Midnight Visitor

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 27, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



I awoke in the middle of the night to a darkness deeper than any midnight. Something...something was wrong. No use turning on the light. Three days ago, an accident at the construction site had left me blinded. My eyes would heal...but for now, I was blind. I had a housekeeper to take care of me during the day and in my own home, I knew where everything was. But when night came, well, I was alone and I was blind.

I lay in bed, therefore, and just kept quiet. Maybe I just thought I'd heard something. Maybe it was all just my imagination.

I heard only a soft click. Had someone turned on the light in my room? How would I know if he had? God, just lay in bed like I was, it wasn't really anyone in my room.

My sheet (my only covering) began to sidle off of me. I caught hold of it. This I hadn't imagined! "Who are you?"

No answer.

"I know you're there." I said, my voice quavering. "Say something."


"Say something!" I shouted.

Still nothing. Maybe I had imagined it. Maybe I was freaking out. I should have my sister move in with me until I got better.

I lay there some unknown time (how would I know what time it was?), and had managed to convince myself it was nothing. Somehow, my sheet had caught on something or other, maybe the housekeeper had left a broom next to the bed and it had caught on that, and the broom had moved, that would make both the small sounds I had heard and the pull at my sheet.

I had settled in, and was beginning to get sleepy again, and this time, there was a tug that pulled my sheet completely off me! I lay on my bed with only a pair of briefs, a bandage wrapped around my eyes, and a startled expression.

"Someone is in here! Isn't there? Who are you? Who are you?"

Not a sound. Still, except for the small noises and the sheet flying off me, not a bit of proof that I was anything but alone. But sheets don't fly off by themselves!

"I know you're here!" I said again, my voice a shiver of bravado. "You'd better talk fast or I'm going to hurt you and bad!" Not a word from me about how I'd do that. Wildly swinging and hope for the best, maybe.

I felt then, a touch on my foot. Like a finger had been stroked up the length of the sole.

I twitched my foot, lifted it up on the bed.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

The hand again, this time on my lower leg of my other side. This time, I just held still, let him brush his hand up and down my leg, the hairs tickling and rippling before his palm like the wave in front of a ship's bow. Up and down, pause, then up and down again.

"Oh, God, what do you want from me?" I begged him.

No answer. But the bed shifted, I think he got onto the bed with me.

"Listen, man, you're weirding me out here." I said. "If you want to burgle this place, go ahead. I can't stop you. I can't stop you from...doing anything."

And his hand went up and inside my inner thigh.

"Shit!" I gasped. "Who are you? How'd you get into my apartment? I know I locked the door!"

The mattress rocked as my unknown, unseen, unspoken companion shifted on the bed. I could sense it was a man, somehow, though I couldn't tell you just how I knew that. The weight of the bed, the aggressiveness of the approach, the strength of the hand. It was a man...I was pretty sure of that.

My next sensation after the bed settled down was a wet touch on one of my nipples. His tongue. It must be his tongue! Still lying there, still as I could be, unable to move, afraid to move. What the hell was going on here?

The tongue moistened my breast, then the lips pressed against it, and I moaned. "Oh, God!" I groaned. "Who are you? Who the fuck are you?"

I reached a hand up, my first movement since moving my foot and my hand felt his back. Ran over the bare flesh there. He must have undressed after entering my apartment so silently I hadn't heard him, slipped into my room, knowing I was here. Turned on the light so he wouldn't trip, so he could sneak up and leave me bare, questioning my own senses, and now he was on my bed, my body his for the taking!

I felt his shoulder, his arm, the round muscles there. Definitely male. Male and over me, ready to take me...I gave up, my body slumped into soft compliance beneath him, my cock surging to life.

He shifted and I realized that he had gotten straddle of my upraised leg, I straightened it out and my foot touched one of his thighs, then slid between them. A pair of briefs. He was wearing what I had on, nothing else. Just the bandages over my eyes.

I moved my foot again, this time I stroked his pouch on purpose. That got me the first sound from him I'd had all night. "Mmmm!" That was murmured onto my nipple and then he lifted up, and his hand came onto my arm furthest from him, he felt out my body, every muscle on my arm was circled, outlined, traced, defined, and then he moved upwards, over the forearm, the upper arm, the shoulder, the pectoral, and then down my chest, my abs were fondled each in turn and then he was at the border of my brief's elastic band.

Smooth as a serpent, his hand sidled inside the band and onto and over my briefs. He cupped my cock now raging hard and potent, and then down and under my balls. Touching them, stroking them, bringing them alive so that they gurgled and pulsed and my sac thickened to bring them up to my shaft.

"Uhhhh, ahhhh!" I moaned. "Oh, God! Who are you? Who are you? Who...?" And his finger landed on my lips...shhhh!

Both hands joined to pull my briefs from me, skinning them from my slender hips, down my body and off into the oblivion where go all the things that I can't see and don't know where they are. So many of my things inhabited that purdah, sequestered away like the women in a harem until I could summon my housekeeper to seek one of them out to join me for my pleasure.

Only tonight, I was the one under another's dominion. Blinded by my accident, alone in this apartment, he could do whatever he wanted. So far, his touches had been gentle, loving, even worshipful. Would they stay so? Or would the hands tighten about my throat? I didn't, couldn't know. My body, simpleton traitor, was pleased to take his caresses at their face value, my cock practically squealed in joy as it was plunged into that warmth that was his mouth, a hot interior of unknown dimensions, unrevealed potentials, secret talents.

Talents. His mouth, tongue and lips moved in a synchronous harmony to wrap about my love-shaft, slip upwards on a sheath of slimy saliva, and he played my body's passion-organ like a well-tuned flute, notes of delight and ecstasy played out under his masterful touch.

