Midnight Escapes

By Juan Macias

Published on Jul 22, 2009



Thank you for taking the time to read my story. This chapter is only to be read if reading about homosexual situations is legal where you live and you are legally allowed to. This particular chapter is not explicit and is okay to be read by all ages. It speaks about sexual themes without going into detail. If you are not interested or not legally allowed to read a story about homosexuality and sexual activities, please do not read ahead. If you are interested and legally allowed to I hope you enjoy. To contact me, write to juanmaciasp2@gmail.com

`The only reason I regret coming out is because I know the world is a cruel place to people like me and it will make my life harder. Being gay is not easy. It seems like it's the worst when you're still a teen, but I wouldn't know that for sure until I grow up.'

My name is Juan. I'm 15 years old. I am a sophomore at high school. My hair is very dark brown, almost black. I'm about 5' 10" and getting in a great shape. I don't mean that I am chubby, but that I don't have a muscular body. I do swim, so I have somewhat of a swimmers body, but my muscles are toned and not built. I don't play any sports nor do I watch them, except for swimming. It's my passion, along with the career I pursue. My dream career is in the field of network support. I like to use computers, learn about them, fix them, and maintain them. It's what the job entitles.

So it was just another day in school, with the same awesome friends and the usually lame teachers nobody can stand. I could not wait till lunch time, it's the only reason I went to school. Who wants to learn anyways? I didn't have any computer classes so it was not worth it to go, only for my friends. Skipping was fun, so it was a common activity performed at school. Lunch time approached as I sat in English class, listening to a boring lecture on some Shakespeare book. Though it wasn't interesting to me, I envied the characters for finding love so easily. A storybook ending AND a storybook love are things that never happen in real life.

Class was dismissed and I headed to my usual lunch spot. On the way to the tables I ate at by the field, my friend Jessica approached me. "Hey Fag, Alex and Daniella are skipping with me after lunch, you want to come?" The answer to that question is usually a yes; I'd only be a no if I had a project due or an important test that day. That wasn't the case. "Hi back Cracker, I'll gladly tag along." I quickly looked around. "Be at the parking lot 5 minutes before lunch is over. We're coming back right before the end of fourth period. Make sure your third or fourth period teachers don't see you." She acts as if I was new to this, but we did it at least once a week, sometimes in the morning and sometimes after lunch. On special occasions we would skip all day and head to a beach or pool. "Okay, will do."

I continued my walk to the table and saw my regular lunch companion waiting for me. "Que mas marica?" (What's up homo), yelled Kim from the table. "Nothing, sleepy. I got no sleep last night and Burley's lesson got me in the mood for a nap. I'm fed up with school." "Tell me about it. Isn't everyone? Good thing we only have 2 more weeks left. I can't stand it anymore. Summer's going to be fantastic this year, lots of traveling and plans for me." I wasn't too excited about summer. It was great to be rid of my lame teachers but at the same time I would be bored. Everyone is going on vacation and that leaves me all by myself. Meeting new people was challenging for me, I'm very shy. But I guess it would either come to me or I would just deal with it for two and a half months.

"I'm going to go take a nap in Alex's car. We're skipping after lunch so I'll eat once we leave." I started to get up and walk away when Kim yelled "Juan! Tell Alex to take me with her next time, school's as hard for you guys as it is for me." Without looking back I waved and gave her a thumbs up. I texted Alex to see where I could find her. Her response said `Im at the field behind the school bldg.' I began my walk to the spot Alex told me she was at. On the way I was my 4th period teacher in the distance and had to take a detour, hiding from view and finally reaching the field. Alex was nowhere to be seen so I headed to her car. I checked the passenger door, it didn't lock. Luckily her alarm was broken so I let myself in, unlocked the back door, then climbed in the back and lied down. The car was slightly warm due to the coming summer heat. I got comfortable and dozed off.

