
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Sep 2, 2003


Writer's note: As with anything you read, you should know this is my work, purely fictional, and totally made from figments of my imagination. If you're here and you're not supposed to be, then you know what you need to do.

Update: Okay, it's pretty sad when you don't remember basic facts and you have to keep looking back to remember what you've forgotten. I want to thank all of you for your support. Please continue to write me. I appreciate it. After this chapter, the story is going to take a little bit of a turn. I didn't realize I had so many story lines going at one time! I hope they all come together soon !

Also, if you have a few bucks, send it to nifty...okay? They need it to keep this free. And if you have a few bucks you can send to me? I'd appreciate that too! LOL

Please feel free to write to me at success66@yahoo.com with comments or concerns. Please do not send negative comments, they'll be ignored.

Chapter 8

The night was a rough one for Michael. He lay away as mind raced unusually fast over the events of the last week. Because of Andrew's attack it caused him to assess how he got to the point of having this man in his bed and involved in a James Bond-like episode.

First there was the divorce followed by a drinking binge that caused him to almost lose his virginity to Randy. Then without as much of a blink of an eye, he's fallen head over heals for a man that saved him from doing something stupid and now he's engaged in a relationship with Robert. If that weren't bad enough, one of his weakest team members is laying in a hospital because someone either doesn't like gays or else this is an attempt to shake Thomas Wylie from his position of leadership. It just didn't make sense.

He finally got up from bed. Sleep was eluding him. He reached for a robe to cover his nakedness as he walked out to the terrace outside of his bedroom. He considered waking Robert but he felt he needed this time for himself.

He found a chair and sat down making himself comfortable against the cool night air. His mind was full of thoughts and yet it seemed he couldn't make sense of anything particular. This was unusual for him. He didn't like the lack of control. He has always had control.

Just as he began to close his eyes, he felt the brush of lips against his right ear. Slowly hands began to slide around his neck and opened his robe to reveal his chest and stomach. As the lips gave way to teeth, he felt the brush of another man's beard against his own.

Whispering in almost non-existent tones to this invader, "Why are you doing this to me? This is not fair."

The voice of the invader spoke back, "Because I can and because you love me."

Michael continued to relax even further as the hands moved back up to his neck and began massaging his tight shoulders. There were to be no more words between the two.

The invader, his Robert, slowly pulled Michael out of his chair and led him back to the bed. Before lying down, Robert pulled off the robe to reveal Michael's semi-hard dick before him. Robert bent down to kiss it but Michael stopped him.

Robert looked hurt, but it was Michael that brought Robert's head to his own lips and kissed him. They both broke long enough to crawl back into bed and under the sheet. Unlike anytime before, it was Robert that welcomed Michael into his arms and as Robert stroked Michael's hair, he waited for Michael to fall into his rhythmic sleep. Not long after he was assured that Michael was asleep, Robert closed his eyes to return to his slumber.

It was 5 a.m. when Randy woke up. His eyes were heavy with sleep but he managed to look around and realized he was at St John's.

A big white woman came in quietly and checked Andrew's vital signs and made sure the fluids were doing their job. Randy stayed down and stayed out of the woman's way.

"Ah, so the great protector awakes," the woman caught Randy's observations.

His voice scratchy and needing a cup of coffee, "Yeah, for just a few minutes at least. What time did I finally go out?"

The nurse now moved over to Randy. "Well hon, you were out about 1:30 a.m. Don't worry, I've been keeping watch on your prince here. He's doing just fine. A pity that this boy has had his fine features messed up. He's kind of scrawny but cute."

Randy started to recall the horror in which he discovered Andrew in the parking garage. He hadn't really thought about it but tears started to well up in his eyes. The nurse kneeled down to comfort him.

"Now, now my big ol' strappin' man. He's going to be fine and you will too. You just lay your sexy little head down there and get yourself some more sleep. You both need to have your strength in the days ahead. You're boy is going to need a man that's strong for him." The nurse stroked Randy's head.

As Randy dozed off, he started to say, "You must be an angel cuz no one has ever been that nice to me...." And he was asleep again.

The nurse got up and wrote a few notes on Andrew's chart. She looked over at Randy and then at Andrew. "Man, I tell you what, they sure do make these boys hot, don't they? Well at least they've got each other." She left the room.

It was about 7 a.m. when the nurse entered the room again. She went over to Randy and started to wake him a bit.

"Hey sunshine, you need to wake up." Randy didn't want to get up but the nurse has brought some freshly brewed coffee for him so the smell forced him to sit up.

He took the coffee and took an initial sip. "Man, that's hot. What time is it?"

"Well sugar, it's about 7 a.m. I've got to get out of here shortly but I wanted to make sure you got up. If you need to shower or change, there's a family room down outside of ICU that you can use to shower. I brought you a bunch of toiletries that should help you freshen up. Unfortunately I don't have a change of clothes for you." The nurse handed him a small bag of bottles and such.

"Yeah, I'll have to do something about these clothes. I'm not smelling too fresh." He smiled as he drank another sip of coffee.

