the room, there were several highback chairs that were strategically placed to provide ample viewing without any blocking of play. There was a small desk in one corner and a small bar in the opposite end of the room. It was truly a man's room.

From out of a door that seemed to disappear into the wall, the four men felt Mr. Thomas Wylie's presence enter the room. Once into their direct view, everyone, save Michael, were surprised at this powerful man's appearance.

Thomas Wylie was no more than 40 years old. He was about 6'2", hints of grey coming in around his temples but his hair was mainly black. His piercing blue eyes were strong and commanding. His face was lean and the noticeable cleft in his chin was more akin to an actor than a man of business. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans with a pair of some designer tennis shoes. What caught Robert's eyes was the fact the man wasn't a slouch. He was very muscular and in shape. He was a commanding presence, indeed.

"Good evening Michael." Thomas took Michael's hand and shook it. "Excuse my appearance but you did catch me off guard. I was, well, entertaining, but I sensed that you wouldn't have called me if it weren't important. And who might these gentlemen be?"

"Good evening to you to, sir." Michael returned the handshake. "These two gentlemen are my associates, Andrew Johnson, and Robert Jennings." Each of the men shook Thomas's hand when introduced.

Michael kind of snickered. "And this dapper gentleman is Randy Hanson."

"Hey, that's not fair," Randy protested.

"Mr. Hanson, my pleasure. Don't worry, if I can show up in a t-shirt and jeans, then you're just fine. Would anyone care for a brandy?"

They all declined. Thomas still went over and poured himself a glass.

"Why don't we sit over here." As they took their seats, Thomas spoke again. "So, it's late gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

Since Michael was the head of this adventure, he took the lead.

"Mr. Wylie, it has come to my attention that someone has hired a private investigator to dig up some dirt on your organization, namely Robert." Michael continued.

"You aren't probably aware, but Robert is gay. He has been with the company for a couple of years and recently some events have come to a head that have caused me to sit up and take notice."

"And just who is leading this investigation?" Thomas was already starting to get concerned.

"It's your brother, Anton." Randy chimed in. "Sir."

"First, gentlemen, thank you for making me aware of this situation. I agree that it couldn't have waited until tomorrow. Secondly, cut the "sir" crap. I may be your boss, but I'm not much older than you are. Around here, when its just us, I expect you to just call me Thomas, okay?"

Thomas took a moment, drank his brandy and then continued.

"Finally, I had to wonder what my dear brother was up to lately. He's been far too quiet. So what are these "events" that have come to your attention Michael."

"Well sir, I mean, Thomas, the one that really took me to task was a conversation that I overheard in the meeting room the other day between Andrew and another employee, Tad Reynolds. While Andrew wasn't really a party to the conversation, Mr. Reynolds felt it was important to violate our policy on discrimination."

Michael watched Thomas as he shared the story.

"I have already talked with HR and they are fully aware of the issue. But it was the fact that Andrew said that Tad was going to dig up some dirt on Robert that had me concerned. Then last evening, Robert was over at my home to do some work," Michael took a gulp at the lie he just uttered. Robert kind of blushed but it went unnoticed by Thomas but Randy saw it. "Well, Randy, who is a private detective and a friend of Robert's. Robert hired him to find out if this was true. Little did we know that in a few short hours, we'd find out it wasn't Mr. Reynolds but your brother who was behind this."

Thomas was visibly angry now.

"But sir," Andrew spoke very softly, "I can't help to thing Tad isn't part of this scheme. He really hates Robert. He shouldn't, Robert hasn't ever done anything but be professional towards him, but Tad doesn't like anyone who's homosexual."

"Well Robert, I can tell you as long as you have been professional in your dealings at Wylie and Sons, I don't think you need to worry." Thomas was trying to keep his temper in check, even though he was young, his blood pressure was still a concern.

"My greater concern is to figure out what is going on with my brother Anton. Something tells me there's a lot more than we even know. FUCK! I should have known he'd pull something underhanded. What a fuck up he is!" Thomas wasn't sure how to proceed.

The four men looked at this power man and racked their brains on how they could help.

"Mr. Hanson, is it?" Thomas spoke

"Just Randy, if you don't mind." Randy smiled.

