Midnight Rambler

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jan 8, 2004




The two guys stood against the wall in the dark alley. They had their pants down to their knees and were feeling each other up. One peeked around the corner.

"Here he comes!" he warned. "Oh, damn, I forgot something. Bend over, quick, I gotta smell your asshole!"

"Hunh? Why?" He was confused as the guy put his nose into his crack.

"Fuck! You showered tonight, didn't you?"

"Yeah...of course! Why?"

"Here, I'll fix you up." He reached back and thrust a finger up his own ass. He wormed it around in his rectum.

"What're you doing?"

He pulled his finger out and wiped it over the other guy's anus. "Putting some shit on your hole, man. You wanna get rimmed, doncha?"

"Sure, but..."

"Listen, I told you this guy was the best. But if your butthole doesn't smell raunchy, he ain't gonna pay much attention to it. I just took a shit and didn't wipe. Watch how he checks me out. He'll get one whiff of my smelly ass and get right down on his knees!"

"That's filthy!"

"Whatda you expect? The guy sucks assholes in a dark alley every night! He only does it here, where it's really dark, and he doesn't care who it is. Long as they drop their pants and stick their butt in his face...he'll lick and suck. But he really goes to town on a shitty one! Nobody knows what he looks like, or who he is, but he's real short and always wears a cowboy hat. One guy told me he started to take a shit while he was being eaten out, and the guy didn't even pull away! Just started moaning and slobbered all over his turd. Here, lemme smear some more on there...I got plenty!"

"What'll I do now?"

"Sssh. Just turn around and lean against the wall with your butt out. And relax. He likes to stick his tongue up there real deep."

The shadowy figure approached, and leaned against the wall next to them for a moment, surveying their figures and adjusting his eyes to the dark. Then calmly, he got behind the two guys and felt their asses. He didn't say a word, and the only sound he made was when he ducked his face down and spread each guy's buttocks apart and took a loud sniff!

"Mmmm," he groaned appreciatively. Then he pushed the butts closer together, and went from one to the other...back and forth...licking up their cracks! He had a wild tongue, and obviously enjoyed the fact that both anuses reeked of shit! Eagerly, he licked them both, causing the guys to squirm in pleasure. Then, forgetting himself, he spoke up for the first time in anyone's memory.

"Hey! They both taste the same!" His voice cracked. "What're you guys pulling?" he squeaked.

"What the hell...!" the first guy turned and whipped off the guy's cowboy hat. He reached down and felt the guy's soft, smooth face. With one hand, he held his pants up. With the other, he grabbed the guy's arm and dragged him a little ways into the light.

"Hey, leggo!"

"JEEZ! A FUCKIN' KID!" he gasped. "Y-you're the Rambler?"

"Yeah, I'm the Midnight Rambler, so what?" he squawked. "You like what I do, doncha?" He tried to squirm away.

"S-sure, but...you're just a kid! What are you, about 15?"

"Gosh!" the other guy exclaimed, getting a look at the boy.

"Hey, hold still. I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just surprised. Uh, how come a kid like you comes down here and sucks ass all the time? You've got quite a reputation...not exactly a good one, either!"

"Whadda you mean? I got a great reputation! You've been back 4 times. I know the taste of your shit. But...how come HIS tastes the same?"

"Um, he was clean so I smeared some of mine of his hole so you'd give him a good rimjob. Damn, kid, you're really him, hunh? All this time we all thought it was just some horny pervert with a hot tongue!"

"I am a horny pervert with a hot tongue! Nobody complains!"

"Uh, how come you...how come you dig lickin' shitty assholes?" he asked calmly, genuinely interested.

"My...my dad died," he hung his head, tears forming in his eyes. "I loved him, but he was kind of a creep. He used to make me lick his dirty asshole all the time while he sucked my dick. I...I hated it. But after he died, the only thing that made me feel good was smellin' guys' butts and lickin' their shit. Now I really love it! There's about twenty guys that come back here regularly, and I know how each one of you tastes. You're not gonna make me stop, are you? Please don't!"

