Mile High

By Willy B

Published on May 25, 2000


Mile High Part 6

"Brain damage?" Chris asked, baffled and surprised at Kelvin's hand inside his boxers. His heart was pounding. Nothing was like this before. The three or four others he had been with since he had turned sixteen and started driving to get away from home, had just been a way to get his rocks off. He really hadn't been an active participant in the games the guys, who he had let pick him up, wanted to play. Most had just wanted to see him naked or jack him off. One he had let give him a blow job, but he had felt too uncomfortable to let anything else happen and had stopped going out altogether after he was threatened with violence once. It was his physical size that got him out of that one, barely.

His lips found Kel's, biting off any reply Kel may have wanted to give. He returned Kel's caress, hand moving over Kel's washboard stomach to rest on his belt buckle. He pulled Kelvin closer, mindful of Kel's ribs. Chris's penis was out in all its glory, sticking through the fly of his boxers. There sure were no secrets left on his side of the relationship. He began fumbling with Kel's belt, anxious to see what he had only imagined earlier.

Kel couldn't believe he had been so bold to grab Chris's balls like he had. He'd had no idea what to expect. He let his hand feel the soft loose skin that surrounded them. The hairs that sprouted there tickled his palm, boggling his mind that this time the feelings in his hand weren't followed by the matching feeling in his own groin. He broke his kiss with Chris and, looking down, watched as his hand moved up and took hold of the base of Chris's cock. He smiled, feeling Chris's pulse through the hard flesh in his hand. He had room for another hand and a half before he would cover what Chris had there.

"I give up. You're gon'a have to help me." Chris gave up on Kel's belt.

Kel flushed as he reluctantly released his hold on Chris and, kicking his sneakers off, stood to remove his jeans and underwear. He was breathing hard, nervous; no one had ever seen him hard before. The only people who had felt him were wearing lab coats or some of the girls who he wasn't able to respond to before. Somehow he didn't think Chris would be interested in 'turn your head and cough'. He didn't have near what Chris did. He hoped Chris wouldn't be disappointed.

Chris was anything but disappointed. The rest of Kel's body was just as tight as he'd known it would be. His ass had to be the best he had seen in his young life, complete with deep hollows on each side where one group of running hardened muscles gave way to another.

"Wow!" was all he could say as he peeled his boxers down and off. "Com'on." He reached around Kel's waist and grabbed the convenient handle his alternately bold, now shy, friend presented him with.

Kel fell back onto the couch, his feet still tangled in his clothes. "Ow." He jarred his ribs a bit but was more focused on the newest feeling to come from his cock. No one had touched, let alone grabbed, his hardon but him. He was sure it was all over when that happened! He grabbed Chris in return when he settled down, moving him around like he was at the controls of one of his dad's airplanes doing a radical aerobatic routine. "Yours is different."

"Yeah, well, I'm a backwoods Louisiana boy. We don't usually get clipped like you Texas kids." Chris smiled at Kel as they continued to check each other out with their hands. "Besides, no matter how you do that, I'm not going to be able to take off."

"Sorry." Kel slowed the motions he'd been making. "I've never done this before." Kel quickly shut up as Chris stroked him a couple more times. "Oh, God," he moaned. His stomach was so tight he couldn't breathe. This was it! His cock jerked in Chris's hand. His first shot arced up and out to land across his shoulders and chest. The others soon followed, trailing down his body.

"Whoa there, speedy!" Chris started laughing and milked the last drops out of Kel. "I thought we were just getting started."

Kel, beginning to laugh as well, squeezed Chris hard and began stroking in earnest. "Speedy? Kiss my ass, you asshole!"

Chris leaned back into the couch, his own orgasm building. "Turn over. I'll show you...." The rest was lost as Chris's other head started speaking louder than he could. He thought it would go on forever as the tension of the last few weeks seemed to drain out of him with the cum.

"Ha, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's quick on the draw!" Kel smirked back.

