Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on Apr 1, 2000


HeY... ARGH!!! I read the news that BSB is breaking up in MTVASIA.com =(...if it is real, I guess there is not much point in writing these stories anymore.. =( ... I would wanna thank you ppl for reading this story =) ppl like Ray had definitely make my writing easier with all his enthusiasm. =) As always, I am open to suggestions, ideas and tell me what's on your mind at melsleepy@hotmail.com . Oh yeah..another minor thingy..hehe..N Sync is spelled as *N Sync, sorry bout all the ones that are spelled 'N Sync.

Mirror Mirror Part 4 -------------------- Previously:

Lance blushed while Justin giggled. In the crowd, Brian whispered to Nick, "Is Lance and Justin gay?". "I don't know," Nick frowned. "They MUST be since they are really OGLING each other," Howie said with a look of disgust in his face. AJ stared at Howie with a black face while Kevin just shooked his head. Ann walked up to Howie and puts her face at the same level as his so that she could see him eye to eye. "EVEN IF they are gay, they are still the same guys they used to be and they won't need any shooting down from the likes of you. As long as they are happy, who are YOU to say anything?" Her voice is like steel.

"If I were you, I would watch what I say carefully," she said tightly. Kevin, Brian, AJ and Nick didn't do anything to help Howie who glanced at their direction for ammunition. Howie strode off when he saw that he wouldn't get any help from his bandmates. They had been tolerating Howie's obnoxious and rude behavior for so long but they didn't do anything because they know that it will affect the group's ability to perform.

GeT on wiTh The ShOw...

All ten of them returned to their shared dressing room after the BSB had finished their practice. A lot of good-natured jokes on their style on dancing had been traded around. Nick casually slung his hand over Ann's shoulders, joking around with her. JC looked on jealously.

"Do you see how he is flirting with her? Aren't you going to stop her?"

"Why should I? She is having fun and I am her best friend and not her boyfriend. Why? Are you jealous?" Justin said striking the jackpot. JC stormed into the bathroom with a face as black as the cloudiest stormy night. All of them glanced up when they heard the bathroom door slammed. "Before concert jitters," Justin lied to them, snuggling into Lance even more comfortably.

"You liar," Lance nudged Justin with his elbow. Justin just turned around and gave Lance a long kiss and lightly touches Lance's lips with his warm tongue. Lance moaned and opened his mouth slightly to give Justin entrance to it. Justin took the advantage and started to swirl his tongue in Lance's warm mouth and touching his tongue to Lance's tentatively. Bang! The door was flung opened by Howie. He looked at Justin and Lance's lip-lock disgusted but he kept his silence when he saw Ann eyeing him.

AJ ran to the bathroom and banged it repeatedly. "JC! I need the bathroom...NOW!" he screamed at the still closed door, with his hands covering his crotch as he tried to hold it in. JC opened the door and let AJ who ran inside and slammed the door shut. JC's face is still gloomy. " JC dear......" Brian whined. JC turned his head towards Brian. "I think you better wipe the cum from your hand before it becomes too suggestive for the gays here," he snickered, nudging Nick.

All of them burst out in laughter except Howie when JC brought his hand up to check. When it registered to him what Brian had did, he tackled him and tickled him mercilessly. " NICK! HELP!" Brian gasped out. "Hmmm, should I?" Nick stood there and pondered about it, making Brian glare at him. "Oh, okay!" Nick jumped on top and pulled JC off, turning the tables on JC. AJ who just came out of the bathroom saw the commotion. He glanced at Joey and Justin and nodded. All three of them joined the tickle war.

Kevin and Chris continued their talk in the safe side of the room while Howie sat in the corner glaring at Ann. Lance was busy laughing at JC who was pinned on the floor by Nick and AJ while Ann crept up slowly behind Lance. "BOO!" Ann tickled Lance who started yelling because he is extremely ticklish. Justin ran over to Lance and started tickling Lance too while JC who finally freed himself make a dart towards Kevin and Chris.

"What the heck is going on?" yelled Christina upon entering the tornado swept room. JC looked up from under Chris who was sitting on his back while Ann pushes Lance and Justin off her. "Erm, hi," AJ waved at Christina. Her eyes went really big when she saw Justin still sitting on Ann's stomach. All of the BSB, *N Sync and Ann straightened themselves. Nick hid behind Brian and wasn't doing much success because he is so much taller than Brian. "Hie, Christina," all of them said warily. Christina put on a really big smile and ran to Kevin, giving him a big hug and went towards her next target, Nick. Nick gave out a yell and ran out of the room. Ann giggled at Christina's put off's expression. "BSB, *N Sync! STAGE IN 5!" the representative knocked on their door.