"Wake up!" I started screaming, scared out of my mind. I didn't remember where I had fallen asleep and was piecing everything together. I heard the laughter of my 3 lovely companions. I scoot over to make room for Daniella. Jessica took shotgun and Alex drove. "Hah! We love you fag!" Said Alex. "Thank you Alexandra Danielle." I said, grinning at her through the mirror. She didn't like to be called by her full name. Nicknames were her favorite, so when she did things like this they would be the last thing I called her. We drove off quickly, not wanting to be seen by security. This was not our lucky day, they spotted us. This was the easy security guard though, Paul, or Pauli as we called him. We simply promised him a burger when we came back and he let us go. He was a pushover. All the security guards were, but he was the easiest. 10 minutes into the ride I began to fall asleep again. Daniella elbowed me and kept me awake. "We're boyfriend shopping for you so be on your guard, you can sleep some other time." I unhappily agreed and stared out the window. It was a sunny day. The blue sky made me want to go to the beach but that wasn't a possibility today. We talked throughout the ride, cracking jokes at each other and laughing a lot.

The car stopped. I was staring at the sky and did not realize we had stopped. "Let's go!" they yelled. I got up and realized we were at the mall. I checked my phone for the time. It was about two o'clock., giving us about 2 hours to spend at the mall. I groggily walked with my friends, having some glances at the cute guys walking by. I did not have anything that made people even realize I was gay, nobody could even consider me without knowing for sure. "Hoes, wait! Let's go in here." We entered the store; it had all kinds of things like jewelry, bracelets, cards, Prank items, gags, and even dildos. I browsed the store for a selection of rainbow items I had seen during another visit. I found a bracelet that called my attention. It was similar to those yellow `LiveStrong' bracelets you see everyone wearing, but it was about two times longer and had all the colors of the rainbow. I ripped the paper tag off and shoved it in Jessica's bag. "Nice Juan, I'll take the fall for your needs." "I'd steal tampons for you if you were broke so shut it." She grinned at me and kept walking. We looked around a little more to make it seem natural and then left. I took the bracelet out of her bag and put it on, I liked how it looked so I kept walking.

We stopped at the food court to get some food. I like Taco Bell, anything there that wasn't spicy or had no beans was delicious. The guy at the counter was cute so I posed in a way that my bracelet was clearly visible. "My friend here likes you, are you gay?" Said Daniella. I giggled but at the same time really wanted to kill her for saying that. "Nope sorry, but you're pretty cure girl." Said the cute Spanish guy. We sighed, got our food and walked away. We ate and looked at the time. I let them know it was time to go and we headed out. Just in time, I caught my bus and it drove me home. I talked to the guys for a while until my stop came around. I walked home quickly, not wanting to run into the neighborhood thugs.

That night I decided to try one of those online dating things. I searched, but not finding a free one, I gave up. I looked up one of my favorite porn sites and pulled my boxers down. I jacked off for about 5 minutes before cumming. I cleaned up and watched TV with the timer on as I fell asleep. * * *

Saturday! I jumped off of my bed after a great night full of sleeping and grabbed my bathing suit. I texted Erika to make sure we were still on for today. She confirmed she'd be at my place in 15 minutes. I had some apple jacks and brushed my teeth when the doorbell rang. I grabbed an apple and headed out. "Hey Juanton. Nice bracelet" "Thanks doll, got it at the mall yesterday but I forgot to take it off, maybe it will fulfill it's function at the pool." We put on our jam and sung our hearts out. We then chatted about work and how things were at the school she went to. We arrived and got our things. We split up into our corresponding locker rooms. I got some looks from the guys that were absent before so I was hopeful.

I finished changing first so I dove in. There were new guys in the pool which I'd never met. I started doing my laps even when Erika joined to do the same. I purposely swam in a slight diagonal, slowly getting closer to the new guys. When I finally stopped, they were about 4 feet away from me. I could hear their voices and now see them more clearly. I was disappointed to see they were younger than I thought. The oldest looked about my age but was not good looking. The other two looked like brothers, one possibly 18 and the other at about 10. I sat there for a while taking a breath and observing with my peripherals. The 18ish one was extremely cute, he was blonde with light brown eyes. He had a surfer kind of look but with short hair. He wasn't there for athletic swimming but more for enjoying the sunny day and the cold pool.

