Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on Mar 24, 2000


Title : Mirror mirror Author : JaDe E-mail : melsleepy@hotmail.com

BeeP! First timer alert! Hehe..just letting off some tension from this..=)

Anyway...all feedback (not too harsh!) to melsleepy@hotmail.com. I will try to reply all e-mails but the be reminded that it will take time coz I only go online once or twice a week. I am not sure whether will this story be a one timer or a series for a couple of reasons. 1. I am a senior this year and with it comes all the exams! 2. I am not sure whether will this story get the support of readers. This is my first time letting my writings be read by other people than myself!

Standard Disclaimer This story does not have any connection the real people of those boybands. It is just a figment of my imagination

Mirror mirror

He gazed into the waves, dropping the cellular phone on the sand next to him. He sighed once as he gave in to the thoughts of what had happened the night before.

" I am Rick and this is R102Z. Here's a dedication to a Mr. JRT from JL saying that this is the only way he can express his feelings of what had happened. Here's the song, 'Mirror mirror' by M2M."

Justin's head perked up as he heard his initials spoken. He turned the volume knob up and his tears rolled down his cheeks as he hears the lyrics.

Why don't I like the guy I see, The one who's standing right in front of me, Why don't I think before I speak I shouldn't have listen to the voice inside of me

I must be stupid Must be crazy Must be outta my mind To say the things I say last night

Mirror mirror hanging on the wall You don't have to tell me who is the biggest fool of all Mirror mirror lie to me Bring back my baby, bring back my baby to me

Mirror lie to me Show me what I wanna see

Why did I let you walk away When all I had to do is say I'm sorry I let my pride get in the way When you were here At the moment I was too vain

I must be stupid Must be crazy Must be outta my mind And now in the cold of the day I realize

Mirror mirror hanging on the wall You don't have to tell me who is the biggest fool of all Mirror mirror lie to me Bring back my baby, bring back my baby to me

And if wishes could be dreams and all my dreams could come true, There will be two of us standing in front of you If u could show me someone I used to be Oh bring back my baby, my baby to me, my baby to me...

Justin switched the radio off, cutting the song off. He knew the meaning of the message that is put across but then he can still feel the pain was all too real to forgive Lance just yet. He fell into a dream filled sleep as soon as he laid his head down on the pillow.

The day before

"Justin, you gotta tell me what is going on. Did something happen between you and Britney? Is that why you are acting this way?" JC puts his hand on Justin's arm to get his attention. "What do you mean?" Justin shrugs off JC hand, not knowing that JC felt hurt from his actions.

"You had been skipping our practice sessions, screw up in our concerts and even the fans are beginning to notice it!"

"It is nothing concerning you! I can take care of my own business," Justin yelled and walked out of the room. All the other 'N Syncers just stared at the JC, astonished because JC and Justin almost never argue. Lance stood there for a minute before making a decision to run after Justin. JC just sat down on the sofa, shaking his head.

