Mikaels One Tree Hill

By Bill Johnson

Published on Mar 13, 2005


Hey guys. This story is completely fiction- nothing in it is real, well, except for the names and basic description of the celebrities, but other than that, nothing is as it seems... Chad Michael Murray and James Lafferty and any other celebrities that I may mention are not homosexual- or at least not openly- and this story shouldn't be taken seriously. Also, if you're under 18 (16 in the UK) or are offended by homosexuals, homosexual sex or sex in general, then I'd leave before you get in trouble!

Just for your interest, though maybe you don't give a shit and would rather I got on with the story, I thought that it might interest you to know that I have also written another celebrity story called 'USHER'S JUSTIFICATION'. If you are interested, then check it out...it's quite good...at least I think so!!! The story is dated January 1 2005. So if u want to check it out...

Anyway. Here we go dudes, enjoy...

Mikael's `One Tree Hill'

"What you up to this weekend dude?" asked James as he and Chad walked out of the studio.

"Not much, you?" Chad replied.

"Well, I was gonna go to the beach and hang out with some of the guys. You wanna come?"

"Sure. Sounds like fun." Chad smiled his amazing smile.

"Cool. I'll call you tomorrow dude."

"Talk to ya later, man." Chad called back to James as he got into his car. He waved back to James as he pulled out of the parking lot.

Chad Michael Murray- many things come to mind when you think of him. He had one of those faces- angelic, yet rugged and dirty blond, messed up hair. His whole body was to die for, defined and muscular without being too overpoweringly big- kinda like Justin Timberlake, only better. His voice was soothing in a bad boy way; it made you quiver with lust and fear. He also had a tight ass that was always framed perfectly when I saw him by his tight jeans.

James Lafferty was also very sexy. I liked seeing him cos he'd always smile at me. At least when he didn't know my name or what I did or anything about me. We never spoke, but he would smile and nod, I'd do the same, and it'd always make my day. I loved his dark looks. I prefer the darker, brunette look. I just always seemed to relate it to a more mysterious personality- a quality I always found attractive. I loved his dark eyes- the main thing that attracts me to anyone is their eyes. It doesn't even have to be people I wanna get with. Friends and family members with nice eyes would always get my attention. `The window to the soul' as they say. James also had a nice body. Bigger and more defined than Chad's, but again not too overwhelming. I loved his bubble butt too. I could dream of that all day.

Me? I'm Mikael. Or, Mikael Zachary Kaye, rather. Chad would have wanted me to say that. He always liked my name. Especially liked when I said it in a sort of, "The name's Mikael Zachary Kaye. How can I help you?" way where I would say it deep and...I wanna say smouldering, but I hate complimenting myself like that, or making myself out to be really sexy or whatever. If you could hear me say it then you'd understand. Anyway, I'm about 5'11, have dirty blond hair- it's quite long, but I like to spike it up every now and then. I have some definition in my chest and abs- I used have a little bit of a gut until I decided that I would get rid of it. I'm 20 years old- from Quebec, Canada and- keeping with my modesty- I have an 8 inch dick approximately.

I'm a part time student at a local college and I also work here at the same studio One Tree Hill' is shot. I've always been interested in films and television. I originally wanted to be an actor, but it turns out you need to actually be talented to get any work...well, no that's a lie actually. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger and Elizabeth Hurley. They both suck! But I suppose you then have to either have a famous boyfriend or really big muscles. Anyway, so I decided to try my hand at other stuff- directing, producing or techie stuff. I began to direct some of the school plays and stuff we would do in drama at school and I wasn't that bad, I just didn't really have authority or ideas that enabled me to do well enough. So I left to see if I could try it somewhere else where people didn't know I was a pushover. Well, it's pretty clear that that idea went to hell, as I'm pretty much a personal assistant to one of the deputy assistant secretary of the second assistant director of a TV show that no one has ever heard of before. Well, actually that's a lie. I'm the PA to the assistant director of two of his shows. He helps direct One Tree Hill' every now and then, but I don't get to help with that show.

So anyway, when I left Quebec to come here, I started my college course, which helped us to get placed with the directors or whatever who would help us. So I go to college twice a week and spend the other four days with John, my boss. The guy's ok, a bit too stiff- he's quite old and likes to yell a lot- mostly me. That sounds bad. He doesn't yell AT me, more too me. And takes his anger out on the closest person to him- mostly me.