The nurse checked Andrew's vitals and fluids one more time. She looked over at the haggard man on the cot and saw his concern. She returned to Randy one more time.

"Sugar, you need to keep talking to him. His body is just making the necessary adjustments before he wakes up. You get on up and say good morning to him, okay?" The nurse helped Randy up.

He hugged her. "What's your name?" He looked for a name tag on her large breasts.

"Every one calls me Joan here. You can too. I'll be back tonight at 7 and if your boy here is moved, I'll make sure to pay a visit on you, okay?" She leaned over to give Andrew a kiss then Randy. "He's going to be just fine."

"Thanks again for the coffee and the encouragement, Joan. Have a good day." Joan moved out of Randy's way and headed for the door.

As she watched Randy take Andrew's smaller hand in his, she was moved. "Yep, why do all the good lookin' ones have to be gay?" She snickered to herself and went back to the nurse's station to check out for the night.

Randy continued to look at Andrew. He hadn't moved. He hadn't done much of anything. He was on a ventilator because of a punctured lung but otherwise it seemed all the beeps and lines were looking good.

He held his new lover's hand in his and he leaned over to speak. "Whoever did this to you is going to pay. No one does this to my..." His words stuck in his throat. He had a hard time saying what he needed to say. "No one does this to my friends, and especially my lover and gets away with it. They'll be sorry."

As Randy continued to watch over his keep, he continued to drink his coffee. He knew it would only a matter of time when doctors and specialists would push him out so they could observe and test him for signs of healing. He stood there quietly, holding his lover's hand and quietly praying to God above that everything would work out all right.

Robert was up first. There would be no sex today at Michael's house today. There was a lot to do and a lot to discuss. He slipped on the robe Michael had on last night and went to get the newspaper.

The cool morning air rushed against his skin as he opened the front door and went out into the driveway to retrieve the paper. He was going to see if anything was written about the attack. He quickly spanned the paper and in the City section, there was a brief blurb about a man that was attacked. No names, it was a generic news story with no teeth.

"Good, " he thought to himself. "This will definitely buy us some time."

Robert went back into the house and closed the door. He sprinted back upstairs to Michael's room to find that Michael had already woke up and was taking care of his "business" in the bathroom.

"Hey Mikey, no direct mention of the attack in the newspaper. Real generic actually. How did you pull that off?" Robert questioned.

"Uh Thomas actually took care of it," Michael said behind the closed bathroom door. "He got the police not to release any information so as to allow us some time to do some digging. I'm sure the police will be by the hospital looking for facts but they don't need to know we're going to do something about it too."

"Damn Mikey, I'm hungry." Robert opened the door to the bathroom. Michael was just done and Robert shed his robe.

Michael wasn't in the mood for any sex but he wasn't dead either. His pulse raised a bit when he say Robert's naked body come into the bathroom. He went over and gave Robert a kiss.

"What was that for?" Robert asked.

"I'm not quite sure. Possibly I'm wishing you a good morning. Maybe I'm giving thanks to the Greek god that gave up his body to give to you. Or it just might be that I'm glad we can be each other and sex doesn't have to be involved all the time."

Robert took Michael's hand and led him to the oversized shower and turned on the water. They entered the shower and washed each other down. There was some flirting and Robert's dick did try to entice Michael into playing with it but Michael's thoughts were elsewhere.

They finished up and Robert dressed in his clothes from yesterday. Then it hit him.

"Oh shit, today is Friday and we have that meeting for the Dillingham project. I really could have used Andrew's help." Robert started to flip out.

"I'm already ahead of you on that. I'll have Amanda call the principles and reschedule. It will be better that way. Maybe you should give Randy a quick call to see if he needs anything." Michael was quick to divert Robert's attention to more important matters.

Robert was relieved. Leave it to Michael to have it already thought out. "Yeah, I'll give him a quick call and then I need you to take me home so I can get changed."

Robert dialed Randy's cell on the speakerphone in the bedroom.

"Hey, this is Randy."

"Well good morning to you butt face." Robert laughed. "So how's Andy?"

"Hey Fuckbait, it's good to hear your voice. Andy's still not awake yet. He didn't even move during the night." Randy's voice was tight and tired. "I just don't want to think that anything bad is going to happen..."

"Hey, none of that now. You need to relax and just let the Andrew and the doctors help him out, okay?" Robert tried to be encouraging.

"Randy, is there anything you need?" Michael chimed in seeing Robert getting kind of upset at trying to be the strong one in a tough situation.

"Yeah, I could use some clothes. I don't smell all that good." Randy kept one hand on Andrew's hand the whole time.

Robert regained his composure. "I'll stop off at a store on my way and get you a shirt. You wear a 2x or 3x?" He kind of laughed.

"Listen fuckbait," Randy smiled for the first time, "I'm not a lard ass like some people I know. A 2x would be fine. You coming then?"

"Yep, give us about an hour. Do want some food too?" Robert started to put on his shoes.

