Mike Tyson's Big Booty

By Charlie O

Published on Aug 3, 2020



"Iron" Mike Tyson was working out at a gym in Downtown Los Angeles. He was getting his sweat on, hitting the heavy bag when he noticed Floyd Mayweather was in the building, doing his workout, as well. "What oh, man! What is he doing here?" Mike thought to himself. "Please, just let him leave me alone." For the last year, Floyd had been harassing him, talking shit about him. As they'd pass each other in the locker room, Floyd would smack Mike on the ass. "Man, please stop that." Mike had said at the time. Floyd had just mocked him in front of his friends. One time, Floyd even yanked Mike's towel from him, letting everyone see Mike's naked body. "That was so damn embarrassing!" Mike thought to himself. Even though it was embarrassing, just thinking about it made Mike's dick hard. "What the hell was that about?"

Then, it happened again. This time, however, it happened on the gym floor. SMACK! When Floyd's hand hit his butt, Mike jumped a mile, straight up! "Man, stop that!" Mike growled. "What you gonna do about it, Mike?" Floyd asked, taunting Mike. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna." Mike said. He looked around for a moment. Then he saw the boxing ring. "I'm gonna fight you!" Everybody within ear shot gasped. It had been a hot minute since Mike Tyson had been in the ring. "Alright," Floyd said. "You're on!"

So, they got ready for the fight. Then... Ding! Ding! The fight was on! Right away, everyone could see that, even though Mike still had his punching power, Floyd was a lot quicker. Several times during the match, Floyd had Mike on the ropes. As they fought, Floyd started taunting Mike, getting in his head. "You know what I'm gonna do to you when I win?" Floyd asked Mike as they were in a clinch. "I'm gonna fuck you stupid, in front of all these people!"

Hearing that got Mike's dick rock hard and knocked him off his game. "NO!" He said as he fought even harder. He threw punch after punch until he was exhausted. He got in some good body shots to Floyd's muscular stomach. Floyd just smiled and asked, "Is that all you got?" Mike did everything he could to affect this man but, nothing seemed to work. "I'm in trouble!" Mike thought to himself, panicking. His arms were starting to feel like jelly. After a while, he could barely defend himself. Floyd was tagging him left and right. Then, suddenly, it happened. Mike threw a right cross, which Floyd blocked, easily. Then Floyd came over the top with a thunderous right hook to Mike's jaw, knocking him out!

"Wakey, Wakey, Mikey!" Mike heard Floyd say. His voice felt like it was off in the distance. He shook the cobwebs from his brain and realized where he was. He tried to lift his hands but, realized they were stuck. Mike looked up and realized he was chained to a punching bag. "Hey, man!" He said. "What's going on, here!" "I told you that, when this was over," Floyd said. "I was gonna get that ass!"

At that moment, Mike Tyson went ashen! Floyd Mayweather was gonna get his ass, in front of all these people, and there was nothing he could do about it. At that moment, Mike's dick got rock hard. "Someone hand me some scissors." Floyd said. Someone handed him a pair of scissors. He grabbed the fabric of Mike's boxing shorts. "What you gonna do with them scissors, man?" Mike asked, as if he didn't know. Floyd smiled at Mike and said, "It's awfully hot in here. I think I'll relieve you of your shorts. Make you more comfortable."

Before Mike could object, Floyd began cutting off his boxing shorts. "NO! STOP!" Mike roared. He wriggled and struggled, trying to get loose. "You better not struggle too much." Floyd said. "I may accidently cut you." That veiled threat shook Mike to his core. He remained still as Floyd cut his shorts away. Underneath his shorts, Mike wore a red jockstrap. "Well, damn, Mike!" Floyd said, laughing at Mike's cute underwear. The jockstrap framed Mike's thick ass cheeks perfectly! "Look at you, trying to look all sexy!" Floyd slapped Mike's ass, a little harder, this time. "You've been working on your glutes, haven't you?" This time, Floyd grabbed a handful of Mike's booty meat. "OWWW, MAN! STOP IT!" Mike roared. "Who you yellin' at?" Floyd asked. "You ain't in charge, I am!"

"I think you need to learn some respect." Floyd said. First, he slid his hand down the front of Mike's jockstrap and grabbed his dick and balls, squeezing them slightly. "Ooooh!" Mike groaned. "Nice dick and balls you got there, man." Floyd said as he gave Mike's package another hard squeeze. Mike thought he was gonna pass out. "A real nice package." Then Floyd turned his attention back to Mike's ass. "But, that ass, man... That ass is the bomb!"