All of them hurried around, getting their clothes and started undressing when they remembered that there were two girls in the room. "Erm, Christina, could you please go out and let us get dressed?" Chris asked. "How about her?" she pointed her red painted long nail at Ann. Ann looked at them with a 'Who me?' look. The boys kept quiet for a while.

"Just, can I lend your car? I need to go to my aunt's house to get my stuff,"

"Er...promise that you won't hurt it. It is my baby,"

"I won't,"

"PROMISE? If not, I am gonna kill you!"

"Yes, promise! Oh yeah, can I stay in your house for a couple of days?"

"Yeah sure. Mum will be really happy to see you," Justin tossed his car keys and house keys at Ann.

"Thanks. I will see you guys back at Justin's house then," Ann gave all of them including Howie who was surprised and went off. Justin directed his eyes at Christina pointedly and then to the door. "I thought I was your baby?" Lance asked with a hurt look on his face. "Oh, you are, baby. You are my most loved baby of all," Lance smiled at Justin's sweet comment. "GET ME A BARF BAG!" AJ yelled out getting thumped by Kev and Brian.

Christina strumped off back to her room. The concert was a big blast with all the special effects. It started with all 10 boys flying over the fans and then landing on the stage. It started with BSB's 'Backstreet's Back' and then joined by *N Sync 'Together Again'. The fans went crazy. After that they ran backstage while Christina did her genie routine. They traded places songs after songs until the final song which was done by BSB and *N Sync. *N Sync did 'Bye Bye Bye' while BSB sung 'Show me the meaning of being lonely'.


Ann found Justin's car in no time. The shiny BMW is hard to miss in the carpark no matter how crowded it is. She went in and messed around in the car until she finally figured out how to drive that thing. In Singapore, a person has to be 18 before they could take their driving license. She figured out all the gears in a few minutes and took off with the car. After a few near misses with some parked cars, she finally got the hang of it. She made her way to Aunt Carrie's place where she left all her things. "Ann," her aunt acknowledged her. Ann had just arrived a day before but she couldn't stay here anymore. She couldn't stand all the pity looks that was given out. She grabbed her bags and kissed her aunt goodbye and never look back anymore.

She knew that now the only real family she has is Justin. All her other relatives are scheming thieves who tried to get her inheritance from her saying that she was too young to handle it. If she could choose between her inheritance and her parents, there is no doubt of what she will choose. "Stop crying. No matter what, nothing can be undone," she muttered to herself angrily. She tried to remember the way back to Justin's house and took a few wrong turns. Finally she reached his house and went in with her bags. She deposited her bags in the living room.

In the backyard, there was a swimming pool beckoning to her. She showed a grin that she used to do before everything had happened and ran to her bags to get her swimming suit. As she donned her modest dark blue one piece, she tied up her shoulder length dark brown hair up in a ponytail and dived into the cool water. She was a swimmer since young. However she hadn't swim since that incident.

In the concert area

"You guys wanna hang out in my place? We could get Ann and go clubbing," Justin asked the BSB. After a questioning look around, Kev answered, "Why not?" "Damn, my car is with Ann. What was I thinking to borrow it to her!" Justin hit the top of his head with his palm. "Nevermind, you can cramp with us. Kevin brought his Durango," Brian said. "What, you have a DURANGO too?"asked JC and Lance excitedly. "Uh oh...we have three Durango freaks aboard," Howie said, making his first joke of the day. "Erm, actually there are four," Chris raised his hand timidly. "Well, it's settled. The freaks are in one Durango while the non freaks are in another," Justin announced. "Who are you calling freak?" JC yelled at Justin. Justin stuck his tongue at JC and ran off with JC in tow.

After much shoving and pushing, finally JC, Kevin, Brian, Justin and Lance was in a car while the other five was in another. Soon they reached the house. Justin ran to his Beemer, which was parked nearby, checking for scratches and bumps. After that, he kissed the hood lovingly. The rest of the guys are laughing at his antics. "I am beginning to get really jealous here!" Lance laughed out. Justin returned to Lance's side and pulled them to the front door.

