
By Marin Giustinian

Published on Sep 9, 2019


In the following story, all of the characters are totally fictive and the setting is real. For whomever it would be illegal, immoral or prohibited for any other reason whatsoever to read a story about love between two young men is kindly requested to refrain from continuing. A free picture album illustrating this story (pdf) is available upon request at marin.giustinian@laposte.net. Please remember to help Nifty stay online by sending your contribution. This being said, I hope you enjoy the tale.

MIRRORS part 2

by Marin Giustinian

Nowadays in Poolewe, Wester Ross, Scotland

Caelan and Ben spent all their free time preparing for their expedition! They combed the woods by the farm to find the right poles for their tent. With Mr. MacKenzie they bought a brown tarp, a ball of cord and four sacks of peat briquettes at the farm store in Gairloch. After many different trials, they finally found the way to lash the poles at the top and wrap the tarp around them, leaving a low flap for entry and an opening at the top for the smoke. The result was quite spacious.

"Caelan, I've looked everywhere to try and find the name of our island but couldn't find it on any map I consulted."

"I guess we'll just have to name it ourselves. We could call it 'Soran' -- I'm pretty good in Gaelic and in our tongue, Soran, means Joy. What do you think?"

"Soran... Joy... of course! Wow! How appropriate! I do like that a lot!" replied Ben.

"So Soran it is! Our personal tiny, fairy kingdom!" joked Caelan.

"As you like! Ha!" laughed Ben, striking a provocative pose, wiggling his buttocks.

They ferried the peat and the poles over to Soran the following Saturday and levelled the ground for the tent, prepared the pole holes and dug out the fire pit, circling it with stones. They stashed the poles and the peat on high ground. All was ready for them to arrive the following weekend.

The evening before their departure, Ben's mother drove him to the farm with his backpack and sleeping bag to sleep at the MacKenzies so they could leave together in the wee hours of the morning.

They double-checked everything: tarp, food, fire lighter, lantern, lashing twine, fishing gear and tools, their scarce personal items, sleeping bags, etc.

They dined in a hurry, pretexting that they needed to rest before leaving for their trip.

They were two excited young men climbing the stairs to Caelan's room.

They chatted some more. Then they washed up, using the bathroom, one after the other, changed for the night, and climbed each into his own bed.

After turning out the lights, Caelan simply said, "I'm glad you're here, Ben..."

"I'm more than glad to be here. Thanks Caelan. This means a lot to me. I like you a lot, you know. Even more than a lot! Good night..."

Caelan smiled in the dark and whispered, "Good night."

There was a great amount of yawning, tossing, and turning in both beds that night, but finally silence reigned.

Dawn was glowing through the gabled window when Caelan jumped out of bed. He looked over at Ben who was buried under the covers.

He dashed over, flopped down on the edge of the bed and gently squeezed the topmost mound, whispering, "Ben, the sun's almost up already!"

Ben immediately turned over, grumbling some, and then smiled. Caelan ripped the covers off, uncovering a nice morning erection. Ben stretched, sat up and sleepily mumbled, "I feel you're ready to go."

"The day is going to be splendid. The loch wants to show off just for us! Come on, get up!"

Ben grabbed his penis, pushing Caelan off the bed.

"Excuse me, but I always begin the day with a good, long pee. After that, the world shall be ours to conquer!" exclaimed Ben, rushing off to the bathroom.

In a flash they were dressed and already in the kitchen.

"My goodness, you're more in a hurry than you are on a school day, I must admit!" commented Emily as she finished cooking them a full Scottish breakfast.

"Where we're going, Mum, is far more important than school."

"Do you agree, Ben?" she inquired, sure of the answer.

"School is full of words and stories... Where we're headed is full of silence and feelings. We need both, don't you think?" quietly replied Ben.

"My, my! Such deep thinking before breakfast..." she mused with a big smile on her round face.

"He's like that, Mum! Gotta get used to it."

"I hope it'll rub off some on you!"

"Me too, Mum... me too!"