"Yeah, I guess you just have that effect on me," Chris chuckled, enjoying this first time with Kelvin. They had never even seen each other nude before. Not for lack of trying when they were younger, but Kel had been so focused on airplanes, Chris told him they should sew a pussy on one to make Kelvin happy. "You wan'a try again or wait?" He was hoping Kel would wait. He wanted time to explore this new aspect to their relationship. He was so relaxed, but it was over so fast!

"Can we wait a while?" Kel felt like he was in sensory overload, like his brain was still trying to process what had happened.

"Here." Chris handed Kelvin the towel to clean up before he used it. "OW, hey! What was that for?"

Kelvin eased back after punching Chris on the arm, the last nervous tension leaving with that activity. God, he felt exhausted. "For making such a mess!" He closed his eyes and pulled Chris down on top of him. "Let's stay here, just like this."

"I have to work tomorrow," Chris whispered, his head on Kel's chest. He glanced at his watch; damn, it was after one A.M.

"Yeah, but not until noon," Kel barely answered. He was in heaven, oblivious to the quickly drying wet sheen pressed between their bodies.

Chris lay unmoving for a long time. He didn't want to admit it, but Kel, as a bed, was uncomfortable. All the bones and lumps were in the wrong place. No, he corrected himself, he loved Kel's bones and lumps exactly where they were. He was in the wrong place. Careful not to wake his boyfriend, he was finally able to move Kel onto his side and get comfortable behind him. It didn't help having Kel's nude body pressed tightly against him, but he could never take advantage of him like that, like had been tried on him after that drunk video tape session (That part of the story he vowed to keep to himself forever). He contentedly kept his protective arms around Kelvin and forced himself to sleep.

James pulled up next to Kel's Jeep. That it was still here didn't surprise him. Kel had often spent the night at the hanger, practicing some flight or another on James's flight simulator program. He was surprised to see Chris's car here this morning. He hesitated before he exited the Suburban. What should he do? He'd told his son he would be fine with having a gay son. Chris was also gay, and they had been inseparable when younger. How would he react if he walked in on something. Hell, he'd accidentally walked in on Brian more than once, doing the dirty deed with one of his girlfriends. He was continuously reminding himself that his youngest was also growing up, was going to want to give in to his raging hormones as well.

OK, so maybe Brian wasn't the best example to compare Kel to, but he didn't want to subject Kel to being walked in on. His son had enough to deal with right now. 'I'm just going to have to be careful,' James thought to himself as he entered the quiet hanger. He really needed to retrieve the file he'd been working on so he could fax it before nine that morning.

He finally decided to go with plan 'A'; he'd quietly retrieve his file from the office and leave.

He was brought up short when he entered and saw the two naked sixteen year olds on the couch, Kel's clothes scattered on the floor. He had to bite back his first impulse to wake them and yell at his son. He knew this could happen when he started, and he'd always regretted yelling at Brian the first time this had happened with his middle son. It was obvious to him that the two seemed to deeply love each other. He'd seen that during his time around the two. He really shouldn't have been surprised that they also lusted after each other. He backed out quietly when Chris stirred and moved his arms. OK, so much for plan 'A'.

He crossed back to the hanger entrance. "KEL! YOU IN HERE?" he yelled out his warning loud enough, he hoped, and crossed slowly back to the office door and knocked. "Kelvin?", he didn't want to take too long; that would also be unnatural.

"Come on in!" Kel said as he finished pulling on his own boxers quickly. Chris disappeared into the bathroom.

"Where's Chris?" James said in his usual cheerful tone as he entered. "You spend all night here?"

"Chris is in the bathroom. I told him he could get cleaned up here before he goes to work." Kel continued, "We spent all night talking about things."

"Morning, Christopher!" James let his son's statement lay as it was, but had trouble holding back a smile as he heard what had to be every piece of soap and shampoo hit the floor in the bathroom. "I just came by to get a file." He found it where he had left it and excused himself from the room.

James couldn't hold back any longer when he was safely in his truck. He felt he had pulled it off pretty well. Tears came to his eyes, he laughed so hard. "God, it must be genetic. I hope Kel remembers next time that the fly goes in front." His son trying to seem so cool and being just the opposite with his loose shorts on backwards, just like Brian when he'd found him! At least the two had found some place safe. Unless you knew the code, it would take a tank to get in.