So anyway, I got this position which is kinda cool; I'm learning quite a bit and am enjoying myself. I particularly like it when I get to meet some of the people who work on `One Tree Hill', cos if you didn't guess by now, it's my favourite show. Even if it wasn't before, it definitely would be now.

I started this story with a bit of dialogue. That conversation was the first time I ever saw the two guys. I was walking from the parking lot to the studio and I over heard them talking. That was the first time that James smiled at me. Chad had left in his car and James just smiled and nodded to me. I didn't say anything but I did freeze, managing a very shaky wave back to James, who just kinda looked away, got in his car and left.

For the next few months or so I saw the guys around, though seldom. But that was ok with me. I was fine with that. Completely cool. Of course, my subtlety isn't that subtle, so it's obvious that something happened. Well, you'd be right, though don't be praising yourselves for working out my ever-twisting plot, cos it ain't difficult!

I was walking back to my apartment- I live with another guy, Hari, who's cool but I'll come back to that later. As I was saying, or typing rather, I was walking home when I got a phone call from John.

"Mikael, I need your help Steve up and quitted today"- Steve is the other PA, the main one who actually does stuff-"can you come?"

"I dunno. I'm almost home and I had a tough day. I'm wiped and-"

"Come on guy." He pleaded. "I just need you for five hours today and over the week to do a few scenes for `One Tree Hill'. I'll hopefully have a new PA by then and you can-"

"'One Tree Hill'?" I interrupted. I apologized afterwards though- he really gets annoyed when people do that- although he always does it to me! "I'm on my way!" I hung up, which I guessed I'd pay for later on, and began to run to the studio. It wasn't that far thankfully. Only a fifteen minute run.

When I arrived, I was covered in sweat and was really out of breath. John tutted when he saw me, but dragged me to the set. I got prepared and started work. I waited. Waited and waited. I wanted to see Chad or James again, but they weren't in the scene that we were doing.

To this day, I cannot remember what it was, but John had sent me to get something. I went to get it and there was James and Chad, in a light-hearted banter standing in the office where I was sent. They smiled at me and continued to talk. I just kinda stood there staring, and I either said it very quietly or mouthed it, but I said "Hi." When I realised that I was staring I quickly began rummaging around for...something. I just wanted it to look like I was doing something...anything so that I wasn't staring.

"Can we help you out?" James asked me.

"Wha- I- err. Well, I err- kinda- well..." I seriously fucked that up!

"Are you ok? Is there something you're looking for? You look a little lost." Chad smiled again. I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"Err...yeah. I'm looking for... I'm trying to find. Ah, fuck!" I said a little too loudly. They stared at me strangely. "I'm sorry. I've just completely forgotten what I was supposed to get." I said looking round. I tried to avoid looking at them knowing that I must have seemed like such an idiot.

"I hate it when I do that. It happens to me too often! Well, if you remember what it is, then just let us know and we'll see if we can help you out." Chad said smiling his sweet smile at me.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." I'm such a fucking tool!!! "Really appreciate it"?? What the fuck was that?

"Hey. Don't I know you?" James asked me.

`Yeah, you smile at me sometimes when our paths cross and I melt when you nod your sexy head at me'. It's a good thing I paused before I answered cos I would have said that for sure. Instead I said:

"I don't think so. I've seen you round the studio and we make eye contact but that's it."

"Oh yeah. Don't you work for John?"

"Yeah. I'm a part time PA for him. Its part of my college course-"

"No shit," Chad said loudly. "You're still in college?"

"Yeah." If was more articulate I would say something more interesting like what I was doing and shit. I was getting to talk to the two sexy actors I had wanted to talk to for ages and would probably never talk to again, and all I could do was say `Yeah'. I'm a fucking twat!!

"Shit?! Really? How old are you?"

"Twenty." I was beginning to build an inferiority complex.

"Your really quite young aren't ya!" James said smiling at me, and then, curiously, smiled at Chad, who smiled back. I just stood there as they looked at each other and then back at me. You know that awkward, useless feeling you get when you don't know what to do with yourself. Better yet, have you ever had to act on stage and not know how to handle your character- what to do when they're not talking? Well, that's how I was feeling. Only worse, cos it was in front of two of my favourite actors.

"So..." I said. I don't know why I said it. I hate it when people say that to try and pass time. It just makes me angry as fuck!

"So..." James echoed me. I hate it when people do it back, too. At least it meant that he felt weird, though he still wore that weird smile.