"Honey, I'm home," AJ yelled out when JC opened the door with his key. They heard splashing in the pool and went there. AJ, Chris, and JC gaped when they saw the swimming goddess in the water. "Lets go swimming instead," suggested AJ. "WOW," gaped Nick when he reached the swimming pool. Ann turned around and saw all of them. She hid herself underwater self-consciously. "Hey, could you pass me the towel?" All of them continued standing there staring at her well outlined body by the swim suit while Kevin, Joey, Howie, Justin, Lance and Brian could be heard making their way behind. JC went out of his trance-like state and passed her a towel that was hanging at the side.

Ann made her way to the living room with the four other guys following her like dogs salivating over a large juicy bone. "Kev" she said, relieved and she hid behind Kevin's back. "Hey you," he said smiling. Justin entered at the living room at that moment with Lance, Brian and Howie carrying refreshments. "Where do I sleep tonight?" she asked Justin from the safety of Kevin's back. "Oh yeah. My bad. I forgot all about that," Justin dumped the drinks on the table and carried Ann's bag, leading her to a room that was next to his and opposite's JC's.

Meanwhile downstairs

"Wow, did you check her out? I didn't know she looks so great with all the clothes she was wearing earlier," AJ drooled. "Common, she is a FRIEND and not a sex object to be stared at," Kevin butted into the conversation. All four of the previously salivating guys shut up and looked down on the floor feeling embarrassed for how they had behaved.

Justin ran down the stairs after a while with Ann in tow. Justin had changed into a baby blue GAP hooded sweater with a white undershirt with khakis while Ann changed into her own clothes, a simple white blouse and a shiny sliver skirt. Lance gave Justin a kiss as soon as Justin sat on his lap. "You look and smell great," Lance murmured. "Don't forget that I taste good too," Justin leered. AJ apologized to Ann for their previous behavior and Ann laughed it off.

Soon enough they are off to one of the hottest clubs in the area, "Mystic". The music that was played was awesome. Not only it plays pop, it also plays rock, alternative and sweet ballads. At the entrance, Nick, Justin and Ann were almost rejected from entering but once the bouncers knew how famous they are, they were let in without anymore disturbance.

Justin and Lance knew that they couldn't dance together without getting some unwanted attention so instead they chose a girl each and dance nearby each other. Soon all of them went to dance except Ann and JC. They stared at each other shyly. Both of them lost for words for the first time that day. "Do you.." JC begun to ask when a good-looking guy came over. "Wanna dance?" he asked Ann. "No thanks," she rejected the guy with a smile. "Common, it will be fun," he persuaded. "I'm sorry but no thank you," "If you are not here to dance then what are you here for?" the guy bitterly said, not happy being rejected. "The lady said that she is not interested. Beat it," JC injected. The guy wanted to say something else but thought better of it. "It's your loss!" he walked off.

JC pulled Ann out of the booth and led her to the dance floor. She smiled at him and they slowly moved to the slow ballad. JC knew at that moment that this is the someone that he had prayed for and waited all these years for. Ann in turn felt for the first time that she is where she truly belong.

Lance nudged Justin when he passed Justin towards Ann and JC. Justin smiled brightly. 'They deserved each other. JC had been alone for so long,' Justin thought. "Justin, dance with me!" crooned out Christina who suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a tight pink dress which leave nothing to imagination. The girl Justin was dancing with quickly left when she saw Christina's scowling face at her. Christina quickly filled in the place, holding Justin's waist tightly. Justin sighed and danced with her reluctantly, knowing that he would not be able to get rid of Christina without a scene. Lance looked on with a pitying smile.

As the night grows later, they knew that it is better that they went home. Justin finally managed to ditch Christina in the dance floor pretending to go and get her a drink. After finding everybody, only six of them are found to be sober.

Howie laughed girlishly at everything that was said while Joey is hitting on a chair. Nick and Brian leaned on Chris heavily, trying not to fall down while Chris smiled happily. Lance and JC took Howie and Joey while Justin pulled Chris from under Nick and Brian. Ann and AJ pulled Nick up from the floor and almost fell down from his weight but luckily Kev steadied her. Kev heaved his cousin up. The five sober ones dragged the drunk ones to the cars slowly.

Nick tried to hit on Ann and JC quickly changed places with her. He boinked Nick on the head when Nick tried to grab his crotch. Nick fell asleep once he reached the car. "Next time we go clubbing, I am gonna keep my eyes on them," Kev said wearily after they sat in the car. JC nodded and started up the car. He glanced at the front window to see what is going on behind. Ann was in the middle with both Joey and Nick passed out drunk leaning on her.