"Is he gone?" Chris peeked out the door before he emerged and began to rummage for his underwear he had quickly kicked under the couch.

Kelvin watched his boyfriend move into the room, his penis lazily flopping from side to side as he went. He could have never been so casual about being naked in front of anyone like that. It was one of the other reasons he didn't join any school teams. Being shirtless was one thing, he was used to that, but the unselfconscious nudity of the locker room? He sure didn't feel much self control between his legs as he watched Chris. He gave a slight laugh, "You still have paint on your back."

"I know, I've tried to get it a couple of times now. I can't reach it." Chris looked up and smiled, a wicked gleam in his eyes, "You wan'a try? Oh, by the way, you may want to turn your shorts around."

Kel felt the blood run out of his face. What if his father noticed? He'd know they had done something! His face wasn't the only thing the blood ran out of as he thought of the possibilities. He wasn't Brian. Brian had even finished what he had started after his father had caught him. Kel didn't know if he would be able to look his dad in the face if he knew.

"Hey, it's OK." Chris pulled his boxers free and studied Kel's pale face. "I'm certain your dad doesn't know. He didn't act different, did he?"

"No." Kel let Chris guide him to the small shower his dad had installed. He brought himself back to the here and now as Chris pushed his underwear down and pulled him into the small cubicle.

Kelvin had once heard some of the guys say that the truest sign of love was being able to take a shower with your lover and not pop a boner. He thought it was bullshit then, and now he was sure. Both of them were hard as a rock as he scrubbed the last of the paint from Chris's back and massaged the soap into the muscles he was presented with.

Chris turned around and embraced his boyfriend. He throbbed as his cock tried to push its way though Kel's bellybutton, his low hanging balls draped on either side of Kel's equally hard shaft. "Don't you squirt so fast this time! I wan'a try something."

"What?" Kelvin squeaked. It was hard for him not to let go.

"Can I blow you?" Chris looked down at Kel. "I've never done it to anyone. I want you to be the first."

Kel let out a deep breath. Chris shivered in his embrace as the hot water cascaded down their bodies. "OK, but you'd better hurry!"

Chris quickly slid his back down the wall of the stall, trying to give himself some room. He smiled as he grabbed Kelvin and watched his hips involuntarily try to hump into his hand. He quickly leaned forward and engulfed his boyfriend. Kel wasn't going to last very long. God knows, he didn't when it happened to him.

Kel couldn't believe the feelings. He wanted to warn Chris when he was going to shoot, but it all seemed to merge into one continuous event. He clawed at Chris's head, not knowing which way to go. He finally felt his release and was amazed that Chris didn't pull away like he thought he would.

Chris could only grin to himself as he felt Kel collapse across his shoulder. He let Kel slip from his mouth as he brought himself to his own climax. That was incredible, but he didn't want to push his boyfriend until he was ready. He felt they'd have time for more later. They could learn together. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Chris left work as soon as he could shed his uniform for the comfortable cargo shorts and black T-shirt he thought would be more appropriate for the evening's plans. He and Kel had decided to go out to Mike's place after a long talk. They weighed the pros of trying to prolong their chances of keeping friends versus the cons of the changes the past events were going to bring. Kel had been there a few times in the past but that was when they thought him straight. In the end they decided that if they didn't go, it would show they didn't trust their possible allies and friends, and that would destroy what little they had to build on.

"So what goes on at these parties?" Chris asked again as he drove to the meeting place Steve had indicated.

"Steve and Mike and their friends just like to blow off a little steam," Kel said again, to Chris's repeated question. "You know, ease the stress, terrorize small farm animals, cow tipping, that sort of thing."

"Whatever!" Chris responded. Kel could have been speaking Martian for all the sense he was making. "What about that part about giving up my keys if I want a drink?"

"Steve meant that if you want alcohol you have to put your car keys in a locked box Mike's dad keeps on the porch," Kel answered.

"How do those guys get alcohol?" Chris couldn't believe this. "And who is Mike's dad? Will he be there?"

