Mile High Military Jack

By Dude Sweet

Published on Jun 24, 2003



Pretty strange story, to tell the truth. It started when our flight crew had to fly a kid from the hospital in Iraq, back to his home in Virginia. See, his father had been captured and when our troops found him, he needed medical attention. This boy, Andy and his mother Karen had flown to the hospital to visit. Sergeant Keating was gonna be in the hospital for a while, so we were flying the kid back to the US to stay with his grandparents for a while.

I am Major Ron Jefferson, my co pilot is Captain Dave Swatrz. We also have Major David Wilkerson and Captain Ralph Peterson sleeping, to take over the second leg of this long flight back home for when Dave and I get tired. Right now, they are in their sleeping bunks on the back of the plane. The kid is up in the cockpit with us, driving us crazy with questions. Well, he's driving me crazy, Dave seems to be just fine. I mean, I understand he's excited that his dad is ok and everything, but its like he just drank a case of Mountain Dew with double caffeine.

God, were my kids this hyper when they were 13? I don't remember. Well it's not important anyway, I haven't talked to my kids for several years, since they got tattooed and I threw them out of the house. Stupid kids. How did I raise such stupid kids. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well, there out on their own now anyway. Good riddance.

And is that kid still asking questions, driving Dave crazy? No Dave seems fine, I'm the one going crazy. Maybe we could give him a sleeping pill and he will sleep the whole way home.

"Are you guys in the Mile High club?" Andy asks. The Mile High club? How old is this kid anyway? 13? Shit. Well Dave has finally run out of answers. "That's when you have sex up in an airplane, when it's a mile high," Andy goes on to explain. Where do kids leave this shit? "Is it true, do people really have sex on airplanes? Where do they do it?" He goes on and on and on. So, not only do we have a super hyper caffeine chugging kid, he's also over sexed to. This is going to be a long flight home.

"Are we a mile high?"

Well he finally slows down his machine gun questions so Dave can put together an answer. "Yes, we are about 6 miles high now."

"Cool, so is there a Mile High club for jacking off? Do people do that instead of sex when no girls are around? I mean there's no girls here on this airplane. Do you guys jackoff to be in the mile high club? Does that count? Or does it have to be with a girl?"

Dave says nothing. Neither do I. I mean what do you say to a oversexed, energetic 13 year old who is asking questions about jacking off. Nothing, that's right, nothing.

"Is it ok if I join the mile high club? I mean I'm not going to have sex or anything, but I can jackoff. And come to. That counts right? As long as you can come, it counts to be in the Mile High club?"

Again, we keep our silence.

"Ok, well I'm going to do it. I want to be in the Mile High club. I mean, I may never get another chance. This will be so cool." While he is talking non stop, he is pulling off his clothes until he is completely naked. That's right bare ass naked in our cockpit. And his little cock is already at attention.

He grabs it, and starts the action. Well, I look to Dave and he is as surprised as me, I guess. I look back and the kid is totally into it. I mean does he even know we are here? He looks like he is in his own world. And he looks totally focused on what he is doing. God, was I ever that intense? About anything? Was I ever that unafraid? Was I ever that happy? Cause let me tell you, there's no doubt Andy was happy, pounding away at his club membership.

He sure makes a lot of noise. Was I that noisy in my day? No. I was quiet. It was something to be hidden and never discussed, not even with your friends. Never admitted. Here he was, wide open, really, really enjoying it. And not afraid to let his emotions come out.

Well there's no doubt when he comes. He lets out a gasp that may wake up the other pilots. He doesn't have much, only a few drops, but sure made the best of it. "You guys got any tissues up here? For cleanup?"

Dave points to the back. "In the bathroom," he says. So little Andy, walks naked, hard and spermed through the plane to the bathroom. Dave and I say nothing to each other. What can you say?

Andy comes back in the cockpit, his cock still hard, and dresses like this is something he does everyday. And of course, he starts his non stop talking.

"Wow. That was really cool. Do you guys do that? Now I'm in the Mile High club. Or the 5 mile high club. Yeah. I bet I'm the only 13 year old who has joined. Right?"

It isn't long before he gets tired. This kid has two speeds. Full on and stop. No in between. "Put him in my sleeping area" I tell Dave. Dave takes the kid back. We continue to fly until shift change.

As I climb into my sleeping area, little Andy is sound asleep in his underwear. I slide him over and lay down. He rolls back, and puts his arms around me, all snuggled up with me and still totally asleep. You know, he's a cute kid, when he stops his non stop talking. Cute. Like my kids were. Like my kids were before I threw them out. I miss my kids. I know they are grown, but I miss being with them, around them. I give little Andy a kiss on his head.

When we land, its time I called my kids. Time to be a dad again.

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