
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Aug 13, 2003


Please feel free to write to me at success66@yahoo.com with comments or concerns. Please do not send negative comments, they'll be ignored. If you know you shouldn't be reading this then don't. Isn't it that simple?

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Writer's Note: You know, it sucks being poor, but being a peon in a dead end job still takes a lot out of you. There have been and are going to be a lot of changes for me in the coming months. I think what you're about to read isn't going to be much different from any other story on the "archive" but I hope it will captivate your minds and hearts. I have some story lines I've left dangling (thanks to you know who for reminding me) so I'm going to need to get them resolved. The major one is Michael's own acceptance of his homosexuality, but rest assured it's not going to be terrible...yet.

Please continue to write me as I LOVE to hear from you!

Michael - Chapter 7

Randy and Andrew drove back into town. The silence was only interrupted during an occasional sound of a turn signal, or a sigh that seemed to overtake Andrew.

Randy's head was still spinning from all the zeroes in the check he had in his pocket. He never had a retainer this big before and he knew that he would need to do an awesome job on this assignment if he wished to keep Thomas Wylie's interest.

Randy looked over at the smaller man occupying the seat next to him. He realized, maybe for the first time, that his macho stud tricks wouldn't be enough to get Andrew into bed. The words from Robert rang clearly in his head. Andrew would have to be approached with caution and care. After all, the kid was a virgin.

Randy saw Andrew's head heavily rest against the window. He could tell the kid was tired but he wasn't sure if it was the hour, because it wasn't that late, or the emotional toll. Obviously this kid didn't like confrontation.

"So what's your next move?" Andrew asked as he tried to keep from falling asleep.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. I'm going to see what I've got in the hopper and then talk to Michael about it. I might do some wiretapping at the work place but it's hard to say." Randy ran his head over his buzzed hair. He reminded himself he needed to get it cut.

"So what's it like, you know, doing what you do?" Andrew asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" Randy focused on the road.

"I mean, here you are this butch guy, a PI, and you're gay, right? How does that work?" Andrew looked over at the husky man driving the SUV.

"Well fuck yeah I'm gay, but you knew that didn't you?" Randy kind of snorted.

"Ah man, I'm sorry, I shouldn't pry." Andrew backed off.

"No man, it's okay, really. As for me being a PI? It's not big deal. A lot of bravado involved. You just got to stay one step ahead of the others that's all." Randy looked over for a minute to see Andrew's reaction.

Andrew remained silent. He knew he wanted to ask the question but wasn't sure if Randy would stop the SUV and try to rape him right there or not. He felt a stirring in his groin that he hadn't felt since the first time he met Randy.

"So, is being gay really worth it?" Andrew asked the question sheepishly.

"Honestly? If the sex is good, then yeah, but it's a lonely road. I've been burned and frankly, that's the shitty part of it. I could probably tell you stories that would make your head spin, but I won't. There's nothing 'gay' about being gay. It's a hard life. I've seen people go down the tubes because they just couldn't cope with it."

It seemed time passed more quickly because it wasn't long before the two arrived back at the parking garage. The garage was deserted as it was well past the time for anyone to be at the building.

"Hey Randy," asked Andrew, "would you follow me home?"

"Sure. I would love to. I know the way." Randy smiled.

Andrew got into his bug. He started it up and exited the parking ramp with Randy not far behind. He wasn't worried about losing Randy because he was following pretty close. Something else was bothering Andrew. It wasn't the nervousness that he had known previously. This was different. He felt the butterflies in his stomach and he knew that he had the opportunity to do something that would change his life, but he wasn't sure he could carry it out.

Meanwhile, Randy called Robert on the cell. He figured that Robert might be busy screwing the boss but he had to take a chance.

"Hello?" the voice on the other side was breathless.

Randy laughed. "Hey fuckbait, you getting laid?"

Robert took a deep breath. "Uh no, we just finished. Why the fuck are you calling me now?"

"I'm sorry babe, I just had to ask your advice on something." Randy was embarrassed now. For all his cockiness, Randy knew that getting fucked was serious business.

"Oh man, you're calling about Andy, aren't you?"

Randy was surprised as he answered, "yeah, I am. How did you know?"

"Fuck man, it doesn't take a scientist to see that you have it bad for him. Just do what I told you earlier. Take it easy on him. Anything else?" Robert's breathing was starting to normalize.

"Nah, you answered it. Sorry I bothered you." Randy laughed.

"About 5 minutes earlier, it would have been a bother, but then again, you're no stranger to phone sex! Later!" Robert hung up.

Andrew and Randy pulled into the driveway of the apartment complex. Surprisingly, there were two spots close to the building. Andrew got parked, locked the car door, and signaled Randy to follow him.

They met at the door.

"Uh Randy, I'm glad you followed me home but I'm sure I'm going into waters I'm very unfamiliar with at this point. I could use your help." Andrew fumbled then dropped his keys.

