Midsummer Nights Kiss

By moc.loa@xineohPnevarD

Published on Dec 17, 2000


Authors Notes: hey hey, something kinda different from me, you might recognize the name from my other story (Brian's Seven Sea's of Loneliness) well this is TOTALY different. Its more so to help a poor friend whose hurting right now. This is totally different from the other story, its all about the sex. So smile and enjoy. And Dani, I hope this does it for ya! P.S. All Feed-Back to Draven Phoenix@aol.com. Keep the feed-back acomin!

Disclaimer: If your not 18 then your eyes shouldn't be seeing this.. So avert them, or at least don't get caught. If its illegal to view such material in your area.. Then where the hell are you living? And finally If for any reason there is a reason you shouldn't be here.. You shouldn't have read this part anyhow. Enjoy!

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 2: Jon (Zelgadyss)

A stray strand of light was shining on Kevin's face that morning. As he started to wake up, he felt his arms wrapped around someone. He just smiled as the events of the night before returned to his mind. His mind wasn't the only thing waking up with that thought though. He gave Nick a loving squeeze, and unwrapped himself from the tight embrace they held all night. Now standing at full mast, Kevin decided to take a nice hot shower. After all, now that he had a guy that wanted sex as much as he did, what use was a cold shower, right? So he started the water, and soon the steam started to rise throughout the bathroom, and into the bedroom. Kevin had purposely left the door open, so Nick would know where he was when he woke up, and as an invite if he decided to get up soon. Kevin started to relax in the shower, as he figured he was alone, and went into the spray of the water. As the water cascaded over his hair, dripping down his neck, the warmth loosening all the tense muscles that may have been there, it traveled past his shoulders, with the same effect. From there it caressed his chest and back, soon coating his manhood and his ass. Both those sensations started to drive him wild as he thought about the night before. He sat under the spray, imagining that the water was Nick, running his hands up and down all over him.

He elicited a soft moan, as the shower was working him over. He was so into the feeling of the water, that he almost thought he could really feel Nick's hands on him. Then a soft, husky voice overtook his senses. "Well, I was going to let you finish your shower in peace, but I heard you moaning, and thought I was missing out on something." Kevin could feel the smile Nick had on his face, till he felt something else. A hand wrapped around his hard shaft, pulsating slowly, driving his mind into a complete wash of nothingness. All that he knew was he and Nick and hot water was present. The rest was just tingles of sensations, as his body felt like every nerve and nerve ending had been hit, simultaneously. He felt his body start to spasm, as he cried out a deep guttural moan. He could feel only the sensations running through his body as he shoot more and more cum into the shower. He felt like it just kept coming, as he was emptying. All the while Nick's hand kept its motion going. As he finished unloading himself, his knee's felt weak, and he fell back into Nick, no longer able to support his own weight. His breathing was heavy, and the steam from the shower was flowing into his lungs, adding to the experience.

It was several minutes of sitting in the shower, till he got down from his orgasm. Kevin felt Nick's loving hands caressing his head, and shoulders, as he watched Kevin on the floor. The water still cascading over the two of them. Kevin felt something long, and hard poking at the side of his head, as a grin formed on his lips. "Well Nick, I think I found my morning wake up call from now on. How about you?" Nick nodded in response, and then a gasp passed his lips. As if the air was sucked out of him through the suction on his engorged member. As Nick was distracted by Kevin's question, Kevin took the moment to seize Nick into his mouth, hoping to give Nick the same feelings he just had. As he increased his speed, a hand went up to tweak Nick's nipples into a hard mold of ecstasy. Nick threw his head back, as his breath was getting heavy, borderline panting, and his body tingled everywhere. He couldn't help his cries of ecstasy as Kevin applied yet more speed, and more suction to the motion. And all too soon, Nick let a a scream, much like Kevin's as his body flew away. His consciousness felt like he was a bird flying, and he could feel spray after spray of cum shooting out of him, filling Kevin's mouth, chin, chest, and everywhere in between. He felt his Knee's wobble as he was shooting, and he slid down the shower wall, joining Kevin on the floor of the shower. Both wrapped in the arms of the other.

