Mile High

By Willy B

Published on Jun 29, 2000


Mile High Part 11

Chris quickly stepped around the nose of the DEA plane. He furtively glanced around as he continued at a jog toward the terminal building. Something had changed. The agents were on edge and moving toward him as he moved away from the jet.

He slowed for a moment and presented his arms palms out at the three agents approaching. "What's going o...." He was instantly distracted by a hot burning poker he was sure had just crossed the top of his biceps. He grabbed his upper left arm - it suddenly didn't want to work - and dumbly stared at the blood that trickled over his fingers. At the same moment the sharp crack reached his ears, he was swamped by the two biggest agents as they flew into him.

"Fuck!" Chris yelled as the three of them slammed into the concrete. "Oww, God!" His breath was forcibly expelled when they hit. He fought in his panic to get those guys off of him. He couldn't see anything and his leg was folded unnaturally under all three as the two agents covered his body with theirs.

"Calm down, buddy!" one of the agents was yelling in his ear. "Calm down! You're gon'a be safe!"

Chris stilled his struggles. Safe? Safe from what? He then became aware of the drawn automatics in the agents' hands and the rapid series of answering cracks from the direction of the jet. It dawned on him that he was hearing gunfire.

"Shit! Shit!" he repeated and flinched in time with each firing. A second wave of pain burst through to his mind from his arm. "Owww!

"Don't worry, kid. I think it just grazed ya," the same voice told him after rearranging Christopher's shirt sleeve. "Where is the fuckin helo?"

"Shit!" Chris yelled. He'd been shot? He'd been shot! This couldn't be happening! He glanced again at the men covering his body. The whole thing was insane! It was like some bad scene from one of those Clancy books and movies he loved so much. Only this time no one was there to yell `cut!' and the blood was real, the pain from his arm and knee were real.

"Yeah, I know what you mean!" a second voice exclaimed from over his head. "First you say it! Then you do it!"

"Whatever!" Chris panted through the pain, but he did check in the middle of everything; `nope, still dry.' He managed to sigh in relief.

The driver of the truck was pissed as he struck his passenger with the butt of his rifle and turned to try again. The bastard had spoiled his aim right when he'd squeezed the trigger! "Sonofabitch! Do that again and I'll take care of you next!"

Who were those other people out there? Instead of running away, they were covering that little fag's butt buddy. He'd almost waited until they left, but the target was too good to pass up. Besides, the thought of an audience, even if they couldn't see him, was kind of a turn-on. He'd been looking forward to making the others shit themselves and run! Anyway, this was supposed to be his first stop tonight and these assholes were screwing everything up! Them and his friend' who he'd thought was on his side, until he'd panicked at the last minute! He decided that his friend' would be the last target that night for being such a pansy himself!

Three sharp thuds erupted from the front of his truck in rapid succession and he felt his front tire blow out, as well.

"Goddamn!" He jerked around to try to figure out what had happened to the truck and was surprised when his vent window suddenly blew out, showering both of them with glass! His passenger screamed and threw himself out his door which he'd managed to open, a huge patch of blood and a ragged tear showing through his back! Someone was shooting at him! But at least one of his problems was taken care of!

He began to put his rifle back to his shoulder. His body wouldn't respond to his commands as he tasted the iron of the thick liquid that filled his throat. His eyes glazed over as he finally noticed the two jagged holes on the inside of the door where he sat. `Damm! In the movies, bullets didn't go through doors.'

The head agent's next three rounds found nothing but dead flesh in the cab as the twenty million candlepower `night sun' on the arriving dark blue Blackhawk helicopter illuminated the truck from far overhead.

Christopher slowly hobbled away from the helicopter, finally satisfied that its crew wouldn't damage the fueling equipment he was responsible for. The paramedics who'd wrapped his knee and bandaged his arm looked on with thinly veiled frustration. They'd told him repeatedly to stay still and let them take him to the hospital for treatment. He'd found he couldn't do it. Every time he had tried to be still, the thoughts of what had just happened would flood his mind, causing him to shake uncontrollably, and neither he nor his dad could afford a hospital bill, anyway. He took a moment to sweep the scene. He'd never seen so many flashing lights in his life. State troopers were still arriving even an hour after the incident. They must have called in everybody from the surrounding counties as well.