Randy leaned over to pick them up and then stopped at Andrew's lips. Randy slowly moved in and gave Andrew a very soft, gentle kiss.

"Hey kid, you don't need to worry. I won't make you do anything you're not ready to do. As a matter of fact, tonight it's not about me. If you want me to go, just say so, and I will." Randy handed the keys back to Andrew.

Andrew was stunned. He felt in a daze but still was more alive than anytime before in his life. Every sense in his body was on overload. He felt hot but also felt secure in knowing this hunky man before him would take care of him.

Andrew turned and found the key. He unlocked the door and bypassed the mailboxes. He went up the stairs and found his apartment. He didn't fumble for the keys this time. He knew what key opened the lock.

Once inside and the door was shut and locked, Andrew said something he never thought he would hear come out of his mouth.

"Randy, I want you to be my first. I want to know all those things you know and more. I'm so fuckin' nervous and I feel like I could just fall dead away right here. I just...."

Randy leaned over and kissed him. He stopped the words Andy was trying to say. Randy's massive arms and hands slinked around Andrew's small frame. It was totally dark but they knew where they were. They knew that they didn't need light to know what each other wanted and what each other offered.

Randy broke the kiss and said, "Hey kid, do you want to do this here or in your bedroom?"

Andrew smiled. Though it was pitch black, Randy could see it. Andrew took Randy's hand and led him to the bedroom. Andrew clicked on a small bedside light and turned to see Randy before him. He literally froze. He didn't know what he was doing or how to do it.

Randy sensed the uneasiness. He pulled Andrew into his arms and started kissing. Andrew was resistant at first but he marked it up to inexperience. Randy's hands moved all over Andrew's body. He wanted to make sure he knew every bit of this kid's body. He wasn't the raging bull tonight but a gentle lover leading another into a new life. Randy knew that he didn't need to guard his heart because even in the few kisses they have shared, he knew that Andrew was the one. He would be Andrew's lover and his teacher.

Slowly, Randy moved Andrew to the bed. He broke the kiss so he could strip this man of his clothes. Randy opened the shirt and saw the scrawny pale body of Andrew. At first it was shocking because here was a grown man that wasn't very big. He made a mental note to get this kid to a tanning booth and a gym. He continued to move down and kiss the kid's tummy and finally play with his belly button while he undid Andrew's pants. Next, he took off the belt, undid the pants, and then stood to pull them off his legs. Again, there was a note made to get this kid into shape. Randy returned to the bed to see the jockeys the kid had on. He didn't bother taking them off. He ripped them off to reveal a heavily veined dick of about 6". It wasn't long but it was round, easily the size of a pop can.

"Kid, from now on, you are only allowed to wear boxers...and damn, what a nice piece of meat you have there. I can't believe you kept it hidden this long." Randy said as he moved his hand over the fine dick in front of him.

Andrew blushed. He never had been taught about sex other than what he learned in junior high. He just never felt worthy of anyone's attention. He surprised even himself by allowing Randy to get this far.

"So my dick is nice, huh? I guess I never knew." Andrew laughed.

"Shit boy, I know some guys down at the Hole that would give their right nut for this up their ass. By the way, nice balls...very full...I bet I know what with!" Randy looked up at Andrew with a wicked glare.

Randy was still dressed. He got up and took off his shirt, which revealed to heavily hairy pecs and a nice barrel stomach. His guns were hairy too and his nips were fully extended as the cool air hit them. Next, he took off his boots and opened his jeans. He turned away as he let his jeans slide over his nice round ample ass. Finally, he pulled down his boxers and the weighty cock that he hid from Andrew's view, slapped him in the stomach.

"Now kid, before I turn around, I don't want you to get scared. I'm not going to fuck you with this tonight, but I will fuck you. And don't worry, once you get used to it, you'll want it all the time." Randy was proud of his dick and his body, so he slowly turned around to see Andrew's look of astonishment.

"Oh man, that's HUGE! I've never seen one that large. I didn't know they came that large!" Andrew was excited now.

Randy laughed as he moved back to the bed. Now both men were totally naked. Randy started licking and kissing Andrew's legs. Andrew wasn't sure what was going on until Randy got to the inside of Andrew's right thigh. The kissing was enough to drive him crazy. Then Randy brushed his goatee up against Andrew's balls then licked them ever so slightly. Andrew jumped nearly out of his skin. Randy decided to take the prize early and swiftly.

"So did you like that kid?" Randy chuckled in a low tone.

"Oh man, yeah, do that again!" Andrew was just coming down of the initial shock.

"Just wait, I'm about to do things to you that you've never had done before." Randy moved to give a kiss to Andrew. Their cocks rubbing against each other. The precum from each of the dicks flowed and mingled with one another in anticipation.

