Michelle, My Husband & Me

By Sista Moon

Published on Sep 2, 1994



Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)

This is the first chapter of a work in progress about experiences I had at the beginning of this summer. This story includes graphic description of sexual acts between consenting adults and is intended for mature readers only. There is no violent scenes of B & D or any sex with children. Only a couple of belts will be used in this story.

Remember this is a work in progress of events that happened not too long ago. More to come (The pun is definitely intended)

Send any comments of the story to me at Sista Moon@aol.com. If there is an interest in the story, I will continue it.


Now on to our feature presentation.


written by Sister Moon

I woke up one Saturday morning early this summer to the noise of a truck backing up in front of our condominium complex. I stumbled out of our king size bed and peeked out of my second floor bedroom window. I saw a large moving van with two big burly guys climbing out of it. That really pissed me off, because it was only 7:15 in the morning and on a Saturday!!! The day I love to sleep in, but once I'm up, I'm up. "Someone must be moving in next door", I said while yawning. I turned to look at my husband, Kevin, but he hadn't heard me. He was still asleep. "He can sleep through anything!!", I thought. I slipped a white terry cloth bathrobe over my gray cotton T-shirt and black silk panties, put my hair in a hair scrunch thing and stumbled downstairs to the kitchen. I poured myself some Orange Juice, started the coffee and munched on a chocolate chip cookie. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day", I mumbled trying to justify my breakfast choice. Just then I heard voices outside. I thought this would be a good time to get the newspaper and let those guys know that they ruined my beauty sleep.

I listened at the front door as the voices got closer while thinking about what exactly I would say to these guys. I heard a third voice. "This must be the new neighbor", I thought. I opened the front door and saw the two guys and a woman, about my age-25, trying to open the door to the condo next to ours. I completely forgot what I was going to say and just grabbed my paper off the ground and said "Hi, you must be our new neighbor."

She responded, "Yes, I guess so" as she finally unlocked the door. "My name is Michelle", she continued.

I offered my hand and said "Lisa".

She took my hand, "Nice to meet you Lisa."

"Same here. See you around and good luck getting settled in".

"Thanks", she replied, and I went back inside after giving the truck driver and his partner a dirty look.

I started to make a list of things we would need for the barbecue Kevin and I had planned for the next day while I sipped my coffee. After finishing my coffee and a couple more chocolate chip cookies, I decided it was time to take a shower.

I went upstairs to the bedroom listening to my husbands snoring get louder and louder, took my robe off, threw it on the bed as I headed for the bathroom. I turned on the shower to get the water nice and hot and slipped off my T-shirt and stepped out of my panties throwing them to the floor in a crumpled mess in the corner. I laughed to myself knowing that my husband would have given me a dirty look for doing that. He's such a neat freak!

I looked at myself in the mirror and was happy with what I saw. A decent looking woman of 25. "All of that exercise is really paying off", I thought.

I pulled the thing in my hair out and threw it in the pile in the corner and bent over, teasing my shoulder length blonde hair then snapping my head and upper body up like the models do. "Maybe I should have tried to be a model" I thought, "but I enjoy being a nurse". I concluded that I made the right career choice, after all, that's how I met Kevin. (but that's another story).

I put one hand under each of my 36C breasts and pushed them up, squeezing a little. "Not too bad", I thought. I turned around and looked at my ass. I noticed the tan lines from my bikini and realized that my tan was going really great this year. It was nice to work only three days a week.

More time to work on my tan. I was glad I had decided to tan topless this year. Tan lines that harsh on my chest would not be flattering.

I turned around again and ran my hand down my stomach, past my belly button and down to my pubic hairs. I started to think of the night before, when Kevin made love to me like he hadn't since we were dating. We've been married for about three months and were finally settled and getting comfortable with the idea that we were always there for each other.

We played for hours the night before sharing our fantasies. He had brought up a scenario where we had another woman in bed with us and he made me tell him exactly what I was doing to her and what I wanted her to do to me. It really turned me on. I tried to remember how many orgasms I had, but couldn't remember exactly, but I guessed around four.

I played with the hairs on my mound and thought that they looked too ordinary for the kind of wild passionate sex we had the night before. I remembered that Kevin had suggested shaving me last night, but I told him no, even though I had thought of it before after seeing a picture in one of his "men's" magazines. This got me thinking. I decided to do it myself without him knowing and surprise him with it later. I grabbed a pair of scissors from under the sink and very carefully trimmed the very short and headed for the shower with a razor and some shaving gel in hand.

I put the razor and shaving cream down on the ledge in the tub and let the hot water run all over my body. It felt nice, refreshing. The water and the thought of what I was about to do really woke me up. The senses were really going. I grabbed the shaving gel and shot some in my hand. I stepped out from underneath the water and slowly started to rub it in. The gel was a little cool, but it felt good. I grabbed the razor and started to shake with anticipation. Realizing that this position wasn't the best for the task at hand, I sat in the tub facing the shower head.

