Michael and Colin

By nick parmelee

Published on Dec 2, 2012


Author's note: This story is based on fiction. It does contain some violence/ abusive situations and sexual acts between teenagers. If you are against this, then turn back and go to another story (this applies if you are against same sex intimate relations). This also contains some abusive situations. I do no support in any way any form of abuse. If you feel that someone you know is being abused, bring it to the proper authorities or talk to them about it. If it is illegal to read this, then don't. Otherwise, enjoy. To whoever reads this, please drop me an email. I'd like to know who's following the story. Rock_fan89@yahoo.com

Michael and Colin part 5

After arriving to his new home, Michael grabbed the belongings he had with him at the hospital. He was nervous about meeting his cousin the first time. The last time he had seen his uncle was for the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin which he barely remembered. His uncle trudged into the house with the heavy suitcases full of clothes and various belongings Michael wanted when he got to his uncles. A boy who lived next door saw him and saw him and ran toward him and seemed as though he had no intent of stopping. Michael saw this and stepped away at the last minute barely missing getting charged at and possibly beaten up again. Erik saw this as well and stopped the boy grabbing his arm. Looking at him, he seemed like he was in some sort of sport, maybe swimming or a local baseball team and looked about 5'7" in height dark brown hair and eyes with a slight tan from being outside.

"Hey!" the boy yelled in protest. "Let go."

"Why were you running towards this young man? Do you not see he is injured? Have a bit of respect instead of just going off the first thing you see." Erik glared at the boy. "What is your name?"

The boy looked closer at Michael. He could see a few stitches on Michael's face a black eye and what seemed as though Michael was standing a bit off.

"I want an answer." Erik remarked getting impatient.

"Oh. Sir, my name is Payten and I saw the uniform and..." the boy started to stutter.

"Well not everything is as it seems Payten. My nephew here, Michael, was forced into the uniform for one. And two he just got out of the hospital from a severe injury." With that Erik walked inside.

"Stupid German" Payten muttered to himself.

Michael's ears perked and quickly faced him and swept Payten's feet out from under him grabbing him at the base of the jaw with all the strength he could muster which wasn't much. He punched Payten in the stomach. "You think I'm some stupid German? You think my brother's best friend who got killed by a grenade and died in my brothers arms was stupid? Or that my mother who just died of cancer is stupid also?" Michael spat. "I understood everything you said you little bitch. I may be a tad smaller than you and injured but I can clearly handle my own still and just to let you know, you just got beat up by a 12 year old." Michael let go of the boy who dropped to the ground and took off inside.

Matt ran out of his room after seeing the entire scene. "Wow. Holy crap." Matt stood there shocked. "I presume you're my...cousin?"

Michael's adrenaline dropped. "It's Michael and yes I am." He replied in his thick German accent trying to smile still feeling his heartbeat. Michael looked at his cousin and noticed the same dirty blonde hair his mother had with Matt's dad's bright blue eyes and soft features. Matt was thin looking and was the same height as Michael, 5' 5",

Matt helped him inside. "I'm Matt" realizing he had yet to introduce himself.

Meanwhile, when Payten got home, he went looking for his parents. "Mom? Dad?"

"We are in the dining room waiting for you so we can eat. What's wrong? And why is your jaw red?" his mother replied.

"I don't know."

"Did you get into another fight again?" she responded.

Payten was silent.

"Your mom asked you a question." His dad replied. Daniel Collins could be stern usually.

"Yes ma'am." Payten said looking at his mashed potatoes playing with them with his fork.

"Who was it this time? Was it the next door neighbor, Arthur, again?" his mom inquired.

"No, it was some new kid down the street. He was wearing what seemed to be a German uniform."

"Uniform?" his dad looked up from his dinner plate in confusion. "How old was he?"

"Dad, the uniform part isn't important, and to answer your question, he was 12."

Daniel nearly choked on his food. Swallowing, he smartly remarked "You got beat up by a 12 year old who is smaller than you?" he chuckled. "Must have been some kid. I think maybe we should figure out some sort of punishment for all this fighting. And let his parents decide what the punishment is."

Payten gulped at the possibilities. `Awe crap, I'm not getting out of this one' he thought to himself finishing his food and barely touching the potatoes.

"Oh, and I want all that food gone prior to you leaving this table and I will sit here until its gone." His dad told him noticing the potatoes just sitting there.

Later that evening, Daniel took Payten over to their neighbors' home.

Back at Erik Fischer's residence, Michael started to unpack his things and Matt was watching and looking at various things. Erik had decided to just make a simple meal of burgers beans and some mixed vegetables. Erik was tired from earlier and wanted to just sit and relax.

"Supper is ready boys. Get washed up." Erik called out and could hear both boys run down towards the dining area. "Michael, I know that you're not used to things like hamburgers but I wasn't really in the mood to cook much."

"Uncle, it is fine. It smells good." Michael said smiling. Michael was starved and quickly devoured his food. "Thank you. May I be excused?" When Erik nodded still chewing his last bit of food, Michael grabbed his plate, rinsed it and went back to his room. He decided he was probably in need of a shower and suddenly realized he had no idea how the one for his bathroom worked. "Matt, can you come here? I don't know how to work the shower." Michael called out.

Matt sighed and went to the bathroom they shared. "What do you need?" he asked curiously.

"How does the shower work?" Michael responded.

Matt slid past him, turned on the hot water to full, moved the middle to make the water come out for the shower head. "The one I didn't touch is to adjust the temperature. When you're done, be sure to shut off all three."