"I don't know how they get it." Kel shrugged his shoulders. "Mike's dad's a State Trooper. I guess he got tired of busting his son all the time at other guys' houses and decided he could watch us better if we were there to begin with.

Chris just shook his head, trying to shake his thoughts loose. That had to be the craziest thing he had heard of. A bunch of drunk teens partying around the cop's place. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'if he arrests anyone, they won't have far to go.' Where he was from, underage drinking got you sent to jail. Here, Kel had told him, the cops would usually just take you home and let your parents deal with it.

"Here!" Steve threw Chris a diet soda; "I stocked up on sugar free stuff tonight. I asked the coach about the medic alert you're wearing. I hope you don't mind?"

"Thanks, Steve. It's no problem." Chris had cautiously decided to keep his keys that night. Most of the others in the group, including his supposedly innocent boyfriend, were already three sheets to the wind. Only Steve and Chris decided to forgo the alcohol that flowed freely through the others. Steve decided to keep Chris company by staying sober that night. Besides, he was still looking after his teammates, especially the new guys.

Steve noisily cleared his throat, "So tell me, are you and Kelvin together? I mean, it's OK with me if you are! I mean, Oh hell, I don't know what I mean. Forget it!" Steve flushed in the dim light cast by the lanterns scattered around the area. He had promised the coach he would never bring that subject up, and was embarrassed when he couldn't keep his curiosity in check.

"You mean, am I gay too?" Chris looked at Steve. He wanted to use the right approach here. Should he try to joke his way out of it? Obviously the guys he ran with, and showered with afterwards, suspected his true nature and were nervous being around him, even if they didn't want to admit it. His teammates deserved the truth; they had to trust each other to some extent. "Yeah, I'm gay, too! But that doesn't mean I'm going to come on to you or try to rape you. It's just part of what I am. I can't change who I love." Chris let out a deep breath. "Can we keep this in the team? I don't want the whole school to know." Chris figured that would be an impossible request to keep, but he had to try.

"OK, sure, we'll keep it just among ourselves. I didn't think you were going to rape me. Jeeze, I'm stronger than you, anyway!" Steve smiled to make his last words a joke. He was a big, muscular, chunky country boy. Perfect for the shot put and other field events, but deep down he knew that Chris's words hit awfully close to what he and the others had been afraid of. "Thanks for telling me. I don't know how everybody will take this, but if you need friends, most of us will be there. If you want us to be, that is."

"Yeah, well, you can kiss my ass!" Kel's slurred words cut through the night, interrupting Chris's reply to Steve.

"It seems to me that you'll be doing the ass kissing around here!" Mike slurred back.

Steve just shook his head at Chris. "Well, you take yours to your corner and I'll try to corral mine!" Both teens shrugged and moved to break up the potential drunken squabble.

"What was all that about?" Chris helped his wobbly boyfriend over to lie across the hood of his car.

"Oh, Mike was just being an asshole." Kel felt like he was trying to speak through a mouth full of gravel. It just wouldn't work right. "He said I was his favorite little fag!"

"Well you are short, aren't you?" Chris couldn't help but smile. "And you are a fag like me, aren't you?" Kel just nodded through the fog he was in. "As for being his favorite, you're probably the only one he knows about." Chris finished his thoughts, "Would you have preferred he say he hated you instead? You've already been beaten once! Besides, this whole thing is as new to them as it is to us. Mike is just trying to figure out how to act around us."

"Yeah, well, I just wish he'd be like he was before!" Kel complained, winding down.

"Hey, everything changes sometimes. Mike'll get better." Chris hoped that some of what he said would get through his boyfriend's thick skull. It looked to him like Kel was beyond hearing for the moment. Chris climbed up alongside and leaned back against his windshield. He stroked his hand through Kel's hair and let him sleep off what he had consumed.

"Well, I left Mike passed out by the table." Steve approached quietly in the dark. "How's Kelvin?"

"He's fine," Chris responded. "I'm letting him sleep it off."