The water was hitting my legs and my feet. I spread my legs by putting my left foot up against the soap dish for leverage so I wouldn't slide and my right leg rested against the shower curtain on the tub ledge. I squirted some more gel and rubbed it between my legs. I massaged the gel in well and slowly. I was getting really turned on. I spread my lips and felt inside, touching my clitoris. It was really sensitive to my touch, and I was starting to get wet. I stopped touching myself by convincing myself I had a job to do. I grabbed the razor and made one shaving motion from the top of my pubic hair, moving downwards. It pulled a little so I rinsed the razor. I continued the shave and rinse cycle until my mound was smooth to the touch. I then had to concentrate on what was between my legs.

I guess I am lucky, because there really isn't much that grows there. I made a couple careful strokes up each side of my sensitive skin and ran my hand up and down my now very wet pussy to see if I missed anything. I was still lubricated from the shaving gel. I was anxious to see what I had done, so I finished my shower quickly, slowing down only to when I ran the soap between my legs. I worked up the lather with both hands and marveled at how good my hairless pussy felt to the touch. I rinsed off well, and grabbed a towel and dried off quickly. I looked down and saw nothing but skin. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like from the mirror's perspective. I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of the tub.

The mirror was all steamed up from the shower so I grabbed the hair dryer and held it up to the mirror to clear it up. It seemed to take forever. The mirror finally cleared of fog and I put the hairdryer down and backed up to get a better view. I undid the towel and let it drop to the floor. I couldn't believe it. I was completely bald. My lips looked so naked. They hadn't looked like that since I was a little girl, but I didn't have these breasts then. I spread my legs apart shoulder length apart and stared at my new bald pussy wondering if Kevin would like what I had done.

I heard a knock at the bathroom door. The hair dryer had probably woken Kevin up and he was looking to get in.

"Just a minute" I said.

I quickly wrapped the towel around me and put the razor and shaving gel away. I opened the door and walked out giving him a kiss on the ear.

"It's all yours", I sang as I bounded out of the bathroom.

When the door shut, I grabbed some red silk floral print panties and a matching bra out of the dresser and got them on just before he got out of the bathroom. He walked over to me wearing only a pair of cotton boxers and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "Let's continue where we left off last night."

I wrapped my arms around his 6' 4" 215 pound frame. The thought of that was very tempting. I was still exited about my new smooth genitalia, but I wanted to wait to show him. So I answered "No, we have a lot to do today. Go take a shower." He pouted and said something about his frigid wife, and laughed while walking back into the bathroom. I finished getting dressed and went downstairs to watch TV until Kevin got out of the shower. The remainder of the day was spent shopping and getting the place ready for our guests.

It was a long day. Both Kevin and I were so tired, we didn't even mention the possibility of sex. I was disappointed that I didn't get to show him my surprise, but then there is always tomorrow.

Chapter 2

At precisely 12:00 on Sunday, our first guests arrived for our barbecue. It was Kevin's friend from work Brian and his girlfriend Renee. Both had a great sense of humor and were a lot of fun to be around. By 12:45 all of our guests had arrived. My single friends Beth and Cory from work, Kevin's single friend John and about 4 other couples. All together there were 13 people not including Kevin and me. We were all enjoying each others company on our deck, eating food that was bad for us and talking about everything from politics to sex.

At around 3:00 our new neighbor, Michelle, emerged from her new home to throw some boxes and newspaper on her deck. "Who is THAT?, John asked and Kevin shrugged. "That's our new neighbor, Michelle. I met her briefly yesterday", I answered.

"Hi Michelle" I shouted so she would be sure to hear me over the loud music we were playing.

Michelle waved and smiled, but seemed preoccupied with what she was doing.

John replied "She is gorgeous!".

I looked at her carefully for the first time. Even with the strain and dirt that comes along with moving she did look attractive. She was about 5' 6", a little shorter than me, with long black hair and big beautiful brown eyes. Her skin was dark or olive, but not from a tan. She looked to be part Asian. Her breasts were smaller than mine but very firm. They hardly moved as she was tossing out the empty boxes. Her legs were long and well toned. She was obviously in really good shape.

"Yes, she is attractive", I responded.

John said "Invite her over. Is she single?" John has been looking for a girlfriend ever since his high school sweetheart broke up with him.

"I don't know. Just met her yesterday and we only spoke briefly" I said, still looking at our new next-door-neighbor. "I'll ask her if she wants to come over.

John was watching anxiously as I walked over to speak with Michelle for the second time.

"How's the move going?, I asked.

"Almost done. I worked almost all night getting everything unpacked. I really hate it when my place is unorganized and everything is in boxes. I like to know exactly where everything is, you know." she replied.

