Mike and Jason

By Lost Cause

Published on Feb 13, 2007


COPYRIGHT: 2006 by LCStories ( Mike) All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER: The following story is Fictional. It contains descriptions of homosexual activities. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks For Proof Reading Barry And remember send all feedback to L0st_cause@yahoo.com thanks.

Mike And Jason - Chapter 1

Mike - 18 Jason - 16

It was a late night as I awoke from a very bad dream I was having. As I awoke I started to cry, helplessly, thinking to myself, "Why me? Why did all of this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I just live a normal life?"

I wiped my face and looked over at a picture I had next to my bed. On it was a picture I had taken of my parents when I was 13. See my parents died when I was just 14 years old from a blazing fire at our vacation house in the mountains of Hilo. No one still knows how I made it out alive. I often wish I hadn't. What do I have to live for? I lost my parents and they were all I had.

Ever since that day I was pretty much on my own See my parents had no brothers or sisters and was also an only child. I had no living family members. I really don't know how I managed to live on my own all these years but I did it. My parents had a will saying everything was to go to me. And what I didn't know was that they made a bank account for me with about $10,000 in it. My dad was a car dealer and my mother was a housewife. Money was often very tight for us.

So with the money in that account and the money they had left around the house and their checking accounts was what kept me fed, clothed, and everything I needed to get by. But as the years went on the money was be gone before I knew it.

At the age of 16, I started my first job. See even though my parents left me what I thought was a lot of money it just wasn't enough to get by.

I am now 18 years old. I am 5'11." I weight about 155 pounds. I have blue eyes and light brown hair. I keep my hair not too long but not too short either. I love how it is and a lot of people seem to like it too. I am living alone still at the house where I was born.

We had two houses. One where we lived in Hawaii and our vacation home in Hilo that was destroyed by fire. I live in our three bedroom house alone. We never really had fancy things such as a computer or a cell phone. I barely had enough cash to buy a car.

I am now just finished with high school, but I can't go to college because I can't afford it. I figured I would get a full time job until I can make enough money and then start school as I can afford it.

As I looked for a job I saw an add in the newspaper that caught my eye. Looking for Help - Must be able and willing to work with kid's ages 13 - 16. Will pay very well. I was very interested in this so decided to give it a shot. The next thing I knew I got the job and was asked to start right away.

The job is something that I really had an interest in doing. It's pretty much an after school/weekend job where kids around the ages of 13 - 16 to do homework hang out with other friends, play cards, watch some movies, as well as many other things.

Anyways, as I went to work I went through a lot of training programs and finally it was time to start. I was told I was going to get the oldest bunch of kids, the 15 and 16 years old. I told them that was fine and I'd love it. So I had about twenty-five of them. Seven of them were girls and the rest were guys. I soon noticed one of the boys. His name was Jason. He was about 5'8" and looked to weight around 130 pounds. He was a very slim/skinny boy with the cutest face I have ever seen. He had light blue eyes and light brown hair. I thought to myself ... "God, what a cute kid."

But there was something about him that just wasn't quite right. He was sitting at one of the tables all alone doing his homework. While the other kids were sitting together studying some and goofing off even more. I walked over and sat next to Jason.

" Hey there Jason, my name is Michael. Its nice to meet you." He looked over at me nodded then went back to his homework.

" Is everything OK, Jason? I'm here to help you guys and if something is wrong please let me know," I said.

He looked over at me and his face looked shocked. What has no one else ever been nice to this kid? It looked as if he had just lost everything and cared about nothing. When I think back I thought... "Wait a minute. I know that face. It was the same face I made when I lost my parents. Poor kid, I have got to know what happened."

With that I left him to his studies and went about talking with the other kids and getting to know them. As the day ended most of the kids got picked up by their parents. I noticed Jason was walking home alone and I wondered about him, I knew there was something about Jason that he was hiding.

Right then one of the other workers, a new friend, came towards me.

"Hey Mike, how was your first day?" he asked.

"It was good. All the kids seem pretty friendly and easy to handle"

"Hey Brandon," I said.

"Yeah, what's up?" I thought to myself then pointed towards Jason as he was walking away from us.

"That kid, Jason, do you know anything about him?" I asked, He looked at me and his face changed.

"Yeah, I do," he paused for a moment and then continued.

"Jason is ... well he's a lot like you, Mike," Brandon said in a rather calm voice.

"What do you mean, a lot like me?" I asked, wondering what he meant.

"You know how you told me about what happened to you when you were younger?"

"Yeah, about my parents?" I asked.

"Yes, well he lost both of his parents too." he paused again looked down and then looked back up at me to see my face expression.

