
By moc.oohay@66sseccus

Published on Oct 22, 2003


Writer's note: As with anything you read, you should know this is my work, purely fictional, and totally made from figments of my imagination. If you're here and you're not supposed to be, then you know what you need to do.

Note to the adoring fans: Wow! What a great response I'm receiving from you. As you write to me, it makes to want to write more. Okay, now for logistics: I'm SORRY for the massive errors in the last chapter. I could really use a talented and experienced editor to help me out. Maybe if I had someone to do that for me, I could get stuff out faster. Hey do me a favor if you're enjoying what you read on Nifty: send money to support the service and if you want to slide me a few bucks (because I could desperately use a vacation), I wouldn't complain. Oh yeah, a male about 6'2", hairy, and hung like...oh wait, this a "family channel". Hope you enjoy the next installment!

Michael - Chapter 9

Robert and Michael got cleaned up and went to the hospital. They called Randy to see if he wanted something for dinner but he declined. He said that he'd get a sandwich from the vending machine if he got hungry. What Robert and Michael didn't know was that Thomas has already arranged for Randy to get a catered meal from a nearby restaurant so that he didn't have to eat hospital food.

The duet arrived just as Randy was finishing up his larger than life sandwich. He was finishing the last of the potato chips and a large dill pickle spear left on his plate when they walked through the door.

"Um Randy, that's not from a vending machine." Robert remarked as he saw Randy sitting back from his meal in the family room.

"That Thomas Wylie thinks of everything." Randy smiled. "He arranged this restaurant around the corner to bring me food while I was here. They brought it up tonight but then I was told I simply need to call Tony and he'll bring food for me and anyone else that visits."

Michael wasn't surprised; the Wylie's would give their shirt of their backs if someone needed it.

"So how is Andy?" Michael wanted to move the conversation along.

"He's still weak and he sleeps a lot but he's getting better. There is actually some color to his face." Randy informed the two.

"He has color in his face?" Robert snorted.

"Hey fuckbait, don't be giving my lover shit. I know how to handle you, or have you forgotten?" Randy smiled.

Robert waved him off. "Yeah, yeah, I've had better."

"Okay you two, enough. So when does he get moved?" Michael had a reason to continue this conversation.

"I'm not sure, but Dr. Raj said that he could even be moved tonight if he continues to get stronger. I just will feel better when he's moved out of here and to that place Thomas talked about earlier today." Randy's face fell to a serious look.

Robert didn't need another hint to see his friend hasn't really let out his emotions about the whole incident. Robert moved over to Randy and tried to put his arm around the broad shoulders of his friend and sometimes fuck buddy. Randy looked down and possibly for the first time since discovering Andy, he wept openly.

Michael wasn't very comfortable with public displays of emotion but he came around to the other side and put his arm around Randy too. Robert sat there stroking his friend's hand and then put his in the big paw.

"Hey Randy, the worst is over. Hon, it's going to be okay. Andy's got you and you have him." Robert said, trying to console the visibly shaken man.

Randy tried to form words but he couldn't. He was overtaken with emotion. In his mind he had replayed the discovery of Andrew and the rush to the hospital. He hadn't had time to fall apart or to grieve. He did feel comforted by the two men around him. He was thankful that he had friends like Robert and Michael.

Michael released his grip. "Randy, I'm going in to see Andrew for a few minutes. You just stay here and get yourself together, okay?"

Randy didn't look up but shook his head affirmatively. Robert looked up and mouthed the words "I love you" to Michael as he departed. Michael shook his head and left the two alone.

Michael went to the ICU room where Andrew was lying in bed. A nurse stopped him before letting him pass.

"Excuse me sir, this patient isn't supposed to have any visitors. Who are you?"

Michael took out his driver's license and showed it to the nurse. "I'm Michael McManus, I can assure you I have clearance to see him."

"You'll have to wait just a minute while I check the list or it's my ass." The nurse returned to the station and looked at the chart. She returned fairly quickly. "I'm sorry Mr. McManus, we are still waiting on the guard to come. I appreciate your understanding."

Michael smiled. "That's okay. I'm glad you're watching over my friend."

Michael went in and saw Andrew. The bruises looked awful on his face but he knew that Andrew would heal in time. Something of the boss in him came out as he tried to figure how they would work to build confident in a scared church mouse like Andrew now that he had this trauma to deal with too.

He slowly approached the bed. He put his hand in Andrew's. Slowly Andrew woke up barely opening his eyes at first.

"Randy? Randy, is that you?" Andrew's voice was quiet and his eyes still were heavy with sleep. He tried to focus. His mouth was also dry. He needed water.

"No Andrew, this is Michael. I'm here to check on one of my favorite employees. Do you need a drink?"

Andrew nodded. Michael reached for the clear large container that was filled with ice water and a straw. Slowly he directed the end of the straw to Andy's mouth and Andy took a few sips then paused. He repeated the steps several times before Michael figured he had enough.

"How are you feeling Andy?" Michael's voice was steady but he was trying not to let his emotions of rage, anger, and sadness come into play.

"I feel like shit. Where's Randy?" Andrew spoke slowly and deliberately.

"He's out in the waiting room. I'm sure he'll be in here soon. I'm sorry for what has happened to you. I'm sorry for all of this. Can I ask, do you know who did this?"" Michael needed that one essential question answered.

Andrew replayed the events in his head. He left the office, got on the elevator, got off the elevator, and then that was it. He remembered nothing. Not a voice, not a face, nothing.

"No, sorry, I don't. I remember getting off the elevator and that was it." Andrew was more coherent now. His voice was still weak but he was awake.

"Damn, that doesn't help. I should tell you that it has been difficult to find anything on the tapes to help us, but don't you worry, we are going to find them and they will pay." Michael's voice could no longer hide the anger.

Andrew's mind started to replay the day's events. He remember coming to work, he remembered lunch with Robert and then the confrontation with Tad.

"Tad, it has to be Tad!" Andrew got excited.

"Shhh, settle down. Why do you think it is Tad?" Michael was curious.

Andrew shifted and tried to sit up but then just pushed the button to elevate his head. "Yesterday, was it yesterday? Uh I can't remember, but Tad came in and was harassing me about...um...going to lunch with Robert."

Michael totally forgot about the confrontation but chose not to let on to Andrew he knew about it. "Yes, that is a point but without any clear evidence, we can't go around pointing fingers."

"Yeah, you're right," sighed Andrew. "But I don't trust him, even before all this happened."

"Between you and I?" Michael continued, "I don't either, but there are bigger issues to attend to here."

Andrew was getting sleepy again. The little bit of excitement was enough to wear him out.

"Hey Andy, you look tired. You just rest a bit and I'll check on you tomorrow, okay?" Michael stroked Andrew's hand.

Andrew didn't answer, he had already faded out. Michael watched him for a minute and then just wished him a good night's sleep.

Robert and Randy were still in the waiting room when Michael came out. They were in better spirits now.

"How's Andy?" asked Robert.

"He was awake but now he's asleep again." Michael was a little overwhelmed so he sat down. "He thinks Tad did the damage to him."

"That figures after the fight they had in the office yesterday." Robert added.