After a while, they started racing. When they said `GO' I started swimming as well. They did not swim fast, so I quickly overtook them and won, even though I wasn't really part of it. Erika came up to me and we chatted for a while. I told her about my observations and she threw her comments in there. I got out of the pool and walked to the bathroom to pee. As I finished and started to turn around and walk back, I bumped into someone walking to the urinals. He slipped due to the wet floor and hit his butt, hard. "I'm so sorry about that dude. I didn't see you. Are you okay?" It was the surfer-looking boy. "I'm okay thank you. And no need to apologize, I wasn't looking ahead either." I reached out with my hand to help him up. Though I knew he could do it on his own I decided to offer. I pulled me up with too much force and he landed in my arms. I held him for a reasonable time and finally let him go. "You better?" "Yeah I'm fine thank you. My name is Chase by the way." "I'm Juan."

"I like your bracelet." I was confused at first, not knowing what he was referring to. I realized soon afterward that he referred to my rainbow bracelet, which I forgot I had. I grinned at him and said "what do you like about it?" "I just like it because it represents me in a way." "That's actually why I got it." We smiled at each other as we jumped into the pool. We swam for another 20 minutes before Erika told me she had to go home now. Chase left the pool with us and followed me into the locker room. He fished out his phone and asked me for my number as we both changed. I gave him my number and asked him if he could text. He told me his parents would put it on their phone plan when summer started, but that I could call him any time. I was his butt-naked body but only from behind as he changed. He had a nice build to him, about my height, muscular, and a nice butt too. I walked up to him. "I'm going now, see you later!" I lost my shyness that very moment and gave him a kiss on the cheek. As I walked out, I tried to brush my hand against his butt but failed. "B-bb-bye!" He stuttered.

I waited at the lobby for Erika until she walked out with a grin. "How is Chase?" She asked me. I thought of words to describe him but could find none so just said "Amazing." We didn't talk about him at all anymore throughout the ride. We repeated our car ride to the pool on the way home until we arrived. "Hope he calls soon" Erika said, winking, and drove away quickly. I realized I didn't get his number, so I had to wait for him to call me. It drove me crazy not being able to talk to him, hearing his sweet deep voice. I checked my phone every 5 to 10 minutes to see if I missed a call or anything. The whole day flashed by with no calls of any sort.

At about 7:30 P.M. my phone rang. I excitedly opened it and almost yelled "hello?!" "Hey baby, how are you?" Ugh! It was my mom. It's not that I don't like talking to my mom but that I wanted him to call so bad. She told me she was at the Grocery store and asked if I needed anything. I finished talking and hung up the phone. Man was I bummed. The night kept progressing and still no phone call. At about 11:30, I fell asleep waiting for a call. I was so excited that someone was finally interested in me that I could not let it go. I always made false hope in my mind and it never happened. In a way I would not stop hurting myself, but I had a feeling that this was a different situation. Coming to my senses in the morning, I realized he never called. I checked my phone and had a new text from a friend in another state. I responded and got off my bed. I sighed and turned off my computer. No new emails. The weather outside was crappy, so I skipped my Sunday jog. Being in shape was very important to me. When younger I was chubby and bullied and made fun of because of it. I could not let my weigh slip again. I ate apple jacks and then showered. I had nothing planned for the day. I watched some TV hoping that the weather would clear up but it didn't. I went online to check my email again. I had some college emails I took quick glances at with no interest what-so-ever. I thought about Chase. It was incredible to me how obsessed I was. He was still 3, maybe even 4 years older than me. He was so gorgeous though that it didn't matter. I could not wait until Monday when I'd tell Kim, Jess, Alex, And Danni about Chase. They'd probably laugh bit I would not care. I had to be stupid. What am I supposed to tell them? I talked to this guy for 20 minutes and he asked for my number? That wasn't a big deal. I mean it was a huge deal, but only to me. As I typed in my favorite porn site to relieve some stress, my cell rang. Without having Chase in mind anymore, I answered gloomily.