A little more than a half an hour later, after washing faces and brushing teeth, their backpacks jammed, Ben carried the tarp and paddles, and Caelan, a tote-bag full of food with a stew pot and kettle dangling on the side. They were finally on their way under a brilliant, autumn sun.

They loaded the pirogue, pushed off, and paddled away through the mirroring silence, gliding through the motionless water. A pastel vapour slowly rose like a visible perfume in the slanting rays of the morning sun.

They advanced without speaking, soaking in the magic of the moment. Somehow, deep down inside, they both vaguely felt that they were on the verge of a very important event in their lives. The hour was full of promises, of heartbeats and undisturbed harmony. They were perfectly coordinated. Each stroke swiftly urged the pirogue on, as if being drawn into a new dimension.

Once beached, they unloaded, joked, and set up camp, relishing their freedom. They busied themselves pitching the tent, laying the kindling and peat in the fire-pit and gathering heather and tiny pine branches to spread under their sleeping bags for their bed. The scent inside the tent was wonderful. Caelan lit the fire to heat up some soup and make tea. Ben collapsed on the bed, exclaiming, "It's just as comfortable as a real bed!"

"It is a real bed... our first bed! A Soran bed, just for us!" exclaimed Caelan as he jumped on Ben, grabbing him in a great big hug, laughing.

After their snack, they went exploring some more. Suddenly, they happened upon a sparkling spring, babbling between the rocks. At its foot, a tiny pool overflowed into a rill, trickling into the loch. They splashed their faces and tasted. The icy water was sweet.

"It's really chilly, but I feel all warm inside!" said Caelan.

"Me too! It feels good! We can come back later and fetch a bucket full to drink and wash with at the tent."

"Let's go fishing now for our evening meal," suggested Caelan, taking Ben by the hand. After three fish, they decided that it was enough.

"Let's just do nothing, relax and soak up the sun!" suggested Ben, adding,"It'll be pitch black by seven. Let's enjoy it as much as possible! God knows what the weather will be tomorrow!"

"Great idea!" replied Caelan, peeling off his shirt as Ben looked at him with mute admiration.

"You're very handsome, Caelan. I wish I had muscles like you..."

"Come and work on the farm. Muscles happen all by themselves. Do you think I'm really that good looking?"


"You're the beautiful one, Ben. I've got to admit something to you..."


"You make me happy just looking at you. You look just like an angel. I've never seen someone as beautiful as you."

Ben remained silent, looking at his feet.

"Did I hurt you saying that, mate?"

Ben slowly replied, "Not really... It's just hard for me to believe you, but whatever you say, I believe you, so if you say I'm that pleasant to look at, then I'm glad I'm beautiful for you... because... because, I like you very, very much..."

They stood in silence a bit longer. Ben slowly took his shirt off too and smiled at Caelan. Caelan smiled back and reached out to touch Ben's pert little tit.

"So delicate... just like the rest!"

"Stop! That tickles!"

"Well, if you think that tickles, wait until you feel this!" shouted Caelan as he suddenly jumped on Ben, tossing him on the ground. He straddled Ben's crotch, digging his fingers into his pits, tickling him really hard. Ben squealed, kicking his legs!

"Good God, STOP, CAELAN!"

With that, Caelan pinned Ben's arms on the ground and hovered over him. In the split of a second, they froze, looking into each other's eyes. Ben was catching his breath as he continued to writhe a bit under Caelan's arse. Caelan's eyes gleamed as he leaned down, immediately over Ben's mouth. Ben slowly lifted his head. Caelan didn't move. Their lips joined. The kiss was soft, heartfelt, and meaningfully silent.

Caelan hopped up, held out his hand, and Ben grabbed it. In a flash he was standing, facing Caelan.

"I couldn't help it! I'm sorry... please be gentle with me, Caelan."

Caelan simply seized Ben's head and covered his face with kisses. Their lips met.

"Is that gentle enough?" uttered Caelan.

"It's okay... for a start," quipped Ben, giggling.

"You're right. I do need a lot of training!" replied Caelan, caressing Ben's cheek.

Ben mirrored Caelan, returning his caress, and then smiling, he uttered, "Whenever you want, Caelan... Whenever!"

