Mile High

By Willy B

Published on Apr 27, 2000


Mile High Part 1

"Hey Kel you gon'a get up or do I have to get you up?" came the booming voice on the other side of the door.

Sixteen year old Kelvin Stuart groaned inwardly and threw the covers back. "Yah dad I'm awake, be there in a minute!" "OK bud, moms got your food and your school things already packed" Kel's dad replied.

Still trying to shake the morning out of his eyes, Kelvin ran his hand through his close cut curly brown hair, slowly stood and stretched to his full five foot five inch height and looked in the mirror across his room at the familiar image staring back. doing a quick self appraisal. What he saw didn't displease him, all his continuing efforts to build some mass were paying off. He was sure he would be better able to handle the "G's" better than he had ever been able to before.

Slipping off his boxers he quickly stepped on his scale. It read one hundred twenty four pounds. "and none of it fat!" Kelvin thought to himself as he quickly dressed in his favorite blue running shorts, plain white T shirt, knee high socks and his blue stripped Nikes. Taking the stairs up from his bedroom in his families split level home two at a time, he snatched his backpack from his mother waiting at the front door (she had become quite used to her sons early morning routine by now).

"Thanks mom, dad, later." Kelvin said as he pulled on the backpack and trotted off into the relative coolness of another west Texas dawn towards his high school seven miles away.

Chris Bauchamp pulled his mostly primer gray car," The Bondo Beast", into a space in the high school's student lot. He had spent the last week in a flurry of activity, moving away from Houston after his mom was convicted of theft, getting settled in with his father (his parents had divorced when he was ten and until her incarceration, had shared joint custody), getting his school transfer taken care of and generally getting reacquainted with the lay of the land.

"At least I hope some of the people here will remember me" he whispered under his breath. Until recently he had been with his father during the summers, helping out whenever he could at his dads maintenance shop at the local airport. He had been told to report to school at least an hour early for a quick introduction to his new surroundings. Chris thought it was also so the principles could see if he was going to be any trouble to them.

Chris looked at his watch again and figured he had almost twenty minutes before the office people would get here. He could only shake his head and laugh about the lack of traffic compared to what he had been used to in Houston. Laugh and crank up his radio. Ten minutes later and ready to give up on what passed for local radio, Chris shut off his car and stepped out into the rapidly climbing heat of the day.

Kelvin had slowed to a walk as he entered the parking lot. His legs actually felt pretty good . A slight smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, "I'm going to need a longer route" he thought to himself. His eyes were drawn to a car he had never seen before and shifted his path to intersect with the tall blond kid he saw walking towards the school building. "Hey!" he called out "The doors are still gon'a be locked."

Chris jumped at the unexpected voice behind him and turned a little more violently than he intended, forcing Kelvin to pull up so fast his feet went one way on the gravel surface that surrounded the lot and he went the other allowing gravity to take over. Kelvin looked up as this giant stepped over to where he lay in the loose stones that had caused his spill. "Oh shit" he thought frantically "I'm dead meat."

"Kel?" Chris asked as he stood over the boy on the ground a huge grin slowly replacing his defensive posture. Kelvin shock his head to clear the cobwebs that had formed when he contacted the ground. "There is no such thing as gravity...." he started, "...Yeah, the earth sucks." Chris finished for him laughing. "Chris, is that you?"

"Yeah, last time I checked I was." said Chris, his joy at finding he would hopefully not be alone after all unmistakable. "Give you a hand up?" Kelvin grabbed Chris's hand and pulled himself upright and took a minute to rearrange his backpack and his shorts to give the gravel someplace else to go that was more comfortable.

Kelvin smiled back looking up at his summertime friend and partner in crime as his father had often referred to them. "I can't believe your really here!" he said his mind bursting with questions for his friend he hadn't seen in two years.

"Yeah, well I'm here for good I guess" Chris said "I have some kind of orientation this morning." "Cool, follow me I can get us in over there." Kelvin said leaving his thousand other questions till later and indicating the school gym at the other end of the building.

Following behind Kelvin, Chris finally had an opportunity to really look at his friend and was dazzled by what he saw. The chubby fourteen year old was gone, replaced by five and a half feet of muscles if the cut muscles of his legs were any indication. The rest of Kelvin's body, though mostly covered by his loose T shirt and shorts, appeared to be equally impressive. At the first door into the gym/locker room Kelvin stopped and pulled out a key unlocked the door, reached in and turned on the lights inside revealing a typical boys locker room.