"But his parents death was caused by a drunk driver," Brandon said still watching my expression.

"Wow!" I thought to myself, "No wonder this kid had that face when I tried to get close to him. He's going through what I once experienced. He lost everything. God, everything I went through, now he has to deal with it... I have to do something to help this kid. I can't let him go through what I had to alone, I just can't," Brandon noticed my sudden reaction and looked worried.

"What's wrong Mike?" Brandon said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Aah, nothing. I was just thinking about what you said and everything I went through when I lost my parents. I never thought I would or even could survive without them."

"I know how Jason feels and well I have to help him," I said.

"Well good luck with that, a lot of people tried to help him but he just seems to want to be alone," Brandon said in a calm voice.

"Well, I know what he is going through. I did the same thing. Maybe I can get closer to him, help him," I thought.

"I can't let him go through this alone," Brandon just nodded at me and put his left hand on my shoulder, as if to say I understand.

After that I went back into my room and started to clean up, then I noticed Jason had left his bag behind in the classroom. I then thought to myself...

"Well maybe this is my chance to get closer to him. I can take his bag to him. Then maybe, just maybe, I can get him to let me in to his life. Or close enough to figure him out and help to get to know him and most importantly to be there for him."

Later that day I got Jason's address from the school, letting them know he left his bag and I would drop it off for him.

As I drove I looked at the street address and thought to myself, "Yup, this is the place".

I pulled into a small house that didn't look to new, but it didn't look too old either. It was a nice, small place. I hopped out of my car and grabbed his bag, then I went to the front door. Right before I knocked on the door I heard a scream. It sounded like Jason. Right then I knocked on the door but no one answered, so I went around to the back of the house. When I reached the mid sized backyard, I saw a middle aged man. He looked to be in his 30s attacking Jason. This man looked to be around 5'7" and looked to weight around 190 pounds. He wasn't well built at all. He was overweight with a beer belly. This man was bald and had brown eyes. He was only wearing some shorts.

"You stupid kid, when I tell you to do something you do it, you little shit! You understand?" the man said to Jason. He then heard me and looked up at me.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" this man said in a very loud angry voice.

"My name is Michael. I am one of Jason's teachers and came here to drop off his bag he left at the after-school," I said in an angry voice.

"Ah, so that's where you been? You stupid little kid." He went over and kicked Jason on his side and threw him against the fence.

"I thought I told you not to go anywhere. I guess I'll just have to beat the shit out of you again until you learn," he screamed at Jason.

I can't believe this guy. I am standing right here and he's trying to hurt Jason... fuck that!

I dropped Jason's bag and right as the man was going to swing at Jason, I ran over and punched him in the face.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but if you ever try to lay a hand on Jason again I'll be the one that does the beating and the next time it will be your face. You got me?" I yelled to the guy, who had gotten back up and went for me this time. I looked over at Jason and he was bleeding.

"This is between me and the kid, so get the fuck out of here," he yelled back at me.

"Fine, I'll leave, but the kid is coming with me," I said to him.

"Over my dead body!" said the guy who was attacking Jason.

"Look buddy, I am taking him with me. You try to follow us and I will call the police and they will deal with you."

He looked at me and made a face like he was going to try something.

"Fine keep the little shit. I don't care I don't need that little gay fag anyways," he screamed.

Did he just say "Gay?" Wow! Maybe Jason and I have more in common then I thought, "Is he really gay?" I asked myself, "How would he feel if he knew I was gay too?"

I grabbed Jason and told him to get his stuff and hurry. He just nodded at me and ran in the house. I looked at the man and felt disgusted.

"He's bringing all of his things and is staying with me."

"If you try anything I'm warning you now, I have nothing to lose and I will hunt you down, you piece of shit! You have no right to be hurting him like this," I paused looking him square in the eye.

"He is just a kid like me. I care about him and that's more than you can say." He looked at me and then I realized he was fucking drunk off his ass. He then did something that shocked me. He went back into some shack like building and came back with a knife.

"Are you threatening me punk?" He said to me, while coming up towards me fast.

He then ran up to me and tried to stab me with the knife. I moved to the side and kicked him in the chest, then punched him so hard he flew back. I grabbed the knife and threw it far away. I then saw Jason running to my car with the bags he had in his hand. We both jumped in, I stepped on the gas, and sped right out of there as fast as I could. I turned to look at Jason and he was sitting there next to me shaking...

First let me just say thank you for reading my story Mike and Jason. This is my first story and I am still kind of new at it but working on that. If you did enjoy the story please send me an email as I would love to hear from you the readers.

All Comments, Concerns, Advise, Pictures, Or you just want to chat? Whatever,

please send them all to L0st_cause@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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