Randy broke the kiss and moved directly over the head of Andrew's cock. It felt like slow motion but in fact it was very swift. Randy opened his mouth and dived in taking the full length and width of the pole in his mouth. Without as much as a moment's rest, Randy started sucking and moving his mouth over the shaft in rapid progression of strokes.

"HOLY FUCK!" Andrew exclaimed. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. "Oh fuck, uh, man, Ran - dee, oh please man, that's so hoooot."

Andrew's words weren't even audible for the longest times. Grunts and groans were all that were heard from Andrew's mouth but he couldn't hold back the volcanic eruption of cum that was about to shoot and Randy knew it. He could feel Andrew's balls getting tighter and he could feel the blood beginning to pulse faster in Andrew's cock. It had taken on a life of its own.

"Oh Randy, man, you, uh, have to stop, or I'll, uh, I'm gonna, uh CUMMM." Andrew said breathlessly but not before the hot torrents of cum streamed out of his pole and into the deep recesses of Randy's mouth. Randy slowed down and eventually took his mouth off to let the cum shoot over Andrew's body and flow over the head and shaft. Randy looked up at his lover's face. Very few times did Randy feel fulfilled as a gay man but this had to be the best one yet. Andrew's face was filled with lust, passion, pain, and yes, pleasure.

Randy wasn't finished. Randy got up on his knees and started to pump his cock. He knew that it wouldn't be long before he came and he wanted his cum all over his novice's body. Randy's breathing became shallow and his ass pulsated with the coming onslaught of semen but in a matter of minutes he knew he would shoot. He leaned over his lover and kissed him but Andrew what came natural. He reached out and started stroking. Robert balanced himself as they continued their oral manipulations letting Andrew stroke him. As Randy kissed harder, Andrew knew his teacher would be cumming soon.

"Oh fuck man, you are so hot, I want to cum all over you and then clean you up, come on baby, stroke my dick. Make me cum all over you!" Randy gasped for air.

Andrew was alive with passion. He wanted this cum to drench his body. He wanted this man to own him, to lead him, to make him a better man. He pumped his lover's cock harder. He knew that it wouldn't be long before his cum would mix with Randy's.

Randy grunted, groaned and growled and finally blew his load over his novice. First it hit Andrew's chin with such force that Andrew was startled., then it began to drench Andrew's body and then cock. Randy was sweating and his manly scent turned Andew on again. Randy wanted to rest but he knew he had business to finish. With an initial kiss on Andrew's lips and then starting with the cum under his chin, Randy cleaned Andrew's body clean that is until he saw the stiff pole of Andrew staring at him standing at full mast. He couldn't resist and without much effort on the second time around, Andrew blew his load into Robert's mouth.

Robert let Andrew go limp but he didn't swallow the entire contents of Andrew's offering. He moved up to Andrew and started to kiss letting some of the cum spill out into his lover's mouth. Andrew wasn't surprised but felt this was a natural sharing of each other's essence. They kissed until all the cum was gone. Randy moved behind Andrew and let Andrew's ass nestle Randy's ample cock in his crack.

Andrew sighed, "So do we fuck tonight?"

Randy laughed. "Kid, that was the hottest session I've ever had without actually fucking someone. Unless people have been lying to me but you have got to be the hottest virgin on this side of the world. You've worn me out!"

Andrew pushed his ass into Randy's cock further. It wasn't so much out of wanting to teach his teacher, but to feel secure.

"Hey Randy, can I tell you something without you thinking I'm weird." Andrew waited for the answer.

"Yeah, anything kid." Randy wrapped his arm around the waist of his lover.

"I think for the first time in my adult life, I feel like a man tonight. Thank you." Andrew reached over to the bedside and shut off the light.

Randy sighed and for the first time in a long time, a tear came to his eyes.

"You're welcome kid. The pleasure was all mine." Randy hugged Andrew tighter and the two drifted off to sleep.

The next day came early enough.

Michael actually got out of bed at 5 a.m. and made it to the gym for a 90-minute workout session. He left a note on the bed next to Robert. By the time he returned to Robert's apartment, there was a full breakfast on the table. Michael noted the time and told Robert it would have to be quick but they shared a breakfast together before Michael had to get home to change and make into the office. Michael noted that they would have to do something about their living arrangements sometime later.

Andrew woke up with a very hard Randy poking at his ass. Andrew was still in the arms of his lover and slowly he rolled over without waking the sleeping giant to look at his face and body. What the night shadows covered, the morning sun revealed. He couldn't believe he had a man in his room and in his bed. He would have never thought this to happen before but it in fact was happening, but most of all, Andrew felt alive and almost renewed in his existence. It was as if he was finally complete. The proof of his change would come as the day progressed.

Randy stirred a bit but when he felt the lips of his novice on him, he opened his eyes to see that this wasn't a dream.

"So babe, how do you feel this morning?" Randy sleepily smiled at Andrew.

"Alive, very alive, but also late. It's 6:30 a.m. and I need to get going." Andrew smiled back.