Michael said thanks and smiled appreciatively. After Matt closed the bathroom door, Michael unbuttoned his jacket and hung it on the door handle. He took off his shoes and socks wiggling his toes feeling the cool floor beneath his feet. He laid his shirt and pants in a pile in the corner. He looked at himself in the mirror just in his underpants, admiring his slightly toned 5'5 105 frame. His brother had gotten him into doing a small workout routine every day. He saw the steam coming from the shower, dropped his underpants, and jumped in somewhat burning himself and letting out a muffled scream as he adjusted the temperature. He let the hot water cascade over his smooth body. His mind was still on his brother, Peter. His mind flashed back to when Peter came home one night.

His mother, who was not yet sick, had just finished putting supper on the table. She had decided to make rabbit with rolls, potatoes carrots and poured wine for father and her. She was in the kitchen pulling the food out of the oven when she heard the door shut and lock. She saw Peter who looked overly tired and very distraught. Not to mention thin and pale.

Father came out from his study wondering who had been at the front door. He saw his eldest son who looked like he just fought half the war. "What happen to you?" Noticing the distraught look but also noticed Peter seemed to be in shock.

Peter had a distant look to him, shed a single tear and replied "Dieter is gone." He was trying to not cry in front of father. His father walked towards him and embraced him tightly. Peter felt the warmth and love from his father.

"Let's all sit at the table, have supper together as a family and you can explain." Mother told him getting tired of seeing Peter so thin and pale. She grabbed the baked food and set it in the middle of the table. They sat down and let Peter get his food first.

Peter had started where the Allies had landed. He told them about the grenade landing in the bunker and one of Peters own leaving him there. He noticed father grip the fork a little harder as he tensed up. He told them about an Allied Medic who had followed the group that chased after some of the unit stationed at the bunker and stopped and administered some aid and the medic sneaking him back to his unit after dark in fear of being shot himself. Peter had said that he spent a few nights with the Allied troops camped out and traveled with them prior to reaching his unit. He said that a regiment of the SS had picked him up and grouped him with their unit until they were just outside Berlin. And from there he had walked home.

Mother slapped her son for not trying to leave sooner and staying with the Americans. Peter continued with what had happened.

He informed them that he was sent home for a week for injuries as ordered by his commanding officer. He would regroup with the unit on the eastern front.

Michael snapped out of the memory and realized he was still in the shower. He looked at himself and quickly washed himself and turned off the water. His hands and feet were all wrinkled like prunes. He dried off and ended up getting a boner from the friction of the towel. He wondered what had gotten him hard. He shrugged it off and ignored it. Wrapping the towel around him, he went to his new room and opened his suitcase to grab something to wear. He threw on some pajamas and started rummaging through his other suitcase finidng a couple books and the radio that he took out of Peter's room. He plugged it in searching through the stations seeing if he could find classical music. After finding it, he started putting clothes in the dresser and various books and other belongings away. He heard a knock on the bedroom door. He turned down the radio and opened the door. He saw his uncle standing there.

"Would you like to accompany me tomorrow at the shipyard to see when the rest of your things will be here? Oh, and I have a surprise for you. Come out to the front room with me."

Michael quickly shut off the radio and headed out the door to the front living room with his uncle. "Uncle Erik, I would like to go to the shipyard with you tomorrow. What..." Michael paused. He saw sitting before him a box with his name on it and next to the box, was Rudolph, the puppy Peter had gotten him earlier this year. Rudolph barked as Michael squatted down and petted his friend and was licked all over. "Rudolph!" Michael squeaked with joy causing his voice to crack. "What? Where?" Michael asked in excitement and confusion.

Erik smiled. "I got a call from the airport about a German Shepherd puppy running around the airport and the local police trying to catch him. I'm guessing that he either got put on the wrong flight or somehow got out after you had landed. The box...supposedly, Rudolph, which I am guessing is your dog's name, was carrying the box in his mouth by string. Does something in it maybe smell like you?"

Michael looked at him oddly. "Smell like me?" I don't understand.

"Something in that box that you have touched has your scent that the dog recognizes." Matt explained walking in from the kitchen eating a cookie.

Michael tried to think of what could possibly be in there that smelled like him. He couldn't think of anything but maybe the box and string itself. "What if it's the string and the box on its own?"

Erik shrugged. "It is possible. Can you remember what is in the box?"

"I think some of father's belongings. I would like to open it in my room though."

"Of course, and just to let you know, I will be waking you up at 8 am tomorrow morning to take you to the shipyard."

"That's fine." With that, Michael gave his uncle a hug and thanked him. He took the box and walked to his room with Rudolph close behind. Once in his room, He took out his brothers' knife from him being in the Hitler Youth and cut away the string and the tape. He opened the box. In it was the letters between Peter and their uncle, letters to mother and father, various pictures of the family along with Dieter and Peter, the German flag that father put up on Hitler's birthday and special occasions. Under it was a flag from the first war, along with keys to the Mercedes. At the bottom of the box was a letter addressed to him. Michael opened it. He noticed it was from Jonathan's dad. Just as he was about to read it, Matt opened the door seeing the contents from the box strewed out on the bed. Michael looked up not really knowing what to do or say. They saw Rudolph get up from lying on the floor and sat next to Michael's feet.

"What was in the box?" Matt asked.

"Mostly letters and pictures"

"That's nice." Matt responded with a smile. He picked up the older flag. "Who's was this?"

"My grandfather's on my father's side I believe."

"Oh. Who sent you the letter in your hand?"

"My brother's lover, Jonathan and his dad."

Matt thought to himself `His brother was a fairy. Great.'

"Yes my brother had a male lover and I would appreciate it if you kept your comments to yourself about it. Certain things me and my family didn't agree with Hitler on but other things we did."

"Like what? The Jewish people?"

"Yes. I believe in purity and pride and things like that."

Matt shrugged. "So what does the letter say?"

To be continued...

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