The chill of the evening started to fall. Caelan cleaned the fish while Ben peeled the potatoes and onions for dinner.

Their simple stew was devoured to the very bottom of the pot, and after washing it out along with the bowls, they huddled close the fire. They talked about a little bit of everything: their lack of plans for the future, their mixed feelings about religion, and even their stand on sex.

Answering Caelan's question, Ben replied, "No, it's the first time... I've never even kissed a girl. I'm really not interested in girls. And you?"

"Last year, I had a girlfriend. You know her. She's in our class... We made out some and that was it. I'm sort of like you I guess. I didn't even get a hard on... whereas, with you..."

"Whereas with me?"

"Yeah! Feel this!"

Caelan grabbed Ben's hand and put it flat on his cock.

"Just sitting here with you makes he hard! It happens to me on the bus too, ha!"

With that, Ben gently squeezed Caelan's erection, simply saying, "Try mine..."

Caelan reached over as Ben spread his thighs. He too was totally aroused. Neither took their hands off.

"Where do we go from here, Ben?"

"Let's zip our sleeping bags together and see where the spirits of Soran lead us..."

They were trembling and moist with impatient perspiration as they slid nude into their bed. They embraced, rubbing their cocks together, caressing each other's face.

"Your hair smells good, like smoke..."

"And the skin of your back is so soft, like silk."

"Do you mind?" mumbled Caelan as he kissed Ben's neck, then his heart, nibbling his tit.

"Only if you stop..." whispered Ben as he reached down and gently took Caelan's sex in his hand, softly massaging it.

"Hmmmm... That feels so good, Ben... Sorry if I'm leaking a lot down there."

"Don't worry. I'm a little leaky myself!" laughed Ben as Caelan took his mate's cock in hand as well.

Their gestures became more precise. The abundance of their youthful precum made the dance of their hands a delightful, electric, breathy ballet.

They kissed, humming into each other's mouth. Their rhythm increased as nature took over. They paced each other. Little by little their cocks began throbbing, they trembled, involuntary jabs from time to time seized them both. Then a kind of frenzy kicked in. The moment of total abandon fell at the same time for each and in a turbulence of thrashing legs, their mouths buried in each other's neck, they came. Spewing in sporadic spasms, they anointed each other's bellies with their liquid souls. Panting, they remained locked in a long, slippery, loving hug, sharing wet kisses, rubbing together their semen-smeared bellies and chests. Little by little they relaxed letting their breathing return to normal.



"Let's carefully lift the cover and try to slip out without wetting it... I'll grab my towel..." suggested Ben.

"I'm glad we have two towels. We'll use mine for washing and keep on using yours for..."

"For loving! And let's use it a lot!" exclaimed Ben, with a huge, sly smile across his face.

"Oh, that we shall, mate! I think I'm beginning to fall in love with you!"

"Just beginning?"

Once they had wiped each other, they jumped back under the covers, giggling.

"Tell me, Ben... do you think we're now fairies...?"

"Who cares, Caelan? You are you and I'm me and we're the same. Our souls are like mirrors. So who cares? I don't! And you?"

"Kiss me!"

As Ben woke, he nuzzled Caelan's shoulder, ever so softly. They both shifted a bit, holding each other in a lazy, warm embrace. The morning light poured through the tent's smoke hole.

"Good morning, lazy-head. Do you know that your hair's a mess..." mumbled Caelan.

"Do you know that I don't care... I need a kiss..." replied Ben.

"Don't move."

Caelan caressed Ben's long strand of hair away from his eyes, leaned in and gave his mate the sweetest kiss possible.

"Even when you're a mess, you're beautiful..." whispered Caelan, urging his erection against Ben's pressing thigh.

"Well, this beautiful mess you're holding loves you, but he's got to pee..."

"And I've got to light the fire!"

They scrambled out of their sleeping bag, pulled on a sweater each and stepped out into the sun. They giggled as they fenced with crossing streams, glistening in the sun.

Caelan started the fire, Ben slipped on his shoes, grabbed the pail and a tin cup and went for water at the spring.

Once they had finished their cakes and tea, Ben said, "The water in the kettle's still hot and the tent's warm enough for us to take off our sweaters and wash up some."