"When I started running to school in the mornings I reeked ,like now, but I couldn't always get permission to use the facilities this early in the morning. So they just put me in first period PE class. When I didn't have PE they finally gave up and gave me a key, even though the coach objected, so I wouldn't offend anyone." Kelvin explained. In the end it turned out all right for even though Kelvin refused to go out for any of the school's teams, he still helped out the staff by pulling out the days equipment for the coaches to use that day.

Chris couldn't help but shake his head at his friends privilege. Where he was from you had to wait to go through a metal detector to get in. As Chris stepped around the corner into the locker area he was brought up short by the sight of his friend undressing. He swore he could see not only every muscle in Kel's perfectly proportioned wide shoulders and back as he peeled off his shirt but even the striations in each muscle. Kelvin pulled a towel from his Backpack and turned towards Chris revealing his equally cut hairless chest and a set of abs he could have done laundry on. Chris left to his imagination what was under the running shorts. The problem was he had a vivid imagination. "Ugh, wha-where do I go from here?" Chris asked quickly averting his eyes.

Chalking up his friends apparent unease to the new school, Kelvin merely pointed "Straight ahead through that door, then left and down the main hall you can't miss it" he said. "I'll be there as soon as I'm through here, OK?" "OK." answered Chris as he made his way to the other door.

Out in the hall, Chris stopped and leaned back against a wall. The only person visible appeared to be a custodian at the other end of the building. He closed his eyes trying to clear his mind of the image of his old friend, trying to will his erection away and glad that Kel didn't seem to notice it. He had been overjoyed Kel went to this school but was completely unsettled by the wave of lust he had experienced for his friend. All his time as a closeted gay kid around his teammates in the locker room and every other conceivable circumstance hadn't prepared him for this reaction. God but Kel had changed, the only time he had seen a physique like that were in some of his "anatomy for artist" books and even they paled in comparison. Oh well he thought, for-warned is for-armed, all he could do is hope for better control when they were together again. Chris turned and slowly proceeded to the office of his new school. "This could be a long year!"

Kelvin watched his suddenly nervous friend leave the room. He had to be nervous about school, didn't he? As Kelvin stepped out of the rest of his clothes, he continued to review the last few minutes with Chris. He couldn't know could he? He'd never been able to hide anything from Chris before but how could he already suspect anything? After all Kelvin himself wasn't really sure. Kelvin stepped into the shower and tried to let the hot water block his train of thought but it wasn't working. Chris had always been taller than he was but he swore he only came up to his chest and those clothes he wore didn't leave to much to the imagination. Blond hair parted in the middle, smooth skinned yet sharp features. Incredible blue eyes that he didn't think could get ant lighter and, god, what appeared to be a slim but muscular body that wouldn't quit pushing out against his tight fitting white polo shirt and jeans that looked like they had been painted on. Kelvin came out of his thoughts suddenly and let go of his penis that he had unconsciously stroked up to its full six and a half cut inches. Cautiously, he leaned out of the shower to look at the wall clock and make sure he was still alone careful to keep his inflamed lower half concealed. Satisfied he had plenty of time he again took maters in hand (so to speak) and with one ear out for the sound of doors or voices, furiously brought himself to as fast a release as possible before the staff arrived.

"Well Mr. Bauchamp, I've looked over your records from your last school, I think you'll find your classes here as challenging here as they were there." said Mrs. Lukes one of the school's councilors. "Now do you have any questions?"

"Yes maam" Chris looked around trying to decide if he really wanted to bring up one of his secrets. Finally he took a deep breath "I don't like people to know cause they might treat me different but I'm a diabetic. At my last school I had to go to the nurse before lunch each day for my insulin and people started inventing stories even when I knew they knew the truth. Anyway I was hoping for a better start this time. I mean, ah, I do have an injector that looks like a pen?"

Mrs. Lukes rocked back in her chair a few times before replying "I'll tell you what Chris, let me talk to Mrs. Lee and if she agrees and if you agree to wear a medic alert somewhere then we could let you keep your injector with you."

"Yes mama." Chris replied. He hated the idea of medic-alert jewelry (He felt people tended to treat him like he was going to freak out or drop dead any minute once they saw it) but what the hell, if he didn't need the nurse he didn't want to go near the place. "and thank you."

"I will let you know before lunch today Chris. Oh, and once again welcome," His interview at an end, Chris thanked Mrs. Lukes again and stepped out into the now crowded main hall, his computer generated schedule and school map in hand. Now where was Kel?

