Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on Nov 10, 2000


Whew, it had been such a long time since I last posted to this series. I wasn't going to in the first place but since I received so much e-mails asking me to resume the series so I did. I hope there are still some of you wanting to re-continue reading this series of mine.Thanks to all you people who written to me, supporting me through all my hard times and being there. THANKS! You guys are the best.

Shoutouts to Jon kor kor, Zak kor kor, Blue sunspot (sorry, I can't remember your name), Bon-bon, Clive, and last but not lease DDP (You have a lot of things that u need to tell me!!)

All comments to melsleepy@hotmail.com...=) As usual, this is Jade signing off. Ahh...my finals are starting on MONDAY! AIKS!

Mirror Mirror Part 15 --------------------- Previously:

"Oh boy," Justin said, tired. Lance smiled and ran his hand through Justin's curls. Justin pulled himself from Lance and removed the condom. Then both of them curled up together on the bed and fell asleep.

Both Chris and Kev slowly climb down the stairs, each of them thinking. 'Hell, I am hard just from seeing them. Am I gay?' both of them thought.

"We had reasons to believe that one of your bodyguards had seen what happened that night in Illinois," Inspector Pollack continued.

"Kevin, there is something I need to tell you." Kevin looked at Nick very intently. "Kevin, I am gay and I am falling in love with you." Kevin remained silent and Nick got worried. "Well, say something." But instead of saying something Kevin went right up to Nick, grabbed his head and kissed him.

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Lance stood up slowly, looking down at Justin with a smile on his face. A call of nature had waken him up and he couldn't sleep ever since. Staring at Justin sleep is one of his favourite pasttimes since Justin looks so adorable. A noise from downstairs distracted Lance from his survey of Justin. He grabbed his boxers and jeans and made his way downstairs.

"Lance?" Justin murmured out, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Go back to sleep baby. I will be right back," Lance returned to Justin's side and kissed his forehead. Justin nodded slightly and snuggled into the welcoming warmth of the bed. Lance ran his fingers through Justin's curls, smiling slightly. Then he continued his mission to find out the offending sound earlier. He heard another splash and laughter in the pool area.

'The guys must still be here then' Lance thought. He peeked around the corner and saw Nick and Kevin goofing around. 'They are so cute together,' he thought again. To Lance's upmost surprise, he saw Nick grabbing Kevin and kissed him soundly before breaking off and swimming to the deeper end. Kevin just laughed and swam after Nick. "So they are together," Lance snickered before returning to the kitchen. He wanted to make Justin something to eat before returning to the hospital to visit JC and Ann. 'JC and Ann...ah...they deserved to be together after everything that had happened' Lance fondly thought as he prepared one of the few dishes which is...french toast.

The media's widely broadcast about his obsession with french toast is not 100% untrue. Sure he likes french toast but not every day in and out. "Baby, do you want some lemonade?" Nick asked as he entered the kitchen area. Kevin was right behind him when he stopped abruptedly, staring at Lance with horror in his eyes. Kevin almost fell but steadied himself with a hand on the wall. "Why did you stopped like that, Nick?" Kev complained. "Hey," Lance drawled out in his deep voice.

Kev and Nick blushed in unison. "Aww, how cute is that?" teased Lance as he took out a plate to place the french toast.


For once, Kev and Nick is stumped for words. Lance just picked up the plate of french toast and slowly made his way upstairs. "Don't worry. I will not say a thing to the others till you two are ready," Lance finally took pity on them. The relief on their faces are so obvious like the sun which shined after a long storm.

Nick giggled as he pulled Kev towards the bathroom to have their showers. Lance smiled brightly as he entered the room where Justin is still sleeping like a child. A familiar stirring in his jeans soon begun. Lance placed the plate down and began kissing Justin's neck, waking him up. "Up for the promise you made?" Justin moaned out as Lance sucked on his neck.

Much later, hospital

"That's great news! I mean getting out of the hospital tommorrow," squealed Chris. Ann rubbed her ears gingerly. She never fanthomed how can guy can have a voice of such a high pitch. They had all started a good will party after hearing the news of JC's soon dispatch and the nurses are starting to throw dirty looks at the rowdy group of 10 not including the obvious invalid in the ward.

Christina paced around her hotel room. 'So that Ann is not only with Lance but also with JC? How come Lance is not jealous when the two are together. What type of relationship are those three having?' "ARGHHHHH!!!!" Christina screamed to let out the pent up frusfrations in her. She picked up the hotel phone, calling the person who had recommended her Perry and Greg. "Hey," she snarled into the phone when the other person picked it up. A pleasant voice spoke back.

"Miss Aguilera. Haven't you learn how to say hello by now?"

"This is not the time for your sarcasm. So far EVERYONE that you had recommended are incompetant. I want someone who can DO their JOB and be GOOD in it!"

"Do you know that shouting will make your voice raw? You wouldn't want to spoil your voice more than it already is, do you?"


Christina slammed down the phone in anger. 'This is sooooo frusfrating. Damn! I broke my nail,' Christina buzzed around the room finding for the glue for her nail.

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