"Oh man, I'm hungry. Sure. Hey, I want to thank you for being..." Randy's voice trailed off. He was having a hard time speaking again.

"Hey, you're my best friend. That's what we're here for, to take care of you. I love you bud, I'll be there soon." Robert tried to stay strong.

"Yeah, thanks, I know. Later." Randy hung up.

Michael and Robert sat for just a moment and looked at each other. Neither one of them said much just quietly moved and finished getting ready.

The ride to the store was pretty uneventful. It was another beautiful day but they were focused more on the tasks ahead. They made a quick stop at Wally World and then stopped by Rosie's to get some food to go.

"Well here's my missing man!" Maggie greeted Michael as he walked through the door. "And who is this good lookin' piece of manhood?"

Robert blushed. "I'm Robert ma'am."

Maggie let out a laugh. "Sugar, no one calls me ma'am. I'm just plain ol' Maggie. So can I get you two a seat?"

"Uh no Maggie, I need to get going. Can we get three #3 meals to go?" Michael wanted to keep this short.

"Oh sure, that's not a problem. What's the rush? I'd love nothing more than to bend your ear this morning, especially when you bring such nice looking friends in!" Maggie winked at Robert.

Robert decided to have a little fun with Maggie. "Well Maggie, I don't know if you knew this but my boyfriend wouldn't like it if he knew I was flirting with a fine lady like you."

Michael froze. First he was angry then flustered and then he froze. What seemed like a million years for Maggie to respond, only was a matter of seconds.

Maggie laughed, "Oh hon, that's okay, bring him in anytime. I love gay boys, and these old flea bag men could use a make over too, do you do that?"

Robert stayed the course. "Um no, the only service I provide wouldn't be something these rednecks would like." Robert smiled.

Michael couldn't believe this was happening. He felt hot. He felt embarrassed but he was going to maintain his control. He'd deal with Robert later.

Maggie kind of stopped and thought about what he said. "Well, I'm sure none of them would complain." And she laughed. "Let's see about getting those orders fired up so you two can get on out of here."

As Maggie turned to get the order to the grill, Robert noticed Michael. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"Yes, it was totally uncalled for and you know it. You have never been flamboyant or aggressive, why did you choose this place, of all places, to do it?" Michael refused to look at Robert.

"I don't know," Robert sulked. "I'm sorry, it just seemed like Maggie was a big enough gal to handle it."

"We're not going to have this conversation here. We'll talk about it later." Michael stopped at that point.

A rigid and tense silence was maintained between the two until Maggie came back with the food. Michael paid for the food and made sure they had silverware and condiments.

"Hey sugar, what's with all the food, big meeting?" Maggie finally asked.

"No, we have a coworker in the hospital and his, um,..." Michael stumbled over the words. He didn't know why this was difficult but it was.

Maggie leaned over and whispered, "Hon, they call it a "lover". You can't fool me. You need to loosen up. That boy you have over there is a cutie and a keeper. You just stop worrying what other people think and live your life. I still think you're the best."

Michael looked shocked. He just didn't get it. How were these people picking up on it. First it was Thomas and now Maggie? Was he that transparent?

He leaned over to Maggie and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks for understanding."

Maggie smiled. "Hon, you'd be surprised how many people just don't care. And so you know, my brother is gay, so don't be hiding your pretty little self from here." Maggie spoke up to Robert. "You come in anytime. You're most welcome to come back."

Michael turned around to Robert and handed him the bag. "I'm sorry." Michael mouthed the words to Robert. They went out to the car and got going again.

"Michael, I keep forgetting that you're still new to this. I shouldn't have been as open with Maggie as I should have been. I'm sorry that I embarrassed you." Robert slowly moved his hand to where Michael's rested on the seat.

Michael sighed. "Robert, I'm just not sure that I'm ready to be as "out" as you are. That's what I was up until 3 a.m. thinking about. How did I get here? This is worse than a bad spy movie. Don't get me wrong, I love you, or at least I think I love you, but how does a man go from hetero to homo in less than a week?"

Robert smiled. "Well you do drive a pretty mean stickshift!"

It was the first laughter that filled their lives in the last 24 hours. It seemed some tension was released but they both knew that there was more drama ahead. Andrew and Randy needed them.

"You shit head, leave it to you to find something funny in all of this!" Michael grabbed Robert's hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed the back of the hand. Then a wicked thought came across his mind and he slipped Robert's index finger into his mouth sucking ever so lightly.

Robert shuddered and his dick when from flaccid to fully erect in his pants. "Stop that, you've got me hard."

"Good, then I won't have been the only one made uncomfortable today." Michael smiled.

They arrived at the hospital in record time. They went up to ICU and Randy was in the waiting room.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming." Randy looked nervous.

"Not even an room full of naked men would have stopped us, well at least not for long." Robert tried to keep things light.

"Yeah especially how fast on the draw you are!" Michael quipped. Robert shot a look of revenge at him. Michael was sure something would be done about that comment later.