All too soon the water, as if by an act of an unforgiving god, turned arctic ice cold. Shattering both of their perfect moments, making them jump out of the shower with a quickness. Kevin grabbed a large towel, and started toweling Nick dry, spending a little more time than was needed on the sensitive area's. As he was drying Nick's side, in line with his naval but on his side, Nick squirmed a bit. Kevin went back there with a towel, and Nick's breath that he didn't realize he was holding released, and he was again staring Kevin down with two pleading eyes and little' Nick was just begging for the torture to end. Kevin, realizing he found Nick's hot spot' just grinned evilly, as he dried himself off. He scooped the naked nick up into his arms, and as he did, started walking to the room.

He looked at the bed, to three worried faces, crossed with realization, horror, fear. and anger? As he saw the eyes leering at him, a tear streaked his eye, and he dropped Nick. When Nick hit the ground, all that was heard was a sickening THUD! and a cry of pain that came from Nick's lips. while Kevin remained motionless.

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 3: Jon (Zelgadyss)

The piercing cry that had escaped Nick's mouth just moments before was followed by sobs of pain. Both physical and mental. He looked at Kevin, looking at the others, and he just stood there. Letting Nick cry. The others stared at Kevin, then looked to Nick, and back to Kevin. Nick, through the tears and sobs he saw Brian's eye's, the pure and utter hatred that lay there scared him. He tried to get up onto his feet, and howled in pain, as his tailbone made well sure he knew he was hurt, and more than just a simple bruise. His screams fell upon deaf ears, as all the guys seemed to be staring at Kevin and Brian. Kevin's look, mimicking Brian's, one of utter hatred and anger. For different reasons, yet the same end.

As Nick tried to even sit, he screamed again, as he felt the pain travel to every nerve in his body. This was enough to get Kevin's attention, as Nick's face got pale. The pain was beginning to become more than he could handle. Tears still falling like miniature waterfalls. Kevin Knelt down, softly picking Nick back up into his arms, and motioned everyone off his bed. He gently laid Nick down on the mattress, and kissed his forehead. In a whisper, so soft, that he wondered if he truly spoke the words at all "Nick, I love you, with all my heart and soul. Please forgive me for what happened. I will fix this." With that he fixated his eyes on the three.

His face was cold, and the expression his eyes and face once held while looking at Nick, were devoid, as if never there at all. His eyes were narrowed to slits, and his brow wrinkled. His skin turned a shade of red, and his eyes looked like they were going to bore a hole through each of them. His fist clenched, and his teeth closed so tightly, they looked like they would snap, His canine teeth exposed, as if a rabid dog, ready to attack. As he spoke, his voice flooded with venom, something the guys had never seen in their whole career with this man, Staring at Brian, but addressing all there. "Either deal with it or ask us to leave, one way or the other, were staying together, and like it or not, there's not much you can or will do about it , unless you'd REALLY like to invoke my vengeance. Which, trust me, the little things I've done to you in the past, will PALE in comparison to what I do to you if you try to hurt Nick. or me in ANY way. Do I make myself absolutely 100% clear?" The motions his eyes made while he said this, showed his true cruel intent. The guys knew he was serious, and if they stepped over this line, he could, and would make them regret that they were even born.