"Hello?" "Hi" The voice said. "Hello" I said. There was a silence in the other line until the voice said "Is this Juan?" That question interested me. All of Saturday's events flew right back to mu head as said "Depends. Who might you be?" I thought it was clever. "Okay so I'm almost sure this is Juan. This is Chase speaking." My heart almost stopped beating. I could not speak with excitement, but I didn't want him to stop talking. "Hi Ch-ch-Chase. How are you?" "Don't be so timid. I worked up a lot of courage to call you. I'm doing good and you?" I understood his delay and didn't feel any frustration any more. "I'm good. I'm bored out of my mind at home." I sort of regretted saying that since it sounded like I don't have a life but I didn't want to lie to him. "Good! Can I pick you up? I want to go swimming with you, just us this time. What do you say?" I was kind of nervous when the question was asked. I thought of possible outcomes. "Okay, I guess that's okay. Should we meet there?" "No, I'll pick you up. What's your address?" I gave him the details of my location and he said he'd come get me.

Now I had something to tell my friends, but I didn't have time. I ran all over the place making myself look extra good for Chase. Having a chance to look outside, the weather was cleared up and the sun shone brightly in the sky. In a way this was like a date and I was excited to see what would happen. I hoped I would not lock up like the few other dates I took a shot at. I put on my best looking swimming trunk and waited for him to call. Instead of a call, the doorbell rang. I almost peed my pants with excitement. I checked my teeth in the mirror by the door to make sure I looked good. I opened the door to see the godly Chase. He was so handsome. He looked so much better dry than wet but overall very good looking. HOT! We climbed in his car, a 2001 Ford Mustang GT, a very good looking car for an EXTREMELY good looking guy. "Everything okay?" He asked me. I guess I was red with nervousness and impressed by his looks and his car. "Everything's okay Chase. Everything's perfect." I said with a smile. He smiled back, put the car in reverse, and drove forward into the distance.

We chatted about life and how things were with each other. He told me he was 17 which are both a good turn-on and a shock considering I thought he was 18 or 19, heck I even considered 20. I liked older guys, what can I say? I told him about my friends and he told me about him and his brothers which were with him yesterday. We chatted more before we arrived. We walked in and headed for the locker room. We changed whatever we needed to and headed for the pool. The water was cool, very refreshing too, so I cannonball in, followed by Chase's dive. We arose from the water smiling at each other. I was so excited, I'd never felt like this before. He seemed to realize this and swam over for a hug.

We raced for about 20 minutes. I had a lot of experience swimming and always won. "If we went skiing I'd so beat you" he claimed. I found that believable since I'd never done it before. I let him win the last race and he gave me another big hug for it. We then played around doing things like handstands or matrix moves. It was comforting knowing I could be myself around someone and that they would enjoy it and wants to spend time with me. We took a break and chatted and decided to go. We walked together towards the locker room, closer than two heterosexual guys would walk. Even a little horseplay on the way was displayed. We showered and then changed. I did not want to look at him while he changed since I might get a boner and seem like a pervert who only wants sex or money.

We walked back to his yellow mustang and climbed in. Before he started the car, I reached and kissed him on the cheek again. "Thanks for a fantastic day." He laughed a little and looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes. "Who said our day together was over yet? It's early. Would you like to spend some more time together?" I was thrilled. HE asked ME if I wanted to SPEND TIME with HIM. It's something nobody had ever done for me, it felt great to have someone who could ask these things and really mean them. I gave him a big nod and he kissed my cheek back. He turned on the car and we left the lot. I didn't know where he was taking me, it could be to a warehouse to kidnap me for all I knew, but I was happy with him.