The female agent who'd been showing him their chase plane, and had been the one who fired back at the attacker, lay with her back to the terminal. The look of anguish and deep sorrow she radiated as her team comforted her wasn't what he'd expected; his only experience with Federal Agents was from the movies and TV. He'd never been around anyone who'd just had to kill another person. As he watched, he realized just how hard that thought must be, even if it was in self- defense.

"Christopher!" Lisa, one of the medics, walked over to the tall teen and slipped her arm around his chest to assist his movements. "Look, I know you don't want to go to the hospital with us, but until you see somebody, you've got to stay off that knee." She saw the rebellion start to build in his features again. "I know, it's probably just been strained or overextended, but you can't know for sure unless you check it out. You could be doing more damage, and your arm needs an x-ray and stitches at least."

"I know!" Chris began harshly, then softened his tone, staring at the ground; it wasn't their fault. "I know. I'll see somebody about it. I just can't afford the cost right now."

"Bull shit!" Chris looked up suddenly to see his boss frowning at him. "Look at you, boy! You look like shit!" he drawled. "It happened on the job. If this isn't worker's comp, then I don't know why I pay for it!" He watched his employee closely. "Christopher, go with them. You've done enough here. I'll take care of the rest." He walked toward the fuel truck. "That's an order, boy. Get out'a here! Your job will still be here when you get back."

Lisa breathed a big sigh of relief as she guided the reluctant boy toward the ambulance and helped him onto the stretcher. They really should put him on a backboard, but didn't need any more fights than they'd already had. Besides, the boy, with his refusal to stay down, had already made that a moot point.

Chris sat back in the ambulance and tried unsuccessfully to relax. Closing his eyes to block out his surroundings, his fingers instinctively went to the holed sleeve of his uniform. `Oh God! It had come so close.' He couldn't block the thoughts as they rushed back into his mind and he began to shake again. He fought to regain control; it wasn't working!

"Fuck!" A nagging thought came to the fore, "What if I was the target? What if it wasn't drugs?" He felt his panic return. Kelvin was supposed to meet him there that morning! He had no idea if Kel was OK, hadn't heard from him! "I've got'a get out of here!" He frantically grabbed for the buckles on the straps that kept him down.

"Hey! Hey, stop. Try to relax. You just got caught in the middle of a fight!" Lisa redirected the youth's hands away from the belts. "Why would you be the target?"

"I don't know!" Chris almost yelled. "But I've got to find Kelvin!"

"Look!" She tried to catch his eyes. "You can call him from here if you want to, but you need to calm down! I'm sure everything is all right!"

"I'm sorry." His voice cracked as he felt a wet trail on his cheek. He couldn't look at the woman who shared the back of the ambulance with him. He felt he was being such a wuss in front of her. He'd never thought of himself as a coward; he should just be brushing it off as nothing, but couldn't.

"Christopher! Look at me!" Lisa finally got his attention and began taking his vitals, now that he'd settled. Except for his obvious injuries, he was physically healthy. "That bullet came very close to maiming or killing you." She handed him a small towel. "You have nothing to be sorry for, nothing to be ashamed of! What you're feeling is normal. I'm surprised you've held it as well as you have." She watched as her patient held the towel to his face and shook hard with a muffled cry. "Let it go. You're going to be all right." She hoped she wasn't lying with that last statement. Some of her patients never really recovered mentally from traumas a lot less severe.

Kelvin was frantically trying to get to the terminal building, but couldn't get through the tight cordon the police had thrown up around the place. He turned his head sharply to try to see into the ambulance that passed his location, but couldn't see anything inside. As his feeling of dread encompassed his emotions, he toyed with the idea of popping his Jeep into four wheel drive and tearing through the barricades across the open fields. One look at the grim faces and heavy armament carried by the officers quashed that idea immediately. He swung the Jeep into a quick U-turn. His last hope to get close was through the private hanger entrance.