"What's it like? You know, you and Kel?" Steve looked down, nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"If it's love you mean, I suppose it's the same as you and Jenny, or Kel's mom and dad." Chris tried to catch Steve's eyes in the dark. "It's OK, I don't mind talking about it with people who know and are friends." Chris smiled then. "Except for the sex thing. I won't talk about that part. We're both too new to this to talk about that."

"You know Jenny and I have actually been talking marriage after we graduate this summer." Steve began to relax. Chris had said they were friends. "Mind if I ask you some more? I really want to try to understand. Can we talk?"

"Sure, pull up a piece of hood. I promise, I won't bite." Chris moved over a little. "I don't know everything but I'll try to help."

Kel woke with the morning sun streaming into his eyes. Oh, that hurt. In fact his whole body hurt the way he was lying on the metal of Chris's car. He moved to sit up and was immediately overcome with a terrible pounding in his head. 'Damn', he thought, 'I need to find some aspirin, Tylenol, or a guillotine as soon as possible.'

"Good morning," Chris's cheerful voice stabbed through his brain. "Man, you look like shit! You gon'a be OK?"

"I feel like shit," Kel finally managed. "I'll be OK." He wandered over to the usual bush he'd used in the past to relieve himself. God, that felt so good, he thought his sinuses drained out as well. Finished, he dragged back to Chris's car. Steve and Mike were there talking with Chris.

"Hey, Mike? No hard feelings?" Kel stuck his hand out at him.

"No, no hard feelings." Mike briefly shook Kel's hand back. "If anything, I'm sorry about what I said. You can come back out here anytime."

"OK, but...." Kel rubbed the side of his head for emphasis, "...first let me recover from last night."

"You two enjoy your nap today!" Steve winked at Kel, who just looked at Chris as they started for home.

"Naw, aint gon'a happen, I have to work today!" Chris smiled back at their hosts.

"Awwwww!" They both laughed together and waved as Chris and Kelvin drove away.

Steve felt a renewed confidence. He still might not completely understand, but he knew courage when he encountered it. (He didn't know if he could have put up with all the shit as well as Chris and Kelvin seemed to.) In his own way he was feeding off of it, letting it build his own resolve to handle the `guilt by association' accusations that were sure to follow.

Kelvin slowly dragged himself to his dark bed. His parents knew where he had been and probably what had gone on. At least they didn't hide the Tylenol from him. He made himself a promise to never do that again, it hurt too much afterwards.

His mom had handed him an E-mail Brian had sent from college. He warily turned on a light and read:

"Hey runt. Just wanted to let you know that Jim and I have been going to a support group they have here. I can't say we know what you've been through, but we're trying.

I've included some phone numbers for the other groups they have here. Even though you're not a student here, you can call them any time you want. I checked. It's OK.

Don't show this to mom or dad. It'd ruin my image as the black sheep of the family.

PS: If I'm the black sheep, does that make you the pink sheep? Ha, just joking.

Well, gotta go. Don't let those assholes get you down! Brian."

Kelvin reread the note a couple of times. Obviously his parents had read the message, so poor Brian's secret, that he cared, was out! He figured his parents already knew. Brian was terrible at keeping secrets.

Kel rolled onto his side away from the light. He'd have to respond to that 'pink sheep' thing. Various ideas flooded through his mind as he drifted off.

James sat quietly watching the latest NASCAR race on the television. He'd watched Kelvin walk stiffly into the house. Some things his sons just had to learn on their own, though he tried to make sure they stayed out of serious trouble. He smiled at the memory of their first and only attempt at smoking. They'd each taken a big drag and turned green, puking their guts out. He'd have to watch the alcohol thing closer with Kel. He had too much going on to start using an easy out like that.

He almost didn't hear the phone ring at first. "I got it!" he yelled to his wife.

"Dad?" James recognized James Jr.'s voice. It sounded strange. "Jim, what's wrong?"

"Dad? It's Brian!" Jim was sobbing. "He's been in a bike accident! You and mom and Kelvin need to get out here! The doctors say he won't make it!"

James sat down hard. His eighteen year old son? How? Why?

Next: Chapter 7

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