"You've just been retained by me. Any expenses you have had before this point, please remit them through Michael. While you will bill me directly, Michael will be our go between, if that's okay with you Michael?" Thomas was formulating a plan.

"Anything you need Thomas, just let me know what you want me to do." Michael knew better than to stop Mr. Wylie's plan.

"One more thing Randy," Thomas looked directly at him. "If you do the kind of work I think you will do on this project, then you can look forward to much more from my company. Do you understand?" Thomas smiled.

"Yes, sir, I mean, Thomas." Randy was getting excited. "But there might be a few things I need to get this really up to speed."

"Anything, do you hear me? Anything you need, it's at your disposal. Before you leave, I'll make sure to write you a check." Thomas turned to Robert and Andrew.

"Gentlemen, I can't say that I'm a little concerned that you are involved. I don't feel as if you should need to have anymore information than what you know now, but rest assured your help has been duly noted and I will be watching you very closely. I want you to keep your eyes and ears open. Do what you have to do but do not raise any suspicion about what your role is here. Let Randy to the outside work and anything he needs in the office spaces. If you hear of anything, bring it directly to Michael or myself. Do you have any questions?"

The two men shook their heads no.

"Michael, I would like to speak to you for just a minute." At that moment, James appeared. "James, please show these gentlemen outside to the entryway while I have a word with Michael. We should be along directly."

With that the three men shook Thomas's hand and exited the room. As the door closed, Thomas got up.

"Michael, please come with me."

Thomas went through the same door he entered at the beginning of the meeting. Michael followed him down a small hallway and up a steep stairwell.

"I love being rich," laughed Thomas. "It is a shame when your brother becomes your enemy but Anton chose his road. I remember when we were kids, I knew everyone of these "secret" passages."

As the two men neared the top, Michael did have a chance to notice Thomas's ass. It obviously was firm and round. There wasn't any fat that he could see on his boss's body. He kind of laughed at himself thinking this way about his boss, but then he remembered he had a man downstairs that loved him very much.

They entered another door to a study. Michael was amazed again at the elegant decoration. It was almost something out of a French chateau or something like that.

Thomas caught Michael's astonishment at the ornate room. "Pretty impressive, huh? Maybe when this is over, Robert and you can come out for a weekend so I can show you two the entire estate?"

Michael stopped dead in his tracks. He knew the blood drained from his face. He quickly scanned his brain for what to say next. He'd been outted? By his boss? How could this be?

Thomas continued towards his desk. He sat down and took out a large checkbook. As he turned the pages, he pointed to a chair across from his desk. He motioned Michael to sit down before his fainted.

"Thomas?" Michael questioned.

"What? Do you think I don't see it? I'm not stupid. I might be the playboy to the young and blonde around here but I'm not blind. You have feelings for him, don't you?" Thomas began writing out a check.

"I don't understand. I mean, I'm not sure how I feel about all of this, yet?" Michael started to gather his thoughts.

Thomas just laughed. "Oh man, you've got it bad for him. I can tell that. Nobody calls one of their employees over for "work" to their home. I don't, well, most of the time I don't. Besides, I wasn't sure until just now. You are good at what you do, Michael, but you're a horrible liar."

"But I still don't..."

"Understand?" Thomas interrupted. "Don't worry, you don't have to. I'm not going to tell anyone. Besides, it's none of anyone's business. And now I know you're little secret, can I share one of mine?"

Michael was suspect, but he trusted Thomas.

"Sure, go ahead, I've got nothing to lose." Michael leaned into the desk to take the check Thomas was now handing him.

"The ol' Wylie clan isn't as straight as you think. The reason I got the controlling portion of the business is because Anton is gay. I'm not as regressive as my dear old dad, may he rest in peace. Anton chose to be a playboy but not with the women. Understand?" Thomas leaned back in his chair.

"So you knew? I mean about Robert?" Michael was suspect.

"Hell yeah, I knew. I might be up in my posh office but I still know what's going on in my business, well, I thought I did until tonight. By the way, I read your e-mail about the Dillingham project. Sounds like you've got it under control. I am impressed." Thomas stood up to shake Michael's hand.

Michael stood up. "Well thanks sir. I appreciate that." Michael finally looked at the check.

"$25,000, are you serious about all this?" Michael followed Thomas to the door.