Kel's heart was trying to beat its way out of his chest as he finally saw all the police activity at the terminal and off the end of the runway. It wasn't a plane wreck, that much was obvious. The small figures in the distance were milling about a pick-up bathed in lights from a fire truck.

He readjusted his dad's binoculars to focus on the ramp. Chris was nowhere to be seen, but one of the officers was spraying something out of a paint can on the concrete. He tore his eyes away to reenter the office and reached for the phone again. It had been busy each time he'd tried to get through. He sat down and drew in a ragged breath and dialed again.

`Central airpark. This is John." Kelvin recognized the voice as Chris's boss. He'd finally gotten through, but now felt paralyzed. Where was Chris?

"Uh, ah... this is Kelvin Stuart." He finally forced his body to work. "Is Chris there, please?"

"Kelvin? Where are you?" Kel almost dropped the phone when he noted the deep concern in the other's voice.

"I, I'm at my dad's hanger." He was beginning to panic and fought it down. "Please! Where is Chris?"

"Kelvin? Don't worry. Chris is OK!" John tried to be reassuring. "We had some problems out here and Chris got caught in the middle, but he's gon'a be OK. Stay there, boy! I think the officers may want to talk to you. Maybe you can help shed some light on what happened." He hung up the phone and went to find someone in charge.

This whole night was a confusing blur of activity, but he knew that the investigation was shifting away from the `drug' angle. The dead boy in the truck he knew. Hell, everybody in the town knew him; he'd been on the fast track to college until he'd gotten himself in trouble with the law for beating the Stuart boy.

He quietly suspected that drugs had nothing to do with any of this and was amazed at the depth of hatred in the dead kid, no, - he corrected himself - in that family, that had led up to tonight. Strangely, he found he wasn't as upset at the dead kid, who'd attacked his employee and damaged one of the best school planes he owned, as he was the kid's family. The boy had to learn his hate. He wasn't born with it. He sighed and continued his mission. Chris would be OK, the plane could be repaired, but the kid was dead. He wondered if his family would think it was worth it.

Chris watched silently as the two officers left the treatment area he was in. They seemed satisfied with the answers he gave, although they were pissed that they hadn't been able to conduct the interview sooner. The staff was waiting for his x-rays before they proceeded with his treatment, whatever that would be. He glanced down at the tube stuck in his uninjured arm. That had hurt more than his other injuries seemed to at the time. His veins were so visible he'd been embarrassed for the nurse when she'd missed the first time. One of the paramedics had made a rude comment about being able to hit one of his veins with a dart from across the room, blindfolded.

He started to shake again, but told himself it was from the cold. The stupid gown he was given when they took his clothes didn't provide much comfort. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to clear his mind. The cops had told him that he may have been the target after all, but Kelvin was safe! Kel and his family were finally at the hospital, along with his dad, and waiting outside. The staff said they would be allowed in after they were done with him.

He didn't know how everybody would take it, especially his father. When he'd come out to his dad, it had been a struggle. He had been warned that it would lead to nothing but suffering. He wasn't sure he could take his dad's `I told you so's.

"Christopher?" The doc finally entered the room. "I think you are very lucky. We're just going to clean you up a bit and stitch that tear to your arm. You'll need to stay off the knee for a while. I'll get you set up with a brace and I'll have other instructions and a `script for pain and infection later. Then I'll kick you out of here. I'm afraid we can't do much about that scar you'll have, but it shouldn't hurt your function."

He turned to wash his hands as a nurse brought in a tray. "Would you mind if your visitors came in while I work? If not, I understand...," he smiled, "...but we may have to admit your dad for being a nervous wreck! I don't think he'll believe you're OK until he can count your teeth!"

Chris slowly nodded his head. He couldn't put it off forever. He just hoped that his dad wouldn't blame him or Kelvin for what had happened, that Kelvin wouldn't blame himself!