"Oh, oh, oh, God, man, oh, God!" I groaned. "Oh, shit, whoever you are, you're good, you're good! Oh, shit, Jesus, yeah, God, suck me, suck me, oh, oh, God!" As my passion rose within me, as my body writhed in my rising desire, as my prong hummed like a tuning fork struck sharply upon the conductor's podium, a single, serene note of paradise to come, my unknown, unseen, unnamed lover released my cock and let it fall sloppily, wetly onto my stomach.

"Oh, oh, oh, man!" I gasped. "Why'd you stop, please, man, suck me some more, please, I don't care who you are anymore, just suck me, God, yeah, please!" I babbled.

The bed was shifting again, I felt the double indentations, he was standing on the bed over me, no, now he was on one knee, his cock slapped my ribcage at the bottom as he landed, now on both knees, his cock and balls a warm bird snuggling in to nest, he was sitting on my stomach, and then he rose so slightly and his hand caught my cock and...

"Oh, God!" I gasped as I felt the contact of my cock at his anus. His warm tuckerhole pulsed and sucked at my glans as he fed it into the crevice of his buttocks, I felt the tight sphincter cling and fight and resist...then yield as he lowered his body onto me deeper, further.

I groaned and caught hold of his cock and I pounded it with a fierce, unfettered, unschooled abandon. I knew how to work such things with style, but my need and my desire was flaming within me, it blinded me to my own hard-won talents, I had to make this man horny as I was, keep him driving my dong into him, make him want to keep it there, long enough to make me come, oh, God, don't let him stop and pull away from me! Jesus, what a sick trick that would be, for him to drive me to the edge of passion and then break away, vanish into the unknown area outside of my memory and my touch, leaving me moaning and alone on the bed. Did he have a camera here in the room, taking pictures of us? Were there others watching us in our lovemaking?

How would I know any of this, unless he chose to tell me? I was untied, unchained and unbound, and yet he held me in thrall more thoroughly than any could. Even a man blind for a time would be more adept than myself, three days' blind, still a stranger in the dark world they inhabit all the time, a tourist to this black realm and never, never wanting to return. And while here, I, the innocent sojourner, had been captured by this man! Now I was his! Just my luck he craved my body, wanted me to fuck him. He just as easily could be wanting to cut me and torture me. Just my luck!

I wanted that luck to hold, and as my cock buried ever deeper into his nether realm, I crooned and reached myself up my lifting my shoulder upwards, my hand holding his dong and I guided myself there to his prick and I sucked him inside myself.

"Mmmm!" he said again, the second sound I had heard from him in all this time, not counting small and unknowable noises from before. This I knew and understood. He liked the feel of my mouth on his cock. I couldn't manage more than the head from this position.

I'd had my chances in all this to get a feel for his body, not in detail but in general. He was well-built and solidly muscled, no massive weightlifter, but well-formed and agile and his stomach was flat against his body and his cock was firm and long and manly. I nursed the head of his cock and a bit of the shaft, all I could reach in this awkward position, and as I did, my burglar-lover began to buck back and forth, his hips swinging him onto my dong, and then forward to drive his cock over my tongue where I lapped at it as well as I could, my lips I held firm and steady upon his prick, I kept the length of his shaft firmly in my hand for if I let go, I would lose it all.

I did lose it, after a time, for he shifted and now he was ramming himself on my lap, his cock still in my hand but flailing about as he writhed his buttocks upon my basket, my cock was imprisoned and wracked by his motions, his clenched muscles of his ass were sort of milking at my dong, and oh, God, oh, God, I was coming, I was coming!

I didn't dare let him know. He might stop, he might it off, and he couldn't, he just couldn't! I had to finish, had to come, and I didn't dare risk him choosing to torment me in this way, I stifled my moans of ecstasy, I muffled my groans of delight, and it was only when I began to ejaculated, when my squibs of man-juice jetted up into him, only then I dared to give my orgasm its voice. 'Mmmmm, mmmuh, muh, muh, guh-hunnnnkkkhhh!" I guttered as I pelted his bowels with my love-juices and I felt the hot slopping, steaming mass gush out of his ass and spurt itself all over my crotch, a hot, meaty, raunchy smell that filled my nostrils and overwhelmed my senses.

I sagged back onto the bed, exhausted and feeble, and I felt the man moving on top of me, and then a final, third sound from his lips of "uuuh-hhuhhh!" and his prick sprayed my chest in a hot, sprinkler-like rush that wetted me from neck to sternum, and when he was done, he reached down and his hands roughly rubbed that hot wetness onto and into my body, my chest hairs scraping under his palms as they were soaked by it all.

Another shift and I felt him get off the bed. "Oh, man, that was so fucking hot!" I moaned. "I don't know who the hell you are, man, but that was just fucking great, I mean, you were the best! The very fucking best!"


"Where are you?" I asked again. "Man, come on, you can tell me who you are now. I want to know. Honest, I'm not mad. Who are you?"


"Are you there? Hello? Hello?"

Very softly, I heard the click of my apartment front door. My assailant (if that's the right word) had left me once again.

Sighing, I rose and felt my way to the shower. Washing my body under the hot water, I managed to find and dry myself with the towel and then back to bed. I found my sheet at the foot of the bed, pulled it up onto me, cock-eyed but there, and lay back onto my soaking-wet bed.

If I thought about it, I just could smell his sweat and mine mixed on these sheets.

Who was he? A friend of mine who had finagled a key somehow? Someone from the hospital who had noticed me and gotten the housekeeper to lend him my key? A locksmith? The building manager? Or his son? Did the manager have a son, and was the manager even a man any longer, I knew they had changed the manager some time before, but didn't remember the name on the notice I'd been given. Who was this man who had been in my room, using my eternal midnight to hide him from my sight?

And would he return again tomorrow night?

I would have to wait and see.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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