Thomas turned to Michael before opening the door to the hallway.

"Michael, I am serious. I'm not much older than you are. The only difference between you and I was that I was born into money. I am the only brother of three that really gives a damn about this business. I will do anything to protect it and my family's name. Anton be damned. I love him but he's not going to ruin the work of three generations. Now before I go one more thing."

"Yes?" Michael looked at Thomas.

"When we're in the office, just you and I, you can call me Thomas. I know that we have a formal attitude around the office but I could really see us becoming friends. I know that my dad is probably rolling over in his grave as I say this, but I like you and I like what I see in Robert. I hope whatever the road you take with him, you have a great relationship, I mean that. And I meant what I said earlier, I expect to see you out here for a weekend once this mess is over, understand?"

"Yes sir!" Michael saluted as a joke.

The two men went out into the hallway and down the stairs. They met the other three and James, who waited patiently. They shook Thomas's hand again and exited the house.

Thomas sighed just a bit as he watched the four men chat briefly. James broke the silence.

"So is Master Anton up to his old tricks again?" Thomas shot him a quick look.

Thomas sighed again. "Yes and I think its time we teach him a lesson that he won't soon forget. Damn, I wish Dad were still alive. I could use his counsel."

"Sir, if I might speak freely for just a moment," James requested.

"Sure, anything James." Thomas looked at him.

"I've known you for years, since you were a boy. No one ever thought you'd be the future head of a consulting empire. Just remember that it wasn't as much what your father taught you about business as it was what your mother taught you about people. Treat them as you wish to be treated. Remember?" James was silent.

"Yeah, I remember. Everyday I wake up I hear her voice. Maybe its time to call her out of her latest vacation for some assistance." Thomas thought out loud.

"Will there be anything else?" James inquired.

"No, have a good night, old man. And James, thanks." Thomas headed up the stairs again.

"Sleep well sir." With that, James turned the lock and the lights were shut off.

After the four men exited the mansion, Michael pulled Randy off to the side.

"Are you ready for this?" Michael handed Randy the check.

"Holy FUCK! Are you serious?" Randy couldn't believe all the zeroes he saw.

"I guess Thomas is serious. He wants this cleaned up fast. Randy, let me stress one thing to you. I guess it could be some friendly advice. Don't fuck this up. That business Thomas talked about is pretty extensive. You won't be sorry." Michael was serious as he looked into Randy's eyes.

"Well I don't have much of anything else going on right now. Besides, when I said some upfront cash, I was thinking like $1000, but $25,000? Shit, I don't know. This is fuckin' die-hard. My balls are his." Randy went to hug Michael.

Michael broke the embrace and laughed. "Son, I don't think your balls is exactly what he wants. Oh yeah, one more thing...if I can clear it with Robert, I think I have a debt to settle with you."

Randy looked puzzled then he smiled an evil grin that spread his rugged face. "Ah fuck, Robert took care of that, besides you were pretty fucked up. I don't know if you would have enjoyed it or not. I know I would but you probably would have been sorry."

"Still, I'm a man that settles his debts. Oh yeah, go easy on Andy. I heard only one side of the conversation over here, but the boy is tender. Give him a chance to grow on you, okay?" Michael slapped Randy's back and turned to get Robert.

Robert and Andy exchanged small talk as the two men finished up their conversation. Randy told Andrew to get into his truck. He'd take him back to the office to get his car. Michael and Robert waved them off and got into their car. There was a definite feeling of release.

For the second time in the same evening, Michael forcibly made his entrance into Robert's mouth. He wasn't just relieved he was horny. The passionate kiss they had earlier wasn't even equaled to what they had now. The car was on but the heat generated inside the car was enough to start steaming up the windows. Each man had one hand on the other's dick. This wasn't lovemaking, this was raw sexual drive. Michael knew they wouldn't make it home if they didn't break now.

Michael wanted Robert now. He knew it would be about 30 minutes before he'd get home, but though he assumed Robert would come home with him, he should ask.

"Are you coming home with me tonight?" Michael asked.

Robert didn't speak. Michael was heading down the road from the estate. He was waiting for an answer. Robert loosened his tie and opened the top buttons of his shirt. Next he reached over and did the same to Michael.