"Just! Wait up!" Lance yelled when he saw Justin walking up ahead. Justin ignored Lance and began to walk faster. Lance ran and caught Justin by the arm. "What's wrong? You know that I am always around here for you," "Leave me alone okay," "What is it, Justin? You know as well as me that I won't leave just like that," Justin stubbornly kept his mouth shut. "Does it have anything to do with girls? Did you break up with Britney?" "NO! I DIDN'T BREAK UP WITH BRITNEY! I am not even in love with her!" Justin yelled attracting the attention of the people around them. "Come, we have to talk somewhere else,"Lance guided Justin to a nearby park. Lance breathed out a sigh of relief that there were not teenagers around or else they will have to endure a riot of screaming girls.The park was deserted because it was school hours. Lance looked at Justin as he waited for Justin to tell him what is wrong. Justin just stared ahead, ignoring Lance's presence. After what seemed like hours, Justin finally spoke. "Lance, do you remember the time that we were at the photo shoot in the swimming pool?" "Yeah, that was the time when you all forced me to take my top off!" "Did I ever tell you how hot you looked at that time and how much I wanted to kiss you?" Justin murmured out softly. Lance couldn't believe his ears. "What? You mean you are a..a.." "Yes, I am gay," "Oh, I...erm.." "Please don't reject me, Scoop. Your opinion is really important to me. I really loved you and have done so since we first teamed up as 'N Sync," "But you couldn't be gay. I mean you are Britney's boyfriend for goodness sake!" "Britney knew about me. She is just my cover," "So all this time the one you loved is me?" "Yes," "I don't know what to say. I am flattered.." Justin leaned forward and kissed Lance on the lips, effectively shutting Lance up. At first Lance resisted but he soon gave in to the feeling of the soft yet firm lips kissing him. Then Lance thought about what his parents and his friends might say if they knew that he is a gay? 'This can't be right!'his mind screamed out. "I can't do this!" Lance pushed Justin off and take off running. Justin called out Lance's name but Lance just continued running away, away from Justin. He blinked back the tears that are threatening to escape from his eyes. He will not cry, he will not. He was startled when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He turned and it was JC. When Justin saw the kindness in JC's eyes, his well kept tears started flowing. JC hugged Justin, letting him cry his heart out. "So I guess you all know about me now," "Curly, we knew from the beginning. We just wanted you to tell us in your time," "You mean all of you knew? How?" "Not all, Lance didn't know. How couldn't I know? I saw the way good-looking guys get your attention instead of the really really hot girls! And also that incident in the bus," Justin blushed. "What incident?" "The one where you were having a wet dream and all the 'OH LANCE. HARDER HARDER!' didn't help. Luckily Lance is a heavy sleeper or else!" "Oh. But now it is no use. Lance doesn't like gays," and with that his tears flowed once again. JC wiped off the tears with a gentle caress. "I don't think Lance is like that. He just needs time to think about it," JC and Justin walked back to the studio. "He really hurt my feelings when he pushed me off," "I think you startled him, just give him some more time," "Sniff.. I think I will do that," "Common, I'll race you to the studio," "HEY no FAIR!! Wait up!" Justin tried to catch up with JC. Once back in the studio, the remaining two guys looked at them expectedly. "Erm, guys, I have a confession to make. I am... gay," Justin said uncertainly. He knew that JC still accepted him and no matter how much JC says about Joey and Chris having no problem about it, he was just not sure. "WooHOO!! Curly finally admitted. Join the club," Joey gave Justin a hug. "Join the club?" Justin was confused. Who else is a gay? "Yep, JC is bi and that makes him a little gay hehe and I am a...ahem bi too..now we can gossip about the really hot looking people around" Joey smiled widely. Justin looked at Chris. "Don't look at me! I am as straight as a stick," "Yeah right! We saw you looking at one of the management guys sooooooooo many times!"Joey rebutted. "No I didn't!" "Yes you did," "No I didn't!" "Yes you did," Chris stucked his tongue out at Joey and sat down on the corner. "Erm, how about Lance?" Justin asked hesitantly. "That one we don't know. He never looks at girls and guys. Who knows?" Joey answered. At that moment, Lance entered the room with his head down. "Scoop! Where did you go for so long? I thought you were supposed to be looking for Just here?" Chris asked. Lance glanced at Justin's direction and quickly turn his head back at Chris. "It is none of your business!" Lance retorted, walking into the music booth where they are supposed to be recording their newest single, 'No Strings Attached'. Chris was surprised. Lance never talked to anyone so rudely before, not that he knew of that is. Lance is always the good Southern boy. When Chris wanted to ask about Lance's sudden bad mood, he was quickly stopped by JC who nodded his head at the tearing Justin. The recording was a disaster, with both Lance and Justin moody and Lance who didn't bother to even pretend that he is avoiding Justin. The rest of the guys didn't know what to do and JC wished he could bash Lance in the head for his insensitive attitude towards Justin. At one time Justin who is standing nearby Lance accidentally bumped into Lance because Joey pushed into him, Lance jumped back as if he had caught AIDS and then tried to stay as far away from Justin as possible. At that, Justin ran out of the room. "What is your problem?!" JC yelled at Lance once there were only four of them left in the studio. "What do you mean?" "Don't you act dumb. You really hurt Curly by what you had done. Are you such a hypocrite that you go against everything that you preach to us about how every human is equal and we must accept them for who they are and not avoid them just because they are sick, bi, gay or les?" "I am not a HYPOCRITE! I am confused okay? I don't do this on purpose. I just don't know how to face Justin anymore," "He is still your best friend even if he is gay,"Chris said to Lance sternly. "It is not because he is gay that I avoid him! I think I am also...in love with him," Lance's voice almost fades into nothingness. "WHAT? If yes then why are you doing this to him?"Joey butted. "Do you know what it is like to be a Southern and a Catholic at that? It is against my religion and I don't know what am I going to tell my family when they know their son doesn't like girls but guys.." "If you really love Justin, nothing else should matter. Everything else can be handled in time," JC cut in. Then he asked Chris and Joey to leave with him, hoping that everything that was said will sink into Lance's head. It was nearly midnight when Lance finally left the studio. He had played the piano set up in the studio for almost three hours, trying to think of what to do and to decide what did he feel. As he was driving back to his house, he passed the beach. It was like the sea is beckoning to him to come and let out his worries. He parked his car nearby and sat down on the sand. As he gazed into the surf, it reminded him of the time when he went surfing with Justin. The memory made a smile on his face. Then all the memories of them together came flooding in. It was then that he knew that he had also loved Justin for all these years and had been denying it because he fears rejection not only from Justin but also from society. It was 1.15 am. He picked up his cellular phone and dialed the local radio station network that he knew Justin always listen to.

Next: Chapter 2

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