"Oh wait, what the fuck!" Randy was attentive now. "What fight, with Andrew?"

Robert shared the contents of what he overheard. The fact that Andrew not only kicked Tad out of his office but slammed the door was something he never thought he'd see.

"So the boy has balls," Randy was proud. "But do you think Tad is responsible."

"Well that's why I want to talk to the Boston Twins." Robert reminded Randy.

"I know I shouldn't care or even know, but who the fuck are the Boston Twins?" Michael questioned.

Randy shot a deeply wicked smile. "Are you sure Michael can handle this?"

Robert looked at Michael then Randy. "Yeah, tell him."

Randy's eyes flashed and turned dark. It wasn't the kind of dark look as if to cause pain but a look that would end in intense pleasure.

"The Boston Twins are two brothers who know the "arts" very well. They are world renown for their master and slave trainees. If you do well to pass their tests, their trials, and their tribulations, the gay community will truly seek you after the Twins are done with you. These boys are good." Randy paused.

Michael was still confused. "What the fuck are talking about? Slaves? Masters? What the fuck is that?"

Robert shook his head. "You are a novice. Didn't you and your ex ever do anything kinky?"

"Yeah, if I got to screw my wife on a monthly basis, that was considered kinky." Michael laughed.

Randy shook his head. "You poor excuse for a gay man! We'll need to enlighten you, but before we do, I've got a question for you Robert."

"Yeah," Robert realized he had to take a piss. He stood up to go to the bathroom.

"How are you going to afford the fee?" Randy knew the answer before he asked it.

"You know my secrets. I'll manage." Robert went into the single bathroom and locked the door.

Michael looked confused. "A fee? They charge a fee?"

"Oh yeah, these guys aren't cheap. The provide other services too. Let's just say if I think I know what Robert is up to, it won't come cheap." Randy pulled out his cell phone and looked up the Boston Twins' phone number.

"Well I think I've got all I need to know. You guys can enlighten me another time when this whole mess is over." Michael stretched feeling tiredness wash over him. It has been a long day and tomorrow morning would start earlier than he'd like. Robert finished his business and walked out.

"Hey fuckbait, I've got that number for you. The Boston Twins will not talk to you unless you are referred. Tell them I sent you. I'm sure they'll be more than accomodating." Randy laughed wickedly.

"Oh?" Robert's eyebrow raised. "Have we had a little experience with them?"

"Oh man, back in the day they had some pretty wild bronco busting parties. It's where you get a bunch of new trainees and well..." Randy saw Michael's confused face and decided to stop.

Robert grabbed a pad of paper and a pen and wrote down the number. "Thanks Randy, I'll give them a call tonight. I'm sure it's still early for them."

"I don't know about you two. You both have such different lives from me." Michael was a little concerned about what was shared and even more so about what wasn't.

"You'll get up to speed soon enough." Robert smiled.

The three men got up and hugged each other before Randy went back to Andrew. Just as they were to leave, Dr. Raj emerged.

"Gentlemen, I'm sorry to arrive so late but I wanted to let you know that I stopped in before leaving for the night. I feel confident that Mr. Johnson is out of the woods, so to speak, and I think we can move him to a private room in the Wylie Wing. If he continues to do better by Monday, I will release him to get started at Kennedy's. I am very pleased with his recovery."

"That is good new Dr. Raj. I appreciate it. I'm sure Mr. Wylie will be pleased to hear the news tomorrow morning. Just keep us abreast of anything that should change." Michael took the lead.

Randy went back into ICU and the two men went their way to the parking garage.

As they neared Michael's car, a shiver came over Robert.

"Kind of spooky isn't it?" Robert broke the silence.

"What is spooky?" Michael opened his door and got in.

Robert got in and sat down. "I guess I won't ever see a parking garage the same way after what happened with Andy."

Michael remained silent.

The two men drove in relative silence on the way home. Michael had some soft classical music playing. Both had a lot on their mind but neither spoke until they arrived back at Michael's house.

Just as they entered the house, Michael put down his keys, turned the lock and pulled Robert to him in a passionate kiss. The kiss was deep and romantic. Their tongues intertwined and each took turns sucking the other's tongue. Michael grabbed Robert's ass and pulled Robert's hardening member to his.

Robert broke the kiss and held Michael in his embrace as he looked in Michael's eyes. He sighed just a bit as he recovered but realized that for maybe the first time in his life, he loved this man on so many levels he couldn't even count.

"What was that for?" Robert finally asked.

"Oh I just felt like it. Can I tell you something without you taking it the wrong way?" Michael felt uneasy.

"Sure anything babe." Robert was looking into his lover's eyes.

"You realize it's been a week? Had I known all this, and I mean "this" being you and I, were going to be standing here, I would have never believed it." Michael broke the embrace this time. He took Robert's hand and went out to he patio. They found two chairs close to the wall that separated them and the view to the city down below.

"I just can't believe we're here. I didn't think it was possible, or even right, that a guy could love a guy but here I am. I'm still not sure of myself and frankly, I've stopped wondering about what's going to happen because what seems to come my way in one day is really a lot. Thanks for letting me be your boss when it was time, and for you being my lover when it was appropriate. I didn't know two guys could love each other and I'm not sure I'm ready to fully give myself to you, but this feels good and yeah, I do love you."

Michael waited for Robert's reply, but there was none.

Robert stood up and took his lover's hand. They stepped back into the house and closed the patio door. They started up to Michael's room when Robert stopped. He turned around and stepped down to where Michael was, pushed Michael against the wall and kissed him. His hands began to pull Michael's shirt off and they broke only for a moment to allow the cloth to pass.

Next, Robert got down on his knees and unbuttoned the fly of Michael's pants. Exposing the pull on the zipper, Robert grabbed it with his teeth and pulled it down. Even with the pants still on, Michael's cock slapped out of the opening and hit Robert's face. Robert didn't stop to lick the cock and it's copious amounts of precum until Michael had stepped out of the holes of his pants.

He turned Michael around so he lay against the small stairs that separated the main house from the bedrooms. Enough moonlight shot though a window from down the hall that Michael could watch Robert strip. Michael went to help but Robert slapped his hand away. As if there were music playing, Robert danced while balancing himself on the stairs. He took off his clothes and a bit of the light caught the glistening head of Robert's cock.

The naked men were looking at one another. Each is devouring the other's body. Each wants to fuck the other. Michael went to take the lead but as he stood, Robert turned him over so Michael's stomach lay against the stairs. Robert gently laid on top of him and began kissing Michael's neck and started moving down the broad back and finally came to the trench that lead to Michael's rosebud.

Robert stopped to smell the ass. He loved the sent of a man. No cologne, no perfumes from soap. It was all man. He started to push Michael's cheeks apart with his face. As he did, Robert's tongue started to tease Michael.

Michael growled. "Oh fuck, that feels so, uh, hot." Robert's assault was so fast and deep that words were no longer possible.

Michael kept pushing his ass into Robert's face. He couldn't get enough of the tongue sliding in and out of his hole. The deeper Robert went, the more Michael wanted it to stay stuck in place, but that wasn't to be.