I laughed and said "You would get along great with my husband, Kevin. He is the most organized person in the world."

Michelle chuckled.

"Listen, we're having a little get together, as you can see, and we were wondering if you would like to come over for a while. We have some hamburgers. hot dogs and beer if you're interested." I continued as I watched her continue to collapse and stack the boxes.

"I'd love to. I have nothing to eat in the house yet, but let me finish with these boxes and get cleaned up first." She seemed happy probably because she didn't have to go out to get food.

"All right, I'll see you later then." I walked away, not feeling the least bit guilty about not helping her with those boxes. I think it was because I had already consumed four beers. Enough to give me a great buzz.

"WELL?", John asked, "Is she coming over?"

"Yes, John", I replied. "Keep it in your pants."

Everyone knew how horny John has been and had a good laugh at that remark.

The party continued and about forty-five minutes later, Michelle emerged from her new home and slowly began walking over to our deck. I knew that she was probably uncomfortable going to a party where she didn't know anyone, so I walked to meet her half way.

Her hair was down and still damp from her shower. She had changed into a pair of blue shorts and a cute white blouse. She was wearing sandals and I noticed her toe nails were painted pink to match the color of her long finger nails. She smiled when she saw me.

I made it known that she was welcome and got her to walk faster by taking her hand and leading her up the stairs to our deck. After the gratuitous introductions I led her toward the food. As she helped herself to some food , I got her a beer.

She had barely settled in her when John began to ask her questions about where she was from, what does she do etc. Before she could answer I told John to calm down and let her eat first.

John started to tell some jokes to obviously try and impress our new acquaintance. She giggled, but didn't seem impressed.

After Michelle finished her food we allowed John to ask her some questions. She just moved to Connecticut from her home in New York for her first job after finishing college at N.Y.U. She was 22 years old, younger than I guessed, and starting a management training job at an insurance company a week from Monday.

John seemed happy with those answers and continued to try and impress Michelle. She wasn't biting though.

At around 5:00, the barbecue started to break up. The only people left were my single friends Beth, Cory and John and our new neighbor Michelle. We went inside and Cory helped me clean up the dishes while Kevin, Beth, John and Michelle continued talking in the living room.

Cory whispered, "John is really blowing it with your new neighbor". I nodded and said, "He hasn't tried to pick up someone in a long time and it shows". We both laughed.

The dishes were all done and Cory and Beth thanked us for the good time and convinced John to leave with them. John said something stupid to Michelle as he left about seeing her again sometime. The door shut and Michelle laughed and said "I haven't seen anyone try that hard before in my life!"

Kevin and I both laughed and agreed. She obviously wasn't interested in John. "Too bad", I thought. John is a really nice guy when you get to know him.

Michelle got up and thanked us for saving her from going out searching for food. She said she still hasn't gone out to find where everything is yet.

"I have off tomorrow. I'm a nurse and I only work three days a week. I can show you around if you want." I offered.

"Thanks. That sounds great", Michelle said grinning, "Can we start with a grocery store?"

"Sure, how about 9:00 tomorrow morning?"

Michelle nodded and said "Sounds great. Meet you here?"

"Sounds good to me." I said. "It's a date."

Kevin walked Michelle to the door said good-bye and watched her ass as she walked away.

"I saw that!", I shouted laughing after Kevin shut the door.

"What?" he said sheepishly knowing he was guilty. "You're the one with the `date' you know".

"You wish it was that kind of date", I laughed.

He ran over and picked me up, carrying me to the couch. He kissed me deeply as he ran his hand up and down the right side of my body before stopping at my right breast and stroking it through my shirt. He pinched my nipple making it stand up as if it were at attention. He moved his lips to my neck and started to kiss me from my shoulders to my ear.

I put one arm around his body stroking his ass and used the other hand to play with his hair. I whispered in his ear "Do you think she's pretty? you know Michelle?"

"Yes I guess so", was his reply as he continued to lick and blow his warm breath in my ear.

"Is that the kind of woman you thought of the other night when we were fantasizing?" I asked.

"It could be", he laughed and started to unbutton my shirt.

I sat up and let him take my shirt off of me and helped him unhook and remove my bra. He stroked my left nipple and ran his tongue in circles around the other until both of my nipples were hard. I reached between his legs and grabbed his hardened manhood and fondled it with an up and down motion. He unbuttoned my shorts and started to unzip them. Not wanting to reveal my secret yet, I stopped him and told him I wanted to do something first.

I told him to stand up and I sat up on the couch in front of him. I unbuttoned his shorts and slowly brought the zipper down as he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the love seat. I kissed his belly button exploring it with my tongue as I pulled his shorts down to his knees and then letting them drop to the floor. His organ was straining against the fabric of his tight blue briefs. I could see the head peaking out of the waistband. I pulled the top of his underwear out freeing his engorged cock. He let out a moan as I pulled his briefs down and helped him step out of them.