Kelvin shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot as he watched the doc close the tear in his boyfriend's formerly flawless skin. He was taking some comfort in his mom and dad's arms around his shoulders. He shuddered slightly as his parents pulled him tighter. If what the cops were learning was true, then all this was his fault. Chris could be dead because of him! No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake that thought.

"I'm so sorry, Chris." He looked away from his friend's face. He couldn't face those eyes. "All this is because of me!"

"No, it isn't!" Charles spoke heatedly from his seat next to his son. "You and Christopher love each other. I can't say I understand or approve, but you do!" He grabbed his son's hand as he looked at the shocked faces around the room. "The only fault belongs to that man who did this! Not you!" He reached up to massage the back of Chris's neck, feeling the warmth of his son and feeling his tears of relief let go. "If either of you let what happened change that, then they've won! Promise me that won't happen." He smiled suddenly, glancing at the two. "Even if it means I won't ever be a grandfather!"

Chris sat, staring speechless at his dad, the man he shared a house with, but had been walking on eggshells around ever since they'd had that first confrontation.

"What?" Charles glanced around the room again, then focused on his son. "You want people to think I don't love you?"

Kelvin looked up into the smiling face of his dad as they left the room to give the father and son time to be alone. He found it so hard not being able to grab Christopher and never let go.

"You remember that time a month or so ago?" James said. "You asked me if they were going to be all right?' and I said I don't know.'?" He watched as his youngest slowly nodded his head. "Well, I think we just got our answer from that old goat! Don't you?" He couldn't help but laugh. "I always thought Charles had a mind like a steel trap! Only until now I thought it was rusted shut."

"Screw it!" Chris flung his pen against his bedroom wall, his frustration and embarrassment boiling over. "I just can't write with my right!" The doctor had immobilized his left arm with a sling and firm orders not to use it for a few days. So he'd been subjected to both fathers literally carrying him into his own house; they had decided that the distance would violate the orders about his knee and he couldn't use the crutches yet. Chris thought the neighbors must have thought they looked absurd carrying him, but at least his dad didn't throw him over his shoulder to do it.

"Hey...," Kelvin couldn't help but laugh as he ducked away from his boyfriend, "'s not my fault you're a southpaw, that you're backwards."

"That just means I'm the only one here in my right mind!" Chris retorted with the old gag they'd shared since they noticed the difference. "But that won't help me with this stupid assignment!" He saw Kel about to say something and forestalled him, "I know, I know, but she wants it in our own handwriting."

"Hey, I was just going to offer, that's all." Kel watched the war play out on Chris's sleepless face, his dark circles and drooping eyelids obvious to everybody but his friend and lover. He wished that Chris would just lie back and relax; he had to be exhausted, but seemed too keyed up for sleep. "Besides, I've seen your handwriting; she won't be able to read anything you write anyway."

"How else do you think I get good grades?" Chris began to mumble, smiling wanly. He could feel himself fading fast and struggled to fight it. He was afraid he would dream, that his fears would surface again. "They see a lot of words they can't read, but figure I must know what I'm talking about."

"And to think, I've been doing it the hard way." Kel smiled back as he crawled next to Chris on his small single bed, putting his arm around him. "Leave it till later. It'll still be there, and so will I," Kel was relieved to feel Chris's muscles unwind under his hand as he slowly lost his battle to stay awake and collapsed against the pillows.

"You know, I still think I'm faster...." Chris trailed off into a steady rhythmic breathing, held tightly by his life.

Kelvin silently watched his boyfriend in the bleachers, clipboard and stopwatch in hand, as he completed a cool-down lap of the track. The week had to have been hard on him. Most of their classmates had avoided him like they expected bullets to start flying any second and didn't want to get caught themselves. The others looked at Chris with unhidden hatred that he was still alive and their friend wasn't. About the only relief Chris received was from Steven and the rest of the team. Their coach had given him the stopwatch to keep him involved until he was released to run again.