Robert moved away from Michael's ass and started to move up his broad back. He made sure to keep his body close to his boss. Robert's tongue made a trail from the hole he just sucked all the way up the back and then to Michael's neck.

Without even as much as a warning, Robert's hard slobbering dick started to break through Michael's ass ring. No words, just grunts, moans, and deep growls of satisfaction were traded between the two men. Michael's dick brushed against the carpet under him while Robert slid his entire cock up into the sweet hole.

"You ready babe?" Robert asked before starting to move. He knew this fuck wouldn't take long.

"Oh fuck yeah, please Robert, give it to me. Please!" Michael couldn't believe he was begging.

Robert smiled and laughed a sinister laugh in his lover's ears. "Maybe I'll just stay right here and wait for you to go crazy with lust while my dick fills your hole."

"Fuck no, I'm the boss, remember? Fuck me, that is an order!" Michael wanted to feel it slide in and out.

"You're only the boss at Wylie and Sons. But here, you're just a hole I fuck. C'mon, beg me." Robert was really turned on and didn't know how long he could continue before he came in the tight hole.

Michael wanted nothing more than to feel the rush of cum in his hole. "Please baby, please fuck me NOW!"

Slowly Robert slid out then in. He wanted to make sure to tease Michael as long as possible but he even knew he couldn't hold back. It was as if his body had other ideas and started to lay into Michael's ass.

Michael realized that the pleasure his body felt was more from the fact that his ass was being plowed. His dick was moving between the carpet and him. He knew that whatever Robert would do, would eventually lead to a huge load both on the carpet and up his ass.

"Oh babe, this isn't going to take long! C'mon, tighten that hole around my dick." Robert grunted with the work he was doing.

Neither man was ready for what their bodies were doing. As Michael's cock kept stroking against the carpet, Robert's thrusts became more and more violent. Their breathing was naturally coordinated and as Michael's body kept swallowing Robert's dick deeper inside, it only was a matter of seconds before Robert's cock started to shoot its seed deep inside.

As soon as Robert's cock shot, so did Michael's. The feeling of hot come and a dick rubbing against Michael's prostrate was enough to take him over the edge. Along with the burn of the carpet he felt against his dick, he felt the hot torrents of cum shoot across his belly and sometimes becoming freed enough to hit his chest.

As both men recovered slowly from their intense mutual orgasm, Michael realized that where they chose to have sex wasn't all that comfortable.

"Uh Robert, you need to get up hon, these stairs are digging into my ribs." Michael kind of laughed.

Robert shook himself from the incredible high he was on and realized Michael was trapped. He slowly allowed his sweaty skin to peel away from Michael's as he stood up. Michael slowly got up and felt the rush of cool air against his cum covered chest and stomach. He looked down at the carpet where most of his seed landed.

"Damn, guess I have to replace the carpet now. I guess that's okay though, I didn't like this color anyway!" Michael grabbed Robert's hand as they made their way up the stairs to Michael's room.

Exhausted, the two men fell backwards on Michael's bed.

"Damn!" Robert sat up.

"What? What's wrong?" Michael opened his eyes but stayed on the bed.

"I've got to call the Boston Twins. Just stay here, okay?" Robert stood up.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Michael did sit up but then decided to hit the shower to soak.

Robert went to the pile of discarded clothes and found his jeans. He found the piece of paper and went down into the kitchen area to make the call. He didn't understand why he was nervous then decided not to make the call from the house. Instead he made a different call.

The phone rang for awhile before Robert got an answer. "Hey y'all", the voice mail exclaimed on the other side of the line. "We're probably off on some wild excursion somewhere but please leave your name and number and we'll get back to you faster than a duck on a june bug!"

Robert laughed and then the tone sounded. "Hey Dad, I need to speak to you. I've got something I need but I need you to call me back. I don't know where in the world you are but I should be home tomorrow afternoon. Please call me, it's important. Thanks Dad and give my love to Mom."

Robert hung up the phone and went up to Michael's room making sure to collect all the clothes and being careful not to step in Michael's spilled juice. Once inside the room he grabbed an old towel, put a little water on it and went to the step to clean up the mess. Just because he's horny doesn't mean he can't be a little considerate.

Robert cleaned up the mess the best he could and then went back up to Michael's room again, discarding the towel along the way. Michael was still in the shower when Robert entered the bathroom.

"So you going to make room for me or do I have to wait until the king is done with his royal shower?" Robert smiled.

Michael grabbed his lover and embraced him. Oh yeah, it was going to be a long night in that room!

Saturday came soon enough. It was about 2 a.m. before Michael and Robert were finally settled enough to sleep.

Randy slept by Andy's side again making sure that he was there whenever Andy stirred or needed a drink of water. Like the night before, Joan was assigned to Andy's room and would every once in awhile stop by to do her work keeping very quiet not to wake the two men. She even covered Randy at one point making sure he was warm.

Randy woke up to the smell of fresh hot coffee. "Mmmm, must be morning again, huh?" As he sat up and scratched his chest.

"Yep, for some people it's time to go home and for others it time to meet their bosses." Joan said as she handed Randy a cup of java.

Randy was a little dumbstruck that she would know that but Joan was already ahead of him before he could ask.

"Mr. Wylie made sure to have us wake you up in time for you to meet with him today. Damn, none of my ex's got this kind of attention even from me. Just too bad you're gay." Joan smiled.

"Tommy, I mean, Mr. Wylie doesn't surprise me anymore and how did you know I was gay? This just might be my best friend that I've known since I was a kid." Randy slowly sipped the hot coffee.

Joan stopped and put a hand on her hip. "Are you serious? Oh please baby child, I've seen enough of your kind around to know better. Besides, you shouldn't be so defensive. You two make a good lookin' couple, well, when he starts looking better, that is."

"Don't you two think I can't hear you or something? Geez, can't a guy sleep in around here?" The raspy voice of Andrew broke the banter.

"Well look who's finally up!" Joan went over to check on her patient. She grabbed the water and slowly helped Andrew up to sip and swallow the liquid. "Just take it easy baby boy. You're still on the mend."

Randy watched Joan. She was very good at what she did. She was compassionate and caring. Randy was up by the bedside holding his new lover's hand as Joan finished helping Andrew.

Andrew looked over at the caring and loving face of the man he knew he had started to love. "So we're sleeping in the buff here?" Andrew giggled softly.

Randy hadn't even realized he had no shirt on. He reached over to his cot and got the shirt purchased by Robert and Michael and put it on.

Randy smiled as he finished. "There is that better?"

"Well actually I think I liked the shirt off!" Joan commented loudly.

Andrew was quick on the wit today. "Hands off my man woman! He's mine!"

The three laughed. It was the first time that Andrew was awake enough to carry on a conversation.

"So what's for breakfast?" Andrew asked.

"I'm not sure for you but probably oatmeal or something like that. Now as for you Mr. Duncan," Joan moved over to Randy, "You need to get going. I have a pager for you so if there should be any problems, we'll page you immediately. You need to get home and get changed. I suspect Mr. Wylie will want to be on time."

"Well Andy I'd better go. I suppose you won't be in here when I get back. There is a guard outside the door and he'll be making sure no one comes in that's not supposed to, okay? Keep getting well for me, please?" No matter how he tried, Randy wasn't quite ready to utter those words he knew he felt.