"And we'll wash each other. That'll be fun. I love touching you!"

"Please touch me all you want, Caelan!"

They poured cups of warmed spring water over each other and rubbed, paying special attention to their extremely erect penises, cleansing the glans with the foreskins pulled back. They towelled off, laughing, and dove back on the bed. A sudden surge of lust overtook both at the same time.

This time, as if swept away in a riptide of erotic energy they became rambunctious, wallowing all over each other, almost wrestling as they kissed and licked. Caelan nuzzled Ben's scarcely haired armpit as he struggled to pull Caelan over on him, clawing his buttocks. At some point in their lusty torment, Ben took Caelan's cock in his mouth and sucked on it, slathering it with his saliva, bobbing his head. Caelan wiggled around, seeking Ben's perfect cock and sucked on it with equal ardour. They began the instinctive dance of slightly thrusting their cocks into each other's mouth. The wonderful instant was nigh when they both began to tremble and suddenly Ben threw his head back and spewed for all he was worth into Caelan's throat. Caelan swallowed every drop. Ben then spun around and took Caelan's luscious glans in his mouth, drawing from it his due of semen. The slit in the tent let a shaft of sunlight illuminate Ben's alabaster body. A last drop of semen seeped from the tip of his glans, gleaming in the ray. He sucked his lover into his throat, never gagging, never giving up. Caelan moaned. Ben hummed, and once he was satiated, Ben crawled up to Caelan's mouth and there in the midst of bliss, they kissed sharing each other's lingering savour on their tongues.

Gulping down another large cup of spring water, Ben said, "Caelan... I needed that extra breakfast..."

Caelan drank out of the bucket too, exclaiming, "Ben, don't joke! That was the most beautifully intimate experience I've ever lived..."

"Me too... You're right. I'm sorry; I should be more attentive..."

"That's not what I mean... I mean, I'm changed and I don't know if I want to laugh or be worried... We were carried away and it was fabulous. I love drinking your semen, having it in me, knowing that mine's in you too... but... But, now, are we really fairies?" exclaimed Caelan, halfway joking, halfway concerned.

"Yes! We are MAJESTIC FAIRIES, Caelan! We are the Princes of Nature, Lords of the Faes! We mirror each other and together we mirror all of nature! The sky and the waters are twin souls when the winds and the light coax them meet!"

Ben, nude, marvellously erect, stood close to the fire. The flickers of the flames danced on his skin as the slit sunlight beamed, haloing him from behind.

He continued to proclaim, "Let us glide, you and I, fearless through the sky on the mirror of the loch, into the inevitable storm ahead. The shield of our love shall preserve us from harm. Time is our ally and the Spirit wind is a flame kindling our shared desire. We are the Princes of Nature, Lords of the Faes and these islands are ours to protect with our magical... our magical volleys of cum!"

Caelan was still laying on his back. He held out his arms and Ben collapsed on him, kissing him all over.

Both were still very hard.

Ben uttered, "I could make love with you all day long -- and all night too."

"So let's try!"

During the following days, with rainy and sunny hours, they learned the art of silence together, the peace of simple contemplation, fishing and doing simple things like bathing each other by the fire. They began to realise that the spring water encouraged their limitless flow of semen. They drank and bathed with it often. Their sole scope of awareness was their island, Soran. The hours flowed, indifferent to the past and oblivious to the future.

Alas, everything must sometime come to an end. The food ran out with the time for them to leave. They stashed the poles, covered each pole-hole with a stone, and swept away the cinders of their fire.

"Don't be so sad, Ben... If there's not too much wind, rain, and choppy waters on the loch, we'll come back for as many weekends as we can... Now we must carry Soran in our hearts... and beds!"


"Always -- all ways!"

They returned to the mainland paddling in silence. Their lives had changed... but not the world.

For the Christmas holidays, Ben had to fly back to Leeds to be with his father. His Dad was thrilled when Ben told him about his experience of camping and canoeing. He immediately suggested that he be better equipped. A makeshift teepee and peat fire was for him too rudimentary.