Robert handed Randy the Wally World bag. Randy pulled out a blue and green Hawaiian print shirt.

"Nice, you guys certainly caught my style. I just got out of the shower a bit ago so this will feel nice." Randy didn't bother excusing himself. He pulled off his other shirt and started to put on the new shirt. Michael nearly fell over when he saw just how hot Randy was.

Randy smirked, "Like what you see Mikey?" Randy looked right into the eyes of the staring Michael.

"Um, I've seen better." Michael caught himself staring and noted that he would definitely be making up some lost time with Randy.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Randy finished getting dressed.

"When you two are done flirting, I've got breakfast. So where is Andy?" Robert had set up the food on a nearby table. "Uh he's in a coma, still. The doctor's were supposed to be in to see him awhile ago. I'm waiting to hear from them." Randy sat down. He didn't wait for the other two but they didn't eat. Randy was ravenous and ate the large portion of eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns in a matter of minutes.

"Hmmm, I wonder what they found." Michael said as he watched Randy devour his food. "If you're still hungry, you can have mine."

"Naw, you eat. I haven't had anything in my stomach since yesterday morning. I'll be fine." Randy sat back. "I'm sure if they had any bad news they'd be out. I'm trying not to think about the bad shit. Just want to hear good news."

Robert looked at Randy and went over to hug him. "I'm sure it's going to be okay."

Michael looked up to see Dr. Raj standing before them. The three men stood.

"Well, well, getting a little breakfast I see. Very good, you need to keep your strength, Mr., um, Mr...." Dr Raj waited for an answer.

"Just Randy will do sir." Randy reached over to shake the doctor's hand.

"Well Randy, I was a little surprised to see that Andrew didn't wake up but that might be because of the surgery. I'm sure it has been a long night for you. I read the nurse's notes and she said that you stayed the night. Did you see any signs of consciousness?"

"No sir, I didn't." Randy answered. "But I was asleep for a part of the night."

"Hmmm, well I'm not concerned at this point. It might just be the body is taking a little longer to heal. I still can't tell you if he's going to be paralyzed or not yet. We have noticed some reaction from some of the reflex tests we've done so it might be just some swelling that needs to go down and he'll be fine. I would encourage you to go to him and keep talking to him. I'll be back later this morning. Oh yes, if he does come to, please notify the nurses." Dr. Raj was finished.

"Thank you doc, I appreciate it." Randy shook the doctor's hand again.

"Uh doctor, is it possible that we could see Andrew for a few minutes?" Robert caught the doctor before he left.

"Hmm, yes, I think that can be arranged. It would need to be a very short visit, but come along." Dr. Raj led the way.

The three men trailed Dr. Raj. They didn't bother to pick up the food or the clothes left behind. They didn't care. They were led into the ICU and towards Andrew's room.

"Gentlemen, you two can stay for 10 minutes but that's all we can do." Dr. Raj instructed the men.

"Sure doctor, anything you say," Michael spoke directly to the good doctor. "Thank you for being so kind."

The three entered the room. Randy saw his man lying quietly on the bed. The monitors still were beeping on a regular basis. Michael and Robert went to the right of the bed. Randy took the left side.

"Hey Andrew," Robert spoke. "Michael and Randy are here too. We want you to wake up so we can get out of here. We want you back. All of us."

Michael spoke next. "Hey buddy, you know this would be a good time for you to build that confidence back. Randy, Robert and I are going to have to have one big party for you when you're back on your feet."

The words were awkward. Each of them wondered what they should say. It didn't make sense. Why didn't he just wake up?

Randy leaned over to kiss the forehead of his lover. His hand slipped into Andrew's and squeezed as he kissed the forehead. Just as he moved backward he felt a faint squeeze of his hand.

Andrew's eyes opened slightly and tried to focus on Randy. He was awake.

Michael rushed out. He didn't even think. "Doctor Raj, come quickly, Andy's awake!" He shouted.

Dr. Raj walked quickly to the room and started to examine. A nurse wasn't far behind.

Randy and Robert were pushed out of the way and then they were asked to stand outside. Michael hadn't reentered but knew this was a critical time. It seemed like an hour passed before Dr. Raj came out. In that time, a couple of other doctors pushed through the closed curtains to examine Andrew.

Finally, Dr. Raj emerged. "Well one hurdle down, now the real work begins. I stress to you gentlemen that he won't be back to full strength for awhile but if he keeps this healing up, he'll be out of ICU in another 24 hours."

The three men were elated. They were hugging each other and hugging the doctors, the nurse, and anyone else. They asked if they could go back in. Dr. Raj accompanied them.

Randy was the first to Andy's side. "Oh babe, I'm so glad to see you back." Andy could only nod yes and smile slightly. The tube in his throat was making it impossible for him to talk.

"That's okay babe, I know you're back. You had a lot of damage to your body. You'll be talking soon." Randy was elated. His eyes were wet and dripping tears down on Andrew's body.

Robert and Michael were moved. Their eyes welled up with tears. Even Dr. Raj was happy for the trio.