"Well you can't leave quite yet," with that Randy pulled him over and kissed him again. The bear hug strength of Randy's arms pressed Andrew into him. Randy wanted to have sex. He wanted to fuck this boy, but he knew better.

Andrew finally broke away and asked, "So what do we do with these?" He pointed to their mutually hard dicks.

"It could be from horniness but I think it's time to go take the morning piss." Randy rolled on his back. His cock arched slightly in the air as he reached down and stroked it a couple of times.

"Well we could take a shower together and get ready for our day." Andrew suggested slyly.

"You horny man! One night of sex and you're already getting ideas. Actually I have a great idea." Randy got up and pulled Andrew with them.

They went to the bathroom and Randy got the shower started. They pulled back the curtain and both got in. Randy started kissing Andrew but something different was going on. Andrew felt something warm shooting between them and realized Randy was pissing on him. This only made Andrew hotter and Randy knew it by the way Andrew started kissing him deeply.

"It's your turn kid." Smiled Randy.

"I can't. I never have been really able to pee in front of other guys. I don't even use urinals." Andrew got nervous.

Randy knew how to fix this. He leaned over and kissed Andrew. As he did, he applied pressure with his left hand on Andrew's bladder. As if it were like cumming, Andrew resisted but then the steady, heavy golden stream flowed down their legs.

"Oh man, that's hot! I can't believe I just did that!" Andrew was surprised at himself. His dick showed that excitement as it instantly got hard. Randy was ready for that too.

They both grabbed the soap and started lathering each other's dick up. They knew it would be a short time but this mutual j/o session would be another step in Andrew's progression. If almost on queue, they both came at the same time. Their cum shot all over their bodies and they once again kissed as they caught their breath. Finally, they started lathering each other up and rinsing off, as Andrew was concerned for the time.

Since Randy had no change of clothes, he put on what he had along and then made plans for meeting Andrew that evening. Andrew quickly dressed and grabbed a breakfast bar before running out of the door with about 20 minutes to get to work. He just prayed the traffic wouldn't be too bad.

Andrew, Michael, and Robert all arrived at work about the same time. They were all smiling and they quietly discussed the previous night's meeting with Mr. Wylie.

"The important thing is to act like nothing is going on." Michael reminded them.

"Oh yeah, Randy said something about coming to bug phones or something like that but he said he'd talk to you first." Andrew offered information shared from the SUV. He didn't feel comfortable sharing what happened with Randy and he the night before.

"Very well," Michael said. "I'm sure we're going to see a lot of him, um, around." A smile came over Michael and Robert got nudged in the ribs. Andrew saw it but dismissed it.

They all went to their respective offices to start their morning rituals.

"Good morning Amanda, how are you today?" Michael bent over to smell the flowers he had given here just a few days previously.

"I'm well, and how are you today, Michael?" Amanda said his name cautiously.

"Well surprised you called me Michael, but I'm doing extremely well." His smile spoke volumes.

"Hmmm, I'm starting to wonder who you are and what you did with my old boss. I guess I'll never know." Amanda smiled and poked fun at him.

Michael went to his door but before opening it he asked a question. "Amanda, how are the preparations for the offsite meeting coming along?"

"Slowly, I'm afraid. I'm having a devil of a time getting those speakers and the facility to line up dates. I keep running into roadblocks. Do you have any suggestions?" Amanda never asked for help.

"Well yes, find out when the speakers can come and suggest strongly to the retreat center if they wish to keep our very lucrative business, they might want to bend to make sure we're taken care of in this matter. I certainly would hate to have to go elsewhere. Do you get my drift?" Michael sighed.

"Now there's my boss." Amanda smiled. "I will take care of it and if there are further issues I can have them speak to you directly, okay?"

"Sure Amanda, anything you need. My mail on my desk?" Michael opened the door.

Amanda looked at him blankly, "And just where would it be?" She turned and laughed.

Michael left his door open and went to his desk. His morning ritual of turning on his computer, reading e-mail, and tracking projects was well under way. The next time he looked up, it was time for lunch.

It was about this time that Randy knocked at the door.

"Randy! It's nice to see you. Please come on in." As Randy made his way to the desk, Michael stood up, straightened his tie, and shook the burly man's hand.

"Just a minute before we start, okay?" Michael showed Randy to a chair.

Michael buzzed Amanda. "Yes sir, what may I do for you?"

"Amanda, I wish not to be disturbed for about an hour or so. The world shouldn't collapse in that time, should it?"

"I sure hope not, if it does, we're in big trouble." Amanda quipped back.

Michael went to his door, shut it and locked it. He knew that what he wanted to talk about was not for the ears in the office.

"Uh Michael, you might want to take this conversation out. You might be surprised at who is listening to you." Randy quickly pointed out.

"Damn, I never thought about that. Actually I'm hungry you want to catch a bite?" Michael looked at his watch.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Let's hit the deli down the street." Randy stood and went for the door. Michael followed close behind.