Not being mean by nature, Kevin just pointed a stiff hand and finger to the door, and said a single word. One word that would echo in the halls of their minds for a long time to come. "Leave". It was a simple word, more of a command than a question. Soon all three of them were filing out of the room, eyes cast at the ground, as they moped off. Truly AJ and Howie were completely all right with things as they were. Brian seemed to be the stone in the path right now. After they were gone, Kevin softly closed the door, and as he did, he seemed to close the door to every emotion that was there just moments before. He had looked at Nick with the most caring, loving.. But also pained expression Nick had ever seen. Kevin knew he had caused Nick, an immense amount of pain. Kevin slowly crawled into the bed, next to Nick, and started to whisper how sorry he was into Nick's ear. "It's OK Kev, I was as surprised to see them there as you were, and well, I'd have probably froze if I wasn't thrust into the painful sensations I was in." As soon as Nick had said the word pain Kevin's face contorted a bit, and he instantly regretted not having a better word to use. "But your still my Boo, and time will heal all wounds. Right now, all I want is you where you are.. Me where I am. and your arms wrapped around me so I can sleep away this pain." With a small smile, Nick curled into Kevin's body, ignoring the pain as he did, and smiled as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Not once were the two bothered the whole day, and as they rose to get something to eat was the first time since earlier that morning they had seen the other three guys. Well they only saw two, Brian seemed to have gone off somewhere, but no one knows quite where. "Morning" Kev yells to AJ and Howie, dragging them out of their thought induced coma's. "Hey what's shakin?" Nick asked, as they seemed to rouse a bit. Both AJ and Howie smiled looking at the two. Kevin's face still fresh in their minds from earlier in the morning, but they knew his reasons. Still they couldn't shake that face. They knew he was deadly serious, and hoped wherever Brian went, he got himself together, and learned to deal with this. "Hey guys" AJ and Howie both replied at the same time, causing the four men to chuckle. The tension that was there just moments before, flooding out with each breathe. "Kevin" AJ spoke up, in serious tones "Me and Sweet D here have and had no problems with you and Nick this morning. We just heard the two screams, and wanted to make sure everything was copeseture." Howie nodded his agreement and then added his own two cents. "Beside yall are too cute to break up. The yougin with the serious Pa type figure." Using his worst southern accent he could muster. Nick and Kevin just grinned knowing they just won a major battle in the road they were now embarking on.

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 4: Jon (Zelgadyss)

That morning went by, as if the scene earlier had never taken place. The guys were laughing and joking around as if they were just 10 year old kids. AJ and Howie seemed to take an extra moment here and there to make sure not to offend Kevin and Nick. more than usual, and skirted around a few issues, but all and all, things seemed to be looking up. They had eaten a light lunch, while Nick just munched the whole day away into chips, ice cream, and whatever else he managed to find. His mouth was always full. The only time he stopped eating was to tease with Howie and AJ (and even then, it was talking with a full mouth, spraying wet chewed up potato chips at them). Kevin seemed to be the only one to get him to stop eating. When he kissed him.

SLAM the thunderous noise bellowed through the house like a might bolt of lightning sounding off with the thunder. Hurricane Brian had officially stormed into the area. Slamming anything and everything he could on the way to the kitchen. Howie got up, as if to run some kind of interference between Brian going into the kitchen, and ruining the day Nick and Kevin just had. To no avail, Kevin just motioned him down knowing this was coming sooner or later anyhow. Brian stood in the doorway, staring at Kevin and Nick, as if to stare a hole right through them, as Kevin held Nick from behind in a loving embrace. Kissing the back of his neck, as if Brian wasn't there staring at the two. Kevin kept whispering to Nick, in such a soft voice, no one heard it, save Nick. "Don't worry, he will come around. He has to. He won't lose his best friend Nick, he just needs." As Kevin was talking, nick forced them both to duck. Howie just stared in horror and anger, and AJ stared at the wall, just behind where nick and Kevin were standing, at the broken shards of glass. He stared at the pile of broken glass that used to be a dish, the Brian threw at his cousin and Nick. Brian's eyes had fire pouring out of them. "Heathens. Your both just heathens. You'll pay for your sodomy, with your eternal soul, rotting with the other faggots in hell. Then you can have one big brownie pushing, fudge packing orgy! I won't let you damn the rest of us with you. You gave me the option to tell you two to go. Well leave! Don't turn around to come back, just LEAVE! Management left me to make the call, and the BackStreet Boys is about to get 2 new members. Two new STRAIGHT members!"