"It's okay. You go see Mr. Wylie. I'm getting tired again anyway. I love you." Andrew took Randy's hand and kissed it. His eyes grew heavy and he slept once again.

"Joan is that natural? I mean all that sleep?" Randy was concerned.

"Unfortunately that's what it takes. The body needs to shut down while it repairs itself. He's okay. He's getting the best medical attention and Dr. Raj is one of the finest doctors in this region. But it also helps to have friends in high places, speaking of which..." Joan started to push Randy away from the bed.

"Yeah, I know I've got to go. Thanks for your help Joan. I'm going to miss you when they move him."

"Uh no you won't. I'm assigned to Mr. Johnson until he leaves. Now go, will yah?" She pulled Randy over and gave him a kiss on the forehead like a mother to a son.

Randy smiled. "Yeah, I've got work to do."

The voice on the other end of the phone was surprised.

"Hello Mother, I thought you were in Greece?" Anton Wylie was stumbling over his words.

"Oh you know how it is son, so many men, so little time!" Victoria loved to tease her son about men. She was more accepting of his homosexuality than her late husband was.

"So what do I owe this early morning call?" Anton grew a little fidgety.

"I really didn't have a reason. It's been 3 months since we last talked and I was wondering what plans you had this weekend. I thought maybe we could meet tomorrow at the club for brunch and a round of golf?" Victoria knew he wouldn't refuse.

"Well actually Mother, I had other plans but since you're back and it has been awhile, I guess I can put them off for the day." Anton was relieved that it was just a social call.

"Good, then I'll call the club and set the time for tee off at 1 p.m. Let's meet around 11 a.m. in the Augusta room for a light brunch. Love you son!" Victoria hung up the phone.

Anton didn't have time to ask if Thomas was going to join them but he figured this was his mother's way of just catching up. She was known to be here one day and gone the next. It was almost as if she became a freer spirit since his father's death. Anton had a phone call to make then Sunday would be free.

Victoria turned to Thomas.

"Well son, that little job is done. I think I will meet with him alone." Just as she finished James walked into the room.

"Begging your pardon ma'am, but I do want to apologize that I wasn't prepared for you when you walked though the door last evening. I just has heard of your arrival a few hours before." James was stopped.

"James oh please stop." Victoria stood up and breaking every protocol rule in the book went over and hugged James. He stood rigid but did loosen up to accept a little of the embrace. "You have served us well and it was more my son's fault than yours."

Thomas was going to protest but he couldn't. She was right. He stood up and walked over to James. "James, you're doing a great job. As a matter of fact, I think it's about time for a bonus. After this mess is completed, I'm giving you two weeks paid vacation so you can visit your family back east. Don't even try to argue, it's done."

James was flabbergasted. "Thank you sir, you are too kind. I am glad to be here. I must return to the kitchen. Breakfast should be ready in precisely one hour." He left the room.

As the doors closed, both Thomas and Victoria laughed. The returned to their ornate chairs in the reading room. The morning sun was bright in the tastefully dressed room.

"James is an asset to our family. Intensely loyal too, wouldn't you say Mother?" Thomas sipped his tea.

"Yes, he is. It was the best hiring decision I've ever made, well except for marrying your father!" She smiled coyly. "So on to business. How are things at the company?"

Thomas quickly ran down the quarterlies for his mother and gave an update about the Dillingham project. Victoria didn't need too see any paperwork. She was extremely sharp and liked these briefings even though she wasn't involved in the day to day operation. While she was from an age where women were to be in the home, Victoria Wylie knew everything, and then some, about the company. Finally Thomas relayed the information of the last few days.

Victoria sighed. "I certainly hope, for Anton's sake, he isn't involved. It seems to me though that it has the earmark of his work. Don't get me wrong, I love each of you boys but Anton has been pulling this shit way too long."

Thomas' eyebrow raised. He could only remember counting on his hands in his entire life when his mother swore. She was pissed and ready to take his brother down if needed.

"And how is this boy, Andrew is it? How is he doing?"

"He is doing well. He was supposed to be out of ICU last night but the good doctor felt one more night wouldn't hurt. He's going to be moved to a private room today. I have arranged a guard to stand outside his room with limited access. I believe he'll go to Kennedy's on Monday to start his rehabilitation." Thomas was finished.

Victoria looked at her son. "You know, except for Brian, who I also am very proud of, you are doing quite well. I am very happy with your progress and handling of this situation."

Thomas rarely blushed but he knew the compliment was heartfelt. "Thank you Mother. I appreciate it but we'd better get dressed for our guests."

They both got up and hugged briefly before going to their rooms to change from their robes for breakfast.

While Robert was in the shower, his cell phone rang. Michael heard it and thought he'd better answer it in case it was Randy.

"Hello, this is Robert's cell phone." Michael answered in his best business voice.

"Well hello Robert's cell phone! Who is this?" The happy deeply masculine voice on the other side was in a fit of laughter at the greeting it received.

"I guess that does sound funny. This is, uh, Michael McManus, Robert's, uh, friend." Michael thought how stupid he sounded. He should just say "boyfriend" but he still couldn't.

"Hello Michael! Are you the latest conquest for that no account laid back son of mine?" Knowing it was Robert's dad made Michael even more nervous but he maintained his composure.

"I guess." Michael felt hot.

"Oh lighten up boy! I know my son is gay! Is he handy, well, I mean available to speak with me? I guess he's pretty handy if he's got you!" Michael had to laugh now. He was relieved.

"Yeah, he's here, just a minute." Michael laid the cell down.

Robert just stepped out of the shower when Michael walked in. He took a moment to once again drink in the fine muscular features of his lover.

Robert caught him staring. "Hello Earth to Mikey, Earth to Mikey!" Robert snapped his fingers. "Who was that on the phone?"

Michael stuttered for just a second. "Uh it's your dad, he's still on the phone, waiting for you."

Robert didn't wait for Michael to finish. He barreled past and found the phone on the bed waiting for him.

"Dad? Is that you?" Robert was almost like an excited kid talking to his father.

"Yeah son, I figured I'd better call you while I still remembered it. So who's this Michael you've snagged. Is he rich?" For as long as he was out, Robert always loved the way his Dad took an interest in his life.

"Uh no Dad, he's not rich, he's my boss!" Robert looked over at Michael as he spoke. He started to open his towel and let Michael drink in his body. He wanted to tease Michael while on the phone.

"No shit? You better know what you're doing there, son. Of course, you don't really need a job but a man's got to make his own way, I guess. So what's so urgent?" Robert's dad got right to the point.

"Dad I need some help. It's nothing serious but I need to get my hands on a cell phone with an untraceable number and I need about $20,000." Robert waited for the inevitable.

"What the fuck do you need that kind of change for?" Robert's father was nothing short of blunt.

"Uh dad, it's not for anything you need to worry about but it can't be traceable like the phone. As a matter of fact, you won't ever see either the phone or the money ever again. But you have to trust me. The company I work for is embroiled in a family spat and I need to teach someone a lesson about what it means to respect people for their differences. Is that enough for you?" Robert was waiting.