"Hey Amanda, change of plans, we're going to get something to eat." Michael said as they went for the elevators.

"Okay, I'll hold down the world while you're gone." Amanda kept busy as she watched Michael and this strange man enter the elevators.

The two men rode the elevator down to the street level in silence. As the bright afternoon sun hit their face, they stopped to bask in the beautiful day.

"So did you and Andrew have a good time last night?" Michael surprised Randy with the question.

Randy was almost embarrassed that Michael knew. "Yeah, it was fun. I was a complete gentleman."

"Yeah, right...I can believe that." Michael said sarcastically.

"Hey believe what you want, I'm just telling the truth." Randy laughed as he put up his hand as if to make a pledge. "I never said I was a Boy Scout, but I do have my moments."

They arrived at the deli. They each placed their order but Michael picked up the bill. They found a table in a corner and began to eat.

"So what's your take on what needs to be done? I have to admit, this is way out of my league." Michael took a break from eating.

Randy was in the middle of a bite but sat there and finished chewing his food before answering. "To be honest, I'm kind of intimidated by it all. I haven't even cashed the check yet but I think we need to do some tapping of phones. I also want to do some research on Anton. I might need to speak to Mr. Wylie again to ensure I know what I need to know about this character. I'll do some background checks and such too."

"Well do what you need to do the job right. I don't know what assistance I can offer but I'll be willing to help where I can. When do you think you want to do the tapping of phones?" Michael continued to eat.

"I'd like to do that this weekend, if possible." Randy waited for an answer.

"Actually you can't. It would look real suspicious. Could you do it during the workday? That would be less conspicuous, and I could set it up as you doing some diagnostic work on the phones." Michael's mind was already working on the e-mail.

"Sure, I can be ready as early as tomorrow, if you like. I'll get the necessary equipment and have it overnighted to me. I even have a costume I could wear to ensure I looked like I needed to be there." Randy smiled at the fantasies that brought to mind.

"What's that smile for, if I should have to ask?" Michael caught it and the accompanying look that washed over Randy's face.

"Oh just a fantasy or two I have to fulfill. Anyway, let's make it happen tomorrow. I'll be in as soon as I have the parts, okay?" Randy had finished his chips.

"Sounds like a plan," Michael reached for a business card. "If you need to call me, here's my card."

Michael finished his lunch and Randy was emptying his glass of cola. They left the deli and headed back to the office.

"Say, Randy, make sure you stop by my office tomorrow. I want to see your costume." Michael kind of blushed at the inference of sexual innuendo.

Randy growled, "Does the bossman want a little show?"

"That's to be determined. I'll make sure Robert is there and hell, let's just bring in Andrew too!" Michael waited for a response.

"Hey bossman, if you want me to put on a show, that's fine, but remember, in the end I get to fuck you all." Randy liked the way Michael thought. There might be some fun yet.

"Well remember, I'm still the boss."

They arrived back at the building and confirmed their plans again for Friday. They shook hands and parted ways. Michael remembered he had the Dillingham project to deal with on Friday and thought he should check in on Robert and Andrew before heading back to his office. He looked at his watch on the way back up to his floor and thought he'd better check in with Amanda first.

"The world still here?" Michael stood in front of Amanda as if a student being punished by a teacher.

"Yep and none the better because of you. Nothing happened while you were gone. Where are you going now?" Amanda inquired.

"I need to check on Andrew and Robert's progress on the Dillingham project. I shouldn't be gone long." Michael turned away.

Michael made his way over to Robert's office. The door was slightly ajar as he entered. Both men were at the work table that found temporary residence inside the office. They didn't even notice Michael's entrance until he closed the door and the latched clicked.

"Good to see my workers are doing what they need to do." Michael smiled.

"I've got a fuckin' headache because of this. The only reason I haven't ripped out my heart is the fact Andrew is actually a wiz at some of these numbers." Robert's tie was loosened and his top button was undone. Michael could see the stress on his lover's face.

"Sir, we've actually hit a snag. When we did the numbers last night we thought everything was within cost guidelines but we didn't account for the economy's downslide. The project is a quarter of a million dollars off due to losses in the stock market. I'm sorry I didn't catch it but I really didn't see it until I called to see where the balance was on the fund." Andrew didn't look up at Michael.

"First of all, cut the 'sir' shit, okay? Next, don't worry about the miscalculations. I know that it wasn't your fault. What we're going to need to do is to scale back the project a bit but provide some areas for growth as the needs of the center grows. Actually I have an idea. The center is a 2-floor facility. I think we could talk the architect and into developing just a portion of the floor to cut costs and as they grow, they can raise the funds later to complete the building. Just do the basics to keep the cost low." Michael was a whiz under pressure.

Silence as each of them thought over what was suggested.

"That might work. It's worth a try." Robert started to grow upbeat again.

