Michael and Colin

By nick parmelee

Published on Nov 10, 2010


Author's note: This story is based on fiction. It does contain some violence/abusive situations and sexual acts between teenagers. If you are against this, then turn back and go to another story (this applies if you are against same sex intimate relations). I do no support in any way any form of abuse. If you feel that someone you know is being abused, bring it to the proper authorities or talk to them about it. If it is illegal to read this, then don't. Otherwise, enjoy. To whoever reads this, please drop me an email. I'd like to know who's following the story. Rock_fan89@yahoo.com

Michael and Colin Part 2

Munich, Summer 1946

As Mark walked home, he started thinking of the soldier that killed Peter and his brother's dad. He didn't think that Sergeant Sam Williams was capable of doing something that stupid. He sighed as he reached Sam's doorstep, he thought of what to say. He knocked on the door and a dreary eyed Sam answered. He looked at his watch. It was midnight.

"What can I do for you Mark?"

"Well you can explain to me why you killed a German civilian walking home from the store."

"He's a damn Kraut"

"You asshole" Mark shoved him inside and hit him. "His firstborn son cried when I spoke to him this evening"

Sam laughed "And what the hell are you going to do?"

"First I'm going to drag your ass to the family so they can see what kind of person you are. We are supposed to be rebuilding the country and helping families, not tearing them up. Then I'm going to take you to the local authorities."

Mark grabbed some rope he saw on the table and tied Sam's hands together behind him and walked to the Reinhart residence.

Peter and Michael had both woken up because they heard a knock on the door. Peter answered and just stared.

"Sorry, Peter, to bother you at this hour, but this American here was the person that had killed your father."

Their mother walked out of her bedroom to see what was going on, heard the last part of what Mark had said and burst in tears.

Michael walked over and hugged her. Peter offered him to come in. Mark took Sam inside with him and when he looked at Alison, she looked deadly ill.

"Now, do you see the shit you've caused, Sam?" Mark asked.

"Fuck you"

Peter hit him in the mouth. "What's sad is I actually started to hope Americans were different. Obviously I was wrong about you. I'm going back to bed. Come on, Mother. Apparently this person isn't worth our time. And Mark, do you want me to come by for a witness statement?"

"Yes, that would be good, Peter, thank you."

That morning, Michael woke up and looked at the clock near his bed, it read 11:30. `Oh man, I'm late for school' he thought to himself. He quickly got dressed and went into Peter's room to see if he was awake. He wasn't there. On his bed there was a note it read:

Went to give a statement to Mark, will be back before you get home from class today.


Michael went into his mothers' room and saw she was still in bed. He quietly closed the door and left for class. He ended up making it in time for lunch. He looked to see what lunch was, it was soup or something he couldn't figure out. He just grabbed a couple desserts, cake and a pudding with some bread. After eating, he took off to chemistry, one of his favourite subjects. He sunk in his seat when he saw the word Exams on the board. `Crap, I didn't study.' Shortly after, a faculty member stepped in to the class and asked for him. He got up and was told to come to the office. He walked into the office and was told he was being sent home. He got home, and saw a medic there along with Peter.

"What's going on? He asked.

Peter looked at him with a worried look. It seemed that he had been crying earlier. "Mother's gone."

Michael sank to his knees on the sidewalk and cried. He soon after got up and asked Peter how it happened.

"She had a heart attack; she must've passed in her sleep."

Mark and Jonathan walked up to see what the commotion was. "What's wrong Peter, Michael?" Jonathan asked.

"She's gone, Jon." With that, Peter took off inside. Jonathan went inside and walked to his room. He looked around and admired the frame on the wall. He walked to Peters' bed where he sat and hugged him.

"I know it hurts, Peter." He saw Peter's rifle from the war on the wall, and hoped it wasn't loaded.

"Just please don't do something stupid."

Peter looked at him and cried some more. "It was one thing to see my comrades and friends get shot, but I don't know if I can handle this."

Jonathan kissed him, "I'm here for you, Petey. I love you"

Peter blushed "Thank you. I love you too."

Michael was next to the door when he heard what Jonathan said, and thought `I called my brother Petey once and he punched me. And why did Peter tell Jonathan he loved him?' Michael sighed and went to see if there was food for supper. Peter walked into the kitchen. "Jonathan invited us for supper tomorrow night. Also, I have to go out to the store for some things."

"Oh" "And whatever his dad makes, you eat. Understand? I know he's not mother or father. But don't be rude."

"I'll eat," Michael said with a smile.

"Peter, is there anything you would like to share with me?"

Peter thought for a second. `Does Michael know?' "No, there's nothing. Why?"

"Does Peter love you like mom loved dad?"