When we hit a red light, he'd glance at me and play with my hair, touch my face with his soft hands and smile. I'd do the same but distracting him while he drove didn't seem like an option. I just admired him from afar as he drove his car with stunning speed and skill. His car was spotless clean inside and out, and so were all his features. He has a cute mole/beauty mark about an inch up and to the left of the left side of his lip, if that makes sense. His personality made me feel special and made me realize how special he was, something that was not worth, under any circumstances, giving up.

We stopped at a taco bell to get food. I don't know how he picked my favorite but he did, it was good we had the same taste. I had no money so I planned to let him order and skip a meal. "Order Juan, I know you're hungry. Swimming always makes people hungry. Just tell me what you want, anything, and I'll get it for you." How could I refuse when his angelical voice said it to me? I told him to make his drink extra large and we'd share. I ordered a crunchwrap supreme and he got a 7 layer wrap. We got our food, he paid, and we were off to another destination. I was curious about where we were headed but kept it to myself. "Can we go to your place? Mine isn't really decent at the moment." I thought about the option. My parents were aware I was gay, but they did not really accept it 100 percent, maybe 93 percent though. "We can go to my place. It would be better if we stayed in my room though since I don't like my parents getting into my personal life." I hoped he understood, and he did. "Whatever you want to do is fine, I just want to spend time with you." I grabbed his hand and held it. It was warm, very soft and comforting physically and mentally. We drove for 10 minutes and finally made it back to my house.

I did not see any of my family's cars in the parking spots so I figured we'd have the house all to ourselves. I opened the door and invited him in. I closed the door behind us and led him to my room. "You want a drink?" ""I'll take water" He said. I liked that he drank water, it showed that he cared for his health and well-being. I served myself green tea and got him his water and went back to my room. I had a bed with the rails in the style and shape of a couch, with various pillows and cushions on top. He just sat there, just as I'd left him, trying not to move or make anything messy. "Please, get comfortable. What do you want to do? Watch a movie? Computer games? Just chat? The choice is yours." I didn't like to bring people over to my house; I always felt there was nothing fun to do.

"I'd like to watch a movie, I think that would be fun." He looked at the selection of movies I had. I showed him I had more in my computer including some bootlegs that had just been released in theaters. He ended up picking a comedy movie, my favorite category. As I remember it, we watched `White Chicks'. I asked him if he wanted popcorn, which he politely rejected. I lied down on the bed with him and we begun watching the movie. Somehow, he ended up curling up behind me, hugging me and cuddling/cradling me throughout the movie. It was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt to be this comfortable with a person and so attracted to them. The best part was that he felt the same. After the movie, we chatted for about 20 minutes, during this time I asked him for his number to make sure I could call him. He actually asked me to call him any time for any reason. Just because would have been a good reason for him. Just to hear his voice is a good reason to call. I simply listened and looked at him and all his delicate features. We, after a while, had to say our goodbyes and he left. I had a horribly strong urge to kiss him on the lips but could not build the courage to. I went back to my room after he left and lied down ib the very spot we were lying in only 30 minutes earlier. I thought about how good this would be for me and the things I could say to all of my friends. They told me that everyone will get a relationship coming to them with time. I was so impatient and now it was here, he was here, and he was fantastic. As I drifted to sleep, I looked at my wrist. One little piece of rubber got me where I'm at. I could not believe this. I was grateful to the bracelet in a way that isn't crazy. It brought me happiness, it brought me chase. -------------------------------- - So this ends the first date Juan and Chase have as well as our first chapter. I am very interested in writing more of this story but need your feedback. Was it good? Confusing? Bad? Questions? Comments? Compliments? Concerns? Anything like that should be sent to juanmaciasp2@gmail.com. It really would help me to improve my writing quality and speed of writing. Thanks for reading!

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