Michael knew he needed to go. Robert and he went over to Andrew's side.

"Hey, you just couldn't wait for that Dillingham project, huh?" Michael smiled. "You get better, we need to get to work but we'll see you tonight, okay?" Andrew nodded.

"Randy, call us if you want anything. We'll leave you to your homecoming. We love you buddy." Robert moved around to hug Randy. Randy embraced Robert and continued to cry joyfully.

Michael and Robert left the room with Dr. Raj in tow. "Gentlemen, please let Mr. Wylie know of this successful outcome, and best wishes on finding who did this. If you should need anything, please let me know." Dr. Raj handed Michael a card that included Dr. Raj's personal number.

"Thank you, doctor, we will let him know immediately." Michael responded. They each went their separate directions.

Michael looked at his watch. It was 8:30 already. He reached for speed dial and said "Office". The cell phone responded and soon he heard the melodious voice of Amanda on the other side.

"Well good morning Mr. McManus. I was wondering when you were going to saunter in here." Amanda was somewhat upbeat. Michael wondered if she had heard the news.

"I'm on my way from the hospital. I am wondering what is up? I can't believe you don't know what's going on?" Michael questioned.

"Yes, I am very aware of the situation. I am sure everything is in control. I have notified the Dillingham project people that we have to postpone and that you would be contacting them later today. I also have been told that what I know is what I know." Amanda was now her usual business-like self.

"Oh so you've been told to keep your mouth shut, perhaps by Mr. Wylie?" Michael now understood the cryptic overtones of Amanda's conversation.

"Yes, and I wouldn't any rumors to be started, if you know what I mean? How long before you're in to work?" Amanda really wanted to say more.

"I should be into work about 15 minutes. Thanks for taking the lead on the Dillingham project. I owe you a lot. Good-bye." Michael hung up without waiting for her reply.

"What's up at work?" Robert asked.

"Oh the usual rumor mill at work. I don't think I need to tell you, Amanda is fully aware of everything but she's been instructed not to talk about it. I think today could be an interesting day." Michael hit the accelerator.

"Mother? Mother? Are you there?" The connection wasn't as clear as it should be but Thomas tried to make the best of it.

"Thomas? Is that you? What's wrong, son?" Virginia Wylie knew something was up the moment she heard her son's voice.

"First of all, how are you," Thomas asked as the connection became stronger. "Are you well?"

"Yes I'm quite fine, oh good, I can hear you. Now what's going on?" Virginia was aggrevated by the initial poor reception.

"We've had a situation here. There have been rumors that Anton is trying to worm his way back into the company. On top of that, one of my employees was beaten rather badly last night in the garage. I'm pissed mother and I want heads to roll." Thomas could feel the heat rise in his face.

"My son, I don't know if I would place blame on Anton but it does sound like something's a foot. Do you need me to come home for awhile?" Virginia had summoned her butler. The sleek black haired, olive skinned man came down to the deck and waited for her instructions.

"I don't think you need to, but could you find out what Anton is up to? I think he'd be off guard if you were the one calling rather than me." Thomas was now into covert operations but he knew his mother would assist.

"I will do that very thing but not at this moment. I should want to raise suspicion. If he is being naughty, I'm sure he'll be on to you." Virginia sighed. "I just want you two to get along but he seems like he's more trouble as he gets older. What a mother has to do."

Thomas smiled. He knew he loved Anton and he knew he loved his mother a great deal more, but it went beyond love. He respected her. In the years following his father's death, he came to find that while his father ran the business, it was his mother that was the real behind the scenes leader.

"Okay Mother, I appreciate it. Do let me know what you find. Oh by the way, enjoying the sights of Greece?" Thomas quipped.

Virginia smiled wickedly. "Oh my dear Thomas, more than you can know. I will be home in 3 days. Love to you." She signed off without waiting.

Thomas was satisfied that if his mother could take care of Anton adequately.

Back on the boat, Virginia gave instructions to her butler. She asked him to call and get here the first 1st class flight out of Greece and back to the states. After that, he was to return and he would have one last duty to fulfill. Virginia was no slouch and the butler was more than willing to satisfy all her desires.

As they made their way into the building, Robert came upon an idea.

"Um, Michael, can I ask a favor of you before we go up?" Robert looked at Michael's eyes.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" Michael was busy getting his briefcase organized.

"I have a plan to interrogate Tad that I think might work. It might cure him of his homophobia and it definitely is illegal." Robert now caught Michael's eyes.

Michael protested. "I don't want to know about it. I don't want to hear about it, and I don't want you to talk about it. You deal with Tad as you see fit. If you think he's worth the time but I only want information that is reliable and can get this whole mess past us. Do I make myself clear." Michael was forceful in his command.

Robert smiled. "Why Mr. McManus, I do think we have found a dominant side to you. I think I might have to explore it. I will do as you wish." Robert smiled and bowed as if to be in submission to his master.

Michael smiled. "You are one horny fuck, you know that? Let's get to work, okay?"