Peter stood there for a minute. "As a friend, that's all." "Jonathan, are you ready?" Peter saw Jonathan standing there. "Let's go, I don't want to keep your father waiting."

"Good night, you two," said Jonathan.

As Jonathan was walking out, Peter said "Wait, don't close the door just yet. I have to go out."

Peter and Jonathan walked out together. Michael heard the gate open and their father's Volkswagen start up `Wonder what he is getting' he thought to himself. He shrugged it off. He quickly became curious about the relationship between Peter and Jonathan. So he went to Peter's room and looked for his journal. He knew Peter kept one, he just wasn't sure where. As he started looking around, he heard Peter pull up. "Oh shit," he mumbled and left the room. He heard Peter call his name.

"What?" he asked. "Can you come here for a minute? I need help carrying things in."

Michael walked outside and heard a whine that sounded like an animal. "Is that what I think it is?"


Yes it's a puppy." "Where? How?"

"One of dad's old friends from the Wehrmacht had puppies for sale and I went and got one for us." The puppy saw Michael and started licking his face all over.

When they arrived, it started raining. Mark greeted them at the door. "Come in before it rains any harder."

Michael smelled food. "Is that stew I smell?"

"Yes it is" replied Mark with a smile. "One of the few things I'm good at cooking indoors."

Peter's stomach growled. After dinner, Peter and Michael both said thank you.

"Mark, can I speak to you in private, Sir?" asked Peter.

"Certainly, let's step into my office."

As Peter and Mark walked into the office, Michael helped Jonathan with the dishes. "So what is it exactly that your dad does for the military?"

"He's an interpreter. He does other things as well, but he doesn't share."

"Oh. How long have you lived here?"

"Since last fall."

"You like it so far?"

"It's ok. Miss a lot old friends."

"Does Peter ever talk about the war?"

"No. I asked about it once and his mind seemed to drift off and seemed distant about it. What about with you?"

"When he came home on leave over one of the holidays, he asked me if I wanted to join when I was old enough," Michael chuckled, "I said `of course' with great joy. He always spoke in letters of things he had seen or done."

"And now?"

"I asked him one day how his best friend Dietrich was doing and he just took off to his room. I heard him crying later that night."

"Isn't there a picture of just him and Dietrich?"

"Not sure. There's an old box he keeps his letters and personal stuff from the war in his closet. He caught me grabbing it and got mad."

"Well I am sure it's something he will share with you some day. Just don't pressure him into things. I wonder what Peter and my dad wanted to discuss?"

Soon after he said that, Peter and Mark walked in the kitchen.

Michael, are you ready to go? You have school in the morning." Peter said.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

After they got home from Mark and Jonathan's, both went to their rooms and said good night.

Early that morning, Michael woke up to go pee and heard Peter sobbing and crying. As he was about to open the door, Peters gun went off. And Peter lay on the floor. Michael just stared in shock. He went and called Mark.

"Hello?" answered a half asleep Mark. He could hear either Peter or Michael in tears on the the phone.

"Mark, Peter's gone," answered Michael. "On my way."

Soon as Michael heard the knock at the door. He opened it, hugged Mark and saw Jonathan beside him.

"I called the hospital and gave them the address here. What happened? Jon, stay in the living room."

"I woke up to use the bathroom, and when I was coming out, I heard Peters rifle go off. And now he's just laying there on the floor."

\Mark and Michael went in to the room. Soon after, paramedics arrived. Michael saw that Peter had put his old uniform on and had a note pinned to the jacket. Mark grabbed the note as paramedics were loading him onto the stretcher and noticed it was in German. He couldn't read it. He showed it to Michael. Michael brought it to the living room where the paramedics were.

"Sir, please let us leave with him." said one of the paramedics.

"No." cried Jonathan.

"Jon. Let Peter go." Mark said as he hugged him.

Mark asked the paramedic, "Is there any way we can get the uniform back?"

The paramedic looked at Peters' dead body. "Peter would want it that way. For a family member to have it."

Michael looked at the young man. "You know him?"

"Yes, he was one of our officers. He always seemed strong willed." He sighed.

Michael went to grab a shirt and pants to change Peter into.

After the paramedics had left, Michael remembered the note. He grabbed it from his pocket and read aloud.

My Fuehrer,

I have let you down as well as this great nation. I am sorry.

Peter Reinhart

When Michael went into Peter's room, he also saw two short letters. One addressed to Mark and Jonathan and one for him. He grabbed them both and gave Jonathan theirs. Jonathan tore open the letter with his eyes still red from crying and started reading. He started to smile. Michael looked at him with curiosity.

"You may want to read yours Michael." Jonathan said.