Kelvin had just finished his daily chores for the coaches and was ready to walk out the door backpack in hand, when head coach Martini stuck his head out of his office. "Mr. Stuart" he said "When can I expect you to try out for the track team. I need someone for cross country."

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't be that desperate, I'm too small for any sports." Kelvin, looking down at his feet, replied with the same pat answer he used every time the coaches pushed him to join one of the sports teams. "That, Mr. Stuart, is complete bullshit and you and I both know it." the coach commented in a flat and even tone, "I don't know why you're so dead set against everything but flying, but I do wish you'd give it a try, we could use you."

Kelvin stood in thought for a minute before replying after all he felt the coach did deserve something better than his usual answer, besides it might get him off his back for a while anyway. "Coach? I think, I mean, I love to fly. When I am up there doing the things my dad taught me how to do I accept the risk. I am by myself and any mistakes I make will only put myself at risk. I just don't think I could stand being responsible for letting others down if I didn't do well."

Any response from coach Martini was cut off by the first morning bell. "OK Mr. Stuart, see you tomorrow."

Kelvin left the gym as fast as he could with out running. Reaching his locker he quickly exchanged his Backpack for his books, then turned his attention back to the crowd in the hallway hoping to see Chris if he was out of his meeting. the giggle and tap on his shoulder should have warned him but he turned around anyway.

It was Julie Stamford and he noticed her band of in-crowd sluts er girls, he corrected himself quickly, it didn't help that he had to look up at her too.

"Hey Mile-high" she said with a wicked look in her eyes "can I ask you something?"

"All right, what?" Kel replied, all ready tired and wary of the game she obviously wanted to play. He hated his nickname. It referred to the fictitious and infamous Mile High club which consisted of pilots who had sex while one mile above the ground.

"Are you a fag?" she asked.

"WHAT?" Kel couldn't believe this was happening.

"I asked are you queer?" She repeated "I mean Cindy told us all about you and her last Friday night and we were just wondering."

Kelvin felt like he'd been handed an instant death sentence. He should have known he couldn't trust Cindy, THAT WHORE, to keep her mouth shut. He had tried, really tried to get it up and perform with her that night but found he just couldn't go through with it. He didn't love her, apparently all she saw of him was between his legs and (to be honest to himself) he was new to this sex thing and scared. Except for his hand he had no experience.

"Look" He said in his most conciliatory tone of voice "I don't love Cindy...."

"So?" she interrupted.

Kelvin looked at her for a moment. It dawned on him that Julie and her friends (if you could call them that, Kel didn't) had all ready made up their minds about him.

"Whatever, you think what you want. I've got to get to class." Kelvin turned and walked away down the hall trailed by girlish laughter that caused his ears to burn with the rage he was starting to feel.

Kelvin knew he was angry and he knew deep down that he was being overly sensitive to everybody at that moment but he couldn't help himself from believing that every imagined glance his way, glances away from him, the conversations and the lack of conversations were all directed at him. When he arrived at his honors English class and saw Chris talking with the teacher his spirits improved a little but he was unable to completely shake off the mood he was in.

He took his seat just as the bell rang and was supprised to find the seat next to his open. Why had Joel moved across the room? Kel thought, his paranoia suddenly flaring again. They had assigned seats and he thought he and Joel had gotten along just fine.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have a new student today" his teacher interrupted his fevered thinking, "This is Christopher Bauchamp from Houston."

To the smattering of hello's and HI's around the room, Chris merely waved his hello saying "Please call me Chris." He then walked over and took the seat next to Kelvin.

Chris smiled and leaned over closer to his friend "That guy Joel agreed to change seats." he whispered under his breath "Pretty good ,Huh."

Kelvin just nodded his head, a confused look on his face. His paranoia and growing anger that had been building in momentum like a runaway train was effectively derailed.

"Is everything OK" Chris asked, closely studying Kel's face.

"Yeah it is now." Kelvin replied, a cautious smile slowly replacing his confusion. He tried to believe that everything would be all right. Yeah, Julie and her bunch couldn't have that much influence could they? Besides, he had to admit to himself, after that morning what if they were right!

When the first period ending bell finally rung Chris was finally able to compare his schedule with Kel. He was pleased to see that he also shared at least one other class, last period History and Government. "Hey Kel, see you at lunch"

Kelvin smiled back, once again in a good mood, "That'll be great." he said as he turned and walked the other way towards his locker.

It wasn't until the class immediately before lunch that Chris overheard some of the other guys at the back of the room quietly arguing over some story they had heard from the "popular girls" clique. His ears really picked up when he heard Kelvin's name mentioned.