She glared at them when she saw the telltale smile on both of their faces. Ring..ring. JC's cellular phone rang. "Yeah," he flipped it open with one hand and driving with another. "Ask Kevin whether does he want to stay over or go back to the hotel?" Justin said. JC passed the phone to Kev to answer and he continued driving. It was settled that all of them will crash in Justin's house which has a lot of empty rooms and Lynn won't be coming back until next week.

Justin and Lance shared a room, Ann next to them, JC in his room, AJ and Kev shared a room while they decided to dump the drunk ones in a room together. Justin and Lance was too tired to do anything else but sleep. The same goes for AJ and Kev. JC walked Ann to her room. "What a gentleman," she teased with a smile. They kissed softly and both went to their respective rooms.

It was 8 am. Nick groaned as the sunlight hits his eyes. He turned and continued sleeping. Justin and Lance was still asleep while JC, Ann, AJ and Kevin is cooking up a plan to get even with the guys for making them drag them home the night before. AJ and Ann went and find for all sort of gooey stuff in the house while Kev and JC crept in the room, barely side stepping all the shoes in front of them. Howie, Brian and Chris is in the bigger bed while Nick and Joey was in the second bed.

JC started undressing Joey while Kevin started on Brian. When Kevin started on Chris, Chris started moaning. They bit on their lips, trying to stop the laughter from escaping. JC let out a snort. Soon all of them are left in their boxers and briefs. That itself made them almost laugh aloud. Howie was wearing a purple briefs, Brian was in a Tweety Bird boxers, Chris in smiley face yellow boxers, Nick in green briefs and Joey in black boxers with red lips all over it.

Upon entering, Ann and AJ started giggling so hard that they dropped all the toothpaste, makeup (Ann's), peanut butter, mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard on the floor. Luckily the floor was carpeted and the sound was muffled. They all froze when Brian groaned and flips his hand over Chris's body. "That was a close call," Kev said. They began their work. AJ started squirted toothpaste all over Joey and continued smearing peanut butter and mustard all over him. He then puts ketchup and mayonnaise all over his nose. The cold mayonnaise made Joey scratched it thus smearing it all over his face.

Ann started putting makeup on Brian, "Making him beautiful," she whispered to Kev who started snickering while trying to concentrate on his victim Chris. JC got ready the video camera. Kev ran downstairs to get some ice. JC was zooming AJ's handiwork while leaning over Nick when he felt something poking his thigh. He looked down and saw Nick trying to hump his leg with his morning wood. Ann saw it and started giggling. Nick's large tent could be seen clearly in his briefs. JC stood back and filmed other people.

Kev returned with the ice in an ice bucket and went to Nick. He started running ice all over Nick's chest and when Nick moaned, he dropped one in this navel and one more in his groin. Nick shot up the bed yelling from the cold. His yell startled everyone else awake. "What?" Brian looked around for the source of the sound. Joey jumped up and fell off the bed into AJ who was laughing his head off.

Chris and Howie groaned, grabbing their head where it banged into each other when they were startled by the sound. They glanced at one another and started screaming. Chris looked like a banshee with the help of Ann's makeup and Kev's expert hands while Howie has ketchup dripping all over his head. All of them looked at each other and started yelling.

Justin and Lance ran into the room, barely dressed and saw the five victims looking at each other shocked and the four others laughing. They soon figured out what was going on and started laughing too. "I'm gonna get you!" Nick said furiously but then winced as his own voice hurt his head. Ann giggled even more.

All six of them hurriedly went out of the room and down to the kitchen still laughing. Justin made some coffee and took out the cereal. He started helping himself to a bowl and Lance shared with him. JC sat next to Ann, holding her hand lovingly while AJ and Kev were still giggling.

Nick soon came downstairs with his clothes all on. "Payback is always sweet!" he threatened them. One by one the other 'victims' came down. After much glaring, they went to the photo studio where the two bands were supposed to take photos together as a promo for the upcoming concerts. Ann went along with them. The makeup artist, Zeda who with much grumbling managed to make the guys look at lease half-presentable. First were the single shots. Justin went first looking sexy and confident as he sat on the stool. Lance was thinking of how lucky he was to have him. Nearing 2 pm, the photo shoot was nearly over. This is the last promotional agenda that both groups have to do. Now it is holiday for at lease a month for both groups before they start on their 'Florida Boys' tour together.

Howie, Joey, Chris and AJ are going back home to visit their families while the others decided to stay in Justin's house. Ann who had begun to like Howie in the short time they had together even with the rocky beginning is sad to see Howie go. All of them hugged each other goodbye and soon the four of them are off to their own destination.