"Well son, it sounds like you're wanting to fly below the radar but I guess I do trust you. Just tell me something. This isn't for anything illegal, like drugs, is it?" His dad was concerned.

"No, Dad, not for drugs. But I don't want it to come back to my boss, my lover, or even you. Okay?" Robert was careful what information he shared.

"So it IS illegal but not drugs." Robert's dad was sharp. "I'll help you out. Just make sure to keep me out of it, okay? When do you need the money and the phone?"

"Yesterday." Robert waited then laughed. "Seriously Dad, I need it as soon as possible."

"Well son, the money won't be a problem but the phone will. Give me until Tuesday. Do you still have your personal mailbox?"

"Yeah, I do. Under the same name too. Just send it there, okay? And Dad, thanks, I love you." Robert was now looking at Michael.

"I'll get on it today. I love you too. Your mom sends her love. Oh yeah, when we get stateside we want to meet Michael. Take care son." Robert's dad hung up.

Michael just stood there looking at his lover. He was lying on the bed, naked, and looking sexy. During the conversation, Robert made sure to stroke his dick slowly to make it come alive. Michael was ready to have another go at Robert when he looked at the clock further back on the bedside table.

"Fuck! We're going to be late!" Michael turned and rushed into the bathroom to shower.

At precisely 8:55 a.m. all three men arrived at the Wylie mansion. Before they could knock on the door, James opened the large mahogany doors and welcomed them into the entry. He asked the gentlemen to follow him.

Before they had a chance to admire all the works of art or question what was behind doors, they were lead out though a pair of doors to the patio. A tent was set up to shield them from the warm morning sun.

Thomas Wylie stood up from his large chair to welcome the trio. As they began to sit at the table, Victoria made her appearance.

"And here is the real power behind the Wylie name, my mother, Victoria." All three men stood as she greeted each.

"Good morning Mrs. Wylie." Michael was the first to greet the casually well dressed woman.

"Oh please, it's Victoria! It is good to see you again Michael. Thomas tells me things are going well for you at the company. I can't wait to see how the Dillingham project is completed."

"Well I believe it will be completed on time and under budget with the help of this young man. Let me introduce Robert Jennings to you." Michael stepped out of the way to let Robert have his chance with Victoria.

"Hmmm, Robert Jennings? I know this might be stretch but you wouldn't happen to be related to Phillip and Anna May Jennings would you?" Victoria's eyes narrowed.

Robert stopped for a moment. He decided he would just be honest.

"Victoria, they are my parents. As a matter of fact I talked to my father this morning." Robert was sort of relieved at his willingness to be honest and let the chips fall where they may.

"Hmmm, very good. I've met your parents several times at different social functions. They are quite nice and very fun to be around. I can't wait to visit you with you alone very soon!" Victoria would speak with the young man again before they departed but she knew she had one more guest to address.

"And my dear sir, who might you be?" Victoria turned to Randy.

"I am Randy Duncan ma'am." Randy extended his big paw to receive the firm handshake from the older woman.

Victoria laughed. "'Ma'am' is not my title. It is simply Victoria. And what is your role here today?"

Thomas chimed in. "Mother, Randy is a private investigator and a friend of Robert's. From what I understand, Robert has a special, um, bond with Andrew, the man that was beaten."

Victoria's eyebrow raised. "Oh so he's your lover, Randy?"

Randy blushed. Something about talking to Victoria made him feel like a teenager.

"Yes ma'am, I mean, Victoria, he's my lover, I think." Randy went to sit down. His legs seemed to grow weak all of a sudden.

"You think? Hmmm, we should make every effort to be sure of it then." Victoria smiled as she sat down next to Randy.

The other three men sat down. While Thomas was sure he had some issues to cover, it was Victoria that would be in the lead on this effort. He didn't mind since his mother was much sharper than he was when it came to covert operations.

"Gentlemen, let me get down to brass tacks here before we eat. I have long since given the reigns to the company to Thomas here but after hearing what might be transpiring, I felt it was in the best interest of the company if the matriarch returned home to tend to her nest. I love all my three sons. They each have their strengths and weaknesses. I will never stop loving them but I will not tolerate them undermining each other. I believe family to be the strongest bond and when people mess with my family or my business that I spent 40 long years investing blood, sweat, tears into, I get VERY defensive." She waited for the comments to soak in before continuing.

"It is my understanding that Anton is doing something to undermine my son's work at the company. I will not tolerate it. I want to get down to the bottom of this matter as quickly as possible. Now, I'm hungry and we have a lot to cover so let's eat. Randy, would you like to be first? Of us all, you have someone to keep your strength up for, so please go grab a plate now and let's eat."

Victoria smiled and led Randy to the buffet table. James had already opened the covers to show basic breakfast items like gravy and biscuits, scrambled eggs, a selection of bacon and sausage, pancakes, and waffles. On a separate table there were a fine selection of fresh fruits and muffins.

The five filled their plates several times and chatted about the weather, their hobbies, and listened to Victoria's stories about her trip to Greece and various points of Europe. While the group was diverse in its social standing, no one was left out of the conversation and everyone was well entertained.

As the group finished their food and the plates were cleared, it now became a time for them to start organizing for the week ahead.

"James, dear, if there is enough coffee and beverages, you may take your leave. Why not take the rest of the day off? You have done very well this morning." Victoria wanted to have as much privacy as possible.

"Very well ma'am and thank you. You have been most gracious." James took the final load back to the house to clean and then depart for the day.

"Randy, I just wanted you to know they have moved Andrew to Room 1555 in the Wylie wing. I just got the call before you came in this morning. I hear that Andrew is coming along well." Thomas smiled at Randy.

"Thomas, thank you for all you've done. I'm sure he'll continue to heal. And thanks for the grub last night. It was delicious. Hell, it's all been good. Thanks for making me feel welcomed." Randy was a little teary eyed at this show of gratitude.

"Nonsense," Victoria said. "We're happy to do it. Our motto has been if you want to be happy you give away as much as you can because it will always return tenfold. You're quite welcome. I'm glad to see my son has been so accommodating for you."

"Now Mr. Johnson, my son says that you're going to teach someone a lesson. Supposedly you're going to hire a 3rd party to do this?" At this comment, the group was surprised.

"Well yes Victoria, I am. It's not something that Thomas wanted to talk about but if you'd like, we could talk more privately." Robert knew Victoria's comment was so much about what he was going to do but her way of cornering him.

"I think I would like that. Gentlemen, I'm going to take Mr. Jennings over to the Gazebo and chat with him for about 15 minutes. Why don't you take a moment and stretch your legs before we get started?" As Victoria stood up to get Robert, the other men stood as a sign of respect. They figured it was a good opportunity to move, as they had been pretty lazy for the last hour or so.

As the couple got far enough away from the other men, Victoria began with her questions.

"So Robert, what is your REAL purpose in being at Wylie and Sons? You're not going to make some attempt to overtake my company are you?" Victoria smiled but not enough for Robert to be comfortable with it.