Why were some of these guys so heated? They all seemed to take it for granted that the rumor was true, what had his friend done? Probably swiped somebody's girlfriend he thought. He was about to tune out the discussion behind him when he heard " about that little rich fag...."

Chris nonchalantly leaned back in his chair as a chill ran up his spine and he strained to hear more. After a bit more argument Chris was able to make out, he hoped, that the wait and see faction had apparently won out over the pound him now bunch. Chris remained alert through the rest of the class hoping that the "wait" faction was the winner in every class.

Kelvin's emotions were on a terrible rollercoster ride one minute everything was normal, his school friends were normal and willing to talk to him . the next moment, well.....

At the moment though, he felt he couldn't get any lower. Walking to his last class before lunch, things seemed to escalate from slight murmurs to what he was sure were wolf-whistles directed his way by some of the seniors. The worst came in class when even his so called friends just flushed in embarrassment and did their best to pretend he wasn't there.

The worst part to Kelvin was his inability to figure out what he did wrong. Jeeze he hadn't really had sex with anyone yet, male or female and "I don't know." even if accurate would just confirm the rumor to anyone who asked. On the other hand be it pride, stupidity or insanity he just couldn't see himself lying to anyone who might ask. So he stayed silent and fortunately or unfortunately no one other than Julie did.

Chris emerged from class when the lunch bell rang and kicked himself in the head for not telling Kel that he would be a few minutes late to lunch. Slightly reassured by the consensus that was reached in the back of his class but not totally, he went to the nearest restroom and hurried through his glucose check and his insulin injection.

Satisfied that he had done his duty to himself for the day, Chris hurried towards the cafeteria. turning a corner, he almost collided with an open unattended locker.

"What the hell?" Chris mumbled looking at a scattering of books and paper on the floor around it. His old chill came back with a vengeance. He pulled the door wide. Inside was a blue backpack with the name K. Stuart written on the side. "Shit, shit, shit, oh shit" was all he could say as he picked up the his pace and round the corner into the cafeteria.

All he could see was the group of students clustered at the glass doors to the outside each trying to see what was going on. Chris used his height to good advantage as he pushed his way through the pack to the front near the doors. Chris was horrified by what he saw.

Three guys in letter jackets stood to one side held in place by two large adult men with whistles draped around their necks and also wearing school colors. Another large man in similar attire, the school's coaches, Chris assumed was holding Kelvin around his chest pinning his arms to his sides.

Kelvin was obviously in pain as he struggled against the man restraining him. He had been cut over his left eye the blood from that wound mixing with the blood coming from his nose to the point that Kel was spraying a mist of blood each time he exhaled heavily from his mouth.

"I SAID WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" the coach holding Kelvin yelled, fury clearly written all over his face.

"THIS LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT...." one of the lettermen involved began, probably the ring leader. "YOU'VE ALREADY DECIDED WHAT I AM!" Kelvin screamed back "COME ON YOU WANA FINISH ME! I'M READY YOU FUCKS! OWWWW." Kelvin was completely out of control during the last exchange pushing up and kicking out with both legs at the same time!

Suddenly his body went limp. looking up at the man holding him, fear replacing the fury in his eyes, he coughed. "Coach...." he wheezed "I, I, ca, can't breath!" Coach Martini released his grip on the boy and tried to assist Kelvin to lay on his side on the concrete entryway.

Martini turned to the other coaches "I NEED AN AMBULANCE HERE NOW!" One of the coaches immediately disappeared. Kelvin coughed again spraying the area in front of his face with a bright red froth. "Oh god no" Coach martini said as he cradled the boy's head relying on his former EMT(Emergency Medical Technician) training to keep his airway open.

Watching the scene in front of him, Chris was dimly aware of the school's nurse rushing past him and out the door where she began assisting the coach with a portable suction device she had pulled from her own first aid kit. (It wasn't provided to her by the school but her husband was a paramedic with the local ambulance service.) When he heard the police and ambulance sirens approaching from different directions around the school, the gravity of what was happening fell on Chris like the weight of the world and he collapsed to his knees sobbing.

"I failed you! Oh GOD KEL I FAILED YOU!" "I failed...."

End of part one this is my first try If this installment is too slow, I apologize but I tried to include some realistic detail to the situations presented (Within limits of course). On a personal note: As a former EMT-Intermediate with over six years experience on an ambulance, violence against another is not pretty no matter how it is cleaned up for general consumption.


Next: Chapter 2

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