The doors opened to their floor and no sooner than stepping out of the door, Amanda met them.

"Oh good, you two have been called to Mr. Wylie's office. Give me your things Mr. McManus. I'll take them to your office. Hurry up you two. You don't want to keep the "principal" waiting." Amanda smiled as the doors closed.

They knew for what reason they were heading to the top floor, but they could help to be a little nervous.

As the doors opened, their eyes had to adjust to the explosion of light that came from windows located on either side. Helen Dawson was on the phone. As Michael approached, Helen put her caller on hold.

"Mr. Wylie will see you now. Please go in." She buzzed the door and they entered.

Thomas Wylie's office wasn't much different from his reception area. He had huge windows that reached from the floor to the ceiling with some of the shades pulled and others left open to allow as much light as possible. The black marble desk was situated at the back of the room and there were several areas that could be used to hold several little meetings or be moved for a large group meeting. Everything in the room was either black or white. Even the floor had white carpet in half the room and black granite tiles in the other.

"Welcome to my humble domain, gentlemen!" Thomas was happy to see them. "I hear our friend Andrew is doing well."

Michael was surprised. "How did you know?"

"Oh I grew impatient, I called the hospital and spoke to Dr. Raj. I'm sure you're relieved and I bet Randy is pretty happy."

"Yes sir, he was. He really got us all emotional." Robert was the first to meet Thomas' handshake.

"Now, now Robert, what have we said about that "sir" crap. It's Thomas, okay?" Thomas reached over and shook Michael's hand. They were directed to a leather seating area.

"Before I sit down, is there anything you need? Would you like a coffee, tea, or maybe a gin and tonic? Oh wait, I can't serve that, it's not even 1 p.m.!" Thomas smiled.

"We're fine Thomas, come sit down." Thomas sat in a rather large high back black leather chair.

"So where do we begin?" Thomas wasn't sure what to do here.

"Well sir, I mean, Thomas, I have a plan to cure Tad Reynolds of his homophobia but Michael doesn't want to hear about it?" Robert started.

Thomas looked at Michael and asked the obvious, "why?"

"Because it could be considered illegal. I'm confident that whatever this boy's scheming little mind has in store, he'll make sure it doesn't get back to us." Michael explained.

"Good," said Thomas. "I'm not sure what you have planned but take care not to let it get back here, okay?"

"Done," said Robert. "If I should find something else during this, um, exercise, I'll make sure to let you know." Robert smiled wickedly which Michael took as this was going to be a life-changing event for Mr. Reynolds.

Robert saw a conference phone and called Randy. He thought this would be good for him to be in on this.

"This is Randy," the voice said on the other side.

"Hey, Randy, this is Thomas Wylie. Good to hear about Andrew. I'm very happy for you. I hope everything is fine."

"Oh man, thank for calling Tommy!" Randy was excited to hear the voice of the man that helped to save his love. Michael and Robert both cringed at the use of "Tommy" but he continued. "I want to thank you for all you've done. You're the greatest. Oh damn, I called you Tommy, sorry sir."

Thomas roared. "I haven't been called Tommy since my camp days. It's okay. I'll forgive you. So how's the patient now?"

"Dr. Raj was just in again and they're going to run some test to see if they can remove the tube he's got going down his throat. If they can, he'll be out of ICU before sundown." Randy's report was met with smiles.

"Good to hear, then I can have back to the business at hand..." Thomas was cut off.

"Sir, I have to cut you off here but I'm going to make you a promise. I'm going to find the bastards who did this and make them pay. Not just for screwing you up, but for touching my man. I don't want blood, but I want justice." Randy's vengeance was felt in the large room.

"Rest assured, I have the police and DA working on it, but there's nothing to say we can't help them along, can we?" Thomas agreed.

"Yes sir, I agree. I have a few things I'd like to do to them, but I don't do that shit anymore."

"Well let's take it one day at a time. Do you think you could tear yourself away from Andy and meet with me later tonight at my estate?" Thomas whipped out his palm pilot. Michael had his out. "No disrespect but no. I don't want to leave Andy alone, especially at night." Randy's voice showed concern.

"Tell you what, let's make it for tomorrow morning and I'm going to sweeten the deal. When our dear man Andrew is better, I'll move him to the one of the best private care facilities in the city. It's private, secure, and has the best physical therapists available. We'll have him going in no time flat. But I expect you tomorrow morning and to show you how committed I am, I'll talk to the hospital to arrange a guard to be at his door until he leaves." Thomas was working magic now.

"How can I say no to that? I guess I can't. Okay Thomas, I'll do that. Tomorrow, say 9 a.m. Your place, right?" Randy looked for something to write down the appointment. He would forget before tonight.

"Yes, that would be good. Anything else gentlemen?" Thomas asked before disconnecting.

"Hey Randy, this is Robert. Do you have the number to the Boston Twins?"

"Uh yeah, it's in my cell phone here somewhere, why do you want them?" Randy was curious.

"It's a plan I'm hatching and I think you know how they could help me." Robert cast a wicked and evil smile across his face.