Floyd groped Mike's ass cheeks lecherously. "Mmmm." Mike moaned softly, almost inaudibly. "Man, ya'll should check his ass out." Floyd said. Floyd's trainer reached out to touch Mike's ass. Then, suddenly, pulled his hand back. "It's okay, man. You can touch it." So, the trainer got a handful of Mike's booty meat. "Damn, champ!" The trainer said. "You're right! That ass is nice and firm." The trainer started slapping Mike's ass hard. Then, encouraged by Floyd, other people came up and slapped Mike's ass, as well. No one could see it but, Mike's dick started to get hard. "Isn't it time for me to do some work on the heavy bag?" Floyd asked. "Yea, champ, it is?" The trainer said. Floyd smiled and said, "Well, why don't I use Mike's ass as a makeshift heavy bag?" The trainer groped Mike's ass and said, "That's not a bad idea!"

Floyd put on the gloves and asked, "You ready, Mike?" Mike struggled with his bonds, trying desperately trying to get loose. "I guess he's ready, champ." Floyd's trainer said. WHAM! WHAM! Floyd slammed his fists into Mike's plump ass cheeks. "Oww!" Mike moaned. "Oooh!" WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Mike's ass shook as Floyd worked his ass over (literally). "How does that feel, Mike?" Floyd asked. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! "Does it feel good to you?" "You have no idea!" Mike thought to himself. "Not a clue!"

WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Mike was as hot as an oven! "FUCK!" He hollered. "I think you're turning him on, man!" The trainer said, excitedly. Mike squirmed as Floyd continued to punish his ass. "OH GOD!" Mike cried out, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Mike could feel his dick getting hard. This was torture... sweet torture! "FUCK MEEEE!" Floyd and his trainer looked at each other in shock. "What did you say, Mike?" Floyd asked. "Fuck...me." Mike said breathlessly. "I don't know, Mike, man." Floyd said. "Please!" Mike begged. "Shit, man!" The trainer exclaimed. "You got Mike Tyson begging for dick! I never thought I'd see the day!"

"I'll fuck you on one condition." Floyd said. "You agree to be my bitch.... for the rest of your life!" Mike had to think for a second about that. As he was thinking, Floyd was groping his ass, pawing at his fleshy booty meat. "Okay, okay!" Mike agreed quickly. "I'll do it!" He looked around the gym. The guys started cracking up and laughing at him. He didn't care. He needed that man's dick. It was like crack to him now. "I'll do whatever I have to do to get that dick." Mike thought to himself. "I just need that dick!"

Floyd walked over to Mike and pulled out his dick. He made sure Mike could see him stroking his dick. "See this dick, Mike?" Floyd asked. "It's gonna be up in you in a minute." Mike looked over at Floyd's sausage. It was thick and mean-looking. That thing is gonna rip me apart!" Mike thought to himself. His asshole twitched and his dick got hard, instantly. Floyd began to slap Mike's ass with his dick. "Mmmmm." Mike moaned softly. Floyd's dick felt so heavy. He knew that dick was about to rearrange his insides. "Here I come, Mike." Floyd whispered in Mike's ear. Then, Mike felt his asshole stretch as Floyd's dick made its way up his intestines.

"OH FUCK!" Mike screamed. "SHIT!" Floyd was not being gentle, whatsoever. He slammed his dick in and out of Mike's hole. "LORD HAVE MERCY!" "You like that dick, don't you, Mike?" Floyd asked. "MMMM, FFUUCCKK!" Mike roared. Floyd's dick was the thickest thing he'd up in his hole for months! "JESUS!" Floyd fucked Mike's hole harder and faster. "How does that hole feel, champ?" The trainer said. "It feels just like a bitch's pussy." Floyd replied. Floyd moaned softly. "You hear that, Mike? I said your hole feels like a pussy." All Mike could do was groan as Floyd fucked his hole with reckless abandon.

As he was being fucked, Mike could feel hands (He wasn't sure if they were Floyd's or someone else's) groping his chest, squeezing his nipples. "Feel them hands, Mike?" Floyd asked. "Feels nasty, don't it? Feeling helpless? Like, you can't do nothing to stop them hands from groping you?" Mike moaned aloud. His body trembled with each rough touch. At this point, Mike's dick was rock hard (again!). Someone saw that and began to stroke his dick. "Uh oh, Mike. They stroking your dick without your permission." Mike's body trembled violently. "What's the matter, Mike? You getting hot?"