"Do you think they'll go for it, sir, I mean, Michael?" Andrew looked him in the eye.

"Yeah, they'll have to or raise the money in a short amount of time. I have strict direction from Mr. Wylie to make this happen at or below budget." Michael asserted his role as leader.

Robert's dick jumped. He liked it when Michael took the lead. This wasn't a time to think about sex but it was just how he spoke that raised his dick up just a bit.

"Have you two had lunch yet? You know it's after 1 p.m. already?" Michael wanted to divert them.

"No, we haven't. I'm getting hungry too. Do you want to have lunch with us?" Robert looked at Michael and then kind of got Andrew's attention.

"Uh, no. I've had lunch. You know, it's good to be the boss. Besides, I had lunch with a rather large man to discuss some work he's doing for us." Michael was speaking cryptically but knew the guys would know what was up.

"You saw Randy? Really?" Andrew perked up. Both Michael and Robert smiled as they saw the excitement rise in Andrew's face. Andrew caught himself but it was too late.

Robert laughed. "I guess he blew that. Well Mikey, we've got to get some food. I'll take Andrew out and try to find something to talk about."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you will have a nice little chat. Damn, wish I could go but I need to get back. You guys have a good lunch. Give yourself as long as you need, okay?"

Before Michael left, he turned around and stopped the two men as they prepared to leave.

"You guys need to know that I'm very proud of both of you. Not just because of what is happening but the fact you have taken this project and made it your own. I know both of you have a ways to go but if what I've seen in the last 24 hours is any indication, you two are poised for some great things here."

Robert and Andrew stood in awe of what was just said. They had no words but they knew they had received a rare gift.

As Michael went to his office, the two men left the building and ironically went to the same deli. They didn't speak much but kind of discussed the project in broad terms. Andrew wanted to ask Robert about Randy, but he felt that it was a bit premature. Both the men wanted to discuss more personal things but something prevented them.. They finished their lunch in relative silence and walked back to the building.

Before opening the door, Andrew spoke. "Robert, I want to ask you about Randy. I'm kind of torn up inside and at the same time happy."

Robert smiled. "You're in love."

"In love? I don't know. I've never been in love. I don't know what it feels like. But I like Randy and I like what he did to me last night." Andrew blushed at his confession.

"Yeah, I bet you did." Robert smirked.

They decided to cross the street to the city park and grabbed an ice cream cone before sitting down on the forest green bench.

"So 'fess up. What happened?" Robert felt like a sorority sister asking for details.

"Well there was a lot of kissing, and well, he, um..." Andrew knew what to say but his face blushed a deep red color before he could say it.

"Did he suck your cock and did you like it?" Robert licked his cone because it began to drip.

"Yeah, he did and I never felt anything like that before! I couldn't even speak. But that's all he did. He kept insisting he wanted to make this go slow." Andrew took a bite of his rock road ice cream.

"He said THAT? Oh my goodness, I've never known him to be that way. Wow...that's great." Robert was thoroughly surprised at the revelation.

"He stayed the night and we even showered together. I can't believe I'm telling you this. I just can't believe it." Andrew was smiling ear to ear. His blush was replaced by the shine of his white teeth.

"Well just take it easy for both of your sakes. Randy is my best friend. I'm not going to get between you two but don't be afraid to talk to me if you need some, well, advice." Robert finished up his cone and Andrew finished his ice cream in a dish.

"Thanks, I really needed to tell someone. I just don't have any friends I could ever talk to about this and I knew you'd understand." Andrew wanted to hug Robert but held back. Robert didn't. He gave him a hug right there in the park. Andrew was stiff at first but then settled into it and thanked Robert again.

The two made their way back into work. Andrew went to his office to check his e-mail. While in the middle of the e-mail from Michael about the phone diagnostics being done on Friday, Tad entered.

"So you going fag on me too?" Tad sneered at Andrew. Andrew looked up. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I saw you go out with him to lunch. What are you doing with the fag anyway?"

Andrew felt anger, but instead of getting sweaty palms and a nervous heartbeat, he felt empowered. What happened next took both the men by surprise.

"First of all, TAD," Andrew made sure to emphasize his name. "That "fag" is my partner in the Dillingham project. Secondly, you're gay-bashing rhetoric got me into trouble the first time and I'm not going to let you take me down with you. Third, that fag, is becoming a good friend of mine. I like him. He has never done anything wrong to you except work hard and is an asset to the company. Finally, TAD, we went to lunch. That's all it was. LUNCH. You need to keep your nose out of our business because very soon, you're going to get it chopped off. Do I make myself clear?"

Andrew closed the distance on Tad and went for the door. "I think you know what this is so I suggest you use it now before I report you for your lame-ass comments."

Tad was shocked. Normally he would have a comeback but he didn't. He was literally stunned. As he left the room, Andrew slammed the door shut which made others in the office poke their head around to see the shell of Tad standing outside the door.