"Oh man, if you want them, then I know something's up. Tell me this, do I want to know?" Randy's curiosity was heightened.

"Uh, I've been told by my boss and employer not to involve them. We'll chat about it tonight. I'm sure when Andy is feeling better, you'll want to be involved."

"I don't know you sometimes but if the Boston Twins are involved, I'm sure it will be a riot." Randy laughed in such a manner than Michael and Thomas shivered.

"I'll let you go. Take care of yourself and Andrew!" Robert then disconnected.

"What was that about?" Michael wanted to know.

"Let's just say you are a little too green to know. Ask me again when this is done." Andrew stopped it there.

Before anything was said, Thomas buzzed Helen. She entered the room. Helen was much like Amanda. She was a bit older in her early 60's and very professionally dressed. While Thomas' leadership was a little more laid back, Helen was from a different time. She was tough as nails and could tell you the whole goings on of Wylie and Sons before you even knew it.

"Yes sir, what might I do for you." Helen had a notepad in hand.

"Call James at the house, tell him to expect four men with hearty appetites for breakfast. That will take place at 9 a.m. If the weather is nice, tell him on the back terrace. Secondly, call the administrator of St. John's. When Mr. Johnson is moved to his private room, I expect an armed guard at his door with limited access to one nurse, Dr. Raj, Randy Dawson, Robert Jennings, and Michael McManus. Do you have that?" Thomas waited.

"Yes sir, and what about your mother, have you called about that yet?" Helen wanted to make sure all bases were covered.

"How did you know about that?" Thomas inquired then he remembered and laughed. "This, gentlemen, is what happens when you've got too much on the brain. Yes, let James know Mother is on her way home. Thank you for being thorough. You're the greatest Helen."

"Thank you sir, I appreciate that. I'll get on this right now." Helen was about out the door when Thomas shouted for her to stop.

"Yes? Something more?" Helen's glasses were sitting on the edge of her nose and she smiled.

"Oh damn, Helen. Call Dr. Raj at St. John's, have him arrange or find out how to arrange for Mr. Johnson's transportation to Kennedy's for the recovery. Thank you again." Thomas then dismissed Helen.

The door closed and the three men sat silently.

"Can I be rather frank with you two?" Thomas asked.

"Sure, what is it Thomas?" Michael asked.

Thomas wasn't sure how to approach this subject but he wanted to ask. "So why is it I'm involved in four gay men's lives and why is it affecting my business?"

They sat in silence. None of them had the answer.

"Well that answers my question." Thomas laughed. "Well gentlemen, its time to get back to business."

They looked at their watches. It was now 11 a.m. With the Dillingham project on hold, there was plenty of other work to do and it would mean covering for Andrew.

Thomas stood up and went to the door. The gentlemen followed. "Michael, Robert, it has been a pleasure. I look forward to our meeting tomorrow. Oh yes, please feel free to leave early today if you'd like. It's Friday and we've had a hell of a week."

They shook Thomas' hand once more and then went to the elevator. It was awkward silence because since Michael's little finger sucking episode, Robert felt a dampness in his jockeys. Once they boarded the elevator and it made it's quick descent, Michael spoke.

"Fuck the day, do you want to go home?"

"You read my mind, didn't you? We should at least make an appearance like we've done some work though?" Robert did have some things to do before the weekend.

"Damn you, why did you bring that up?" Michael sighed. "I guess, so wanna play hookie around, oh say, 2 p.m.?"

"Sounds good to me." Robert stepped out as the doors opened. Then he realized he didn't have his car. "How am I supposed to get home to get some clothes and stuff?"

"Hmmm, I guess I'll have to take you, won't I?" Michael wanted to kiss him but didn't. "I'll see you at 2 p.m."

He turned away and Robert watched his ass before turning toward his office. As he neared, his door, he happened to run into Tad Reynolds.

"Hmmm, good morning, or almost afternoon, for you." Tad was actually nice to Robert for a change.

"Yeah, I had something to take care of this morning. How is your day?" Robert was being nice in hopes that Tad would slip up.

"It is going remarkably well. Say, bad bit of news about Andrew. Heard he was roughed up a bit." Tad's thin lips pressed to a smile.

"Yes, I hear he was messed up pretty bad. I hope he can get back soon. We've had to put the Dillingham project off a week. Excuse me, but I do need to get to work, have a good day." Robert pushed past Tad.

"Yes, you too." Tad moved towards the elevators.

Robert opened his door then slammed it shut. He was pissed. He knew Tad was up to something. Maybe he was directly responsible for Andrew's predicament but he knew something was up. He wanted to call the Boston Twins now, but he knew he needed to focus on work.

No sooner did he fire up his computer; he heard a knock at the door. It was Michael.

"Is it 2 p.m. already?" Robert asked.

"Yep, are you ready?" Michael was eager to leave.

"Yeah, I am. Damn e-mail, I wish we didn't have it but I know it's a necessary evil." He began to shut down his computer. "I got into Andrew's e-mail and took care of anything I could. I forwarded you some stuff but I'm sure you saw it."