"Dammit!" Mike thought in frustration. "This nigga knows this shit is making me hot!" It was kinda obvious. Especially since Mike started backing that ass up on Floyd's dick! "Fuck me harder." Mike said, softly. "What was that Mike?" Floyd asked, knowing full well what Mike said. He just wanted to embarrass him further. "Say it louder, so everyone can hear you." So, Mike swallowed his pride (which was half gone, anyway) and roared, "FUCK ME HARDER!"

"Say please." Floyd said. Mike bit his lip and sucked his teeth. Then through gritted teeth, Mike said, "PLEASE!" So, Floyd slammed his dick up Mike's dick, harder and faster. "OH FFUUCCKK!" Floyd was piston fucking Mike's hole, getting Mike's hole looser and looser. "DDAAMMNN!" "Damn, Mike!" Floyd said as he pummeled Mike's hole. "This hole feels so damn good!" "SSHHIITT!" Mike's eyes rolled into the back of his head as Floyd fucked him deep.

Floyd leaned over, whispering into Mike's ear. "Can you feel my dick, Mike?" He asked softly. "It's deep in that ass, isn't?" All Mike could do was moan softly. "You like my dick up your ass, don't you?" As Floyd spoke softly and seductively, Mike could feel his dick getting rock hard. His hole closed tightly around Floyd's huge dick. "FFFUUUCCCKKK!" He moaned aloud. "I'm gonna make you my bitch." Floyd whispered. "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you every fuckin' day!" "AHHHHHH!" Mike moaned. "Damn, this nigga's cummin'!" The trainer said. "Cummin' like a damn faucet!"

Sure enough, when Floyd looked down, on the ground, in front of Mike, there was a puddle of cum on the floor! "Well, damn, Mike!" Floyd exclaimed as he continued to fuck Mike's hole. "OWWW, SHIT!" Mike cried out. "MMMMM!" "Give me that big booty, boy!" Floyd said. "Yea, man!" Floyd's entire body was covered in sweat. "Damn, nigga! This ass is the bomb!" Suddenly, Floyd could feel his dick starting to throb. He looked at his trainer and said, "Cut him loose!"

So, the trainer cut him loose. Mike fell to the floor with a thud. "Get up, bitch!" Floyd said, kicking Mike's stomach. Mike got up, slowly. "Now, on your knees and open that mouth!" Mike got up and opened his mouth. Floyd slid his dick down Mike's throat. "Now, I'm gonna cum in your mouth. You'd better not spill a drop!" Seconds later... "AWWW, FFFUUUCCCKKK!" Floyd squirted his cum down Mike's throat. "OOOOOH, YEA!" Mike did his best to swallow Floyd's cum. When he was done, Floyd looked down at Mike and grinned evilly. "You ready to be my slave, boy?"

"Yes, Master." Mike said obediently. "Now, let's go get you cleaned up." Floyd said. Mike was about to stand up and follow Floyd...but Floyd stopped him. "Naw, man. From now on, when you're in my presence, you'll be getting around on your hands and knees." So, Mike got down on his hands and knees. "Good boy." Floyd patted Mike on the head like a dog. Then he walked through the halls of the gym, with Mike following close behind. Then he turned to his trainer. "Is the hose out back?" "Yea, man." The trainer said. "It's waiting for you."

So, they went outside, and Floyd grabbed the hose. Mike looked around and noticed that other gym members had followed them. "Mike, stand up and get up against the wall." Floyd said. "With your arms over your head." Mike did as he was told. Then Mike saw the trainer and Floyd talking to each other. Floyd looked at Mike and smiled that evil smile. "On second thought, Mike lay down on your back. We gotta piss." Without questioning anyone, Iron Mike Tyson laid down on his back so Floyd and the trainer could piss on him!

Floyd and his trainer walked up to Mike's prone body and pulled their dicks out. Seconds later, hot piss dripped onto Mike's body. "Open that mouth, Mike." Floyd ordered. Mike, again, did as he was told. The trainer and Floyd pissed down Mike's throat. Once that was done, they looked at Mike and laughed. "Now, we gonna give you a good scrubbing." So, Mike stood up and assumed the position as Floyd sprayed him down with cold water. Then Floyd soaped up a rag and began to scrub my down from head to toe. If Mike didn't know better, he would swear that Floyd was enjoying himself. "I think this nigga has always wanted to give me a scrub down." He thought to himself as he looked into Floyd's eyes. "Well, damn! All he had to do was ask!"

The End

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