Kel had to smile a little, thankful for the sanctuary provided by their small circle of friends and by Mr. Goldman. The old man had called to check up on the two of them, to find out what was new. That had been an interesting conversation, to say the least! Kel still winced a little at the memory. He supposed he could have picked a better way of starting the conversation than well, Chris was shot!'. It was all they could do to not find themselves packed off to some deserted island, somewhere the old man thought safe! As it was, there were a lot of blue suits' around the school that week and a few Kel thought were following them, but he couldn't prove it. Thankfully, all the activity he imagined around them had trailed off to nothing the last day.

At least Chris was mobile. Although, Kel thought the doc would have come apart if he saw how Chris cheated on his orders, well at least until the team and coach threatened to sit on him if he didn't start to strictly obey them. He was still jumping at any unusual noise, however, something some of the students had started to take advantage of for their own amusement. The staff had put a stop to that whenever they saw it happen, so that also began to trail off.

Kel was sheepishly brought out of his thoughts when he briefly stumbled and heard the laughter from the stands.

"Just put one foot in front of the other!" Chris yelled from where he'd been watching. "Like you've been doing for the last sixteen years!" Steve and the others found that very funny.

Kel gave Chris the single finger salute as he finally stopped and proceeded to the lockers. He couldn't wait to finally get Chris all to himself. His dad was off doing his `Reserve' weeks at Kelly AFB, flying a desk and the occasional C-5, so that would just leave his mom at home.

They used to stay over at each other's houses in the past. He just hoped that his mom wouldn't mind now that their feelings were known and they were too old' for sleep-overs. Besides, he suspected that Chris would be too uncomfortable at the airport right now. Their safe haven' had been shattered, he hoped not forever. The hanger office was where they'd first explored each other. It was special to Kel, now more than ever.

"Mom!" Kel yelled out as they entered his house. "We're home! Hope you're decent! Is the mailman gone?" He started to laugh to himself. It had been a running gag when his dad was gone `on duty'.

"Of course!" his mom yelled back from somewhere in the house. "You think I'd let you catch me with your father gone? Hi Chris!" She always seemed to know who he brought home. "Chris, do me a favor and tell that stranger with you to go pick up his clothes off the floor before you go down into his pig sty."

"OOPS, I'll be right back." Kel flushed as he descended the stairs to his room. He'd forgotten the condition of his room and didn't want Chris to see a pile of dirty clothes. Seeing and playing with him naked was one thing, but when it came to a pile of dirty underwear, he was bashful.

Chris just smiled at him as Kel went to clean up. He knew better than to ask if he could help. Kelvin always wanted to be a good host and was downright `anal' about letting guests see a messy room.

"Christopher, it's good to see you up and around." Kel's mom appeared and embraced him warmly. "Come into the family room. Get off those crutches for a while." She led him farther inside and showed him to the couch. "So how is my future `son-in-law'?" She laughed at the startled look she received. "I'm sorry. Relax, I won't tease you any more, but you are one of the family now, whether you want us or not. So, you staying over tonight?"

"Uh, I don't know." Chris squirmed. "Kelvin hasn't said anything about it."

"Ahh, the laundry man cometh!" she announced dramatically as they both heard the footsteps stomping up from Kel's room.

"Mom?" Kel began as he passed by to the laundry room, "Is it OK if Chri...?"

"Yes!" She smiled as she cut him off and reached for the cordless phone. "Here! Make sure it's OK with Charles." She stood to leave the room. "I'll have to go kill another cow if I'm going to feed both of you!" She smiled to quash Chris's objections and left, thinking of her favorite Erma Bombeck joke: 'How much food will your average teenaged boy eat in a day?...How much is in the refrigerator?'

She'd raised three herself, four when Chris was around. Now one was at college, one was gone forever - she fought back the tears that threatened when she thought of Brian. He had been replaced by a never-ending feeling of loss and pride - and the last would leave home in less than a year and a half. She and James would have to sell the house then. She felt she would go crazy puttering around all those empty rooms. She wiped her eyes and silently came to the here and now. Those were future problems, to be faced later.

"Thank you, ma'am." Chris pushed away from the table and rubbed his stomach absently. He smiled again, his `six pack' felt more like three and a half right now. "That was excellent."