Nick just looked at the floor, and Kevin's arms untangled themselves from around Nick's waist. There was something in his eyes no one had ever seen there before. Hatred, pure hatred, and he was looking at Brian. Kevin went to the doorway, and balled both his fists up. Without even thinking, his left hand flew into Brian's gut, with such a vicious force, it caused Brian to double over in pain. As he was hunched, and as fast as the left, and quickly after, came his right. The powerhouse, "Train" as he was called, was driving him. His fist moving with the power of a train, in an uppercut, straight to Brian's left eye. Upon contact, Brian hit the floor, and there was blood on his eye. Kevin split the skin just to the left of his eye. He was moving towards Brian as if to straddle him, and pummel the life right out of him. Kevin was eerily silent as it was happening, but his eyes were speaking volumes. His legs straddled Brian, Kneeling, pinning Brian's arms to the ground, and he started in on his chest, and ribs, and gut. Pounding away like a piston on full go. He started screaming at Brian. Yelling like he was fighting for his last breathe. The sudden change was as shocking as the first blow was. All that was coherent in the angered shouts were like hell were leaving' and you can walk if you like' but it was what they heard, when he stared at Brian's nose. He shouted it, and raised his hand and left it there as he spoke. "I will kill you before I let you force Nick away from his dream!" He started to bring his fist down to Brian's face, dead on the mark. AJ and Howie noticed he mentioned Nick's dreams, and not his own. Wondering if he had fallen so far so fast.

Just before his fist connected with Brian's nose, Nick grabbed the arm, pulling Kevin back. Brian was a bloody mess, the visible skin in a discoloration of deep purple, to black. "Kevin, if you love me, leave it be. If he still wants us to leave. then I want you more than this." Motioning to the house, and the guys. "I've had my dream, and now I have another dream willing to fight for my honor. It's flattering, but I don't need the BackStreet Boys to be happy. I have the BackStreet Boy I need." Kevin got up off of Brian, and started to back off of Brian. As if expecting the low blow Kevin grabbed Brian's leg as he raised it to kick Kevin in the groin. "You can't fight and beat me Brian, so you resort to that?" Brian's face looked all but defeated, and Kevin threw Brian's foot to the ground and walked away.

Nick and Kevin went up the stairs to pack their things up. Nick was told he could move in with Kev, or split the time between the houses. It would be nice to have them both, Nick's like a nice beach house, and Kevin's to live in. Nick nodded his agreement, and Howie walked in the room, closely followed by AJ and entered, without knocking or asking. "We did not tell him to go to management.. And we don't want you two to leave. He has the problem, he's the one that has to go. Management agrees it would be better that way. I can't tell you how sorry I." Howie spoke, at his last word, AJ piped in "We are for what happened." Kevin nodded and kept packing. Causing Howie and AJ to both get looks of confusion. "Nope, I appreciate it, but I think it's time we went our separate ways. Nick and I can lead as normal of a life as any gay men can, and we have all we need in each other. Money isn't going to be an issue, especially with all our side ventures. Frankly, I think this may be for the best." Nick just nodded his agreement, and let a stray tear bless his cheek. He would follow Kevin anywhere, but he wasn't sure he wanted to leave. In a small, barely audible voice, pleading, like a 10 year old looking at a father with a belt in his hand. "Kev, lets just take a month off, then decide." Now getting a month off was near impossible but it was that or leave the group. Kevin nodded knowing what this meant to Nick. and told Howie and AJ that they were to arrange it. If management didn't want them back after a month to call them soon as they hear, if management won't wait a month then they were staying gone. With that he took his things, and Nick's things, and drove to the airport, happily, with the man of his dreams next to him to start their new lives together.

TBC.. OK I know, I need a theme song for this little story. I am working on it. It should be nice to do a love song. Not a love lost song. Anyhow, WRITE ME!!! Tell me what you think. Latah! Jon.

Next: Chapter 3: Midsummer Nights Kiss 5 7

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