Michael opened his, and noticed it was dated several days ago. It read,


If you are reading this, I am either dead or youve gone though my things. Your suspicions were correct. I loved Jonathan like mother and father loved each other. Dietrich was my first. We stuck by each other to the end. We were much more that just fellow comrades I know it didnt agree with Hitler and his ideals. But, I didn't care I just kept it to myself for fear of being sent to a camp or being shot. I love you Michael and I hope you may find someone that can care about you as much as Jonathan and I cared for each other and as well as me and Dieter.Also, there is a letter from our uncle in the States. You will find the letter in my bedroom in my nightstand.

Your brother,


Michael just stood there in shock.How was he able to serve and be that way and no one notice? He was like one of the guys in his unit He always looked up to Peter and now this. Michael wasnt sure how he would overcome this event in his life.how would have father reacted.

"Hey Michael, theres something on the back. Seems that it has more writing on the back but I cant read it since its in German" Said Jonathan as he reached out to hug him. Michael flipped it over and just looked at it confused.

"Michael what does it say?" Mark asked.

Michael just stood there speechless and spoke."It says Dad was suspicious, but didnt care for it. You can have what you want. I ask that you keep the frame you made me, dad's car, and my uniform.

Mark just stared at him."The car? What car?"

Michael grabbed keys labeled garage and walked outside with Jonathan and Mark close behind. When he opened the doorand pulled the , Mark whistled.

"Wow. Is that a prewar Mercedes?" Jonanthan asked.

"Yes it is,its a 1928 sedan Michael responded. My parents got it as a gift either as a wedding present or for a anniversary by my grandparents."

"You really need to take care of it, its a nice piece of engineering" Mark said.

"I will. Now I want to check out a letter from Uncle Erik that my brother mentioned." Michael put the canvas back on the car and locked the garage. Once in Peter's room, he went to the nightstand and started searching through it. He saw a envelope with his uncles name on it and looked at where it was from. It said New York. He opened it and looked it over. He then brought it outside where Jonathan and Mark were now sitting.

"What's up?" said Jonathan.

"Well, it looks like Peter and my uncle were writing each other since mother got sick and father passed."

"Why dont you read the letter Michael?" asked Mark.

Michael unfolded the letter and there were two tickets to New York. He started to read the letter.


I'm sorry for the loss of your mother and my sister. I know how you and your brother are feeling. Its going to be ok. I would like for you and Michael to come live with me and my son your cousin. Your mother has told a lot about you both. How well you did in school and how well Michael did as well. I want to offer you a place to stay and get out of a place that holds great sorrow and pain. You may bring whatever you wish, whether it be your uniform, any thing of your mother and father's and that goes for Michael too. Granted my son and my neighbors may despise certain things you may decide to bring but I dont care. I want you two to feel at home. Hope to hear from you soon. I have included tickets for you and your brother. And money for the tain to London. I wish to have you leave this weekend.

Best regards,

Uncle Erik

Michael just stood there not knowing what to say. His mind couldnt fully comprehend what he had just read. "Well it appears I am moving again."

"Do you want help?" Mark asked.

"Thank you sir." With that, Michael grabbed some old newspapers and started wrapping things in his room and putting books and other various things in boxes. He went for his brothers room and started looking around. Jonathan knocked on the door.

"I know its hard for someone to move somewhere they have only heard stories of. It wasnt easy moving here. Frankly, I didnt want to move, but I'm glad I did. Maybe you will enjoy New York." Jonathan said. "Do you want me to help you with Peters room?"

"I'd like that." Michael said with a smile.

Jonathan rested a hand on his leg and Michael felt something he never felt before but shrugged it off. Jonathan went for Peters closet. Grabbed a few shirts and looked at a couple. He tried one on. As he took off his shirt, Michael looked up and saw Jonathans toned body.wow, is that what Peter liked about Jonathan? he thought to himself. He went back to his room and started packing clothes into a suitcase. Realizing that not all his clothes fit into one, he went and grabbed the bigger suitcase that was his fathers and moved everything to it and put the rest of his clothes in with it. He grabbed Peters uniform and wondered if it would fit him. He shut his door. Took off his pants and shirt and started to put Peters uniform on. He noticed it was a tad long for him since Peter was a bit taller. He put the rest on and walked out to the living room. Mark looked up and couldnt help but chuckle."I think you have a bit more growing to do Michael"

Michael blushed. Jonathan was standing behind him."Um.....what you doing?" Jonathan laughed.

"I wanted to see if if would fit me and I know I have some growing to do" Michael replied. He changed back into his clothes and packed the uniform along with the frame he had made Peter into the smaller suitcase along with some of Peters books incluing his copy of Mein Kampf and a family photo. Michael began to cry. Jonathan came in holding Peters gun that Peter kept hidden in the closet.