"Mrs. Wylie, let me tell you that I have no interest in your company, nor does my father. My dad has always taught me that I must make my own way in the world. I have a huge trust fund and I have a monthly stipend I receive in addition to the money I make working for you company. I'm not going to lie to you, I could quit tomorrow and think nothing of my necessities, but I'm not built that way. I want to make it on my own." Robert made sure to look directly in Victoria's eyes as he chose his words carefully.

"Well that's a nice philosophy but that doesn't tell me why you're here?" Victoria restated the question.

"No, it didn't, did it?" Robert laughed. "Victoria, I know that when you want to be the best at something, you learn from the best. I have always been interested in project management but I didn't want to learn from my dad's company. I decided to go to the very best. That's why I'm here at Wylie. I'm learning, that's all. I realize that someday I might be called upon to take my father's place but want some different perspective before I do."

Victoria sat there and digested his words. She looked into his eyes and then realized that the boy was being honest.

"Well that's relief, to say the least." The two put down their invisible armor for just a moment. "I am honored that you think so highly of our company that you want to learn from it. So does anyone know just exactly who you are?"

"No, and I prefer it that way. Not even Michael knows just how rich I am. I would rather have him love me," and it was at that point that Robert froze. His eyes got wide and he didn't move.

"Michael and you are an item? How delicious is this?" Victoria laughed hysterically. "Oh come now Robert, it's okay. Well not really, I guess his being your boss would be a conflict of interest somehow but how do you manage?"

"Victoria, please don't say anything, please!" Robert was in a panic. If Michael couldn't handle his display at the Diner yesterday, how would he take this revelation to Victoria?

"My lips are sealed. So Michael McManus is gay. My husband must be turning over in his grave." Victoria continued to giggle. "So you were saying?"

"I don't want to be defined by my bank account. I want people to like me for me. Is that so hard?" Robert recovered.

"No it's not but let me give you one piece of advice: Be honest with him. It will be better in the long run. " Victoria wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes. "So who are the Boston Twins and what do they do?"

"Victoria, you wouldn't believe me if I told you so let's just say they're going to teach a lesson or two to some very naughty individuals." Robert looked over Victoria's shoulder before continuing. "Let's just say I'm making every plan so that no one, including myself, doesn't get caught."

Victoria looked at Robert and smiled. "Oh my dear child, I love the way you think. You are so innocent looking and very deviant behind those eyes!"

The two laughed together as once again Victoria stood and Robert took her arm in his.

"I am very well satisfied with what you're doing Robert Jennings. Please continue on and what we've discussed is between us. Even if Thomas burns me at the stake, I will not talk." She rose her right hand as she spoke as if to take an oath. "Just one thing?"

Robert slowed just a bit. "Yes?"

"Promise me that what ever you do to these individuals, it doesn't cause any noticeable marks." Victoria continue the pace back the tent.

"Why Mrs. Wylie, you are an evil woman. We're going to be such good friends." Robert smiled. His mind and the blood in his dick were racing with what awaited Tad Reynolds and possible Anton Wylie.

The rest of the group has settled in and was waiting for Victoria and Robert.

Thomas stood up to kiss his mother's cheek. "So anything exciting you two planned on your jaunt to the Gazebo?"

"Oh Thomas, just a little chit chat between new friends." Victoria remained standing while Thomas and Robert found their chairs.

"Gentlemen, I think I'm going to retire to the house. I'm sure Thomas..." her son interrupted Victoria.

"Mother, I really would like you here. I need your help and I know how you think. Please stay." Thomas rarely begged but he wanted his mother to be a part of this.

"Oh what a mother will do for a son, especially one who begs." She rolled her eyes as the other men gave a silent laugh to themselves.

The five collected themselves before starting. Not sure who needed to start, Randy started.

"Uh, Thomas, I have ordered very remote bugging devices to be placed in Tad Reynold's office. If the little fu..," Randy stopped realizing that his manners needed to be a little better with Victoria at the table.

"Were you going to say "fucker", Randy?" Victoria's eyes lit up. "Don't change who you are just because I'm here. I've heard and done a lot worse."

"Sorry ma'am, I might be gay but my parents still taught me a few rules." Randy continued. "Anyway, if Tad is the key to this operation then we're going to need to know what he knows. I have a buddy that works for the phone company and owes me a few favors. I'm going to get all of Tad's call records. Does anyone know if he carries a cell phone?"

Robert chimed in. "I haven't ever seen one on him but who knows? How would you find out?"

"Like I said, I've got my ways. I'll also need to read his computer hard drive at work and install some monitoring software going forward. I need his home address too so I can get at anything he might have at home. I'm going to need to tap into his computer and phone at home. I'll also see if his bank statements have any additional light to shed. What are his hours at Wylie?" Randy was in his private dick mode.

"Ordinarily he's there about 7:30 in the morning and out at 5 p.m. He's not one of my more dedicated project managers. I've got his address for you too." Thomas said as he wrote it out from his PDA and handed the sheet to Randy.

"Good, if Andy is going to be at Kennedy's, I can focus on my job and nail Tad to the wall. Is he married?" Randy continued his information assult.

"Not that I've seen." Robert answered. "As a matter of fact I'm not sure I've ever seen him with a girl. I wonder..."

Victoria smiled. "Now wouldn't that be a hoot to find out that Mr. Reynolds is gay? I've already got one gay man on payroll." As she said this, she shot a knowing look into the eyes of Michael. Michael started to squirm. "But it wouldn't surprise me if there were more."

Michael averted his eyes to Robert's who was looking at him directly and smiling. It was one of those "cat ate the canary" grins that told volumes more than what was spoken.

Randy caught the glances. "Well Victoria, you might be surprised."

Thomas saw Michael getting uncomfortable and intervened. "Uh Randy, is there anything else you need?"

"I don't think so. Hey, wait, there is something that came to mind. Andy woke me up last night. He was saying something about a shortfall. Does anyone know what that's about?"

Michael instantly perked up. "A shortfall? The Dillingham Project! I wonder if he found something?"

"You know something Michael," Robert continued, "he was still working on some paperwork for the project when I left. I thought he was cleaning up but maybe something caught his eye. But that's strange, I didn't see anything when I went through the financials yesterday?"

Thomas started to put two and two together. "Mother, who has access to the funds for the project?"

Victoria drew a blank. "I'm sorry son, but I have no idea. The community and several corporations raised that money. We only were to manage the overall project and see to its completion. We might have had some access to the funds but I'm not sure."

"Shit! I wonder if Anton got to it somehow?" Thomas' blood started to rush.

"Thomas," Michael interjected. "Andrew was responsible for going over the financial information for the project. He had mentioned that the funds were down a bit but figured it to the decline in the rate the money was receiving due to the economy. I can't explain it but I don't know if he was satisfied with that explanation even to himself."

"You guys are missing the big picture here, aren't you?" Randy got their attention.

"How's that Mr. Duncan?" Victoria was very interested.

"What if it were found out that there was money missing, or worse, embezzled and it could be traced back to Thomas? I know it sounds all too simple but given the scandals out there, it makes sense. Anton may be trying to disgrace Thomas forcing him out of leadership and pushing himself to the top."

The other four were silent. The waited for it to sink in and make sense.