"Why, thank you, Christopher." Kel's mom gave him her best `southern belle' accent. "I do enjoy cooking for an appreciative audience. Unlike some others in this house."

"Mummph." Kel looked at his mom in consternation, trying to swallow his last bite before he could come back. His mom was playing with him unmercifully, especially when she used that accent around him or his dad.

"May I get you anything else?" she continued. "Sir?"

"No, thank you," Chris drawled in return, playing along now. He'd seen this before. "I'm full now, ma'am, but I thank you for asking."

"Arrgh!" Kelvin growled. They were both doing it now! "Brown-nose!"

"Kelvin!" she retorted in mock horror. "Is that anyway to treat a guest?"

"That's OK, ma'am." Chris began to giggle despite trying to hold his face immobile. "I'm used to his lack of manners among polite company." He ducked the daggers thrown his way by Kel's eyes.

"OK! OK! I give." Kel threw up his hands in surrender. "It was very good!" He stood away from the table. "I need to get the sleeping bag and a pillow down."

"Why?" his mom asked innocently, batting her eyes at him. "I thought Chris was sleeping with you tonight?"

"He is," Kel began cautiously, "but he needs.... Mom!" His eyes grew wide at her inference

"I'm sorry!" She broke down in a fit of laughter. The look on her youngest's face was worth the teasing she'd done. "Just don't do anything your father and I wouldn't do! And we had three kids!" She couldn't help herself as Chris started laughing as well. Kelvin looked like he was turning green. "We're still trying for a fourth! Think I'm too old, but it's fun to try!"

Kelvin sat down hard on a spare chair, trying to clear the disturbing images that flooded his brain. Of course his parents did! They had him, didn't they? But still, his mind rebelled at the thought. If his mom wanted to stop what he wanted to do tonight, it was working. He wondered if it was too late to become a monk.

"OK, that's enough." She stood, wiping her eyes. "You two get out of here. I'll clean up." She turned back to look at her son again. "And try to keep the noise down. That's how your dad caught Bri...your brother. He liked to yell." Her voice caught at the memory, but she smiled through it. Now was not the time to bring everybody down. Kelvin needed some happiness right now, needed to be with the person he loved.

"I think your mom's so cool." Chris finally finished hopping down the steps into Kel's room and smiled at him. Well, when he started running again, he'd have to fight to go straight. If this kept up, his good leg would be so overdeveloped he'd end up going in circles. "So? What did you want to do?"

"Well...?" Kel smiled back. He couldn't stay mad at his mom; it had been funny, the more he thought about it. "We could watch a movie, play some tunes or...," a wicked gleam came into his eye, " could admit I'd have whipped your ass out there today! You timed me!"

"Dream on, shorty!" Chris grinned back, but had to admit Kel was fast. "You'd never get close if my knee wasn't fucked."

"Look!" Kel breathed out in exasperation, "Tell you what..." he reached out and pulled Chris down to his bed, luxuriating in the embrace they exchanged. He couldn't believe he'd almost lost Chris, but had other things to explore. "...If you still want to do this, take off that brace so we're even and I'll get the cards. Get ready to lose, sucker."

Kelvin quickly returned with the cards after avoiding his mom who was watching TV. He figured she'd know exactly what they were up to and he didn't need any more `comments'. Chris was quietly lying nude on his stomach.

"God, you'd better be glad I wasn't my mother!" Kel laughed as his eyes trailed down Chris's muscular back to the sharp globes of his ass. "I guess you didn't want to play." Kel tossed the deck away and began to undress with his shaking fingers. His confined penis filled and throbbed unmercifully.

"I got tired," Chris mumbled from where his head rested on his arms. "You'd better know what the fuck you're doing before I get my turn."

"Yeah, I think I do." Kel climbed over his boyfriend and massaged his back. He figured he had at least one finger down well enough. His flight surgeon practiced on him every time he had his physicals for the FAA. He lay down with his penis nestled securely between Chris's cheeks as he retrieved the drugstore sack from under his bed.