There it was. Inches from my face. I looked up in his eyes hungrily as I ran my nails up and down his thighs, stopping just millimeters away from his balls with each upward motion. His face became flushed as he waited with anticipation.

I couldn't let him wait any longer. I grabbed his balls with my left hand. With my right hand I grasped his shaft at it's base stroking up and down. I ran my tongue around the head paying particular attention to his nectar that was already starting to seep out of his cock.

Without warning, I wrapped my lips around him and took in as much of him my mouth would allow. My hand matched the motion of my mouth as I continued my oral delight. I moved my left hand between his legs and stroked back and forth from his now tight testes back to his anus. He was moaning softly. I knew he was enjoying this.

I felt his balls get even tighter and sensed he was about to come. I love to his cock contracting in my mouth. I love to feel him spurt his love in my mouth. The rush of warm fluid over my tongue and down my throat is one of my greatest joys.

But I didn't want him to come that way tonight. I wanted to feel him inside me, filling me up with his lust.

I stopped.

I still had my surprise.

He looked very disappointed, but was more eager to get between my legs now.

I told him I had a surprise for him and for him to sit back down on the couch. Kevin looked confused, but curious. I am not known for originality in the sex department I have to admit. He sat back on the couch with one leg still on the ground and his cock still raging with desire.

I stood up and fondled my tits much like I had done the morning before in front of the mirror only this time I had an audience of one. My shorts were already unbuttoned and partially unzipped. I finished unzipping them and let them fall to the floor. I was wearing only some black lace thong panties and turned around to show my bare ass. I crossed my legs placing my right foot over my left and bent forward giving the object of my sexual desire a good view of my ass. The wet folds of skin underneath my panties was straining against the damp cloth of my panties. I peeked back at him, but he didn't notice. He was too busy staring at me and stoking himself slowly and gently.

I stood up straight and slipped my panties off, kicking them to the side. I stepped sideways towards the end of the couch where his head was resting.

"Are you ready for your surprise?" I breathed.

Kevin could only nod.

I swung my right leg over his head and rested it on the back of the couch and kneeled on the cushion with my other leg in one swift motion. This placed my naked, wet pussy only inches from his face. I could feel his quickening breath. He looked and could only muster a "wow" before helping himself to a taste of my wetness. He placed both hands on my ass as he slid his tongue in and out of my sensitive pink flesh.

It felt so good.

I grabbed his head with both hands and started to rock myself back and forth over his darting tongue. I could feel my juices running down my inner thigh. This felt so right. So easy. My baldness seemed to ignite a fire within him and he consumed me like never before. There was nothing between his mouth and me.

I quickly began to feel the surge of orgasm coursing through my body. "Don't stop. Don't stop." I mumbled as I rocked myself faster and faster over his open mouth. He quickened his motion over my swollen clitoris.

"I'm coming, oooh I'm coming", I groaned.

My feet and legs seemed to go numb and I threw my head back as I quickened the pace of my rocking once again. The wave of orgasm rushed all over my body as I shook for what seemed like forever as my pussy contracted over and over. I never had an orgasm like that before.

I let out a sigh and laid my body on top of his and kissed him intensely holding his face in my hands. His face was so wet from my orgasm. I could taste my wetness and smell my musky odor as I kissed him.

"It's your turn now." I whispered.

I placed one leg on each side of his body and reached behind me to grab his cock. I directed it toward my hole. I wanted him inside me so badly. I slid the head of his cock up and down between my swollen wet lips a few times before impaling myself on his big hard organ.

I was so wet he effortlessly slipped in. I started to ride him up and down slowly at first, but quickening with every thrust. He reached up and grabbed my breasts and fondled them roughly as I bounced up and down. I looked at his face. His eyes were closed and he had the sweetest look on his face. I knew he was about to fill me with his come.

I felt his body tighten so I quickened my pace even more. I was feeling my body tighten and I prepared myself for another orgasm. I rested both of my hands on his chest and watched his face grimace as his body shook. I felt his organ throb as his come filled me in wave after wave. I came again with him as he continued to thrust his hips involuntarily as his body shook.

His hands dropped to his side. Kevin was spent. I was too.

He opened his eyes and looked straight in my eyes. "I love you", he said.

"I love you too", I responded and I kissed him gently. We held each other for a while in silence.

Kevin broke the silence by asking me "When did you do that?" Obviously referring to the baldness between my legs.

"I'll tell you later. Come to bed." I said. I grabbed him by his hand and led him upstairs leaving the clothes where they lay.

End of chapter 2.

Look for the next chapter of "Michelle, My Husband and Me" soon right here.

"Ooh and if you see the woman with the key. I hear she is opening the door to heaven." KATE BUSH

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