"Son, what you need is a decent tent, preferably camouflaged to not be spotted and a good little paraffin tent heater. We're going over to the outdoors sport store after closing the bookshop and find your Christmas present."

Ben could only follow... and why not? That way he and Caelan could come and go as they wanted, camping overnight or just for an afternoon on Soran. He was surprised to see how enthused his father was in the store. He never asked Ben if such or such a tent suited him. They wound up buying a nice, rather expensive three-man, light-weight, all weather tent that could be pitched in just a few minutes. He bought also a compact paraffin heater which they could hang, making the space "immediately nice and cozy even under the snow" to quote Ben's father. Obviously, he spared no expense to spoil his now very manly, 'woodsman' son... He had it all shipped to Ann's address in Poolewe. Merry Christmas!

As it turned out, the new equipment was in fact quite handy for their lovers' escapades, and both Ben and Caelan laughed picturing what Ben's father would think if he saw the way his gift gave them their 'fairy' freedom!

They remained inseparable throughout the rest of the school year and returned to Soran, again for several days during the April break. On Soran, their sacred spring greeted them, radiating its erotic energy, quenched every kind of thirst. Also, their weekend sleepovers were moments of deep intimacy as their affection for each other deepened more and more.

The perspective of summer, however, loomed. Neither one had a clear idea about what to do with their lives once high school was over. Ben's father suddenly became more interested in his son and had decided that he should get a university degree. Since Ben had nothing precise in mind, he reluctantly agreed to his father's plans.

Caelan had little choice himself. The bed and breakfast was booked too. Greg and Helen were talking about looking for a steady job in Inverness, getting married, having a baby. Thus Caelan was destined to continue in the footsteps of his father.

Ben's father told him that he was needed to work in the bookshop also -- at least for the summer -- and make up his mind about what he would study later at Leeds-Trinity University. No escape possible.

The last day of the last class was torture for them. They would hang up their ties and no more schooling, no more studying together, no more camp-outs on Soran... Their inevitable separation was dreaded like a death sentence.

Two days before Ann had to drive Ben to the airport in Inverness for his flight back to his father's, he and Caelan went to Soran. The weather was overcast, even gloomy, perfectly fitting their mood.

They pitched camp in a wink and went to the spring. It flowed, gurgling as always. They looked at each other with extremely tender eyes, on the verge of tears, they drank, their cups running over. After filling the bucket, they returned to the tent, built a fire and cuddled together under a cover, silently staring in the flames, head against head.

That night they even tried to joke some. They wept and promised to write often. Then they made love until the dawn began to glow. When the sun rose around four, they drank of each other again. They took their time, savouring every moment, each scent, every delightful sensation of flowing one into the other, sharing their liquid love as long as they could.

It's a boon how sex can celebrate love's greatest jubilation and accompany its most heartrending grief. Love knows no limits, only life does...

Worn out and emotionally empty, they came back to the farm. It was close to seven.

Ben bade good-bye to the MacKenzies and Caelan walked with him up to the main road. There, they stopped behind the bushes on the edge of the highway. They held each other for the longest time possible, then they kissed over and over, postponing the fatal moment.

"I guess it's time, Ben. Since you really must go, then please..."

"I love you, Caelan."

"I love you too, Ben... Godspeed your return..."

"Take care of our island while I'm gone..."

"I won't go there until you're back! I'll keep our stuff ready for your return! You will return, won't you?"

"My God, yes!"

"Oh! Please go now! I can't stand this any longer... leave fast!" implored Caelan, as the tears flowed down his cheeks.

Ben desperately grabbed Caelan in a last embrace, mixing his tears with Caelan's. Then, he turned and ran in the direction of the village.

Caelan waited until Ben was out of sight and then he screamed like a savage hound, vomiting his grief, spitting on the ground, blowing his nose, kicking anything his feet could touch. Then, slowly, he trudged back to the farm, hopelessly trying not to weep.

He climbed up to his room. His parents left him alone. His big brother knocked on the door and slipped in. He said nothing. He just took his little brother in his strong arms and held him tight against his chest, gently rocking him like a babe.