Robert moved down to the obvious tent in his lover's pants. He struggled to get the trousers open and the fly unzipped but once open, it didn't take long for Robert to get at Michael's throbbing tool. The underpants were already wet with anticipation but now, with cock exposed to the world, Robert licked the copious amounts of precum that covered the head.

Michael was having a hard time concentrating on the road. Damn, Robert's tongue felt good against his flesh. He wanted this. He wanted to feed Robert. He wanted to release the pressure of the day into his lover's mouth and then taste it when he would kiss him later.

Michael pulled off the road into a very dark street where he shut off his car and lights. He moved the seat back further and let Robert take full advantage of his cock. Michael couldn't believe this was happening. First his office and now his car? What this man did to his inhibitions. Had he known sex with a man was this fun, he would have divorced a long time ago!

Robert's oral massage was getting too much. Michael started to thrust his cock further into Robert's mouth. His hands were all over Robert's head. He paid attention to the fact that Robert might choke but there weren't any of those sounds

Robert began to moan. That was what almost brought Michael the edge. Robert wanted Michael's load. He wanted to drink his lover's juice. He bobbed his head even faster, he knew it wouldn't be long.

Michael was breathing deeply. He could feel his balls tighten up and the movement of the cum through his shaft.

"Oh fuck baby, I'm gonna cum. Oh man, it's gonna shoot, O fuck, I love you!"

Those were the last words that were heard in that car for awhile. First a heavy volley of cum was lobbed down deep into Robert's throat but slowly Robert was able to move his tongue in such a manner so he could taste his lover's seed as it continued to dump shot after shot into his mouth. He took extreme pleasure in receiving this gift. He wanted it all.

What seemed an eternity passed before either one could speak. Robert released Michael's cock only when he was sure that there was no more. Michael was in a state of pure ecstasy as Robert made his way up to his lips. Michael tasted his cum on the tongue of his lover. What he first thought was just a hot sexual act between guys, was really an act of love. The two continued to rub each other's bodies as they kissed.

Robert finally broke the silence.

"Damn, that was hot, but I have a problem. I have a serious case of blue balls right now, and it fucking hurts."

Michael laughed. "And what do you want me to do about it right here?"

"Close up your fuckin' pants, turn on the car, and drive me to my place so I can fuck you there."

"Oh you think I'm going to be that easy?" Michael started to do as he was told.

"Oh fuck yeah, and a lot more." Robert turned on the key as Michael moved the seat back into position.

They got back on the main road and headed to Robert's place. Michael didn't realize it but it was only half the distance there than it was to his place. He looked forward to seeing Robert's apartment again, not to mention his sweet ass.

While the two sat quietly, Michael thought about what was said by Thomas. He needed sometime to think things out about where he stood about being gay, if he was gay, what his feelings were for Robert, was it just a rebound thing, and a lot of other ideas stirring around in his head. Michael then felt the intense relaxation between his legs.

"Robert, thank you. That was hot, what you did back there." Michael smiled.

"Tell me you never had that before and I think I'll die." Robert snickered.

"Don't die but no. Never had a blowjob in a car before. Hell I never had a blowjob like the one you gave me in the office the other day." Michael was giddy and whatever recovery time he needed was over because he could feel his cock getting hard again.

"So what did you and Mr. Wylie talk about? Where the fuck did you go?" Robert was trying to keep his mind off the pain of his balls.

"Well that door he appeared from actually is a passageway to a staircase to his study on the 2nd floor. As for what we talked about, well lets just say we're both invited to his mansion for the weekend when we'd like." Michael held his breath as he finished his statement. Not sure if Robert would understand.

"Holy fuck, you told him about US?" Robert yelled.

"No, he figured it out. When something is important to me, I am a horrible liar. He figured it out." Michael was quiet.

"Damn, he's good. But he didn't get on you for dating an employee?" Robert was all smiles now.

"Nope. He actually wished us well, and I think it was sincere." Michael was trying to remember where to go to get to Robert's apartment.

"Well I guess we've got a friend in high places. And hon, you missed our turn about 3 blocks ago. Turn around...and hurry, I've got business to take care of!" Michael hit the brakes, did a u-turn in the middle of the street and hit the gas. He wanted to finish with business too.

Next: Chapter 7

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