Chris lay quietly, willing his pounding heart to slow its rate. With all their talk about this moment, he found he really did want to try it, but the idea was still scary. He somehow forced himself to relax when he felt his cheeks parted and a finger slowly work its greased way into his butt. He couldn't help but smile at himself. It wasn't too bad so far, but he'd probably shit KY for a week! Every time the finger swept down toward the front of his body, he almost came unglued from the feeling inside.

Then Kel added his second, then third fingers into him. That was uncomfortable at first but he stayed as relaxed as he could and let it happen. His own penis alternated its state. He was so nervous he couldn't stay hard, but some of what Kel was doing sent a jolt through his balls and cock anyway.

He kept his eyes closed as he heard his lover fumble with the small condom packet. They weren't concerned with disease but had no idea what to expect, and neither one wanted shit on their dicks. It wasn't that they weren't clean, but that was all they had used this part of their bodies for, before this.

"Are you ready?" Kel's voice broke with his own nervousness.

Chris shook his head `yes' and hissed out when he felt Kel push into him. He figured he must have closed up while Kel fumbled with the condom.

"No. Don't stop." He winced, trying to get used to it. "You'll just have to start over. Just go slow!"

Kel waited patiently. He thought his penis would bend double before the head finally slipped inside. Chris's reaction almost made him pull out and tell him to forget the whole thing, but he stayed where he was when Chris told him to. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah," Chris responded. The initial pain quickly faded away. "Go ahead."

Kel fed a little more at a time until his balls were contacting Chris's backside. The sensations coursing through his body were indescribable. He knew he wouldn't last very long. In fact, he was surprised he hadn't cum when his head popped through. He lay back down on Chris's back and began to move his hips a little. He had no idea how much to move, but sure didn't want to put his boyfriend through the entry again if he fell out.

Chris felt his nervousness drop away. The feeling of Kel inside of him was actually starting to feel good, right somehow. His penis stayed hard this time as Kel's movements ground him against the bedspread.

"Oh God! Argh!" Kel's voice rose as his climax came quickly. He knew he was lucky to get in the few strokes he had. He panted through his mouth as his sensitive flesh remained where it was buried. "Chris, I love you so much. You've got'a do it now. I want you to feel it and I want to feel it." He didn't care how big Chris was. He felt they were one and the same person at that moment. They were both more alive now than ever before. They both knew how short life could be. Kel was desperate to experience all they could. Who knew how much time they would have? It could be seventy years or seven minutes. They had to make the most of it!

He slipped out of his lover, remembering to grab the condom when it slipped. He didn't want to leave that inside. Chris wouldn't have appreciated that! He smiled a little. His first time was more like the 'Popular Mechanics' of sex, but it had been great!

"That was great." Chris rolled over to pull Kel down to his lips. "I love you too. Forever!" He smiled as they separated after what seemed like hours in the embrace. He was surprised at how empty he felt without Kelvin inside of him, but Kel was in his arms, that was just as good. "My turn?"

Charles lay tossing and turning on his bed. Every time he dared to sleep he found himself burying his only son. He found it so hard not being able to lock him away from the dangers he now faced, but he was what he was and had found happiness with James's youngest son. He couldn't stand in his way, no matter how much he wanted to protect him. It could just as easily be a car wreck as anything else that would end his son's life and his as well. He had taught his son to survive as well as he could, sometimes in spite of himself. He winced as he thought of his drunken rages he had directed at his family until - with one almost tragic exception - he'd quit and stayed dry.

The sudden pop and flickering light reflected though his window brought him out of his sleepy stupor.

"What the fuck?" He rolled out of his bed and grabbed the shotgun he kept nearby. He smelled the smoke before he reached the front door and looked out to see the parked primer gray car burning fiercely and the shadowy figures running away.

End of part 11

The story is mine, the words are mine; the spelling and grammar? Well......My thanks to ED for his assistance with my stories. My thanks to Jonathan for our conversations and the ideas for Flip. I wish you the best!

I wish to thank everybody for their feedback. It's been great! As always, let me know what you think. It means a lot to all the authors, the only `pay' we get. (Good and Bad)

Willy B. (

Next: Chapter 12

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