"What you want me to...." Jonathan paused and noticed Michael shaking. He hugged him.

"Why me?" Michael asked. So this is what its like to be held by another boy. Its nice

"Sometimes God puts us into situations to make us stronger"

"Well, if this is Gods way of making me stronger fuck him"

"Um....ok I really don't know what to say."

Michael piled everything he was taking in the living room which consisted of three boxes full of books various trinkets and two suitcases of clothes and other personal objects. He loaded everything in the Mercedes.

Mark walked outside. "You know how to drive?" looking at him confused.

Michael just looked at the ground."No. Peter was going to teach me next year. I want to learn though and before I leave this weekend."

"Well, I can teach you. Let me get my jacket. You know how to start it right?"

"Yes I do" Michael got in the car and started it. He gave it a little gas to keep it running. Mark got in the passenger seat.

"Put it in reverse. We have to go to the store. I want to paint your brothers room to hide the blood so someone else will move in"

Michael put the car in reverse and pulled out into the street.

"Now put it in first." They could hear the gears of the transmission grinding as Michael shifted. Michael hit the gas pedal lightly and the car lurched forward. "Ease off the gas pedal a bit and put it in second." Mark said. "Hey when was the last time the car had any maintenance?"

"I want to say.....last season. Why?"

"I want to have everything looked at before you leave so theres no surprises. You know of a good mechanic? Turn left up here on the next street. And please slow down" As Michael turned, he saw the store on the other side and pulled up to it with great anxiety.

Back at the Reihnhart residence, Jonathan started looking around. Looking at family pictures and various trinkets Peter and Michael's mother had collected. It seemed their mother liked horses. He grabbed a box and old newspaper and started wrapping up the collection. He grabbed another for pictures. The family seemed happy. He thought it was a shame he never got to know their father. He knew he was a Captain that fought on the Eastern Front. Peter never spoke much about him. He wondered why he never stopped to look at the pictures.

At the store, Mark went in and grabbed a can of white paint and paint equipment. He paid for everything and went back to the car. Michael had moved the top down and sat there enjoying the sunlight. His blonde hair and bright blue eyes almost sparkled in the sunlight.

"Start the car so we can finish the room in one day" Mark said.

Michael turned the ignition and the car rumbled to life. As he drove down the street, Michael made a left instead of a right."Where we going?" asked Mark."You said you wanted to go to a mechanic right? Well, I'm going to the one that father went to."


As they pulled in to the shop, the car suddenly died and backfired. The mechanic out in the shop came out from under another car and whistled at the sheer beauty of the car.

"How can I help you?" He said in German.

Michael got out as did Mark. The mechanic stared at Michael for a minute."My familys car seems to be in need of assistance." Michael replied.

"You look familiar," the mechanic said."Arent you Hans's younger son?"

"Yes sir. You knew my father?"

"Yes, I was the mechanic in his unit." He looked at Mark. In his best english, he asked"Who are you?"

"I am their neighbor, Mark."

The mechanic laughed. "You are American."Im Viktor. What seems to be the problem with the car?"

"The car just died on us as we pulled in and backfired." Michael responded.

"Well, I'll take a look here soon. I need to finish this one here. Hows your folks doing?"

"They both passed away not long ago."

"I`m sorry to hear that. Hears what I'll do. I'm going to be generous and give you half off."

"Thank you Viktor. Any idea when you will have it done?"

"Tomorrow around 3 in the afternoon"

"Great thank you." With that, Michael and Mark walked back to the house.

As Jonathan was in the living room, packing things away, Michael walked in and just stared in shock. "Wow."

"This room is just about all packed for anything you want to do with it."

"Mothers horse collection I want to sell and the radio I want to take. The cookware, the plates and eating utensils I will sell as well. I want to keep mothers cook books and spices though. The furniture can go with the house." My fathers tools, I want to take a small set for the car." They unpacked the horses and packed the books in one box, the spices in a smaller box. Michael and Jonathan went into the garage while Mark unpacked cabinets and drawers of kitchen supplies. While in the garage, Jonathan asked,"Wheres the car?"

"At the mechanics shop. Its having some issues. Can I share something with you?"


"When you hugged me, I had a different feeling then when mother father or Peter would hug me." Jonathan just looked at him. "I think I felt the same way Peter felt. Does that mean I'm like you and how Peter was?"

"Maybe. But you need to find that on your own." Jonathan saw a big toolbox behind Michael and a little toolbox on top. He grabbed it and Michael started loading sockets, wrenches and other various tools in baggies into the smaller box. As soon as they were finished, Mark called for dinner. They went inside and saw that Mark had made fried chicken. After they ate, they went to bed.

Ok, I know its probably a little long. Sorry.

Next: Chapter 3

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