"Nope, I didn't. I shut my e-mail down an hour ago. I decided if I wanted to leave, I couldn't have it up." Michael moved inside and closed the door. A smile came over his face as he saw his lover waiting for his computer to shut down. His hair was mussed, his tie was loosened, and he looked tired.

"Are you sure you want to come over this weekend? You look tired. You won't get much sleep at my place." Michael offered knowing the answer.

"You might be surprised." Robert got up. "Hey can we send another memo about personal e-mail shit. I hate those chain letters and feel good crap. It's a waste of time."

"I'm already ahead of you. I have the HR department sending out another reminder. I also have instructed my managers that if they get such e-mails to start disciplinary action against the offenders." Michael hated junk mail more than anyone else did. "You ready to go now?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." Robert grabbed his keys. "Let's go have some fun."

The lights were turned off and the two men went to the elevator. The eyes of the office were on them as they left behind the perilous world of office gossip and politics. As they descended, they felt the weight of the last 24 hours slide off their bodies.

As they made their way out of the elevator to Michael's car, the two men started to feel open enough to express themselves freely. As Michael opened the car, Robert came from behind and pushed his crotch up into the crack of Michael's pants.

"Mmmm, what do you have there, Mr. Jennings?" Michael was enjoying this.

He felt two hands reaching around his midsection and slide up to his shoulders.

"I think I have something you haven't touched or seen in awhile. It has your name on it." Robert was horny but not because of lack of action.

Michael laughed. "Does the name "The Boston Twins" have anything to do with this over expression of confidence?"

Robert was not surprised by excited when he heard Michael say their name. "Yeah, there's so much more about me that you don't know about." A wicked muffled laugh came out of his mouth as he began to lick Michael's right ear. Michael was thoroughly pinned against the car.

"Well let's get the fuck out of here and let me learn more about you." Michael bucked his ass backwards and got out of Robert's pin. He had managed to push Robert far enough back that he got into the car and started it.

Robert was laughing and ran around to the passenger side. He got in just as Michael started to back out. They were having fun and even though Andrew and Randy were in the back of their minds, they needed a few hours release.

Dr. Raj finished his tests and felt that they could remove the tube from Andrew's chest. Dr. Raj instructed Andrew to take a large breath and blow out hard. As Andrew did what he was instructed to do, the tube slipped out and Andrew began coughing and spitting up phlegm and mucus.

A few minutes later, the bed was raised a bit and Andrew was given a little water to drink. With the staff out of the room, Andrew weakly pulled Randy to his lips and kissed him. He spoke softly but was able to mouth the words "I love you."

Randy's eyes welled with tears.

Michael and Robert did their errands to Robert's house and stopped off at a grocery store for some food for the weekend. Once again the same bag boy was working as the other night. Michael made a comment or two to Robert about him and Robert agreed but nothing more was said.

Like two men on their first getaway from home, Michael and Robert didn't waste any time getting in the house, putting away groceries and stripping bare-asses and all into the pool. Under the hot sun, the water was cool but yet comfortable.

Michael went to the terraced steps on the south end of the pool area and allowed to be half in and half out of the water. It was then that Robert made his approach and began climbing on top of Michael. They kissed hard. They weren't just lovers, this was going to be raw animal sex.

Robert got up and ran to the bedroom but not after Michael yelled at him for running through the house wet. Robert came back with a little lube. He pulled Michael out and laid him down on the chaise lounge.

Taking care not to rush, Robert grabbed a towel and began drying off his lover. As he patted him dry, Robert would kiss that spot on Michael. It didn't take long for Michael to get excited and when Robert reached Michael's cock, he kissed and sucked the pole for the longest time.

As he continued taking Michael to the heights of orgasm before stopping, Robert took a little of the lube and put it on his index finger. Slowly, he inserted his finger into Michael's hole, then another, then finally a third.

Michael was literally gasping for air. He was horny and his dick wouldn't take long for it to shoot it's load.

Sensing this, Robert took more lube and covered his cock. Robert pushed Michael's legs back to expose the rosebud of his desires. He placed his cock against Michael's hole and without warning pushed it all the way in.

"HOLY FUCK!" Michael screamed as the pain seared though his body. There was no mercy in that first thrust but once Michael was calmed down, Robert began to slide in and out. Every once in awhile Robert would hit Michael's prostrate and Michael would jump.

Neither man needed to wait long. They wanted this fuck to be fast and furious. Without much planning, Robert began sliding faster and faster until they chaise lounger was rocking with the excitement the bodies showed.

"Oh man, yeah, Mikey, that's so fucking hot. Yeah, close that ass around my hole, come on babe, take my pole and take my cum! Robert was breathless.

Neither man spoke again until the raging torrents of cum found their ways out of the heads of their cocks. They came together, never missing a beat. Michael's cum shot out between their bodies and Robert's planted itself deep inside of Michael's body. They were in heaven.

Next: Chapter 9

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