Thomas, for the first time, panicked. "Mom, what if it is true and why didn't Andrew come forward?"

"Thomas get a hold of yourself, son. Poor Andrew wouldn't be in any condition to share this information, especially if they knocked him really good. But we need to do something fast." Victoria was not only pissed but now in her mode of damage control.

"Gentlemen, I have a friend that owns an auditing firm in town. I will call him and ask him to do a full assessment of the Dillingham Project. Let's see what he can come up with and I know he'll be discreet because he's a family friend and under no obligation to anyone but me. As for Anton, we need to some background work on him too, but I'm afraid that you won't be able to take care of both men at once Randy." Victoria turned to Randy. "I don't mean any offense."

"None taken Victoria but I already am ahead of you. I have a very good friend out on the West Coast that could do some legwork for me. He doesn't come cheap but he's very good at what he does. That 25 thousand you gave me is going to eaten up very quickly." Randy had already pulled out his cell phone looking for the number.

"Is he up to the challenge?" Michael questioned.

"Hey Mikey, he's almost as good as me." Randy's eyes twinkled with pride. "Just a minute while I give him a call."

Randy stood up and moved away so he wouldn't disturb the others. Victoria excused herself to go to house for a minute.

"I may be in the fight for my very life here." Thomas' face was drained of all blood. He aged very quickly in those few minutes.

"Hey Thomas, I know Randy. He'll find out what's going on. Besides, I think it's time to pay a visit to the Boston Twins and if Anton has truly been a naughty boy, he'll pay for his indiscretion. It's time to dispense some justice." Robert's face was dark and maniacal.

Michael looked at his lover. He hadn't seen this side of Robert but he liked it, or actually, his dick liked it. He had to readjust himself in the chair where he was seated because his dick was positioned awkwardly in his pants.

"Okay, I know I'll be sorry for this but who the fuck are the Boston Twins?" Thomas regained some strength from Robert's confidence in Randy.

Randy joined the group again. "Do you think it's wise to tell them Robert?"

"Yeah. They're big boys." Robert got up and poured himself another glass of iced tea and sat down.

"Thomas, have you ever heard of S & M, master and slaves, bdsm?" Robert watched Thomas' expression.

Thomas searched his mind and then a small blush-filled smile spread across his lips. "Yeah, I know what it is."

"The Boston twins aren't just into S&M, they are S&M, but they literally the most world renowned professional trainers of masters and slaves. I like to call it "the arts" because they practice and teach as if you were playing a fine instrument or drawing a brush across a blank canvass. You can vary the rules but the Boston Twins really educate those who dare to call on their services. The Boston Twins are known to be paid very well for their, um, training." Robert took a drink of his tea.

"But that's not all," Randy continued. "They also do reprogramming. They are not overly nasty or kinky, because some things we could tell you would curl your toenails, but they are the ones you to if you need to take care of a problem."

"So their homo hitmen?" Michael joked.

"Well kinda, let's just say if you are homophobic and they pick you up to reprogram you, you definitely won't have the same ideas when they let you go." Randy's face was smiling. "I've even been a part of their work. It is very, well, stimulating." His face continued to fall into a satisfied daze as if he was reliving the experience right there.

Thomas' jaw was dropped. He turned around to see if his mother had returned. She hadn't. He started talking in whispered tones even though he didn't need to do so.

"So you're hiring these guys to do Tad?" Thomas was like a schoolboy that just discovered his dad's stash of nudie mags.

Robert smiled. "I refuse to answer on the basis it might incriminate me, but let me tell you, Tad won't be the only one. Just trust me. Your brother, if he is truly behind this mess, will be very ready for prison before the Twins get done with him."

Just as the boys were finishing their "chat", Victoria walked back. They all straightened up as if to look innocent of having an indecent conversation.

"Yes, that's right, the old lady is back so you have to be nice again. What were we chatting about boys?" Victoria smiled.

"Mother, it wasn't anything you would be interested in, though it was educational." Thomas blushed.

"Hmmm," Victoria's eyes narrowed. "Thomas it isn't nice to keep your mother in the dark. Perhaps you were talking about the infamous Boston Twins and don't think this old lady can handle it?" At the mention of the Twins' name, the group looked surprised.

"Oh come on boys, please give me a little credit. I may be in my 60's but I'm not stupid or naïve. I maybe a rich woman but no one has every accused me of being a prude. Besides, if my son weren't present, I'd tell you of my exploits on my boat in Greece. You don't think I hire old fat butlers do you? I want a man that will..." at this Thomas cleared his throat very loudly.

"Okay Mother, I get the picture. Can we move on now?" Thomas wanted to end the meeting soon.

The rest of the men laughed. They saw their boss being handled by a very capable older, but worldly woman.

"I got a hold of Steve and he said that he'll be out on Tuesday morning. He's said if his work out here doesn't take him more than 5 days, he'll cut you a decent rate cuz you know me." Randy continued, "He's very good at what he does. If it takes even that long, I'd be surprised."

Victoria handed a manila folder to Randy. "Inside of this folder is all my son's financial information that I have to date. I also have a letter inside giving you permission to request any information you'd like. I will place a call to a few individuals on Monday to let them know that they are not to talk to Anton about anything you're doing. I'll just call it "family business". Victoria liked Randy.

"You know that if he's smart, he won't have used any traditional means." Randy started reviewing the paperwork.

"Trust me, he's not." Victoria snorted. "He thinks the reason that he wasn't given the leadership had to do with the fact he was gay. My husband may have led the company but I controlled it. The reason Anton didn't get into his father's position because Mr. Anton liked to party a little too much and didn't really care for the business. Such a waste."

Thomas never knew that about his older brother. "I never knew that was the reason for it. I mean Dad was pretty vocal about Anton's homosexuality."

"Pish posh, it was all a show. He loved all you boys equally though he wouldn't ever show it. Anton was, well, he is a spoiled brat. I'm sorry I allowed it for so long as I did." Victoria's face started to turn sad. "But he made his bed, so he'll have to sleep in it."

Michael and Robert were growing tired, as the whole group was. They had been on the lawn for several hours. It was already 1 p.m.

"Well gentlemen, what do we need to do to get this ball rolling?" Thomas wanted to conclude. He could see his Mother needed some time alone.

"I should be getting my order on Monday. I'll notify Michael when I'm ready to come in. Steve will be here Tuesday so we'll get started on the investigation when he arrives." Randy was finished.

"Well since I've spilled the beans you might as well know what is going on with the Boston Twins. I'm going to be receiving some items on Tuesday. I will get in contact and get my work done rather quickly and quietly. I promise you, none of this will get back to any of you." Robert was done with his list.

"Michael, Henry Hinkle will be in on Monday to look over the financials for the Dillingham project. Combined with what information Randy and his friend Steve get for us, we should be able to come up with why and what is going on." Victoria looked over at Michael.

"And just what is my job?" Michael looked at the group.

Thomas looked at him very seriously. "You are to watch my back. Everyone should report to Michael. Treat this like a super secret project we're on. Do not use e-mail or telephones for communication in this matter. I want daily reports on your activities. Nothing too specific, just let me know if you were successful or still working."