"I think I should get back. John's gonna kill me. And I still can't remember what he wanted." I turned to walk away.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. He almost ripped my head off once when I was a few minutes late to shoot a scene." Chad agreed.

"Dude, you were an hour and twenty minutes late. I was stood there with out my shirt on for ages waiting for you to show." James said.

"Shirtless? Dude, we don't need to know that." Chad laughed.

"I was ready to that scene where we had to fight in the woods almost naked."

Naked? I remembered the scene well- as a gay person would- but it was nice to hear them talk about it like that. Fuck that, it was damn hot! I think I started to pull a woody too. The guys continued dissing each other about their naked bodies and their muscles with the old school yard kinda phrasing, "I'm stronger than you. My biceps, triceps and pectoral muscles are bigger than yours and I have more defined abs." James ragged.

"Shut up dude. That don't matter anyway cos all the chicks like me better than you." Chad teased.

"What? Fuck off! I have a larger fan base than you."

"Oh, well. That is true. I mean, if we're talking about gay fan bases!" Chad laughed and held out his fist for me to pound. I kinda stared and then pounded it. James just stared at me.

"Oh, I see. You're gonna take his side!" James mocked an angry face.

"Mmm... yeah. That's how it goes." I grinned. Chad laughed and James smiled at me.

We talked for a while longer until I really had to go.

"See you round, Mikael," Chad called after me.

"Yeah, speak to ya soon...TRAITOR!" James yelled. They both laughed and I sniggered under my breath.

When I got back, John was red in the face. Darker than a beetroot. "Where the FUCK have you been? I sent you off half an hour ago. Did you get lost? Did someone kidnap you? Well? Answer me for fucks sake? I asked you to go and get my thing from the office, not walk off, go and get something to eat, socialize with your friends and then return fucking empty handed you piece of shi-"

"HEY!!" I yelled at him. He looked surprised. I don't think anyone had yelled at him in a long time, at least not a PA or someone else who worked for him. "No one calls me a piece of shit. So don't you fucking dare!! And in case you forgot you Steven Spielberg wannabe shit head fuck, this is my day off. You called me into help. I'm not even getting fucking paid for it. I'm doing it voluntarily for you, dick head. No wonder your last PA quit on you. I fucking would!"

"Is that so?" he asked me, a blood vessel in his forehead about to explode.

"Yes that is fucking so!" I said back.

"Well, I'm not gonna give you the pleasure of quitting. You're fired. And I'm gonna make sure you don't get a job in this industry at all. So get your shit and get the FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!" He stormed off.

I stood there, speechless. I had never lost my cool like before. I hardly ever even swear. Shit!! I was seriously fucked! What the hell was I gonna do about my college course now? I needed to be working for John to pass. SHIT! I turned bright red with fear and embarrassment- as you can probably guess, there are a lot of people in the studio who watched the scene. I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I passed the office where Chad and James were still laughing, but I didn't look at them. They saw me though. They must've guessed something was up, cos I was walking quite fast, shaking and- I mean really- bright red all over. My fists were clenched that my knuckles were white and about to split.

"Hey! Mikael! Where you going?" James called. I didn't answer, so they ran up behind me.

"Hey man. What's up?" Chad said walking beside me.

"I was just fired, okay. It's not really something that I wanna talk about to be honest, so could you please fuck off and leave me alone."

"Hey! There's no need for that. We're just trying to help for fucks sake." James said. He was clearly pissed at my tone. "Come on. Let's get you a drink. You need one."

"James he's under age."

"Oh, yeah. Are you sure you're twenty? You don't look it." James smiled at me. I laughed. "That's better."

"Look, thanks guys. I just wanna go home."

"Ok, you have a ride? Need a lift?" Chad asked.

"No, but it's not that far. I'll walk but thanks any-"

"No, no! You can't walk home in this state. Let's go. We'll go in my car." James said.

"Look, you don't have t-"

"I know that, but we want to. So come on." James pulled me to his car. I sat shotgun and was silent. The others kept looking at me too. I guess subtlety is in short supply nowadays! We arrived and I mumbled "Thanks" and got out of the car. Chad jumped out of the back seat.

"Hey! Come on. Invite us in so we can talk about what happened."

"I really appreciate what you guys are doing but-"

"So invite us in already." James too got out of the car. I stared at them. It was clear they weren't gonna give in.