What neither of the men knew was that Robert was passing by when this conversation took place. "Poor Tad," Robert thought to himself, "such a dumbfuck for not closing the door completely." Robert made sure to disappear when Andrew kicked Tad out of his office. Whatever problems Andrew had about self-confidence, they were being overcome in a short amount of time.

Andrew took a deep breath. Normally he would have thrown up about now but it wasn't that kind of feeling. He felt empowered. He felt alive. He wasn't sure what it was that brought about this change, but he knew that he couldn't wait to see Randy tonight.

Robert made a beeline for Michael's office. He didn't even bother to wait for Amanda to announce him. He just walked in, shut the door and started to share the details of the confrontation of Andrew and Tad. Michael sat there literally shocked at what he heard.

Robert was beaming. He also went into detail about the conversation in the park and how he was excited for Randy to have found someone in Andrew. He admitted that he was a bit premature in his assessment but he felt something good happening.

Michael pondered at what he should do about Tad. He even asked Robert. Robert told Michael to hold off on anything at this point. With Anton trying to sabotage things, there might be some suspicion raised if Tad were fired. Michael agreed.

Robert finally settled down for a minute, stood up, went to the door, and locked it. He moved around the other side of Michael's desk and kissed him. Michael returned the lip lock. They both realized if they didn't watch out, they'd be buck naked on the floor, so Michael pushed Robert away. Robert looked hurt but then realized that they were at work so some decorum was in order.

"So what's your plans tonight?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. I thought about going home, getting to bed early so I could be fresh for the Dillingham meeting tomorrow." Robert smiled.

"Yeah, right...see around 7?" Michael smirked.

"Yeah." Robert leaned over Michael to give him another kiss then turned to leave the office. Michael noted the nice ass that Robert sported. Definitely had those pants tailor made for him. They weren't JC Penney's for sure.

Robert opened the door and told Michael that if he needed anything, he'd be in his office for the remainder of the day. He needed to tie some details up on the Dillingham project.

The afternoon seemed to fly by as the two men continued to finish up more details on the project. A knock at the door drew their attention to the fact it was now 5 p.m. and the boss was heading home.

"I'll see you guys later?" Michael wanted to keep Robert on schedule.

"Yeah, we're about done. Talk to you later, Michael." Andrew went back to closing up some files on his laptop.

"I'm done and ready to go." Robert already had his keys in hand. "Just make sure to shut off the lights and lock up when you're done Andrew."

"Sure, see you tomorrow." The two men exited the office and went to the elevators.

It was about a half-hour later and Andrew was finally done. He turned out the lights and locked the door to Robert's office. He went to his office and grabbed his keys. He shut off the desk light and headed for the elevator. It was pretty quiet already in the office but that didn't concern Andrew.

He made his way to the elevator and then down to his level of the parking garage. Andrew took two steps out of the elevator and then his world went black.

Michael and Robert were having a light supper when the phone rang. "Damn telemarketers, I need to get caller ID."

Michael got up and answered the phone. His face turned dark and angry.

"What the fuck is going on there? When was he found? Is he okay?" Michael silently wrote details out on a pad of paper next to the phone.

Robert became concerned. He didn't like the tone of Michael's voice.

"Did you try to reach Mr. Wylie? Well keep trying. I will get to the hospital. St. John's, right? Okay, keep calling Mr. Wylie and make sure one of those police men come over to the hospital? I have my cell if you need anything."

Robert waited for the bad news. He knew that they were going to leave so he had his shoes on already. They had both already slipped into t-shirts and jean shorts.

"It's Andrew. Someone beat him up in the parking garage tonight and fairly badly too. He's in surgery now at St. John's." Michael calmly shared the news but hid the rage he felt inside.

"What the fuck!" Robert started to cry. "Who found him?"

"Randy did, though he shouldn't have. We have security patrols that are supposed to be in that garage at least every hour or so. We'd better get to the hospital." Michael went for his shoes.

"You don't think Tad did this, did you?" Robert tried to compose himself but he was visibly having a hard time with the news.

"I don't know, hon. I just don't know." Michael found his keys and grabbed his cell phone off of the charger. They were out the door and down the road before the garage door hit the ground.

When they arrived, they got directions to the surgery wing. Randy was sitting in the chairs. He was upset.

"I tell you what, if I find the fucker who did this before the police do, he's gonna be sorry he ever woke up to see another day!" Randy had fire in his eyes, both from rage and from tears.

Robert hugged Randy. Michael stood back. They both started to sob. They were friends and they were brothers. Michael was still a relative outsider to their lives.

"Damnit Robbie, I don't want him to die. Fuck, I really liked the kid too." Randy was distraught.

"Now you listen here butchman...you stop talking like that. Those doctors are working hard, they haven't come out yet so it's good news right now. You just need to relax and pray that everything works out. We're here for you." Robert was strong though he wanted to break down and cry too.