They drove to an Italian restaurant to eat their late lunch. After a while, Kev finally asked Ann something that had been making him curious from the beginning. "Ann, erm, where are your parents?" he found out that whenever anything was asked about them, she will change the subject discreetly. She choked on her pasta and drank some water to wash it down. "I guess I cannot hide it any longer, can I?" she said wearily. She didn't want to tell them in the beginning because she doesn't want them to feel pity for her but to treat her as a normal friend.

She began her story from the beginning to the incident.

"The hitman was walking towards us so nonchalantly that we thought he was just a normal passerby. Then suddenly he pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at me. I was too afraid to move.. if I had just moved aside, then my mother won't have to die trying to protect me.." Ann stopped a while, trying to get a control of her emotions.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Brian said, giving her hand a squeeze, glaring at Kev.

"No, I have to. If I want to move on with my life," she answered him. "After the shooting, I was involved in long trials which I was supposed to testify against the person who hired the hitman. That guy was someone my parents used to do his accounts for. It seems like they had found out that he was involved in smuggling and drugs,"

"After the long trial was over, I found out that a large inheritance was left to me. Then came my so called relatives coming to court saying that I am not liable to receive it because I am not old enough. Then came the call from Lynn and then here I am," she finished wearily.

JC hugged Ann, wanting to wash all the hurt away while Justin blamed himself for not calling Ann when he was on the road to ask how she was. If he had known earlier, he would have went to Singapore on the spot. Kev cursed himself for opening his big mouth while Lance tried to reassure Justin that is wasn't his fault. Nick sat quietly.

"Common, stop that," Nick said to them. "You are going to make Ann feel even more uncomfortable and sad," Ann smiled at Nick's intrusion in the uncomfortable situation. They paid for the food and left. They drove back to the house and after a while, sounds of the Nintendo could be heard from the kitchen. Kev walked to Ann, "Sorry," "Nah, its nothing. I am not going to break, you know," she said, giving Kev a big hug.

Justin and Lance went back to their room. "Lance, why didn't I see this earlier?" he hugged Lance.

"There is nothing you can do, Curly. We just have to be there for her and stop acting like we pity her. It will make her feel worse,"


Lance nibbled on Justin's neck, sucking it, leaving a red spot behind. Justin ran his hands all over Lance. Lance edged Justin's shirt up, kissing every spot that he bared, making Justin giggled. Soon his shirt is on the floor and followed by his pants. Lance kissed Justin everywhere, from his navel to his forehead and from his toes to his crotch. Lance nuzzled into Justin's still covered crotch. He looked up evilly at Justin who was begging him to suck it. He bit on it gently through the fabric. He sucked it lightly on the fabric. Justin wants more. He started to pull down his briefs.

"No," Lance firmly said. "Lanceeee... don't tease me..." Justin whined. Lance continued sucking Justin through his briefs. Finally Lance pulled the briefs down with his teeth. He blew on Justin's erect penis and it jumped. He moved forwards and sucked on the tip and then withdrew to blow on it again. Justin moved his hips impatiently. Lance slipped his hand up and tweaked Justin's nipple. Justin squeaked and Lance slipped his fingers into his mouth. Justin sucked at it furiously.

Lance smiled to himself and decided to put Justin out of his misery. He gulped it down at one shot and Justin yelled, surprised. They soon started a rhythm and Lance played with Justin's balls with his free hand while Justin is mimicking the rhythm below with Lance's finger. Lance drew back his hand from Justin's mouth and steadied Justin's body from thrusting into him too much. He pulled apart Justin's crack and nudged Justin to his knees. At first Justin was afraid but he trusted Lance with all of his heart and did as he was told to do.

"Lance, be careful. You are..so very big..and I am so very..small..ohh," he moaned when he felts Lance's finger prodding his rosebud. After much pushing, finally Lance was able to enter his middle finger to the first digit. 'Justin is so small and warm' Lance thought, his penis reaching his full length in his confined pants. He withdrew his fingers, making Justin begging for more. Lance bends down and licked it softly. The hot tongue against his rosebud was more than what Justin could take at the moment. He started spurting his cum on the carpet. Lance turned Justin around and started cleaning Justin's slowly softening penis. He sucked it again and kissed Justin, giving Justin a taste of his own cum.

Finally, they went to the bed and lay down. Soon, both of them were asleep, tired from their afternoon activities. Downstairs, sounds of beeping could still be heard with some shouts and laughter. Nick was challenging everyone to a game of Nintendo downstairs and beating everyone at it.

Next: Chapter 5

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