"This kid needs help!" the other guy gasped.

"Whew! Hey, there's a guy that said you licked his turd while he shit in your face. Is that true or was he just bullshitting us?"

"Him?" he giggled. "Yeah, it's true alright. I came in my pants! I always wished that you guys would do that, but I couldn't say anything. Dad always gave me his ass after he shit. I woulda licked his turd if he'da let me. Guess he never thought of it."

"B-but you said he was a creep!"

"He was. He was a creep because he forced me into it. He was a creep because he didn't know I would'va done it if he'd just asked! Maybe not at first...but once I tasted it..." He looked down at his shoes and said quietly, "I liked it. He didn't understand that I was shooting so much in his mouth more from the taste of his dirty butthole than from his cocksucking! I...I liked my Daddy's shit!"

"So now you go around licking every guy's smelly butt just because you miss your dad. That's no way to be."

"No. Well, maybe it was like that at first. But not any more. Now I realize that Dad's shit tasted pretty awful. I get some real good shit in this alley! Some are kinda bad--but that's alright. If I hafta do everybody just to get some good stuff...it's worth it."

"Criminy! Uh, w-what do you think of mine?" he couldn't help asking.

"It's real good. I always hoped maybe you'd shit a turd some time," he blushed, "so I could lick it."

"Y-you'd lick my turd?!"

"SURE! I'll lick his, too, no matter how it tastes...long as I get yours! You probably never tasted your own shit, I guess, but you got about the best around!"

"Is there any chance you might change this habit?"

"Oh, people convincing me it's dirty and filthy and a boy shouldn't do such nasty things? I already know that. I like licking dirty assholes. There ain't anything that's ever gonna change my mind!"

"You sure?"

"I'm positive!"

"Hmmm. In that case, how'd you like to come back to my place? You've always turned me on fiercely, and I'd sure love to see you lick my buddy's turd while he takes a big shit!"

"WHAT!" his buddy cried. "Are you nuts?"

He stared at his friend. "The boy likes to lick shit. That's a fact. We're not gonna change that. We both want hot rimjobs tonight, and you know that if we leave without him, we're only gonna do it to each other. I don't know about you, but I don't have the nerve to lick on a turd. Maybe I'd like to, I don't know. But I doubt if I ever will. I never would have admitted it before...and maybe never consciously thought about it...but now that it's come up I think I'd really dig watching you take a shit. I love your ass, and I think watching a turd come out of it would be really hot! AND HE'LL LICK IT! Come on, let's do it. I'll shit too, and you can watch if you want. He wants to lick my turd, and I want to see him lick yours. How `bout it?"

"Uh...uh...fuck it, man. I'm no prude...you know that. You're the first guy that ever got me to suck a cock. First guy that ever pushed his stinky butt in my face and made me enjoy licking a guy's asshole. Who knows? You wanna lick my shit, too, kid?"

"Gee! On a bed and with the lights on? YOU BET! Can we suck cock, too? I haven't done that much, but I like it."

"Sure. You can suck all the prick you want. You can suck anything you want with us! And I don't know about shit, but I'm sure we're both gonna be shovin' our tongues up your little butthole. I love suckin' young guy's assholes. Who knows, maybe you'll teach us a few tricks!"

Without going into too much detail, let's just say that in the next few hours the three of them--in varying degrees--became quite familiar with the smell and taste of all three of their innermost butt flavors! On top of that, A fucked B up the asshole and C licked the dirty cock when it came out! And it wasn't the guy you'd expect!

Their encounter wasn't the only one they had, either. In twos, or threes, they kept in intimate contact for the next few years. And totally without embarrassment, a lot of turds were dropped from spread assholes during that time. Let's just say that `smelling' those turds wasn't the sole activity at these times!

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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