"Yes, my sweet Caelan, there's also a bitter side to manhood..." whispered Greg in his little brother's ear.

Ben was stunned. He was terribly pale when he entered the house. He threw himself in his mother's arms.

"I love him, Mum! I'm suffering, having to leave. God! I love him so!"

"Come here, son."

She held him tight until his sobs calmed and then she whispered, "Love is a crown and also a dagger. You and Caelan do love each other, more than words can say. Time is on your side, my boy. You must live in a way that each day makes you wiser and stronger to come back to him... Believe me, my dearest Benson, that's what you must do now. Go bathe and get ready to leave."

"Yes, Mum... Thank you!"

As they drove past the spot where he and Caelan last hugged, Ben blew a kiss. His mother smiled, patting him on the knee.

At first, Ben and Caelan exchanged mails everyday, full of 'I miss you' and then very uninteresting news. Then Caelan wrote that Greg and Helen were expecting a baby and had decided to marry. Gregory had found a good job as a mechanic in Inverness and asked the family permission to move. There was a crucial family discussion during which it was decided that Paul and Emily would take on a student 'au pair' during the summer to help Caelan. Afterwards, Caelan would replace Greg, staying on the farm.

Here are a few important things they wrote in their mails:

"Poolewe and Loch Maree are my life. I had no other ambition, so I accepted," wrote Caelan with a certain note of pride.

"I hate selling books... in fact, I can't wait for classes to begin. I finally decided to sign up for English Literature. I love to read, so I know I'll get good grades," wrote Ben.

"Martin showed up today. He's Canadian, from Halifax. He'll live in with us until the end of August. He knows how to make cedar strip canoes! We decided to start making one. Otherwise, he's simply the most boring guy I've ever met..." wrote Caelan.

During the month of August, their correspondence boiled down to a mail about every other day.

"Martin is a bit less a bore than I imagined at first, but he's beginning to get on my nerves. The good thing is that we started building the canoe. He's good at explaining things. He showed me all the tricks! It's really not that complicated! My father complimented me for my woodworking skills for the first time. Then he congratulated Martin for being a good tutor. I must admit he is... but... I won't go into details. I MISS YOU SO MUCH!" wrote Caelan.

"Just two more weeks to sweat in the bookshop, put up with the strange people that just snoop around. They get on my nerves! For the first time, I'm glad to go back to school. Well, I should say to the university now! I'm almost excited... I looked up on the internet to see what a cedar strip canoe looks like. Wow! I'm proud of you, too! Wish I were there to help you guys! Ha! I think about you every day, Caelan. Being separated hurts a little less now, but it hurts anyway! I LOVE YOU, my blessed soul mate! That's as sure as water is wet!" wrote Ben.

Then the mails settled down to three exchanges a week. When classes began the first of October, Ben confided that he had developed an acute aversion to any form of confinement. Strangely enough, as much as he loved reading, he now avoided bookshops, libraries, study halls, and any other enclosed, dusty place where people just slinked around in silence. He also wrote that life became unbearable when his father's current bedmate moved in. She annoyed him to the bone. It was reciprocal, and, at one point, Ben made it clear to his father that either she or he had to go. Of course, that meant that he was leaving the house, not her.

Ben wrote:

Dearest Caelan,

Soon it will be our first anniversary and I'm not there to celebrate it with you. I'm so unhappy here! Life has become unbearable in my father's house. I'm finally moving out. I found a house-share and will soon move in with three other students, two girls and another boy, studying photography and media. I hope we'll make a good group. There's a bed, big enough for you and I, in my room. Please come to see me!

I love you,


My handsome Ben,

I'm sad too! The past year has been the most beautiful and the worst year of my life. Loving you was all to me. Being away from you is hell. You know I can't come. I've got my duty here every day. My parents need me. Also, the travel cost is too expensive... We'll be together for Christmas. That's not too far away! By the way, I'll have my driver's license by then. I'll be able to use our old pickup truck for myself!

I love you too, more than I can find words to tell!

Your Caelan

A free picture album illustrating this story (pdf) is available upon request at marin.giustinian@laposte.net.

Next: Chapter 3

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