Now, I'm guessing you're wondering what the fuck is up with this story. I mean, why would Chad and James be that concerned, I mean, come on. We had only ever spoken to each other for about twenty minutes- unless you include all of my "Yeahs" as a conversation, cos then it'd be about 30 minutes. They wouldn't come after me like that. Well, I was thinking the same thing. I decided to invite them in so that they could leave me alone quicker so that I could sleep, or think or something. That's wack too. I mean, even on a really bad day, who's gonna tell Chad Michael Murray and James Lafferty to fuck off. Well, I'm a strange fucking human being...but I guess you already got that.

"Fine. Come on in. But I think my roommate is in, so he's gonna either freak out, or not know who the fuck you are!" they both laughed. I did too. I felt a little better. It turns out it was the latter! Hari had no clue as to who these fucking sexy men were. But I guess that he doesn't think of them as sexy either!

"Nice place," James said. "Basic. But with the major necessities- TV, fridge, CD player- what more could a guy want?"

`You' I thought. "Look you didn't come here to talk about interior design."

"You're right." Chad said, whacking James round the head.

"Ow! You piece of shit!" James said, almost laughing.

"THAT!" I yelled causing them both to jump. "That's what got me fired."

"What?" they both said.

"John called me a piece of shit, so I had a huge go at him and said no wonder why his other PA quit cos he's such a shit head- John I mean- and I then said that I'd quit if I were in his position. I'm only part time. He's full time. And then John said is that so and fired me."

"Why did he call you a piece of shit?" Chad asked, sitting down on the couch. James did the same.

"Cos I took too long getting...getting...fuck! What the fuck was that thing?" they laughed. "Anyway, the point is I didn't bring it back and he was pissed as he always fucking is."

"We're sorry. Maybe we shouldn't have spoken to you then. I mean, if it wasn't for us asking you all those questions and getting you involved in our conversation then you wouldn't have been fired." Chad said apologetically. James nodded in agreement.

"Look, it's not your fault. I wanted to join in. I mean, I'm not gonna leave when a pair of famous actors, sexy actors at that invite me-" I suddenly realised what I had said. "SEXY actors?!?!" I was in for it.

"What?" James said, looking... I don't know how to describe it. I hate when you can't think of the words you need to describe shit. He wasn't angry, or happy for that matter. Slightly chuffed I think but mostly confused and surprised.

I just sat there, both of them staring at me. I stared at the ground. I felt myself turn bright red. I decided to change the subject. "The worse part is, that I'm now gonna fail my course. I need to be working with a director or assistant director to get the knowledge to pass. I'm seriously fucked up." I stopped and regretted my choice of wording.

They continued to stare at me, until James said, "We can sort something out for you. Don't worry about it. I, err..."

"We can find someone for you to work with..." Chad finished James' sentence, but continued to stare at me. "I hate to... I don't mean to be...blunt... but, are you... I don't know how to say this...but-"

"You want to know if I'm gay." I said to them. They both stared at me. I could tell that is what they wanted to know. "Yes I am."

Okay. It's gonna be another one of these moments. It must be annoying to be interrupted by me so that I can criticise my own story. But I'm gonna be different and do it anyway. I had only just met these guys and they're already asking me about my sexuality as if we'd known each other for ages. Well, I found it strange too. But all will be revealed...later on!

They continued to stare. I felt weird. I felt as though they were judging me.

"No shit?" James asked me. "You're not taking the piss are you?"

"No..." I said. "Look, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. I don't really wanna be judged by a couple of homophobic guys who I barely even know." And there goes my temper again. I really don't know where it keeps coming from.

"Homophobic? Who said we were homophobic? Don't just jump to conclusions like that." Chad said.

"And we weren't judging you, we were just surprised." James added.

And again- surprised? They barely new me. Anyway...

We continued to sit there in silence.

"We had better go anyway. We're gonna get into trouble if we're late again."

They both left, but insisted that I give them my cell phone number before they did. "We'll sort out your job for you. Don't worry. You really just need to relax a bit." James said.

I shook both their hands before they left. Chad first, then James. When James took my hand, he took it in both hands and held it for a while. He looked at me and smiled. Then they both left.

Strange? I think not!

Chapter 2 coming soon...

Enjoy it? Hope you did. If so, I'd like to hear your comments. If you didn't like it, then tell me why and I'll see if I can improve it for you. Criticism is good! Praise, even better!!! Thank you. Email address: hardy_teen_boi@msn.com Thanks a lot. Bill

Next: Chapter 2

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