It seemed that time passed slowly as they waited for the doctors to come out. Thomas Wylie finally came once the security personnel reached him.

"I've heard what has happened. I'm sure there are more details but let me tell you that I'm sorry to have this happen." Thomas looked at Randy and wondered why he was so upset but then it didn't take long for Thomas to figure "things" out.

Thomas looked at Randy and said without a blink of an eyelash, "I will take care of everything. I can see he is special to you. Everything that can be done will be done." Thomas smiled to show his support.

"Thank you Mr. Wylie, I really appreciate it." Randy shook the man's hand half-heartedly.

"Now, none of that Mr. Wylie crap, it's Thomas when I'm with friends." Thomas turned away to talk to the charge nurse.

"Miss Nelson, is it?" Thomas addressed a lady dressed in hospital garb.

"Yes, how might I help you?" The nurse replied.

"I am Thomas Wylie, of the Wylie Heart Research Wing Wylies, and I want to ensure my employee Andrew Johnson receives the highest care possible. Do you understand?" Thomas was firm but commanding.

"Mr. Wylie, the best surgeon on staff is working on Mr. Johnson and I will make the necessary arrangements to make your wishes known." Nurse Nelson was already on the phone to the administration making sure what was asked was completed.

Thomas turned to Michael. "Tomorrow morning I want to speak to the head of security and I want you there. I want heads to roll for this. Obviously somebody was asleep at the switch. I will not permit this to happen again at my company." Michael nodded in agreement.

It wasn't much later that Dr. Raj came out to report what they found. The small group gathered around to hear the report.

"Andrew lost a lot of blood but we were able to stop the bleeding. He must have really got kicked several times because in addition to several broken ribs, his lungs were punctured and his spleen needed to be repaired. He fortunately is a strong young man and I think with some time, he'll recover fine. We are concerned about some paralysis in his legs but it might just be a temporary thing. It was lucky he was found when he was otherwise the circumstances would have been different."

The group offered a collective sigh of relief.

"However, I want you to know he has a long road to recovery. We're going to keep him in ICU for the next couple of days just to monitor him and if all goes well, he should be on his way."

The group thanked Dr. Raj. Thomas pulled him off to the side before the good doctor left. While the conversation was silent, Michael assessed that it probably was Thomas' way of making sure Andrew was taken care of.

Randy wanted to see Andrew. The doctor gave permission for a very brief visit.

Randy was a strong man physically. He didn't worry much about getting beat up or shot but this was all new to him. This was a man that he was truly interested in for the first time in a long time. He was leather on the outside but all teddy bear on the inside.

He made his way to the room and started to cry. It wasn't loud or obnoxious, but it was hot tears of sadness that literally burned his cheeks. He slowly approached his dear Andrew. He took his hand and spoke so quietly that only the angels could hear his voice.

"Baby, don't you be leaving me. You are a man know. You are strong enough to come back to me. Please fight. I think I love you and I don't want to lose you. Andrew, you need to come back. I can't stay long babe but I will be here in the hospital waiting for you to wake up."

As he spoke Thomas came up behind Randy. He put his arm on the bigger man's shoulder and said, "Randy, you won't need to leave. I've arranged for a cot to be brought in here. You can sleep here and comfort him. He needs you. I don't understand it all, but I hope that someday I will."

Randy released his grip on Andrew and turned and hugged Thomas. He now sobbed fully. Thomas was extremely uncomfortable with this show of emotion but his compassion led him to hug back tightly until the big man in his arms was comforted.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'm making a promise to you. Just not because they messed up Andy, but I'm going to find the fucker who did this and who's rattling your company and I'm going to make them hurt. You can guarantee it." Randy's eyes stared directly into Thomas' eyes.

"I have no doubt you will and I won't stop you." Thomas let Randy get back to Andrew.

It was already midnight when Thomas came out to talk to Robert and Michael.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. I've got the best watching him and he couldn't be a better facility. Randy is going to stay in the room with him and I'm sure he'll call if anything should happen. You two look like shit. Get home and get some sleep." Thomas tried to comfort the two.

"Yeah, I am tired. I need some sleep." Michael took another sip of some stale coffee. "Let's go home Robert."

Robert looked surprised that Michael would acknowledge him like this in Thomas' presence but he was too tired to argue the point.

The three walked out to the parking lot together, making sure that they all got safely to their own vehicles. Before leaving, Thomas said something to the two men that made them shiver.

"You know guys, I'm a pretty laid back guy but this is some serious shit going on here tonight. Randy has vowed to make the person or people who did this hurt for beating up Andrew. I'm not a violent man, but I'm going to only say this once. I want them to hurt, and hurt bad."

Robert stretched over Michael's lap to speak, "Thomas, I think we're in total agreement, and I think it's time to help Randy do his job right."

With that, the two vehicles made their way home. It was time to rest because tomorrow, these three men were about to wage war. It was not going to be pretty.

Next: Chapter 8

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