Robert then brought up a point. "Thomas won't it look suspicious if we're stalling on the Dillingham project?"

Victoria smiled. She thought to herself that Mr. Jennings was indeed an asset. She may need to chat with him about his future.

"You know, I think we need to move forward with the meeting that was to be held Friday." Thomas turned to Victoria. "Mother, how long do you think Mr. Hinkle will take?"

"He's very good. I would say probably a few days." Victoria looked directly at Randy. "Also, I would encourage someone to talk to Andrew and see if his memory has cleared a bit."

"Okay, that's item number 2,053 I have to do!" Randy smiled.

"I'll get a hold of Amanda before work on Monday and ask her to reschedule the Dillingham project ASAP. I think Robert is right. We need to keep on track with it." Michael had his PDA already fired up and was making a note.

"One more thing I'll do," as Randy finished writing another note. "I'll make sure to do a quick scan for any bugs in your offices. I've got some new equipment I've been dying to try out and we can make sure you're offices are clean."

Thomas sighed. "Well gentlemen, I think we're done. I want to thank you for coming out today. I can't say I'm a bit unnerved about the whole lot but I think we have a good start."

Everyone got up and did a little stretch. It indeed had been a long morning. As they broke into little groups, Randy went over to Thomas. Thomas put out his hand to shake Randy's but instead Randy hugged Thomas.

"What was that for?" Thomas was comfortable with the hug but surprised.

"Thomas, thanks for everything you've done for Andy and me. I've got your back and believe me, we're going to get this solved." Randy's eyes flashed anger and passion all in one look.

"Thanks Randy. Tell you what, when Andrew is back to full strength and this whole mess is over..." Victoria interrupted before he could finish. "We're going to load up the whole lot of you, maybe even the Boston Twins too, and go away to some exotic destination. Except for Thomas, we can have scantily clad well muscled cabana boys taking care of every desire!" Victoria shouted.

"Mother!" Thomas was surprised at her outburst.

But it was Michael that caught the innuendo. How did she know he was gay? Was it printed on his forehead? What did Robert say to her? He knew another long talk was in store with Robert. It was this moment Robert looked over in a partial angry and worried look that he met Michael's eyes. Michael knew Robert betrayed his trust again. He would need to deal with it later.

The whole group slowly walked to the house talking about the grounds, the house, and such. Michael and Thomas trailed behind.

"I should have warned you there are no keeping secrets from Mother. I'm sorry if you felt like you've been, um, what is it?" Thomas tried to console his employee and new friend.

"It's called 'outting" a person. I think the real culprit is Robert." Michael sighed.

Thomas snorted as he said, "I don't mean to be playing with words here, but don't be too hard on Robert. I have a feeling that walk to the Gazebo was more Mother's doing than Robert's. I've seen how you've blossomed. Robert is good for you and frankly, I think a lot of people could give a flying fuck whether you're gay or not. You certainly have made getting out of bed and going to work more fun."

Michael's mind clicked. "Oh you're getting out of bed for me? Hmmm, I haven't even had the chance to get you in there? I thought you were straight!"

"Oh shut up! You know what I mean." Thomas didn't mind being the butt of the joke. "Just don't tell anyone at work that I'm a closet hetero!"

The two men broke out laughing. Michael turned to Thomas to shake his hand and that's when Thomas took Michael and hugged him. It wasn't a sexual hug, it was a hug of friendship.

Michael didn't know what to make of it at first but he hugged back.

"Hey, watch my back, okay?" Thomas and Michael finally came to the front door.

Michael bent backwards a bit and then smiled. "That's a backside worth watching!"

Robert and Randy had already said good bye to Victoria. While Michael, Thomas, and Victoria continued to talk, Robert and Randy had business of their own.

"Do you have time to visit the Boston Twins in person?" Robert asked.

"Uh fuckbait you can't do that. You have to set up an appointment. These guys do everything by the book. They may be famous but they are extremely discreet." Randy looked concerned. "Besides, I want to get to the hospital. Are you guys coming up tonight?"

"I don't know. I have a feeling that Michael will want to talk to me about Victoria's comment. I think he knows I blabbed today." Robert looked worried.

"Can I give you a little advice?" Randy pulled Robert's focus to himself.

"You give advice?" Robert joked but said, "yeah, sure."

"Tell him the truth. Don't hold back, okay? He's a big man. He can handle it. It's not like you're going to tell him you're a girl, because I even know that personally." Randy offered a sly smile. "But I digress, he makes you happy and you really need to let him make up his mind."

"Yeah, that's the second time that advice has been given today." Robert switched to Andy as Michael drew close. "We'll see what's going on tonight and maybe we'll stop up to see Andrew. Of course you could just have him to yourself."

"I think you two need to have your own time." Michael chimed in. "We've had enough excitement. I just want to go home, get naked, and lay around."

"Or get laid," Randy snorted.

"Exactly!" Robert laughed.

The men hugged each other then parted ways. The afternoon sky was a beautiful blue with just a few wispy clouds floating around. The sun was bright and getting hotter.

The door to the mansion closed and that's when Victoria began to weep.

Thomas went to his mother and held her in his arms. He didn't know what to say.

"I'm scared. I'm scared for you and I'm scared for Anton. I just hope I'm wrong, we're wrong!" Victoria sobbed.

Not many times has he seen his mother cry like this. From out of the blue James appeared in a polo shirt and a pair of khakis.

Thomas straightened up while Victoria headed for the study.

"I thought you had the day off?" Thomas was irritated at the intrusion.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I just got changed and I wanted to stay long enough to make sure everything was taken care of when your guests left. I didn't mean to intrude. Is Madam alright?" James genuine concern showed.

"Oh it's a mess James. I just don't know what is going to happen." Thomas was almost on the verge of tears too. "I miss Father sometimes."

Victoria came back to the entryway a little more composed. "I wish that too, son."

James looked at the two and took pity on them. Indeed, Mr. Wylie was a difficult and strict man but as butler he knew the other side of Mr. Wylie. He remembered on his deathbed, Mr. Wylie admitted for the first time how much he loved his family.

"Is it Anton again?" James knew the answer before he asked it. "I know I'm speaking above my station but he needs to be taught a lesson. You know that Mr. Wylie would have."

The two looked at their butler. Very few times did James speak his mind but they weren't surprised at his comments.

"Why do you say that?" Victoria wanted to know more.

"Excuse me for my profanity, but the little prick, and I do mean LITTLE, has always caused problems. I'm sorry for your pain." James started to turn to leave.

"James," Thomas spoke while James stopped to listen. "You're right and if he is to blame, he'll be punished. Thank you for being a loyal companion."

James blushed a bit. The word companion was akin to "friend". He felt warm and his mood brightened a bit. "Well I'm off. I'd better leave before you two rescind your offer for the rest of the day off." And as silently as he appeared, he disappeared down the corridor and from the house.

"I'm going to lie down for awhile." Victoria leaned over to kiss her son's forehead then went up to her room.

"I'm going to the gym." Thomas needed to burn some energy in a hard work out.

The house stood silent as the two separated. The grandfather clock chimed 1:30 p.m. It has already been a long day.

Next: Chapter 10

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